
028: Medical Intuition & Angelic Attendants // with Julie Ryan

May 23, 2024 Clairvoyaging Season 1 Episode 28
028: Medical Intuition & Angelic Attendants // with Julie Ryan
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028: Medical Intuition & Angelic Attendants // with Julie Ryan
May 23, 2024 Season 1 Episode 28

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In this episode, we chat with Julie Ryan, a former businesswoman turned psychic and medical intuitive, whose story is remarkable.  This episode peels back the layers of her intriguing transition, uncovering how she found her true calling in "woo-woo," much to the fascination and inspiration of many. Whether it's connecting with animals or delving into past lives, Julie's narrative is a powerful testament to the synergy between practical knowledge and spiritual insight.

We touch upon the sensitive topic of death, revealing the poignant needs of those at the end of their lives through stirring personal stories and anecdotes. The conversation transitions into the realm of healing, where we examine the symbiosis of Western and Eastern medicine, and the pivotal role energy healing plays alongside medical intervention. Julie brings to light the profound potential for self-healing within the body, challenging conventional notions of disease and recovery, and providing hope for those on a journey to wellness.

To learn more about Julie, or to book a service or sign up for a course:
Get her book for free here: and mention that you heard her on Clairvoyaging

To get the new digital version of the Clairvoyaging Alignment Journal:

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In this episode, we chat with Julie Ryan, a former businesswoman turned psychic and medical intuitive, whose story is remarkable.  This episode peels back the layers of her intriguing transition, uncovering how she found her true calling in "woo-woo," much to the fascination and inspiration of many. Whether it's connecting with animals or delving into past lives, Julie's narrative is a powerful testament to the synergy between practical knowledge and spiritual insight.

We touch upon the sensitive topic of death, revealing the poignant needs of those at the end of their lives through stirring personal stories and anecdotes. The conversation transitions into the realm of healing, where we examine the symbiosis of Western and Eastern medicine, and the pivotal role energy healing plays alongside medical intervention. Julie brings to light the profound potential for self-healing within the body, challenging conventional notions of disease and recovery, and providing hope for those on a journey to wellness.

To learn more about Julie, or to book a service or sign up for a course:
Get her book for free here: and mention that you heard her on Clairvoyaging

To get the new digital version of the Clairvoyaging Alignment Journal:

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Hey friends, in today's episode we talked to Julie Ryan, a psychic and medical intuitive. She can sense what medical conditions and illnesses a person has. She can facilitate energetic healings, scan animals and access people's past lives. Her story is incredible, so let's get to it. I'm your host, lauren.


And I'm the Blippi of the esoteric world, Frank.


We are a married couple learning how to develop our own intuition. This is episode 28 of Clairvoyaging Wayfeather Media presents. Clairvoyaging presents Claire Voyaging. Good morning, good evening, good afternoon In that order Today's oh, I thought we were still going. Oh no, we're gonna try and speak the whole episode simultaneously.


We do everything together.


Everything is spoken together and done together.


Ever heard of dependency?


It's a coping mechanism.




Hi Frank.


How are you doing? I'm doing all right. I've got a little cold, but I'm okay.




Does anybody know the cure for kids Brought to you by Sudafed?


We're always complaining about how germy our kids are. Sorry, guys, you got small kids. That's just what happens. You do it. Hey, we have a new thing on our platforms. I don't know which ones it's on, but it's called fan mail. We got fan mail. Like the AOL reference.






You've got fan mail. We got fan mail Like the AOL reference.


Oof. Yeah, you've got fan mail. Yeah, I think I just made myself 400 years old.


For sure, the kids know AOL.


Yes, at the top of each episode you might see a little link now that says send us a text message. It's kind of cool. It opens up your text messages and then you can write us a note. And we've received some. We just can't respond to it, so I don't. It's kind of like wait what?


Why are we telling people about this?


Well, I don't know. We could remove it if we want.


Hey, you guys want to send us a message through our one way radio but we'll appreciate it. I'll never get confirmation that I got to us.


We can see them.




And thank you.


Thank you.


And we love you.


We sure do.


We got a message and I was like how do I respond? I can't so thanks, Listen.


every single word from you is the confidence boost that we need to get through our days.


It's so true. We had the sweetest message from Kimberly and I was like you know what from Kimberly, and I was like you know what this made my week. So shout out to Kimberly for your encouraging, sweet words.


Thank you, Kimberly.


And so what else do we have, guys? Anyone who pre-ordered our journal? Thank you so much for your patience. We were about to send them out because they arrived and there was an issue with the printing, so boo to that, yeah you know just a hundred, a hundred misprinted books, no big deal they're supposed to be in color and they weren't, and we?


I was like I can't read this, so well, I'm not, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna dox anybody no, no no, but the company is being kind of responsive, yeah, so that's good.


They will arrive at some point, hopefully looking better. So the good news is, though, that we now have a digital version of the Clear Voyaging Alignment Journal available on our website.


We sure do. This is called a pivot.


This is a pivot. Yeah, that's how you respond. React and you're quick on your feet like lauren is just me right now, um, for the low price of 11 and 28 cents, which is an angel number but also a frank number, you can get our fillable pdf version of the claire voyaging alignment journal immediately. So go to our website, clairevoyagingcom and go to the store get your download hook yourself up.


Okay, so let's get to Julie Ryan. Julie Ryan, she is. She's a lot of things an inventor, a business woman, but also a psychic and a medical intuitive. She says her brain is like an MRI. She's a human MRI.


She's also written seven books, or something right Seven.




She's written seven books, and if you go on her website and you say that you came from the show, you're going to get a free copy of one of those things. So go scoop it up.


And we'll have the link in the description.




Enjoy, julie Ryan.


Julie Ryan. Here we go the description. Yep Enjoy Julie Ryan, julie.


Ryan, here we go. Julie Ryan, thank you so much for coming on. Claire Voyaging, we're so happy to have you here. Oh, my honor, thanks for inviting me. Yeah, so can you give us a little story about how you got here? Sure, absolutely.


I'd be delighted to. Well, first of all, I'm an inventor an inventor, easy for me to say, of surgical devices sold throughout the world, and a businesswoman who learned how to do woo-woo. And I'm a buffet of psychicness. So that's my elevator pitch. And how it all came about was 30 years ago I received a book from a girlfriend named Anatomy of the Spirit by Carolyn Mace, and she called herself a medical intuitive and I thought what the heck is that? I 'd never heard that term before and I had been in the hospital supply industry for a long time, helping people heal from the supply side of the equation, inventing devices, things like that. So I wanted to know more, and back then we didn't have the Internet yet, yeah. So I did the old fashioned thing and I went to a bookstore and because I thought, well, my local library.


What's bookstore again?


Yeah, I know Barnes and Noble.


Let's put a plug in for that. Write that down. I've heard of it. I'll find it.


And I found a book called Hands of Light by Barbara Brennan. Both of these authors are PhDs and Barbara Brennan was an interesting woman because she was a former NASA physicist who parlayed very complex quantum physics principles into understandable English. That would be what I would need, because I didn't have a scientific mind, and she was talking about how to use energy to facilitate healing. Okay, she's got my attention. So I called her school and I said do you guys have anybody in my area teaching this stuff? And lo and behold, they did, and so I took six years worth of classes and paid the equivalent of what I would have paid to get an MD or a PhD and learned how to do woo-woo.


And what I found was, when we connect with spirit, we can do it all. We all have the ability. I'm certainly an example of that. I didn't have dead people chasing me as a child, or if I did, I wouldn't have known what to do with that, and I teach people around the world now how to do all the things all my buffet of psychicness. And when I was taking the classes, my family and friends said why are you doing this? And I said I don't know. And they said well, what are you going to do with it? How are you going to use it? I said I have no idea, I'm just being compelled to do it. And here I am, 30 years later, sold some companies and thought, okay, now what? And this is what I do full time and it's a blast to do this with people from all over the world. That's so cool.


What's the first time you realized you had a latent gift?


Well, it's a gift that we all have. We all come in with the ability. We all have had situations in our lives where we think of somebody and we get a call or an email or a text, or we run into them that person that we were just thinking of and we say, oh my gosh, what a coincidence. I was just thinking of you this morning. There's no coincidence there. That's your intuitive ability coming in. Little children are very good at it. Every little kid until a grown up says, oh honey, that's just your imagination, it's not really real. Well, it is really real, but then they learn to shut it down. So to answer your question, Frank, the first time that I knew something was going on was in my classes, actually very early on 30 years ago, and I started to see things in my mind's eye like colors and shapes and grids and kind of the grid of the body that reminded me of a blueprint, of an architectural drawing of a home or a building.


I thought, okay, there's something going on here. This is going to be interesting. And then it just developed to the point now where I can see in my mind's eye. I'm like a human MRI. I can see broken bones, torn ligaments, bacterial infections, cancer, whatever, and communicate with spirit. I see dead people now. I see pet spirits, I see all kinds of other things in my mind's eye and get other information. I get what I call divine downloads into my head, so it's a direct knowing thing. I'll hear things, I'll smell things, I'll whatever. But I'm a visual learner, so most of my information comes in visually primarily. That's amazing.


And then the other stuff comes from there, but I teach people from all over the world how to do this stuff as well. Everybody can do this. Hundreds of people have gone through my classes and every one of them can do this stuff.


Man, that's really cool. So when you were in class, was it a slow progression or was there like a snap, like moment where it was like what is it in the movie where he's like I know kung fu?


oh yeah, matrix yeah no, it was over time. It was with practice. It's like everybody can throw a football, but unless you're tom brady and have had a lot of practice, you're probably not going to be the n MVP. And it's in all my training. I have live practice groups multiple times a week because that's when the skills really develop. Because what happens is we get information. We're all getting information all day long, whether we've learned how to do this stuff or not. We're all getting thoughts coming into our heads. We're all getting thoughts coming into our heads and we disregard most of them. Or if we have something that happens that seems to be serendipitous, we say what a coincidence. There's no coincidence there. But again, we doubt. We don't even think that that's intuitive information coming in. And what I have found again with teaching hundreds of people over the years is to implement the practice sessions, because the more you do it, the more validation you get. The more validation you get, the more you learn to trust it and then it's just second nature.


In your experience so far, what's the top thing? That's like preventing people from really engaging with their abilities.






Oh yeah, fear of the unknown, fear of it's just my imagination Fear of you're not supposed to talk to spirits because you know a religion or a culture. Some person of authority, whether that be a parent or a grandparent, says, oh, that those are evil spirits. Well, there are no evil spirits. All spirits are pure love. And and I, I do have a little saying, I have this little dialogue that goes back and forth. Every once in a while I'll run into somebody who says, oh, you're talking to the devil, yeah, well, I'm not, yeah, but uh, I'll say, well, do you pray? And I'll say, of course I pray. I'll get real belligerent about it yeah great.


To whom are you praying? Jesus, the saint virgin, mary, god, whomever, moses, whomever, I'll say great. Do you get answers to your prayer? Yeah, all the time. They'll tell me. Then I'll say okay. So when you're talking to jesus and you're getting answers from jesus, is he sitting on your couch next to you in your family room? They'll say no, and I'll say oh, you're talking with his spirit. And they'll say I never thought about it like that. Oh my gosh. Yeah, well, we all do it, naturally, and that's what I talk about in my book Angelic Attendance what Really Happens as we Transition From this Life Into the Next. And anybody that wants a free copy, just go to julieryangiftcom and we'll send you a free digital or audio book copy. Just say you heard me on this show. That's fantastic. We'll send you a free digital or audio book copy. Just say you heard me on this show. That's fantastic, and you're a free copy, angelic.


I talk about that.


Angelic attendance Awesome. I was going to call it angelic escorts, but my son told me that that sounded too much, like, you know, like a prostitution ring.


He said if you do that, so everybody sign up today for angel Like a prostitution ring.


He said mom, if you do that, so everybody sign up today for Angelic Sex Workers by Julie Ryan, exactly no.


So we went to angelic attendance instead of angelic escorts, but it's about how, as we're dying, we're all surrounded by angels and the spirits of deceased loved ones and pets, and then we're escorted to heaven by angels. Everybody is, regardless of how awful you were when you're a human.


Everybody's escorted to heaven by angels, but we call it angelic attendance, so it's not a misconstrued title right, yeah well, I I often ask this question of like, were you able to implement like your original religion into your current belief system and practice? Because I know that's been a struggle for some people because, like you said a lot of times, a lot of that judgment might come from very conventional religious practices.




I was born and raised Catholic, roman Catholic, went through 12 years of Catholic schools and, in my opinion, the Catholics do a great job of preparing people for their spiritual journey because, as small children were taught about angels and saints and my mother and grandmothers, when they'd lose something, they'd say a prayer to St Anthony and it went something like Tony, tony, look around, something's lost and must be found, and inevitably they'd find it.


And so, yes, absolutely, and, interestingly enough, back to angelic attendance, there are many churches and synagogues of all denominations around the country that give my book to every family that comes in that's planning a funeral, or to every family who has a loved one at the end of their lives that is in the dying process, and my parish that I go to is one of them, and they give one of my books to everybody. Furthermore, pope Francis in 2016 issued what they call a papal bull, which is kind of like a bulletin or a newsletter. Yeah, to all of his pastors around the world, and he told them that he wanted them to welcome psychics and healers because they were doing the work of the holy spirit I did not hear this one whoa yeah, oh wait, I need to go find I need to go find that bull.


I'll send you the link. Please send you the link.


Yeah, yeah and and'll send you the link yeah. Yeah.


And the interesting thing is they talk about I don't know who they get to write that stuff Canon lawyers, probably. It's just boring. Oh my God, you know, after the first page or so you're going to be in a coma if you read much more of it. But you'll get the majority of it up front. And I talked to my pastor about it, who's an Irish priest from the Emerald Isle himself, and I said, when that came out, and I said, what'd you think about that? Did you see that note from Pope Francis? He said, yeah, how did you see it? I have connections, oh my gosh. So yeah, whenever anybody, especially a Catholic, will say to me, oh, my church forbids that, I'll say, well, actually they don't. And here's a note from the. You know the top dog.


Yeah, that's a big move. That's a big move from Pope Francis. I have not heard that. I feel like I should have heard that at some point. Yeah, with how much I'm always scouring the Internet for this stuff.




That's really cool. Now did your pastor know, of your abilities.


Oh, yeah, yeah. And one other thing is that my main spirit guide is a dead Pope, pope Clement VI. Oh my gosh, can I tell you the story about how he showed up? Yes, one day I was with my mentor and she was doing a healing on me and I lay on a massage table and I have my blankie on and you know, I'm all cozy and everything, and my deceased loved ones line the sides of the table my parents, my grandparents. My dead dog is even there usually.


And so this one time this pope spirit showed up, this dead pope, and had his hat on and the vestments and the whole nine yards had a shepherd's rod. And I said, well, who are you? And he said I'm Clement. I said I never heard of a Pope Clement and he laughed and he said, well, I was number six. I said, okay, how may I help you? Kind of like, why are you here?


And he said you're supposed to teach the world what happens when somebody dies, because everybody's so afraid. And my pastor at my parish says people are afraid they're going to whether they're going to fly or they're going to fry when they die. So Clement says, yeah, you're supposed to teach the world, because he knew I could see what went on. And I said I'm not doing that, I'm a business woman. People are going to think I'm nuts. And he said yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, just get on with it. So everything you've done in your life has to prepare you for this. Yeah, whatever. So I go out to my car to go home and, just for kicks, I did an internet search on my phone of Pope Clement the sixth. Well, come to find out, you guys. He was in office during the black plague when two thirds of Europe died, and he's best known for his prayers for the dying and his prayers for the dead.


He's got some experience, yeah, I thought I thought, ryan, you can't make that up, yeah. And so thought I thought, ryan, you can't make that up, yeah. And so he, he prodded me to write the book and, you know, to do this work, and still prods me all the time.


I was going to ask if he's still around.


Oh, yeah, yeah, oh yeah. I don't argue with him now If he suggests you know nothing like arguing with a dead pope.


You say yes to Clement.


Yeah, he's hilarious because he always shows up in his pope hat and the shepherds are on and everything. And I say, clement, I know who you are. Yeah, I mean you don't need, you don't have to wear the hat. He said, yeah, but it looks good.


Clement, you can switch to jammies or you know something a little more cozy T-shirt and jeans, it's fine well, I didn't just do surgical devices.


I founded nine companies in five industries I mean that's, that's amazing.


There's a story in that you know no big deal, serial entrepreneur, yeah serial entrepreneur.


So, um, I still have a couple of companies on the side going, but I have wonderful people running them. So I've been doing this full time between my show as julie ryan and I have a call-in show on th nights where people call in from all over the world and partake in my buffet of psychicness. We can talk to your dead grandma, we can scan your cat, we can scan you medically, we can tell how close to death somebody is, we can do past life stuff. It's a blast because I never know who's going to call. I never know what their questions are going to be.


I never know what their questions are going to be.


I never know what spirit's going to say, through me, I say you got to watch this.


Oh yeah, you got to tune in it's where we blend spirituality and practicality to live a life of purpose and joy. And so I do that, and then I'm on my seventh book. And so, to answer your question, frank, it's been I've probably been doing this full time for about six years now.


Yeah, yeah.


Because when I sold my surgical device manufacturing company I thought all right now what? And back to my parish priest, father John Fallon. My husband and son and I were at mass one Sunday and Pope Clemens, you know, trying to get me to write this book. I'm like I'm not doing it. And from the pulpit Ralph the altar, during his sermon, father John Fallon said wouldn't it be nice if somebody could tell us if angels and our deceased loved ones are really?


there to lead us and greet us to heaven and I'm getting an elbow because I'm between my son and my husband. I'm getting an elbow and I'm thinking seriously. God from the pulpit, really.


You got called out.


Oh wow, I got called out.


Can't say no to that I said okay. Yeah, doesn't get any more direct.


Let me ask you this you said you're still involved in businesses, right I?


have a couple of them, okay, other people are running them.


Yeah, when you were starting those or getting involved in them, was there any pushback because of the? This is Julie. She has a long history of like knowing about all this stuff and being an inventor, but also she's a medical intuitive.


Is that like? Is that a problem? Great question it. I was worried about it, but it didn't come out of the closet until after I'd sold my medical device company. But I do have a fun story about that yes okay, I was lecturing in um austin texas to a room full of c-suite executives and I was part of a conference. Then I was a guest speaker that came in, so we had just released AskJulieRyancom and I thought, oh God, please, you know let me get through this before something happens.


So of course, you know what happens. I give my talk. At the end of the talk, this guy comes up to me and he's got his iPad open and it's got my picture at my AskJulieRyancom website up and I thought I am going to get pummeled. This is going to be interesting. And he said is this you? And I would say, yeah, that's my picture. And he said can we sit together at lunch? I'd love to hear more about this. And I said sure. And you know, starting to get sweaty, I'm thinking, oh yeah. So I sat with them at lunch. Now picture this this is a table of eight in a hotel ballroom for lunch. There are seven C-suite executive men and me at the table.


All they wanted to talk about all they wanted to talk about was woo, woo. They didn't want to talk about what, what, what. We were there for the conference information. They don't want to talk any about that, any of that. They just wanted to talk about woo, woo and I thought okay, that's a sign from heaven. Yeah, go full speed ahead.


That's so nice they had just like a bunch of questions about like they did. What do you do? What do you know? Can you scan me?


How do you do this? Yeah, what do you see? Do you see anybody around me? Oh my gosh, I say well, I have to turn my radar on, and then I did, and then I nailed some stuff, a couple of them, and then I really had their attention it was fun, oh my god, you've been having problems with your gallbladder.


Right, you got gallstones and this one guy goes yeah I said yeah, I know, I can see them, I'm pummeling them right now oh my gosh, that's crazy especially if, like, if any of them were kind of like skeptical. I love the, the skeptics that are like, prove me wrong.


And then well this, especially blasting the skeptical c-suite people, that's.


That feels like a special event well, and I don't try and convince anybody. Yeah, if somebody says well, you have to prove it to me. I'll say well, really, I don't, it's not my job that yeah, if you want to talk about it, fine. If you don't, what do you want to talk about? The stock market, the weather, football, whatever I can talk to talk about it, fine.


If you don't. What do you want to talk about? The stock market, the weather, football, whatever I can talk to you about whatever you want Politics Usually they'll say no, no, I want to hear about it.


A big part of our show and getting this started is was because we are very aware of how stigmatized the entire conversation can be and even though it's a very natural, normal thing, it doesn't. People are so turned off to it. So being someone in your situation, where it's high stakes situation you're dealing with a lot of, like important people hearing that even they secretly want to know all about it is very satisfying to me.


Yeah, yeah, well, and when somebody has a loved one who's dying, it's not only heartbreaking for the family and friends that are there to support the person you know at the end of their lives, but it makes us face our own mortality. Yeah, definitely. And so not only are we afraid of what grandma's going to face, but we're thinking, oh, I'm going to be there one day. And that's why Pope Clement says you got to teach people what happens, because it's glorious. And usually those skeptics, when I am describing the loved ones and the pets and all of that that are surrounding the person who's dying, they'll say well, there's no way you could know that.


I'll say, yeah, I know, and I always ask the dying person three questions Are you ready to go? Are you in pain? What do you need? And what do you need will run the gamut it can run from. Can you bring me chocolate cake? And oh, by the way, stop by the store and get some ice cream too, because I want it all. A mode I had that recently to my favorite one is uh, this was a dear friend of mine. Her dad was dying and just was hanging on, hanging on, hanging on, and he was in the hospital and they'd taken him off life support. I mean, this is days after this man's been taken off life support and I'd known him since I was 10.


He was a dentist.


And I said what do you need? He kept saying I need her to file my quarterly estimated taxes. Oh no, I'm saying are you kidding me Really, dad? We don't, don't worry about that. Yeah, kept on, kept on, kept on. So I finally said just go to the house and try and find him. She said I don't even know where to look. So she's in Ohio. I'm in Alabama, where I live. This is a childhood friend, we've been friends since I was 10. And I said so I'm talking to her dad's spirit. And he said they're in my desk, in my bedroom, middle drawer on the left. I said just go to his house, see if you can find him. So she did. She called me from there. She said they're here, they're signed, the check's made out, stamps are on the envelope. I said just drop it in the mailbox on your way back to the hospital. So she did. He died a few hours later. Oh my gosh.


Oh my gosh. I mean, that's a it was just like needed it done.


And we found out why because he had a fairly sizable estate. He was a dentist and he'd been, you know, buy an investment property forever. Yeah, when it was affordable and she was the executor of his estate and by the postpart being the day that he died. It saved her so much grief and so much hassle with getting his estate settled. Wow. So we get information. Sometimes the family will want to know does she have a will? Does he have a will? If they do, where is it? Well, it's in the safety deposit box on the corner of Main and Third Street and downtown Podunk, wherever. And here's the box number, number, and here's where you can find the key and you know, just amazing information that helps the family. So the skeptics are going okay, there's no way.


I was gonna say when I'm on my deathbed, I hope the last thing I'm thinking about is taxes. But then that wasn't the taxes.


That was helping your family he was thinking about his daughter. Yeah, yeah, like. Are you hearing the words or are you seeing an image? When, like in this situation, both yeah, both.


Like I'm talking to you, we just have a conversation, but they're spirit form, so I hear the words. The words come in in all of our heads like a thought. Yeah, it feels like it's our thought, and sometimes I'll hear a person's voice, especially if it's somebody that I knew, and so I'll hear the voice. But normally it's just a thought and it'll come in like you know, bring me some ice cream with that chocolate cake. And then families will say, well, I don't want to feed my dying father chocolate cake and ice cream with that chocolate cake, because you know I want it. And then familyists will say, well, I don't want to feed my dying father chocolate, cake and ice cream.


It's not good for him. And I'll say what? If it's the last thing he eats, you're gonna deprive him. Who cares what he wants?


yeah, what's he gonna do? Live another 20 years? No, we're give. Give the man a cake, that one last, that final bite having, like, come into your intuitive abilities a little bit later, and with your background, how has your opinion on Western medicine evolved?


Great question. I believe Western medicine and Eastern medicine and all kinds of medical providers are part of the healing equation and the work that I do with energy healing is also part of the healing equation and the work that I do with energy healing is also part of the healing equation. It reminds me of those big wooden, chunky puzzles that babies and toddlers use, and you got the Western medicine piece, then you got the other piece and then the energy medicine piece goes in too. I have physicians. I have many physicians who've done my training, and I also have many physicians that send patients to me, especially when they can't figure out what's going on. Oh, that's cool.


I've had two clients this morning. Both of them were told they have an autoimmune disease. We need to scope you. We need to do this, we need to do that. You're going to have it the rest of your life. You're going to be on medicine the rest of your life. No, you're not Autoimmune. They say your body's attacking itself. This is nonsense. The body is programmed to heal. The body is never going to attack itself. They got leaky gut and I can get them on my radar, and their GI tract's full of yeast overgrowth. So we clear that out and then again I combine spirituality and practicality to help people get well and live a life of purpose and joy.


So I will watch the energetic healing happen, Spirit working through me and with me to help that person heal themselves. Healing happened, spirit working through me and with me to help that person heal themselves. Nobody heals anybody else no doctor, no medical provider, no energy, nobody. You know? You think about when somebody has surgery. At the end of the procedure the surgeon's going to close the incision with sutures and staples. Well, the surgeon doesn't make the patient's skin grow back. The patient makes their own skin grow back and that's how all of this works. We're all helping that person heal themselves and so it's all part of the healing equation. If I'm in a bad car accident and I'm bleeding out and I got broken bones and concussions and stuff like that, take me to the closest trauma center. I mean, I don't want an energy healer praying over me, I want somebody that's going to fix me physically.


When your insides become on the outside, there's a problem and you need sutures.


I do have a fun story about that, though May I share it real quickly. I have a client who, well I know this is going to sound like a, you know, a early 20th century black and white silent movie. But this woman had surgery on her foot. She was in a cast, she had crutches because she couldn't put any weight on it. Her son was driving her home from the hospital.


The car stalled on the railroad track with a train headed towards them. Why does that always happen? Coming on the passenger side, she was in the passenger seat in the front of the car, stalled on the railroad track with a train headed towards them. Why does that always happen? Coming on the passenger side, she was in the passenger seat in the front of the car. And doesn't that sound like a silent movie script? Yeah, and her son got out, but she didn't have time. I mean, let alone she couldn't walk. But she couldn't get out and she said I said to myself, I'm going to be fine, I'm going to be just fine. So the train hit the car, demolished the car. I think they had to get her out with the jaws of life. It moved the car way down the track before the train could stop. She went to the hospital in the emergency vehicle. She had no broken bones, nothing.


I mean not a scratch.


So the ER people are saying oh, my God, you are a miracle, she comes to me and I get her on my radar. So I'm like a human MRI. As I mentioned, I've got a big monitor in my head and her whole right side of her body looked like it was a mosaic, you know, where there's little pieces of glass or tile or something, and then and it's put together with grout yeah, you may see it, you know, on a sidewalk or, yeah, on a building or in a church or something. And I said, and I said, wow, this is what the aftermath was.


Her body instantly healed itself, with her thought of I'm going to be just fine, but it showed up to me Now. That didn't show up on an x-ray, but it showed up to me and I'd never seen it before and I thought, good heavens, this is just incredible that her body was able to go back together. And then the images that I get in my mind's eye and that my graduates get are all analogies for spiritual things that are coming in, whether that be a healing or whether that be a diagnosis. Right, and this her whole right side of her body looked like it had been crushed into a million pieces and then put back together with this grout stuff. It's, it's energetic bone cement I saw it used in surgery.


Yeah, that's, that's wild. Did she have like residual pain on that side of her body or just like no?


just you could see what kind of yeah, I think she had something else going on that was totally unrelated to the crash. But I don't even know how we got on the crash. Something came up about that, probably because I saw the mosaics first and I said in some kind of accident yeah, I was hit by a train yeah, you were.


So this brings up for me the question of like how much, how many injuries or medical problems are actually caused by some kind of like self-limiting belief or a belief of weakness, for lack of better words.


There's always an emotional component in place before any kind of disease or illness sets in, and I want to tell you about what I see. But first, one of my dear friends is Dr Christiane Northrup MD. She's a world-renowned OBGYN and in her first day of medical school at Dartmouth Ivy League School they told those students, including her, about how belief is the most important thing for your patients. Because in the tribes and in the cultures where somebody maybe has a voodoo doll or says you know you're going to die tomorrow or whatever, and that person does, it's because they believe that they will. They believe that the person sticking pins into the voodoo doll that's representative of them has that kind of power. Nobody does, but they believe it. So the first day of medical school they told her that yeah, that was remarkable.


That is the power of belief.


So there's that. There's also the placebo effect.




Which is, you know, in clinical trials of medicines they'll give half of the people a placebo something that's a fake pill and they'll give the other half the medicine that they're testing and the placebo always performs better than the prescription. Always 100% of the time, and it's usually 52 or 54% placebo. The person will feel better, will heal, will, whatever. So the power of the mind is very, very much a part of the healing equation. Back to your question if somebody has a belief, can that affect whatever that belief is materializing into the body, absolutely as part of a healing process? That I do. I'll get somebody on my radar. I'll connect to him. You could be anywhere, you could be in a galaxy, far, far away, it doesn't matter, I can find you, it's close to my heart.


Yeah, be in a galaxy far, far away, it doesn't matter, I can find you. It's close to my heart, yeah.


And I'll watch a laser beam come from my body wherever I am and it'll hook into you and it will be as if I'm looking in an x-ray or a CT scan or an MRI and then something will be identified. There'll be a healing. Something else will be identified, there'll be a healing, and I always tell my clients and tell people listening to my show there'll be healing, and I always tell my clients and tell people listening to my show envision what I'm talking about, because when you envision it, it's going to help integrate the healing into your body, because the body's always going to believe what the brain tells it, even if the brain doesn't believe it to be true. Think of when you watched a scary movie on TV your brain knew it was pretend, but your heart might've been beat faster. Movie on TV your brain knew it was pretend, but your heart might have been beat faster. Yeah Right. So as part of the healing process we'll look at at the end of our time together. We'll look at what I call the energy field membrane. Now, that's a container that holds the energy that makes up our body and our spirit and it reminds me of really thin, stretchy saran wrap and when there's a tear or a hole in that energy field membrane, there's an energy leak and the body's leaking power, because the spirit is the power source for the body. Most of us are taught I was taught at Gaelic school that spirit's someplace in the chest area. That's not what I perceive. The spirit's the main part of us taught. I was taught at Gaelic school that spirit's someplace in the chest area. That's not what I perceive. The spirit's the main part of us, the everlasting part. The body's inside the spirit.


Think about, look at a religious person's painting, you know. You look at a picture of whomever and they'll have a halo around them. Well, that's their aura, it's their halo, it's their energy field, it's their spirit, right? So they're leaking power. The person is always leaking power before any kind of medical condition manifests. So what I'll do as part of the healing process is I'll envision walking into that terror hole and I'll be shown a scene and we'll get where it was when it was a little bit about what happened, maybe something simple, like somebody called you a bad name in third grade and it hurts your feelings. And we look at that now and we think, well, that was no big deal. Well, it's a big deal to your eight-year-old self when it happened. Or it could be getting hit by a train. It could be something anywhere on that spectrum. As soon as we illuminate it, it eradicates it. It allows the energy field membrane to heal, allows the body to go back to working on full power, helps the body regain and maintain health. I do have an analogy real quickly for that, if I may Imagine going to the pet store and buying a goldfish.


They're going to put it in a plastic bag of water in order for you to get it home. So picture that in your mind's eye. The goldfish represents our body, the water represents our spirit, because the body's inside the spirit, and the plastic bag represents the energy field membrane, the container. If there's a pinhole in that plastic bag and water is draining out a drop at a time for a long time, that fish is going to be just fine. However, when enough water drains out, that fish is going to be in trouble and that's what happens to the human body. So we fix the energy field membrane. Body's working on full power, helps a person heal and regain and maintain health. I love that analogy. That's great.


What can people do to recognize the holes they might have in their energy-filled membrane?


Yeah, they can ask spirit do I have any energy leaks? And then pay attention to what comes in, Come to talk to me, call into my show. I didn't learn this in a class. This has been given to me over the years by spirit. I've never heard anybody else talk about the energy field membrane.


It makes sense, though it makes sense to me. And also, babe, I think I have an energy field.


I'm so tired A lot of people say well, I must have lots of holes. I'll say no, I see one, and I'm not going for the most dramatic or traumatic thing that happened. I'm going for where did it begin? Because it looks like the energy block is what I call it. It looks like a little kernel of unpopped popcorn to me Gets stuck in the energy field from it, whatever the emotional event is, and then emotional energy over the years piles, piles, piles on top of it.


Eventually, causing enough pressure causes a blowout in the membrane in the form of a hole or a tear and they're leaking power. And so, unlike psychotherapy I think there's always room for psychotherapy but most psychotherapists will say now, lauren, we're going to talk about your life and it's going to be like peeling an onion, a layer at a time. I just want to get the onion out by the root. When we do that, it eradicates all the other energy blocks that are there. All that energy that's piled on top of that energy filled membrane heals instantly bodies back to work and on full power.


That makes sense. Lauren and I have been diving into some shadow work recently and we're starting young.


Yeah, inner child and shadow work stuff. Yeah.


Yeah, and that this is new, newer to me, and I recently have had some like breakthroughs that I didn't know I needed to have and it has like sparked some.


uh, I'm like more emotional lately and I think that's like healing or something I think our listeners have heard me cry, a couple of it's kind of similar, where they talk about like your body, trauma gets stored in certain parts of your body, so like with that you talk about like unblocking certain chakras, but yeah, the membrane that's. That's an interesting way to think of it, the little pinholes I do like that yeah, yeah reiki is a really good place to start.


Yeah, that's a really. That's that's entry level energy healing and that's a great place to start. Then take my class and you'll be like post-doctoral level and you'll see body parts and get to watch healings and things like that. I want to see body parts. Oh Julie it's only internal body parts. It's not that exciting.


I know, but but that'd be, that's cool.


Yeah, no, that sounds really cool, julie. In your opinion, what's considered woo? That is actually maybe going to be future science, because it sounds like you were working with some, some, some doctors, who maybe don't know exactly what's going on and they'll refer to you. Sounds to me like everyone should have a medical intuitive on staff, just in case.


Oh, I think all this stuff is going to eventually be mainstream. I think we're going there. It's interesting because even in the work that I do, I see advances all the time. I'm an inventor of surgical devices, so oftentimes I'll see methodologies and devices used that haven't been invented yet and my poor clients will hear me say cool, I haven't seen this before. Wow, this is cool. And then I'll see it with other people. It's like it comes in and I don't know if I'm just reaching higher and higher vibrational levels or something else is going on. I don't know.


But as an example, early on, if somebody was having kidney problems and let's say they needed a transplant, I would watch in my mind's eye energetically what goes on in the operating room. I'd see that recipient, I'd see the donor patient. I'd see that disease kidney get removed. I'd see that donor kidney get removed from the donor patient, watch it get put in, watch all the plumbing get hooked up all of that. Now fast forward all these years. I see new body parts get generated with stem cell energy. I don't see transplants. Haven't for a really long time, and I'm a manufacturer, so I know what an injection mold and a blow mold and a jello mold, whatever kind of mold, but I'll see a mold of a kidney and then I'll watch. Stem cell energy, which, by the way, is a light Amber color, has sparkles in it, cause it's whoa whoa, and it reminds me of Dippity Doo hair gel. That was big when I was a kid the sixties and seventies.


And I'll watch it fill this mold and there's always a vortex that's above it or next to it that's spinning and I watched this new kidney get generated and then I'll watch the disease kidney get removed. I'll watch all the plumbing get clamped off and then I'll watch this new whatever body part it is that we've regenerated and I'll watch it get installed and then I'll watch it get sewn in place and I'll watch the clamps and everything get removed. This stem cell energy is the absolute coolest stuff because it'll regenerate any body part we need. It's fantastic. And what does stem cell energy do? The same that stem cells do. Stem cells will go heal things that need to be healed because they're just blank. But wherever they're put, you know, if they're put into your knee, they're going to generate knee cells. If they're put into your brain, they're going to generate brain cells, whatever.


When you say you're watching, you watch this like is this. While you're, you have like a client. You know you're working with a client, it's all remote and you saw remote. I'm never with them in person, right, but you see, like you see this happening in your mind's eye and then it's like I'm watching a movie, heal it at like in that moment, or you watch it happen and then they go to the doctor and they go do that thing good question both.


So the healings I watch happen on the energetic level are done. They have happened on the energetic level. The person back to the person heals themselves person with whom I'm working they'll integrate the healing. That can go in instantly. It can take days, weeks, months, may need some kind of complimentary care, like change in diet, physical therapy, surgery. And when somebody is having surgery and it's already happened on the energetic level, the surgery is a breeze. I mean, the doctors are amazed. So it's a combination of all of the above.


But back to the stem cell example, and this is fascinating to me. If you go back to your fifth grade science lessons, what did we learn in biology, introductory biology, in grade school? Every cell has a nucleus. Every nucleus is surrounded by cytoplasm. Cytoplasm is like dippity-doo, it's a watery gel and our bodies have a centrifugal force in it that causes the cells to divide and replicate to the tune of billions of them a day. So when I'm watching these healings happen with me and through me, I believe I'm watching in warp speed what our bodies do on their own, naturally. And it really freaks out the doctors when somebody comes in with a new kidney or a new spleen or something. In subsequent scans and over the years I've had them call me and say what are you doing and how does this stuff work?


Oh my gosh.


And I'll explain it to them and most of them go yeah, ok, whatever.


That's incredible. That's really, it's really fun, that's really amazing. So, with you're dealing with sick people, a lot of people who need help, and you have a very cheery disposition, and that's amazing. What. What helps you with that? What helps you not get too emotionally involved? Cause I've spoken to a lot of people recently who have, like, very strong intuitive abilities and and they have to do a lot of work to clear out the heavier emotions like spiritual boundaries to not let in the emotion.


Yeah, I guess so yeah, yeah.


Well, I know, I don't just believe. I know, cause I've witnessed it a bazillion times, that everything can be healed, sometimes the healing's death when the person's ready to go.


So that's not an issue. I play at a really high vibration spirit working through me and with me. It energizes me. People say, oh, I'm so tired at the end of the day. Well, I'm jazzed. I'm like you know, thursday nights I do my show. I'm bebopping around the world answering people's questions in an hour. I need to calm down because it's so. It's such a high vibration of spirit working through me and with me and the interesting thing about that is that I am happy. I would say 99.9% of the time Do I have things happen? Absolutely, and I know that it's benefiting me in some way. And it's usually a fear-based thought. That's an irrational fear that's coming in Like, oh my God, I'm late for this appointment, or I'm late for this dinner date or reservation or something. Oh really, Is it going to kill me?


No, and apparently, if it does kill you it's no big deal.


Yeah, if it does kill me, I'm going to be well at good point, because that's the worst thing that can happen is, I'm surrounded by angels and the spirits of deceased loved ones and pets, and I'm escorted to heaven by angels. Ok, bring on whatever. That's not so bad, I think. I think we're here to live a life of joy and we just need to lighten up Francis. We need to have more fun.


Yeah, I like that, I like that.


Just a quick question question. You have your son. Is it like, okay, mom, I don't need to be, you don't need to scan me, or or is it? I got something going on in my, in my tummy. Can you? Can you see what's going?


on well.


Well, he's 32 and married. So, yes, he's been around it his whole life, and he and all of his friends from childhood. I will get a text or a call. Miss Julie, can you scan my throat? Do I have strep throat? Do I need to go to the doctor? What's going on? Oh my gosh. And now they're calling me about their children. You know a lot of them have babies and toddlers and they'll say little Henry has a rash. Can you help me with that? Can you tell me what it is? And they don't. It's just second nature to them because they weren't brought up believing that it's not true. Yeah, Whereas you know, it's just, they've just been around. It's not true, whereas you know they're, it's just they've just been around it their whole lives. My grand, I have three stepchildren by marriage, but when I married my husband he's a lot older than I am. My, my oldest stepson is eight years younger than I am and he calls me his wicked stepmother.


I got a call from him yesterday Is this my wicked stepmother? That's funny. And so, yeah, I'll, you know, I I scan them now and I'll say you need to take little Jimmy to the emergency room. He's got a broken elbow, he fell off the swing set or something like that, and I can. I can do that, my, but it's really convenient because I can scan them anywhere.


Right? Does it get like, okay, don't stop asking me. Or are you just like? This is what I'm here for? I'm going to do it with anybody who asks. It's like a family or friend With my family and friends.


I'm available and graduates of my class. They have a direct line to me if they've got an emergency situation going on or a loved one's having surgery or something like that, but or at the end of their lives, you know, if they have a parent or a loved one that's at the end of their lives and because when we're in fear we lose clarity, and so they'll. You know they have access to me, but everybody else call into my show, you know. Or come to one of my lives, or come to my class, or submit a question online. Yeah, lots of ways you can. You can get your question answered.


Intuitive house calls.




That's so cool. That's awesome. Well, Julie, thank you so much. Can you give all of our listeners your plugs and tell us where they can find you?


Sure, askjulieryancom is where that's kind of the main hub of everything. Yes, I'm AskJulieRyan on all social media, askjulieryan on YouTube, askjulieryan on all the podcast networks.


Okay, and we'll link your free book too.


Yes, that's julieryangiftcom. Okay, and if you got to ask julieryancom, there's a button you can push, but just say that you heard me on this show, all right, with Frank and with Lauren, and we will send you a free audio book and digital download, cause it does have illustrations in there about how the angels and deceased loved ones and pets surround the dying person.


So as soon as we're done, you're going to get a message from me. I want to see that real perfect, yeah, great, great.


And on my website on ask julie ryancom, there's a chart there that's a free downloadable chart of how the angels and the spirits are around the person who's dying and they go through what's called 12 phases of transition. So you just, if you have a loved one dying, just ask in your head what phase is my grandmother in, and you'll hear seven and then refer to the chart. I always suggest that people download it and save it on their phones and then you can refer to the chart. I always suggest that people download it and save it on their phones and then you can refer to the chart and if they're going through like six, seven, eight, nine, you know, in rapid succession, you know, get the family in, bring them in, wow that's so helpful.


It's really helpful. Yeah, everyone needs that, that's that period of time when you don't know exactly what's going on or how much time someone has left. That's. That's a challenging time emotionally.


Yeah, incredible. Thank you so much for your time. You've been amazing.


Very cool.


My delight to be with you all, thank you.


Have a good one Bye, bye. Thank you for listening. Visit wwwClaireVoyagingcom for show notes, merch, or just to say hi. If you'd like to support our journey, visit wwwbuymeacoffeecom. Backslash clairvoyaging. This has been a production of Wayfeather Media.

Psychic and Medical Intuitive Julie Ryan
Teachings and Experiences of a Psychic
Conversations on Death and Healing
Healing Through Spirituality and Practicality