The Alimond Show

Nicole Queen - Unlocking Self-Publishing Secrets, Success Stories, & Balancing Business

July 31, 2024 Alimond Studio

Unlock the secrets to seamless self-publishing with Nicole Queen, the visionary founder and CEO of Vision Publishing House. In this episode, Nicole walks us through an innovative five-step Voice Blueprint program designed to transform speakers and professionals into published authors. Learn how vision casting, outline development, audio integration, collaborative organization, and enhancement can simplify your writing journey and bring your stories to life.

Curious about how to elevate your self-publishing game? Nicole shares her marketing evolution from grassroots word-of-mouth strategies to leveraging the power of Facebook ads, significantly boosting engagement and demand. Discover the power of the Voice Academy, an affordable service that helps authors complete their manuscripts, and get insights into Nicole's trio of essential books, each designed to help you master, mobilize, and market your message while staying true to your brand.

Balancing a thriving business and personal well-being is no small feat. Nicole opens up about the importance of setting boundaries, structuring schedules, and continuously learning to optimize workflow and maintain authenticity. She shares her transition to publishing consulting, her aspiration to create a nonprofit for the elderly, and the value of incorporating human voiceover artists. Tune in to get inspired by Nicole's journey and gain valuable tips to navigate your own path to success.

Speaker 1:

So my name is Nicole Queen and I am the owner, founder and CEO of Vision Publishing House, and we are a full-service self-publishing company. That means everything you need, from the starting to write your book, to editing your book, to publishing your book, to actually getting it out there for people to see. We do it all for you.

Speaker 2:

That is amazing. Yeah, yeah, I love that you can do everything all in one. You don't have to go like, okay, here's the publisher, now we're going to go through all the other steps that you probably need. Right right Speaking of which I don't know all the steps that it takes to get your book published or your work published. Can you tell me what all steps and why it's convenient that it's all in-house with you?

Speaker 1:

Absolutely so. If you mind, I can actually start all the way back from its inception. So most publishers, what they typically do is they'll receive a manuscript and they'll say, okay, so we're going to start first by doing a developmental review and edit, just to kind of make things sure things are kind of together cohesive. And then they'll do like line editing, copy editing. Most people are familiar with the proofreading or copy editing with you know grammar and then they'll typically move from that step to more the design stage, which is the layout of the book, the layout of the words, the pictures for the interior and then the cover, and then literally we move into the publishing portion where it now becomes a book you can hold in your hand. But what we do, we don't just start with editing, we actually help you write your book. So, going all the way from the beginning and I have I'm really excited to announce that I have a very new signature program that we call the voice blueprint.

Speaker 1:

So a lot of people I work with are speakers, teachers, pastors, ministers, leaders, attorneys, and they use their voice naturally. So what better way to write your book than to speak your book? So we have what's called the voice blueprint and it's a five-step, our five-step signature program. And it's a five step, our five step signature program, where we essentially show you five steps how to speak your book using your voice. So each letter in the acronym represents something. So that's our signature model that we use to actually help you write your manuscript. And then we move into the editing and the rest of the process. So most people are familiar with publishing being editing, designing and then printing. But what we do is writing, editing, designing, and then we'll have your book printed and distributed. So we literally start you from the beginning and, incorporating my background as an English teacher and a special educator, I said what better way to serve my clients than to assist them with writing?

Speaker 2:

Wow, that is really awesome, the fact that you can go there and help them, not just like, okay, give me a call once you start writing it and do all of this and I will help you pull the trigger to like oh really, okay, let me go ahead, let's sit down, I can actually help you, and then we can publish it. Absolutely, that is so clever, that is so smart. I think that's such a brilliant idea.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much it was, it was, it was a game changer for me. A lot of my clients would say, oh, I'll get back to you in a couple of months when I finished writing. I'll say, no worries If you haven't written a single thing. That's fine, because one of the first things we do is establish their vision and, just as a quick hint, that's the V in the voice blueprint, and then we go to the O, which is the outlining. So we essentially outline everything and then we give you a bunch of questions. So all you're doing is just answering questions. We listen to the audio, transcribe it and then our editors kind of get to work and literally developmentally write your book for you.

Speaker 1:

That is so cool so it's a five-step process, but that's just the first two steps right there.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, it makes it so much easier for the authors. Can you tell us what they stand for each one? Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

That would be great. So the V stands for vision, vision casting. The O stands for the outline development. The I stands for the integration. That's where you're speaking, your book, all the audio. So some clients like to use WhatsApp or they'll use audio on their iPhones. Shout out to iPhones, I know right, my goodness, no Androids here, but any type of audio mechanism. They can record their phone calls Like they're having, you know, sometimes like the chit chat with friends, and you're just kind of getting content flowing. Then the C stands for the collaborative organization, which is another way of saying fancy, way of saying chapter sequencing, where we're just moving parts around to make sure it's structured. And the E, which I love, stands for enhancement, where I get to go through, find places to add pictures, charts, qr codes. It's kind of like the new thing now We'll scan a QR code and see the author talking or giving a speech or some kind of a special message to their authors or to their readers.

Speaker 1:

So that is the whole step to get the initial draft of the manuscript and then we move into the editing and then the other pieces. So most authors love it because all they have to do is speak.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, absolutely. And now I know you got into a brief little history by saying you used to be a teacher, a public educator. Can you tell me a little bit about your background and how you got into this industry with publishing and how you?

Speaker 1:

got to this point, absolutely. So, just being completely raw and completely honest, I started off teaching in the classroom, loved it, but of course, we know, when the pandemic hit, we were all kind of like what are we going to do? Very panicked. I am a person of prayer, a person of faith, and so I prayed and I said, god, what am I going to do? How am I going to supplement income? And what I received from God in prayer was to start the publishing company. I'm like what I write, I read, I teach English literature. I've never done this, you know, but not realizing that everything I needed was already in me. So it was truly an answered prayer. And then, right when everything kind of started to hit and it's like stay home, quarantine, that's when it's like, oh, I'm so glad I started this because it put me in a position to flourish you hit the ground running.

Speaker 2:

Yes, you're like ready for that? Absolutely, I love that for you so thank you so much. Absolutely. And now talk to me a little bit about marketing and what you're doing. Maybe you're doing something different. It doesn't have to be only online. Maybe it's word of mouth of how you're getting the word out about the type of services that you do and what makes you stand out.

Speaker 1:

Sure, Thank you for that. So, just being honest, I'm sure, as most entrepreneurs, when they start, in the beginning it's all word of mouth. You're talking, you're trying to get clients, you're trying to get some people to show that you can actually do it, and you're typically charging really low prices. I think my first book I charged $500. Don't ever do that again. And then I charged a thousand and I mean, I'm literally I don't even think I made a profit.

Speaker 1:

I invested some of my own money to get certain things done because it was so expensive, but it's allowed me to start to have product to now show people. So a lot of that became my marketing tools. I'd have my books on the website. I'd have, of course, business cards to show people what I did, and they could scan the card and see oh, these are all the books that you've done. So the word of mouth started to kind of go forth and so a lot of the authors would speak and when they would do book launches and book tours, I'd show up to their events and then I was the person there oh, you're the one that did it. So that's how it kind of happened, naturally and organically.

Speaker 1:

And then about the three or four year mark. I moved into the Facebook ad space. Okay, and then it just took off. I made a free ebook, kind of got my copy together, my creative going, and then I got about 3000 responses within a couple of months. Wow, that is great. And I had a very low budget of $5 per, I think. I think it's called per ad set and I think I only have five variations. So I mean spending like 25 bucks a day.

Speaker 1:

Sounds like it was worth it it was definitely worth it, to the point where so many responses and requests came in to hire and bring on more people, more designers, to keep up with the demand. So Facebook ads was the way to go for me. Now I'm moving into a space where I'm actually getting more publications. So I'm working with a coach right now who's showing me how to get into Forbes and how to get in those magazines and to get interviews and to connect with people. So that is a great way of marketing Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

I also saw online that you have like a new website. Did it get an upgrade or what? Tell me about that.

Speaker 1:

Oh yes, I feel like I'm constantly updating it. We wanted to wanted it to reflect the voice blueprint, which is fairly new. We've been doing it for almost a year now, so I wanted to incorporate all the new books and all the new systems and update it with our and I'm just going to tell you our voice Academy, which is coming soon. So, for those that can't afford to work directly with me, the Voice Academy is the next best thing.

Speaker 2:

Awesome, and what does that entail?

Speaker 1:

So it's essentially the exact same thing as the voice blueprint as I take them through, but it just stops once the manuscript is done. So basically, once they go through the process, we do everything the same way they would if they were publishing with us. But we stop at the manuscript stage, so they don't get the editing and the interior design. That's more where the publishing part comes in. Gotcha stop at the manuscript stage, so they don't get the editing and the interior design.

Speaker 2:

that that's more where the publishing part comes in gotcha, so it's just the writing portion yeah, no, I think that's great offering like another type of service for maybe those who are on a little bit of a budget.

Speaker 1:

So I think that's great, and then they can work out the rest of the way. You know, because at least you have something in your hand to say. I have a draft and all I had to do was speak, because I find that most authors they don't even get started because they don't know what to write. They'll say it's here, but how do I get it on paper, and so that's usually the largest roadblock that I've seen.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I love that. You like, saw like. Hmm, this is like a little gap here. I need to help them with.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely yes.

Speaker 2:

And now talk to me about your books and now talk to me about your books.

Speaker 1:

I tell you this part is the most exciting because I have not shared it as much. But I actually have just published three books of my own. I figured, if I'm going to help others do books for their business, why not have my own? You know, so a lot of people were saying it's amazing how you can help me with my business. I have most authors, have most coaches, have books for their coaching program, mentoring program. We did a cookbook for a couple of chefs, a lady that has a children's program, children's books. So I said well, why don't I have a book that represents my company and what I do? So instead of doing one, I have three, Not one.

Speaker 2:

guys three.

Speaker 1:

Not one but three. So I'll quickly show you the books that we have. This is Write your Vision, this is Publish your Vision and this is Brand your Vision. And I'll quickly go through with each of these, please Mean, and what they kind of stand for, and they're very short, you can see the spine is kind of small here and a little description on the back and that's me and people are busy, so that's perfect.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So write your vision is a step by step guide to help you master your message. This is to help you mobilize your message, Hit the alliteration and this is to help you market your message. So, and of course, these are our brand colors, this is our logo on the back, so we wanted to make sure that everything was brand consistent here. So our initial book called Write your Vision, it helps you essentially articulate your vision, connect with your audience, craft your message and, of course, take action. So this literally takes you through the whole process of establishing your vision so you can write it out. What are you doing? Where are you going? Why do you want to write this? You know what's your big why. So that's what this small book does for you. The next book is publish your vision. So this shows you how to be essentially a self-publisher.

Speaker 1:

If you wanted to do all the things on your own, Now what we do is essentially do the same things for you. We're a one-stop shop, but let's say you have an editor. You know now. You know what to ask for for some person that's doing interior design for you or your child or your son, or someone at your church maybe. Do interior design or book work or cover work. You know what to request, so you know the process. So this is a prepare for self-publishing. Navigate the self-publishing process, Launch and promote your book and take action. So I know you may be thinking, well, isn't launching part of marketing? And it is. But I wanted people to have something once they publish. They didn't feel like they had to buy the next book. So I just threw a little bit of something in there to assist them with, and I actually threw some marketing strategies in here. Okay, so this helps you essentially publish your book.

Speaker 2:

And then strategies in here. Okay, so this helps you essentially publish your book. And then that's great, that little cheat sheet so you can know what to look out for. And they're not alone in the dark, left in the dark, literally, there's a light bulb right there absolutely not in the dark, that's right.

Speaker 1:

And then we have a short blurb. This is how to use this book, and of course, I'm just gonna flash it really quickly a QR code, so I don't want anyone to scan it yet.

Speaker 2:

Not yet y'all.

Speaker 1:

Got to get the book, but unless you join the community and if you have any questions, I will assist you, so you're actually getting more than just the cost of the book. You're getting expertise and support along the way. Now the Brand your Vision book is the book that takes you beyond just publishing. So the book should be already in your hand, and there's four chapters expand your influence, amplify your authority and sustain your impact. And so what it talks about is helping you build a platform and presence, leveraging different marketing channels, engaging with your target audience, how to secure public platforms, leaving a legacy, engaging in relationship with readers just natural, organic, because you want to build community.

Speaker 1:

You don't want someone to just buy your book and say, ok, that was great. You want to continue the conversation, and I say that the book is the start of the conversation. You're brilliant, oh, thank you, wow. And then take action, as usual. So I always have again the teaching background. We always have the key takeaways at the end. I had fun with this um, so you got the bullet points and then the quick bullet points, and so there you have it.

Speaker 2:

Wow, congratulations on publishing your own book. Thank, you.

Speaker 1:

We have more. I'm just going to show you these three for now. Where can people get these? Oh my goodness. So I actually took them off of Amazon for a while because I wanted people to go to our site so that they can connect with us and we can start to bridge community and get to know you. So you can go to our website at wwwvision-publishinghousecom and you should see where you can place an order for the books.

Speaker 2:

Perfect. And now, speaking of legacy, where do you hope that you leave your?

Speaker 1:

mark in the world. Oh, man, that's such a great question because I feel like I've kind of defined and redefined. And redefined that because you know it's life is such an evolving space. But one of the things that's really important to me, I love children and I don't have any biological children, but I do have, um, God, children, nieces, God, daughter, Um, and so I want them to see the value of their voice and understand that you know, you don't have to feel silenced in a world that wants you to conform to others' beliefs. You can have and withhold your own voice and be proud to not just have it but to express it, and one of the ways that you can pass along your voice and your message is in a book, Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

So that's something that I really want to inspire youth is to use their voice, of course, respectfully.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like wait a minute, you said.

Speaker 1:

You said I love that, we definitely don't want you doing that, but you know, understand that it is the right way to do things, but to allow yourself to speak and to never be silenced. Absolutely no, that's powerful stuff.

Speaker 2:

I have to agree with that. Thank you. I like to like. It's different from like writing or typing, but more like typing on my phone. I like to write stuff on my notes app. I like to write like little songs or poems or whatever.

Speaker 1:

That's how one of my books actually started. I have a memoir. I don't want to talk about that just yet. That's in the works. It's very, very, very took me 10 years to write Very personal Wow. So I've kind of put it on the shelf, pulled it back because it's a memoir. Yeah, Memoirs are kind of heart-wrenching. You know many of my authors that I've worked with doing memoirs will take sometimes two or three years to do it. Yeah, that's huge.

Speaker 2:

It takes a long time. Now speaking of that, you don't have to get into that, but it sounds like it's a little sneak peek of some stuff that you're working on. Where do you see yourself in the next five years, personally and with your business, anything to expand on working on memoirs?

Speaker 1:

Yes, on working on memoirs. Yes, so the way it started initially was I started working on memoirs and before it was Vision Publishing House, it was actually called Title, your Truth Publishing. So of course that makes sense. I'm talking about vision and using your voice to speak, so it just makes sense. So I started working on memoirs and I kind of branded myself that way. But then, as I was developing, I realized I'm doing more anthologies, I'm doing chapters for people who I'm sorry, not chapters, curriculums for people that are teachers, I'm doing how-to books, I'm doing recipe books, children's books, and I said this is more than just titling your truth. So I decided to make that an imprint underneath a vision publishing house. So that is kind of where we started and so in the next five to 10 years my goal is to really help people more in the corporate space, help establish their corporate identity and turn the memoir writing into a nonprofit so that I can publish books for people for free, you know so turn into a nonprofit Cause.

Speaker 1:

I feel like we should always share our story and I'm very big on read the Bible a lot and it talks. We should always share our story and I'm very big on read the Bible a lot and it talks about us being living epistles. So we all have a story and I don't want anyone to feel like they're hindered from sharing their story because of their budget. So I feel if we talk more, express more, we sometimes don't even know what's going on in our own backyard. We don't know what our neighbor's going through. One of my authors said to me her neighbor walked up and said you wrote a book. I had no idea, you know. So she's thinking oh my goodness, who are you?

Speaker 1:

You know, so it was interesting to know that when we use our voice and we speak, we learn more, and so some people aren't as verbal, but they'll write it, you know. And then, for those who don't want to write, they can speak their book. So it allows us to share in a way that's open and not prohibited by finances. So that's my ultimate goal and to actually reach. I'm probably going to start with the elderly 65 and up, because I want to hear their stories, I want to hear where they've gone through, so that I can help them share and pass on their legacy as well.

Speaker 1:

So, that's my goal. I want to get to that space where I can turn that into a nonprofit. Just that, one portion of the memoir.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

But everything else. You know I want to start working with more corporations. I've gotten into a lot of publishing consulting so I've actually worked with a lot of startup publishing companies. Of course I can't say who, yes, but done some publishing for them, behind the scenes, helping editors who may say I edit, but then my clients want me to do the next step, but I don't know what to do. So I'll work with editors to help them publish their books or their clients' books.

Speaker 1:

Or I'll work with people who write or do children's books and say, well, I'm good at the storyline or I'm good at the pictures, but I don't know what else to do. So I've done a lot of publishing, consulting and help in the back, the back end, and I found that I wrote very much and then add the ads on top of that. So you know, I think I'm gonna retire not retire, but next year I'm going to move into the behind the scenes space and just work with the companies. Yes, so they can do more than me just trying to do it. Yes, smaller team, because we're very intimate, close-knit team, and so I had the choice to either expand and bring in more people or just work with the people who already have the clients that need the support, so I thought that would be the best.

Speaker 2:

No, I have so many questions like I have questions about, like audiobooks I have questions about. Oh yeah, do you have time to unwind, since you're so busy and maybe your goal is to like get everything down?

Speaker 1:

I'm just saying that, so I can like not forget them.

Speaker 2:

And then my other one was like, if you do have time off, like what do you like to do?

Speaker 1:

so we'll start off, which is weird, right, you're doing what you love. I read. I tell people I read for pleasure and I read for business. I enjoy it. I have so many.

Speaker 1:

That's the goal amazon cart just had a new bookshelf come in, so yeah, so audio books are my thing. I love Audible. We actually do audio books for authors. We're actually trying to refine that process a little bit more to make it a little more affordable. Which leads me into what we're doing now for authors. We're working with authors who want to have a series. So, like the three books that you saw me have some authors, and many of them are financial consultants or experts in their space, so they have a different book that they may want to do every quarter or every year, and so they want to continue to build their brand. So I said, instead of charging them $5,000, $10,000, whatever per book, we can implement a retainer system so that they pay a certain amount down and a certain amount monthly, so when it's time to do the next book, they've already paid on it. So that's something that we're doing brand new for next year as well.

Speaker 2:

Very cool, that's what I was going to ask. Like you do all this stuff with YouTube, like the audio book, so it sounds like you do, so we're incorporating that into the packages.

Speaker 1:

We have done some one-offs and we do have an amazing voiceover.

Speaker 2:

I was going to say do you do them or do you?

Speaker 1:

hire them. You know, some people have asked me to do it and I was like I don't really like my voice too much. I feel that. But I know some voiceover artists humans, not AI, real people. Yeah, you know, I tell you AI is really good in some spaces but I like to keep it more for research behind the scenes but not to do the work. I kind of feel there's a certain authenticity to humans that do the work Human editors, we have human writers, so very much Just want to throw that part in there.

Speaker 1:

I know, thank you Absolutely, but yes, we do audio books as well.

Speaker 2:

That is so cool. I love that. And you talked about your team. How many people do you currently have right now?

Speaker 1:

As of now, we have seven people. Okay, most of them are designers. I do have a publishing coordinator. She oversees the whole part, kind of the whole bit, and then I connect with her regularly as well.

Speaker 2:

Very cool and I wanted to touch on another point that I saw on your website. I saw that you can do like, obviously English, but like Spanish, french. Talk to me a little bit about the different languages.

Speaker 1:

That's the fun part. So we do have a person that I think she speaks. I think she speaks three languages and the other person speaks two, three. I get them mixed up. But yes, we do, right, I only know two. I know English Well, partial Spanish. Let me give myself credit, I speak English and French. I should be speaking it fluently, since I took it for six years, but Spanish two years, so not really understand it a little bit. But as far as the process with that, we do actually take books in the English language first and then, once it's edited, we translate it into the subsequent languages. So we haven't taken books like in French or in Spanish, usually in English, because most of my staff speak English. So once everything is structured and organized, we then translate it.

Speaker 2:

Very cool. You weren't kidding when you said it's all in-house, literally Very in-house.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I believe in definitely supporting women women of color, diverse ethnicities so I try to make sure that we have a well-diverse group of staff so we keep everything I love to support women Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

I love that. Yes, and now, while I have you here with our audience and they're listening to this podcast, is there something or anything that maybe I did not touch on that? Maybe you want to talk about in relation to your business, or maybe just about yourself?

Speaker 1:

Sure, so well, I'll say this be open to evolve. One of the things that I did when I first started and I'm very well, I tend to be left brain and right Well, you got to be left and right brain in this business, but when I got started, I wanted to know the full picture. I wanted to know, like God, where are you sending me, what am I doing here? But I realized that, one step in front of the other, and things started to evolve, things started to grow, and I learned as I went.

Speaker 1:

I was the type of person that wanted to know everything before I did anything, and so sometimes you're learning as you're walking, as you're growing, and I was like, oh no, well, I want to prepare for this, prepare for this, prepare for this. But yeah, that's definitely me. And so I didn't take the step, because I wanted the forms to be perfect, the graphics to be perfect, the logo to be perfect, the signup page to be perfect, and it's like it's okay to not have it. So it's interesting because the first year, my website wasn't even finished and I realized I had like 20 or 30 clients and I'm like, okay, so that goes to show they don't care about the website. They care about what I can do and how I can serve them Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for sharing that. I have one more question Sure, if you could share with our audience, just like, maybe for inspiration, maybe a mantra or a saying that you like to live your life by? Oh man, you can take your time to think on it, I know.

Speaker 1:

That's a really really good question.

Speaker 2:

Take your time.

Speaker 1:

So one of the new things that resonates with me I'm a person who loves water. I love ocean rivers. That's my thing, yes. But I just have one word in this season. I have one word is peace, peace, peace. If it disturbs your peace, if it upsets your peace, even if you don't understand why. If you just don't feel peace about something, just pass, just don't go for it. Don't let anyone pressure you into anything. You know, sometimes you have those pushy marketers. You got 24 hours to make a decision. If your peace is disturbed, you just don't know, just pause. Don't ever feel rushed to do anything, and that has been my saving grace in a lot of deals that I didn't do or was going to do. But if you just don't feel peace about it, don't move forward. I don't care if it's 10 grand, 30 grand. Your peace is way more important than any amount of money. So that's kind of my right now. Where I am right now in this space, peace has just kind of been that overarching thing.

Speaker 2:

So I hope that answers your question. Yes, it does Absolutely Peace. Like a lot of people like sacrifice that. So it's important to realize that, hey, there are other entrepreneurs, business owners, who also struggle with that, but they found their boundaries and what they're living their life by, that's a hard one actually.

Speaker 1:

Boundaries is very hard because when you're in the entrepreneurial space, especially when you're getting going, you don't know what that looks like. So it's balance in one season is different from balance in another season. Balance in the grind season is totally different from balance in the. Okay, now my business is automated. I have people in place because you're doing everything in the beginning, you're working in the business and working on the business at the same time, so essentially there really aren't any boundaries. It's kind of fluid back and forth.

Speaker 1:

But then I also had to realize I can be busy but I can still have peace, I can still go to my car and have those moments where I'm, and a part of that was me understanding even with my schedule. I used to schedule my clients back to back or coaching calls. I'd say, okay, 15 minutes in between them, 15 minutes, so I could just get it done. And then I realized that doesn't work for me. And then I realized I need to have coaching days because when I'm writing I need my, I need that entire space. So play around with it, See what works for you.

Speaker 2:

That is very valuable information there so.

Speaker 1:

I'm still learning.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, but thank you so much. Thank you for being on the podcast and keep sharing about all the cool stuff that you're doing and working on and just great insight. Thank you very much for having me Absolutely.