La Jolla Presbyterian Church Sermons

One Last Look - Sermon for August 25th, 2024

La Jolla Presbyterian Church

One Last Look - This Sunday we are honored to welcome Rev. Paula Taylor as our guest preacher, wrapping up our "Look Around" sermon series. Her sermon, titled "One Last Look," draws from Acts 1:1-11: the moments before Jesus' ascension into heaven after His resurrection. The disciples' last glimpse of Jesus, as He is taken up before their eyes, leaves them looking toward the heavens, but they are quickly reminded by angels that their mission lies on the earth - to witness and spread the message of Jesus to all corners of the world. In "One Last Look," Paula will explore the significance of this final encounter with Jesus and what it means for us today.

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It builds our faith to help give back a portion of what God has given us. If you would like to help further His work in La Jolla, San Diego and the world you can give online at