
020: Milestones // The Big Twenty

March 28, 2024 Clairvoyaging Season 1 Episode 20
020: Milestones // The Big Twenty
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020: Milestones // The Big Twenty
Mar 28, 2024 Season 1 Episode 20

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Embark on a celebratory voyage with us as Clairvoyaging hits its 20th episode! This is a special episode where we discuss the wisdom of spiritual maestros who've graced our show:
Carolyn Swift Jones
Dr. Elliot Adam (Elliot Oracle)
Rev. William Meyer
Courtney Dawson
Sara R. Reeves
Alexis Arredondo & Eric Labrado
Jehna Esmail
Dr. Jeffrey Tarrant

We also share reflections of the big takeaways and lessons we've learned since starting this podcast. We each describe our personal transformations, and how we are shedding past traumas and stepping into a space of peace and wisdom. 

With hearts full of gratitude and eyes set on the horizon of unknown spiritual shores, we invite you to continue this journey with us, because every episode is a tribute to the grand, ever-unfolding story we're all a part of.

Hearts and stars.

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Looking to book a distance Reiki session with Lauren?

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Embark on a celebratory voyage with us as Clairvoyaging hits its 20th episode! This is a special episode where we discuss the wisdom of spiritual maestros who've graced our show:
Carolyn Swift Jones
Dr. Elliot Adam (Elliot Oracle)
Rev. William Meyer
Courtney Dawson
Sara R. Reeves
Alexis Arredondo & Eric Labrado
Jehna Esmail
Dr. Jeffrey Tarrant

We also share reflections of the big takeaways and lessons we've learned since starting this podcast. We each describe our personal transformations, and how we are shedding past traumas and stepping into a space of peace and wisdom. 

With hearts full of gratitude and eyes set on the horizon of unknown spiritual shores, we invite you to continue this journey with us, because every episode is a tribute to the grand, ever-unfolding story we're all a part of.

Hearts and stars.

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Looking to book a distance Reiki session with Lauren?


wayfeather media presents claire voyaging uh, number 20 yeah, yeah, yeah two zero, the big two zero cue the balloons and confetti 2-0, the big 2-0.


Cue the balloons and confetti, Guys. This is the 20th episode.


We survived. We survived to number 20.


We did it, hey, to celebrate. This episode is a new series we're calling Milestones.


We have a lot of series, but here's a new one.


Yeah, every 20th episode we'll be recapping what we've learned along this Claire voyage. 20 ish, 20 ish, yeah, yeah. What gifts and abilities have we unlocked? We'll find out. I'm excited to get this far and I feel like it has been a voyage. So, before we get to recapping, we got a couple updates.


Let's hear it.


So I just saw this. It's from last month, but I just wanted to share this sweet review from Diane W. She said only found your podcast on February 3rd. I have binged on all the episodes. I am hooked. Thanks for your insights and guests, diane, I know that's so nice.


Thank you, Diane I know that's so nice.


Thank you, diane. You know what, diane? You have prompted us to have an idea, so we want to send you a little promo pack.


Little thing.


Yeah, Diane, write us an email, Send it to clairvoyagingpodcast at gmailcom and let us know where we can send your Claire Voyaging promo pack and the rest of you listeners. If you want to be cool like Diane, write a review the first 10 of you to do that we will also send you a promo pack.


Diane redefining cool.




What does the W stand for? Winner.


Yeah, starting trends left and right. Anyway, we get excited about reviews, so thank you very much. Now we've got a recap show for you.


In this episode. What we're going to be doing is we're going to recap a little blurb from every single guest that we've had so far and our major takeaways. We're going to go in chronological order, which I've heard is the best order. We're starting with carolyn swift jones, who told us that we're all born with intuitive abilities, and she encourages us to view intuition as a practiced skill rather than like a rare gift. She emphasizes the importance of compassion and non-judgment. Through that process and to grow, all we have to do is trust our intuition. We can connect to our spirit guides and our higher selves for guidance.


Reinforcing Carolyn's concept of trusting intuition and our own guidance. Dr Elliot Adam taught us that tarot is a marvelous servant but a terrible master. He emphasizes the importance of connecting with one's inner self during tarot readings rather than relying on external forces or supernatural abilities. He also encourages us to take the fear and negativity out of tarot.


My good friend, reverend William Meyer, advocates for a holistic approach to spirituality and to follow our intuition like stepping stones leading to the distant light of spiritual growth, because while outside help is nice, at the end of the day we're captains of our own ship. Also quick shout out to Reverend William Meyer's mother, who is a fan of the show.


Yeah, she's so sweet. I'm a fan of her. Yeah, Mary.


Hi Mary.


Medium, courtney Dawson shared her story and explained how it's not always easy to follow your own path. Not everyone is always going to support your journey, but you can find reconciliation and healing through love, the ultimate force in life.


Sarah Reeves told us how maintaining spiritual and human boundaries can keep us safe from negative energies, allowing us to create a supportive environment, but she also said it's necessary to address our own negative thoughts and patterns to reach the next level of our soul's journey.


Eric Labrado and Alexis Arredondo explained how just because we don't understand something doesn't mean we need to fear it. Traditional Mexican folk magic and Santeria have been misrepresented in modern media and are actually practiced to assist in navigating life's challenges, fostering spiritual connections and healing generational trauma.


Our six-year-old niece, gwen, showed us that kids need to be believed. It's hard enough being a kid, but even harder when your daily life is full of experiences and entities that your guardians say can't exist. Gwen's story shows us that the right thing to do is adapt our personal belief systems so that we can be there when the children in our lives need love and security.


Jenna Ismail emphasized the importance of confidence and vibrational alignment in manifestation. She encourages us to believe in our worthiness to receive what we most desire. Encourages us to believe in our worthiness to receive what we most desire. By addressing our spiritual and emotional barriers, such as trauma and negative thought patterns, we can grow our resilience in the face of setbacks and attain what we truly desire in life.


Dr Jeff Tarrant explained the four unique styles of meditation and showed us how to determine which would work best for certain individuals, based on their goals and needs. Consciousness is complex and not entirely understood. His work in developing case studies to better explore the minds of psychic phenomena are cutting edge and proof that open-minded scientific inquiry into psychic phenomena is more than justified.


Our travelogue episodes explore my and Frank's personal experiences in allowing spirit to lead the path while on the road. Dream paths have been an exploration of the powerful spirit, visitations that can occur while we're asleep, and what's your Thing? Episodes have shown us that while we might technically be strangers, we all have unexplainable experiences that are worthy of sharing. Also, statistically, there may be a higher number of practiced psychics walking around than anyone could have guessed.


There really are. We ran into too many.


Like so many. Just in like two hours, they're out there.


So that's the brief overview of what we've done so far. We're not even close to done. One of the things I always say that we need to stop doing when we are dabbling in the esoteric is to just like do something cool, like pull a tarot card and then forget all about what it said five minutes later because it was just kind of interesting and fun. But it said five minutes later because it was just kind of interesting and fun. If, if our abilities to actually talk to or interface with spirits and spirit guides have the ability to actually alter our lives for the better, I kind of think we need to pay more attention to it, and all of these amazing psychics and smart people and people who are in the world of like self-improvement have taken their time to speak to us, and we want that to mean something. It should mean something.


It means something to me. How about you, Lauren?


Me too. Let's honor it, respect it, and it's all part of this journey. This is all a really cool self-discovery journey and voyage. These people that we've talked to have helped us along the way. They probably don't even realize how much we've taken their words to heart, like we still quote them regularly, like each of these people.


Yeah, lauren, I'll be cooking dinner. I'll be like it's like Courtney said, it's true.


You know, when Sarah Reeves said, yeah, a lot of them really stuck with me.


So here's my little takeaway from everything so far. You ready for it, lauren? Yes, all right, here we go. Here's what I have to say, here's what I think, and this is opinion Everybody. This is my opinion. You don't have to like it, it's okay, but here we go.


This is for entertainment purposes only.


Entertainment purposes only. This is for entertainment purposes only. Entertainment purposes only. All right, here we go. Everything is energy and consciousness is quantum. I don't even really know what quantum means, but consciousness is quantum. Our bodies, it seems, are RC cars driven by a divine spirit version of ourselves, the very smart, connected people that we have spoken to call it our higher selves. That divine version of us signed up for this experience, the good and the bad.


We have lessons that we're supposed to learn while we're here for the purpose of scoring a few more feathers in our spirit caps. But if it doesn't go right, we get to try again. You know, like via reincarnation or something like it. The more we resist the lessons and avoid the challenges, the harder the lesson is, the harder it is to overcome that challenge. So, listeners, yes you, you know the feeling of denying an inconvenient fact about yourself. I've done it too. I do it all the time. It's sometimes very painful to address. You can live your life hoping those things never come up, but you shouldn't, because that's the thing we might be here to work through. The easiest way to learn our lesson is to slow down, make sure we're operating out of authenticity and keep our ego in check. The best part, though, is that we're not alone in this journey. We always have help from a personal team of spirits who are rooting for us on the sidelines, and if we ask them for help or guidance, they'll step in, but only if we give them space and time to do so.


Since starting this podcast, I've met people I would have never interacted with otherwise, people who have selflessly assisted my own personal development in ways I would not have been able to achieve on my own. Sometimes it was because they were practiced in their psychic abilities, but mostly it was because they've done the work themselves and they've made the effort to share their compassion with me and my family. I made a choice to suspend my disbelief for things that I didn't quite understand and that opened me up to the reality that this existence, and whatever happens after we die, is much more interesting than I previously was allowing it to be. All the kind people who helped me come to that conclusion had always been there the entire time, not forcing their beliefs on anyone or gatekeeping the truth, but just waiting for bozos like me and maybe like you, I don't know to ask the right questions and be open to the answers. The most interesting thing about all of this is that it's all normal and natural Spirits, angels, past lives, quantum knowledge, reincarnation, all of it but as a society we decided it was too weird to discuss openly.


Those of us who have fallen through the cracks of traditional religion feel forced to choose between deciding we can never understand it or pretending it doesn't exist at all. But those are false choices, damaging false choices that lead to a world where I have to tell my 6 year old niece that she can't talk openly about her very real psychic experiences out of an abundance of caution because her peers might ostracize her or her friend's parents might call her abilities the work of the devil. The only real choice is to release our societal rigidity surrounding the topic of spirituality, drop the fear-based control of the old guard you know who I'm talking about and move forward with open hearts, open minds and a dedication towards positivity. Does that make me a hippie? No, well, actually, hold on a second, let me see, I need my phone. Hey, chat GPT.


Define a hippie. A hippie is someone who usually rejects mainstream culture, values, peace, love and freedom and often adopts unconventional lifestyles and beliefs. Okay, bullshit, if it's considered counterculture to attempt a realistic approach to spirituality and accept divine assistance into my daily life, without judgment, fear or a particular denomination. I guess I'm a hippie or a particular denomination? I guess I'm a hippie. We are here together to learn together, and spirits are just people too. So I suppose, whether you're dead or alive, we're still all in this together. Same team, different Jill, same crew, different voyages. I guess that's my big conclusion, lauren.


I liked it.


Thanks Lauren, I'm it. Thanks Lauren, I'm a hippie.


Yeah, so it all boils down to you being a hippie.


Yeah, that's why we started this. I am a hippie.


Yeah. Right, okay, well, I'm a hippie who eats meat. Close it up. We are we are defined now. Cool hey.


Lauren, yeah, do you have a big conclusion that you've drawn so far from the last 20 episodes? Yeah, oh, I'd love to hear it.


Okay, I'd love to tell you.


Cue the music.


Yeah, a common fear is a fear of the unknown. It's something I've been afraid of my entire life, this non-tangible idea, a dark realm of elusive possibilities, whether it's the other side of a crappy job or relationship or it's energy we can't see. The unknown can be unsettling and flat out terrifying. Until you strip away all the what-ifs, until you step straight into the fear and try it on. That's not so bad. What was I actually afraid of? That's what this podcast and this spiritual journey has been for me and what it continues to be. In various ways. I've stepped outside my own comfort zone to learn new possibilities and ways of looking at life. Ghosts, past lives, astral projection these are things that we can view as the unknown. We can view them as frightening, or we can see them as part of a huge, beautiful universe, a universe that connects, loves, deeply understands and unites us. Along this journey, I've learned an energy healing technique called Reiki. I've learned about chakras, auras, sound frequencies and crystals. Yeah, I guess I'm a hippie too, frank.




I've connected with my higher self and I've started to understand what the hell my ego is doing, but that's going to be a lifelong lesson.


Yeah, I'm here for that one.


Yeah, sorry, I've given myself permission to not only accept that I have a lot of trauma, but also permission to heal it, to dig deeper and to allow myself to view trauma as wisdom, because if I'm not guiding my trauma, my trauma will guide me. I can use it for healing and empathy and support for others, instead of letting it use my body to hide and fester. Instead of letting it use my body to hide and fester, trauma can stay trapped or it can be alchemized into wisdom. I'm choosing to reject the path of fear, blame and victimhood. I prefer the path of productivity and growth. Healing and opening up our trauma lets us begin our spiritual journey, operating not out of fear, but coming from a place of wonder, openness and a belief in abundance and good in this big, beautiful universe. I've learned so much from these different experts on this podcast and I'm pretty excited for what's next. Oh, is that the poetry snapping? Okay, thank you so much.


You bet snaps. Yeah, I mean like something to point out in all of this was that obviously we started the podcast at a time when we were ready to like learn more, but you really dug in and you did the Reiki thing and now now you're a Reiki master.




Now I haven't done as much I think I've gotten. I've let myself get busy, which we all do, but my plan was at some point to do, to do, do, to do, to do, to talk to a psychic, and that's next.


I think we're gonna do an on the air medium ship reading as one of our upcoming episodes yeah, also, it will be cool, it will be cool but also like, yeah, just because I've learned reiki, reiki, I don't know, I think personally I had a little more diving to do, because you had more like meditation experience. You dipped your toe in astral projection stuff like that and I really have not had that much experience with meditating or connecting to my higher self. So yeah, like this has been a deeper dive for me and you've kind of encouraged the process and now we're kind of seeing what's what's next.


What's next? Yeah, I still have a lot to learn. I dipped my toe in a way where it was like, where I was still kind of scared of all of it. But you know, over the past year I'm not afraid of this stuff anymore. I'm definitely just more interested. Being afraid of the bump in the night. Stuff is like, it is fun and like, yeah, we've talked to some of the psychics who are like, no, some of this is scary. It is scary just because you wake up and there's someone standing next to your bed Like you're not going to be happy about it. No one wants that. You know, sometimes I wake up and my daughter standing next to me and I freak out. But like that, all said, like once, that understanding of of that it's just people. It's just people like 99% of the time. It's cool, it's. It's sure, maybe we suffer from a lack of privacy. That's the big takeaway, but I don't think spirits care what my butt looks like.


No, they've left their physical body behind.


Or they're making lots of fun at me.


They might yeah Behind the veil. There's like a whole group of spirits that have like a chat about your butt.


They're like that guy's got junk in the trunk, anyway. One thing that's so stupid. Guy's got junk in the trunk, anyway. One thing that's so stupid, I'm leaving it, I'm leaving it. One thing that I haven't reported on specifically yet is that it during this period I did do a past life regression with our with our trusted family therapist, dr Claire, and it was really interesting and it took me a couple of days to fully digest the information that I received. I'll probably end up doing a travel log episode about it, but a lot of it is also kind of personal, so I don't really know how much I can say, but I will say a bit. I will say a bit. It is cool. It was cool, but yeah, I think cool to hear. I think, since, since we've started this, I think that was really my personal like stepping stone into just, uh, opening up about all this stuff yeah, yeah, this has been a.


It's a wild ride. You know what's been fun is to to to hear from from friends who have been following along and listening, and how it's opened up their conversations to other people. Like my friend, erin was like, oh, I've asked a couple people who have lost someone in their life, like, do you receive signs? Like this podcast helped her ask other people about signs that they've received. She's like yeah, it feels totally normal because you guys have talked about it as a normal thing.


Are you saying that we're actually destigmatizing?


We're trying to one person at a time one person at a time.


Thanks, Aaron, for sharing that story.


Thank you, aaron, it's been really cool.


Same thing with the, with the what's your thing? The Venice Beach trip that we did. I'm hoping that our listeners get out there and they have these conversations too. But I'm hoping that our listeners get out there and they have these conversations too, where it doesn't need to be a big secret. Everybody's got a story. Everybody's got a story.




What's your thing, dudes?




It's fun to talk about. It's fun and exciting and as long as we take the scaries out of it, it's exciting, lauren.




Any conclusion.


You want me to read it again? No Ga-ga-gills, that's my conclusion.


Once again, listeners, thank you for joining us on this journey, and we are just getting started, so thanks for sticking around.


Yeah, thank you so much. We love you.


Hearts and stars.


Hearts and stars. Hearts and stars.


That's good.

Claire Voyaging Milestones Recap
Exploring Spiritual Growth and Healing
Embracing Stories and Conversations