The Afterlife Questions and Answers, by a Near-Death Experiencer

AFTQA #22 Interconnectedness of the aura, spirit etc. as mentioned recently...

Jack Bybee

In this Episode xxii, I discuss:

·      An expansion of the interconnectedness of ALL mentioned in the last Episode. That of the aura, as I witnessed during the NDE and for a good while afterwards, as I recovered.

·      A brief update on my Akashic Records research – and how vibrations of energy via thought can affect matters.

·      A new podcast series is on the “creative horizon” front – in that, I adore being in Nature and am aiming to share those concepts, in still images and video - depending.
 Potential Content for Future Episodes

·      The GAIA hypothesis. Could the potential of the Gulf Stream shutting down, be GAIA’s (Earth’s) way of healing itself? If the pendulum swings one way – sooner or later, it could swing back.

·      The Akashic Records, the issues involved – dark energy, vibrations, thoughts merging?

Delving deeper into energy, vibrations and animism. 

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  • My book, Memories of Eternity - Life. Death. Love, then what? published in May, 2023 is now available on
  • Click on the link below. .epub format. ($9.99 USD)
  • NOTE: A hard-copy Edition is due out in Fall, 2023.

# Death, near death, #near-death, die, dead, #end of life, clinical death, morbidity, terminal disease, loss of vital signs, brain death, mosa thymica, dying, somatic deaths, clinical death, #brain death, perishing, release, passing away, passing, passing over, crossing the bar, leaving life making an end, end of life, loss of life, of life, extinction, buying, annihilation, extinguishment, the quietest, doom, summons of death, final summons, sentence of death, death knell, lost master, lost roundup, curtains, jaws of death, hand of death, finger of death, shadow, shades of death, a rigor mortis, near death experience, #NDE, journeys end, the dusty death, the dreamless sleep, a debt we all must pay, tribute due unto nature, for whom the bell tolls, Transition, transmutation, to meet one's maker, early deaths, untimely end, premature death, sudden death, stroke of death, death stroke, death blow, Spirit, essence, Heaven, heaven, death consciousness, The Other Side, other side, Other Side, Nirvana, Afterlife, bereavement,