The Afterlife Questions and Answers, by a Near-Death Experiencer

#12 Epi_xii AFTERLIFE Q&A “…you will write about this – and me, here are the Records of the Universe. What in your world you call the Akashic Records….”

Jack Bybee

Greetings:  This is  Episode_xii of The Afterlife Question & Answer. 

Great news! This podcast, The Afterlife Question and Answer is now available on the following podcast directories: Recently added: Apple Podcast and Google Podcast. Established a few weeks ago: Spotify, Audible, Podcast Index, Amazon Music, and many others. For my listeners in Europe, we are listed on DEEZER.
In this Episode xii, I’ll discuss:

·      Memories of the incredible Akashic Records and what Erwin Lazlo’s Science and the Akashic Field reveals. 

·      Mel Rentmeister – On I searched for Akashic Records for Beginners.  Rentmeister’s video popped up. Stay tuned for more on her philosophy later in this episode – and have a notepad available. 

By the time you listen to this Episode_xii, I will have the FREE Near Death and Related Bibliography completed. It is yours for the asking via this podcast’s e-mail address: 

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  • My book, Memories of Eternity - Life. Death. Love, then what? published in May, 2023 is now available on
  • Click on the link below. .epub format. ($9.99 USD)
  • NOTE: A hard-copy Edition is due out in Fall, 2023.

# Death, near death, #near-death, die, dead, #end of life, clinical death, morbidity, terminal disease, loss of vital signs, brain death, mosa thymica, dying, somatic deaths, clinical death, #brain death, perishing, release, passing away, passing, passing over, crossing the bar, leaving life making an end, end of life, loss of life, of life, extinction, buying, annihilation, extinguishment, the quietest, doom, summons of death, final summons, sentence of death, death knell, lost master, lost roundup, curtains, jaws of death, hand of death, finger of death, shadow, shades of death, a rigor mortis, near death experience, #NDE, journeys end, the dusty death, the dreamless sleep, a debt we all must pay, tribute due unto nature, for whom the bell tolls, Transition, transmutation, to meet one's maker, early deaths, untimely end, premature death, sudden death, stroke of death, death stroke, death blow, Spirit, essence, Heaven, heaven, death consciousness, The Other Side, other side, Other Side, Nirvana, Afterlife, bereavement,