The Magical Midlife Crisis

Episode 18 - 30 Days to Healthier Living Recap

February 04, 2024 Megan Zdeb & Courtney Beth Anderson Season 1 Episode 18
Episode 18 - 30 Days to Healthier Living Recap
The Magical Midlife Crisis
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The Magical Midlife Crisis
Episode 18 - 30 Days to Healthier Living Recap
Feb 04, 2024 Season 1 Episode 18
Megan Zdeb & Courtney Beth Anderson

Beep Beep! Honk Honk! Flying through your airwaves once again! Thanks for turning your personal wifi to sync up with us - You Are AWESOME!

In this episode, we discuss our third week on the 30-day journey to healthier living. Our conversation addresses the challenges of the first week such as sugar and gluten withdrawals, the importance of community and accountability in lifestyle changes, and the benefits of making healthier eating choices. We emphasize the need to be mindful of our future selves, equating our bodies to banks that receive deposits which impact future health. We emphasize the detrimental health effects of genetically modified foods, especially for children. Our next health round of the 30 Days to Healthier Living starts on February 5th - YOU are invited if you’re ready for a health shift!

00:20 Recap of the First Week of 30 Days to Healthier Living

00:31 The Impact of Diet on Physical and Mental Health

04:10 Overcoming Challenges and Staying Committed to Health Goals

04:51 The Importance of Community and Engagement in Health Journeys

07:14 The Power of Mindset in Achieving Health Goals

08:26 Testimonials and Success Stories from the Health Journey

13:06 The Importance of Clean Nutrition and Conscious Eating

19:38 Looking Out for Your Future Self: Health as an Investment

22:29 Understanding Organic and Non-GMO Foods

25:13 The Benefits of Whole Foods and Clean Ingredients

26:33 Invitation to Join the Next Round of 30 Days to Healthier Living

27:18 Conclusion: Embrace a Healthy Lifestyle

Want to have your own discovery on how the mind & body are interconnected? And learn how food can lead to a more sustainable & vibrant life? --> ***
Click here to learn more and/or message us on the 30 Days to Healthier Living! *** <--

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Want to have your own discovery on how the mind & body are interconnected? And learn how food can lead to a more sustainable & vibrant life? --> ***
Click here to learn more and/or message us on the 30 Days to Healthier Living! *** <--

Directly connect with Meg: @meg.itate.8itch
Directly connect with Court:
Connect to us both: --- Write to us! We'd love to learn about a magical midlife crisis story of your own or someone you know!

Show Notes Transcript

Beep Beep! Honk Honk! Flying through your airwaves once again! Thanks for turning your personal wifi to sync up with us - You Are AWESOME!

In this episode, we discuss our third week on the 30-day journey to healthier living. Our conversation addresses the challenges of the first week such as sugar and gluten withdrawals, the importance of community and accountability in lifestyle changes, and the benefits of making healthier eating choices. We emphasize the need to be mindful of our future selves, equating our bodies to banks that receive deposits which impact future health. We emphasize the detrimental health effects of genetically modified foods, especially for children. Our next health round of the 30 Days to Healthier Living starts on February 5th - YOU are invited if you’re ready for a health shift!

00:20 Recap of the First Week of 30 Days to Healthier Living

00:31 The Impact of Diet on Physical and Mental Health

04:10 Overcoming Challenges and Staying Committed to Health Goals

04:51 The Importance of Community and Engagement in Health Journeys

07:14 The Power of Mindset in Achieving Health Goals

08:26 Testimonials and Success Stories from the Health Journey

13:06 The Importance of Clean Nutrition and Conscious Eating

19:38 Looking Out for Your Future Self: Health as an Investment

22:29 Understanding Organic and Non-GMO Foods

25:13 The Benefits of Whole Foods and Clean Ingredients

26:33 Invitation to Join the Next Round of 30 Days to Healthier Living

27:18 Conclusion: Embrace a Healthy Lifestyle

Want to have your own discovery on how the mind & body are interconnected? And learn how food can lead to a more sustainable & vibrant life? --> ***
Click here to learn more and/or message us on the 30 Days to Healthier Living! *** <--

If you feel called to it - please 'follow', rate with some stars & share any episodes to spread the magic! Reviews & reflections can be shared here ->

Listening on Apple Podcasts? scroll to the bottom, tap "write a review"

Tune in to you next time!

Want to have your own discovery on how the mind & body are interconnected? And learn how food can lead to a more sustainable & vibrant life? --> ***
Click here to learn more and/or message us on the 30 Days to Healthier Living! *** <--

Directly connect with Meg: @meg.itate.8itch
Directly connect with Court:
Connect to us both: --- Write to us! We'd love to learn about a magical midlife crisis story of your own or someone you know!

Courtney, thank you so much for being so persistent and following up with me. I'm joining this round of 30 days. I'm finding it so motivating and I've already lost five pounds. And I'm so grateful to you and everyone that I've met so far and all the new healthy ideas I'm taking with me. There's no doubt in my mind that I am healing from my back injury in a better way, consuming all of these healthy and clean and powerful ingredients. Once I am in less pain and I have even more motivation to start venturing into more cooking and a workout routine, I cannot wait to see and feel the results. This is the magical midlife crisis podcast, where your hosts, I'm court, a compassion activist, animal lover, nature, nut and entrepreneur in the mind, body, spirit connections. And I met a free thinker with a passion for non toxic living, a dedicated hockey mom and a multi business owner. We are a couple of friends who met through health and heartache. We discovered through our crisis moments, we all have magic within us. This podcast is about awakening to a different perspective and being the creators of our own reality. Every Sunday, you can expect an abundance of stories from all kinds of kinds in their different layers of awakening. We hope you expand your heart and minds and create the shift with us. So unplug from the matrix and tune in to this magical mystery ride. Beep, beep. Honk honk. Court and Meg here. The convenient Queens of 2024.. Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? I mean, how many times have you heard that before? I know I've heard it a million times, but I lived it. And so did Courtney. Are you tired of feeling your life is too busy and too hectic and crazy to instill healthy habits into your life? I thought that exact same thing and I'm pretty sure Courtney did too. Oh yeah. Well, let me tell you, we have just the system in place to help you instill healthier habits into your daily hectic life. So this is what worked for us. and it's your discovery, but we have had such an amazing last month with our 30 day to healthy living group and If you are ready to try something different because nothing is working for you, this has worked for us for the last, for me, the last five years, for Meg the last, three years. It's all about, as everyone knows, becoming aware, and then you get inspired, and then you get motivated, and then you take action, but then life This gets lifey. So there's a missing link to lasting change. Everyone wants to feel their best health is wealth. Meg says it all the time. Health as wealth. Health really as wealth. If you don't spend the time now to invest into yourself, you're going to spend the time, money and doctor appointments later. So do it now. Do it now. We will help you. we're running another 30 days to healthy living. Right on the backside of this 30 days we just started. So it'll be 60 days for lots of peeps. They're super stoked. We're stoked. We feel amazing. We felt like crap after the holidays. And now We feel amazing. Come on the track with us. The GI track, baby. Choo choo! Beep beep. Hey, welcome to the Magical Midlife Crisis. Meg and Court. What's up? We are three weeks in. Three weeks, right? On our 30 days to healthier living. Yeah, we're in the third week. Middle of the day. Yeah, today's hump day. So yeah, we're in the middle of the third week of our 30 days. And then let's do a recap. So the first week was challenging for me. I know it was. How about for you? Um, that I realized, I mean, this is, I live this lifestyle pretty much 10 months out in the year. So like November, December, I just let loose and let go and eat a lot of sugar and eat a lot of gluten. And my, um, digestive system is. So happy when I get back into anti inflammatory foods and moods. Um, so yeah, the first week it was all about feeling like my body was regulating because sugar and gluten make me inflamed. They make my mind chaotic, they make my GI stopped up, um, just in general I feel flabby and yucky. Yeah, so the first week was a little, like I was so happy to be back because I knew it was coming and I always enjoy it and I always like look forward to it, the relief of just the cycle and the pattern of just choosing sweets and processed food. Um, but okay, like we have said, we are convenient people. We eat processed food, um, 30 days. We just have learned what's cleaner and to look at your ingredients. Yes. So your first week, my first week was rough, um, as you know, but obviously not all of you listening. Now I had a relapse with my medication and that was. Very hard, um, on my mental health, um, but finally got that regulated probably within the second week, but, um, yeah, I was definitely having withdrawals. I was having the headaches, um, assuming from sugar and gluten, everything else that I was consuming. Cause like you, I live this lifestyle probably nine months out of the year, you know? And, um, yeah, my body was definitely withdrawing, like craving things. And I don't think a lot of people. Realize when you have a headache or your body's going through something, it's literally giving you signals. It's telling you something, you know, so I've actually fought through it because I didn't want to start taking a bill. I just wanted to fight through it, you know, and, um, but finally the headaches subsided after a couple of days, but yeah, that's what we learned in Duke by doing this over time and hanging around people that have been doing this even longer than us. We've learned like, Oh, that's our body telling us something. So now we know to listen and to, like, know what to work around and lean on each other. Yeah, we talked a lot that last week. Yeah, and people in the group, because we've got people who have done this before and are going next level for whatever their goals are. And then, um, and newbies that are brand new to the whole anti inflammatory Lifestyle because it's really what it is. It's getting rid of some inflammation feeling Way better. Okay. So second week. How'd you feel? Um, I felt good. I felt like I started to get in the pace of things um Yeah. Like honestly, the second week is kind of a blur to me. I don't even, well, you did have that car. Oh yeah. I got you into a, I had a car thing that happened. You can listen to the previous episode about that one. But, um, yeah, I haven't had a car, so I wasn't able to go grocery shopping and, you know, the old me would make excuses, oh, well because of this, or. whatever reasons that I couldn't obtain the things that I needed. I've been just, I was drinking more protein shakes than in the past, but I love our protein. So no complaints here. Yeah. But yeah, third week I'm feeling, I'm feeling alive, full of energy, like accomplishing things. Just really my mind body connection is very coherent right now. And that's what I love about the, the plan, number one, but also the people involved, because if. So many people try to change something, but if you're not surrounding yourself with people with the same goals, you're, we literally will not succeed. Like, we are the people that we spend the most time with, engage with the most. So even though our group is virtual, like, we are engaging, and the people who are engaging the most are getting the most out of it. Yeah, I used to be the person that would sit in the back row and not engage. So I would leave every classroom, every room, whatever was in empty because I never engaged in anything. So I never obtained any knowledge or wealth from what I should have been learning. So it's, it's cool to be a part of the journey where I am now to be a contributor and to engage and you know, yes. Like you, it's so good to break away from those patterns and it's scary because I also was the same where I would sit in the back of anything. Even virtual groups of some kind. I would just be the observer. I would observe. I would like feel. I was a part of it in a way, but since I wasn't really taking part, I just would take some stuff out of it, but nothing would last because I wasn't putting real energy into it. Exactly. So when exchanging it, exchanging energy. Yeah. Yeah. Um, yeah. Who you surround yourself with is huge. And I love the modification we've made over the years to really focus on the mindset more than like being super strict with. Like, there's inflammatory foods, and we're taking a break from them. Like, we're taking a break from gluten and sugar for me. I'm still having fruit, and I'm still having, um, processed foods that are on the cleaner side, that do have some sugar in them, but I'm mindful. I'm not like, like the holidays, just shoving cookies and Right. You know what, you know what you're eating, what it's made out of, what flour is being used. I'm looking at the ingredients. Yeah. Yes. So yeah, it's really, like you said, just being more aware. Well, and I think really with our group this first month, I think it is amazing that our mindset is being talked about so much because People think that your, your cravings come from like withdrawing or whatever, but everything really, everything in our life is our mindset, everything. So once you can really tackle your mindset, everything else kind of just falls into place and it's a lot easier. And for some people, it's easier than other people. For me, it's taken me a journey to get here. Well, yeah, kind of like that whole, you know, the field covered by snow. Like, we've had all of these snow tracks in our mind go down a different route for so long that when you start walking on a different path that's literally never been walked on, it takes time to, like, build it enough. But if you have people walking next to you, that path deepens so much faster in your, in your literal mind, your, your neuroplasticity, that we have the ability to change our fucking brain patterns. I want to give a shout out to Abby. She Wrote me a text and it's just, it's so cool. This is our first time going through 30 days. And she said, Courtney, thank you so much for being so persistent. Cause I am, I'm a, and many of my friends know I am persistent. When I know this can make a difference for you, you're going to hear from me. Courtney, thank you so much for being so persistent and following up with me. I'm joining this round of 30 days. I'm finding it so motivating and I've already lost five pounds. And I'm so grateful to you and everyone that I've met so far and all the new healthy ideas I'm taking with me. There's no doubt in my mind that I am healing from my back injury in a better way, consuming all of these healthy and clean and powerful ingredients. Once I am in less pain and I have even more motivation to start venturing into more cooking and a workout routine, I cannot wait to see and feel the results. Oh, awesome. So happy for her. Cause I have. I love you, Abby, but I have been on her for a few years now because I just knew this would make a difference for her yeah, cause as far as like the convenience factor, I feel like that's what stops a lot of people like, this is, I don't know, Joe called it like holistic living for beginners because we're learning holistic means like us as a whole, we're a whole person. We're not different parts. We're trying to bring all the systems back to working together. When all these things that our body's telling us, like headaches and joint aches and diarrhea, constipation, it's like telling us that our systems aren't working together, hormones aren't working together, and there's too much inflammation. So, I think what's the coolest about this system is how convenient it is, and how it gives you time. It like fills in the gaps, and it gives you time to learn. What the, what the choices are, like, what really are our choices? We all think that we're stuck in doing these certain things before. What I love about this system, like, I honestly think it's the coolest fucking thing is you simply just buy your, you buy your products and you have free coaching accountability. Yeah. Like that to me. It's just incredible. Yeah. Like, really, that to me, it's the community, like, It's the, it's the massive value. I've looked it up doing other programs, and I'm like, Oh, in order, then I have to have, I have to pay a membership, or whatever, for accountability. I have to pay for a coach, and it's kind of like, Why? I mean, I get it, though, but, Yeah, sure. But, like, That's why I love this so much. That's why so many, um, Traditionally trained, like, doctors, nurses, therapists, They are actually consultants in this and they know, they know holistic health is all about community as the first ingredient because if you don't have your people helping you along your path, we're, we will all fail. Yeah. And it's so funny because like before, like in my old life, before all this goodness came to me. I would not ask for help. I would think that I have to do things alone. I would, I would shut off away from people and like think that I have to figure my shit out by myself when really I was just. Failing even harder, right? Instead of like getting over myself and talking about whatever my issue was and asking for help and connecting to people. Yeah. Yeah. It's just like, we're all struggling. Yeah, really. But this group to me, it's just like, it's An abundance of just free education. I mean, I'm not certified anything, but I know a ton of shit and you know, you've experienced it. Well, and that's what I enjoy it. So I'd like to know what I like to know everything that I can possibly know. I don't know everything in the scientific terms that you know, but I could be like. Well, that thing's got a forever chemical and I don't touch that, you know, like, you know, but I like to be aware and every, every time in the past that I've tried to do stuff like this, I felt like I never got educated on ingredients or the true meaning of health, you know? And I feel like that's why this community, it's just amazing and just teaching you how to live a sustainable life. Yeah. I mean, and, and being there for the sustainability of it for the long term, because. It's the first time you go through the 30 days, and you, you're starting to change, it's rusty, it's not, it's like, it's uncomfortable, because anything new is that way at first, and then you feel the difference in your body and your mind and the connection actually between them, the brain and the gut, and the food and how it affects your mood, but also your hormones and your inflammation, all your, all your systems, it's, It's such a gift. We're not meant to we're not meant to feel like shit every day. No, like for years I felt like shit like every day like We get accustomed to it like oh, it's normal. Yeah. Yeah, and then we don't realize how amazing we feel And we just want to share that gift with everybody like you don't have to hit pause and completely stop your life What you're doing like no live your life, but implement healthier choices Start to see the change and your mindset and the rest is a fucking beautiful path ahead of you. That's why I love when people have to travel during this. They have like a trip of some kind. They have an event coming up. It's like this is the time to do it. When you're in your lowest Like stressful state, what do you do? You choose the shittiest things around as far as food and drinks and all that. So if you can start making these changes in a state where it's like, it's actually going to help you concentrate more, feel better, feel more connected. That, that's, that's awesome. That's not what anybody wants. They want, you know, well, I have to make sure that I'm home for 30 days and there's nothing special going on. Like, that's not real life. No, the first 30 days I was in Vegas in the second week. Yeah. You know, I think all I ate when I was in Vegas was at the pool. I was just eating pineapple and strawberries. Um, I did have a couple, we did go out to dinner every night, but I, you know, had my steak and a vegetable. And then the Bellagio had a smoothie place with spirulina and all like organic stuff. And so I basically ate there every day. So it can be done. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And it can be done in Vegas. We, yeah, you and I went to Vegas, not that time, but after. And we, I mean, you just, it does become your lifestyle. If you want it to, you know, like that's another thing. It's, it's, it's you against your thoughts. It's me against my thoughts. It's her against her thoughts. It's him against his thoughts. It's, and those thoughts are just limiting patterns that are keeping us stuck wherever we don't want to be. It's all about mindset. Yeah. Like Joel tells me this all the time and he tells his kids this, and I love this. And this is about financials. You, he's like, you got to say for 60 year old Megan, you got to say for seven year old Megan. Yeah. Well, I'm doing that with my health. Yeah. I'm looking out for seven year, seven year old Megan. Like and I don't mean that's in any disrespect, but there's times where me and Mason will be at the gas station and I'll see like. A person, you know, middle age or whatever overweight and having struggling walking and this and that I tell me so I go, I will never be that I'm not like hating on anybody, but that to me is, I explained to him I go, that is why I live this lifestyle. Because all the things and all the stuff that's in our daily food, all the chemicals and stuff that's hidden, like, that is a product of that. And I said, I will never be a product of it. I will never be that. And so it's like, you've got to think about your, your older self. You know, if you think about your financials, think about your health. You know, health is well. It's so funny you're saying this because I had a patient who was 82 in my chair today and she was the most vibrant woman. And I, I said to her, I'm like. Were her teeth real? Yeah. Wow. She had a few crowns and bridges, but probably more fake teeth than she does. Um, I said, is this the way you've lived your life? She goes, Oh yes. I, I always thought about my future self. And it's like, wow, we, I think a lot of us. Our condition to think about our future in a scary, fearful way, educational way, rather than like, I want to make I want to feel awesome now to feel even more awesome later. Yeah. And I think that's been a huge shift for me in my mindset. Yeah, I'm still like thinking about my future in the best way and not where 80 percent of the people that I take care of are like don't get old honey and I'm like, I won't like it's scary. That's not where my mind is going to go. Like I'm excited to age. I'm excited to live now in the present, but it's like, I'm setting myself up for an amazing older self. Yeah. Yeah. People need to look at their, their bodies like financials. If they care about their financials, yeah, you know, yeah, I mean, our body's a bank, right? It is. Yeah. What are you depositing in it? Definitely no JMMOs. Joe calls GMOs, JMMOs. He goes, give me all the JMMOs. I'm like, yo, you're so gross. Yeah. No, minimal to zero JMMOs in my body. And that's another reason why I love, love, love our company. Can you do me a favor? Yes. Can you explain the difference between organic And non GMO. So, it's all about the percentage. Okay? And it has everything to do with, organic is has a stricter percentage of not allowing pesticides, um, fungicides, all the different chemicals that are used to kill off bacteria. But GMOs are basically utilizing a plant before it's grown, changing the genetics of it so that it can withstand more pesticides. So GMOs make the plant. Even more toxic. Yes. So it's like a clone of the original plant. And then that clone basically is like a pesticide clone. Yeah, it can withstand so many different types of like, Issues with the environment, different, different amount of water, different amount of sun, like it is, it is so unnatural and that's why gluten is such a problem because it's been changed, changed, the genetics of wheat have been changed so many times that I don't remember how many years, but it's like been at least 40 years that we haven't had an actual wheat DNA, like real wheat in, in our processing of wheat in America. Yeah, because I've heard several stories of people who have celiacs. Or gluten allergies and they go to Italy and they don't have an issue. Yeah, it's crazy. It is crazy. And unfortunately, the spraying with pesticides is happening a little bit more in Europe. It used to not be a thing at all. I mean, times are changing and they, they have to keep up with the demand and people are demanding, like, here's the thing, we want to blame these industries, but we are the consumers, we are driving the choices of what these industries are doing, so if you choose cleaner food for you and your children, like, I can't stress enough that these kids need clean nutrition to develop their bodies, The way that they're supposed to develop, then it, we have no one else to blame but ourselves. Yeah. As much as we can put these businesses in business, we can take them out of business, but it has to come as a community as a whole. Yeah. Yeah. And again, it's why I love our company so much because there's zero pesticides, GMOs, artificial anything getting through on our, on our products, which are made from whole foods, whole herbs, whole ingredients coming from the earth. Like that's, that's the best when, when there is, you know, processed foods, processed food. There's ultra processed food, like a hot dog that has like zero real thing in it, nothing real in it. And then there's processed food, like the almond crackers that I eat that are literally native. Almonds and cassava flour and salt and, you know, fucking rosemary, pepper, like, that's it. But it had to go through the process to make it. But it's not filled with, like, chemicals and preservatives to keep it, you know. It will mold. If your food is molding, it's a good thing. Like, everything's supposed to mold. We are too, when we die. Unless you're pumped with Do clones emold? I don't know. That's a good question. I don't know. Good question. Probably not. Okay. Well, yeah. This is 30 days. I'm just loving it and I'm stoked for the next round, which is going to happen back to back with um, and we're going to start on February 5th. Yeah. So this is tailored for anybody, you guys. Like seriously, I mean, teenagers, kids, even our supplements are sustainable for everybody. Yes. Yes. It's for the whole family. Yeah. We work with men, women, all ages, all sizes. Um, check our show notes link for a couple of, um, reviews from people that we've worked with. And, uh, jump on the train if you're ready to make a change. Cause we're ready to block arms with you. You got one life, man. Live it, live it fucking healthy in the best you can. Peace out, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts. You too. Beep, beep. Honk, honk. Honk. If you made it to the end of this episode, that means you either just appreciate our messy, awkward life experiences, or you're truly up for finding more magic in your life like we are. Definitely tune in every Sunday for more reality shifts that we explore between us and with many special guests that join. If you feel it, please subscribe so you don't miss your seat on our magical earth school bus. Your experience with this show really means a lot to us. So we want to genuinely welcome you to leave an honest review. Your voice matters exactly how it is. You can follow us on social media, check the show notes, and if you really want to get in the action, send us a message directly through our email. We'll connect with you next week.