Beyond the Unknown

11 - CULT: Love Has Won

January 16, 2024 Joli McGraw & Quinn Prescott Episode 11
11 - CULT: Love Has Won
Beyond the Unknown
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Beyond the Unknown
11 - CULT: Love Has Won
Jan 16, 2024 Episode 11
Joli McGraw & Quinn Prescott

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Embark on a riveting journey with Episode 11 of Beyond the Unknown, where Joli and Quinn unravel the mysterious world of Love Has Won.  In this gripping installment, we delve into the untold stories behind the notorious cult, exploring their bizarre rituals, the charismatic leader who held sway over followers, and the lasting impact on those who got entangled in its web.

Join us for a thought-provoking exploration of Love Has Won's rise and eventual downfall. Who is Mother God? How is Robin Williams connected to this? And what happened to the blue corpse?

Subscribe and visit for more details and show notes. Share your own encounters at to be featured in an upcoming episode.  

And remember, the unknown is always just beyond the shadows...

Show Notes Transcript

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Embark on a riveting journey with Episode 11 of Beyond the Unknown, where Joli and Quinn unravel the mysterious world of Love Has Won.  In this gripping installment, we delve into the untold stories behind the notorious cult, exploring their bizarre rituals, the charismatic leader who held sway over followers, and the lasting impact on those who got entangled in its web.

Join us for a thought-provoking exploration of Love Has Won's rise and eventual downfall. Who is Mother God? How is Robin Williams connected to this? And what happened to the blue corpse?

Subscribe and visit for more details and show notes. Share your own encounters at to be featured in an upcoming episode.  

And remember, the unknown is always just beyond the shadows...

[Intro Music]

Joli: Welcome listeners to another episode of Beyond the Unknown. I'm your host, Joli, and I'm Quinn, and today, we’re going to talk about the New age spiritual cult called Love Has Won and their controversial leader Mother God who leveraged social media to connect with and recruit her followers. So, how did a mother of three from Kansas become the leader of an online cult? And how are Robin Williams, Jesus Christ, Cleopatra, and Marilyn Monroe connected? Stay tuned to find out.

[Transition music]

It all began with woman named Amy Carlson, who was born in McPherson, Kansas on November 30th 1975, the eldest of three children. She moved around a bit as a child after her parents separated, but finally settled in Dallas, TX with her mother after allegations of abuse from her step mother. Amy was always described as a nice, attractive girl that was quiet and typically dated aggressive, controlling men. She was often said to not have leadership tendencies until later in life when she worked her way up at McDonalds and became a store manager.

After having her third child with her third partner, Amy quit her job at McDonalds to stay at home and raise the children. At this time, she also spent more time on the computer learning about spiritualism and engaging on forums like This is where she met Amerith WhiteEagle who convinced Amy that she was Gaia, Mother Earth and that he was Father God and they were meant to be together.

So, one day, in November of 2007, while out with her mom, sister and friends for Amy’s 32nd birthday dinner, she suddenly left, returned home, packed her things and vanished. She cut all communication with her family and went to be with Amerith WhiteEagle in Colorado.

After a couple of years spending time together, Amy decided to start making online content like articles and videos on a website called Galactic Federation of Light they would discuss topics about 3D and 5D realities and their goal to convince as many people as possible to move out of the 3D. In these articles and vlogs, she declared that she was a 19-billion year old being that created life as we know it. And as a spiritual being, this was not her first time on Earth because she has reincarnated, in fact, she claimed to have done this 534 times. So the Amy Carlson being she was in the mid-2000’s was the 534th re-incarnate of this divine being. The reason why her being was re-incarnated so many times was due to the mission being incomplete every time. So, each reincarnation was an attempt to complete it. And by completing it, I mean by leading at least 144,000 people to a 5th dimension, which the group refers to it as 5D. They think everyone is living in a 3D word and we need to transition to this 5D world. And I’m not sure I grasp what 5D means, but from what I read online, it’s all about understanding your authentic soul essence and understanding that you have missions within a broader cosmic realm, and you can use your 3rd eye to help!?!? Essentially I have no idea what 5D really means but their on a mission for you to see it and dive right in.

I just want to jump back for a minute to her being re-incarnated. Since she’s done it well over 500 times, who do you think she was in previous lives? Throw out some names I dare you.

Quinn: Real guess

Joli: Jesus Christ, Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, and Marilyn Monroe to name a few...

What is with these cult leaders all calling themselves Jesus or a relative of Jesus…

Just as a heads up, I’ll be referring to Amy as Mother God or Mother from now on to make things easier because her that’s what her followers exclusively call her.

In 2014, Mother God split from Amerith WhiteEagle and met up with a devout follower, Miguel Lombardy. Miguel was the first official follower of her new spiritual organization Love Has Won… And he quickly became the new Father God.

You see, Mother God was one spirit until the mission was either completed or failed like many before her. But Father God could come and go as Mother God saw it. So, basically, whenever she wanted to date someone new, it seemed like she would name them Father God and they would get the status for a short period of time until she moved on.

After Miguel joined, Love Has Won started to gain more traction. Mother God decided to invite Faith, another loyal member to stay with her and learn how to perform guided meditation and other spiritual acts for followers online. This was to help Mother God expand her mission to help those in need, while also being a source of income for the group. Over time, they let more and more followers join in-person until the core group grew to around 18 followers living under the same roof, serving MotherGod in any way they could. This meant the in-person followers donated what they could, usually their life savings, and performing acts of service like cleaning the house, providing guided services online, and some starting daily vlogging to help promote the group and give updates to loyal online fans. While it started off as somewhat innocent, it grew into a mentally exhausting place where followers felt mentally and emotionally trapped.

Around this time, Mother God went through a few more Father Gods before she landed her final one, Jason Castillo. I’ve only read about and watched videos with Jason, or Father God and he seems like the most erratic, temperamental, and mentally unstable human. I would be absolutely terrified to live in this home. But anyways, since Jason was now Father God, that meant the previous Father God lost his title. But, Mother God really liked him, and just couldn’t have it all, so instead of him going back to his former self, she renamed him Father Multiverse. So, he wasn’t as high ranked as Father God but he’s like right under him.

At the start, Mother was very nurturing and calm, and when she gave you attention or praise, you felt like you were on top of the world. But over time, she became emotionally abusive, or at least more obviously so, by yelling at her followers or even punishing them for acts their previous selves may have committed. For example, she once banished several members of her group for the night, so they had to bundle up and sleep outside in the Colorado fall or winter. Another time she punished a member because in the 1400’s, when she was Joan of Arc, she told her people not to save her and he tried to save her from the fire.

You see, things weren’t so peachy over at the Love Has Won house. Behind the veil of the 5D and their mission, Mother God was suffering, and quite seriously at that. Her followers were told that her body was like a filter absorbing all of the 7.8 billion humans sins or acts of bad, and by filtering this negative energy, she was constantly in pain.

So, how can you help a 19-billion year old divine being that’s filtering evil through their body? What would you give them to ease this?

Quinn: Real guess

Joli: Well, in her case, it was alcohol, copious amounts of hard liquor and colloidal silver which she called her medicine. And the group said that taking these substances and others like cigarettes, marijuana, etc is ok as long as you use it as a medicine and in that case, you apparently can’t get addicted so consume as much as you want. but only when it’s a medicine for you.

In a nutshell, Mother God was seriously suffering from alcoholism. There’s no account of how much she consumed on a daily basis, but one ex-follower said she would take at least 12 shots of vodka before bed and in the Love Has Won HBO documentary, she is always consuming full wineglasses of wine and vodka. As the years went on, she became more out of control and a lot of the groups footage with her in it , she would be cursing, screaming, or slurring her words. Oh and it gets worse. Mother God and Miguel Lombardy who controlled the groups finances said that people needed to eat and sleep less. Some say this was them trying to tighten funds, and others say it was to achieve the mission and it had nothing to do with money. Regardless, members were starved, many showed signs of anorexia, and they were functioning off of 3-5 hours of sleep.

So, it wasn't a great environment to be in. But a lot of these people truly believe she is a God there to save them, so they stayed.

The one thing Mother God hasn’t been able to do was create money, so the group needed to sell sell sell so they could all stay together and promote the group. So, on the website Gaia Whole Healing Essentials, the group sold merchandise like crystals, oils and lotions, branded swag, and their top seller - colloidal silver.

Do you know what colloidal silver is and why people might want to use it?

Quinn: Answer

Joli: Yeah, so what I found is that colloidal silver is a substance made by suspending silver particles in a liquid, often marketed as a cure-all dietary supplement. This tincture was highly promoted by the cult for its apparently cure-all abilities, and they claimed it would even get rid of and prevent COVID-19. This claim made the FDA step in and warn the group that they needed to remove these claims. I don’t think anything happened to them though. Frequent use of Colloidal Silver can cause argyria, wherein one’s skin turns blue. And when people complain that this happens to them, the bloggers Hope and Aurora, who do the daily vlogs for Love Has Won, just rip on these people as being idiots and taking too much. But there’s irony in this because as Mother God was enduring more and more pain, and needing to take her “medicines” more often, she too turned blue. We’ll post a photo of her on our Instagram of when she wasn’t blue and then when she was so people can see what we mean.

Aside from the silver, oils, ad crystals, Mother God made money for the group by performing surgeries. These aren’t traditional surgeries where you need a medical team and a sterile facility, and a decade worth of medical training. Mother God was a spiritual surgeon who performed multidimensional operations to cure people of things like cancer, Lyme disease, and autism. In fact, her first follower Miguel Lombody was actually a cancer patient when they first connected and claimed that Mother God cured him.

Is this wild enough for you?

Well… there’s more!

The galactic A team. Any guesses of what this is?

Quinn: Real guess

Joli: The Galactic A team is a leadership group within Love Has Won that possess spiritual abilities and can connect with extra terrestrials. This group acts as a board and guides the group so they make the best choices to achieve their mission.

The Galactic A team isn’t super documented online so I can’t get you the full list of members, however, it’s mostly beings that have died and at the head of the table we have Robin Williams, the American actor, and Saint Germain, bishop of Paris and saint who lived between year 496 and 576. Other notable people like Michael Jackson are on the A team and even one person who is still living.

I love making you guess. So, who do you think is the one person that’s alive that they believe is on the Galactic A team. Hint: He’s the absolute worst human.

Quinn: Real guess

Donald god damn Trump. Apparently she claims that Donald Trump was her father in a past life and he’s trying to help their mission. I’m not sure if Donald trump knows this nor participates.

At first Mother God was the only one who could communicate with the Galactic A Team but then some members of her team could as well, which I think ultimately led to her death.

It was believed that when Mother God ascends, so she would move into a higher plane of existence, Robin Williams would come and get her body… but, he never did….

So I’ve already given it away but in April of 2021, after a long and painful battle with cirrhosis and alcoholism which caused her to become paralyzed from the waist down, lack of sleep, and excessive intake of colloidal silver, she passed away at Callahan’s Mountain Lodge in Ashland, OR. A few members of her team took her from their base to this essentially hotel where they struggled for days and then eventually passed away.

Because they were waiting for Robin Williams to come and get her body, they left her on the bed wrapped up. At times, they would even play with the body because they believed she wasn’t actually dead. In one of their videos, because yes, they video tapped almost everything, they’re seen playing with her blue tiny hands, claiming that rigorous mortis disappeared. But to those listening, Rigor mortis, the stiffening of a dead body doesn’t last forever. It sets in within a couple of hours as the chemical changes in their muscles, and then it stops around 24 Hours after death. So, their claim that she was limber was likely that is disappeared, not that she was still alive.

In another video, they take an EMF machine I think, something to detect electromagnetic waves, up to her toes and it is buzzing like crazy and when they put it up to a living person, it shows nothing. I think this just shows how much colloidal silver was in her body because silver has the highest electrical conductivity of all metals, the second is copper.

So, there in this hotel with a dead body and hotel staff became a little suspicious because the group wasn’t letting them into the room. So what do they do next? They flee. While on the road, they’re pulled over by police. I have no idea how they got away with this, it must have been really dark, and they said to have wrapped her in a sleeping bag, put a hat and glasses on her, and said she was sleeping, but the officer let them go.

It’s so crazy

And instead of returning home, or you know going to the police or the hospital, they decide to go camping for a week or so, leaving Mother God wrapped up in the tent. They still believed Robin Williams was coming for her, but he was late?

After a while they returned back to their home base in Crestone, Colorado. When Miguel notices the body wrapped up in the sleeping bag, covered in string lights, he freaks out and goes to the police. He rats the whole group out and police go to the property and arrest everyone and collect the body, which only weighed 75 pounds.

Surprisingly, the charges were later dropped by authorities since she died of natural causes. I don’t know why they weren’t charged with transporting a dead body and all of the other stuff they did.

So you might be thinking, now that Mother God is gone and of their many beliefs like Robin Williams coming to get her, didn’t come true, that these followers have moved on.

But that would be the opposite of what happened. Although some reconnected with their formerly estranged families, they still promote their beliefs but they’re rebranded. Hope and Aurora, two girls that were very close to Mother God and would host her daily vlogs now go by 5D Full Disclosure. They have a website and a very active YouTube channel still. The two closest males, Father God and Father Multiverse started their own channel and spiritual group called Joy Rains.

There you have it. Yet another cult with seemingly harmless beginnings, extraterrestrial connections, and questionable practices including the documentation of their leaders slow and painful death, and disbelief of 3D medical treatment. Although the main figure Mother God, formerly Amy Carlson has passed, the group has splintered off into other smaller spiritual groups carrying a similar mission. If you’re interested in learning more about this group, like their beliefs that 9/11 and the holocaust we're a hoax, and other less favourable views, I highly recommend watching the HBO docu-series and reading about them online.

[Transition Music]

Quinn: Thank you for joining us for another episode of "Beyond the Unknown." If you have a story you’d like to share, please email us at or reach out on Instagram. Who knows, your story might be featured in our next episode!

Joli: All of our sources for this episode can be found on our website:

And don’t forget, if you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review! 2

Quinn: Until next time, listeners. Stay curious and remember that the unknown is always just beyond the shadows.


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