Confident Connected Leader

Work With Your Natural Rhythm: Human Design With Coach Katt

February 25, 2024 Lisa Jeffs Season 2 Episode 4
Work With Your Natural Rhythm: Human Design With Coach Katt
Confident Connected Leader
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Confident Connected Leader
Work With Your Natural Rhythm: Human Design With Coach Katt
Feb 25, 2024 Season 2 Episode 4
Lisa Jeffs

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Are you ready to unlock the secrets of your intuition and learn how to tap into your body's wisdom? Together with Coach Katt, we unravel the practices that ground us, from breathwork to meditation, and discuss the transformative potential of human design in business decisions. Our discussion on generators and manifesting generators will illuminate how listening to our gut responses can guide us toward a more fulfilled professional journey. Through our shared stories, we aim to empower you to trust in your innate capabilities and to lead with intuition.

Connect with Katt: Website: 
Instagram: @katt.grant

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Are you ready to unlock the secrets of your intuition and learn how to tap into your body's wisdom? Together with Coach Katt, we unravel the practices that ground us, from breathwork to meditation, and discuss the transformative potential of human design in business decisions. Our discussion on generators and manifesting generators will illuminate how listening to our gut responses can guide us toward a more fulfilled professional journey. Through our shared stories, we aim to empower you to trust in your innate capabilities and to lead with intuition.

Connect with Katt: Website: 
Instagram: @katt.grant

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Speaker 1:

You're tuning into the Confident, Connected Leader podcast, your premier destination for breaking through your current professional barriers. Your coach and host, Lisa Jeffs, will help you transcend limitations and achieve new levels of professional success beyond self-doubt, sabotage and burnout. Welcome to the show.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to the show. I am super excited to have Coach Cat with me today. We're in for a treat today because we're going to be diving into more into Cat's story. I'm going to introduce her in one second, but I want to say first, cat, one of the most such a powerful memory I have of you, even though we only met briefly at the Archangel event a few months ago, was an instant energetic signature of this woman walks her talk she's. You know, sometimes we go to these events. Well, I go to these events and you can see that some teachers, they, don't walk their talk With you. Your energy is radiating so much that you walk your talk. You put into practice what you teach and I don't even know fully the depth of what you teach, but I can tell you're doing it because you have this powerful presence, this energy. But I'm sure you've heard that before. So I'm going to introduce you to all the listeners.

Speaker 2:

Cat is a somatic and human design coach. She is a mastery method certified. She takes her clients on a journey to embody their full authenticity while integrating the wisdom from their childhood trauma. Cat gently guides her clients to the root of their sabotaging patterns, empowering them to get unstuck and step into the fullness of who they are, creating the life of meaning and fulfillment that they desire. Thank you so much for being here, cat.

Speaker 3:

Thank you so much, lisa, for having me. And talking about radiance, you absolutely have your radiance and energy and style and it's way that you just own the dance floor, but stage maybe, I'm sure, dance floor as well. Yeah, you are very authentic. When we connected at the conference, I just enjoyed authentically connecting with you. So then you stood out as one of those people. So thank you for having me, thank you for those kind words and I'm excited to dive in with you today.

Speaker 2:

Amazing. Thank you Right back at you. So I was peeping we were talking about this briefly before we came on your Instagram page and I came across a video when you were describing your moves to Mexico, which is very exciting because we met in Toronto and I would love to hear more about your journey from you. Know all I put this in as well. When we met, you mentioned to me that you're you had just started coaching, and correct me if I'm always about a year or a year and a half, two years, something along those lines. However, you had the energy of someone who's been doing it for decades. This is why I say you know you walk your talk, so I would love to hear more about the journey that has brought you now to Mexico.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and thank you for that. That means a lot coming from you, who is such an amazing coach and who has been doing this for much longer than me. And yeah, my move to Mexico has really been such an embodiment of you know what I preach and what I teach and really about following my intuition. And you know, when I was younger, I, my intuition was still there. You know, sometimes I want to say, oh, it was. I was so disconnected and I was, and still it showed up and I did listen to it at times.

Speaker 3:

But this move has really been following my intuition and slowing things down. You know my In my human design and we'll get into that, I'm sure I'm a reflector. So it is about, you know, really waiting, like slowing down is going faster. And it took me about 10 months to decide where to move, like from that first nudge from the universe of OK, I think it's time to leave Toronto, and so I had that nudge, and it took me 10 months to actually be like OK, it's to loom, it's Mexico that I'm moving to and that process. And it's hard to, especially in this fast paced world and in business, especially where you know my old programming is doing is better than not doing. You know, being still like doing feels better than being still, and so I've had a lot of reprogramming of being comfortable with stillness and reprogramming that actually, for me, slowing down is going faster because when I make an aligned move, that's when the synchronicities happen and the flow and I meet the right person at the right time, and then it goes so fast. And so, you know, I was just open to OK, it's, I feel like it's time to leave Toronto.

Speaker 3:

I'd been in Toronto for over five years, which is a long time for me. I used to jump around a lot in my younger days and I just had this feeling like, ok, I want, you know, somewhere a little bit more in nature, somewhere where there's a lot of spiritual events going on and breathwork and yoga and Tantra and all of these things that I'm very like is my kind of growth path. I hit this moment in time, but I didn't know where you know, and so I caught myself like researching places and going into my masculine and trying to decide. And I caught it, you know, and I was like, ok, slow it down, I want this to be an intuitive, not logical. And so I actually planned this trip over the winter and I just been in Costa Rica and Guatemala and the plan was to go to Tulum and kind of feel into some spiritual places and see if any of them called to me. But before this trip I was doing a mushroom journey actually, and bring this journey, and it was a very deep. I've had quite a few before and I use, you know, plant medicine spiritually and to get insights and connect and also used it for processing trauma.

Speaker 3:

But at this session I was a very ecstatic journey and I got a vision that it was to loom, you know, and I saw myself and got his clothing and the jungle into loom and it was like that's, that's your place. And for two days after I was like, am I going to, like, give my notice to my apartment that I'm renting? And like, am I actually like, am I going to do this? You know, I was a little bit like maybe I should go first and like, check it out and feel into it. And then I really slowed it down.

Speaker 3:

I was like, am I someone who makes a logical decision, you know, or am I the one who follows my heart and my intuition? And I'm like no, I'm someone who follows my heart and my intuition, I was like, ok, I'm going to trust and surrender, because every cell in my body received that vision and I knew that's the next step on my journey, that taking that step, things in my business are going to open up in ways I don't know. Things in my spiritual path are going to open up in ways I can't know or plan for from my mind. And so it was a month before my trip, and so I handed in my notice. I sold everything, I packed my apartments and did my travels. And here I am in Tulum with my kitty cat came with me as well.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, that is incredible. I would love to you know when you mentioned that you had that first intuitive nudge. You know, and you mentioned it took you 10 months. And I know people who've had intuitive nudges and they've gone years without moving forward in that direction or exploring it or getting lost in the fear story. And I've seen you talking a lot about fear and saying yes through the fear and moving forward. I would love to know your process and you shared a bit about it. Can we go deeper into you know? Do you have a process of feeling fear and just saying yes and moving forward despite that fear or walking with the fear?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I love that you bring this up, because I think there is a false belief that if something's in alignment, there is no fear, or we shouldn't have fear, you know. But whenever we are up leveling, expanding our growth edges, you know, not in our comfort zone, there is going to be fear, because anything unknown is scary to the ego, is scary to us, right? So every time we're up leveling, we're changing, we're growing, there is fear. There is fear, there is self-doubt, no matter how good you get. That's not something that goes away. And I think that's so important to normalize so that we don't think we should get to this point where there is no fear, because I used to think that, right, oh, once I get to a certain point, then I have this confidence and there is no fear. But it's actually normalizing that every time we're doing something new, it's the unknown, there is fear and it's bringing the fear with me, right? And so those first two days when I was like, am I actually going to do this? There was a lot of fear, you know, there was a lot of like am I actually going to leave this beautiful home I'd set up in Toronto and these friendships and all of this thing and there was doubt and there was fear and it was coming back to the inner knowing. You know, coming back to like, and so with intuition, it's always coming back to like. What is that inner knowing, that intuition?

Speaker 3:

And for me, the process has been doing the small things first, and so human design has really helped me tap into my intuition, and it's called the human design experiment, because you're not meant to listen to what I say about human design or what other people teachers say about human design or anything. It's about experimenting with it in your own life and starting small and you listen to your intuition. We all have different types of intuition, we all have different energies, right? So human design helps you understand what your energy is and your intuition to what you already know, but it just like confirms. And then for me it's helped me to really tap in tune in and listen more to it. And when I started small, it's like oh, this works, like when I, when I wait, and for me it's I wait, and then one day I just know my intuition is like that's it, you know. But for other people it's their gut intuition, for for someone else it's their, their screenic voice, a little voice that will come. So we're all different, right, and so the more I've listened to my intuition, to my process, now I can, I've been able to trust it. For bigger things, like this move to Tulum, right, I knew, don't rush. For me, as a reflector, it's I have to be and we can all see each other in these different things, but to not rush. And and I've built up enough trust so that when the fear was there, I could come back to my intuition and that inner knowing was so clear and that I know, when I, every time I follow my intuition, it worked, like it does work, and I've had enough feedback.

Speaker 3:

But for people, I think it's really important to start small, to start on the small things. When you, if you've been disconnected from your intuition, if you haven't been listening, don't like like doing a big move or a big job change or something can be really scary, right, and it's hard to then bring the fear. But it's starting small, seeing that it works, and then it's like this beautiful snowball effect that then I have more confidence to listen to my intuition and then and I still forget sometimes, right, like even being here, I've been like trying to control, I've been in my head a little bit. I've been planning, and then I catch myself. I'm like cat, like, oh, like, surrender, trust, flow, listen to my intuition. So I still have, like, I'm still always a work in progress, right, but I, every time I catch it and remind myself to follow my intuition, like I don't need to fear, having control, right, but, but it's bringing the fear with me. There was fear on this move. There is going to be fear every time I up level, and it's for me, it's, and it's using practices like and we're all different, right?

Speaker 3:

So what practices work for you that help come back to your grounded center, right? Some like recently I've been doing a lot of breath work that just like drops me into my center right away. Sometimes it's been an embodiment dance, feminine dance, you know, sometimes it's a meditation. But doing these practices to come back to my center from that grounded place what is my knowing? And then bring the fear, not acting from the fear. And I think when I act from the fear, then it's not a good, it's not a it's never good outcome, right, the fears allowed to be there. Right, it's trying to keep me safe or protect me in some way. Beautiful, I do want to be safe. I do want to be protected, but there's always wisdom so I can use that wisdom. But also coming back to my inner, knowing to be in the driver's seat, to be trying my decisions.

Speaker 2:

I love that and you know I love it for the listeners, who are a lot of highly driven mindy entrepreneurs, business leaders leading from the head, planning. Ok, I'm just going to say control freaks, because I was and still have to work through a lot of that. Do you? And I want to get into human design right after this, but I'd love to know your, because I did see some of your videos with you doing yoga. You're doing your practices and I think one thing as we move into this, you know, this evolution of earth and consciousness that all of us human beings are going on, we put, you know, intellect and mind and even mind. You know the mind set, Like mindset is everything that you think. You know, five years ago that was just blowing up and it's like well, it's very important but it's not everything, because we are so multi dimensional and one of the things I've seen you know just my own growth and with clients is this coming back down into the body Now, really coming back down from the mind, bringing that energy down, coming back into the body which we, so many of us, have disassociated with because we haven't felt safe or, you know, as women.

Speaker 2:

You know, a lot of my listeners are 40 and above and you know the pressure. I don't know if you remember a few because I know you're younger. The nineties, early late nineties, early 2000s was a very hard time for a lot of women in regards to their bodies. Right, we had this, just the media tearing apart of female celebrities left, right and center, and a lot of women just, I think, became totally disassociated with their bodies when more into their head and you know the practice moving forward is really feeling safe, our bodies. Again, I would love to know do you have any tips or practical things to help business leaders who are very much in their head Come back down into the body, start feeling safe again body.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, such a good question and so relevant. You know, and I think you point out something really important that that's such a key reason why many of us are disconnected from our bodies is not being safe in them, especially as women. You know, and for I was disassociated from my body, I mean up until I was 30, you know most of my life and you know I had sexual trauma and you know, and, as you said, our relationship to our bodies and so many women body ish, like there's so many reasons right, and I mean so I'm a somatic coach as well and that's something that's very powerful is the practice of you know, when you're feeling anxiety or a discomfort or fear is instead of numbing, and we numb in so many ways in society. You know food and emotionally eating, binging on Netflix, going on your foot like I would I never read the news, but I would go on the news app whenever I was like instead of going into my body. You know there's so many different workaholism, working, like all these different ways we distract ourselves because no one's ever taught us to feel right, because our parents weren't taught by their parents, and so such, I think, pivotal part on my journey was like the somatic coaching of oh, there's a sensation, and you know, I've been, you know we have emotional indulges and and avoiders. Right, there's two types of people. So the indulgers get like loop in the story versus actually feeling it in the body and feel moving it through. So they loop in the story and for hours and hours and hours they'll be feeling this feeling but they're not actually feeling it, they're in their mind about it.

Speaker 3:

Then we have avoiders who just distract, disconnect, numb to to avoid feeling. And when you actually can slow it down and you're like, ok, I'm anxious, what is what is that feeling in my body? Is it a tightness in my chest? Is there a rock in my stomach? Is it like a tightness in my throat? Like what is the sensation in the body? And when you can breathe into that sensation without the story looping, it moves in 30 to 60 seconds and this is being like scientifically, neurologically proven sinceations and motions only last for 30 to 90 seconds. I think it is. If we actually drop in and feel, so, if it's still there for longer, it's just feedback that you're in the mind versus in your body and it's crazy.

Speaker 3:

It's like I remember my first experience of like I think I'd been avoiding sadness or something, and it being for a week I'd been emotionally eating and I was feeling off, but I didn't know why I was feeling off. And then in a moment, I was like, oh, I'm just feeling sad. And I just dropped in and I felt the sadness. And as soon as I felt it, without any story, just felt it and breathed into it in my body, it passed and it was like, wow, you know, and then I was great, I was like back to my normal. So it's, we have such a fear of feeling, and I used to have such a, and I still avoid at times because that's my old pattern. So, of course, sometimes I still catch it like, oh cat, this is what you teach, but you're avoiding instead of feeling. But I feel it much more.

Speaker 3:

And as soon as I can drop in and feel, these things move and I think so that's a really helpful practice of and, when you like, have that experience. It's not scary, cause I think there's an. I used to have this story of oh, if I feel the sadness, I'll be stuck in the sadness, you know. Or if I open this well, of pain, I'm going to be stuck in the pain, right. So when you experience that everything actually just wants acceptance right, including our feelings, our emotions, when you drop in and just open and accept that they pass, and with an experience that that creates a safety in the body, that it is safe to drop in and to be there. So that has been something.

Speaker 3:

And somatic coaches that's what we do and we lead people and it can be really helpful to be led through it, but it's also something people can do on their own. You're like breathing into and just getting curious. Another really helpful thing is yoga and nidra, which is not yoga, the physical flow. You're kind of you're laying down, but you, they, they name parts of your body and it's like you feel your fingers, can you feel your left shoulder, your jaw, and so if you've been so disconnected from your body, it's very helpful to slow it down and actually start to bring feeling back into your body.

Speaker 3:

I remember when I first started therapy, my therapist would ask me how do you feel? And I would never know how to answer her, like I was so disconnected, you know, and that wasn't that long ago. When now I'm like oh, this, I feel this and I feel all of these things, you know, so it doesn't take long when we but a practice I did was every night I would journal how do I feel and what, what are my needs, cause if we don't know what we feel, we also don't know what we need, you know. So just feeling and slowing things down to get in tune with ourselves, yeah, so those, those are helpful.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

A couple of things and we can go into more if you want, but it's, it's we do. We live in this society where it's being very masculine, dominated, right, and that, and we, we do need masculine. You know it's not that okay, now we just need feminine, but it's, it's a balance, right, A balance of the masculine and feminine. There is a place for masculine within myself, in the world, Absolutely, but we've been living in a dominated masculine society culture. So we've been very much in our heads, in the logic, and it's it's not taking that away. Logic is beautiful, there is a place for structure and using the mind, but it's also now bringing in the intuition, the feminine, the creativity, the you know, all of these other things and and meeting them, and it's a balance of both, you know, on the micro and the macro. So for me, within myself, in my business, balancing the feminine, the masculine and in society, you know, and I think that's a dance and it's it's a practice as well.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I love how you said, you know, when we, you know, we bring it back into our body and we give space and allow to feel what needs to be felt, and it can dissipate or transmute quite quickly. You know it would be. I had anxiety as something that I had for years, right, and it escalated to a point of just panic attacks when I was driving constantly. I'm like, oh, I'm like this, you know, and I tried and I'm not saying that that medication is not helpful for for people, because I was on it for a while and it was helpful until it wasn't helpful anymore. And I'm like you know what I need to? I need to do something about this because for one, it's very unsafe Driving.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I was done with it and it was funny that I can't remember who shared with me first, but I don't even remember who it was. But I was trying to stop resisting it Because, you know, I mean you're kind of resisting. It's like, okay, let me do this, let me do this. And it was like, okay, I'm going to stop resisting and I'm just going to sit in and allow what my body is doing, just to take notice and really feel into that. And it literally dissipated like that, and I was like, wait a minute, that's all hope it took. And I, I have never gone back to that, that same place of heightened anxiety, ever, because it just it comes and I feel it and I give it space and it it dissipates.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I love that and I and it like, you have to experience it to believe it. You know, because you were like how does that work? And it's it's. And my coach who trained me, you know she would always say it's not our feelings that hurt us, it's our resistance to them. Right, it's not feeling sad that hurts me, it's my resistance to feeling sad that hurts me. And whatever we resist persists, right, then it's stuck there, whereas when you and so I and I love that and thank you for sharing that story of like actually just allowing the anxiety and then it dissipated and that's so powerful because I know so many people struggle with anxiety, a lot of people, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, it's really powerful when we start connecting back into our, our body, and just what is this processing like? Like really just allowing the full expression of life to flow through us, which includes emotions, because we're in the the planet of emotions. We, we came here as human beings to experience this and we resisted so much because we've you know, we've grown up and we haven't had that teaching from our, our parents, because they never got it to really have a safe place for these emotions. So I love this. Okay, I want to dive into human design because I know how powerful it is. I'm not that knowledgeable in human design. How would you explain human design to someone who has never heard? It Is like a business leader who's like what is this human design and how can it help help me? How would you explain what human design is?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's. It's a very powerful a part spiritual, part scientific tool that gives you a roadmap to how to use your energy in a way that is aligned for you, and it really it's helped me. It also shares, you know, like your specific gifts. It's a roadmap to who you authentically are. So there's all these like personalities, my or bridge test. That's more about the ego, the personality, due to your trauma, your upbringing, that the patterns you have right.

Speaker 3:

Human design is about your soul, who you authentically are and who your soul came here to be. It incorporates many different systems. Astrology is one of them. I Ching the tree of life and I've, like you almost you have to get a reading to like because I, you know, I've never been super into astrology, you know, I've kind of been a little bit here and there with it.

Speaker 3:

But human design just resonated so deeply with me and when I got my human design, it named things about me that I subconsciously knew and was judging but hadn't ever named. It gave me language to name about myself and it helped me accept myself in a deeper way. And it also helped me to use my energy and I knew like I would sometimes do it of like when I wait at some point. I just know. But I wouldn't always do that right Because I had the conditioning of this fast paced world we're in and so I'd often rust decisions and do things quickly and be off in all the unaligned directions for me. So it's really helped me to tune into my energy and we were all different.

Speaker 3:

The other thing I love about human design is it's so nuanced. It doesn't put you in a box Like you can be an energetic type but there, but then you have certain gifts and there's profiles and there's all of these nuances. We are all unique and it's not meant to be an outside in, it's not meant to tell you on the outside and be another outside in approach. It's called the human design experiment because it's really about and like I always tell my clients if it doesn't land like, question it to see if it's conditioning. But if it doesn't land, don't listen to it, like, come back to it, listen to the things that land and you're like oh yeah, that's me. But usually everything lands Like for me and the clients I've used it on, it's like oh yeah, that's crazy, how, oh, that's me. And it helps people to. It's helped me. It's helped my clients own my gifts in deeper ways and really it's really helped with my business Me using my strategy and authority and human design authority is kind of the word for your intuition to guide you right, because we're all different, and so for me, when I was expanding my business and trying to figure out what marketing strategies work for me, human design saved me, because I was doing the outside in thing.

Speaker 3:

I was like, oh, this has worked for this person and this person is saying this thing, you know, instead of like coming inside and, yes, listening to the people who have done it absolutely, but always coming back to my intuition inside and being like what resonates with me, what am I excited about, what feels good for me, and then using that strategy and using it in my business, things have just flowed so much more peacefully in that sense.

Speaker 2:

I love that and that's, I think you know. One of the things I wanna talk about is getting into that, using human design to get into that flow. A lot of the clients that I work with again, they're very heavy, very can be prone to burnout, work. All is a some experience, challenges around, not knowing which way to go, having clarity, so it's like I'm gonna try this and try the object and this and this, and then it's like, oh my God, I'm so overwhelmed and nothing is working because we're in this energy. So can you? We talked a little bit about the like the main problem. There's four, correct, there's four main problems.

Speaker 2:

Well, one's a subcategory of another, so yes, and talking a little bit about them how they show up in the business world for people and how people can, if they know their profile or their design, how that can help them get into the flow.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, love this and love the way you phrase that, because I think so many of us and there's so many marketers out there who are like I, made 100K this way. So if you take my program, you'll make 100K this way and it's it might. It will for some people, but not for everyone, because we're all different and that's why it's so important to come inwards. And so, yeah, let's dive into the five types. So we'll start with yours, which is the generator. So there's generators and manifesting generators, so that's kind of the subtype, and generators and manifesting generators make up 70% of the population, so they're the biggest group. You are all the, you are energetic beings, so you're like the life force, energy. You create energy when you do things that light you up. Generators will have burnout when they, when they're saying yes to things that are noose, when they're doing the shoulds oh I should do this in my business, because this person did it and it worked for them Versus of all the marketing strategies or sales or whatever it is you're looking into, going to, and your gut is is the intuition for generators and manifesting generators. It's an important part. So, from my gut, what lights me up? What is a full body? Yes, and if it's not a full body excitement, it's a no. Like if the gut doesn't speak in maybes, in the gray, it's a. If it's not a full body yes, and a full body excitement, it's a no for you. And so for marketing strategies, let's say it's that, of all the different things, which one are you excited about? You know, and I love working with generators and manifests, and it's so like human design. It is really so simple. And it's not right, cause if you have a lot of noose in your world, it's it's hard to get rid of those.

Speaker 3:

So the deconditioning is, you know, a generators and manifesting generators have been conditioned. That you know, cause you all have such beautiful hearts and you're here to do good in the world. And the conditioning is I have to self-sacrifice to do good Right. And so that's the deconditioning is. It's not about self-sacrificing, it's actually when you do the things that light you up. That's when you get all this juicy, bubbly energy that you give the rest of us. And I get energized when I'm around an aligned generator. So when I'm around you doing this podcast, that's lighting you up, I get energized from your energy. But if you were doing this podcast in a not aligned way, I wouldn't be getting any of your juicy energy.

Speaker 3:

So it's actually beneficial for everyone when generators and manifesting do the things that light them up. Only it's always the best, it's not selfish. So it's a deconditioning that that's selfish, because and if it doesn't, if it's not a full body, yes, for you that means that there's someone else out there who can help this person, or there's, or this person needs to learn that lesson to be self-sufficient to do it on their own. So that's some of the you know conditioning, and when you can get rid of the nose, that creates the energetic space for the yeses to come in, for the universe to send you the yeses, and for generators it's about. So the strategy for generators is to respond, so you don't need to go out there and find things that light. You search for things that light you up. Then you just they'll come to you, and so you'll pass a billboard. If someone will mention something to you or something on Instagram will pop up, and your strategy is to respond. And so when you see something that excites you and lights you up, do it, and if it doesn't, that's not for you.

Speaker 3:

And so in your business, with sales, with clients, with new programs.

Speaker 3:

It's like it's doing the things that light you up and giving yourself permission to do the things that are gut, full body, excitement and yeses, and it can sound simple and the simplest things of human.

Speaker 3:

I went like deep into all of it and then I came back to the basics and human designs for the human design experiment, cause when you implement it start to create the simple changes. That's when you see. And so for generators and manifesting generators, it's getting rid of some of those nodes and saying yes to the things that light you up and see, see what happens and be like, oh, I have more energy or I'm not as burned out, and then you can get rid of some of the bigger nodes that are a little bit hard to get rid of, you know. So it's little steps at a time, testing it, seeing how you feel, seeing the synchronicities that happen, seeing how your energy changes when you, just when you follow your excitement, your full body, and then you can like, slowly create a world that is just full of yeses. And that is when you have so much energy and you're so passionate, and that is not only the best thing for you, it's the best thing for everyone around you, right?

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, and I'm laughing because I know at any time I do that and I have an accountability coach that I work with and she's always reminding me. She's like you know, when you're doing all these things, because she helps me plan my week and she'll see, she'll be like you know, when you're doing all these things that you think you should be doing and you don't wanna do it, and then you're telling me that you're really tired and then nothing flows. And then when you're like, oh, I did this, it was so much fun and I just put this out here and I got all these sales and I just I'm like, oh yeah, okay, now I remember. It's so easy when you're in it, when you're trusting, right, those yeses.

Speaker 2:

The challenging part is that programming that can come in and it's like you shouldn't be doing. That that's you're being lazy and you're being irresponsible. This is what you need to do, right, and it's really like breaking away from that, that like dictator that we can get in our brain. That's saying that are you crazy? What are you doing? What are you saying yes to that? For we have work to do.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely. And that's what I love about human design is it's not about becoming, it's literally tool to help you decondition the shoulds and it's really helps me catch like and every time I catch a should, a should I need to, I have to, I question it, it's like I choose to or I choose not to, and it's because we all have this conditioning from parents, from society, from culture, of shoulds, of I need tos, of I have tos. And human design I love it because it's like Fuck those, that doesn't matter at all. It actually doesn't If we are not. I mean, all of our purpose is to be authentically me, for you to be authentically you, and that's the place we can deeply share our gifts from. And so it's a really powerful tool to really help me to catch the sheds.

Speaker 3:

And they still. They get more like the ego evolves as we evolve, so they get sneakier, but I catch them and remind myself there are no sheds, you know, and the process you know. So in the start we're so used to doing things we don't want to do or we think that we have to do right, and so it's a process to and, as you said, like you, noticing your energy, how, when you're doing things that are lit up, like things flow, and when you're doing all the sheds that you have to use, you're drained, you know, and it's so. It's slowing things down, noticing slowly getting rid of some of the sheds. It's not about doing it all at once, right, because it's about one step at a time and gaining that trust. They're like oh yeah, I have so much more energy, like things in my business are going so much more better. Let me get rid of a couple more sheds, you know, or catching them. So it's a process and I love the way you articulated that.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it's a process. It really, you know, I can feel when I'm around other generators who are lit up, it doesn't even matter what they're saying or what it doesn't matter, none of that matters. It's the energy and you just want to be around them because you're like, oh, this person is really just I don't know. Sometimes you don't even know what it is Like. I really like being around this person and how I feel like I want to go out and do stuff and be motivated. So it's definitely that process I like.

Speaker 2:

I love how you said. It's like unbecoming. Yeah, letting that go, especially for you know, the high achiever group who you know. A lot of us are doing all these things because there's, you know, that little part of us is proving our worth through these Climbing the mountain and and you know, I used to have conversations with my guides all the time they're like, lisa, it's not always about climbing the mountain. You don't always have to climb the mountain. Not everything has to be about climbing the mountain. So I would be like I really want to do that, but is that going to get me to where I want to go, instead of just being like, hey, does this feel good, does this. Feel fun. Do I want to do this? Yeah, it's, yeah. Yeah, it's a lot of rewiring.

Speaker 3:

So much rewiring and I love that you bring this up, because often the way we, our minds, think is going to get us up the mountain faster is is not the fastest way. So actually, when you follow that juicy thing that you're really excited about and let go of the should because you, your mind thinks you're going to get there faster, ironically you're actually going to get to that top of, you're going to get to two mountains higher way, faster, in a way that your limited mind could have never imagined. Because by following the thing that lights you up and you being in your juicy, magnetic, charismatic energy, you meet that person or you attract that person, just like you were saying how you love, like generators who are lit up. You can feel it. It's an energy and also from that space, like you have ideas that pop in that wouldn't pop in if you're feeling burned out and run down and exhausted. You don't have those creative juicy.

Speaker 3:

So like, yeah, and that's the conditioning right, that actually doing the thing that feels good is going to get you to wherever your soul is meant to go.

Speaker 3:

That's way higher than the mountain you're trying to climb in your mind and way bigger because, like what we can imagine from our minds is so limited, you know, compared to the universe and what the universe has for us and what we're actually capable of, right, like, the thing that limits us is our mind. Yeah, and I know it, you know it. And while we're in this human body, we're still going to be limited by it, right? So when we can just follow and for generators and manifest and generators follow what lights you up and see the magic unfold, then you can trust it more and more and more and more. Because it is scary, right, when we're so used to being in our minds and the logic and this step will get me there but if you play with it and experiment with it and then see the magic and the synchronicities and you meet the right person, then you can trust it more and more. So that's yeah, that's the beauty of it.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and I like, I love how you said at the beginning you know, at point in your life it felt better doing than not doing. Felt better doing and that's the trap we fall into. Yeah Right, because we feel that we just were doing, doing, doing and we're not tuning in. Hey, do I even like this? Is this even enjoyable? Oh, someone told me two years ago this is what we needed to do, and I just kept doing it, even though it's not working well for me 100%.

Speaker 3:

And that brings a very good point with manifesting generators. And the difference with manifesting generators is their very multi-passionate beings and for them the deconditioning is when they start something, they don't need to finish it right. So, and same for generators, but manifesting generators a lot more. They'll start something and maybe you learn whatever you're meant to learn from it without me to finish the thing. And if it doesn't feel, if it doesn't light you up anymore, it's energetically correct to go to the next thing, to to finish it. Manifesting generators have a lot of deconditioning, like oh I, there's a linear path I need to follow. I should go from A to B, but for manifesting generators it is not linear, it is all over the show. There is no A to B, and so it's allowing yourself to, as soon as you're not a full body, yes, allowing yourself to let it go and to move on to the next thing and trusting that whatever nugget you are meant to learn from, that you've learned and it's going on to the next thing. So it's a very important thing for that.

Speaker 2:

Yes, my daughter is a manifesting generator and she's so multi-passionate. Just, there's so many things she wants to do and I think it correct me if I'm wrong one of the deconditioning says that you have to narrow it into this one specific thing that you really can be multi-passionate and have all these different things going.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, and a really good example of a manifesting generator is Tony Robbins, who has so many different businesses and so many different, and he can do it all Right. And manifesting generators are here to show the rest of humanity that we really can like, because the rest of us are like you can't do it. You can't do a million things at one time. But manifesting generators are here to show us what humans are really capable of and for them, they're at their best when they're doing many different things at the same time, and so it's trusting that and giving yourself permission to do that and to not need to finish things, to not be linear.

Speaker 2:

Yes, what would you recommend to someone who, let's say, a generator, a manifesting generator, or maybe this is only for generator, but you know, when we're waiting to respond and they're in a place where there's still work, where they're still working on deconditioning their programming and they're you know they're waiting to respond, but they also have a little voice chirping saying you gotta get to work. What are you doing? You have a business to run.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, and that's the hard part, that is, the hardest thing for generators and manifesting generators is that like getting, as you start to get rid of some of the nose, that small space, but there's a little bit more space before the yeses drop in. It's very uncomfortable For generators and manifesting generators and I can relate to that as well, because there's so much conditioning in society to do, do, do, like, so fast-paced. So you know, I would say you know, start small, like, get rid of, like and test it. But also a fun thing with human design and I don't know if all of your listeners are spiritual or not, and, but whatever you want but something that's been fun for me is to like and Jenna Zoe, who has it's called my human design, she has an app and a website and she talks a lot about it. She's like tell, call the universe in, be like okay, universe, I'm creating some space like you send me an aligned yes, you know, and it's kind of a way to play with the energy and to be like okay, like I'm getting rid of this. No, so, universe, you send me your source consciousness, god, life, whatever you want to say, you know and and and test it and start small and and and see what happens. You know, don't get, maybe don't get rid of all of the noes at the same time, because then that's going to be like too scary for you. It's like maybe get rid of one, but to get rid of a couple and have the willingness to test and try and see and to kind of lean into the discomfort as best you could. And if you say yes to a no, see what happens, feel, feel the fact that you get burnt out again or the fact that you're low energy, like maybe you need to to be like oh yeah, this doesn't work. Okay, so then the next time let me be in the open space a little bit and you'll see.

Speaker 3:

Then the yeses will start coming and you use the more aligned yeses, the more energy you have, the more you'll be able to trust and trust your process, right, like when you say yes to a thing that's a no for you, that's okay. Like maybe that's the no that you need to learn to not do that. So it's like trust that you are exactly where you're meant to be and it's a really about experimenting and seeing for yourself, right, not trusting that you're trusting on someone else says, but seeing for yourself and seeing how your energy responds, and it's okay. But we're gonna go, we're gonna make mistakes, we're gonna go back and forth. It's deconditioning and it's a process, and just be gentle with yourself through the process, because everything's a learning, everything we learn. So when we have the aligned yeses, we learn oh, that feels good and we're out of alignment. We also learn, you know, and I still like, whenever, of course got into linemen, I was like, oh, it's a destiny, this is where I'm gonna be, you know, and it's no, it's an ebb and a flow.

Speaker 3:

But now my, the times I'm out of alignment are way shorter than they used to be. I used to go way off course and then, you know, right now I go slightly off course, I catch it, I'm out of alignment, I come back, you know. Then you go slightly, you know, that's a flow, like there's a flow.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I love that. Can you tell me a little bit about? Because I have worked with some clients who are projectors and there was a theme with the clients that they would get very burnt out or very exhausted when they said you know, I was trying to follow this person's strategy and it was just waiting through them for a completely, it was just completely out of alignment for them and a lot of times the strategies were about like you said, like you're going out and finding it or going out and doing it and really like do do, put it out there, make it happen, make it happen. They're just like no, it didn't work at all. Can you tell us more about projectors and what that, what that energy is like?

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, absolutely so. Projectors are 20% of the population and projectors are really the guides, the guides of the population. So how I like to think about them is are the birds that sit up on the tree who have a different perspective to the rest of the animals who are below and they're smaller, right? They're not meant to be the generators. The generators are the bigger animals you guys have. You have life force, but, like the energy energetic beings, projectors aren't. The rest of the energetic types aren't.

Speaker 3:

So projectors aren't meant to work nine to five days, 80 hour, 60 hour work weeks. That just doesn't work for them and it doesn't mean so. It says like a few hours a day giving their gifts, because that doesn't mean the rest of the time they're laying on the couch, they're the guides. So it's really about, like, what uniquely fascinates you. What are you so interested about? And that is the topic that you're meant to guide on, not all the topics, but that is kind of your niche, the thing that you're just so intrigued by, fascinated by, and so that, and for a few hours a day, that's what you're meant to be guiding others on, and the rest of the hours it's about learning, reading, learning around that topic, that niche that you are specializing in, and that actually energizes them.

Speaker 3:

But giving their energy by guiding is only a few hours so and they get super burnt out when they try to be like generators and work all these long days, because that's just not correct for them. And for them, their strategy is to wait for the invitation, because when they guide and give unsolicited advice to people who don't want to hear it and they get rejected, they get very bitter bitter as they're out of alignment theme and so for them it's like you've got to wait for the invitation. And it doesn't have to be verbal, like hey, can you guide? Can you tell me about this? It can be energetic, right. Someone shows interest, is generally curious, but when there's that invitation from someone, then they're going to receive the guidance and then they're not going to have that bitterness. So often projectors feel this bitterness because they're giving unsolicited advice to people who don't want it.

Speaker 3:

So that's the thing. And for projectors, it's about first seeing themselves as the expert in this area, so that others can see them, and it's about building the structure so that others can see them as the guide. So sharing on your social media so that people can find you to guide them in this way, or creating your website and your podcast, or having those structures in place so that others can find you. So it's not about doing nothing and just like oh, I'm just going to wait here for people to invite me. So setting yourself up so that others can find you. But also, first the magic is seeing yourself as the expert, the guide in this area, so that and then others will also see you.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I love that. Yes, and you know, I think when you were saying this, I'm seeing my mother in my mind giving unsolicited advice, my daughter's like I didn't ask for advice. Yeah, it's so important to know, because when you know these things, you can just really work with them so much easier.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and it's so beautiful in relations because then you don't get frustrated with people, right, and as the projector, they get very bitter, low level frustration when they're because they can see things other people can't, and when people don't want it they get very, then closed off and bitter, right, and the people also are like I don't want your advice. I understand these things when projectors can use their energy and wait for the patient, which doesn't have to be verbal, it can be energetic, it can be like a variety of things and for their gift you know it's you don't have to wait for an invitation. Ask a friend to go to the movies, or you know what I mean For sharing your gift for your purpose. In certain relation, like starting a relationship, that's when the strategy comes into play. But then you have a long term friend. You don't have to wait for them to always invite you and if that makes sense, yeah.

Speaker 3:

But in sharing your gifts, it is very important, and then you can use your energy where it's actually going to be received and that's going to energize you and right, and that's the flow, and that's the synchronicity. So, yeah, it's really helpful to them.

Speaker 2:

Very helpful, very helpful in relations. Yeah, and you mentioned that you're a reflector. I don't think I've ever actually no, I have met one other reflector. I do believe that that's the most unique of the profiles.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, reflectors are 1%, so they are the rarest. And as a reflector, I think so. We reflectors have all open energy, all open chakras, and where you have open chakra, you're the most sensitive, you can feel other people in those areas and you can be conditioned the most in these areas. And so, reflectors, I think that one of the first things I read and that really hit home for me so much, is that reflectors are the chameleons and we, depending on who I'm with the energy of that person, I reflect back that energy. So I will match and mirror your energy.

Speaker 3:

And with someone else, I will match and mirror their energy and it's not disauthentic. I used to unconsciously judge myself as being inauthentic Because I would hear people say Tony Robbins, he's the same person on stage as off stage. You need to know. He's so authentic. So I would unconsciously judge myself because I'm a very, very different part of myself, come out depending on who I'm around and is authentic for reflectors, because an authentic reflector will change, will be a chameleon to reflect back and be a mirror for the people that we are around. And so that's been a huge thing for me to accept myself in deeper ways and allow myself to be a chameleon to change Like. And it's not conscious, right, it just naturally happens. But now I just I let it happen without the judgment and with reflectors, because we're so open energetically.

Speaker 3:

Our strategy is to wait a whole lunar cycle, so it needs 28 days, and this is because maybe I'm talking to you when I get a nudge or an idea pop up in. Then maybe that's not mine, maybe that's yours. Oh, because we can really feel people on such a deep level, and so for us it's really important to wait, and it doesn't have to be 28 days, especially for smaller decisions. Maybe it's a week, but for us it's important that a nudge comes several times. When you have a nudge, an idea, several times, it keeps coming back, then I know it's mine, it's not someone else that I've been hanging around and yeah, so it's a very or it's a very interesting type and it resonates for sure, like when I heard that I'm like, oh, that is true, like sometimes I just I'm like I don't know.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I myself time and at some point I just know, my intuition is like yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

But that's been a really deconditioning for me is like slowing down as fast. Or when I go slow and have that Pick action from that thing, that is definitely aligned. For me it is way faster than when I just act, because being busy doing feels better than sitting and not doing. But that takes me in all the unaligned directions. Or I get I feel your energy and your from something and then I'm like, oh, I feel it so deeply, I have a great. So then I think I want it, but it's not actually me wanting it, it's me feeling your passion for it. So then I go off totally wrong direction and it would used to take so long to then come back to my self, right, and so waiting really is faster and allowing ourselves to like reflect reflectors will feel like different people on different days, depending who we're around. The environments were in, and so it's important to be in different spaces and to feel does this idea or does this thing still feel good for me after I've been in different places, different people.

Speaker 3:

So, that's waiting is important for reflectors and yeah, so that's been something really important for my business, and environment is really important for factors because we're so open energetically. The right people are the right environments and when I feel good in a place, that's the right place for me. Or when I feel good around people, that means it's the right people for me. And when I don't feel good, it's just no judgment, but it's the wrong people or it's the wrong place for me. And the more I put myself around the right people, the right place, which are places that feel good, the more aligned opportunities will come in for me. So that's also something as reflectors, yeah, allowing ourselves to be in the right environments to get those right opportunities, and synchronicities and boundaries.

Speaker 2:

Yes, now that you're talking about that, the other reflector that I know I can see, sometimes she really takes the weight of the world on, really takes it on. I mean, I think about highly sensitive leaders that I know who are similar, but her specifically, you can really see it. So I can imagine that having those real solid boundaries is imperative for your well-being.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely, and we can all see ourselves in different types, right, because if you have an open G-center chakra, it's also energetically correct for you to change around different people or different environments, right. So those people will kind of feel themselves in what I'm talking about as a reflector a little bit. If you have an open sacred chakra, your emotional chakra, you are what we call impasse. You can feel other people's emotions 50% around, 50% have an empathic, have an open energy center, 50% have it filled in. They have their own emotional ways. So the people who are impasse can also feel people's emotions. So they can kind of understand what I'm talking about as a reflector. So that's why we can see ourselves Like there's so many details with human design, so I'm sure listeners will be able to see little pieces of themselves when I talk about generators or projectors or reflectors, right, but as a reflector, having all of the open energy, it is just even more right.

Speaker 3:

We can feel to an eve, like just to the depths that someone else can't, and so, and when you're aligned as a reflector, we have the most potential to have the most wisdom, because we can feel so deeply people and environments and places.

Speaker 3:

And I can relate to what you were mentioning about this, friend, because I used to.

Speaker 3:

I studied environmental studies and so climate change and I used to be, so I would feel it so much.

Speaker 3:

And it's been such an interesting transformation because now I don't even listen to the news and because for me I'm like actually, and not that that's right for everyone, but when I am saddened by the world and what's going on, I actually can't give my gifts to the world, whereas when I kind of like shot that out and focus on like what's the part that I can play in the world and I am around conscious communities and spiritual communities and I fill my cup and I do my yoga and this, and that like that's where I can make the most difference in the world, where I can deeply share my gifts with the world. So as a reflector, I know I'm so sensitive and so I kind of like focus on or put myself in very positive environments and I know, like I do know what's going on in the world and that's not all good and you know, but that helps me be at my highest radiance, to share my sense, to empower others in the way that I can to the most.

Speaker 2:

And that's such an important message for purpose-driven entrepreneurs and business leaders because so often we will consciously or unconsciously bring ourselves down right to try to empathize and be with the suffering, whereas we're not actually in our full expression of us and able to help those people or situations or beings when we are bringing ourselves down. And it's really about know how can we keep ourselves the highest we can be so then we can give and support to the fullest expression. And it's challenging for people because again then you have that programming coming in saying you're having a good time, you're feeling good. When there's people over here suffering, I thought you were a light work and it's just come on. People like we got to break free from absolutely.

Speaker 3:

And that's such a thing, you know, with all these wars going on and and I see some friends who are from one of those countries and just be, you know, having survivor's guilt or like having all that, and I say I get it.

Speaker 3:

I don't get it because I'm not from one of those countries, but I can try to understand and I can see it and I can see how much pain they're putting on themselves and that they're getting depressed and so what is that? It's one more depressed person in the world versus one more person sharing their light and sharing their gifts. So it's, it's deconditioning that if I feel your pain, actually we're just now to hurt people versus if I'm in my light and my radiance, I can add my gifts, share my gifts to the world. And it definitely is a deconditioning. But it's coming back to what is the change that I can do, because I used to look at all the world problems and be so like overwhelmed by them and like I want to make change and everything. And it's actually coming back to someone else's purpose is around climate change. Someone else's purpose is around whatever that thing is. What is, what are my gifts and what can I do that I can share my gifts to my greatest potential.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I love that and really putting your energy and this is what I do right, putting my energy and focus, not getting lost in the noise and all the stuff that's been going on the pads with division energy, and really going back into what am I here for, what is my purpose? I know what I'm here for, I know who I'm here to impact what I'm here to do and the higher I am with my energy. So which means following my passions, listening to those intuitive nudges that say hey, lisa, you know, let's do this artwork instead of writing that landing page, let's do this thing that your body's like ooh, I want to go here, because I know when I come back in and I do, let's say a video or right, suddenly I'm getting DMs being like oh, that was so helpful, thank you so much. Instead of you know, no, I have to do these videos, I have to get this done and then putting my energy, and then nobody even sees it because there's no life force in it. And it's.

Speaker 2:

I love what you're sharing here, because when people can understand their design and their profile and these pieces that they can start experimenting with, that's when life it's just like this life force starts coming back into their life and they're no longer these. You know, I was talking with someone the other day and we were talking about pleasure and how pleasure is just so de-emphasized and so much guilt and shame and all these things around pleasure. When it's like without the pleasure, even as business leaders, we become just these drones and we're not actually helping anybody. When we're in this, that energy and I feel like part of the human design is really also tapping into like pleasure places and what do we like, what do we enjoy? Making time for that, making space for that.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely. Yeah, and I love how you talk about that beautiful example of like. When you create the time to do art or do the thing that lights you up, and then you come back making the video that has the impact and it's like, but your mind would be like, no, you should, should do the video. So that's patching the shoulds and it's slowing it down, which I love your doing and being like oh, when I do the things that lighten me up, that bring me joy, it creates more impact in my business and it's easier. You know, like there's so much conditioning. I have to work hard to make money. Things need to be hard. Like.

Speaker 3:

No Life is intelligent. We are meant to have fun. We are meant to enjoy the journey and, and whenever I catch myself taking my business or myself too seriously, it's like it's it doesn't actually, it's like I like to hold both. You know that. Like you know, when I look at the stars and I and I see the galaxies in the universe and I'm like, oh my, like I'm so small and so insignificant and at the same time, my life does matter and the energy I bring in this world. But holding both really helps me to turn into that energy of go all out, like do my best to live my purpose and share my gifts and take it so seriously, like have fun along the way, and like like remember that we are super insignificant as well as that, it all matter. You know what I mean. Holding both helps me to tap into that fun and that joy, and I love that you bring up pleasure, because it's something I'm delving into a lot right now and it's so important. You know, pleasure is our life force. Energy brings us aliveness and from that energy, the ideas we have, the energy we give to other people, that people will magnetize towards us. Right, like that, and that's flow. And when we're in flow it's not hard. Things happen. The beautiful things happen that you could never plan for from your mind, right and so, and but it's, it's playing with it to learn it, to like oh, it does work, and then adding more of it in.

Speaker 3:

You know, because people are like, oh, that's scary to make time to do art. You know, when I have such a busy day or that can feel scary to make time for pleasure and joy and for pleasure in other areas. And it's like doing it slowly, seeing, slowing it down to actually see that, yeah, it works, which is like I will be how self aware. But also then there's like energy awareness. Right, how is my energy around these things? And seeing, trying if what you're doing isn't working, you know, if you're burnout, if you're not feeling as good, as you know you can feel to be willing to try something new, right, and testing it and trying. That's what creates, that's what changes our lives.

Speaker 3:

It's a small things, but doing it small because that feels safe and then seeing that it works and then bringing more of it in.

Speaker 3:

But, yeah, pleasure is so important and for me, you know, really realize my, my rituals, you know my morning rituals, my evening rituals, my meditations, my like fitness is non negotiable for me. I know I'm at my best so that when I then go into my work day I'm bringing that different energy, you know, and whenever I, you know, traveling through these last couple months or being, I was back in New Zealand visiting family for a month and I did do a lot of my rituals but I missed out on some. You know I wasn't doing as much dancing or as many of my feminine practices and I wasn't as in tune with my intuition. So it's such a good reminder to me of like oh you don't, I don't reach a spiritual place and stay there. Or I don't reach a place my intuition and stay there. It's actually all of the small daily habits and practices that open me up to to pleasure, to joy, to my groundedness, to my intuition, that I can then create from. So that's been a very popular over this chapter.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and I love how you talked about the, the practices, because it doesn't have to be difficult, it doesn't have to be a complete life overhaul. It can be simply adding in one practice to begin in your morning or your evening, where you're tuning in or you're bringing in something that brings you pleasure, even a cup of tea, and really just slowing down and being mindful of the tea, you know, tasting it, feeling the warmth and just being present with that can start adding that life force Right. So often you know entrepreneurs, business leaders, it's like you know you'll go bigger. Go home it's like okay, I got to go do that, I got to go do this whole thing and overhaul my entire life. You know, take a six month pleasure course or something. It's like sure you can do that. Or you can just, you know, start implementing things into your day to day and it's going to grow and expand as you go.

Speaker 3:

And not like, and so much wisdom in that right. Starting small is sustainable. You know, when we take like, oh I'm going to do this huge thing, often don't actually finish it, you know. So it's, it's starting small, seeing that it works, and like, and it doesn't have to be. Maybe you hate meditating? Then don't meditate. It's like your beautiful examples like drinking a cup of tea, but doing it might. Like being still rather than on your phone or checking emails, but just being there drinking your, enjoying your cup of tea or coffee Beautiful, right. So it doesn't have to be. Why should meditate? Because everyone else is meditating. It's really tuning into you and what feels good for you. And even I catch myself sometimes being like I'm doing breath work and but I'm just going through the motions rather than like, oh, actually doing it. You know what I mean. So I catch him like, oh, it's a should, let me switch things up a little bit, or what, actually, what feels good in this moment for me?

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, and you know, it's challenging because when we're in personal development and we're in this work and we go to, let's say, a seminar and the things that people are teaching are great, right, it's like, do this and do this and this is how you can do this. And you're like, oh, I should be doing this and this because it's good, okay, but do you want to be doing it? Does it even feel good to you? And we really got to like be like. You know, it took me years to finally kind of well, not finally, but it took me years to of exploring and getting to the place where I could really be like you know what? That sounds great, but it's not for me. Or this sounds great, it's not for me.

Speaker 2:

Or these goals that this coach has are fantastic, but you know, I don't want any of them, whereas before it was like oh, they want to be on Forbes, I should be on Forbes too. Okay, I'm going to put that on my vision board. I mean top, whatever on. And then it got to the point where I was like I don't even care about this, those rights coming back to you and be like well, what are you Right? I think that's what you said at the beginning, it's about you coming inside.

Speaker 3:

And I love that and I love that. I think we all go through that journey right. And even when I started in personal development, it was from a we need to take this course and do this program and this, and it wasn't from my oh, my intuition is calling me to. It was like I'm in lack, I'm broken, I need to be fixed, so I need all of these things. Versus now, I am still always doing a program or a course and having multiple coaches, but it's not from a lack and I'm broken, and it's like from a place of already already holding us and my intuition is curious about this thing, or I'm interested about this thing and having that. So it's.

Speaker 3:

We can do the same thing but depending on the energy it comes from, it can be such a great thing and always coming back to yeah, as you said, the inside right and you as a generator, it's what lights you up and really using that and it's so simple but it's hard to implement all the time. But just following what genuinely lights you up and brings you joy and it's going goes for personal development, for the books you read, for the foods Like if you spinach, even though the health people might say you eat spinach. So, human design, what I love about it is it's like full permission to follow your strategy and your authority right. So for you, it's your gut what's bringing you joy and responding to the things and giving yourself full permission to do that, because that's what's going to be the best food for your body or that's what's going to be the best personal development things for you, right? And so like, yes, learn from others and do the things, but from an inside out approach and the listening to the internal guidance.

Speaker 2:

So important. Now, we're not going to forget about the, the manifesto, right that's. That's like the power of the more like go, go, do it, do it.

Speaker 3:

Yes. So I love me say do it, because manifesto is there about 10% of the population and they're the only ones. So that Nike slogan just do it, go out and just do it is correct for manifestos, the only energetic type that in like they're the initiators, the people who can just start things. So for them, when they get a nudge from the universe and idea of a toxin, then just do it. Like that works, follow it. You don't have to wait, you don't have to respond like none of that, you can. Just it is energetically correct for them to start things and they don't have to finish things as the deconditioning. So they're the idea starters and their strategy is to inform so they in the other of what they're doing, so that other people can hop on board who are aligned with it. And and often then other people will finish it. And but for them they also are not energetic beings. So when they have a nudge, they'll have a bunch of energy to get something off the ground and then they'll go through a period where they need to just like rest and recuperate before their next nudge. And for them it's also important to again not try to be like generators and work all the time. They'll have a lot of energy when they first get an idea and then it's energetically correct to rest and to recuperate between their ideas and their nudges, and for them it's important to decondition.

Speaker 3:

A lot of them are people pleasers. They have a big energy and so and they're not just like all of us, but especially for manifesters they're not for everyone. It's important that when they inform people, the people that therefore will join them will jump on board and the people that they're not for won't. And it's so it's to be okay to not try to please everyone, and a good example of this is like, if you're a train driver, you're not going to be at the London train station, being like who wants to go where? And trying to organize all of these people.

Speaker 3:

That's chaos, but it's saying, hey, I'm the train driver that drives from London to France. Whoever wants on, we're going. The people that are going to jump on, the people that don't want to go there won't. And so it's them being okay that they're not for everyone and inform people so that the people who are aligned will jump on board, and so for them, they have a lot of deconditioning around, trying to please everyone because, as kids, they have a big energy and so here it's sort of used to kids being the lead there. They're leaders right here in front. Used to kids being a leader right.

Speaker 3:

So there's a lot of conditioning around around that.

Speaker 2:

So that's. I know you mentioned that Tony Robbins is a manifesting generator. Are there any manifestos that we would know?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there's a who's this? I'm so bad with famous people. There's a singer once. She's a UK singer. I'm not going to remember her name, but I know that, jenna Zoe, who is who I learned human design from. She talks about her and she talks about her as a manifestor, because she'll go on these, she'll put out an album and she'll go on these tours and have like be out there full blast and then she'll just disappear for a couple years and then she'll be out the next, and so so they use her as an example. Yes and yeah, and so it's okay. That deconditioning is like it's okay to read, like you don't have to be busy all the time, like it's okay to rest. Yeah, the resting and all of us can learn from this the resting is what prepares us for the next thing. Right and so. But then it's like being okay to rest, recuperate between their, because when they're on, they're on, they move very fast, and then it's okay to kind of like rest and recuperate between projects.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yes, it's like that big blast, yes, and then time to decompress.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so they get that nudge and then it's Exactly, and listening to the nudges and not looking for permission on the outside. So that's another big deconditioning is that manifestors often look for others to give them approval to do something, but they're the leaders, so it's them giving themselves permission to do when they have a nudge to do it, not to look for permission from other people, and so that their key piece is for them to give themselves permission to do what they want to do and know that some people will be on board and other people won't be for that and that that's okay. Other people won't.

Speaker 2:

And I think that's important to note, and I guess this is for all of them, but it seems like manifestors. It would be important, if they are getting guidance or they are getting mentorship, to really learn to trust themselves, because not everyone is going to see the world as they do or, you know, if they're getting a nudge it's for a reason.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and to look into that above all else. And all of us can relate to that, right, like I'm sure you can relate to it, like going it, like we all can, in words, before all else, but especially them. So we can all see ourselves in the different types, right, but exactly for them it's listening to that. And for other people, you know those examples of there was a lady who, like, had an art gallery opportunity in New York and she turned it down, even though and all her friends and everyone was like you're crazy, how are you turning down this opportunity? And she listened to her intuition, turned it down. And then she got an invite to some of Europe for another art gal, but for her own art gallery. And if she'd said yes to the one in New York, she wouldn't have been free to go to this one.

Speaker 3:

So, even when it doesn't make sense to you or to anyone else, listening to those nudges, listening to your intuition, because our minds are so limited we can't, we don't know the whole, the synchronicities in the universe, right. So it does Soon our nudges, our intuition, it doesn't make logical sense, but when you follow them and you see the magic that happens, you're like, oh my, I could have never planned this from my mind, but that was the best. Like this opportunity came up, that was even better than the other one, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yes and really leaning into and healing and I mean this is what a lot of the work I do with clients, so I know it's a process of healing the lack and limitation, the beliefs around lack and limitation, that I don't say yes, there's not going to be another chance, or this is my lucky break. You know, I often hear people talk about like I'm like there's no luck, luck is not a thing, right, there's energy, right? We can't believe in energy and believe in luck in that sense. So healing those wounds around you know have to take this or there's limited resources and limited opportunities For her to be able to say no. I'm sure she really is in a place where she fully trusts that. You know she is in a place where what is aligned is going to flow in and she's safe to say no to what doesn't feel right at that time. Like that's a lot of courage and just a deep level of belief and trust in the flow of the world and why we're here. That's a beautiful place to be.

Speaker 3:

Exactly, and it's like start slow to get there, to build that trust, and but I love the work you do around lack limitation, right, that's such an important piece and we come from a world of lack, you know, way back in the day, medieval times, like there was lack, right, and so we come from that, but, and we're shifting into this world of abundance, and so it would be in the day you would take a DVD or so, yeah, dvd from blockbusters and so be one less for someone else to rent, right, whereas now you make a copy of a CD online as there's another one in the space right.

Speaker 3:

So like literally, we're in a world of abundance.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

You know, I like to tune in with myself and am I making this decision from fear and lack or am I making this decision from love and abundance? You know, because wherever it's out of fear, well, take this, because I fear I won't get another one versus. I'm going to take this opportunity because I'm excited and I love this right To, and it's like slowing it down, like, is this from fear and lack or is this from love and abundance? And intuition is always going to be from love and abundance.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, I love the, the, you know, feeling in to contraction or or expansion. Yes, it says this feel in my body can feel contraction, like really well, it just feels like I'm being pressed in and squished. I'm like, ooh, that doesn't really feel good in my body, whereas if I tune into a choice or decision and just feels like I'm like going into a hot tub, you know, the first few minutes going into a hot tub, you say, ah, expansion. Then I'm like, oh, okay, I'm going to explore this because this is feels very and I find when we, when I do that practice with client, even if they're like, at least I don't know, energy, I'm always in my head.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what you're talking about contraction, expansion and we do that process where, you know, often I'll use an X, because a lot of people can relate to you know, think about an X, that one X that's, you know, is completely out of alignment for you and feel in, right, it would be like, oh, yeah, I can feel that control, oh yeah, oh, okay, that makes sense, all right. And then we go into well, what, what do you know that is in alignment for, like working out or certain type of music or a certain type of, and then they're just like, ooh, I can feel it, I can feel it and that I've gotten a lot of feedback. So anyone listening, if you want to try that, just to kind of practice, what does it feel like in our bodies to start getting out of our head and start listening to the signals in our body, which is a big part of, I think, this entire conversation, and using it right to navigate?

Speaker 3:

Absolutely and I love it. You bring it back to the embodiment and you bring such beautiful examples for people to slow down and feel, not just think about right. Slow down and feel what it is for them to be in contraction or expansion. And what is that? Because being in tune with our intuition is so much about the feeling, not being in the head and being in the body, and feeling so beautiful and powerful.

Speaker 2:

And I just came like when, when using the exos an example, if we put like and I'm just using X because I know a lot of people can relate If we bring it to the head, often we just start leaping right, we just loop around things that didn't work, things that made us upset, things that got us frustrated, and we're just looping, looping, whereas if we tune into our body we can start practicing, just feeling that sensation without the loop, and I think that's what you mentioned at the beginning, when it's like we have the emotional, the ones that numb and then the ones that just start looping.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, that, I've experienced both and you can just get lost in that. You can completely lose yourself in both of those pullers.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and it's easy to flip from one side to the next. You know, I went from being an avoider to then going and like indulging, you know, and it's like, okay, right, it's that that balance feeling, but moving it through and being in the body, yeah, yes, okay, I love that.

Speaker 2:

This has been such an amazing conversation. I could talk to you forever about this. Do you have any for anyone who's listening to this? It's gotten this far and it's like, oh, this is. You know, this is really intriguing and I think this would be helpful. Any parting words for that listener who's thinking of maybe I want to explore human design. What would be their next step?

Speaker 3:

Yes, if you are feeling that intrigued, then definitely explore it, because there's so much. I highly recommend Jenna Zoe's app. It's called my Human Design. She also has a website, but that app has a lot more information. It has it all in one, because human design when you go into it, there's information all over. It can be a little bit overwhelming, and so her app is amazing because she has it and the way she puts into words is so yeah, so relatable, so understandable. So her app is amazing my Human Design and you can put your you need your birth time, your date of birth, your birth time, your place of birth, and then you can read a little bit about your energetic type, your profile, dive into some things and then, if you want to go deeper into it, there, you know, I do human design readings.

Speaker 3:

There are many people who do human design readings, so you can get a reading on your type. You know I also coach around how to incorporate it into your business or your life. So there's many different ways you can go, but that's a really good place to start and to be like does this land with me, you know? And to dive into it. And then, with human design, it's called the Human Design Experiment, so I can't emphasize that enough.

Speaker 3:

It's making those small changes, experimenting with it in your life to de-condition. It's a beautiful tool to de-condition, to come back to more of who you authentically are and just testing it out, one small step at a time, seeing how your energy shifted, to see how with the synchronicities that flow in, and so that's really where it's at, and the more simple the better, like there's so many layers and details and it's all beautiful and magical and the layers have definitely helped me. And just coming back to the very basics your strategy and your authority, and if you just focus on those, everything else will come into play. If you use your strategy and your authority, life will guide you to exactly where you're meant to be. So simpler the better. Definitely is helpful to start.

Speaker 2:

I love that. I love that you said that, because this year for me, is all about simplification Away from the chaos or the over and simplify. So where can people find more about you and your offerings?

Speaker 3:

Yes, so people can follow me on Instagram. It's catkatgrant. Also my website, catgrantcom. I also do monthly free workshops, so I have one coming up on. It's probably going to be out by then.

Speaker 3:

February 6th and March 6th are my next two, sorry, and I offer these once a month.

Speaker 3:

It's about integrating the wisdom from patterns, from childhood trauma and patterns that are keeping you stuck in your life right now and working with them to find the wisdom to then create change in your life.

Speaker 3:

So if you're feeling stuck in a pattern and not making change, it's a very helpful workshop there, and I coach people with human design and somatic coaching, because these are tools that have really impacted my life. So the somatic, to dive deeper into wounding from childhood, which is where most of our patterns come from that are keeping you stuck in human designed to create a decondition and create a roadmap to bring you back to who you authentically are, so that you can connect with your passion, your gifts, your joy to share your gifts with the world, because that's really what I believe that when I'm healing and can share my gifts, you know I've been able to do that because other people have shared their gifts and that's what really changes the world is all of us doing the deconditioning coming home to who we authentically are to share our beauty, our magic in the world which helps other people do the same. So yeah, it's a little bit about my work.

Speaker 2:

I love that and I'm going to put all your links in the show notes for anyone who is interested in learning more about what you offer.

Speaker 2:

I think it's very just where we are in the way I think I've already said this, but I'll reiterate moving into 2024, as our shift in consciousness is really exploding.

Speaker 2:

And if you're resonating with this and you're in a place where you're feeling like I'm just starting to notice all my patterns and my behaviors and what works and what doesn't work, and maybe you've been doing a lot of mindset work and a lot of reading and listening to a lot of podcasts and doing a lot of that heavy mindset work stuff and you're thinking, you know, maybe it's time for me to do more of the embodiment, really moving into understanding my intuition and doing somatic work to shift some of these energies and traumas, and there's no better time. That's what I'm saying. So I love the work that you're doing and your energy and all the gifts that you've been able to share today. Thank you so much for joining us, kat. I appreciate you, I appreciate your time and I can't wait for people to hear about the human design and how they can implement it in their life and in their business.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, yes, thank you, lisa. It's been such an amazing conversation with you and I just want to honor you and all the gifts you share and the powerful coaching you provide people and just being the amazing, radiant human you are. So thank you so much for this beautiful conversation.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, Kat. I take all that in.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for tuning into the Confident, connected Leader podcast. Lisa Jeffs is committed to helping you break through barriers and climb to new professional heights. If today's episode inspired you, we'd be honored if you could subscribe, rate and leave a review To stay updated with practical tips and insights, follow us on LinkedIn, instagram or Facebook. You'll find all relevant links, including those for our complimentary gifts and trainings, in the show notes. Until our next episode, embrace your confidence and stay connected.

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