The Affirmations for Recovery Podcast

A Recovery Journey - Nick Klingensmith's Path to Health and Success

Erick Allen Season 9 Episode 8

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Nick Klingensmith is the founder of Stride Motivation. Nick is a four-time cancer survivor, type 1 diabetic, and has been in recovery from alcoholism for ten years. With a background in sales and logistics, Nick has turned his life experiences into a mission to help others as a motivational speaker and mindset coach.

Nick shares his incredible journey of overcoming multiple life-threatening challenges, including surviving two rollover car accidents and a nerve gas bomb threat. He discusses how his passion for obstacle course racing, including completing over 100 Spartan races and major marathons, played a critical role in his recovery. Nick's story is a testament to resilience, determination, and the power of mindset in overcoming adversity.

Listeners interested in recovery, mental health, and personal development will find this episode highly motivating. This episode provides practical insights and inspiration for anyone facing similar challenges.

Potential Listener Questions:

  1. What strategies does Nick Klingensmith recommend for maintaining a positive mindset during recovery?
  2. How did obstacle course racing contribute to Nick's recovery from multiple health challenges?
  3. What are the key elements of Nick's approach to overcoming adversity and achieving personal goals?


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If you are recovering from anything, this recovery podcast is a daily dose of positivity. I speak on mindfulness, and share thought processes and affirmations to help with your recovery journey. Recovery is not just about substances, recovery is needed for all kinds of addictions and thoughts and ideas that you may be addicted to. This podcast is for you!

I love it when people think that money will solve their addiction problems. I'm like, yes. Affirmations for recovery. This is the podcast and I talked to people that's in recovery about recovery, you know, the journey. OMG. Recovery is a mindset. It's not a substance. Okay. So I want to make sure that's clear. I have to say that every single time. Yes. Today. I got a special guest. Mr. Nick. Mr. Nick is here. He is in recovery. He's just as you can see stride motivation. He's going to tell us a little bit more about that. But Mr. Nick before we get there, tell us who you are man. Give us the last name and then tell me a little bit about you, sir. The last name is Klingensmith and the reason my company and all of my social media is stride motivation is because Klingensmith is a mouthful. It's all right. It ain't just you. I can dig it. I can dig. Okay. So stride motivation. That's the company man. Dive in man. Tell me about the company. What's going on? So I'm going to go before that and tell you what brought me to the company. Yeah. I'm a four-time cancer survivor. I'm a type 1 diabetic. I've got 10 years of recovery from alcohol. I have seven herniated discs from two different rollover fatality car accidents. I have nerve damage. I have sleep apnea. I went all 12 rounds with covid. I almost died from meningitis terrorist once put a fucking nerve gas bomb threat on my airplane turned out to be a hoax not really relevant to the story, but it's just a drop in there. Anyway, you know good information to know about you and in the last seven years almost eight now, I have completed a hundred and four Spartan races. Those are obstacle course races. Okay, about six major marathons, including Boston Chicago, New York and Berlin about 70 or more other Sufferfest 5k's 10k's obstacle course races stuff like that and in 2021, I wrote a book called through the fire, which is my memoir the story of the four-time cancer survivor type 1 diabetic and recovering alcoholic who became an obstacle course racer and defied at all and the last three years now, I published that book. I wrote it for me. It was wildly therapeutic. It was part of my recovery the ongoing development and ongoing recovery in the mental recovery in the growth. Yes, I didn't know if anybody's going to read it. I did very little to promote it, but I knew there was a message in there and that somebody needed to find it. So I put it out there for the person who may who might need to find it and it turns out that a lot of people found it and a lot of people needed it and they told me about it and so I've had strangers reaching out to me for a couple years here and they're just telling me how my story resonated with them and then they would share theirs with me and so I knew I had something more to give and so seven months ago after a couple decades working in sales and leadership mostly in the logistics industry, I left my position and I am now a motivational speaker and a mindset and achievement coach man. I got so much to celebrate with you, bro. Like, you know, my people that follow me. They know, you know, recovery is a huge deal to me, man. So all everything that you and recovery from especially the alcoholism and that's huge man. You celebrate we celebrate those things because one thing about recovery you have to find ways to celebrate even the littlest things man. It's it's not there, you know, like something. I celebrated 10 years three days ago. The story that I told you just before the show was five days ago. Come on, man. I'm impressed very impressive. I met this gentleman today. I met him like right now my production team found him and they were like II you got to get him on he is Mr. Recovery 101. He has a lot to share. He has a lot to share. I'm like and that's what the platform is about. It's about sharing because sharing is caring right sharing is caring. That's how we that I mean, that's how the world goes around is by people like you. So I'm very impressed bro. Very impressed. So tell me more man. You said 10 years. I mean, what's the wildest thing that you've encountered, you know before you got in recovery? What's the wildest thing you've done? Who God usually I think about the worst things that I've done the wildest things that I've done. I mean, I had a lot of good times to you know, like most of the stories didn't end in disaster. That's the problem with addiction and with substances is most of the time. It's not a problem right until it is right. So I mean legit one time, you know drunk woke up in Canada like I was living in Massachusetts and I know I'm exaggerating a little bit. We woke up at the border because I had to wake up to give the guy my ID. This is where you need a passport, but we're supposed to go snowboarding the guy who's driving and this is the morning the next morning. The guy was driving was the only guy sober enough to drive which is why he was driving but he didn't know where he was going and we just told him we're like dry for a while. We'll tell you when to take a left but we all passed out because we've been up all drinking all night. So we woke up and it was like they're asking for your ID. I'm like who's asking for our ID. You you missed the left turn in Albuquerque. Well, at that point we just said fuck it because we weren't going to be able to go snowboarding. So we're like let us have a good story. Just went over the border found like a shitty hotel and just literally went to the dive bar next to it got boxed up and just drove home the next morning and on the way back snowboarded for a few hours and went home. So the reason why I asked the wildest thing right because that wasn't the wildest thing by the way. That's just the first one that came to mind, but right, but I'm saying the reason why I asked for stories like that is to show the people because the people the people that watch me ma'am. I'm very intentional in my analytics. So I know my audience. They are the wildest people right and they and a lot of them don't believe I truly in recovery. They don't think that recovery is possible. It could happen. They don't smile enough. So I love that. Like I always got to see people like you look he's 10 years after doing craziest shit. He's now he's he's he's in recovery and he's and he's rocking and rolling. He's telling the story. He's a motivational speaker, you know what I'm saying? So what's you know, tell me about the motivational speaker man. I mean, what do you talk about? Like I mean outside of your journey, it's almost like I wish everybody knew what the journey was just so I could talk about the lessons, but of course story and depending on the audience and depending on the theme will tell us how much of the story and how in-depth I'm going to go. But my story is really one of a development of mindset because for the longest time I created this victim mindset that it was almost like a Persona and like an alter ego for a long time because I was a child of recovery and addiction to and for a long time. I created this kind of alter ego this tough exterior this me against the world attitude and it helped it worked. You know, I was tough. I was self-reliant. I was independent. I paid my way through college. I got away from home. I had a good career like it got me a lot of places but at some point the thing that got you here won't get you there and it began to turn on me and it was emboldened because of all this shit that started happening and then I kept going through, you know, the illness the accidents and stuff like that and people started telling me. Oh, you're so tough. You're such a survivor, you know blah blah blah and the other like you've gone through and overcome so much and I I wanted to believe them but what I Realize and I realize it's actually seven years ago. This was I hadn't overcome anything me against the world and people are going to hate it when I say this but tough shit me against the world is the rally cry of the victim mindset because it can't be you against the world unless you feel like you've been victimized by the world. I give a second to process that now say it again because my people need to hear it one more time. It's tough to swallow. Yes, but you can't be it can't be me against the world unless I feel like I have been a victim of the world. Now me against the world was tough right? I needed that for so long but at some point man, I'm fighting the whole damn world and that's what every day became and I was picking a fight when I wasn't in one when life was good when I was making money when I was healthy as I could be I was still in a fight and then you're going to start messing it up a lot of people and I did this too. We confuse resilience and resentment just because you're angry don't make you tough right? And so what I had to do is I had to go through it and I had to accept that I had been a victim I had to accept and this is what I realized to myself that I had not overcome anything. I had only survived it and I I literally threw a temper tantrum. It was seven months after I started obstacle course racing. Okay, my life was improving in mind body and spirit literally every way it was the thing that tied it all together for me because I was already sober when I started getting active and fit. I just needed something to continue my development to continue my recovery outside of my program or recovery. I needed to develop in mind body and spirit and so I found this thing and I loved what it was doing for me my life in the way that I felt and I could see this in the reflection of other people and the way that they treated me and then it hit me. Sitting at a red light. Got hit from behind by a woman full speed. Are you serious? Now, I was in a Jeep that was lifted. So my Jeep got jacked up. I got several herniated discs and nerve damage. The woman who hit me though was driving a car so she boom catapulted off the back corner and flipped over three times boom boom boom boom straight out of the movies. She lived that day but she died about 10 days later. And although all I was doing was sitting at a red light. It's hard to not feel responsible. And so I went home that night. How would you be responsible? The last thing that happened to her life was me. Yeah, I get you. I get it. That's it. I mean it was nothing in the world. I could have done different besides not get out of bed that day. But the last thing that happened to her was me. You just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. The wrong place at the wrong time. So, of course it weighs on you. And that same night I go home my cat of 12 years dies. I had just had, I've got severe pain, undiagnosed nerve damage. I feel responsible for this woman's death. My cat died. I literally felt exactly where I was when I first discovered obstacle course racing stuck to the couch unsure of what to do next. And I wanted to give up and I tried. I literally did. I was like, I even set out loud. I quit. I give up. And then the next morning I got up when the alarm went off and I took a shower and I walked my dog and I went to work and the next day I got up with the alarm went off and I took a shower and I walked my dog and I went to work consistent and I had to and then I had to buy food and then I had to pay a bill and then I had to do something else and the next thing you're living your life anyways, even though in my mind this sucks. I'm giving up and so I did the next natural thing was I put another race on the calendar. Come on now, even though I was injured and I didn't know when I said fuck it because me against the world, right? Right? Because I was still me against the world. I hadn't seen this yet and I was like, well, I'm going to pick a fight. It's what I do. And I was listening to a motivational speaker. I want to say it was Eric Thomas, but honestly, God, I can't find this speech again and I've listened to every word he's ever said. So it probably wasn't him, but it was somebody like him and he's going on about, you know, you want to be a warrior. You want to be a victim or a survivor? Victim or survivor? And I'm thinking to myself, what's the fucking difference, right? What? What? I've been a survivor my whole life. You can't be a survivor unless you've been a victim. Come on. Otherwise, what are you surviving? Come on. So I said, you know what? What's the value in this? What is the value in just holding on and being a survivor? Is that why we exist to just get our asses kicked until we die? Like, what's the point of that life? It fuck that man. I'm here to thrive. That'd be a horrible life. What's it? Yeah. Most people choose that because at that moment, that's when I realized I had been victimized. It's okay. When you are, when you're mugged, you've been victimized, right? A week later, if you're still moping and not going to work and not living your life in a week later, whatever, I don't care. Take however long you need to get over it, right? But at some point you got to make a decision that I am not going to let that person take anything else away from me. Come on. So outside training. I threw a temper tantrum out loud and I was like, you know, I'm here to thrive because of that. I am not going to be a victim. I refuse to be a victim. I will not be defined by my circumstances, but rather my triumph over them. And I made a decision at that point that I will no longer be a victim to my circumstances, to situations, to people, to attitudes, to my own mindset. Doesn't mean that bad shit won't happen, but I am going to make a decision to not stay in it. Come on, man. I want you to say that one more time for the people in the back. You make you, you're not going to make a decision. What's that? Cause I need that one more time. At some point. We have to accept responsibility for where we're at. Not blame, not fault. Yes. Responsibility. Yes. For who I am, for where I'm at, what I do now and realize that it is our decision to not stay in it. Cause shit happens guys. He is telling you firsthand. He's a survivor. He's been victimized and he's a survivor in order to be a survivor. You had to be victimized. I love it. I learned something today. I mean, I learned how to say it, you know, better. Cause we, you know, as, as a speaker, I take the long route a lot, you know, just because my audience, they, I feel like they need a little bit more than that, but you just gave it to me sharp. I love it. I appreciate that too, man. I'm just hoping they can buy the book for the story. So I'm just giving you the bang today. Where's the book. Where's the book at, man? I mean, is this, is this knowledge that you talking about? Is this also in the book? Um, you know, what's funny. The book tells the story of everything from when you know, a lot of the stuff that happened to me, a lot of the stuff that I went through, and then a lot of the changes that I went through from when I started obstacle course racing. But the events of the book and two years after I began the events of the book end in 2018. Okay. Yeah. So this is a long time. So that's just what I knew then. And so this, I highly recommend anybody who need, who's going through it. Yes. Who wants to get through it? Who wants to recover from it? That's why the book is called through the fire. Yes. Cause I'll get it. And in an obstacle course racing, you literally jump through fire to finish the race, but it's coming through the other side. And I will tell you one of the most eye opening, liberating things that I ever did was write my book. It was like journaling to me because writing, it was one thing, right? Writing. It was the bullshit. That story that I told you before the show had 400 excuses written into that chapter when I first wrote it, but then I had to revise it. So the first, the first version of the book was 125,000 word mindless manifesto. All right. It was like an ego version with Jake Gyllenhaal on the rock on the cover. Now I then had to revise and revise and revise and just cut and cut and cut. And I wanted to make it as short as I could. So I cut anything that I didn't think really belonged, including all the lies and the justifications and the self, anything that presented me in a better light than I needed to be. Because the fact is this, nobody's going to give a shit about who I am or what I do if they don't know who I was. And so I needed to be honest about who I was. And through the course of revising the book, you begin to see everything in a different perspective. You see your relationships, your decisions, you see the patterns of it all. And so I've been just seeing and almost extracting these lessons and ruminating over them over the last several years. And then I've turned and taken them into a practical application of both my personal and professional lives. There is a process to overcoming obstacles. And it's the same thing. If I'm trying to cover, jump over an eight foot wall, that's covered in mud. If I'm trying to get over a job loss, a family loss, an injury or recovery from addiction or recovery from anything. There's a process. Recovery, 365, right? A hundred percent. And I'll tell you what, I don't think you can do just one thing. I, I don't know the, I can't speak for everything. Right. But there's no, there's nothing that's impacted me ever. That has only impacted one part of me. If it hurts me physically, it hurts me mentally. It hurts me spiritually. It hurts me emotionally. And financially sometimes. Hell yeah, it is financially. Like when I broke my rib a couple of years ago and I fractured it, uh, in an obstacle course race, I actually fractured the cartilage. I had to go to two ERs, 22 different orthopedic doctors before I could finally get somebody who would even get me a damn MRI because I, they're like, it doesn't matter. I'm like the fuck it doesn't. I need to find out what I did. So don't do it again. But I mean, that's, that was a thousand dollars in emergency rooms. Like, wow. Shit adds up, you know, like, but I had to know because I needed to know how can I recover and how can I not repeat what I did to get here? So I, that knowledge is so critical and that's why the self-awareness and journaling, which is basically what writing my book was just journaling over and over and over again. When I work with clients one-on-one now, the very first thing I do is I make them get a journal. The very first thing I do is I start having them journal thoughts about their future and I'm an avid, avid journaler. Um, I part of affirmations for recovery. That's exactly where, that's how it all started. I released a book, a publication, a journal, actual work publication for people in recovery, new to recovery where I took negative words, what I would call negative words. And in, and I put a different spin on them. I put an affirmation to it and it's an acronym and then, and then it allows you to journal. So affirmation, speaking of it, here it is. It's actually, this product is exclusively on Amazon. Okay. We definitely get it, get it, uh, Amazon. And then shortly, I would say in the next couple of weeks, cause I don't like to say dates on the show, just to, just to save, save just in case the show don't come up for a whole year. Right. So I don't like to say dates, but soon I have another follow-up to this actual book. It's the actual guide to the actual journal. It breaks down the words daily and it gives you an actual message for the day. I'm, I'm all about empowerment and I'm all about consistency in order to do anything in recovery, whatever you're doing in recovery, you've got to be very consistent. You got to be disciplined and you got to allow the time to be a favor. Take the word recover, take the word recovery out of what you just said and say it again. Okay. Say that again. Take the word recovery out of what you just said and say it again. Okay. Um, in order to do anything, you need to be consistent. Yes, absolutely. Right. Absolutely. Right. Absolutely. Anything in life, especially if you want to add success to the, you know, to the equation. Now you can do anything in life and just do anything in life. That's, that's also an option, but if you want to be successful, you want to result, you want perseverance. Then there's a few ingredients that you did that's in every pie, right? Discipline, accountability, consistency, and time. You got to give yourself time. Gotta give yourself the space for the growth. I was looking at my whiteboard that I have in my room here when you were saying that, cause I have, uh, basically like five steps to resilience that I follow every day. And I talk about these and the, they're encompassed in this. Uh, I talk about your purpose drivers, your why, why am I doing this? Aligning what you're doing with why you're doing it, uh, to accepting your starting line. Come on, man. And that, and I'm just going to give an example that has nothing to do with what we're talking about, but it does. I am an adaptive athlete. I may race competitive, but I'm a type one diabetic. I have further to go to the starting line than other athletes do. Absolutely. And I could bitch about it and say, I can't do it. Or I can just simply accept that my starting line's a little bit over here. And then I have other things that I need to do to Paris, the cost of doing business, you know, accepting where you are, but then it becomes priorities and discipline because once we get firm on where we are, let's determine where we're going. And I was thinking about that for a second about recovery too. And I, I follow too many idiots on Twitter and it should never get a negative connotation. Like you're, you understand that day one is a, is a course of self improvement. Like you're not a bad person. We're not on the side of the road, like digging ditches here. It, we're sick people getting well, we're putting in the work every single day for the last 10 years and three days has been a fucking victory in a big one. And it's like a domino effect and they get bigger and better every single day. And that's common to that consistency. It's like recovery. Almost you recover for the first day. You start thriving day two. Yes. What other area of the universe? Can you be dramatically better than you were 48 hours before? Come on, man. Come on. Hey, and that's real. That's real talk. Like recovery is the first day. Like you said, that's, that's where it all starts. It starts with the accountability. And then when you wake up day two, doing everything you did in day one, shit, that's where the victory is. I love it. I love it. That's the simple way. That is definitely a simple way to look at it too. Cause people are, you know, like this a lot, like people are a lot, they don't understand, you know, what it really takes to recover. Recovery again is a mindset. It starts here. It starts in the thoughts. You can't buy recovery and you can't buy recovery. No matter how powerful, how much money you got, how much dah, dah, dah, dah, you have to work. That's only this. One of the only things in life that requires work is, you know, recovery. You have to put. I love it. When people think that money will solve their addiction problems. I'm like, says the dead actor. Yeah. Says the other famous person who just swallowed a bullet last night. Like that just gives you access to better drugs. Come on. That's all that money does. Better relationships, better bullshit, better everything. You know, I'll tell you what, the wealthiest I ever was. And I don't know if I'd used the word wealthy, but the most well-off I ever was, was probably at the height of my addiction. Yeah. I mean, that's when you were, because you always found the, you know, the resources to get what you wanted. And he was always able to get more and more and more and more. You got to be at the riches. Like, you know, people are demanding and expectations and people that accept recovery are the most resilient people on earth. They make the world go around. If you really sit back and think about it, like everything that you just mentioned, you cancer survivor, you're diabetic and you're still doing one of the hardest things. I'm fully healthy. I can't do what you do. Right? So that just lets me know, you know, anything's possible in life. When you choose, when you make the actual choice to do it and put the work in to do it. I know you put in a lot of work to become a freaking obstacle course, obstacle course guy. I mean, I mean, you know, I do, but I want to make something real clear. There's nothing I do that you can't and there's nothing I do that somebody listening can't. I want to make that abundantly clear. I am not an elite athlete. I am not a professional athlete. My first day started with a two-minute jog followed by a one-minute walk repeat three times. That's what I started with. Worry about where you are now. Where you at? Because that's a great start. Now, now what you doing? I mean, everything goes in cycles and phases, but right now my I'm running about 30 to 40 miles a week. I'm doing probably two hours of climbing meeting the stairmasters incline trainers. I'm doing two days a week of strength training. Sometimes that might be more rehab or run specific. Sometimes it's more like CrossFit type of exercises and I'm doing recovery work every day every day consistently consistently every day. I'm doing different massage tools. I am doing 25 to 30 minutes of stretching and meditation every night and I mean every night. So I got a million. I got a million dollar question for you because I think I think the people need to hear this right because you you're awesome. Everything you're saying is awesome. But but let us know how do you you know on those days? You don't feel like doing shit. How do you how do you push through those days? Same way. I push through the other days. You just do the fucking work. Just do it. I'll tell you what. This is one of the things I like breaking down. I call it break things down to the wildly specific and stupidly simple. All right, when you want when you are setting a goal to take that leads you into activity that you may not want to do. I break down the steps into the dumbest possible things and I set up as many of them as I can so I can get as much momentum going before I have to make a decision. So when my alarm goes off at 4 o'clock 5 o'clock in the morning. Feet on the floor that right there is how I win the day because I'm not Superman. I want to go back to bed a lot of times and some days I do but if my feet on the floor, I win so I immediately whether I want to train or not and I don't because it come on 45 years old. The first thing that happens when I stand up is I know that I'm 45 years old. I walk out to the cot to the kitchen press start in the coffee. Take my take my pills. Let the dog out pee. Go get my coffee. I say my prayers. I meditate and box breathe for five minutes. I'm already on the ground. I roll into a cat cow. I have a YouTube playlist of shit that I'm always watching whether it be a positive podcast like whatever I'm rehabbing that day. And at that point the first decision I have to make I'm already working out. I'm already doing it. But the thing is this I set really big goals and my goals don't give a shit about how I feel right and I set the goal and I there's no room for fucking around. I don't set small goals, right? So I said goals that are inherently designed to fail. Like if you set a goal that you know, you can achieve you set a shitty goal because then it's okay. You can negotiate with yourself. I want to go back to bed. I don't want to do it today. Well, fuck that my my feelings that I'll tell you what I don't feel like going to my meeting or I don't feel like talking to another alcoholic or doing my other recovery tools today. Oh good. Go get drunk instead. So that's the only other alternative. Yeah, I'll tell you what. Go get drunk and see if you can't kill some people while driving. Let's do that instead. Yeah, you are powerful. I don't want to do the hard things. Well, I'll tell you what bro. There was no harder time in my life than when I got thrown out of that hotel in Vegas. I had to wake my girlfriend up spin some story about why we got thrown out. It was five or six o'clock in the morning. We had to find another hotel room. I was too drunk to live like and I don't care what you see on the movies. They do not let you sleep anywhere in Vegas. They will know they will wake your ass up and right. Oh, yeah. I was facing losing my relationship my friends my job. I there was nowhere for me to hide this time and I hated myself. You don't know what hell is until you've been an addict until you seen that last moment where you're like the only I only see one way out of this. That was the hardest shit I ever did and I don't want to go back there. So when I set big goals and I set things on achieving again, I'm not perfect, but I just I don't wake up to run. I wake up to achieve the thing. I want to achieve man. I'm a fan. You made me a fan man. People want to follow you. How can they follow you? I am everywhere on the internet at stride motivation and on my website at stride I don't know when I know we're live now. I think but when other people may see this the new book selling inspired a mental endurance guide for enduring sales performance will be on Amazon. Yes. Wait, you not on Al on what Al have you heard of Al? Maybe probably not. I don't know. There's a lot of things. This is one of my main sponsors guys. Oh, wwll. It's in the App Store. Okay, it's mandatory for you. Nick big Nick. You need to be on out today, bro. It's for today's working entrepreneur. It's a great app. It's a great community of people that are like-minded people. Like so the the long and short of it people call when when people talk to you they pay you for your time. It's broken out in 10 minute increments. So if like let's say I called you and you charge $5 for 10 minutes after 10 minutes, I can request more time or or whatever it is. I've been on the app about 10 years two years and it's been a game changer. I've been all over the country. I've been speaking all over the country. I just did a show in Montreal Canada. I met I met the gentleman on Al you got to look at it. Like it's for me. It's like like-minded people. Okay, anybody that's willing to call you and pay you for your time even for 10 minutes. Those people are more apt to support you all the way down the road. And it's and it's proven like if you when you get on out, I'm speaking into existence. Once you make it to Al once you download the app use my referral code EA's real simple EA that that allows you access to the that gives you $10 to use to call whoever you want to call just to kind of you know, sample the app so you can see how it works, but I'm telling you bro with the stuff that you just told me today. You're just the way you speak you have good energy and people will call you just for your energy. You know, I'm saying I'm a counselor. I'm a licensed clinician. I'm out of the state of Oregon. I don't do no counseling on the app, but I'm one of the highest people on the app when you when you get on and you'll see my profile. I probably far as males. I got probably the highest call volume, you know, there's some females on it that's killing me, but you know, that's just that's just the way it goes. But Oww LL is in today's is for today's working entrepreneur. I need you on there today. It's not it's not a it's not a it's not an option. I need you on there bro. You are you're like what we built the app for you know what I'm saying? I will check this out today. Check it out, bro. And remember to refer code EA because it's like you gotta, you know, put hanging on that one. Yeah, you can't forget that. It's every day all day. That's that's you know, that's how I move. That's that's why I go by EA's because that's my attitude. It's also my initials, but that's the kind of attitude you got to have to work on the front line. You got to have it every day all day attitude. So I just said man, it's easier faster EA me. Yes. So for my fans man, any final words for the fans, you know, what one day at a time is how I do everything. There's hundreds of medals behind me. It started with one. I didn't sign up for hundreds of races. I signed up for one. Yes. I got sober 10 years and three days ago and I'm still living still living one day at a time as an entrepreneur one day at a time living has saved my life more times than I can tell you in my marriage. One day at a time living has helped save me in relationships financial issues. Where am I at right now? What do I need right now? The present is the only place I need to be. I remind myself of this a few hundred times a day sometimes and it works for every area of my life. We don't need to look down the calendar. We just need to do today man. Nick. Are you a podcaster too? I'm just a guest a speaker and a coach you need to be a podcaster. You know, I do a daily show affirmations for recovery. It's on streaming on all platforms. I do like a three to five minute word of the day just to kind of like motivate the people I'm doing very successful at it. I'm and it takes one to know one, right? So I'm just I'm telling you just like the owl thing you are you are meant to be in that space bro. One thing about it. If you decide to do it, it takes exactly the same ingredients as you have for everything else is going to take you a daily plan. Like you're you're the people that start listening to you when they follow you. They want you every day. You know I'm saying and I can see I can see myself being one of those people because you're very inspiring bro. You went through a lot and you still going through a lot but you don't look like nothing. You've been through you look amazing, bro. I couldn't tell none of that shit that you told me. I would think that you normal Joe. That's Joe right there, but his name is Nick, but he's a normal Joe, but you got a lot of bullshit that you that you survived and salute you for that bro. I take my hat off to you and give you your roses while you still living. I think I think we all have our own frame of reference and I've found a way to take the power back in mine and to use it to help others and I think that's something that can be available to everyone else too. Yes, I'm encouraging you man two things out for sure and then start up podcasting. I got a I can I would love to help you any way possible. I know we just met today bro, but we got to stay in touch because we're brothers are the same, you know, everything that you were saying bro. If you really follow my movement, you'll be like damn bro. I said all that on his show. That's the same thing. I said you say it a different way, but it's just it actually is the same bottom line like my consistent, you know, my daily practice the same as yours. I wake up. I start with prayer first. Like when I open my eyes, I'm sitting in the I'm sitting right there. I'm talking to God because that for me produces a smile. I need a smile before I can talk to anybody else. I got a smile. I got to feel that energy of being happy. I don't know something about that because from there that's the path that I'm following all day like after I pray I got my meditation cycle and then after that I got my music playlist, you know that I use music as a therapy tool to I got a fabulous playlist of just songs over the years over the generations that give me energy and then from there. I do a lot of groups. I do a lot of groups virtually now. So I'm in group at the group at the group. I'm podcasting but everything is designed to keep me in my happy place. Okay. So this this is nothing. This is the same thing. I had a great time talking to you today, bro. This is this told me that I can do this more often because how we met was just two minutes before I push record. I met him. Yeah, he was perfect. He was perfect for the audience. I want my audience to know I want my audience to follow him. So make sure you send me all your information all your good. I mean, I know you says stride motivation on everything. Do you got a website stride damage? And so so so how are you looking for clients? I'm here. I mean, what's your ideal client right now? I am focusing on one-on-one coaching clients. I'm always looking for speaking opportunities. But in terms of the business, I'm looking for one-on-one coaching opportunities specifically achievement driven professionals who have likely found some success or went through a transition and now find themselves a little lost stuck or unmotivated. I'm sure where to go next. I help those people get clarity behind their goals for the next phase of their lives and then break them down into wildly specific and stupidly simple action steps and get them started. I love it and you make it fun. I can just feel the energy you make it fun. That's that's the best a big part of life. You got to find a way to have fun. That's why we do drugs. That's why we do all the things to make to help us feel good. We want to feel good. We want to have fun and I can just tell the type of person you are you have fun with everything you do working on it. Yes working on the hell. You are you're a doer. You're in the doers Club of America. This is a doers Club of America right here. All my fans. They know that we do not try there's two things. We don't do we don't try we do here. Okay, it's all we don't even use the word try if I catch people using the word try I'm stopping them in mid-sentence and we're finding another word together that brings more clarity to what you're doing because trying is for tryers. Okay and doing is for doers and I only only work with doers me personally because I'm a doer and I don't mean I don't fall short. That means that my attitude is always willing to do I don't try shit. I'm that's that's for best for tryers again. So I appreciate you bro. We can go on and on and on. That's how I'm connected. I like your energy man. And you know, and I love to talk so shit make sure you come back. I want to see you back here in if not every month. I would love to talk to you every three months just so I can support you and you know, get people, you know seeing you because my community one thing I know about my community man. One is too close to none. They want to see you again. They want to see how you persevering especially if you expect us to support you. That's how we want it. So you already got the link man, put yourself on the calendar from anywhere from 30 days to you know, 90 days from now, you know, let's just do it brother. That good. Yeah, man. I like it. Yes. So guys, I appreciate everybody that comes that supports affirmations for recovery man. I just could not do this without you guys. Remember support is an action word success is a team sport and all of us were on the same team and pushing the narrative of recovery. That's my life's mission and I appreciate all of you for helping me with that. I appreciate it until next time take care of yourself and each other. Let's go post-production is done with care by ocean tree creative.