Beyond the Unknown

16 | UFO: Aliens on Earth

Joli McGraw & Quinn Prescott Season 1 Episode 16

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Are we alone in the universe? Quinn and Joli don't think so.. In this episode we cover chilling sightings to perplexing abductions and alleged implants. We explore the fascinating and sometimes unsettling encounters reported by individuals across the globe.

Whether you're a skeptic or a believer, this episode is sure to leave you questioning the boundaries of reality and the possibility of life beyond our planet. Get ready for a journey that will challenge your perceptions and ignite your imagination.

Subscribe and visit for more details and show notes. Share your own encounters at to be featured in an upcoming episode.  

And remember, the unknown is always just beyond the shadows...


Joli: Welcome listeners to another episode of Beyond the Unknown. I'm your host, Joli, and I'm Quinn, and today, we are going to take you on a journey that is literally out of this world. Speculation about alien life forms has been ongoing since the beginning of ancient times, and reported UFO sightings have been recorded for just as long; but In this age of advanced technology and instant global communication, the frequency of reported sightings has surged. What's truly striking is the similarity among these accounts from individuals who share no apparent ties.

Some of those similarities include black triangles, three bright lights, and foreign body implants containing material not found on our earthly periodic table of elements. Stick with us as we dive deeper into the specific sightings and the timeline of events – and most importantly – find out what is being implanted into unsuspecting individuals.


The first recorded UFO sighting dates back to ancient times, and various cultures have documented mysterious aerial phenomena in their historical texts and records. One notable example is from ancient Egypt around 1440 BCE, where the Pharaoh Thutmose III reported seeing "fiery disks" in the sky.

Similarly, in the 4th century BCE, the Greek philosopher Plato documented an unusual event in the sky over the city of Athens. These early accounts may not match our contemporary understanding of UFOs, but they describe unexplained aerial occurrences that intrigue historians and UFO enthusiasts alike.

The modern concept of UFOs gained prominence in the mid-20th century with the rise of reported sightings and the coining of the term "flying saucer" after an incident in 1947 involving pilot Kenneth Arnold.

Kenneth Arnold, 1947

Arnold was an experienced pilot with over 4000 hours. He was also a member of the Idaho search and rescue team. On June 24th, on a clear day with light winds, Arnold was flying his small private aircraft on route to an airshow in Oregon. He planned a small detour to try to locate a military unit that had crashed with 32 marines. Near Mount Rainier Washington, at 3pm, Arnold reported seeing a sudden flash in the sky. He assumed that there was another plane in the area searching for the missing marines, but upon further inspection, he realized that this was in fact not sun reflection from another plane. Instead, he describes seeing 9 objects flying through the sky. Specifically, he describes that the objects were each glowing blue and flying in a V formation. This is also known as an echelon formation. Each object was flat and round with approximately a 100-foot diameter. The objects moved like a kite in the wind – flipping, weaving and banking. Although he later denies this, he is reported to describing them a saucers, disks or pie plates. He suspects the speed to have been at least 1700mph or more. For frame of reference, this is twice the speed of sound and the fastest recorded vehicle was in the late 90s at 763 mph, which is 100mph than the average passenger pane. Apparently there are some military planes that can travel around this speed and being only two years after WWII and the first year of the Cold War, this was Arnold’s initial thought.  However, the military confirms that no military tests were being conducted in the region of Mount Rainier that day. The government was never able to offer a credible explanation and left it at claiming Arnold likely saw a mirage.

However, afterwards, there were several other reports of seeing these UFOs, further corroborating Arnold’s story. An L. G. Bernier from Richland, Washington, wrote to the Portland Oregon Journal to report that he had observed three fast-moving disc-shaped objects heading towards Mount Rainier, suggesting they were part of a larger formation. Ethel Wheelhouse in Yakima, 60 miles west, also reported seeing flying discs at high speeds around the same time as Arnold’s sightings. A forest service member in Diamond Gap, south of Yakima, witnessed flashes over Mount Rainier also at the same time. Another witness, Sidney B. Gallagher in Washington, also reported nine shiny discs. Ten days later, a United Airlines crew over Idaho witnessed five to nine disk-like objects pacing their plane for 10 to 15 minutes before disappearing.

1989-1992 Belgian Wave

Just over 42 years later, one of the greatest mass sightings of a UFO took place in Belgium, known as the Belgian Wave. in November of 1989, over 13000 people in at least 30 separate groups reported witnessing the same large dark triangular UFO with three bright lights. No concrete evidence was ever found of these sightings other than verbal reports from the witnesses. However, in March 1990, military stations were alerted to unidentified objects in the airspace. Two F-16 fighter jets were set into the air to investigate. The jets were actually able to lock onto the objects with their target but eventually lost them due to the speed at which they were travelling. The Belgian Air Force could not provide an explanation and joined forces with the UKs ministry of defence for further investigation. As no threat was ever uncovered, the investigation was dropped. Some have tried to say that the sightings must be helicopters, but witnesses say the UFOs are silent. Rebuttals to the silence speak about the wind or other environmental noises drowning out the helicopter sounds. I don’t know about you guys, but we can hear helicopters from inside the house in the basement, or even when we are sitting in a piece of farming equipment, so I don’t buy it.

Other Sightings that have matched

Since that time, there have been many sightings but many discredited by official sources. There have been instances of actual military testing and even advertising blimps mistaken for UFOs. However, in 2004-2006, there were a series of sightings in Illinois in Tinley Park and Oak Forrest that do not have any reasonable explanation. The first sighting was August 21 2005, then two months later on October 31, 2004 and again October 1, 2005. The final reported sightings was October 31 2006. Witnesses reported seeing three red orb shaped lights hovering in a triangular formation. Whatever this was maintained the triangular shape as it moved around, as in, the lights moved in total unison. It seemed as though the lights or orbs were attached to an object. The hovering was reported for up to 30 minutes and there was no sound. Skeptics were determined to find an alternative explanation. Some believed this was probably lights from strobe lights or something else, but these would not follow that pattern. There was a documentary about these lights on the history channel, and it was reported here that the lights were also observed at the same time around the world from Australia to British Columbia (west coast Canada). And if this were in fact the same lights seen at all sites, and they likely were, as the timelines matched, the objected with the lights attached would have to exceed 1000 feet in length. These lights were captured on both video and photo, which IMO gives the story even more credibility. In 2019, the US navy apparently acknowledged that this event was unidentified aerial phenomena, as Navy officials prefer to say.

Implanted objects

Okay so now I want to move past the UFOs and onto the concept of alien abduction. We’ve all heard the stories, right? Someone is captured, taken aboard a ship, probed or examined, then dropped back onto earth with a possible loss of time or amnesia. Well, I was recently shown a video that I found to be extremely interesting. It demonstrated some very interesting proof, so to speak, of alien abduction. The claims by the individuals describe similar stories of seeing a bright light and then having a total loss of time. In one example, a couple goes for a walk away from their campsite. When they leave, the fire is roaring and the logs are big, and when they return, supposedly minutes later, the fire is out and the logs have totally burned up. In another account, an entire family is reporting a similar bright light and total time lapse. Now what is striking is some of those claiming alien abduction, when fully examined, using XR or CT, are found to have small metallic implants just next to bone. In one case, it was next to a woman’s toe. They initially thought she had some kind of splinter, and then the imaging suggested she actually had surgical clips near her toe, in what looked like an osteotomy procedure, but she claimed to never have had a surgery. A podiatrist removed the foreign material and it actually was not metal, it was this little black pod or cocoon looking thing. When further analyzed, the cocoon was made of materials found in our nails, skin and hair, and inside, there was materials we only typically find in meteors and upon further investiagtions, the materials analyzes could not even be found on our periodic table. Years later, another foreign implant was removed from a person, with the same characteristics. Now apart from this YouTube video and TV feature, I could not find a lot of other concrete evidence about these stories or further information about the research, but it all honestly sounds pretty damning to me! What do you think?


So there you have it, UFOs and some pretty concrete evidence of alien abductions. Have you ever seen a UFO? Have you been abducted? Please write to us and let us know!

[Transition Music]

Joli: Thank you for joining us for another episode of "Beyond the Unknown." If you have a story you’d like to share, please email us at You can reach out on our website, and who knows, your story might be featured in our next episode.

Quinn: All of our sources for this episode can be found on our website:

And don’t forget, if you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave us a review.

Joli: Until next time, listeners. Stay curious and remember that the unknown is always just beyond the shadows.


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