Slow German listening experience
This podcasts for beginners and intermediate learners provides small episodes in german, with slow pace and a relaxed vibe! It can be a great daily tool to support your german learning (e.g. in addition to a course) or just to get you accustomed to the sound of the language. A long the way you'll learn interesting things about everyday topics, but also german culture, sports, politics and history. Usually there will be new episodes every monday. There are links to free transcipts in the decription of the episode. You can find an ovierview here: https://steadyhq.com/de/sgle/posts
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Slow German listening experience
Die Revolution 1848
Free transcript:
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Hey, please share this podcast with your friends, family and neighbours or even write a review :). The podcast can now also be found on Youtube (https://t1p.de/kt83z). You can contact me as a Steady Supporter or write a mail to learngermanwithculture@web.de .