The Magical Midlife Crisis

Episode 15 - Water Education with Sustainability Consultant Erika Hicks

January 14, 2024 Megan Zdeb & Courtney Beth Anderson, Erika Hicks Season 1 Episode 15
Episode 15 - Water Education with Sustainability Consultant Erika Hicks
The Magical Midlife Crisis
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The Magical Midlife Crisis
Episode 15 - Water Education with Sustainability Consultant Erika Hicks
Jan 14, 2024 Season 1 Episode 15
Megan Zdeb & Courtney Beth Anderson, Erika Hicks

Thank you for 'flowing' back to this podcast, The Magical Midlife Crisis, where we have discussions around the mind, body, and spirit connection, focusing on all levels of holistic living, non-toxic practices & personal awakenings.

Today, we are joined with special guest, Erica Hicks, friend and Water Educator, who has an in-depth understanding of water quality, its impact on health, and holistic living principles!

Erika Hicks is a Water Educator and Sustainability Consultant, teaching women how to leverage the essence of life, WATER, to make an abundant online income. 

Her story starts as an organic baby in the 90s when her mom knew she had to take care of her daughter the best way possible. Erika never grew up with toxic cleaners or products on her family's flower farm, her mom even into homeopathy and holistic health. So when this vitality and life hack of Kangen Water Ionizers came into her life her mom and Erika were blown away. This Mother-Daughter Duo works together to spread this message!

They bring WATER to the conversation on their podcast, Embody A Magical Life, along with inspirational ways to raise your frequency, tap into your feminine, and build your own unique, magical life. Erika's passion for flow from water to energy coincides with her podcast and socials. She could talk about water all day long. Connect with her down below and upgrade your water below!







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Show Notes Transcript

Thank you for 'flowing' back to this podcast, The Magical Midlife Crisis, where we have discussions around the mind, body, and spirit connection, focusing on all levels of holistic living, non-toxic practices & personal awakenings.

Today, we are joined with special guest, Erica Hicks, friend and Water Educator, who has an in-depth understanding of water quality, its impact on health, and holistic living principles!

Erika Hicks is a Water Educator and Sustainability Consultant, teaching women how to leverage the essence of life, WATER, to make an abundant online income. 

Her story starts as an organic baby in the 90s when her mom knew she had to take care of her daughter the best way possible. Erika never grew up with toxic cleaners or products on her family's flower farm, her mom even into homeopathy and holistic health. So when this vitality and life hack of Kangen Water Ionizers came into her life her mom and Erika were blown away. This Mother-Daughter Duo works together to spread this message!

They bring WATER to the conversation on their podcast, Embody A Magical Life, along with inspirational ways to raise your frequency, tap into your feminine, and build your own unique, magical life. Erika's passion for flow from water to energy coincides with her podcast and socials. She could talk about water all day long. Connect with her down below and upgrade your water below!







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Want to have your own discovery on how the mind & body are interconnected? And learn how food can lead to a more sustainable & vibrant life? --> ***
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Directly connect with Meg: @meg.itate.8itch
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Connect to us both: --- Write to us! We'd love to learn about a magical midlife crisis story of your own or someone you know!

This is the magical midlife crisis podcast, we're your hosts, I'm court, a compassion activist, animal lover, nature, nut and entrepreneur in the mind, body, spirit connections. And I met a free thinker with a passion for non toxic living, a dedicated hockey mom and a multi business owner. We are a couple of friends who met through health and heartache. We discovered through our crisis moments, we all have magic within us. This podcast is about awakening to a different perspective and being the creators of our own reality. Every Sunday, you can expect an abundance of stories from all kinds of kinds in their different layers of awakening. We hope you expand your heart and minds and create the shift with us. So unplug from the matrix and tune in to this magical mystery ride. Beep, beep. Honk honk. All right. Welcome back magical humans to the magical midlife crisis podcast. I am court and I'm Meg, and we have a very special friend of mine my Instagram friend. We've never met in person yet. I'm sure that's going to change, but we have Erica Hicks with us and. The way that Erica and I were introduced to each other. I was working with a life coach by the name of Jay Skibbins and we, he and I met on Instagram and then I, we had been talking briefly and he's I just feel like you need to know this lady, the water lady, Erica. And so I'm like, cool, hook it up. So then Erica and I have talked, I don't know, we've I don't know how long we've known each other. I think it's been a couple of years, but yeah. And then we were like, let's get on zoom. And we finally met like face to face and we've just kept in touch. And obviously have supported each other in the world of holistic living and learning and business growing. And I'm just so grateful that you are here with us today, Erica. Yes. Oh, thank you for, yeah, it's such a fun story how we met. And yeah, holistic healing caring about the planet, caring about our bodies. Yeah, we align so much in that way. There's so much for us to cover, but the reason, I thought of you when Megan and I started the podcast, October 22nd, 2023. That's when we started. So only a few months ago. I knew you were one of the people, I don't even know if I, I think I messaged you right away. Hey, we're starting the podcast. You have to be in the lineup. I don't even know how this works. I'm like, yeah. Yeah. Because you've had a podcast for a while but tell us like you're the, you're my water girl. You're the person that I ask questions. So tell us like how you came into being this water resource for so many and how it played out in all these different aspects of where you're living right now and your podcast and all of these awesome things that you're doing. That's a lot, but we'll see how much I can cover without us intermitting and other things. But yeah, I always, I started my story with I was an organic baby. My mom was organic. She's always been holistic. We never had fluorox, Windex, anything in our homes. She realized when she became a mom that her sure responsibility was to keep me alive and keep my dad alive. And we've always been pretty close with the land. I grew up on a farm and then, about four years ago the brand Kong and water came into our lives. And we were shocked that we had no idea about this company because it's been around for 50 years. And it's just, it's not only a drinking water device, but it's also a sustainability device to make cleaning products for your home. Actually, I don't know if you can see, I got cut on my finger. And it was a really bad knife cut and I've just been dipping it into the 2. 5 pH water and it's peeling it like way faster than neocorn or any of those things, but Yeah, when we found out about water my mom, she says that her guide told her to get into water because if you can't tell, and you girls know how many toxins there are in our environment, in our food, in our air, and so we believe that the number one way to really support that is to drink high vibrational water, hydrogen rich water to detox and flush all the cells. Wait, can you guys hear that? Is it like a little bird? No, it's a chainsaw. Oh, no. Okay, good. Okay. All right. That's nice. Sorry. No, it's all good. Okay, you can't see I'm gonna try to figure out how to actually post our videos eventually on our podcast, but Erica isn't sitting in the middle of a jungle where she lives in Costa Rica. So that's why she was asking if we could hear a chainsaw happening in the background. Yes, our neighbors do a lot of everyone just finishing building their houses. So that's what's happening. So cool. Didn't hear that. But yeah, so I'm in Costa Rica in the jungle. And being here too, we're very conscious of the products we use and the water we're drinking. The water is really clean here, but Costa Rica is one of the top pesticide countries, actually. Although it is very sustainable in the green movement with, 90 percent of their energy coming from water, wind, And I think water and wind, mostly solar they're still spraying all of their food here. Yeah, I, we just believe that water is such an incredible element that can help you, get back to homeostasis and get back to feeling really good. And I always like to ask people when they feel most clear. Is when you're hydrated and when you can actually see, right? So it's if we think of the energy of water and where we have water, we hold water up to us. We say, beautiful prayers to our water. Our bodies are 70 percent water. So whatever thoughts we're thinking, whatever we're saying, whatever is in our environment is affecting us. And drinking really high quality water is definitely overseen. And that's what my mom and I thought too. We were like, wow, why didn't we think about this? We've been drinking tap water and mostly well water, but even then, water can be contaminated through the PFAs and the rainwater or through, underneath aquifers. There's lots of ways that your water can be contaminated if it's not from the tap. Yeah, it's been a, it's been a fun journey and being in the business. I love how abundant it is. Water is very abundant and flowing. And so that's also been really cool to build generational wealth and to work with my mom. So I love working with her. Awesome. Yeah. You came into discussion in our last podcast that we haven't published yet, but we were talking about how Meg totally redid her water in her bar that she owns and then her home. Yeah. So I put a whole house filtration system at the bar because at first I had an RO system for my kitchen at home. Then after drinking that water, I went to work and I drank the water off the gun and I wanted to like, Oh, I could taste all the metals. It was just awful. But you don't realize that when you're drinking it all the time, so then I was like, okay, that's when I put a filtration system in for the bar and to make cleaner cooking water and sustainable for all of our equipment. Then I had to do the, do it at my house. So I'm obsessed. I never like really just. I was just thinking about it last night with Joel. I was talking and I was like, Oh my God, all the tap water I used to drink. And he's like, where did that come from? I'm like, I don't know. I'm thinking about water right now, but all the amount of tap water I used to consume, it makes me cringe. So Erica educate us on RO water and, hydrated water. Hy hydrated Hy Hydrogen Rich. Hydrogen Rich. Okay. Yes. So educate us on like the difference, because you have or too Courtney? Yes. It's been like in the plan for too long. Oh, definitely. Okay. I thought you had some system at your house too. Yeah. It's okay. It's about to be put in. It's not there yet. Oh, okay. nice. So yeah, so reverse osmosis water used to be like the number one top notch filtration system and that was because it literally took everything out, right? So even fluoride, fluoride is one of the hardest. Contaminants to take out of tap water. I don't even think there is a single filter that is certified to take out 100%. Wow. Berkey says some things, but they've been in some lawsuits that aren't really good. And then, any marketing on the planet that you can see might say that, just let you know. If it's not NSF approved, which is the na, national Sanitary Foundation, if it doesn't have testing from them, then don't buy that filter whatever brand you're looking at. So that's really important.'cause they also do, third party testing. It's not just the company testing. So that's the point of those certification. And so reverse osmosis water again was like the topnotch thing. The thing about it though. That we've realized over the years now is reverse osmosis takes out everything. So it even takes out the good minerals. So the calcium, the phosphorus, I don't know if that's in there, but calcium is the main one, the magnesium. And let's, maybe fall some things there's like top six and water like if you were in nature water naturally has these minerals in it. So if you're not read mineraling the water when you drink it, it is taking minerals out of your body because attracts so when you're drinking water, it's going to want those minerals in it. And so it's going to absorb them. So it is a great Okay. First step and you can definitely drink that water. I would just be aware if after years or you know If you're part of the you know Get your lab tests from holistic healers or anything to really just make sure that you're getting enough minerals and that your body is still Doing But it, I don't know. Is it better than tap water to drink that and then the contaminants? I'm sure it is. Like you're still in the right direction, having that type of filter. Just be aware. So it's about remineralizing your water. I follow Dr. Barbara O'Neill. She's a holistic naturopath that was kicked out of Australia for helping people heal. through holistic ways of health. But she was explaining that if you're drinking a lot of water it's all about absorbing it. And so if you're not, and you're peeing all the time, that is a lack of sodium. like healthy sodium, like healthy salts that we're supposed to have. We're literally supposed to have sodium in our body. It's one of the electrolytes that actually allows our heart to work to pump everything that needs to happen throughout our body. She recommends when you're, shifting to a holistic lifestyle to actually take some mineral salts. So I'm curious of like what, or what you've learned about like the water that you know, and the water that you help people switch over to and having enough sodium and that kind of thing. Yeah, no, it's, that is such a good point. Again. Yeah. Water naturally has sodium has minerals in it. So I've actually been wanting to play with Celtic. salt. I don't know if you guys have heard that it. Yeah. I've heard on a couple podcasts that actually has more minerals than Himalayan pink salt. So I haven't really. Yeah. You got that? Nice. Yes. Yes. Because a lot of the, a lot of the Himalayan salts are coming from. GMO locations anyway. And so they're unfortunately absorbing the farmland GM, GMO spraying. So it's like you, granted, it's not about being obsessive or, freakish to the point of driving yourself insane about thinking of these different things in your life. But when you get to the point, cause like, When you get to the point where you've lived a cleaner, like an 80, like we don't live the 80 20 lifestyle, you start becoming more aware and so then you have room in your life to think about this one other thing, where your water is coming from, where your salts coming from. So some people are like, how do you figure all this out? And it's it's a, it's an evolution, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's a process, right? You like, unlayer I was a holistic child for my whole life, my whole, a whole kid, and, Thinking about water never came into my life until four years ago. So it is an evolution on what's in your life. How's it affecting you and how you can be more aware. But this is a great lead into electrolyzed reduced water, which is, the marketing name of Kong and water, and it is a medical grade device. So it is the best electric electrolyzed reduced water on the market. So if you're going to search it and do your research, that's what you search. And what this is saying is that it has an electrical charge. As you were discussing about absorption, because this water has electrical charge and it's microflustered, so it has, so water molecules like to bunch up into 20 water molecules. That's when you, so when you drink water, you feel that like sloshiness in your stomach. Like you can feel it in there. That's those big molecules of water. And so your body has to take energy and time to make those smaller so they can actually be absorbed into yourselves. So that's why it's not absorbing ourselves a lot of times, unless it's higher in salt or micro clustered. So what the machine does, the medical machine and it's medical grade device in Japan. They use something called electrolysis. They break the water molecules into eight or seven and they also give it an electrical charge. So it's a free radical scavenger. So you're drinking this water. It's able to absorb into your cells. It actually can go through your blood brain barrier as well. So hydrate your brain, give you that clarity that I was talking about. And then also, take out anything that doesn't serve. So that's where, a free radical is, right? It's something causing havoc in your body. And if you drink something like charcoal or benzonite clay, it can take these free antioxidants, eating blueberries, these things take out free radicals out of your body, but what better simpler choice than to drink water that is an anti oxidant that can also take these things out of your body instead of changing your diet or changing the supplements you're taking, like everyone's drinking water, so why not upgrade it to electrolyzed reduced water so you can really you know, feel your ultimate best and again, get into homeostasis and have that clarity and just feel good in your body. Yeah, I, it is a thing. Absorption of water is a thing. And this machine definitely can solve that. And so can adding Celtic sea salt as well. So Cool. Okay, so you mentioned you cut your finger and you're dipping it in a certain type of pH water, so you can control the acidity or basic ness. I forget the word. Yeah, that's pretty much it, yeah. I think it's acidic and alkaline. Okay okay. Yes. Okay, so tell us about that, like the controlling of the pH. Yeah, so when my mom and I invested into this machine and this business, we our jaws dropped a little bit, it is a 5, 000 investment for one of these things. Health is wealth. And, but the thing that really got us was it wasn't just a water machine. Like we weren't just drinking water from it, a 5, 000 medical grade device. We were actually replacing a lot of our cleaning supplies as well. So we actually were saving money with this purchase because yeah, we didn't buy a neosporin, Windex makeup remover. There's 68 uses, 70 uses that we have for the machine that kind of list out like, Oh, use the beauty water to wash my face or the beauty water to wash, to clean off the mirror and the windows. So there's there's seven different waters. And so you drink three of them. And then the other four, you don't drink. I was just, yeah, sorry. You drink five of them. Anyway, it doesn't matter. There's different pieces. And so there's a beauty water within a 6. 0 piece, which is actually the piece of your skin. So we see, we've seen all those ads, right? People are just filtering their tap water and their skin is clearing up by washing their face with clean water. So that's the main thing. Now imagine if it was the right pH, it's also helping with anti aging. Then there's the 11. 5 water, which is super alkaline. This one is for the makeup remover. So it's an oil emulsifier. I also put it in my laundry. I still use a little bit of laundry detergent, if I'm going to be honest. I did not use any for the first two years, but now I'm it's a really potent water actually can get the fibers to start to create holes and stuff. So you don't want to use too much of it. Cause it's so potent, but so I use that as laundry detergent cause it's breaking down the oils. It's really high alkaline. So it can actually absorb and can, and Not connect, but yeah, I guess connect to the oil. So like you can literally put oil and 11. 5 together and it mixes. It creates like a cloudy mixture, which is insane. Yeah. And then. So you're just changing the pH. You're not adding anything like as far as like the cleaning solution, the laundry water. It's not, you're not adding anything. You're just controlling the pH. Just controlling the pH and they're already pre made buttons. Cool. And they, so you can't like, which pH do I want, it has the pH. So the 11 doesn't have additives. Now the 2. 5 does have an additive and it is salt water. So it's mixing it's adding the electrical charge, adding some salt water. And creating a 2. 5 pH water, which is known as hypochlorous acid. And so the thing about it though, is that it only lasts about two weeks. So it has to come out of the machine. And so what, that's what I did is I got a little cup and just kept dipping my finger in it throughout the day and letting it heal. I literally did this two days ago. And I'm really impressed. I spray it on burns on when you're in the kitchen. It doesn't bubble up at all. The burns never bubble with the 2. 5 pH. And the reason for this is because our body, our cells inside of our body actually create hypochlorous acid and they create it to fight off pathogens. So when we're spraying it on our skin, we're spraying it on pathogens. wounds, our body can read it and it can activate the healing process a lot faster. Yeah, it is. That's what I mean. So when I like started doing more research and learning more about this machine I was just like, wow. Yeah. Like this investment is honestly cheap for everything that it's given me. And it does. And it does last you 26 years, this purchase. So that's longer than a car. That's awesome. Wow. Okay. So yeah you have it. You just moved to Costa Rica, right? Yes. So around you guys. Congratulations. Cause when I first met you and I was like looking at your YouTube videos, cause you're really into like tarot cards And reader readings and I'm like, this is so cool because I knew nothing about it, but I was interested. But I remember you saying how you're manifesting moving to Costa Rica. So I'm just so happy that you're there and we're in the same time zone. How cool is that? I know, right? I know. Now that you had me thinking, I feel like we met in 2020 probably. That's when I was doing that, those things. And yeah, Costa Rica came into our lives around then. Okay yes. So then what have you take? Did you take? Your machine from where you lived and just brought it with you. Yep. So yeah, it's in my kitchen right now. I actually usually fly with it wherever I go. I'm a water snob now. I don't drink any other water if possible. Yeah. Yeah. Awesome. You're understanding, right? Yes. You just, yeah, just changed your water so you can tell the difference. But what we went through I know you had your your company conference in Vegas, right? So us too, and we bought all, like a huge box, a huge case of glass water filtered spring water, whatever it was. But I'm like this, that would make so much more sense to bring our own machine and not even worry about buying massive boxes of glass spring water. Yes, at least it was glass. So you're doing something right there, but yeah, at our conference, it was so funny because yeah, a couple people had machines in the hotel room. So we don't fill up and made sure we had our water and. And it's just like a nice conversation starter, too. It's oh, what is that? People are always like, my mason jar, is it moonshine? Or is it, making jokes? I'm like, no, actually, let me tell you about what's in here. But yeah, we moved to Costa Rica in October. And yeah, it's been really great. We're building our house in February. So the designs are complete. And I'm not fully full time in the business, but I'm still building it and building, business partners with the, water ionizers and, yeah, Ryan and I love it down here and it's just really great weather. We're closer to our food. The water actually only has a little bit of chlorine in it. So luckily the Kong and water machine does filter chlorine. It does have a very small filter in it. And yeah, just been drinking the water here. Not too worried about showering. Although that's another topic. We could go a whole. Rabbit hole in of showering water. Yeah, actually lets,'cause I was gonna ask it like what your machine hooks up to Exactly.'cause I, I remember seeing a video, I don't know if it was on your Instagram or YouTube of your shower machine. Oh. Yes. Yeah, my company and magic, they also sell, it's called, Oh, shower remineralization machine, and it's a filter. And so it's filtering out all the bad stuff, the lead, the chlorine whatever else is on the list and pharmaceuticals, and then it is remineralizing it with Specific minerals from Japan. So the company is hosted in Japan. And so they have three minerals, like two, two, five, Mick and some other stone that is actually in the. In there. And so you're also remineralizing your skin and your hair with these like hot spring minerals from Japan. And then I also do have another really affordable like 50 chlorine only shower head. filter that, people take when they travel because it's really easy to just screw on in the hotel room or something and you're at least not getting the blast of chlorine on your skin because the one thing that is actually people don't realize is not just your skin and like it coming on to your skin, it's when we all take hot showers is like you're breathing in the core form of the core, whatever it is, the chlorine that's heated, you're breathing into your lungs. And there's actually a couple of stories in our community where How people found the water was their kids or one of the, one of them, their kid got lead poisoning from the baths and it's because her house, had old lead piping, that is a really, that is something that, you know, like when I lived in Colorado, Denver, Colorado, such an old city, the infrastructure had lead paint all inside of these. And so you're getting contaminated water. I'm pretty sure. The city of Denver sends filters to people because they can't drink their tap water, but they're not thinking, Oh I can't drink my tap water. Maybe I should look into showering in it. It just. We're like the holistic view and the holistic everything is connected is really, coming up now and more than ever these years coming and I think it's important to talk about and it's amazing that it's happening to where we're coming back to connecting to Earth. Like really, I think there's a massive shift and new earth, baby. Yes. Bring me to the new earth. Oh, what did you make me think of? Oh, like how you're mentioning the breathing in of water. And then, our skin absorbs so much, not all of what's put on it, but so much of what's put on it. And so it's like the thought of. Like just changing your water if you change nothing else, how massive that is that's awesome. I've noticed a huge difference in my hair and my skin alone. Like I even put before I got a house system, I put like a little one on my faucet and then I did it like the shower head and I noticed a difference from that, but now it's even a bigger difference. Yeah. And I have a question for you. So my RA does re mineral, how do you say it? Remineralize? Re mineral. I can't say it. Remineralize. You say it. Okay, nice. That's perfect. So it does, but is there a way that I can test it to see like the level of all the minerals? Yes, because it does. Put everything back in that I need is there any, is it necessary for me to test it? It is an NSF approved. Yeah. Yeah. So I think it's like TDS is like the total dissolved solids and water is something that they, you can measure. I'm not really sure on how you can really measure that. I haven't really done that before, but there might be something out there. I know you can get like strips of for content testing of water, or maybe there's like strips you can buy from minerals. And you dip it in the water for 30 seconds, take it out, look what color it is. And they'll tell you like what percentage of minerals are in the water. So there might be something like that. You can definitely see what type of minerals or maybe on your website of whoever you're buying it from, they might have a list of minerals too. So you can also just see what's going in your water. Okay. And then like when you and I first started talking, it seemed like the, another big difference with the water that you work with and the machine is that it. It puts hydrogen, right? It increases the hydrogen in the water? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. So if we, water is hydrogen and oxygen. Yeah. So it is two hydrogens, one oxygen, so three molecules. And so what the machine is doing through electrolysis is when it's splitting the molecules into smaller microclusters. It's activating that hydrogen. You can buy hydrogen tablets. There's like hydrogen water bottles now. Which I'm like, I don't know. It seems sketchy. And the tablets. Same with alkaline water. It's just, it's a joke. Really. That does not change the pH of your body. It's been, it's, I, with Dr. Gary, or he's not a doctor, but Gary Brucko, we follow, and he's that is one of the biggest hoaxes with the marketing strategy of telling people that their water. His alkaline and that's making your body alkaline. He's you will alkalinize your body. If you walk out side bare feet and touch the earth, like way more than a water, than a bottle of alkaline water. And I was like, Oh, that, that's so scientific, and that's why, I love what you do because there's so much science behind what you do. And so it brings science and nature. And we're all about that because it really is about. Becoming aware and then taking action with connecting back to earth and so many layers in this modern day world. Yeah, exactly. So there's a couple ways I could go in this conversation, but I'm going to go this way real quick is, so the way that this machine actually was invented was that they The company wanted to look at all the blue zones in the world and see what type of water they're drinking. And so they looked at the water, they looked at the structure, it was hexagonal, it was hydrogen rich, we even had electrical charge because they were literally getting it from a spring. From nature. So and a spring, which I just found out from the earth is actually coming from the center of the earth. So I don't think it would be as contaminated, but it still might be just because of the aquifers and things. So if you're like collecting spring water, but anyway, they observed the water and then they created this machine. Lourdes, France, which is like healing water. It's like that water. I can't claim that this water will kill you. There's, medical disclaimer of any of this, but, their objective was in their motto is change your water, change your life. And there's been so many scientists about it of that nature, adding the hydrogen, living water, collecting water so many stories that you can find. But then to touch on the alkalinity, All these water, bottled water companies are just adding baking soda. They're just adding baking soda to the bottled water so it looks alkaline. So it actually does read as a 9. 5 pH, but is it actually 9. 5 pH? No, it's just a chemistry project where the machine I'm using is doing it electrically. And the pH stands for potential hydrogen. So the higher the pH, the higher the hydrogen, the lower the pH. Lower the hydrogen. So that's also why, it's a free radical scavenger. It's that hydrogen molecule that is in the micro cluster that is, moving around and able to cling to the oil or cling to the free radicals in your body. So yeah, it's. Alkaline water is definitely, and that's not the set, like the scale or whatever of our machine, it's like, it's actually, it's more that it's micro clustered, hydrogen rich, and has electricity in it, because we're all drinking also dead water in some instances. Yeah, lots of good points. And I love the study with, I don't remember his name, the study better than I do as far as like speaking into the water, the, yes, Dr. Imoto. Yes. Imoto. Thank you. So yeah. You can watch it. Yeah. So you can watch the secret of water. I think that's his movie pretty sure it's free on YouTube if you want to check it out. Excuse me. But he just did these tests where you would. And that's how I started the podcast was, you, if you drink your water and I do this as much as possible when you send intention, you send frequency of love and healing and your intentions and your goals into the water. It restructures itself and, doing that with structured water, it's amplifying that it's already structured. So now it has this also intention. So Dr. Emoto, he. And he had people do, loving things and hating things. And he took photos of the ice crystals, the snowflakes, after the water was frozen. And he realized how beautiful the loving intentions were and how ugly and like dysmorphic the hatred water molecules were. So it is an element just like the earth and, I don't know about the wind and fire, but at least the earth and the water, I feel like, are like, have a consciousness about them. I'm sure they do too, but that are receiving our energy and participating. And our lives more than, any other things out there, any physical things. So the elements are really important. And again, your thoughts are rippling through your body, which is 70 percent water. Your brain is 83 percent water. Your your blood is 94 percent water. So it's like these people that are dehydrated or sluggish or, mental clarity is gone. And all these things like water would. The right type of water, the right type of water would help so much in your health journey and wherever you're at. So good. I know it's so funny to me because my grandparents never drink water. And I remember when they were like at the end of their life and my mom was like, you gotta stay hydrated, which, years of dehydration, like how much can you actually hydrate? They would take a sip and they're like, okay, it's just and I don't and that was before I started any kind of health journey at all. But I saw that I remember seeing my mom stress, that's my grandparents and how resistant they were. And it just made me think because I wasn't really drinking much water then wine was my drink of choice at that time and we all know how much alcohol dehydrates us and I love how you said how your water clusters break the blood brain barrier because I mean what better way to manage a detoxification of alcohol than drinking some really hydrogen rich water. Just going to say that. Good job. But it just, I think that's when I started to get seeds planted into me. What am I choosing? What am I not choosing? And you're it's such a, you're so right when you said like the business that you're in of water is so abundant. It's flowing. I just, I love it. I love it. And it's just. So good to know you. Yeah, I, oh yeah. I just wanna make one comment about the old people thing because it is so true. I, yeah. I literally, it's like all old people drink diet pop. Oh yeah. Yeah. They, or my grandparents drink like diet iced tea and I'm just like, but that makes no sense. And I think. I just think it's a habit. Honestly, I think it's a habit that they just didn't like stick to and then when they got older, they're like, Oh, I see, or even the taste of water. Like you is Meg, right? Yeah. Yeah. Meg was saying like the taste, like the reason people aren't grabbing for water is because their body is telling them, no, I do not crave chlorinated water. No, I do not crave contaminated water. I don't reach for that. So I'm going to reach for those. Scorched drinks and that coffee and that I see because those things taste good to me where my water I'm drinking doesn't taste good and it's not even like a thought It's more just like a thing that happens to people until you become aware of wow Yeah, I was drinking that water for all these years So yeah, Alzheimer's that all the so much research on electrolytes reduced water Helping with those types of illnesses For old people. So yeah, we're not going to be old people that aren't drinking water. We're going to drink our water hydrogen rich my plumber He works on big jobs in the city and he has shown me very terrifying photos of What the pipes look like I got really sick with the neurovirus and i'm blaming it on the sediment filter Like i'm I honestly because I don't know where else I would have gotten sick from I was you know I'm, just blaming it on the water My dad, he explained to me, he's yeah, you can get strep throat. You can get coronavirus. You can get if there's a live virus in your water. And I was like, I just, yeah, things I never, yeah. Two things on that. One, if you have a healthier environment within you, it can withstand different bacterias and viruses for everyone out there who's getting sick all the time. Consider, clearing out your water, clearing out some, shitty foods that aren't serving you. There, there's so much that can be done to support your immune system. And number two, I don't know that I'm going to remember, but Oh, about the the look of the pipes, like our city is old to Chicago. Like just imagine and how the, you mentioned and Meg mentioned this, and I heard this before pharmaceuticals, medications. That are not being filtered out of our medication of our water and we are absorbing like I'm not Antimedications, I'm definitely not they're a tool and if they help you like I'm all for it in your journey of healthy living But I am NOT one to take them. I am one to look for the option to help my body support my own system of helping me heal. And so I don't want medications. You don't want to shower in other people's medications. In my water. Oh, it's so true. It is crazy. It's and unfortunately the government, what they're doing is just putting more chlorine in our water and not even filtering the pharmaceuticals really. And honestly, if they were doing something, you still need a filter at your house because from the water treatment plant. To your home, it's still traveling into this old infrastructure. So even if their town is doing an amazing job, because believe me, when I brought water to Colorado, we get our mountain water from, from the Rockies and it is clean and I'm like, we have agriculture, we have, old people, like you just said, with. Pharmaceuticals going into the, waste, there's lots of things. It's not just like pumping up from the mountains and you're getting it directly unless you go and collect it, which takes a lot of time and energy. So that's a really great, yeah. Great point. And I know I, and I do also, I have the ionizer, but we always preface that you should have a pre filter with the ionizer because the ionizer is giving you that healthy. Hydrogen rich micro cluster water. It's not a filter. So we do offer another, a filter that takes out 93 contaminants, like the ones you were saying, lead it's a carbon filter, so it's not reverse osmosis and you can put it under your sink or on your counter. And those are a lot more affordable for you to start, if questioning your water. Cause the other thing too, I wouldn't buy, I would not fill your gallons up at the grocery store either. Because. Where is that water coming from? I don't know. Like it's just delivered there. Okay. And then it's stored in plastic. So that's another thing. So like my boyfriend and I We really think about, trying to store what we need in case of anything happening, so we've talked about this, like, how do we store our larger amounts of water in case of anything, happening to, the world out there that I just connect from as much as I can. But yeah. Now you're in Costa Rica, so you have a different you have another resource for your water. But for those that are living in cities and suburbs have you thought about, like, how to store your water? I think The one I haven't thought about. So I'm pretty positive and optimistic about it all. I really don't know if we would ever anything would really, I'm not a prepper. I don't know. So my mindset isn't to that, but it is important to think about. So thinking about it, that's where The Berkey could be a good idea because you can just filter it right away my water company filter company that I work with also has the end of the world filtration system that doesn't You need electricity because that's the main thing with the Berkey is like there's no electricity. It's a gravity filter oh, that's and Yeah, my needs electricity my the other filter the kangen water and the multi pure filter need electricity to pump the water through okay The thing so honestly, I haven't really thought about it, but I know people have Here the water has been turned off because it is a community and it's been building and so people yeah plastic is the only option in that aspect I don't know you're gonna have to keep me updated court on that one Yeah. I'm definitely more on the mindset of you. And just we'll figure it out. No, like we're, I'm in, we're both in the now let's be now let's be now and now. But I know for those that are in the, I hadn't heard that. That's exactly how he is a prepper. It's yeah. And that's. For all of those out there, it's all about your mindset and it's where you live and where you visit in that mindset. But this has been just such a, an expansive conversation and I'm so happy that it lined up and the universe allowed the spot in our calendars to open and unite. Hey, where can people find you for all your water resources and offers? Where can people connect with you, Erica? Yeah Instagram is probably the best way to connect. It is the at sign thirsty dot f o r So if you're super spirit, and then we do have a podcast on YouTube called embody a magical life that you can also find a lot of our links and connect with my mom and I there. So it's that's where you can find me. Thank you so much for having me today. Thank you. I will put your links in the show notes as well. And thank you so much for Being with us and swirling in your, in our energy. I really, I know, I've been looking forward to this. If you made it to the end of this episode, that means you either just appreciate our messy, awkward life experiences, or you're truly up for finding more magic in your life like we are. Definitely tune in every Sunday for more reality shifts that we explore between us and with many special guests that join. If you feel it, please subscribe so you don't miss your seat on our magical earth school bus. Your experience with this show really means a lot to us. So we want to genuinely welcome you to leave an honest review. Your voice matters exactly how it is. You can follow us on social media, check the show notes, and if you really want to get in the action, send us a message directly through our email. We'll connect with you next week.