The Afterlife Questions and Answers, by a Near-Death Experiencer

#18 Afterlife Q&A “…what was your experience regarding Spirit Guides or Guardian Angels?”

Jack Bybee

In this Episode xviii, I discuss:

·      Interacting with Spirit Guide Stephen, whom I met in Death Consciousness.

·      That, for myself, mystery surrounds this spirit Guide – but…  could he be, Stephen, now regarded as a Saint? Could he be the Saint Stephen? I am near to saying “…is it possible?” and of course, I stop myself in mid-sentence as I am well aware that ‘anything is possible’.
·      That… my ignorance of Saints is revealed - my research  shows what happens when you start to ignore matters – and have a middle name of… Stephen.
·      That, this male spirit, tall, dark beard, good looking man, dressed in what I can only presume is, or was, the typical loin-cloth of those days. What makes me think of Stephen as a disciple of Jesus, the Christ? I know not. However, when some things fail – I turn to Encyclopedia Britannica… Stay tuned, in this episode, I will explain. 

Finally, while in next weeks’ episode I will discuss, what I discovered as ‘living proof’ of Guardian Angels.’ 

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  • NOTE: A hard-copy Edition is due out in Fall, 2023.

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