The Magical Midlife Crisis

Episode 25 - Creating Balance in Busy World

April 14, 2024 Magical Midlife
Episode 25 - Creating Balance in Busy World
The Magical Midlife Crisis
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The Magical Midlife Crisis
Episode 25 - Creating Balance in Busy World
Apr 14, 2024
Magical Midlife

In this episode of 'The Magical Midlife Crisis,' hosts Meg & Court share insights into finding balance amid the chaos of daily life. 

They touch on their recent live session intended to connect with their audience and gather topics for discussion, leading to a deep dive into the topic of balance, prompted by a suggestion from Maria . 

The episode further dives into personal stories and revelations on the journey to achieve balance, including the struggles of managing time, the significance of prioritizing oneself, and the impact of the people and habits that shape one's life. 

They also discuss the role of healthy habits, the importance of a supportive community, and recommendations for books that have influenced their path to better balance their personal and professional lives. 

Join Meg and Court as they explore the essence of balancing act, emphasizing self-care, prioritization, and the power of surrounding oneself with positive influences.

00:09 Going Live: Engaging with Our Audience

01:23 Shoutouts & Gratitude: Connecting with Our Community

02:20 The Journey to Balance: Insights and Personal Stories

03:50 Embracing Self-Care & Prioritizing Personal Growth

17:46 Harnessing Healthy Habits for Mind & Body

23:42 Join Our Journey: Invitations & Closing Thoughts


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Directly connect with Meg: @meg.itate.8itch
Directly connect with Court:
Connect to us both: --- Write to us! We'd love to learn about a magical midlife crisis story of your own or someone you know!

Show Notes Transcript

In this episode of 'The Magical Midlife Crisis,' hosts Meg & Court share insights into finding balance amid the chaos of daily life. 

They touch on their recent live session intended to connect with their audience and gather topics for discussion, leading to a deep dive into the topic of balance, prompted by a suggestion from Maria . 

The episode further dives into personal stories and revelations on the journey to achieve balance, including the struggles of managing time, the significance of prioritizing oneself, and the impact of the people and habits that shape one's life. 

They also discuss the role of healthy habits, the importance of a supportive community, and recommendations for books that have influenced their path to better balance their personal and professional lives. 

Join Meg and Court as they explore the essence of balancing act, emphasizing self-care, prioritization, and the power of surrounding oneself with positive influences.

00:09 Going Live: Engaging with Our Audience

01:23 Shoutouts & Gratitude: Connecting with Our Community

02:20 The Journey to Balance: Insights and Personal Stories

03:50 Embracing Self-Care & Prioritizing Personal Growth

17:46 Harnessing Healthy Habits for Mind & Body

23:42 Join Our Journey: Invitations & Closing Thoughts


If you feel called to it - please 'follow', rate with some stars & share any episodes to spread the magic! Reviews & reflections can be shared here ->

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Tune in to you next time!

Want to have your own discovery on how the mind & body are interconnected? And learn how food can lead to a more sustainable & vibrant life? --> ***
Click here to learn more and/or message us on the 30 Days to Healthier Living! *** <--

Directly connect with Meg: @meg.itate.8itch
Directly connect with Court:
Connect to us both: --- Write to us! We'd love to learn about a magical midlife crisis story of your own or someone you know!

what's not serving you? What are you spending too much time? And yeah, I used to be a TV aholic. I mean, I used to be a fucking everything aholic, wine aholic, TV aholic, drive thru aholic. Like I just, I would binge on shit, like stuff that didn't fuel me, didn't fuel my mind or my gut well at all. Yeah, and everybody's journey and balance or whatnot. It's very different. Like for me, I had to prioritize my health first because I had to get my gut right to get my mind right. Same. So once I got my mind right, then I was able to think clearly and just get on my little ducks in a row over here and get my little calendar set up. Yeah. Yeah. I used to never have used my calendar, so I would always double book appointments, forget when I would have plans, all that This is the magical midlife crisis podcast, where your hosts, I'm court, a compassion activist, animal lover, nature, nut and entrepreneur in the mind, body, spirit connections. And I met a free thinker with a passion for non toxic living, a dedicated hockey mom and a multi business owner. We are a couple of friends who met through health and heartache. We discovered through our crisis moments, we all have magic within us. This podcast is about awakening to a different perspective and being the creators of our own reality. Every Sunday, you can expect an abundance of stories from all kinds of kinds in their different layers of awakening. We hope you expand your heart and minds and create the shift with us. So unplug from the matrix and tune in to this magical mystery ride. Beep, beep. Honk honk. Welcome back to the magical midlife crisis. We have Meg here in court. Okay, so we just went live. Before this recording and that was kind of well, we go live a little bit here and there but not publicly. Yeah, not not Yeah, not really on like social platforms so much. But um, uh in like private settings Yes, so we just gave it a whirl we wanted some insight and to engage with some people if there was any topics or things that we should discuss and talk about in our podcast and One of my most favorite DJs we ever had with the most beautiful voice, Courtney, her voice is unreal. Yeah. Maria, she mentioned balance and I think balance is a great topic because balance is something that I'm still maneuvering through, but I've gotten a lot better saying, Oh yes, um, that was awesome. Thank you everyone for tuning in to our live. This is Court, by the way, um, and. That, yeah, that was the one topic that was given this time around. I'm excited to read any comments that are left behind, uh, after that was posted. Uh, shout out to a few friends, Crystal. Thank you so much for listening. You're fucking awesome. And thanks for recommending our podcast to your sister, Vanessa, super stoked to connect with you more. Um, Jimmy Shea, shout out. So cool. I'm running into you and you asking about the podcast. And I got to share with him because he was, um, Jimmy Shea was saying something about like it takes a lot of time and that was something that Meg and I were both kind of worried about like doing this because we're so busy. Like finding the time to do this, but what's cool about what we do with the podcast is we said from the beginning, we just don't want to edit really anything. So our, our podcast episodes are pretty much as is there. Hey, there's really, I think I edited maybe two and I'm like, Nope, this is not happening. This is takes way too much time. So yeah, balance is a great topic. Thank you, Maria, for. For, uh, shouting that, that one out to us. Yeah. And I got to give a shout out to storm. If you do listen to this, I ran into him at the dentist's office today. And we were just having a conversation about spirituality, grounding and living healthy and all that kind of stuff. And I brought up the fact that I have a podcast and I sent him through Facebook on messenger, some podcasts and things for him to listen to, and. Along with our podcast. And then he said that Sandy and Renee, I'm assuming Sandy and Renee Red Hawk parents, only Sandy and Renee that I know that you guys love it. So thank you so much for just hitting play and listening to what we have to say. It truly means the world to me. So thank you. So cool. Probably so weird to hear like a different, like. When I'm at work, I'm a different person. And then all of a sudden, I mean, I'm me, but it's a different energy. Well, yeah. And it's like, Oh, like you're just exposing, exposing all of my secrets, all my life stories, but yeah, balance, balance, balance is something that I never knew I needed. I have, this is court. Um, I've been a go with the flow kind of person and I've, I've Always appreciate that about myself, but also I've learned that, um, that was kind of a cop out to taking a lot of control of what I can in my life. So what I've learned over the last five years with, um, running the business that Megan and I are partners in and, um, doing a deep dive in self discovery with this huge six month course that I took and realizing that the more We like connect and are aware of our thoughts and our values and the actions we take, because wherever, this is really cool, wherever you're Spending the most time, that's what your true values are right now. So if you're spending a ton of time, like, like I used to be spending a lot of time complaining, like that was my biggest value complaining about all the shit that wasn't going right around me. Um, so becoming aware of like what I'm thinking, where I'm spending the most time and what is actually in my calendar. Oh calendar, that's been a huge one for you. Oh, you guys only knew I am adulting like a motherfucker Like a motherfucker, but the whole idea of Like kind of auditing ourselves and our thoughts and where we're spending time has given me so much more Time to spend it where it's really important to me and then knowing like whenever we're given these. Um, You know You FOMO opportunity is where there's like three things we want to do at once. You just like literally think about what your value that is that you want and that's what you choose. And then it's a done deal. It's easy. It's not hard. But I've always been the type of person that has FOMO and didn't want to say no to somebody and wanted to do all the things. And at the same time, it's like, What does my future self really need me to do right now? Yeah. And once you, I think once you reach a certain level of, I wouldn't say consciousness, but once you become more aligned when your heart and you're coherent, your gut will kind of just tell you what's more important when you're able to actually just listen to your body. Yeah. At least it works for me that way. Yeah. Where when I have multiple things that are happening, I just sit and I think about it and I'm, my intuition will tell me what option I should do. Okay. So with that, do you like moments of overwhelm? Do you really just like kind of stop what you're doing and like, try to just take a few deep breaths and like, fine, like listen in. Yeah. Yeah. I used to not be able to do that, but now I'm able to center myself. Breathe. I close my eyes and I just get my body in a relaxed state where my Program isn't running. So once i'm able to do that, then i'm pretty much clear headed. Yeah. Yeah, that's awesome Yeah, I I feel like I do that more without even realizing it um, I feel like when i'm outside or in the car are like the best places for me to like really Think like be Like clear of what what is true for me and what is the best next move for me versus My old self thinking so much about other people, not disappointing them, showing up for them, um, being there for them when in reality I was always putting myself second. I didn't even have the energy to show up in my best way anyway. So that's what has been the most, uh, just expansive when it comes to balance for me in my life. Yeah, balance for me has been a hard juggle with the bar business and then our consulting business, like our health and wellness. Yeah. It was a big struggle for me in the beginning. How do I balance everything? And I love the analogy of like all my eggs in one basket. I had to slowly figure out how to spread my eggs to all different places. And at times I would put more energy into things that. I didn't need to, but it's kind of a learning experience too, you know, and I would say prioritizing like is a huge thing. Like I wake up in the morning after my meditation, after grounding, I'm like, okay, like, obviously I know I have to go to work, but I really think about the day, like, okay, what do I have to get done? Like, and I always make, I always leave room for me that because if we don't balance ourselves, then our, we're not going to be fully balanced. It's not going to like, Blow into the other aspects of our life. So for me, self care is a huge part of my balance. I don't think it's selfish. I think, I think it's very necessary, um, to take half an hour out of your day for some self care and love yourself. That flows into all, all the days. Yes. Um, something Dr. Joe Dispenza, whoop whoop, our fave, he, he really helped me, cause I heard this a few times, like, don't, the first moments that you wake up, don't give yourself away to anyone else, like, don't be the consumer, be the creator. And so, I've been so intentional for, I mean, let's say, nine times out of ten, not picking up my phone and looking at it, and really just. giving me that time and being the person that does prioritize my day because you're so right prior prioritization is huge. Um, and obviously we're both like, so you're a mom, you're a wife, you're a business owner, multi business owner, you have animals, you have three dogs, you work out, you make food, you like meditate, you do like a bajillion things. But it's like, I also have so much free time. That was my end goal. Like, obviously it's not like my goals aren't complete yet, but yeah, I've been able to prioritize and like, I have free time. But I utilize my free time to plug into positive communities. And so to some people that might seem like work, but for me, plugging into our Facebook groups or having conversations through text gives me balance because depending on the type of community that you plug into, can really fuck up your balance. Oh yeah. You want to have a positive community of people encouraging you, not like, I don't need the friend that's like, Oh, it's fine. Just be yourself. Don't go do it. Don't go. You know what I mean? I want to be lifted up. I want to be encouraged. I want support Yeah, so I think really what you plug into on a daily basis is huge. I agree Yeah, I like our monday night team call is one of my favorite Things that we do throughout the week and then our wednesday night like steel mace flow crew That is another really just A battery fill for me court um But you're so right. It really is like who's your Who's your energy source? Obviously, you know, for those that connect to the higher power, whatever you see that as the, you know, creator of all of us, like that is a huge energy source that I have been really way more connected to in the last few years. Um, and then, yeah, the right, the people that See me as me and accept me as me. And I don't have to overthink about who I show up as. I remember when you and I first became friends and we were on the phone and I don't remember what the subject was, but I just was like, yeah, so I'm like practicing, like being, I was not using the word authentic, but just like our first conversation wasn't our first. I was, I was, I don't know if I was living here yet at the time. In this house, but I was walking. I know where I was and I was on the phone with you and I was so like like challenged about being real with you just about I think I haven't heard from you in a few days or something like that. Oh, okay, yeah. And then I'm just like, yeah, I just, this is where my mind goes, and I don't want to go there, so I just need to tell you. My mind is going, like, is she mad at me? Or did I do something? And you're just like, oh, honey, like, no. And But like, for me to tell you that, that was really hard. But then I knew from then on, from that moment, that I didn't have to second guess. Like, I knew where we were intentional about, we're gonna just fucking tell each other if anything's up. And we have. Yeah, it's just an amazing gift to have in a friendship. Because then I'm not exhausted in my head. I don't, I don't, I never, I tell you all the time, I don't even worry about you because I know how, like, connected we are to our creator, each other, and how we are on this real journey of being real, as real as we can, real is the deal. Yeah, I would, going back to like the Monday night calls that we have, there was quite a bit of time that I was absent and I wouldn't chime in. And. Because I was putting lesser priorities ahead of that. Mm. Yep. Okay. And so I was out of balance. And I wasn't prioritizing the things that I needed in my life. I was Being selfish, but not in ways that help me develop. Sure. So I'm able to, I brought it up to you, like, Hey, I want to start plugging in more. And I feel like ever since I've been plugging in more, just my day to day just flows better because I feel like, okay, I'm back into the community. I'm opening up and like, it's, it helps, you know, you just got to figure out your priorities. Really and what's important what you want in life, you know, and number one priority needs to be yourself Because I used to put myself last and everybody before me and I love being a giver. I love being a server like a people Um, and I love just helping. Yeah, your generosity Yeah is It's just huge. Yeah, it's like a natural thing for me. I remember when I was little, I used to want to take all my, um, birthday and Christmas money and give it to those like starving children. Yeah. And my mom was like, no, honey, like keep your money. I'm like, okay. I just put it in my piggy bank. Um, but yeah, I was like that since when I was little, you know, um, Yeah, it's important to put yourself first. Yeah. And I will add as you're kind of, I'm realizing like, so from my boyfriend, Joe and I, there are times where it's easier for me to fill in the times that should be for him. And I, cause like, it's important. I believe I've learned this and I truly believe it, that your home life, your family life, is important. If there is imbalance there, there's going to be a lot of imbalance outside of that, like in your day to day in your business, like your, your emotional bank account follows your, uh, is in front of your financial bank account. So, um, There were, there were a lot of moments like figuring it out over the last five years.'cause he has been like my business mentor, and especially in the beginning, um, where I wasn't prioritizing us. And so then I felt super disconnected in my relationship with him, which I always thought was more him, but it really was me. Like I, I still like, wasn't putting me first. So it, it, I mean, it takes fucking time, but the more you, um, like sift out or filter out the bullshit. Like what's not serving you? What are you spending too much time? And yeah, I used to be a TV aholic. I mean, I used to be a fucking everything aholic, wine aholic, TV aholic, drive thru aholic. Like I just, I would binge on shit, like stuff that didn't fuel me, didn't fuel my mind or my gut well at all. Yeah, and everybody's journey and balance or whatnot. It's very different. Like for me, I had to prioritize my health first because I had to get my gut right to get my mind right. Same. So once I got my mind right, then I was able to think clearly and just get on my little ducks in a row over here and get my little calendar set up. Yeah. Yeah. I used to never have used my calendar, so I would always double book appointments, forget when I would have plans, all that. And it is beautiful now. It's everything color coordinated. Yeah. It takes time. It's creating habits, creating healthy habits too will help you with balance. So it's not wasting time doing stupid stuff because once you create healthier habits, especially starting in the morning, you know, like you said, picking up your phone first thing in the morning, you're just restarting the program from yesterday. Just picking it right up. Right. So it's important to kind of let your mind settle a little bit and do some things for yourself and then get into your emails, your socials, whatever it may be, but two books I want to shout out to so, um, The first book atomic habits, I think Mark Manson is the author, but he said after writing that book, he said the number one habit that helps people create lasting change is who you hang out with because you develop those habits of those people. And then number two, there was a really good book that I read a few years ago, um, the miracle morning. And it talks about this acronym savers that really helped me know what to do to prioritize me in the morning. I don't do everything that's recommended in that book, but S A V E R S. So, the first S is silence. So, however you want to practice, like, either meditation, or deep breathing, or prayer, or whatever. So, S, and then A is for affirmations, which I know you're huge in, Meg. I am beautiful. I am love. I'm light, love, and energy. Okay. Carry on. And then V is visualization, which I'm doing more and more of, which I mean, do it like the pro athletes do it like visualize. your best self. It's, it's really cool. Um, there's lots of other ways to say visualization, but, uh, uh, mental rehearsal. I like that idea of it. And, um, S A V E is exercise. Obviously. Um, rebounding is like, seriously, Still like one of my favorite Small activities to like get in. Um, s a v e r is What is ours? No, it's oh reading reading So, um, definitely don't do as much as I want. Uh, so that's going to be coming into play when I get my office all set up in the guest bedroom. And then the last S is scribing. So obviously journaling of any kind. So, I mean, I don't do all those things, but it's a great list to like plug and play, like for whatever you have in the morning, uh, if five minutes, 15 minutes, an hour, like, fill that time with either one of those things, three of those things, whatever, so that you're, I mean, literally, it could be as easy as going on Spotify, getting morning affirmations, and listening to it while you get ready for your day, like, or driving wherever. I think that's all I listen to. I mean, it's very rare that I listen to music. Yeah, very rare. And if I do, guess who I listen to? Brittany, Brittany, bitch. Um, just cause their music's so high vibe and it's such good energy, but yeah, I, from when I wake up, the minute I get in my car, I get like my supplements ready and my protein and I'm ready to go. And I make sure that I get whatever I want to listen to, whether it's a podcast or affirmations, and it really steers you to have a positive day and puts you in a good frequency for you to handle anything that's going to come your way. You're going to. It's going to bounce off you a little bit better than if you didn't do the things in the morning. Yeah. And then your vibe, like it creates your, your vibration, your, and we are all energy. So if you're looking for a higher vibe community, we are always, always, like always open to be that support for you. Um, we're running another Healthy Habits. 30 days, 30 days to better gut health, better gut and mind health. Um, running it at the end of we're thinking April 22nd, April 29th. We're going to figure out the day. But of course, you are all, you all have a seat, um, in on our, uh, Earth School bus slash healthy train. Yeah, always. If you're having a hard time prioritizing, you know, your day, if you're feeling out of balance, it's because your brain is cluttered. You need to calm down your nervous system. You need to just relax and quiet your mind. Sometimes your gut needs to be cleansed too. Yeah, and the quieting the mind. I know so many people I had a patient today. She's like 83 and she's like, yeah mindfulness is really hard and it's like I I said, well, who do you spend the most time with and she's like my husband i'm like does he believe in mindfulness, she goes, Oh, no, I'm like, well, maybe you need to find some people that support you. And so that you can go to your next level instead of just reading a book. And then, you know, that's it. So yeah, you're who you're plugging into what you're fueling your body with. And what you're feeling your mind with what you're listening to is has been so essential and when all the self development that we've done that's what all the high level, you know, purposeful meaningful people say to do it's not we're not rewriting anything. It's like the same steps that everyone's taken. Those steps are hard to take because Our immune system is designed to be comfortable. It's not designed to stretch. And so that's why the people that evolve the most, they press against that. They, they, they, they really lean into the resistance and figure out what's that about. And get uncomfortable. Get uncomfortable. Yeah. Yeah. So come get uncomfortable with us. We love you so much. Thank you so much for tuning back into the magical midlife crisis. Did you, were you going to say anything? Nope. That's it. Okay. Yes. We love you. Thank you. And check the show notes for how to connect with us, how to join us on our healthy habits, train starting. Later, the 22nd, 29th, we'll figure it out, but you are, you are invited. Yes, and then I think, um, we might just start going live before. Yeah, good idea. Okay. And just kind of chime in and. Yeah. I think I say that a lot, chime in. Yeah. So just chime on in, ladies and gents. We love you. We love you. Beep, beep. Oink, oink. If you made it to the end of this episode, that means you either just appreciate our messy, awkward life experiences, or you're truly up for finding more magic in your life like we are. Definitely tune in every Sunday for more reality shifts that we explore between us and with many special guests that join. If you feel it, please subscribe so you don't miss your seat on our magical earth school bus. Your experience with this show really means a lot to us. So we want to genuinely welcome you to leave an honest review. Your voice matters exactly how it is. You can follow us on social media, check the show notes, and if you really want to get in the action, send us a message directly through our email. We'll connect with you next week.