The Magical Midlife Crisis

Episode 27 - Unraveling the Money Matrix: A Journey to Abundance

May 05, 2024 Megan Zdeb & Courtney Beth Anderson Season 1 Episode 27
Episode 27 - Unraveling the Money Matrix: A Journey to Abundance
The Magical Midlife Crisis
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The Magical Midlife Crisis
Episode 27 - Unraveling the Money Matrix: A Journey to Abundance
May 05, 2024 Season 1 Episode 27
Megan Zdeb & Courtney Beth Anderson

Weellllllllcome back to The Magical Midlife Crisis Podcast! Super grateful you pressed play! You are awesome before, during & after clicking that play button ;)

In this episode, Meg & I reach layers about the mindset surrounding money, share personal stories & insights. 

I talk about my revelation on the importance of a healthy relationship with money after dating Joe, who introduced me to the concept of money mindset and how donating to nonprofits brought me into debt. 

We both highlight the significance of self-development that reshaped our perspectives on money. Meg shares her upbringing and experiences with money, discussing her parents' divorce, her father's secret savings, and how her perception of money as energy has evolved over time. 

The conversation explores the impacts of upbringing on money mindset, the transformative power of asking the right questions about money, and the importance of investing in oneself and the local community. 

This episode emphasizes the belief in abundance, the potential of network marketing, and making educated choices on where to donate, highlighting the value of local and personal connections. We live to inspire you to rethink your relationship with money, viewing it as a tool for creating positive impacts & investing in personal growth.

We love you!

01:21 Diving Deep into the Money Mindset

01:35 Personal Stories of Money Mindset Evolution

05:48 The Impact of Family and Childhood on Money Beliefs

12:20 Rewriting the Money Script: A Journey of Self-Discovery

21:36 The Power of Upgrading Our Mental Software

23:45 Embracing Biological Intelligence Over AI

25:20 Nostalgia and Childhood Shopping Memories

26:04 The Impact of Social Media and Comparison

26:54 Evolving Relationship with Money and Materialism

27:58 Journey to Financial Responsibility and Minimalism

28:52 The Value of Investing in Health and Education

31:03 Redefining Wealth: From Material Goods to Personal Growth

34:14 Parenting in the Age of Information Overload

37:37 Embracing Curiosity and Learning in Life

45:19 Concluding Thoughts on Personal Growth and Community

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Connect to us both: --- Write to us! We'd love to learn about a magical midlife crisis story of your own or someone you know!

Show Notes Transcript

Weellllllllcome back to The Magical Midlife Crisis Podcast! Super grateful you pressed play! You are awesome before, during & after clicking that play button ;)

In this episode, Meg & I reach layers about the mindset surrounding money, share personal stories & insights. 

I talk about my revelation on the importance of a healthy relationship with money after dating Joe, who introduced me to the concept of money mindset and how donating to nonprofits brought me into debt. 

We both highlight the significance of self-development that reshaped our perspectives on money. Meg shares her upbringing and experiences with money, discussing her parents' divorce, her father's secret savings, and how her perception of money as energy has evolved over time. 

The conversation explores the impacts of upbringing on money mindset, the transformative power of asking the right questions about money, and the importance of investing in oneself and the local community. 

This episode emphasizes the belief in abundance, the potential of network marketing, and making educated choices on where to donate, highlighting the value of local and personal connections. We live to inspire you to rethink your relationship with money, viewing it as a tool for creating positive impacts & investing in personal growth.

We love you!

01:21 Diving Deep into the Money Mindset

01:35 Personal Stories of Money Mindset Evolution

05:48 The Impact of Family and Childhood on Money Beliefs

12:20 Rewriting the Money Script: A Journey of Self-Discovery

21:36 The Power of Upgrading Our Mental Software

23:45 Embracing Biological Intelligence Over AI

25:20 Nostalgia and Childhood Shopping Memories

26:04 The Impact of Social Media and Comparison

26:54 Evolving Relationship with Money and Materialism

27:58 Journey to Financial Responsibility and Minimalism

28:52 The Value of Investing in Health and Education

31:03 Redefining Wealth: From Material Goods to Personal Growth

34:14 Parenting in the Age of Information Overload

37:37 Embracing Curiosity and Learning in Life

45:19 Concluding Thoughts on Personal Growth and Community

If you feel called to it - please 'follow', rate with some stars & share any episodes to spread the magic! Reviews & reflections can be shared here ->

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Tune in to you next time!

Want to have your own discovery on how the mind & body are interconnected? And learn how food can lead to a more sustainable & vibrant life? --> ***
Click here to learn more and/or message us on the 30 Days to Healthier Living! *** <--

Directly connect with Meg: @meg.itate.8itch
Directly connect with Court:
Connect to us both: --- Write to us! We'd love to learn about a magical midlife crisis story of your own or someone you know!

And a lot of the time, the bad habits that I had were just like me going along with the circumstances that were my quote unquote normal, and not realizing that I had a choice to do anything any differently, but like, like you said, and I've heard this and it's just. Like, yeah, we are a program, but we're not artificial intelligence. We're biological intelligence. We can, we have so much power within us. That's so much more than all of the, you know, techie things that are great. They're really great. We can literally talk to each other from the, you know, 15 minutes that we live apart by this tech. It's so awesome. I'm so grateful, but we are, we are so much more powerful. In our programming This is the magical midlife crisis podcast, where your hosts, I'm court, a compassion activist, animal lover, nature, nut and entrepreneur in the mind, body, spirit connections. And I met a free thinker with a passion for non toxic living, a dedicated hockey mom and a multi business owner. We are a couple of friends who met through health and heartache. We discovered through our crisis moments, we all have magic within us. This podcast is about awakening to a different perspective and being the creators of our own reality. Every Sunday, you can expect an abundance of stories from all kinds of kinds in their different layers of awakening. We hope you expand your heart and minds and create the shift with us. So unplug from the matrix and tune in to this magical mystery ride. Beep, beep. Honk honk. Hey everyone, welcome back to the magical midlife crisis podcast. This is court and this is Meg and you can call me Meg. We are separate, but together we are in our own homes. This is our second episode, uh, not in each other's actual swirling of energy. And it's. Cool. Cause last time we did this, we said we liked it. So here we are doing it again. And then what I love about zoom is you feel like you can't connect to people's energy, but I could sense and feel your energy just from our conversations. Yeah. It's a good thing to bring up. Like, you know, just cause you can't do certain things in person, plug into a positive energy force, even if it's over zoom or whatnot, like. I could feel the good energy just flowing out of my computer at me from you, you know? Yeah, it's like, um, it's like wavelengths, right? The waves, everything is waves. So weird. We decoded the matrix. The matrix. Oh, the matrix, the matrix and all of the insane layers of it. Today we are talking about. An interesting topic in the matrix called money. Money, money, money. The mindset of money. Since, um, since I met Joe, this is Court, by the way, since I met Joe, my boyfriend, he was the first one to, I guess taught like, what's, what's it called? When you broach a subject, right? It's a word broach, broach, a subject. Um, when somebody like brings up a subject, so Joe found out A year into us dating that I had donated myself into debt. I like I'm obsessed with giving to nonprofit organizations and he, I was complaining to him that I needed to make more money to donate to my animals and earth loving organizations. And like he, he had already gone through some self development and like money mindset. I don't know, courses or trainings or whatever. And he, he asked me like really good questions about my relationship to money. He didn't say that. Cause I don't, I don't think I would have been open to that question back then, but Yeah. Okay. So right now, um, one of our, one of our business partners, Megan, my business partner, shout out to Alex. Um, she suggested that we do this five day, uh, like prosperous mindset and business five day challenge. And it's so good. And the first day it did talk about the money mindset. And I've, I've taken a few of these kinds of trainings over the years now that we've had, um, our business and it's, I love. Like that it's similar to what I've already heard because a lot of the time when it comes to money I've had so many blocks That it does take me multiple times to like allow it to drop from my head into my heart and i've heard that like through a lot of a lot of the stuff that we do in self development that it takes Multiple times for us humans to rewrite a program or rewrite a belief and like magazine to share a little bit, but like our, our relationships to money are so different in most ways. And then a little bit different in some ways, but it's interesting because money to me before, when Joe first asked me, it just reminded me of separation. Disagreements because my parents would have, they always had their money separated and they always disagreed on like what money in the house should be spent on. My dad was always, I don't know. It just, it was always a separate topic. So it just reminded me of separation. Nobody talked about it. And if it's talked about, there's going to be some disagreements. So I just never really had a really good feeling about it. But like for you, Meg, what, like before, have you, have you taken a money mindset, like training of any kind before this one? No. Okay, cool. All right. So yeah. What, what is your current relationship? It's money. Um, I have, I think a really good relationship with money. Um, I look at money as a form of energy. I, Give it away very freely, but not just to anyone or anything. Um, I look at money as more of a servitude of serving others and knowing that it'll come back to me, not necessarily in the money form, but in an energy form, bless me in all different types of ways. Um, but I wasn't always that way. Yeah, I've had all different types of relationships with money. So like growing up, my dad worked in the bank system and my mom was a waitress and my dad had control of all the finances. He did all the bills, everything, and my mom had to make her own money. So in order to take care of our figure skating lessons, my brother's sports, pay for our dresses, our figure skates. I learned in my adulthood that all my mom's waitressing money went towards our activities. And my dad was extremely frugal, frugal with money. And obviously that stems from his generation, um, and whatever home was like his money relationship. And when it came to the divorce, we found out my dad had a secret bank account and was hoarding money. A ton of money and it's not like he was hoarding it to like for himself to go off and live a secret life. He was hoarding it out of fear and just saving and saving and saving. And that's something that I realized when my dad had passed that my dad saved all of his money. My dad didn't live a life. Like my dad had nothing to show for all the money that he had in his account. And I really do feel that everything really does happen for a reason. And I feel like his role was to provide for me and my sister financially. That's where I get into money is energy. Um, he was able to provide for us financially, not emotionally, the way that he did. He could have, so, um, yeah, my relationship with money just kind of bounces around on the board. Um, but yeah, like growing up, we, like once my parents were divorced, um, once my mom and my stepdad bought the bar, money was coming in a little bit more, but I also had a mom and a stepdad that were never home. So they were giving up time with me and like primal years in my life and running the business. So they were giving up time for money and. I had a hatred towards money at that point, and I remember I always wanted money. So, and I would actually steal from my mom. I remember I would, I was like a little klepto. I would steal her money and go shopping. And for what reasons, I don't know, like just to feel like I'm here. I don't know. I just, it was a weird part of my life. And, um, but throughout the years, bartending and serving, I always had an abundance of cash. So now we spent it freely and sadly I have not a dollar to show for all Working my ass off what I did gain from it was climbing up the quote unquote corporate ladder of the family business. I mean, now I've been able to take care of the business and take over, but, um, yeah, over time I've just had a really good relationship with money. I feel like I just look at it very abundantly. And I'm very much like you where I love to give my money away. I love to help people locally. I love to do fundraisers and, but you will not catch me at the checkout line at a grocery store donating to cancer because The grocery store has an abundance of cancer causing foods. Yeah. So when you're checking out, it's quite like ironic, isn't it? Yeah, it is ironic. You can't, you can't go any, any stores or anywhere now without them asking you to fucking donate. It's like, hello, what if like we need a donation? Where's this money really going to? Well, and that's just it. Like I've, I've looked at a lot of different organizations and depending on who they're, who were, who they were created by, a lot of them were created by the food industry. And so it's. It is a strange layer to the matrix that I'm so glad I woke up to and I do not fall for anymore. Yeah. So just pay attention to where you are donating your money because it, that is a form of energy and where that's going. Obviously you're doing it with your heart, but I like to touch more impact lives that I know that I'm impacting the actual source of the person. By every year, we do a golf outing for a child that has cancer because we're directly trying to help that family. Yeah. You know, by impacting one family, you can impact many more. Yes. So local and like, yeah, um, personally known families. That's so huge. And it's like, I don't know, the more I looked into like, um, non profit stuff, because like, I Would love to be a philanthropist. That's been a goal of mine for a long time. Um, the more we look at like our impact the more local the better because like we you know people that watch the I don't know news. I don't even like to say it but like people that listen or watch the news like we're hearing about Disasters that are happening all throughout the world and it's like do what you can control start with yourself and then work with your family and then work with your community and that and if everyone focused there versus living in the fear of what could be out there, like, of course, like, you know, anyone going through any kind of hardship out there. I absolutely send them my like empathy and my love and my prayers and my good vibes, but. Like, it's, we have to focus on our local community. We have to. And our family. And ourself. I mean, it all starts with ourself. Yeah. The closer we connect to ourselves and work on ourselves, we impact the people we live with. And it's like a spider web that it just starts sucking more people in, into that waking up and having a more positive, abundant mindset. Yeah. It's, it's so attracting. Like not good looking attracting. It's so attracting to like other people like magnetic. Yeah Yes, and because I spend so much time with you. Thank god I'm absorbing a lot of your views on money and the abundance of it and the exchange of energy and it's like it's so helpful because It, it's taken time for me to rewrite the negative relationship and negative stories and negative beliefs that I've had about money since I was little, and there's a really good analogy that I learned from one of my mentors about like, you don't wear the same clothes. That you had when you were 11 and 12. So you picked up the beliefs of money usually around that age, when you started to understand, you started to like have your own cash to spend on, you know, stupid candy bars or whatever back then. Cause that's really what it was. We would ride to Dominic's, ride our bikes to Dominic's and buy like however much candy we wanted. But like, that's when we started to understand. The idea of money and, and our use of it. And then if there was any responsibility taught to us about it or not, and. I would say, I mean, when I started to make really good money in my career as a dental hygienist, I was just like, holy shit. Like I have so much money. This is amazing. I could do anything. And I did nothing responsible with it at all. Like nothing. I had some investments, um, 401k started. So like, you know, some bare minimums. But as far as like really being smart, no, not at all. So that's why I loved the, like the, um, when Joe told me about ways to actually be really intelligent with the use and, um, opportunities of, of investing and like making, More of a, an asset income. And like, he's been into, he's, he learned a lot about real estate. He learned a lot, he started his own business. He learned about the market and he was distributing his income really well throughout those areas. And then he taught me about business. And that's when the whole opportunity to be in network marketing and learning how to scale money while I'm making. You know, my income, my day job income. And that was just like, Whoa, what a, what a cool opportunity. And that's, that's what really kind of shifted my idea and my relationship to money, because I started making more responsible choices of how I was earning it, spending it and saving it and investing it, which I'm still learning. I mean, I think it's a. It's a long term thing. Well, yeah. And the, the world shifts and maneuvers as we evolve. So it's going to be a never ending journey with money. And especially now that we're entering a more cashless society and more digital, I mean, so yeah, it's, we have to continuously keep learning. Yes. Yeah. And there's so many different ways to make income. There's residual income, passive income, and you can tap into all forms of those. Incomes. You don't just so many people think they just have to have one job and adding another one on, but that's the power of network marketing is find a company you align with that. You feel that you can back up, you can represent, and you want to share the world with, and you can help other people along the way and make your own money. Yeah. Like just doing what, what we love. And, um, yeah, you can invest in properties, homes, and it's never money is so unlimited, you know, and that's the thing about quote unquote, the matrix. I keep doing my little quote unquote, but yeah, they want us to think that money is limited and there's only enough to go around, but no, it circulates and money is karma. It's comes in all different forms. That was really new information to me when I learned that in the last I would say a year or two. Um, like the idea of money only being for certain people. That's what I had thought. I, you know, I, when we, remember that game when you, it's called MASH and you write M A S H on a top of a piece of paper, and M is for mansion, A is for apartment, S is for shack, and H is for house. Yes! So, like, I never, I mean, just that game alone, I'm like, I'm never gonna live in a mansion, like, that's, I can dream about it, that's funny, but I just knew I wasn't in that. You know, higher income, whatever division of people. It just, that wasn't us. We were definitely, I mean, I don't know. I, I don't think we had a lot of money when I was growing up. I don't really know. It was like you said, your dad was frugal. My dad was frugal. I, I believed he made good money doing what he did. And then my mom worked her flip an ass off doing the same thing, punning us kids through all the stuff that we did. private school, sports, um, all kinds of things. And she had her own business, um, a daycare center in our house while I was growing up. So. And then she had other jobs too. So it was like, she was strapped. My dad never spent anything that I could see. And so I just, I thought we were poor. I don't know. I really don't, I have no idea what we were, but it was hard and we didn't get what we wanted most of the time. It was always a no or we'll see. And that meant no. And then, yeah, I just thought there's no way that I'll ever have. You know, an abundance of money. I just, that was my belief. It was never going to happen for me. And then I met Joe and he's just like, you could, you could have anything you want. And he said, it was so much belief that I believed him where you hear that from people, you know, you can have anything that you want. You could be anything, anyone that you want. It's like, Yeah. Okay. What are you smoking over there? Right. Right. But it was, but now it's so clear. It's so clear. It's so clear how we can't, we can really tap into the crazy quantum field and have anything that you want. It's so awesome. What an even playing field we actually live in. Yeah. If you, if you want it to be, if you want to believe it. It will be. Yeah, you just gotta figure out your relationship, whether it's money and obviously we're on the topic of money, but you've got to, okay, what is my relationship with money? Okay. And maybe look at it. Why is my relationship like that with money? Okay. If it's abundant or you feel you have lack, why do you feel lack? Is it from your upbringing? And you can start to really diagnose. All the things that are attached to your belief as an adult, you know, the more, you know, on Facebook, Instagram, all the platforms, you'll see people complain about their lack. And it's like, you're, you're manifesting that lack by talking about not having that. So we're talking about not having that. It's you're contributing to the lack that you have. So you've got to flip the script and have an abundant mindset, but, and you're so right by asking yourself the questions that helps you get to what do you truly believe and what's the truth behind it? And is it still true now? Because a lot of the time, whatever was back when you were 11, whatever, 17, 27, whatever, It's not even true anymore. So it's like, you can literally take off the belief, take off the clothes that were, you know, fit your 11 year old self and like put on new clothes and new belief and begin to repeat that so that you're giving it, like you said, in, um, the live yesterday, fueling the thought, fueling the belief. With your energy, with your, I mean, reminding yourself that no, I'm, I'm going to believe this now, like, this is what I want to believe. I get it. Why I thought this before it's so smart to like, locate that and figure out why that even came about. Cause that helps you actually rewrite it. If you don't, if you just try to all of a sudden start believing something else, it's not going to work a lot of the time. Well, as we are evolving in a very electronic technological world, we are often forgetting that we have the power within all these electronics within ourselves. So our iPhones, our computers, whatever apps we have, our apps and our phones will remind us, hey, download the newest version for bugs and all this. We never do that to ourselves. We're never like, Hmm, let me redownload my, my software. Let me upgrade it. We're always too worried about the external environment and never upgrading ourselves. Yeah. It's like good. Yeah. And we just were like, I tell people we are like a computer system. We can't keep feeding it viruses and stuff and not upgrading it because eventually the computer is going to crash. And then it's going to be tossed aside with all the other broken computers. And that's our healthcare system, you know? Yes. Yeah, that is so good. I think it just really makes me really understanding that. Okay. At the age of seven, we have downloaded a program. I think I just, that had stuck with me so hard and really understanding that. Yes. Cause we are energy and information that we are constantly just downloading everything. And once you can really not just hear it, but really understand the concept of us. Yeah. Being a program once you really truly get it is where you can start to make the shifts in the mindset changes Yeah, once you change one habit, it's confirmation that oh People I don't think a lot of people don't really realize we create all of our bad habits. We create our bad habits Oh and we can create Healthier habits, right? And a lot of the time, the bad habits that I had were just like me going along with the circumstances that were my quote unquote normal, and not realizing that I had a choice to do anything any differently, but like, like you said, and I've heard this and it's just. Like, yeah, we are a program, but we're not artificial intelligence. We're biological intelligence. We can, we have so much power within us. That's so much more than all of the, you know, techie things that are great. They're really great. We can literally talk to each other from the, you know, 15 minutes that we live apart by this tech. It's so awesome. I'm so grateful, but we are, we are so much more powerful. In our programming, because we have emotions. We have what you call a heart. Yeah. AI does not have the understanding of love. That's the power that we have. And it's so, yes. And love is the ultimate, it's the ultimate. I feel like a lot of people say, Oh, my heart says this, but my brain says this. Well, listen to your heart. Mm hmm. Oh, that's what I did. Yeah, like a very complicated relationship situation I was in, you know, yeah, and it's like you went with intuition, not logic. Yeah, I think because of the world we live in, intuition is squashed and logic is rewarded because of the school system, which we could, you know, talk about that another day. Yeah. That could be a like a three series topic. Yeah, I often like look back, me and my sister will have conversations about our childhood and Like, Oh, do you remember this store? And, you know, just reliving, reliving our youth. And I remember my mom would be like, all right, you guys, we're going to go to Stratford or we're going to go to Woodfield and I will let you each pick out one thing from limited to. And I remember spending hours, like it probably was only a half an hour, but I was like, one thing. What is the one shirt or shorts or what is the one thing I'm going to get? I know. No. And I, I, we had very similar cause we, we were by the same malls. So then it would be like, mom, but if I get one shirt, it has to go with new shorts. Like I can't wear this with all the stuff that I have. No, it's same stuff. Same. That was, yeah. And I lived in comparison mode. Oh yeah. And especially growing up in a sport like figure skating, that's a money sport. And constantly I was comparing myself to other families that had more money and we would go to other people's houses and we were like, And they weren't mansions, but I was like, Oh my God. And my house was completely a normal suburban home, you know, but we just. Are some, for some reason, we just compare ourselves to everybody so much. And I'm seeing, I'm seeing it even more now because of social media with these kids. And it's like something that I'm trying to get a hold on with Mason that like, listen, we don't compare ourselves to other people. You're going to have more than other people. Other people are going to have less than you. That that's not how we are. Yeah. But I wasn't always that way because once I started to have a little bit of money, not, I wasn't responsible with my money. I felt okay, like rather than investing or doing the right things with my money, I let my ego debit card and I have a couple of really nice purses and nice jackets and a few other things, which I probably wouldn't spend my money on that now. You know, I like quality of course, but it's my mindset. It's different with my money. It's like, I don't, it was like self rewarding myself, but I didn't do anything to, to earn that reward. It was kind of just like, Oh, I don't know. Just, it's a weird thing with materialistic things and money. And it's like, I'm trying to. I think I'm evolving and having a healthy relationship with that aspect because it's a journey. Your obsession is buying plants now. And I just love it so much. Fuck you, Louis Vuitton. I got plants now. Yeah. No, I, I, when I was in general hygiene school, um, well, I was drinking, I was smoking and I was It's doing shopping therapy at Target, which I don't think I will ever buy a thing at Target ever again. Um. I don't even want to walk in there. Ugh. The lights make me have to take a shit. You know about that? No. What is that? It's like all these stores, they're bright lights. Yes, it like does something to, I don't think I'll have to look it up, but it makes a lot of people have to poo. All right. Get back to your target. Sorry. I'm swaying a little out of topic over here. Well, my mom was supporting me. Um, uh, she let me move back in with her when I basically. Went broke and decided to go back to school. And I didn't want, I really did not want to go back. I did like two years of gen eds for college and I did not want to go back. But at the same time, I wanted to make more money. I wanted more independence. So I'm like, what's, what's the shortest thing that I can do as far as the program. So dental hygiene was it, which worked out. I was already in the dental industry. So my mom let me move back in and she like supported me. And the money she gave me I would go to Target and I would just like buy a bunch of shit and I'm just like I was so ungrateful and so Immature. And it's like gross to think about now, but that's who I was. And I was also not a nice person. I was just all kinds of unhealth back then. But, um, I, I now by resale, I have, as you know, my amazing friend, Crystal, she basically gives me like a. Garbage bag full of, of clothes that I, I, I don't know that when's, when's the last time I shopped. I really don't know. It's pretty amazing. Oh, I still like to do my shopping. So I'm not there yet. Oh, I just shop a lot less than I used to. Yeah. Well, and my priorities have changed. Yeah. No, yes. It's like, it's funny now. Like the more money I make, the less money I want to spend on, on stuff and stuff. Yeah, it's more investments. It's investments in our health. It's investments in our homes, in our relationships, experiences, like it's yeah, it's totally different what we're purchasing, which most of it is more investments than purchases, which is awesome. Like I'm very proud of our evolution with our spending and our money and our saving and our, you know, Mindsets around money. Yeah. And it's, it's funny because you'll see, you'll have conversations with people and, you know, wanting to get them to live a healthier lifestyle. And people talk about how purchasing organic is too expensive and certain things are too expensive and, or doing a 30 day reset is too expensive. But then these same people will also go and splurge their money on Starbucks and. a bar tab or whatever it is stuff that doesn't give them value. Yeah, dude, I bar tab can give you value can give you a good time. Can't be knocking the Barb is but I used to be one of those people that I buy a coffee and a blueberry muffin. At least those are my two for sure is at Starbucks. Almost every day. Um, when I worked at an office that was like in a, you know, mall that in an outdoor mall and right across the front door of my building was a Starbucks and I would do it every morning, every morning. And I don't know how much that was probably like nine or 10, but it's like yeah, our 30 days, like, healthy habit reset is 11 a day, 11. And you're not investing in the company, you're not investing in your health. Yeah. Well, and the 30 days you are right, right. No, but like with Starbucks, Oh my gosh. Investing in people's limited beliefs on like, I think so many people are so discouraged in themselves to think that they can't get through the 30 days or it's not going to benefit them that the money isn't worth spending. Yeah. But well, but then don't you think that's a reflection on the worth that we see in ourselves sometimes too? Like if, like I, it took me time to, I mean, I knew I was ready for the 30 days, but like in other things, as far as I sometimes I've invested so much in myself the last few years, but before that I questioned, I didn't know that I was questioning my worth. And investing in myself and that's where you and I've talked about investing in ourself. It's it's a, it's a literal gift to like, feel more whole. I don't any, any money that I spend when it's comes to me learning more and educating myself is money well spent because. Investment in ourselves is earth. It's supposed to be free. First of all, we're not supposed to pay to live here on earth. Okay. So if we're going to pay for anything, it should be paid to invest in ourselves and to be better and to do better and teach our children from ads. From example. Yeah. And higher impact. Higher, more positive impact. 100%. Like Mason will always ask for stuff. And Mason's always like the last kid to, he was last kid to get out Xbox, a phone. And you know, eventually got to give these kids the stuff, you know, and I've, I've told him he'll ask for stuff and I'm like, listen, certain things I go, you're going to have to pay for that yourself when you're older. And like, so you can appreciate it. Like, You're not just gonna have everything handed to you. I want you to understand the value. And he actually at, even at the age of 10, he understood the value of money. Like I had no clue what money, like how it was really earned taxes, any of that stuff and what our sports costs. None of that. Like, I remember Joel full on one time I had to pay for one of Mason's hockey clinics and he, Joel had like a lot of cash and was like, this is how much. I'm spending for you to skate. And it was a visual for me to understand. Yeah. Like, Oh, okay. You're not just driving me to the rink. You're actually paying your investing. And I try to explain that to Mason. We are investing into your, your social environment. Cause that's your people. That's your community. We're investing in your, like, in your health. Cause it's healthy to have movement. Everything we're doing is to invest into you. And so it's like, I'm like, I want you to put energy and invest in yourself. Like I want you to have self belief that's I can't give that to you. You have to believe. That you're worthy of us giving you all this stuff and providing it for you. And luckily he's a kid that can, can grasp that concept and have that belief. But that's what we have to do for our children because they are, they are the future and we need, we need them to be connected and awake and alert as much as possible and to have belief. Well, I agree. I believe in the kids. I really do. I believe in the youth. I think. There's so much more power in them that they believe that they know. And so, yeah, it's our job to remind them of how unbelievably powerful and amazing they are. Mm hmm. So yeah, it's so great and so scary at the same time because so many kids are being taught from YouTube and all the social media and so it's we as the parents have to remind ourselves to tap in a little bit stronger and harder and let our. Reminder kids that we teach them the way of life and how, how things are. Cause Mason will come to me like, Oh, well, this is what this side. And I was like, listen, I'm not taking your, your form of where you're learning this, I'm taking that as a grain of salt. So these kids are being educated by a system where we don't know what they're being fed. For sure. So it's a reminder to tap into that. Cause I have to remind myself. Yes. There's there's so much. There's so much in the, um, free speech out there, which is wonderful in many ways and also could be detrimental in many other ways. So asking questions, I think is one of the best lessons that I learned from Joe when I first met him. Ask questions. If it doesn't align for you, it doesn't align. If it doesn't align for you right now, but you're interested in later, you know, explore it later. But yeah, ask questions. Ask questions. The kids get told to shut up way too often. It's great that they like ask questions and they learn from the system. Yeah, Mason's gotten told, I guess teachers really do tell kids to shut up. Yeah. I don't know. I'm ready to be like, who the fuck do you think you are talking to my kid that way? He's a 12 year old boy going through puberty. Like being stuck behind a desk all day. Yeah. Right. But I try to, so, and this isn't to mock. It's to mock any teachers. It's not even about that. It's about just the system itself. Yeah. It's the core of it. And um, a conversation I had with Mason before going to school this morning and cause he was like, I hate school. And I'm like, I know you do. I go, I want you to go to school to have fun with your friends and just to prove to yourself that you can retain information, retain, learn, repeat. That's it. Like you could take what you want with what you're learning and you can advance from that. That's on you, but you want to play professional hockey or go to college. Then this is just the motions you've got to go through. So just focus on your, on your social environment. Just make the best of it. I go, just think of it every day as you're going to like daycare and hanging out with your friends all day. And you're just like, I try to just pull out the positive out of it and, you know, and take what you can from that environment. I can't even remember going to school. So I feel for these kids, I feel, I hated it. I hate, yeah, I hated it. I liked, I liked grade school, but high school, junior high sucked. High school was the worst and college was a blur. Yeah, I didn't go to college, went to beauty school, got kicked out, tried it again, dropped out. Yeah, and if you go to beauty school, you can only miss so many Saturdays. I think I was hung over too many Saturdays, and then I would be suspended. Saturday's like the biggest day at the beauty school salons. So yeah, me and my couple of girlfriends came in and they're like, yeah, you guys are out of here. But that wasn't my passion. I was just going through the motion of, okay, I have to do something that that's why I went, oh, okay. Other people did to me, it was like an easy out and like, I couldn't even sit through that and engage. Yeah. It's, we have to listen to ourselves and what we, what our heart really tells us what we want. Yeah. I can't believe how much I have changed. Who and what I want to be and how much we're creating it right now. Like being just positive, impactful, helpful people in the health and wealth business. Yeah. And this is like another, I think this just kind of like, I just realized this moment is that money in the world that we live in, I was always so like, well, there's. Everybody that's so rich and has some money controls what everything else that happens. And, you know, it's like, how about the people that want to do good? We've got to step up, you know, and that's what there's a lot of good with money in the world. Yeah. You know, and so it's a good thing to become. It's good that we're an advocate for that and spreading that love and that awareness. Cause sometimes I tend to focus on all the bad that's going on in the world with the people that have money and power. And I think I just realized I need to focus a little bit more on like the B corps and those types of certifications and companies out there that are doing a force for a good. Yeah. There are people on the planet. Yes. And that's where we have to keep that, that motion, keep it in motion. I love it. Great realization. And I will support you in remembering that my friend. Thank you. So when I start to talk about the elites and certain things, I'll be to shut up and love B corpse. But Hey, it's good to know what's really going on in the world. It helps us. It helps us be so much more intentional on the good. When we know of all the, the negative energy out there. Yeah. Like yesterday I was, I needed to clean my kitchen and I needed to do the dishes. And I was like, you know what? I looked at myself as all numbers and energy. And I was like, you know what? This SIM character is going to go upstairs and not do it tonight. I put the remote control down. I was like, no, I'm going to do it tomorrow, but it's good to remember and recognize that we are, yes. In a simulation, in a video game. And when to tap into that, like, You know, I realized that I was being lazy and I was okay with that because my sim player was fucking tired and I got everything done. Good job. Thank you. Good job Meg sim. Yeah. Sometimes you ever picture yourself as literally like, because now I like look at things like, sometimes I'll be doing things and I'm like, Oh my god, I actually feel like I look at things as energy. I know my brain's a little weird the way it works. Well, yeah, I, I have, I mean, yeah. After I took my self discovery course, I did, especially when I drive, I like see all the little, all of us humans, humans, characters, just like in our cars and. We're all of our screens are like overlapping each other and it's just like, yeah. So I think of like Mario Kart and I think of like the balloons that are on my car and how many I have left and. Right. Yeah. So weird. Yeah. I picture when I drive, I just tell myself I'm just floating on in space and I'm on a little spaceship. You could have fun with, with the way we think. Oh yeah. I think adults have to have life in the chess video game. You're just playing the game of chess. You guys just, yeah. Use our imagination, make choices. Your next move is a choice. I don't know chess, but I feel like. I should learn it. I have no clue how to play it, but Mason is really good at it. Chad is really good at it. We could have our guys teach us and then we can play. I'm still just mastering Connect Four. So I'm going to stick with that game for now. During COVID, we still have Connect Four, um, like playoffs. Oh, wow. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay. Well, good luck with Connect Four. All right. Thanks for connecting with us on this episode of the Magical Midlife Crisis. Uh, as always, thank you for taking time to listen in to our, this, these crazy cool things that we are constantly learning and discovering and sharing. And if you feel called to it, please rate with stars or, and, or comment a review depending on where you're listening. And our next 30 Days to Healthy Living is launching in 1, 2, 3, 4 days. 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