The Magical Midlife Crisis

Episode 20 - Growing Through Mediocrity, Cellulite & Stage Fright

February 18, 2024 Meg Zdeb, Courtney Beth Anderson Season 1 Episode 20
Episode 20 - Growing Through Mediocrity, Cellulite & Stage Fright
The Magical Midlife Crisis
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The Magical Midlife Crisis
Episode 20 - Growing Through Mediocrity, Cellulite & Stage Fright
Feb 18, 2024 Season 1 Episode 20
Meg Zdeb, Courtney Beth Anderson

You're back!! Right on! Thank you for tuning your dial back this way! In this episode of the Magical Midlife Crisis podcast, we, your hosts Meg & Court, talk about our ongoing journey of personal growth. We share experiences of waking up from a 'mediocre life' and seeking more fulfillment. 

We reflect on the impact of beginning our healthier living program & the positive effects on our physical and mental health, including better alignment and reduced inflammation. We talk about our new healthy habit of rebounding (mini trampoline exercises), it's impact on the lymphatic system & overall wellbeing. The episode highlights the power and importance of overcoming fears, like starting new things, public speaking or stepping into the spotlight, as a step towards personal growth and empowerment.

00:33 Starting the new series of Steel Mace Flow 

01:03 Reflections on the 30 Days to Healthier Living Program

01:26 The Impact of Unhealthy Habits

02:12 The Importance of the Lymph System and Wellness

02:17 The Power of Rebounding

03:31 The Magic of the Human Body

04:43 The Journey to Healthier Living

09:35 The Role of Fascia in Physical Health

10:54 The Transformation Through Self-Discovery

12:48 The Power of Rebounding and Body Awareness

19:53 The Struggles and Triumphs of Public Speaking

27:47 The Desire for Fame and the Journey to Authenticity

32:24 The Power of 30 Days to Healthier Living Program

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Want to have your own discovery on how the mind & body are interconnected? And learn how food can lead to a more sustainable & vibrant life? --> ***
Click here to learn more and/or message us on the 30 Days to Healthier Living! *** <--

Directly connect with Meg: @meg.itate.8itch
Directly connect with Court:
Connect to us both: --- Write to us! We'd love to learn about a magical midlife crisis story of your own or someone you know!

Show Notes Transcript

You're back!! Right on! Thank you for tuning your dial back this way! In this episode of the Magical Midlife Crisis podcast, we, your hosts Meg & Court, talk about our ongoing journey of personal growth. We share experiences of waking up from a 'mediocre life' and seeking more fulfillment. 

We reflect on the impact of beginning our healthier living program & the positive effects on our physical and mental health, including better alignment and reduced inflammation. We talk about our new healthy habit of rebounding (mini trampoline exercises), it's impact on the lymphatic system & overall wellbeing. The episode highlights the power and importance of overcoming fears, like starting new things, public speaking or stepping into the spotlight, as a step towards personal growth and empowerment.

00:33 Starting the new series of Steel Mace Flow 

01:03 Reflections on the 30 Days to Healthier Living Program

01:26 The Impact of Unhealthy Habits

02:12 The Importance of the Lymph System and Wellness

02:17 The Power of Rebounding

03:31 The Magic of the Human Body

04:43 The Journey to Healthier Living

09:35 The Role of Fascia in Physical Health

10:54 The Transformation Through Self-Discovery

12:48 The Power of Rebounding and Body Awareness

19:53 The Struggles and Triumphs of Public Speaking

27:47 The Desire for Fame and the Journey to Authenticity

32:24 The Power of 30 Days to Healthier Living Program

If you feel called to it - please 'follow', rate with some stars & share any episodes to spread the magic! Reviews & reflections can be shared here ->

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Tune in to you next time!

Want to have your own discovery on how the mind & body are interconnected? And learn how food can lead to a more sustainable & vibrant life? --> ***
Click here to learn more and/or message us on the 30 Days to Healthier Living! *** <--

Directly connect with Meg: @meg.itate.8itch
Directly connect with Court:
Connect to us both: --- Write to us! We'd love to learn about a magical midlife crisis story of your own or someone you know!

And isn't it exhausting? No, it is so enlightening and it's like exciting to discover Yeah. I feel like I'm born again. Yeah. I feel like I'm living a brand new life and I have awareness, like I'm finally a fucking wake out of the womb at 39. Okay. So that brings us to like, our legit name of our podcast, the magical midlife crisis. Like the midlife crisis. Is when you are so bumping up against this resistance of what your fucking soul has been wanting you to do for so long, but for whatever reason However long ago, you just took a 15 degree turn and you ended up in fucking, like, the South Pole. And, like, you know, 20 years later, and your soul is like, Wake the fuck up! And then it tells us in so many different ways, through physical pain, through emotional pain, through mental pain, Like, wake the fuck up and take your life back. This is the magical midlife crisis podcast, where your hosts, I'm court, a compassion activist, animal lover, nature, nut and entrepreneur in the mind, body, spirit connections. And I met a free thinker with a passion for non toxic living, a dedicated hockey mom and a multi business owner. We are a couple of friends who met through health and heartache. We discovered through our crisis moments, we all have magic within us. This podcast is about awakening to a different perspective and being the creators of our own reality. Every Sunday, you can expect an abundance of stories from all kinds of kinds in their different layers of awakening. We hope you expand your heart and minds and create the shift with us. So unplug from the matrix and tune in to this magical mystery ride. Beep, beep. Honk honk. Hello and welcome to the Magical Midlife Crisis. Meg here. And Court. And Moses. And Moses. My cat, who's 20 years old. And he's super cool. He's black, with a little bit of white. And he woke me up at 3 o'clock this morning. Which, actually, he does all the time. He wakes me up in the middle of the night to get fed, because he's an old man and he gets what he wants. He sleeps all day and wants to run around at night. And I couldn't fall back asleep because I was so excited because we're starting our next series of Steel Mace Flow tonight. And I can't tell you how grateful I am that we just finished our 30 days to healthier living program because I feel so aligned, aligned for like this next level of newness. That we're going to be going through both. Both of us. Yeah, I definitely 30 days ago from today. I felt the inflammation markers starting to like I started to feel the inflammation coming on that the headaches to joint pain and all that. And I know if I chose not to do the 30 days I would continue to my patterns. My unhealthy habits and I would be in a terrible State of mind right now. I would be lazy unproductive Tired and in pain and I am feeling just vital and amazing so, okay, let's let's tell each other how we are when we're not regulated. So like for you, you always talk about how your fingers get swollen. You always tell me you're like, Oh my God, my fingers are getting swollen. And your hips hurt when you wake up in the morning. And You, your headaches, you, you can't focus, like, you tell me all these things and you're like, I just can't fucking wait for the 30 days. No, when you go on WebMD, all the things are, all my symptoms are located under there. Oh, and then your lymph nodes get enlarged. My lymph nodes getting large. Yeah. Like mine don't hurt at all right now. Plus rebounding really helps with that drainage. Um, where are our rebounders at out there? I talked to one of my patients today. She was, she was really interested in, um, learning cause I, it's always a topic health and wellness. When I talk to patients, um, when I'm cleaning their teeth and this patient, she's an older woman, she's retired and she. Um, she does yoga for her lymph nodes she was talking about. She, she had enlargement. So when, when I treat people, I check for, um, head and neck cancer. So I feel all the lymph nodes, not all of them, but there's like 300, I think in the head and neck and she had some that were enlarged. So I said, there's three free, I tell everyone there's three free things that you can do to help your lymph nodes. Number one, more water, which everyone needs a reminder. Including myself, like, when you work all day and you're in people's mouths cleaning teeth, you don't drink water as much as you're supposed to. Number two, um, belly breathing, because the diaphragm helps push the whole lymph system. Um, and then movement. So like the lymph system is part of the immune system. It's not attached to the heart like our blood system is. It does run alongside the blood system. So it is, it does get some reverberation from the pressure of our blood, but it doesn't have a full on pump, but the diaphragm does. Put pressure into the lymph. So if we've got all three of those things working, it's it's really helpful So this woman's like, you know, I do all three of those things and i'm like, okay Well cool, then that's awesome. Like next level would be um, you know, there's a few options She's like, yeah, i've been what do you think about? lymph massage And i'm like, I think it's great But i'll tell you what i'll tell you what I do. I jump on a mini trampoline a rebounder She's like, no way. I'm like, yeah. Is that something you you would like consider? She's like, absolutely I was like hell. Yeah, so I was talking to her about it and I suggested the two channels I like there's a channel. Um for seniors And then the one that we, well, I, do you still like follow iJump instead? Oh, totally. Yes. Yeah. Um, so I told her both of those and this woman, she's like, I'll remember those. Like she was so like certain of her memory. It really kind of like, I was impressed. Cause most people are like, Oh, let me look it up or write it down on my phone or even write it on paper. She was like, Oh, I'll remember those. Wow. I'm like, cool. God. I didn't like ask you a hundred times, but can you send me that text again? Can you send me that link? Yeah, you can get a rebounder super cheap on Amazon and You know until you want to get next level and you know, then you can invest in a more expensive one But yeah, I remember when I came over And I was like, Oh my God, what do you do on that thing? I had no idea about rebounding. And then I was like, I got to get one. And then I got one and now I'm obsessed. Yes. And I don't rebound every day. I was, I was really consistent for a while. And then we had, um, Joe's son for winter vacation and, um, he kind of took over, but like the living room is his, you know, domain gaming and all that. So I let that be my excuse. And I didn't wake up early to beat him downstairs and I didn't stay well, they, they don't leave the living room. So yeah, I let that be my excuse and totally get me off my game, but, but I'm getting back on. Yeah. Me too. Like I've been switching up my workouts a lot, but I try to be intentional about Alicia's going on it. I go on it in between my sets and I'll kind of just bounce a little bit because even if you just bounce on it for like. Two minutes. Yeah, you're you're doing things that are important. Because what does Barbara at Neil say like when you go up your lymphatic system opens, and then when you come back down it closes so that repeated action it's draining. Yes, like, that's amazing. Yeah, it opened and closes the connector points of. The lymph node chains, which, yeah, it's so cool, and it's, um, I don't remember everything, I mean, I looked it all up back when I first started rebounding, but Um, it's, it's like it engages almost all 260 something muscles that we have in our body. It, um, it is a mitochondria activator. So like all of our cells, like it, I watched that docu series I told you the other day or the other week or whatever. And this woman. Just gave it, gave the human body such a cool visual, but it's like, basically we have anywhere between 50 to a hundred trillion cells that are all trying to talk to each other and when we have symptoms, anything, whatever they are, you know, different for everyone, that is just inflammation getting in between these cells trying to talk to each other and work together. And most of them are microbes like we have for every one human cell, there's approximately 10 microbes. So we are outnumbered by like bacteria, viruses, yeast, fungus on our body. Absolutely. Wow. Amazing. Amazing. So when you're rebounding, you're activating the mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cells that help with the, the aging process to help release, um, the free radicals and manage like actual hydration, the different electrolytes. So like different parts of the cell has a little pump and then a motor and to like get in the actual nutrients that are needed for each cell. And it's just like, It's mind blowing. So cool. And it's just fricking jumping up and down, but it's like, you're, you're using your own body weight. So it's a body weight movement. You're like, you're helping with your, uh, balance stretching. Um, even your eyesight, like you can actually like strengthen your eyes. I saw that, how you focus on something. So you focus on something away from the room and you do that while you're like, and it strengthens your eyes, your eyesight. Like that's so cool. Yeah. Yeah. I've, I've turned a lot of people onto it. Um, through like my business phone number. I send out like, um, a wellbeing broadcast. I used to do it every week and then it was every month and now it's like, I have my business. I have this podcast. I have Steel Maze Flow teaching, um, the self discovery trainer. So yeah. You're not doing enough, Courtney. I know. You're not doing enough. I know. It's funny. It's funny stuff. Oh, and ladies rebounding. It's great for your fascia. So your fascia is your connective tissue. And so what happens over time, and it's not from fat from food, it is from abuse to your, um, to your legs or whatever parts of your body and the fascia gets clumped together. And so it creates those indents in your legs. It's a fascia pulling the skin. Um, So it looks like cellulite. Yes. That's what creates the cellulite. It's just all the connective tissue. They come together like a spiderweb and then it pulls in the skin. Cause it's all connective scar. Almost. Kind of like when I used to do my fascia blasting like that's how she explains it Like like if you fall and hit your leg you ruin your fascia when you bruise, that's your fascia And so over time and some people just have more sensitive fascia, you know Yeah, I have I have cellulite and I've tried fascia blasting it out was really good at it for a while But rebounding really has helped with that stretches out the fascia. I love it Yeah. Yeah. Fascia is not related to your diet from all like the research I've done, but yeah, it's your connective tissue just clumping together. Just fascinating. Yeah, our human body is so fascinating. Yeah, it feels so, um, like I'm just so grateful for the program because that was, that's kind of where a lot of the like true mind body connection happened for me, because I had been working out, I've done lots of different, this is court, by the way, um, I've done lots of different forms of movement, like I started with P90X, um, Um, getting ready for my wedding and I had no self esteem, so I didn't want to go work out in a gym and look like I didn't know what I was doing. Um, I cared a lot about what other people think and this podcast is really helping me get rid of that or work through that. Um, so, and then from there I got into like boxing. That was fun. Um, I know you like to box. I love it. Yeah. I definitely want to bring that back in. Yeah. It's fun, and feels fucking empowering as fuck. Then, um, yoga in there, and then CrossFit, and then back to boxing. Kind of all over the place, and then more yoga, and then Steel Mace Flow, which is so different than I don't know. It's, yeah.'cause it's not a high intensity, it's not like a hit work. It can be. Right. But I, but yeah, we don't, well you're also trying to instruct people on how not to hurt themselves. Yeah. And how to maneuver the mace around, you know? But it's. It's different and that's what's so cool about it. And you work different muscles in different areas and you're strengthening like you're even your own body weight, you know, the way that you have to stand. Yes. The alignment factor was really probably one of my favorite parts in the beginning because of just becoming so much more aware of my alignment when I practice dental hygiene and like for anybody, when they're sitting in the car and they're sitting when they work. Um, I stand when I work, so that's helped me a lot, but just like being mindful of the spinal alignment was really one of the greatest parts. But when I practice, we don't practice in a hot yoga room. Like we practice, that's where I started hot yoga room with infrared lights. I want to rebound in an infrared. Can you imagine your third eye just exploding all over the place? Yeah. Like pineal gland just bursting out. Oh, where can we do that? I don't know. But Roberta's we should just bring all of our rebounders over there. Yeah. Yes. And Roberta, we got to have you on our podcast. Yes. If you're listening. Um, but yeah, getting back to the science, like how you're saying how this company and like the mind body connection, I never had a fascination. For science, never until learning about what I'm eating. Yeah. It really just kind of drove like a whole, like fascination, like me learning new things and Oh, we are science. Yeah. Like I really am just becoming in touch with how miraculous our bodies are and how our brains really are like a supercomputer it once you can really grasp that it's. Just so weird. Yeah, but it makes me be more mindful like oh We're science and like we're organic human beings, you know, so it's really helped me learn like oh, okay Like especially the food system which we talked about all the time But really being like why would I want to put things that are not organic and not meant for my body? But it takes time to I feel like I say that all the time. It takes time. It does. It takes time because it's a journey like even for one of our people in the 30 days like she, I don't know if we've been working together, two or three years, but she just had her breakthrough of like the mind body connection. And I think it has so much to do with like the emotions we attach and then really observing you. Our thoughts and then our emotions and then our actions and like becoming the observer of yourself And like we said before we hit play and hit record like this opportunity having a podcast gives us such a cool perspective of observing ourselves and and then seeing like What patterns we're running with maybe not even knowing because like we're becoming so aware of our patterns But it's like what's slipping by and it's like again people are like wow You just get so deep into this stuff. And isn't it exhausting? No, it is so enlightening and it's like exciting to discover Yeah. I feel like I'm born again. Yeah. I feel like I'm living a brand new life and I have awareness, like I'm finally a fucking wake out of the womb at 39. Okay. So that brings us to like, our legit name of our podcast, the magical midlife crisis. Like the midlife crisis. Is when you are so bumping up against this resistance of what your fucking soul has been wanting you to do for so long, but for whatever reason However long ago, you just took a 15 degree turn and you ended up in fucking, like, the South Pole. And, like, you know, 20 years later, and your soul is like, Wake the fuck up! And then it tells us in so many different ways, through physical pain, through emotional pain, through mental pain, Like, wake the fuck up and take your life back. This is not your this is not where your path Not that it shouldn't be there, like obviously there's a purpose for where we are when we are there, and everything is as it's supposed to be, but like everyone is made for more, like more love, more connection, more meaning, everyone, and I literally heard this from someone that I know very well, who said to me, like, what's wrong with living a mediocre life, Courtney? What's wrong with that? And I'm just like, wow, who am I to say that that's wrong? Cause it's not, it's not for me to say, but I can have a feeling about it. And that to me is just that there's a disconnect and that's. How I used to feel that's like that was like a mirror for me to get the opportunity to think to realize like Yeah, that's how I used to think what's wrong with living paycheck to paycheck or making a lot of money but Having so much over time that I really had no life At all and then I would come home and then I'd fucking drink a bottle of wine and smoke I have a pack of cigarettes, but I didn't tell anybody because I'm a dental hygienist and I don't i'm not supposed to smoke So then I'm just like living this fucking weird life in a box that felt so small. Yeah and if people want to live a mediocre life Live that. Everyone gets the right. Yeah, but we don't want to be mediocre. We want to be more. Yeah, it's like taking the blindfold off and just going through the layers and discovering pieces of you that you've lost and rediscovering yourself and finding love for yourself, you know, and I was just telling my friend this yesterday, like, how for so long I looked externally for my worth, for love, trying to find gratitude externally even, like, I never looked within. Never looked with it and I'm still I'm way better than I used to be I mean, I definitely can say like I love myself. Do I battle with image issues still? Absolutely. Do I have days where I battle it? Sure. Yeah, you know and um, but and those are old programs and patterns running Yeah, and it's opportunities for us to become aware And, I mean, what are the next steps? Like, you become aware? Like, I'm becoming, I'm now learning because, one, it is so hard for me to go on like social media and like actually record me talking. Like, And we hear this all in our community, how, you know, we have people that go on stage and that are very high up in the company, how they were so fearful of public speaking. Oh God. So I'm like, I'm really becoming aware of my evolution with it, where now I'm more comfortable. I'm comfortable here talking. With you, um, having guests on our podcast. Um, I'm now a little bit more comfortable on TikTok of just being the voiceover for some of my videos. Sometimes if I'm feeling really confident, I'll actually post a video of me talking, but those are like my confident moments. And there's not many of them, but I'm learning that. Okay. Like, but I'm getting better. I'm getting there and it's all obtain it. I've just got to keep working at it, you know, and it's just a never ending journey. It's. Like just because we do the work and we do all the stuff doesn't mean that, I mean the journey never ends. So there's still so much to work on and it's just great that we have the space to talk about it and share it. Yeah. Yeah. It's so, I don't know what I've said on the podcast now and what I've said in my head and what I've said to you before we hit record, but when I first started my business, and Joe was kind of like my mentor for learning how to, I mean, when you start any kind of business, you are the person that talks about it. No one knows until you open your mouth. And so that was scary for me because I didn't believe in myself. Yeah. Yeah. And I believed in what I was, like, I believed in my own transformation, but again, I didn't, I didn't like talking about myself positively. It was really easy for me to talk poorly about myself and put myself down in front of people and make people laugh. I would be sarcastic about it and, you know, that self deprecation. Yeah. And so, That was easy for me, but then like talking positively about myself, or that something good was happening felt really uncomfortable. And then to, to like learn in front of people, because I love to know what I'm talking about and I don't like to feel stupid and dumb. It's very triggering. That's why I let you do the talking, Courtney, when it comes to all the science mumble jumble. Yeah, well, I mean, I've had five years of digging and digging into learning and learning absorbing and writing and Recording and all these things. Um, but when I had my, when I did my first recording, um, I remember, I don't remember if Joe was home or not, but I do remember that I was just sobbing, staring at myself like in the screen and just watching myself cry because I couldn't do anything else. I'm like, I can't do this. I can't, I can't record my face and my voice. working together at the same time. It was so fucking awkward and gross and I hated it and then I did it again and I did it again and I did it again and then eventually I posted it, felt really uncomfortable, deleted it, reposted it, trying to perfect it. It's just like holy shit, so much energy through all of that. Yeah. And then it got to a point, I don't know if it was like Two and a half ish years into my business where I was challenged to do my first live on Facebook or Instagram. Oh dear God. It was excruciating. Like it was like just a disgusting feeling in my gut that I'm like, I have to do this on the toilet. I literally cannot record and not shit myself at the same time. Like it's, it's literally impossible, but I did it. I didn't even put a diaper on good because we know that it's not organic. It would have been a cloth diaper. Okay, good, good girl. Organic cotton cloth diaper. No, just kidding. This is court, by the way. You know, I go, this is my high. Um, I still look back at that day when I had to launch my business that night. And I know I had like a few of my friends on like. I didn't even know what I was supposed to be launching. It was like my business, but I just remember I tried to get like ready. I remember doing my hair and my makeup. And then I remembered me telling Joel, like, you need to shut the fuck up. I have to record. I have to launch my business. I'm going to fucking puke. I have to talk on zoom. I don't even know in front of how many people. Joel is like, you're fine, babe. He goes, you're a business owner. He goes, you handle a lot of shit. He goes, you're on stage all the time. And I was like, this is a different stage. Yeah. I was like, this is so new. And then I went in and I, I started swearing. I think fuck was my last word. You did awesome. I don't remember everything, but I, yeah, I thought you did not seem. I do remember you're, you're bringing me back. You were very nervous and I was nervous too. Oh, I was shaking. Yeah. I probably should have done it on the toilet too, but, but yeah, I think I could probably do it more confidently now, but it's just the evolution of some people are so good at talking and being. I'm live and in front of an audience, but don't you think that it like we're seeing 10 years into into their future like they practice just like we have. Yeah. I gotta do that for the most part. I gotta start practicing my talking more. Same. Let's do that. Yeah. Um, I also heard like your biggest resistance, which for me it is absolutely speaking and using my voice and sharing stuff from inside of my mind. With the outside world, it actually is like your hidden superpower in a way. And if you like let go of that resistance, like you can find a real empowerment. And I would have to say that so far, I believe that. So we're going to be bomb ass speakers, speakers. Okay. I really want to, you know, how we do like. There's always, so this is kind of crazy. This is the person I'm saying it out loud to you. I said it to my steel, me slow coach, but you know, with our company, they do the conference and then there's a consultant who like performs, like, what if we performed? I didn't know they did that at the conference. Yeah. So there's either usually, um, like a singer, um, there's some type of performance that happens. With all of the, you know, dancers. Oh, cool. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Let's do it. Sign me up. Let's be on. Yeah, I don't know. I just feel like, um, something big. Something big. Like, why not? Like, why the fuck not? Why not do something crazy and big and exciting and scary and Yeah, that's what I'm I'm all about, just doing whatever. Put me out there. I'm I'm down to embarrass myself, fight fears, and Yeah, it's so empowering. Yeah. I used to be so vibrant as a young kid. Like I loved performing. I wanted to be famous so bad. I wanted to be like, I can't explain you how bad I wanted to be famous, which I'm glad I did not go that route because let me tell you, I'd be in the Illuminati. I would have been doing some things to get ahead in the business. Yeah. Yeah. I would have been like Harvey Weinstein. Sure. I'll do whatever you want. Like, I'm totally kidding. I think I have more self respect, but I did, I don't know, I'm back in the day. Yeah. I am. I could have been brainwashed for sure. Oh, totally. I mean, I was, but yeah, I wanted to be famous so bad. I wanted to be in the spotlight. And then. Whatever happened in my life, I liked to be in the shadow. That was where I preferred, and like, I would get so afraid, I would get out of every paper that I would have to, or speech I would have to do in school. I got out of everything. I don't know how I persuaded my teachers, but like, yeah. So that, that could have been one of your first midlife crises, because it's like, you were, you wanted it, and then you resisted it. So that was like formulating that was, that was like preparing. It was like a rubber band. You're pulling it back, pulling it back, resisting, resisting, resisting. And then like, when you got older, you're like, Oh, right. I do want to be seen and heard. And you know, not necessarily the spotlight, but like shining your light. But now it's in an authentic form. So it was always easier when I was younger, when I would be figure skating, I was putting on an act that was in my program. I would. You know, a different person takes over, you know, I don't know because your belly didn't last too long. Well, I feel like when you're skating I didn't realize that you like play a part. Oh yeah. So it is kind of like acting. Yeah. And the same with bartending. Okay. Like I would, like I bartended many years, obviously turning 21, I started bartending and I still go back there when I have to and stuff. Um, but I used to be like, okay, you got to get in the zone. Like you're on stage, you know? And it was my authentic self, but to a certain level, but then you've got to. Put on the engagement and all that and not taking advantage of and, but yeah, it's, it's coming out here and like just being authentically yourself and exposing that it's in the, in the limelight in our way. It's scary, but it's cool. It is. It is scary and cool. What you got going on over there? My calendar. I finally started organizing all my appointments. All my things I've scheduled, thanks to Courtney, showing me her beautiful calendar. Google calendars, that's where it's at! Yeah. I'm such a fan. I would just write down, like, I have to be here and there, and write it on an envelope somewhere, and then lose it, and then not know. So, I'm glad my life's a little bit more organized. Good job, Megs. Thanks. I'm proud of you. Baby steps. Adulting. Adult steps. Adult steps. Yep. One foot in front of the other people. yeah, I just want to highlight again about how amazing 30 days. And I don't know about you Court. But I am doing the next 30 days. Oh, you know, I am. That's silly that you said that. I know it was for the audience. Oh, okay. Okay. It was me. Role playing role playing stepping back. I want to, I need to, um, yeah, no, I'm, I'm doing 60 and, um, we're going to celery juice it up. Um, yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm going hard. I, I just love it. I love, I love the discovery, but also the challenge. And, I mean, I just feel so fueled. Like, I, I know you're a snacker. I'm not a snacker. I haven't been snacking, Courtney! I haven't been snacking. I would just high five her if you couldn't hear that. I've had snacks, but not like, and I'm not allowing the Enjoy Life chocolate chip in my house. Yeah, smart. Smart. Yeah, I'm just like, I saw it at the grocery store and I said, sorry guys. Yeah, maybe next month, but I just don't have a control on it yet. I just, I don't, I just pour my little, my little palm and I just pour him in there and I just eat them and I've taught Mason to do that. So now he's doing it. And so, yeah, but you're rewriting that program. Yeah. Yep. I'm. I really, I really want to see my body transform and I have different goals this time around. I've been fit. You know, we talked about that. I've been in the best shape of my life and I had not the mindset to match that same though. And I didn't go into this 30 days with a great mindset because it was full of processed foods and sluggishness. But yeah, I'm excited to go into the next 30 hardcore. So like strict? Or what do you mean hardcore? Like just my workouts, I'm just really trying to, uh, like So, food, minimal snacks. Yes. So I'm gonna up my protein. I have been doing like the two protein shakes a day. I love our protein. It's got avocado oil in it, which is amazing! Yes. And I It's so creamy. It's so good. I absolutely love just adding a Daily Harvest smoothie cup and then the protein, and it is So fucking good. Today was ginger and greens, a little banana. Oh, I mean, yeah, so creamy, so filling, so good, so freaking good. So, anyone looking for clean, green, conscious, connected products to fuel your body, look into the show notes. We got you covered. We're happy to put that fuel in your body to fiber fuel. You it's science backed products. And like we said earlier, we are science. We are science and nature. Yes. Best combination. Mm hmm. So let's get grounded folks and have a good night. I like it Megan court tuning out Beep to the beep beep-honk honk Court and Meg here. The convenient Queens of 2024.. Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? I mean, how many times have you heard that before? I know I've heard it a million times, but I lived it. And so did Courtney. Are you tired of feeling your life is too busy and too hectic and crazy to instill healthy habits into your life? I thought that exact same thing and I'm pretty sure Courtney did too. Oh yeah. Well, let me tell you, we have just the system in place to help you instill healthier habits into your daily hectic life. So this is what worked for us. and it's your discovery, but we have had such an amazing last month with our 30 day solidly living group and If you are ready to try something different because nothing is working for you, this has worked for us for the last, for me, the last five years, for Meg the last, three years. It's all about, as everyone knows, becoming aware, and then you get inspired, and then you get motivated, and then you take action, but then life This gets lifey. So there's a missing link to lasting change. Everyone wants to feel their best health as well. Meg says it all the time. Health as well. Health really as well. If you don't spend the time now to invest into yourself, you're going to spend the time, money and doctor appointments later. So do it now. Do it now. We will help you. we're running another 30 days to healthy living. We're stoked. We feel amazing. We felt like crap after the holidays. And now We feel amazing. Come on the track with us. The GI track, baby. Choo choo! Beep beep. If you made it to the end of this episode, that means you either just appreciate our messy, awkward life experiences, or you're truly up for finding more magic in your life like we are. Definitely tune in every Sunday for more reality shifts that we explore between us and with many special guests that join. If you feel it, please subscribe so you don't miss your seat on our magical earth school bus. Your experience with this show really means a lot to us. So we want to genuinely welcome you to leave an honest review. Your voice matters exactly how it is. You can follow us on social media, check the show notes, and if you really want to get in the action, send us a message directly through our email. We'll connect with you next week.