The Magical Midlife Crisis

Episode 10 - The Food Mood Link

December 11, 2023 Megan Zdeb & Courtney Beth Anderson Season 1 Episode 10
Episode 10 - The Food Mood Link
The Magical Midlife Crisis
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The Magical Midlife Crisis
Episode 10 - The Food Mood Link
Dec 11, 2023 Season 1 Episode 10
Megan Zdeb & Courtney Beth Anderson

Grateful you’re tuning back in to the Magical Midlife Crisis podcast with us, Court & Meg! In this episode, we talk about the impact of food on our mood & overall health. 

As we do, we share our personal experiences on how making cleaner food choices brought us to discover the connection between what we eat & how we feel!

We share parts of our journeys towards a healthier lifestyle in our signature program, "30 Days to Healthier Living." We can’t help but emphasize that by changing our food habits, we were able to overcome physical pain, brain fog, and mood swings. 

- The power of identifying and making healthier choices in our daily lives

- Overcoming chronic pain, inflammation, and mental health challenges through dietary changes

- The magical impact of choosing cleaner protein, prioritizing gut health, and adopting an 80/20 lifestyle

- Mindset and the role of positive thoughts in transforming our relationship with food and our bodies

- The importance of supporting sustainable and ethical companies for a healthier world

Want to have your own discovery on how the mind & body are interconnected? And how food can lead to a more sustainable and vibrant life? --> *** Click here to learn more and/or message us! *** <--

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Tune in to you next time!

Want to have your own discovery on how the mind & body are interconnected? And learn how food can lead to a more sustainable & vibrant life? --> ***
Click here to learn more and/or message us on the 30 Days to Healthier Living! *** <--

Directly connect with Meg: @meg.itate.8itch
Directly connect with Court:
Connect to us both: --- Write to us! We'd love to learn about a magical midlife crisis story of your own or someone you know!

Show Notes Transcript

Grateful you’re tuning back in to the Magical Midlife Crisis podcast with us, Court & Meg! In this episode, we talk about the impact of food on our mood & overall health. 

As we do, we share our personal experiences on how making cleaner food choices brought us to discover the connection between what we eat & how we feel!

We share parts of our journeys towards a healthier lifestyle in our signature program, "30 Days to Healthier Living." We can’t help but emphasize that by changing our food habits, we were able to overcome physical pain, brain fog, and mood swings. 

- The power of identifying and making healthier choices in our daily lives

- Overcoming chronic pain, inflammation, and mental health challenges through dietary changes

- The magical impact of choosing cleaner protein, prioritizing gut health, and adopting an 80/20 lifestyle

- Mindset and the role of positive thoughts in transforming our relationship with food and our bodies

- The importance of supporting sustainable and ethical companies for a healthier world

Want to have your own discovery on how the mind & body are interconnected? And how food can lead to a more sustainable and vibrant life? --> *** Click here to learn more and/or message us! *** <--

If you feel called to it - please 'follow', rate with some stars & share any episodes to spread the magic! Reviews & reflections can be shared here ->

Listening on Apple Podcasts? scroll to the bottom, tap "write a review"

Tune in to you next time!

Want to have your own discovery on how the mind & body are interconnected? And learn how food can lead to a more sustainable & vibrant life? --> ***
Click here to learn more and/or message us on the 30 Days to Healthier Living! *** <--

Directly connect with Meg: @meg.itate.8itch
Directly connect with Court:
Connect to us both: --- Write to us! We'd love to learn about a magical midlife crisis story of your own or someone you know!

Court and Meg here with the Magical Midlife Crisis. This podcast is intended to inspire and support you on your personal journey towards feeling more magic. Breathe, press play, expect real and raw stories and shifts. Come back with your own stories, shifts, and magical light moments through your darkness in your life. Once we pinpoint The mind to search for the magic, the magic will show up. It's just a matter of time. It could be at any moment in the middle of this magical ride we call life. Enjoying this episode. Grab your seat every Sunday. Expect magic. Hey, hey, magical humans, it's Quirt. Okay. So January is coming and we're very excited every January for the last five years. three for me court. Okay. Yeah. So for the last handful of years, we have started January with a food mood program called the 30 days to healthier living. Okay. And we've done it in all different sizes of groups. And this time. we could really have a phenomenal size with all of our awesome magical listeners. So this offer is for you and how do you qualify? Um, we're going to give you a backstory on who we were before we started our 30 days, our magical 30 days. So. Maggie, you go first. Okay, so I was living a lifestyle of unhealthy choices, which led me to being 36 and riddled with constant days of joint pain, brain fog, and migraines. My life was extremely unsustainable. The pain I was secretly embodying was literally consuming my mental health in the darkest of dark. so long, I never connected the dots that food creates your mood. Never knew that. I was literally so fed up, tired of being tired. It was time to put change in action. So I started my journey to a healthier me. Why? Because I no longer wanted to do the following, be a product of the healthcare system. Tell my son, I can't play with you. I have a headache. It got real old. I'll tell you, starting fights with my loved ones because I was in such a dark mental state and always on the defense, not wanting to go places. Cause I was so inflamed and wanted to crawl out of my skin. It was awful adapting healthier choices in my day to day life. I now have the energy to be the best version of myself with confidence and love from the inside out. How about you, Court? I was 34, and I had been smoking cigarettes for 17 years. Uh, I drank wine pretty much every night. I was a TV aholic. I thought I was eating healthy with canned soup and wheat bread sandwiches with veggie meat slices. And had no sense of what I was truly doing to my physical or mental health. So, after my brother died, I wanted to change. I had to tell myself the truth and the truth was, I was choosing to not live a life of health. And it wasn't a size or a weight or an outfit that to change. It was the pain in my body that I was going through. And every day it felt like my body was screaming and throwing red flags at me to change. Like I was heavily addicted to sugar. I would reward myself with whatever sweet treats were hanging out in the dental office. I relied on coffee like three to four cups a day. I had constant gas and bloating and constipation that my gastro doctors told me was hereditary IBS. I had migraines almost every week. I had back acne, back knee, if you know what I'm talking about. I was always irritable, had acid reflux, post nasal drip, I had that weird tightness feeling in my legs I talked about on another episode, and the most extreme moments of insecurity, worry, and anxiety that I always talked about as tornado thoughts. So, for us, we started tweaking meals, getting clean protein in, we learned how gut health works and how it matters, but most of all, We found the community and support that would love us when we struggle to love ourselves. Like when we didn't, quote, feel like it, or we were so busy, or we were always exhausted. Those are the words we would all use, and I know you probably have said them too. So accountability, cleaner food swaps, and the 80 20 lifestyle was the vehicle. That changed the game for us today. We can't believe how healthier food choices have changed what we see on the outside, but on the inside, we feel like our truest, most beautiful selves. So if you want to jump on board our magical 30 days to healthier living train. On January 8th, 2024, click on the link in our show notes to sign up or send us questions or message us for a consult with us, Megan Kort. Choo choo. Choo choo. Hi guys, welcome back to the Magical Midlife Crisis with Meg and Court. We are gonna dive deep into our first 30 days that we did to establish healthier living Lifestyle. Yeah. And how food had the most amazing impact on our mood. So as women, as females, um, obviously we can speak from that perspective more than males. Um, we go through a lot of emotions and I have learned to see it. In the way that it's amazing how many emotions we actually do feel, but sometimes we have these patterns of not expressing them in the most effective way. But, um, when it, when it came to my personal experience with the plan that helped me utilize food to fuel my mood. Um, I noticed the biggest difference. About it was after a week of eating cleaner learning how to eat cleaner um and I really noticed that my I would get triggered in the morning when I would go to the office Or even just on my drive to work or whoever I talked to first thing in the morning. I would get triggered and it would almost be like For hours and hours and hours or the rest of the entire day. I would be in a funk and I hated that About myself, and I honestly didn't know it could be any other way until I would say day nine That's kind of what I remember day nine I was at work and this person that normally put me into like the worst mood It didn't feel like I was stuck in the funk that I normally was I call him like tornado thoughts where I would think about that Interaction over and over and over and it grows stronger each time you think about it, right? Yeah, and and I would I would like just I would now I can look at it and know that I was creating a lot Of that as far as holding on to it But I would blame them for really pissing me off and I I didn't know that that could change So that was like the biggest Realization for me is how food started to really affect my food. And it was my therapist who kind of planted a seed in my head about how food does act as medicine, because I had asked her about all of my patients that were on anti anxiety medications and antidepressant medications. And I was wondering if that was like the end all be all for everyone. And she said. It's a tool and it can absolutely help, but food is also a tool and I, I wanted to try it. So I was really happy to find this plan to learn more about food and nutrition and, and then it opened up like this whole new world for me. Like a passion that I didn't even know that I had. I mean, I was really getting into like healthier living as far as physical working out fitness, but there's a difference between fitness and vitality, like fitness, health, and vitality are three different things. And I think fitness and health is. Like there's so much energy and like vitality, vital life, like feeling alive and living like with purpose. And I, it's crazy how it all just kind of started with this one plan. It was the vehicle. Yeah. Okay. So. Your mood, while introducing new food habits into my life, I'll start off by saying I never knew how severely addicted I was, um, to certain foods. And, um, the more I got into swapping healthier choices in my life. And when I would. Pick up my old habits. I would notice an increase in irritability and, um, yeah, I just, I was extremely addicted at chocolate, fast food, especially during like my menstrual cycle and I don't know about you ladies out there. Cause I don't think any men have their periods from what I think. Um, but I would have probably two weeks up to my period. I would be already irritable headaches, the worst cramps. My boobs were like hurt to touch. And I never even knew that all those cramps and all that was related to inflammation. No clue. Well, it's kind of normalized to feel all of that. I didn't know. I didn't know that was. Right. Exactly what you said. And I, yeah, I never knew it was inflammation, but I always thought that that was normal to feel all of that with your menstrual cycle. Yeah. So literally about three weeks out of every month, my tits would hurt. I would have cramps and I'd be a fucking bitch, like moody. Joel would, Joel would be like, which mega am I going to get today? I'm like, not when you want to talk to, you know, but when I decided to do this healthier living, program, I really realized how food impacts my mood, especially during my menstrual cycle. Cause I believe if I remember, I think I got my, um, like, sorry guys. I think I got my period like three weeks into it, but I honestly, I didn't even like have any symptoms. It was unbelievable. And so now three years later, I. Can now tell the difference depending on how I'm eating that month and it really shows and it's, it's kind of keeps me accountable because I hate having cramps. I hate my tits fucking hurting. I hate it all. Periods are fucking awful. And Yeah. So it's just, if eating cleaner just helps my period, that's enough for me, but sorry. Yeah. So this is, this will be my sixth year when we start in January. Cause we always start January with our, our month of just cleaner thoughts, cleaner, eating cleaner and everything. This will be my sixth year. I have only had cramps. I swear twice in six years. Wow. Like it was so huge of a difference physically, mentally. Um, the irritability was the worst. And I noticed the difference with that, with my triggering, my, my bunk, all of that, that I felt. Um, and Yeah, the physical change. It's, I almost forget what it's like, which is weird to say, because it was horrible before. Well, I could, I could remind you because I usually get one or two bad cycles at the end of the year because I'm eating Halloween candy. I'm indulging in Thanksgiving and Christmas and stress levels are a little higher during those times. So yeah, but I just had cramps like for, for the second time in six years, just recently, because I have been indulging in chocolate. Chocolate is I've been making all kinds of things at home. And then the office that I work in, they have, I mean, healthcare, it's crazy. Healthcare has gets the most amount of treats I've ever seen in an office. And we're supposed to be like mentors for healthy living. And that's just not the case in healthcare offices. Well, Flora, I shouldn't be in healthcare offices either, but that's another topic for another day. But yeah, like food really is mood. Yeah. I can't. I can't, I wish I could explain on such a deep level, but what food has done to my mental health blows my period cramps out of the water. Like fueling my body with the right nutrients, eating foods from all different colors of the rainbow of things that I would never eaten before and feeding my gut the right types of proteins and minerals. And Vitamins and all that. I never really knew the impact that it would do on my, on my brain and my mental health. I remember my mom, like, this was a, a mirror held up for me, but my mom, she would just say like, I know, like, you're really particular about when you eat, cause you get really hangry. Cause I would say that I would label myself with that hangry and I would get very And I feel bad now that I made my mom walk on eggshells around my. My hanger issues, but now I know like that's a drop in your blood sugar and your body is like needing whatever that sugar was that it was living off of so, um, I, I mean, I love learning about gut health and the digestive system. It is literally in charge of these functions in our body. So digestion, obviously. The immune system, 70 percent of your immune system lives in your digestive organs, and the rest is in the lymph system, and we can go on and on about all that we're learning about the lymph system and rebounding these days, Meg and I, um, the metabolism, like when we fuel our good gut bugs. to eat what they're supposed to. They literally release what are called metabolites that drive and run our metabolism. Uh, the other is our cognitions or our mentality and what we're talking about. And then gene expression, which our genes are part of our code and our body or, you know, our body is programmed. Not everyone has the same, like I would talk a lot about gum disease and everyone have, you know, certain people having that gene and inflammation is what turns the gene on. And so if we have inflammation from food that we're eating, genes are turned on for diabetes. Heart disease, Alzheimer's, like all these, all these chronic inflammatory diseases, like they can all now call Alzheimer's. Type diabetes type three. Yeah, it's normalizing it and starting a lot younger age. No. Well, yeah And that's another thing that we learned is all these Diagnoses are it's happening decades before the gene is actually turned on and you have the diagnosis we're all living in inflammation for years and years and years before and The diagnosis happens. So, and you could even turn the gene off. Like they show, if you change your food, you change your movement, you change your habits, you change the people you're hanging out with. You could turn your diabetes type two gene off. Okay. I always try to explain it like a light switch. Yeah. Like if you want to, if you want to turn those genes on, if you want to bring the inflammation, you want to start spiking all your levels, then keep feeding. Keep feeding that light switch all the wrong foods and the things that are processed and have hormones in it. So I am very particular to keep that light switch off because if I get in the habits of not eating clean or steering more towards 70 30, not so 80 20 lifestyle. That's when my arthritis or my joint pain and all that. I'm turning those jeans on your fibro. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So 80, 20 lifestyle. I never knew what that was. Megan. I love it. We live by it. So 80 percent of the time we now know what is a cleaner swap. For foods that we used to really enjoy that are highly, highly processed, basically what they call in wellness, food like substances like they're not food, but we it's packaged crap that we are shoving in our bodies thinking that it's food. Um, so 80 percent of the time, we know a cleaner swap for the food will choose, um, something that is obviously more whole food, right? Uh based and we know restaurants that support it shout out to sweet green because they Fucking they rock when it comes to cleaner options well in sweet green originally was using seed oils and there was a high demand of People the people. Yeah. Um, a viral video went on an Instagram and and when it comes to um like all all different kinds of things that are out there that are controversial uh with different ingredients we we've we've gotten a little obsessive about it but then we've learned like 80 20 20 percent of the time we're going to enjoy ourselves we're not going to stress. the fuck out on what we're eating. We want to stay connected to the people that we're spending time with. We don't want to, you know, separate ourselves and seem like living a healthier lifestyle is. Is disconnecting because it's not like it's actually more connecting. I can't believe how much more connected I am to myself and the bigger picture of life because I've been, because I've learned how to eat cleaner. Yeah. Like I used to be the calorie counter or look at how many. Yeah. I mean, people need to stop counting calories and start reading ingredients. Yeah. Um, and yeah, there's. Like part of the 80 20 lifestyle. I'm not so like, I'm not completely strict on it. Like, you know, I try to stay away from certain things, but it's sustainable though. Right. Right. And I also try to support sustainable companies too. I mean, that is something that I'm very big about is being ethical and sustainable. And, um, I try not to support companies that are against what, what I'm for. But and that that's another cool thing that grew out of us, like just becoming more conscious of what we're putting in our mouths. It's like, Oh, we found certain brands that have these standards. Cool. Like we can see their certifications. Cool. Then we can start looking at other brands that have higher certifications, more ethical. Um, um, missions within the company itself for our clothes, for our houseware products. Like, it's just really cool how, like, I don't know, I, I started to really blame the industries for kind of brainwashing us, but at the same time, they're fueling what we're choosing. So we get to step back into our power as individuals. As humans, especially in America with so many rights, um, I, I just think it's so cool to really feel like you have your word matters and obviously your dollar is supporting your value. Health was not a value for me. Like I had to. Basically learn that with my brother, very suddenly dying. I learned that I wanted, I wanted health to be a value. And like Mike says all the time, health is wealth. Health is wealth. If you don't have your health, you become a victim of the industries that. ruled world right now, but I love to think of how much, how powerful we actually are individually and how we can come together and how we can make these mindful conscious choices, be cleaner, be more conscious, be more connected. Yeah. We're the consumers at the end of the day. So we choose what we support and I choose not to support a lot of those companies. Yeah. And Something that I love to live by is healthy people have a million wishes and a sick person has one wish to be healthy, you know, and it's. I've been in depressive states from food making me in bad moods and, um, and my body's been in terrible fibro flare ups. So I know what it likes to, I know what it's like to feel like fucking shit. Yeah. So I choose not to. When you first told me, like when we first started talking, cause you wanted to learn about the 30 days. to healthy living and you told me how you felt in your daily life. It wasn't every now and then it was like how you, how horrible you were feeling. I just, I couldn't wait for you to feel any different. I obviously was super hopeful that you would feel a change, but Like you, when you started to feel the change, like you exploded into like, just becoming so much more connected to yourself, the higher purpose of life. It was just so cool to see it happen so fast for you. Didn't feel fast. Really? No, I guess when you're living it, I don't know. It was just a lot what's going on in my life at that time, but I'm just grateful to not be in that cycle. And I'm pretty sure my thoughts had a huge impact on the way that I was feeling, you know, that's, I woke up, like Joe DeSpenza says, you're going to wake up and if you look at your phone, you read your emails, you're going to just, you're already going to be programmed to who you are, who you were yesterday. And I'm pretty sure I was in that repetition of okay, like. I've had a tired, you know, got old. Yeah. So how, how many days did it take for you to feel a huge change? Um, two weeks into it, I noticed I always, yeah, it's like that two week marker. Yeah. Once because the first week you're just trying to adjust, you know, getting the rhythm of it. And thank God our supplements and products are easy to take with you. And I'm on the go. Um, but yeah, like the first week was, cause this was all so new to me. I mean, I, the way that I thought eating healthy was getting my favorite McDonald's meal was getting a double or a triplical, triplical, a double or a triple hamburger. With no bun. And sometimes I would get apple slices instead of fries. And I thought that that was me eating healthy. Like I was getting protein on the road. Like. Not really thinking and a lot of other choices like that, you know, even eating like salads when I went out and I know a salad is a way better option, but some of the ingredients and salads aren't the healthiest, but yeah, I would definitely say after I kind of got over. You know, learning what I wanted to eat and stuff like that. About two weeks in, I really kind of noticed like I had more energy. Um, my mind was more clear. I was really in like a brain fog state for months. Like I'd be at work forgetting things I had to do. It was just. Well, I think that's part like the whole everyone, everyone talks about brain fog and you know, laughs about it, makes jokes about it. But I think too, like your body literally doesn't have what it needs to function. And I, I mean, when you're doing the same thing over and over, we're kind of living in just, you know, memory. So there's no. There's no expansion on like things that we could actually learn that's different or new because we're all in the autopilot. We're doing the same thing every day for the most part. So then when you do something new, it starts opening up like new pathways. And then like, not only that, you're giving your body actual fuel. So then you're opening up more pathways. And then obviously we're, you know, having new conversations between us. And it was just like, really just. enlightening to like this, like, who are we? What are we doing? Yeah. And then we kept it going. We kind of got, well, we are, we're addicted to new, we're addicted to doing new things, experiencing new things, experiencing life on a fuller level. Like all this stuff that I never, ever would have. Thought would come from eating a little bit differently, right? Yeah. It's like the vehicle to a whole new version of yourself. What you start tapping into, because once your gut is in better functioning, you're able to process things differently and have a different outlook on things because your brain isn't so. Just cluttered and your confidence is higher and you feel better so you look better and just even by eating better you start focusing on the people around you and your energy levels and it's, it's just amazing how food can literally change your life. Like I always look at my body and my mind, like all of me as a computer, like, do you want to put a virus disc in your computer? Like you know what I mean? Yeah. Like, yeah. Yeah. Or do you want to fill your data bank with a whole bunch of crap that's backed up and going to come and 15 years? You know, no viruses in my computer, please. No, thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And it's cool too. Cause. I am being an earth and nature lover. I got to really see how I really cared about the earth a little bit more than my own body. Like I was really looking at earth as my home and it's like my body is my home. Like that's the one thing that's so consistent. It's like we take sometimes I know. My boyfriend takes really good care of his car. And so I've seen people take such good care of their cars, their vehicles, but like just completely treat their bodies like garbage cans. And yeah, that's what I was doing. I didn't treat my car. Well, I, I treated, you know, I was mindful about like recycling and doing all these things for the earth. And then, man, I I couldn't, it was really kind of sad almost, but now I've forgiven myself because we talked a lot about forgiveness in the last episode and that's one thing I really thought of. I forgave myself for really treating my body so poorly. I never. Really thought that eating well was a form of self love and self respect. Yeah. I always thought that self love was from validation from others. Yeah. I never searched within, never searched in my food pyramid, which that thing is not fucking legit. No, yeah, that is, no, that's a form of, of brainwashing for sure. But yeah, I definitely being friends with you, but I become more compassionate about the earth and have a totally different reflection on it, you know, and we're so connected to it. Yeah. Well, I mean, originally in the modern day world, we're so disconnected from it. I think that's another. It's a whole nother, uh, episode that we could go in on that. Yeah. Um, but I sent out an email to all of our clients about, um, the number one health tip. Did you read that? The, I don't know if I sent the email to you. I don't check my emails. Yes. It's neighborhood. Oh, let me pull it up. But yeah, the, um, the number one health tip that I sent out to everyone Pulling it up is mindset. So any guilt about food or shame about the body or judgment about health are considered stressors by the brain and are immediately transduced into their electrochemical equivalence in the body, which is cortisol. So we could be eating the healthiest meal on the planet. But if we're thinking toxic thoughts about ourselves or other people, like the digestion of our food and absorption of it actually goes down and then the fat storage goes up. So likewise, we could be eating a nutritionally challenged meal, but if our head and our heart are in the right place, the nutritive power of the food could actually increases. So like we've talked about so many times tonight, mind over matter, our thoughts create our reality and we can think ourselves well and we can think ourselves sick and it's all proven by science. That is the placebo effect. Right. And that's something with the 80, 20 lifestyle that took me a while to not feel guilty when I would indulge. Yeah. You know? Right. So it's just a, like we would, and we would talk through it, both of us. Cause I mean, I have a history of eating disorders, so like eating in general just felt guilty for me at times. So, um, like my old brain like felt hunger pain and it was a reward, like good job. You're avoiding the whole eating thing. But it's like I talked to so many women, especially guys do this too, but they avoid eating all day until dinner. And then, you know, we wonder why our metabolisms suck and we have acid reflux and it's, you know, low energy. It's like we've been working all day by not giving ourselves energy. Cramming however, many lack of energy calories at night, going to bed and waking up. And what's the first thing that, I mean, most kids eat before school too. It's like cereal, cereal and milk. And it's like, people don't realize the first thing that you're absorbing or consuming in the morning. It's creating you for a long crappy day of being sluggish. Like I won't for like most days. I won't have Mason eat before he goes to school. I'm like, you're in detox mode, dude. Like let your body just wait until you have lunchtime and eat. You know? Yeah. Yeah. Cause I'd rather have him go to school like a little bit hungry than eating cereal. Yeah. Yeah. Which I try to keep cleaner cereal here, but yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And you gotta like, for us, we meet people where they're at. Like we we've, we've learned a lot every time we do the plan, it's like we're learning a deeper level about our patterns and like what we've connected our emotions to with food. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's just like, it's such a cool way to. Learn more about yourself and learn more about how you can help your family choose healthier and how you can be a better teammate at your work. I mean, it really affects so much of our lives, which makes sense. I mean, come on, like common sense or food. is we is what we are. We, we are what we absorb. We are what we eat. Well, the flaky gut, we, we are what we absorb. That's really it. Yeah. And the toxic shit that's out there, it stores in our fat. So then if people are losing a ton of fat on a diet of some kind, these toxins are still swirling around in the body. So it's all about supporting our natural Ways that our body was designed to freaking heal itself. So support those, those four pathways of natural detoxification. And that is peeing, pooping, sweating, and breathing. Like our body was made to eliminate toxins in those ways. And people are obviously, we're doing those bodily functions, but We're also a lot of, at least, the old me was consuming a lot more toxins than I was eliminating. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Same. Oh my gosh. Same. So yeah, it's, it's cool. It's cool to learn this stuff. It's cool to share it. I'm really stoked for January, January a pop on the healthy living train with us. Yeah. Learn some new healthy habits. And every time I do a new 30 days to healthy living, I always love incorporating new foods that I haven't tried or new fruits or veggies. And I always try to. I eat things like I never would have eaten before like beets, Brussels sprouts, um, tofu, tempeh. Yeah. Like I know it's cool. Yeah. Exactly what you're saying. I really, I learned, and if anyone's seen the new series, the blue zones, I think it's on Netflix. Like the whole plan that we follow is all about a higher quality of life. With diverse foods, because, I mean, think about it when you shop, we have our go tos. We go to the same spots for the same foods all the time. So starting to slowly and curiously expand those foods. okay, um, that's like, we vibrate at a frequency. If you want to vibrate at a low frequency and you want to be on the low vibe of things and then continue eating low vibrational foods, processed foods, like I said, yes, a whole bunch of hormones and antibiotics in your meat, stuff like that. And, or if you want to vibrate at a higher frequency, then indulge in. All of God's foods that are made from the earth and you'll start to really notice a whole shift in your, in your perspective and in your reality. And, and we discovered this because of. Eating cleaner foods, we learned how energy, we are energy, the food we're eating is energy, and when we want to vibrate high, we eat different foods. So, um, get high with us. Vibrational high. Definitely. Do it. Even though marijuana is free, we're talking about vibrating high. Not marijuana is free. Legal. If you grow it. Here in Illinois. Illinois. Illinois. All right. We love you. Magical Midlife Tribe. We're stoked for this next year. Uh, 2024 is where it's at. Get me healthy in 2024. More and more 24. Here we go. Beep beep. Honk honk. Honk to the honk honk. If you made it to the end of this episode, that means you either just appreciate our messy, awkward life experiences, or you're truly up for finding more magic in your life like we are. Definitely tune in every Sunday for more reality shifts that we explore between us and with many special guests that join. If you feel it, please subscribe so you don't miss your seat on our magical earth school bus. Your experience with this show really means a lot to us. So we want to genuinely welcome you to leave an honest review. Your voice matters exactly how it is. You can follow us on social media, check the show notes, and if you really want to get in the action, send us a message directly through our email. We'll connect with you next week.