The Magical Midlife Crisis

Episode 28 - First Comes Stress...Then Comes Power?

May 12, 2024 Megan Zdeb & Courtney Beth Anderson Season 1 Episode 28
Episode 28 - First Comes Stress...Then Comes Power?
The Magical Midlife Crisis
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The Magical Midlife Crisis
Episode 28 - First Comes Stress...Then Comes Power?
May 12, 2024 Season 1 Episode 28
Megan Zdeb & Courtney Beth Anderson

Let's Talk Stress: The Uninvited Guest of Our Lives

In this freewheeling episode of 'The Magical Midlife Crisis,' hosts Meg and Court, along with the occasional chime-in from their pets, delve into the omnipresent topic of stress in our lives. 

Starting with a whimsical twist on a classic song, they swiftly bring the discussion from mistaken childhood anthems to the actual remedies of stress, suggesting everything from the benefits of a good old sexual release to the simple act of meditating and being grateful. 

The episode is peppered with personal anecdotes, from handling migraines with masturbation to managing stresses of household dynamics and the pressures faced by today's youth. Through laughter and candid confession, they explore how stress has evolved over their lives, touching on the value of community, the importance of slowing down, and the profound effect of self-awareness and personal development. 

The episode wraps with an encouraging message for listeners to reevaluate their relationship with stress and to find healthy coping mechanisms, all while keeping things light-hearted with their unique blend of humor and empathy.

00:00 Welcome back to the Magical Midlife Crisis Podcast!

00:18 Diving Deep into Stress: Causes, Effects, and Personal Anecdotes

03:54 Exploring Stress Relief: From Personal Development to Meditation

10:23 The Power of Awareness and Taking Control of Your Life

27:42 Concluding Thoughts: Embracing Health, Wealth, & Stress Management

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Show Notes Transcript

Let's Talk Stress: The Uninvited Guest of Our Lives

In this freewheeling episode of 'The Magical Midlife Crisis,' hosts Meg and Court, along with the occasional chime-in from their pets, delve into the omnipresent topic of stress in our lives. 

Starting with a whimsical twist on a classic song, they swiftly bring the discussion from mistaken childhood anthems to the actual remedies of stress, suggesting everything from the benefits of a good old sexual release to the simple act of meditating and being grateful. 

The episode is peppered with personal anecdotes, from handling migraines with masturbation to managing stresses of household dynamics and the pressures faced by today's youth. Through laughter and candid confession, they explore how stress has evolved over their lives, touching on the value of community, the importance of slowing down, and the profound effect of self-awareness and personal development. 

The episode wraps with an encouraging message for listeners to reevaluate their relationship with stress and to find healthy coping mechanisms, all while keeping things light-hearted with their unique blend of humor and empathy.

00:00 Welcome back to the Magical Midlife Crisis Podcast!

00:18 Diving Deep into Stress: Causes, Effects, and Personal Anecdotes

03:54 Exploring Stress Relief: From Personal Development to Meditation

10:23 The Power of Awareness and Taking Control of Your Life

27:42 Concluding Thoughts: Embracing Health, Wealth, & Stress Management

If you feel called to it - please 'follow', rate with some stars & share any episodes to spread the magic! Reviews & reflections can be shared here ->

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Tune in to you next time!

Want to have your own discovery on how the mind & body are interconnected? And learn how food can lead to a more sustainable & vibrant life? --> ***
Click here to learn more and/or message us on the 30 Days to Healthier Living! *** <--

Directly connect with Meg: @meg.itate.8itch
Directly connect with Court:
Connect to us both: --- Write to us! We'd love to learn about a magical midlife crisis story of your own or someone you know!

he just had this perfect example of like, when we were kids. We would stand in line to like check out at a store and what would we do? We would look around and we would kind of daydream and we would look at something, think about it, and we'd literally process the last, you know, 30 minutes of what we just went through shopping in a store and we'd like think about it and let it like work through us. Now we stand in line, we look at our phone, we look at all the messages, you know, check our social, check our email, like click, click, click, click, click. And then we're thinking about all those things, and what, everything that's attached to all, every single one of those things, our mind is just pinging, pinging, pinging around, and we're, like, we literally have zero processing time. And that is why everyone feels so stressed, and so disconnected, and so lost, and so frustrated, and it's like, it makes complete sense. This is the magical midlife crisis podcast, where your hosts, I'm court, a compassion activist, animal lover, nature, nut and entrepreneur in the mind, body, spirit connections. And I met a free thinker with a passion for non toxic living, a dedicated hockey mom and a multi business owner. We are a couple of friends who met through health and heartache. We discovered through our crisis moments, we all have magic within us. This podcast is about awakening to a different perspective and being the creators of our own reality. Every Sunday, you can expect an abundance of stories from all kinds of kinds in their different layers of awakening. We hope you expand your heart and minds and create the shift with us. So unplug from the matrix and tune in to this magical mystery ride. Beep, beep. Honk honk. Welcome back to the Magical Midlife Crisis. Meg here. And Court. And Marv. And Moses. Got our animals. Got our humans. Hearts beating. Energy swirling. Today's topic is stress. Stress. Stress. Stress. Stress. Stress. Stress. Stress. What was I singing in the car ride? I was going, let's talk about stress, baby. Let's talk about you and me. Let's talk about adrenaline, baby. I was about to keep going on that song. Oh, go. Oh, no, I don't. I I don't know all the words, but you all, you all that know the words. You're singing it in your head now. No, it's weird. Is that song, let's talk about sex baby. Actually, like I remember being little, like little and dressing up and me and my friend Tommy. So we're like best friends and like his older sister would dress us up and we'd go down where you perform. But I don't know why to that. So she'd paint like freckles on my face and I'd wear like a little leather jacket and then I was performing. Let's talk about sex, baby. All right. So let's talk about stress, not sex, but the less, well, the sex, sex is a really good remedy to stress. Okay. Um, I remember when I was doing the well being broadcast text messages and my mom responded. Ooh. A really good, a really good remedy to stress and sex. I'm like, okay, thanks mom. Yeah. Honestly, I've masturbated with a migraine and it's helped. Oh, throwing that out there for your baby headache you have, you need to rub one off. Thank you. If we weren't recording, I would be going right along with that conversation. But the, um, the old patterns in me of caring what people think of my innocence are playing. And you know what? Yeah, that sounds great. I'm going to rub one out for my little baby headache. That's that's blossoming right now. Yeah. No, I, I, um, I make sure to give Joel a little extra love when he's stressed. Yeah. And I don't like him when he's stressed. So I, he's much better behaved. What I put out. Yeah. Well, um, the topic of stress was recommended by, Oh, I, um, drive Mason home with his friend Logan and his sister live. Hi Amy. If you're listening. Um, I asked Liv who's lives 13 now, Oh God, are she 14? She just had a birthday. I think she's 14. Um, she's in eighth grade and I was like, Oh, what should we talk about in our podcast today? And she's like, she goes stress. She goes, everybody's stress. That's a good topic. And I'm like, stress it out. Yeah. Yeah. Cause a lot of these kids deal with a lot of stress at a young age. Like they should even understand what stress is. Like they really shouldn't. I'm like, I know school puts a lot of stress on these kids, but yeah, the, um, the broadness of stress is really interesting with the perspective that we have looking back when we were little and like the stress that we had was, I mean, the, I remember as a kid was like, What to wear to school like that was my stress and we had a very strict We had a very strict dress code. So it wasn't even like I had a lot of options. But um Yeah, the stress the kids are under now is is very very different But like since you and I've been in a lot of personal development, I feel like the whole perspective of stress for me and you is so different than what it used to be Before like it's I don't know it just it doesn't trigger me in the same way and then like there's a lot of like good stress that we're under right now with all like the excitement that's going on with our motivational stress. Yeah. And then stress. Yeah. Well, and we've learned like there's there are good stressors like workouts are really good stressors for our muscles to be stimulated to grow to continue to have like vitality. There's good stress on our immune system when we get hit with, like, all these, you know, fucking bacteria and virus that are always there. Um, there's, like, good stress with growing because, I mean, we're, we are, like, as, as we constantly talk about it, we're on a constant growth path, and I really truly believe that we are given what we can handle. We can, C A N, but I never looked at it that way before, before, before we got into like the work that we do or the lifestyle that we live. I was constantly stressed and I wanted to just give up all the time. Like I just wanted to go away. I didn't want to deal with it. I hated it. It consumed me. I was addicted to the stress. Like Dr. Joe Dispenza talked about being addicted to stress. I was, I was so addicted to it because that was my normal. And like in the environment, this is court, by the way, which, which I've gotten people say that they appreciate that we pointed out. So yeah, that's helpful. Can't you guys tell the difference? No. Okay. No, we have really good microphones that hide our lists. Okay. Or my your lisp and my whatever my s sound is. Um, what was I just saying? Yeah, addicted to stress Cause like my parents were, I felt, I, from my perspective as a kid, my parents were seemed stressed often, like as far as trying to talk to each other and just not really hearing each other. And then, you know, money was always a stressor and schedules and then our, our clothes and our shoes and our books and everything like in my dad's way. So like, everything seemed like a stress, but. But life was way simpler too back then. Yeah. Yeah. It's all in the perspective. Yeah. Well, and I think too, when you live a cleaner, healthier lifestyle, the stress starts to eliminate itself a little bit because you're not feeding the stress. Yeah. You know? Yeah. That's so right on. Cause you're detoxing. Not only, you know, the food you're eating, the stuff you're listening to, but those things. If they're not going to help you manage stress, then they're only going to fuel the stress. Yeah. Okay. That's really, there's a handful of people that say that they love to be stressed and they love anxiety, that it makes them work harder and stronger. And I'm just like, what's the end game with that? Like, I don't know. I guess I used to be that way in a sense, because I was just, I thought that I needed that extra adrenaline and stuff done. And Mark be quiet. Um, Well, I, I would say that I was really good undercover or under stress work. I work, work well under stress. Works well under stress. That should be a shirt. I'm sure it is. Yeah. Um, yeah. What is that? I wonder what that's about. I'm sure your body just not knowing anything different, honestly, it just kind of turns that mode on. That's a familiar feeling, you know? Yeah. Yeah, I just don't, I don't like it. I don't remember the last time I felt truly stressed. Like when I would start to get stressed or like overworked on something, I would feel the adrenaline in my fingers, you know, like when you get mad really quick and you could feel that adrenaline flow through your body. That used to happen to me like all the time. I think the last time that happened to you was when your meds, you know, were a problem. And then you had, you know, something happened at the bar. Yeah, but you recovered from it so fast like you okay. No you um, Move through it really well because you had a lot of tools like it didn't consume you I mean, you know you had to manage it you had to deal with the you know issue but judging it Like the comparison of how you used to deal with it with your anger and your outbursts and your, you know, however you used to manage it. And now it just seems like, like you're, uh, um, a higher, like, self managing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And that was not a good idea to go off my meds. Could have throw it out there to anybody. Don't try to go cold turkey off your meds. I'm not a doctor, but it's not recommended. Yeah. And I think life too, is how we perceive it. Also, how our stress levels. I think I've just learned like, what's the priority? Is it really even something for me to stress about? Right, right, right. That's about such minimalistic bullshit. And I think during more and more of the things that I listened to and that I consume my mind with knowing that we live in a world that is feeding off of negative energy, fear, and stress, worry, all of those emotions. And like I've said in prior statements, like my health is like an F you to like, The world that wants us to be unhealthy. So I also do that with my stress. Like I'm not going to give the people at the top what they want, not going to give them our energy. Yeah. No, I agree. Take control of not just your, like your stress. It's who are you giving your power to at that point? You have to really think, well, and something that I heard today or yesterday even was that self development is all about awareness. Like if we, I had zero awareness. Before, before, like, I started to invest in understanding myself and the way life works. I had, I like, I think that's just it. They take our awareness away. The high, the high, you know, people at the top that again, want to control everything. So yeah, grow your awareness. And then once you have that started, your priorities start shifting, exactly what you said, it's all about your priorities because when your priorities become way more focused, the stress of, you know, life that we allow to happen, that's another thing I learned in self development, we're allowing our stress, the stress out there to consume us, and now, yeah, it's taking our power back, taking our power back in our health, in our awareness, In our life, and then, yeah, the priorities follow, and then, yeah, the stuff that used to trigger me literally doesn't even, doesn't even come into my awareness anymore. It just literally flies over my head, like, I don't even care. I'm trying to think of, like, what that would be. Like, I don't know, drama at work, as far as, you know, people talking smack, I'm, I don't, I don't even care. Doesn't even bother me. Like, that's what people do, they talk smack. Yeah, yeah, I'm glad I'm not that person anymore. I definitely catch myself, catch myself in moments of judgment and you know, but it's nice to like reel yourself back in not having somebody being like, Oh, you need the like catch yourself. It's like, no, once we're able to define that moment ourselves. And flip it. Ooh. Yeah. Powerful. Yeah. I'm just exhausted of giving my, my power away. I mean, I don't know the last time that I did, well, when I'd pay my taxes, I have to keep my home and my business. Um, but yeah, it's just like, I explained to Mason, I was trying to explain him like the way that the world works and stuff. And I know I brought it up to you, but like, The way that the world works and everything in TV and movies, a lot of things are put in front of us to desensitize us and kind of prep us and warm us up for future, um, events. So it basically like to show stranger things. It's you, have you ever watched stranger things? It's really good. It's so good. So you wonder, isn't it exactly what's going on in the world today? How it's like these demons or whatever, they are literally feeding off of our fear and negativity. Yeah. And I think that's something that people need to relate to the real world. It's not just fantasy. It's not just sci fi that there's people feeding off of our negative energy. It's we need to stop being the sheep herding the sheep. Well, and what's really cool, I, I learned this too, somewhere, and, you know, I, I, I trust the sources I heard it from, but I'm sure I could look into it to verify it, but our body holds the amount of energy that can literally, like, like, as far as electric, electricity. That we can literally light up a city with the amount of energy that our body holds, like, like, listen to how much power we each have within our human body, let alone our mind, that is way more expansive than just our body. Is that, is that Bush? Uh, it, it wasn't him. I don't think, but because he did talk about the conception moment, how the flashing bright light is brighter than the sun. That is how powerful we are. The moment we are conceived, there's a flashing bright, brightest fucking light. And it's more power, like more powerful than the sun. That is how powerful of beings we are. So yeah. The fact that we. And that's a great, um, reference to when we dim our light to because we don't want to be You know, too loud or too extra or two, whatever, because that makes people uncomfortable. Um, Joe sent me a podcast episode, um, with Ed, my let, I have to send it to you. I'm going to send it to the team chat. Um, but I was talking to someone the other day, just about how, you know, her husband wasn't super supportive in a decision that she was making for her own self. He was just like, yeah, I don't think that's for you. And it's. Like these choices that we have within us. Because of the power we feel within us that we're tapping into and then we want to actually like be more for someone, show up more, just be more of who we actually are. And then people around us not totally, um, just on board or supportive or confused. And so then they say something and then we let that dim our light. And I know that's something like in the self development world, a lot of people talk about, you know, dimming lights or playing it small, but I'm finally getting like what that means on a, like a soulful sense. Like I've heard it all before. It didn't really resonate with the whole, like playing small, but I get it now. I get it. Cause I, I start, I'm actually realizing how powerful we are within. And, and that's just consistency and aware and growing awareness. I think meditation was the key for me in my journey with, with a lot of that dealing with it, calming my body down. I was always definitely one of those people that said, Oh, I don't know how to calm my mind down. I can't. It's like, especially all you out there with ADD, ADHD, that's who you can't meditate. Meditation is like your medicine. It's what like, You need, you know, and I think that by me really understanding that I can calm my mind down in a holistic approach and just be with myself in the unknown and leave my body and just be my soul floating. It's fucking unreal. And it's just, you don't think about anything, no stress, nothing. And what that does for your nervous system, your immune system, like your body saying, fucking thank you for calming the fuck down. You know, even if you just sit down for like two minutes and just sit outside, ground yourself, whatever, and just think about a list of things that you're grateful for, even putting yourself in that gratitude state will bring your stress levels down. Like anytime, like Joel's stress or like Mason's upset. I'm like, just think about something good right now. Like there's nothing you can do about it. Just think about a happy moment or, I mean, they're not, they're not fully there yet, but planting seeds, planting them fucking seeds. Well, and if we don't have someone around us who is. Living this life like you are to just be the example to these people around you and Like we have been surrounded by these people that are the example for us to slow down Slow the fuck down get the fuck outside quiet still Gratitude like today is a perfect day Um, maggie and I live outside of chicago and it is Just a gorgeous day This is the kind of day where you just literally just sit outside on the grass, look down, look at all the life happening underneath you, and you, you just forget about everything else, and you just are in your body. And in your space and yeah, two minutes of just like forgetting about the world around you and feeling like getting, getting, um, connected to all your senses, like feeling the air on your skin, feeling the sun on your skin. Like hearing the nature around you or just life, just life happening around you, like connecting to each of your five senses, just slowing down for yeah, two minutes. It is unbelievable how. medicinal that is on our nervous system that is constantly not giving the chance to process. I, that is just the coolest when I, when I heard, um, Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, he was talking, he, he interviewed Dr. Joe on his podcast and he just had this perfect example of like, when we were kids. We would stand in line to like check out at a store and what would we do? We would look around and we would kind of daydream and we would look at something, think about it, and we'd literally process the last, you know, 30 minutes of what we just went through shopping in a store and we'd like think about it and let it like work through us. Now we stand in line, we look at our phone, we look at all the messages, you know, check our social, check our email, like click, click, click, click, click. And then we're thinking about all those things, and what, everything that's attached to all, every single one of those things, our mind is just pinging, pinging, pinging around, and we're, like, we literally have zero processing time. And that is why everyone feels so stressed, and so disconnected, and so lost, and so frustrated, and it's like, it makes complete sense. So then, yeah, connecting to a community, a group, a tribe, where the priorities are so much more focused on health and well being and connection. And feeling good and supporting each other like that's fucking medicine. And I don't, I don't think a lot of people realize how stress is related to almost every, everything that goes wrong with us. Yeah, this is Meg. I was saying, I don't think I never knew the power of stress and what it does to our body. Well, again, that's awareness we never had. Yeah. Like it's linked to everything. Everything. Yeah. I I'm, Oh, okay. This is court. I've been getting a lot of questions from women about regulating their hormones and it has so much to do with nutrition, but number one is stress because as women, we care so much about, you know, that's in our nature to nurture, to care about others around us. That we're taking on everyone else's stress, along with ours. So it's like, managing our stress, and learning ways to move through stress, and cope with stress, and like, step out of it. Like, don't allow it to prioritize highly at all. Is One of the best gifts that we can give ourselves. Yeah. And I think I never even realized too, that even when I wasn't thinking about things that are stressful, my subconscious was stressed and constantly thinking about things that I'm stressed about, that's was my normal. Right. And like Dr. Joe says, 90 percent of our thoughts are the same thoughts from the day before and the day before and the day before. So yeah, that little tiny 10%. If we change that tiny 10%. To think differently, it's still going to be 90 percent on replay. So that's why doing new things, connecting to new people that are living a life. That is more like the life we want, like, like, um, kind of like what I posted in our 30 days group. We just started another 30 days on Monday and it was, it's just so awesome. Everyone is just, like, in a couple of days just seeing the difference of, like, feeling good and focus. Like the focus so that the focus is on self and health. And a lot of other things are just flying over our heads that would normally stress us. But yeah, being around people who live a life with values and priorities that are as we want them to be is like one of the best habits that we can have for ourselves in managing stress and life and what we really want out of this thing. Yeah, like as I was just sitting here, I was like looking back at like all the events like, um, our golf outings and stuff, fundraisers and stuff that we host at the bar, how I used to be so stressed. About the outcome before the outcome even happened. So I couldn't even be in the moment and in the experience. Cause I was too fucking stressed. Was it going to be successful? Where people were going to be happy. I was creating all this content in my head that didn't serve me any value. This is Meg. Um, but yeah, it's. Like I think just talking about it now, I'm like realizing like all the energy that I've put into stress and like we put stress into like, I've had false conversations with people like arguments, like, why, like, I have like prepped up like this is what I'm gonna say to this person, like, like, you know, yes, beating the fucking monster. Well, and that's the thing about awareness too, is like, we don't know we're doing all that because I've lived that life. I still am catching myself in patterns of realizing I'm having a conversation in my head that hasn't happened yet, but this is what I think is going to be said. And so I'm preparing myself, exactly what you just said. That's what I've done my whole life. And now, I'm just like, huh, like catching, that hasn't even happened yet. And I, it's much easier to say to a friend who's saying something and it's like, well, it hasn't happened yet. And it's like, I have to say it to myself. Well, that hasn't happened yet. So stop playing, stop playing it out. Cause you have no idea how it's going to go and just be real. If anything does come up, just be real. All right. That's it for today's episode of the magical midlife crisis. This is Meg tuning out this evening. Choo, choo, choo, honk. Thanks for tuning in. If you, if this episode has given you any kind of light. To the stress that you're taking on in life right now, please send us a message. We're here for you. Send it to a friend. Uh, we're all needing to support each other in this, um, world that is not as stressful as we're making it out to be. It's all a perspective. So join the health and wealth train with Meg and I, and we'll, we'll help you manage stress. And rub one out if you have a headache. If you made it to the end of this episode, that means you either just appreciate our messy, awkward life experiences, or you're truly up for finding more magic in your life like we are. Definitely tune in every Sunday for more reality shifts that we explore between us and with many special guests that join. If you feel it, please subscribe so you don't miss your seat on our magical earth school bus. Your experience with this show really means a lot to us. So we want to genuinely welcome you to leave an honest review. Your voice matters exactly how it is. You can follow us on social media, check the show notes, and if you really want to get in the action, send us a message directly through our email. We'll connect with you next week.