The Afterlife Questions and Answers, by a Near-Death Experiencer

AfterLife Question and Answer - WE ARE BACK!

Jack Bybee Season 224 Episode 224

April 18th 2024.

 At last we are back with the Afterlife-life Questions and Answer podcast !
I truly apologize to my regular listeners who must be feeling that I left them in the lurch completely and that I the podcast just went away without any excuse.
What happened and I am truly sorry that this happened I was trying to improve the quality of the recording the audio recording, on top of that I was trying to schedule the podcasts I downloaded an app that turned out to be pseudo malware so that might have hindered my recording on the Audacity app that I use for audio recording.
Well, it certainly wasn't Audacity. The app, as far as I can now see, is completely blameless. I had my computer system at tech support this morning as a last resort and between them removing the pseudo malware and my messing with the settings on Audacity I have finally been able to rectify and to record. 
 What happened was that everything on Audacity was functioning, except it would not record.
 So I'm not completely blameless, after all I'm a podcaster and human, I'm not putting it 100% on the pseudo malware either, however I am making excuses and I don't like to make excuses... so all I can say is the podcast is back, probably until the first week of May this year - that's in a few weeks time. After that my partner Connie and I take off for the wild-blue-yonder of New Mexico Colorado, Wyoming and Montana. I truly hope to be producing a podcast about what about our travels along, what I term are the blue-green highways of the western United States. 
More information about Blue=Green Highways in THIS Episode!

Again my apologies for going off the air without any notice or anything like that for that I am truly sorry however I do feel the issue has now been resolved so thank you.

 Remember, be aware of the consequences of your actions, and when all else fails, “ask and it shall be manifested unto you”….
 Pray for Peace, be safe, be well, and may you walk in peace journey and delight may the blessings of the Perfect One be with you and yours always. Namaste, Jack out.

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  • My book, Memories of Eternity - Life. Death. Love, then what? published in May, 2023 is now available on
  • Click on the link below. .epub format. ($9.99 USD)
  • NOTE: A hard-copy Edition is due out in Fall, 2023.

# Death, near death, #near-death, die, dead, #end of life, clinical death, morbidity, terminal disease, loss of vital signs, brain death, mosa thymica, dying, somatic deaths, clinical death, #brain death, perishing, release, passing away, passing, passing over, crossing the bar, leaving life making an end, end of life, loss of life, of life, extinction, buying, annihilation, extinguishment, the quietest, doom, summons of death, final summons, sentence of death, death knell, lost master, lost roundup, curtains, jaws of death, hand of death, finger of death, shadow, shades of death, a rigor mortis, near death experience, #NDE, journeys end, the dusty death, the dreamless sleep, a debt we all must pay, tribute due unto nature, for whom the bell tolls, Transition, transmutation, to meet one's maker, early deaths, untimely end, premature death, sudden death, stroke of death, death stroke, death blow, Spirit, essence, Heaven, heaven, death consciousness, The Other Side, other side, Other Side, Nirvana, Afterlife, bereavement,