REI Freedom

Navigating Your First Year in Real Estate Wholesaling with Cameron Adesanya |REI Freedom Podcast

March 20, 2024 Jeremy & Shelly Beland & Dan Toback Episode 20
Navigating Your First Year in Real Estate Wholesaling with Cameron Adesanya |REI Freedom Podcast
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Navigating Your First Year in Real Estate Wholesaling with Cameron Adesanya |REI Freedom Podcast
Mar 20, 2024 Episode 20
Jeremy & Shelly Beland & Dan Toback

This episode of the REI Freedom podcast features guest Cameron Adesanya, a newcomer to the real estate wholesaling world. The hosts, Jeremy and Dan Tovac, discuss Cam's journey from discovering wholesaling on TikTok to quitting his truck driving job after successfully closing deals. Cam highlights the importance of networking, understanding the business, and consistent action in his growth. He also shares insights into his focus on probate properties and the strategies for generating leads and building authority in this niche. The conversation emphasizes the value of being a problem-solver and the impact of building strong relationships within the community and with professionals like probate attorneys. Listeners are encouraged to join the REI Freedom Facebook group for more valuable content on real estate investing.

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Show Notes Transcript

This episode of the REI Freedom podcast features guest Cameron Adesanya, a newcomer to the real estate wholesaling world. The hosts, Jeremy and Dan Tovac, discuss Cam's journey from discovering wholesaling on TikTok to quitting his truck driving job after successfully closing deals. Cam highlights the importance of networking, understanding the business, and consistent action in his growth. He also shares insights into his focus on probate properties and the strategies for generating leads and building authority in this niche. The conversation emphasizes the value of being a problem-solver and the impact of building strong relationships within the community and with professionals like probate attorneys. Listeners are encouraged to join the REI Freedom Facebook group for more valuable content on real estate investing.

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The Fundamental Investment Group :

Join the hosts on the REI Freedom Podcast to embark on a transformative journey of acquiring bigger deals, securing more deals consistently, and living life on your own terms.
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EP 20 Cam 

Jeremy Beland: welcome back to another REI Freedom episode. we got a great guest for you guys this week. I'm super excited to introduce him. It is the me and the legendary Dan Tovac again this week. Uh, Shelly is MIA one more week, but she will be back next week. Dan, how is life down in the nice warm weather of Southern Florida?

Dan Toback: It's doing awesome, Jeremy. we're doing great down here. It's beautiful. We're closing deals. We have appointments going into this weekend already. always just really blessed to be in our position. 

Jeremy Beland: And I will say outside of that, Dan, all I keep hearing about is the success stories from our students all they keep saying is like, Dan taught me another thing and I just locked up another deal or I just closed another deal.

dude, you are crushing it. And a small group coaching with our students, man. You are absolutely crushing it right now. 

Dan Toback: Our students are awesome. they're just doing and implementing everything so effectively. you know, Brendan just closed a huge deal on a flip. We had Mark who he disposed one of his deals.

Now we've got a second deal under contract recently, Mark. all of our students are really just taking that next step and leveling up. So really proud of all of them. 

Jeremy Beland: Yeah, pretty awesome. Awesome. All right. listen, let's get to our guest today. Cam, uh, I hope I pronounced that right.

Um, okay. Awesome. Cam is a guy who's local, to my market. I've only known about a year or so. but very impressed by his hard work, tenacity, and hustle. I've told him as much when we've met. we're going to talk today about his first year as a real estate wholesaler, cause he's still relatively new in his wholesale journey, which I think is going to provide a lot of great, guidance, content, and advice today for people listening in, who maybe haven't even got started and want to know what it's like to be your first year in.

 What Cam will say is the information in your network is everything even more important than the money. He's an average kid from Lowell who changed his life with real estate. Absolutely love this. And he says, he who says he can or he who says he can't are both right and he's absolutely proof.

He is a guy now starting to make his mark in the probate niche of wholesaling in the real estate space. welcome Cam. Welcome to REI Freedom. Happy to have you here brother. 

Cameroon .A: Hey, Thanks Jay. And thanks Dan. I really appreciate you guys for having me. You guys, man, the abundance of knowledge you guys give is just super helpful.

you guys help just newer investors all around. I really just appreciate you guys in general. I 

Jeremy Beland: appreciate that. I'll tell you, Dan, just like yourself, Cam is another one who's in the gym, pumping the iron every day. he's got biceps for days as well. So it was a lot of biceps and muscles on this podcast today.

I love that. 

Dan Toback: That's great. 

Jeremy Beland: Cam, so tell us, what is it like to have your first year as a wholesaler? Tell us a little bit about your story, how you became a wholesaler, how your journey has been up to date. 

Cameroon .A: fun story. So a little bit about myself. My name is Cameron Adesanya.

I'm from Lowell kid. roughly been in a real estate, I would say like a year and a half now. So long story short, I'm sitting in my work truck, just a CDL driver. I scrolling through TikTok and I come across wholesaling real estate. Didn't know what it was. It popped up three times in a row.

So I'm like, something's telling me something. I go to YouTube university, do a little homework. And then I called the only agent I know who actually taught me this at the time, Kimberly Aponte. And just from there, just opened doors. I talked to her stepfather and he's like, yes, Cam, this is very real.

it's not easy, So after work, I would go around the neighborhood, just dropping sticky notes. I live in Lowell, so I would go around, just driving around, watching my videos. Dropping bright pink sticky notes, and that's kind of how I fell into it. You know just taking action 

Jeremy Beland: Well, let's talk about that.

So Ithat's pretty ballsy just go around to houses and start sticking out sticky notes. And you don't even really even know what you're doing yet, but you took massive and perfect action. What made you get the courage to do something like that? 

Cameroon .A: So the real estate agent, I went to a super close family friend, Kimberly, she's talk to my stepdad.

And again, he was like, this is real, but it's not easy. I recommend, you learning how to, just get in front of sellers and talk to sellers. So I was like, all right, I don't know how to pull it. at the time, I don't know how to put a list. I'm just going to drive for dollars.

This most simple thing I saw just online, drive for dollars, look for distressed homes. And I came across my first distress home. Some guy was coming out with actually a box. I didn't know it at the time, but he was going through foreclosure or pre foreclosure. It's super lucky. I didn't put it under contract.

I gave it to a wholesaler that I knew at the time that I know at the time. And, he gave me a referral fee. Now it wasn't some super, crazy elaborate, like I, Oh, I made a big deal myself. No, it just was the proof of concept. I got paid and I was like, wow, this is real. So I just decided to dive a little deeper, how to do marketing.

YouTube really helped me. 

Jeremy Beland: Love that. So how powerful was the proof of concept once you realized it happened? 

Cameroon .A: It was powerful enough, it planted the seed that I was going to quit my union job driving trucks to do this full time. 

Jeremy Beland: Have you quit your union job and you're in it full time?

Cameroon .A: After my third deal, yes, I quit and wow, this is what I'm doing.

Jeremy Beland: That is awesome. Way to burn the boats baby. yeah. . That's awesome. 

Cameroon .A: It a little nervewracking because I'm used to like the stability, waking up, working every day, and when you go from that to just working for yourself, you really have to like nail down, okay, these are the things I need to be doing every day.

Whether it's,education, make sure you're making your calls. Consistency is one of the biggest points in this game. 

Jeremy Beland: Great advice. So you mentioned talking to stepfather and, this business not being easy. Can you elaborate on what that means to you? 

Cameroon .A: So it's simple, but it's not easy. It's simple to make 50 to 100 calls. Let's say, just beginning making 50 to 100 calls, but it's not easy to actually do the calls because you hear people. I want to do this. I want to do that. But when it comes down to it, are you doing these simple things? like again, this business is a numbers game.

So if you're just beginning, maybe just 25 to 50 calls, just taking the small steps, the small action, don't try to overdo it. And,that's kind of what what helped me was just being consistent. 

Jeremy Beland: I love that Dan. we see consistency, obviously being one of the biggest drivers of success in this industry for somebody who's been around a long time.

And Cam has realized that within his first year of doing this. And, I think there's a lot to be said that, this business is simple to the point where anybody could understand it and do it, but it's not easy. And a lot of people end up feeling at it, quitting at it or not being successful at it.

Can you speak a little bit more about 

Dan Toback: that? 

Yeah. So no, I think I've used that line before. I think it's a perfect description of the business, Cam. I think that the big thing is people want the result, but they don't want to put in the work to get that result. And they don't realize that people like Cam are able to quit their nine to five and that are actually doing deals and are successful.

Even at a younger age, they're putting in a lot of hours and everything that Cam did even six months ago. It's paying off right now. So there's always a delay effect of the work that we put in into real estate investment. The calls that you made may not be from today, but the deals you're doing from today are from all the work that you invested six weeks ago and three months ago.

So the way this business works, especially with probates, is that there's a lot of time to delay gratification, delayed effect. So you're having conversations with people and adding massive value. And if you're doing it right, you're creating a lot of trust and rapport and credibility with these sellers.

But a lot of that's not going to pay off in that first Two weeks, month, two months. A lot of that's going to have a delayed effect, especially if you're going into with the servants mentality that you're actually going in and helping these people accomplish their goals. So what cam's doing is an awesome example.

He's picking a niche probate, and I love that because probate. It's going to weed out a lot of those.

Jeremy Beland: Yeah. You have that investment from six months ago, I was saying, and the more you can establish that mindset, the better results you'll have, especially in the probate space. 

Yeah. I love that. my experience is,Obviously, a lot of the real estate investing across very glamorous, but really the stuff that you have to do every day. Why? A lot of people I feel don't end up making it is it's not glamorous. Let's face it. if you're consistently going around putting out sticky notes on people's doors. There's nothing glamorous about that. If you're just in a room and you're banging out 50 to 75 to a hundred calls day in and day out, there's really nothing glamorous about that.

the checks are glamorous. The results are glamorous. The day to day activity where you have to consistently put in the effort when nobody's watching, hold yourself accountable. That's really hard to do. And I feel like most people feel, and that's why. To, to see cam make it a full year.

A lot of people never even make it that far at all, which is pretty remarkable that you've already made it this far cam. 

Cameroon .A: I've been super blessed. So I don't know if you want me to go into the timeline, but again, exactly what Dan said, you have to be consistent. And if you're going to get into this quitting, shouldn't even be in your vocabulary.

if you're going to get into this, it's all in or nothing. You can't sit there and just say Hey, I'll make, 25 calls a week. It doesn't work like that. If you're all in, you have to be all in. You set a time, you set a timetable, hey, for this next three hours, four hours, I'm going to talk to 50 people.

have actual conversations with 50 people. And those are the type of goals that you need to, set for yourself when you're getting into this. Because everybody wants apples, but they don't want to plant the apple tree. So it's just like, you got to start somewhere, and, another thing that actually helped me was just, you have to learn the information you have to meaning learning the information.

You have to find like. How motivated people are, and that goes with pre qualifying. You don't want to be wasting your time and I get it. you want to get your 1st deal. You want to get out there. But the quicker you learn how to prequalify and you learned how to approach these people, you're not going to be wasting your time.

Because when I first started, I was driving to open houses and they're like, what are you doing here? I want a wholesale, Because a lot of this, I did learn on the fly myself. I remember the other day, actually in your group, somebody was asking, why don't you go off to MLS listings?

It's because of those reasons, the information doesn't make sense or it doesn't align with what we're doing as wholesalers. You know what I mean? Yep. I love that. learning the information, finding the motivation and pre qualifying. You have to learn those three things.

real quick, before 

Jeremy Beland: we get into talking about probate, which seems to be a niche that I do want to discuss on this podcast today. can you tell us one thing that you've learned that is, like the biggest mistake you've made in your first year as a wholesaler and maybe the biggest thing you've learned that has helped you succeed as a wholesale in your first year.

Cameroon .A: So actually two things. the first thing was just having. The right people around you. So when you do have these deals or you do have things come up, who to ask. I know if I have a problem, I can come to Jeremy. I can go to Dan and be like, Hey, this is the situation I have. Could you help?

And I know nine times out of 10. Both of these guys are great. They're going to give me great advice. So that's one. two is actually, I'll reiterate what I said, the information, the information is key. Just even knowing your numbers, like knowing what you're going to pay or what you're not going to pay for a property.

That actually was very big because, quick story, my second deal and, I was blessed because I had Kim. I locked it up too high for a wholesale. But it was low enough to where if it was on the MLS, it was a steal. Now I got lucky. Okay, but that was me, you know going through the process learning my numbers.

I had Kim, she had an inbuyer so it worked out. But you have to make sure you understand like you don't want to be locking up a property. It's too high and now one your reputation's on the line. To the seller will come back disappointed. Like, Hey,you promised me this number and it's a little harder to work backwards.

I know I promised you for 50, but, 375 is the most somebody would pay, It's definitely interesting, 

Jeremy Beland: Awesome. So let's talk about probate. I know, Dan, he could probably speak firsthand because he's got like seven deals in Florida right now that all have probate issues.

we're very familiar with probate. why probate? what made you get into that niche in your journey in this first year? 

Cameroon .A: So super funny. I actually just fell into it. I met a great probate attorney. She actually helped me out with a situation. There was two little girls. Their parents died six months between each other.

I referred the little girls to her and she just like my energy, this is a relationship based business. So she referred me to a Distress situation where the lady wanted to sell it to an investor. I met the lady and we just hit it off, again, relationship based. She's I'm only trying to sell it to Cameron.

And then it worked from there, this business is 90%, who, 10 percent of the numbers, you know? Yeah. I fell into that, got super lucky with a property that was also in probate. It was in Danvers and it took me five months to find the title. So I had to find this title, finally found it, put her in the contract.

And that was actually my first joint venture deal. And then I started looking back and I'm like, hold on. This was probate. This was probate. Then I'm starting to think like, well, my last four deals were probates and it wasn't like all intentional. So then I started doing homework and then another one of my mentors actually got a 68 unit totally because of probate, but it was accidental.

So now I'm like, okay, maybe I'm onto something. I started doing my homework. there's actually a class to get certified, what I'm going through right now. And, it's just basically, so what probate is the process of a judge authenticating a will or adding an executive to the estate to distribute the assets to the heirs.

So now, sometimes these heirs or these people, they don't want to deal with the real estate. And sometimes it's a financial burden. It's,they're living out of state and they just don't want to deal with that. So. What I thought of was to just kind of be the middleman and hey, I have vendors if you need help taking care of the estate,I get paid off the real estate, but if I can be more of a problem solver or an authority figure in this space, then it just helps.


Jeremy Beland: Providing value. I love that. So Dan, talk more about what Cam just said, as far as providing value,maybe you could talk a little bit about your experiences and the challenges that come along with probate and why it's such a good niche in this off market acquisition space.

Dan Toback: Yeah, so to Jeremy's point from earlier, a lot of the deals we have now, Cam, they actually fit the profile that you're describing as sort of just falling into them. So I love how you said that. if you guys were listening, Cam said that his first 4 deals, there's coincidence that the deals that you got ended up needing a probate or they had a probate that needed to,but you reverse engineered it and you said, listen, if this is a problem, or if this is an opportunity that most of my sellers, how is I'm starting or needing?

Why don't I reverse engineer it to find more business? in order to do that, right? you need to look at, right? What is the solution that I'm solving? 

you're dealing with people at a very uncertain time. So to be able to reverse engineer and say, how could I give them certainty in this situation?

That's going to expedite the process tremendously for them. so some of those things are obviously, time frame, right? Credibility. So what I normally connect with these sellers on a level of first emotionally. Hey, listen, I've been through death in the family. We've had to go through probate in our own family.

Here's some of the things that I felt the time. How do you feel? And first connect at an emotional level, be something all of us have either went through or we have to go through. Unfortunately, it's part of life loss. So be able to try to connect them on an emotional level to see where they're hurting in the moment.

And then I like to bridge that to the house and say, Hey, listen, how do you view this home? it was your grandmother's home or your mom's home or possibly a sibling. In some situations. how does owning this home or how does the idea of owning this home affect you? How is it affecting you?

How does it make you feel? And you want to understand how they're feeling about having to deal with this house and dealing with the situation. Okay. So we moved from connecting at that emotional level. Then we connected a level of, how are you feeling about it now, this house? And then the third thing is, how could things get better in regards to this house?

How could your life get better from here? What needs to happen from where we're sitting now? So where we can potentially be in a month from now, two months from now, what needs to happen in order for this to be a relief? So in order to feel relief from the situation. This is why I'll make the comment earlier why somebody like Cam is doing really well versus somebody else who may not have that servant's heart and that long term mindset.

Many people get in this business for the wrong reasons. It's a get rich quick thing. I'm going to make money, real estate investing, but They're truly not problem solvers. Cam though, on the other hand, is successful because he's viewing this as a long term thing. He's saying, okay, I'm going to help them solve these problems and I'm going to reverse engineer it to actually find more opportunities to help and serve potential sellers.

So the fact that he thought about even reverse engineering, this shows a lot, a level of maturity versus, someone who might've stumbled in to that 62 unit deal that Cam mentioned earlier. And maybe not, Maybe he's a really good investor, this other person, but a lot of times people will stumble into these deals, but not really critically think through how I could even help more people, but second, how I could do more deals by actually having the right mindset when it comes to probate type of deals.

Jeremy Beland: I love that, Dan, great 

Cameroon .A: stuff. And that you said that because I have two stories, actually, I have one testimony and it's like, I'm going to get this picture framed. It's the JV deal. like I said, I was looking for that title for five months. Okay. fast forward, just you remember I was doing the backpack giveaway for the little kids in my area?

Yeah, like a hundred backpacks and I did that because i've been blessed in this real estate space. Let me do something good Long story short that was on a saturday now. I've been looking for this title for five months Something told me that monday Like after the event was like, Hey, I'm going to call Nick and just ask, what should I do in this situation?

He's like, Oh, talk to Megan. Megan's Megan Allerud, his wife title attorney. She's like, we can, because of the timeline, I can't take this on because we were going to probably have to do quiet title. Super discouraged about to walk away again. We don't use the Q word here, but I was about to quit.

she's like, I'm going to introduce you to somebody named Patrick Delaney. Didn't think anything of it. We're just talking, just,communicating, building rapport. And then he's my dad did estates and puberty. Now, puberty is right next door to Danvers, but I'm not thinking anything of it.

So this is how, the universe is real and good energy. And you have to be a servant in this business. Just not about the money. So just me, I called my seller and I'm like, Hey, Noel, Get the death certificates of everybody who owned the house and get who wrote the estate. Fast forward a week later, okay?

I'm talking to Noelle, the seller, and then I'm like, who wrote the estate? Just, fast forward. She's like, William Delaney. And I'm like, this name sounds familiar. So then I look at my call log and it's Patrick Delaney. Like, how does that happen? The guy who wrote the estate, I accidentally talked to his son because I called my mentor's wife and she introduced me to him.

Jeremy Beland: Yeah, well, a couple of things to say there is, first of all, the harder you work, the luckier we get. So the fact that you're still continuing to push on at times and you wanted to quit,you did get yourself lucky. You created an opportunity where you could get lucky. And I think there, there is a lot to be said about giving good into the universe and getting that back, comma works in various ways.

Dan, you've had a lot of success in this business. You've closed well over 600 deals over the last decade or more. I assume it's all because of magic marketing channels, lead sources and everything else, right? Or could it be just something as simple? As being a servant and giving great value.

Could it really be that 

Dan Toback: easy? 

I always tell this to anyone I meet about this business. my most enjoyable deals and my most profitable deals have always been referrals because I did the right thing with somebody else in the past. And, it could be anybody from a vendor of mine. it could be anybody from a real estate agent that I just had lunch with and I gave free advice to, and then they thought of me when they had a property.

my least profitable deals, honestly, if I look back in the last 10 years, probably, Least profitable have actually been from regular marketing and best deals have been from referrals and networking. We were just talking about that on another podcast recently. there's huge power in your network and to build trust and rapport through your network and validity in your network and then be able to compound that, have a compound effect using those strategies.

So like Cam was saying, investing in your community, investing in those relationships, that has a profound impact on. Your success in this business. And, if I didn't do that in my career,I wouldn't be where I am today. That's for sure. I wouldn't have had several referrals from different real estate agents, several referrals from a probate attorneys like cam brought up really good source of leads.

and then even contractors, just recently, we had an agent, but also, you remember a teacher of mine, When we Jeremy when you and I probably about six months ago was a former teacher that I kept up with. So the more you're able to maintain your network. And it's network maintenance, right?

That's what I call it. And the more that you become a familiar face and a familiar face that they can trust in your network, the more success and Jeremy said, it's the harder you work, the luckier you get, the more you network the right way, the luckier you're going to get and, It's good.

You need to become the number one home buyer brand in your area. That should be your goal. I don't care about how much you can throw out marketing because if you try to spend your way out, you'll always go broke that way and you can spend your way completely broke But if you build a brand instead you have this long term impact, which is a really fun place to be I love that.

Jeremy Beland: so Cam, we talk about leads. So how are you generating your probate leads today? 

Cameroon .A: So now, I'm actually cold calling. I do a lot of going after the attorneys and the executors. next I'm going to be getting into making, mailers and then putting my vendors up there. I don't know if I want to go with the mailers or like a notebook or something like that, like a packet.

So I can show them that I'm an authority, And, yeah, that's just cold calling going after the attorneys and, I'm going to be sending mailers soon and, just for, everything else,I still cold call. I have a dialer next. I'm scaling to a virtual assistant so I can. have them sift through, not be on the front line so much and just be more of a manager and a closer and, marketing is very big in this game, very big, that's it's sales and marketing, the King and the Queen.

Jeremy Beland: sure is. All right. So let's wrap up this podcast. So what value can you bring today? If somebody is listening and say, I want to do my first deal. I want to be a year from now where I quit my. Nine to five. I don't have to drive a truck with my CDL license anymore, and I want to be full time providing value in my neighborhood.

What kind of value can cam give that person today to help them on their journey to get started? 

Cameroon .A: So I'll say two things. The first thing is find Jeremy, add value to him. That's the easiest way that. You're going to just scale, learn. like I said, you get around the white, right people, and then you add value.

There's no way you can lose. You know what I mean? the second thing is just, learn how to talk to sellers. I know it's super like a lot of people like, I want to get on the phone. I want to get on the phone, but you have to know what to say on the phone. You could have a really good lead. But if you don't know how to use the four pillars and also finding the

decision makers then, a lot of this is. trivial, you want to make sure you want to make sure when you're going to an appointment that yeah, you might not get your contract today, but you know that you're going to get a contract for about the number you want. that should be your 1st.

Idea when you're, for me, at least, cause I still show up to appointments. I don't know if you guys probably way past that. 

Jeremy Beland: Listen, I've got people going on appointments every day. I love it. I love it. 

Cameroon .A: You guys are not messing around because you see a lot of, gurus out there. These guys are actually in the field.

They'll show you what they're doing. They'll show you, Hey, I'm at a house right now. This is what we're doing. And that's what you guys need to pay attention to. there's a lot of people that just want to sell you the education. These guys are not selling you the education. These guys are selling you like a lifestyle.

there's a big difference there. Like these guys are telling you like, hey, this is the possibility. We're not telling you it's easy, but it's real. That's what people need to understand. it's all about the 

Jeremy Beland: lifestyle for me, Dan. So before we wrap this up, Cam talked about bringing value again, and it just seems to be a reoccurring theme in this conversation today, previous podcasts, obviously with our coaching, as he talked about talking to sellers, getting decision makers, that's what we teach and educate a lot in high levels at our, coaching program.

But I just love the two things of, like he said, making sure you have all the decision makers in the room, which obviously is incredibly important when you start talking about probate and then, again, providing value in exchange for equity in people's homes. the more value you give, the more success you seem to get out of it.

Cameroon .A: Yeah. It's actually a law of the universe. The more you give, the more you get. 

Jeremy Beland: Dan, anything to add there as far as,making sure you get all the decision makers on the same, call or any more you want to add on providing value in exchange for equity in people's homes? 

Dan Toback: Yeah, just as a finishing note, in terms of probate, 1 of the big pillars that I always talk about is making sure that you can set the expectation with.

preferably the probate attorney or the executor. the two people that have a lot of influence over a possible probate type of situation to show the importance of getting everyone on the same page and building cohesive decision. And part of that is to make sure that everyone's present, when you're there when you're present.

So either getting them at the same table or over at least a conference call at the probate attorney's office. Making sure that you're able to build that rapport and build that credibility with the entire, decision making party. And sometimes that's two people, sometimes it's just one person, sometimes it's many.

But it's really important to be able to set that precedent when you start that relationship with your, probate attorney contact. If that's it with the executor or the seller who's making the final decision or signing off on paperwork. But it's still really important that you are able to get them all in the same place.


Jeremy Beland: Love that. All right. So Cam, as we wrap up this podcast, people want to get to know you, follow you, learn from you, connect with you, provide value to you. How should they go about doing that? My friend. 

Cameroon .A: So my name is Cameron Adesanya on Facebook, owner and CEO of the Fundamental Investment Group.

So again, I do probate. So if you know anybody just in the probate market or just need help, any type of explanation. I also have an attorney on my team who does a free hour consultation. I work generally from Worcester to North. North shore,wind kind of area. yeah, I'm here just to connect.

I'm here to help and just let me know. Sounds 

Jeremy Beland: great. That's Massachusetts for you guys who don't know. Wista, a lot of you guys outside of the area. Dan, what do you call it? Wichesa? Yeah, 

Dan Toback: I used to say that before. And now I call it Worcester, but I say Warchester. 

Jeremy Beland: Awesome. Awesome. All right. thanks Cam for being a tremendous guest and providing a lot of value today.

Today's REI Freedom podcast episode. tremendous. If you guys listening have not joined our REI Freedom, Facebook group. I don't know why you haven't get in there. You can learn from people like myself and Dan regularly with our lives to get good value. we're all we want to do is provide value in that group.

So you can, as Cam said, build a lifestyle through real estate investing that fits your needs and what your goals are in life. That's, what's really cool about real estate investing. get in the group and, that's it for today. Cam, thank you so much. Dan, tremendous job providing value as always.

Thanks, guys.