
031: Father's Day Special // with Michael Lanning

June 13, 2024 Clairvoyaging Season 1 Episode 31
031: Father's Day Special // with Michael Lanning
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031: Father's Day Special // with Michael Lanning
Jun 13, 2024 Season 1 Episode 31

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To celebrate Father's Day, we are joined by Lauren's dad aka Michael Lanning aka Papa Mike. Michael takes us on a journey back to the 70s, sharing his experiences with the band Jiva and the transformative teachings of Prem Rawat, formerly Satguru Maharaji. He highlights the profound impact that meditation, particularly the holy breath and light techniques, has had on his life, enveloping us in his story of spiritual awakening and self-discovery.

In this episode, we also delve into the enthralling world of past life regressions, sharing personal stories of resilience and healing. We touch upon the role of spirit guides and visions during meditation, encouraging a spiritual exploration that goes beyond the physical realm. From personal anecdotes of trauma recovery to experiences of communicating with spirits, we underscore the importance of spirituality and conscious choices in shaping not only our present lives but also the lives of future generations.

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To celebrate Father's Day, we are joined by Lauren's dad aka Michael Lanning aka Papa Mike. Michael takes us on a journey back to the 70s, sharing his experiences with the band Jiva and the transformative teachings of Prem Rawat, formerly Satguru Maharaji. He highlights the profound impact that meditation, particularly the holy breath and light techniques, has had on his life, enveloping us in his story of spiritual awakening and self-discovery.

In this episode, we also delve into the enthralling world of past life regressions, sharing personal stories of resilience and healing. We touch upon the role of spirit guides and visions during meditation, encouraging a spiritual exploration that goes beyond the physical realm. From personal anecdotes of trauma recovery to experiences of communicating with spirits, we underscore the importance of spirituality and conscious choices in shaping not only our present lives but also the lives of future generations.

To listen to more of Michael and Jiva:

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Hello y'all. In today's episode we're talking to the one and only Michael Lanning, aka my dad, the guy who taught me about meditation, and he learned it from a guru. He tells stories about following a guru and being in various bands in the 70s. Spoiler alert he toured with Fleetwood Mac and was on George Harrison's label. It's fun. I'm your host, lauren Leon.


And I'm Frank.


We are a married couple learning how to develop our own intuition. This is episode 31 of Clairvoyaging. Wayfeather Media presents Claire Voyaging Hello, hello, hello, happy day, happy day, oh, happy day. That reminds me there was a little revival of Sister Act 2, and they sang happy day on a show recently. It really made me happy.


Lauren was sitting on the couch smiling and I was like what is this gospel music? And she's like it's Sister Act, don't worry about it.


Sister Act 2, back in the habit. It's really kept me going. Anyway, if you're a Sister Act 2 fan, you know what I'm talking about.


It's their 30th anniversary the hordes of sister act fans out there yeah.


So you know guys, there's not a lot of updates today. Just a reminder if you give us a review on apple podcasts and send it over to us, we'll send you a promo pack full of cool stuff, stuff. Yeah.


Hey, I do have a quick call to action. I was thinking about it today. Okay, I didn't run this by Lauren. This is just off the cuff. Go on, I want to hear from the local Southern California intuitive and psychic people. Ooh, yeah, the old SoCal. You know, life doesn't only exist on the Internet. That's all I'm saying. Yeah, and I would even be open to doing an interview on your turf if you're interested.


Hey, bring this stuff, Do the, do the recording there.


Yeah, I can do the recording there, so we'll come to you. So, yeah, that's my, that's my quick call to action, full disclosure. We're in the Tri-County area, we are personally based out of the beautiful Conejo Valley, but we are willing to travel, don't you?


worry, have recording equipment, we'll travel. Yeah Well, we're going to just get right to it. It's a Father's Day episode.


It's the Father's Day special.


Yeah, so we talked to my dad, who has a lot of experience with meditation and he was following a guru for several years. He wrote a lot of songs about spiritual stuff. So let's talk to dad Papa Mike as he's affectionately known by and stay tuned for the end of the episode because we're going to play one of his songs to lead us out. So that's his band, jeeva, from when he was doing tours.


Doing tours. All right Time to talk to Papa.


Mike. We'd like to welcome my dad, michael Lanning, on Claire Voyaging. Thank you for joining us, papa.


Mike. Thank you guys. Papa Mike, this may be fun, may be a disaster, who knows. I did want to start out by saying one thing I want to quote Walt Whitman. He's one of my favorite poets and somebody I really admire. And I quote Walt Whitman. Do I contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself.


I am large, I contain multitudesitudes, okay we can start back in the 70s you were in a band called jiva and your whole band was it the whole band like? Followed, yeah, started following the teachings of a guru. Right, right, yes.




Is that where you learned meditation and things like that?


It was all of that. Yes, his name. At the time we called him Satguru Maharaji or Maraji. That was his nickname, but now he goes by Prem Rawat. He changed back to his real name because he was disturbed by the Hindu trappings.


He didn't want any of that. He just wanted to teach meditation, you know, and he approaches it the simplest way, which is rather simplistic to me, but he wants to bring peace to people individually, you know, and basically with the meditation he teaches is four techniques and I use like three of them. There's the listening technique, the divine music he used to call it the holy breath, which is the most important technique as far as I'm concerned, is the one I use the most and I use while I'm singing. And then the light technique, which I've experienced. Well, I experience it every time I do the technique, but there are at least four to five times in my life, including the story I'm going to tell in a while that the light was so incredibly self-fulfilling that I can't even describe what happened. I did words fail. Let's just say that words just miserably fail.


Um cause, there's just nothing like that experience. It's the most profound thing, especially the first time. It freaked me out, the first time I was like what the hell is going. My mind actually came in and goes where in the hell do you think you're going? And it was a self-fulfilling light that, like I said again, words fail. It was the most profound experience.


I was immersed in light. I didn't go to a green field, I didn't do you know any of that. It was a direct, a direct experience of the light. And normally when you see the light in this kind of meditation, you see an orange, green or yellow I've seen all those colors orange, green or yellow, donut right with a hole in the middle. But sometimes, if you concentrate hard enough and it's it's not the easiest thing to do, but when you concentrate hard enough on the donut hole, it breaks to a pinpoint of light, this big, and then from there it just boom and explodes and it's like you're not in a field of flowers. Talk about that. Anyway, you're not in any of that, you're just directly an experience of that light.


Listen. I focused on a lot of donut holes in my time.


There you go See.


But never one that had light in it.


Was it.


Winchell's or Krispy Kreme Was it a maple. I prefer my donuts overpriced, so it's Krispy Kreme.


Well, Krispy Kreme our local now.


They used to be just New York, now Krispy Kreme is everywhere let's just jump right into there, since we're talking about it already, the situation that you experienced.


So you were enveloped in light during a period of deep meditation, I'm assuming that's the only way I can describe it, and I like to talk about the first time, because the rest of them I've kind of accepted. The last couple of times, honestly, I felt I was leaving and I had to stop myself, like no, I don't want to leave yet, and I could have just floated right onto my body and gone to the light. But I got you guys and I got grandkids, so I don't want to go yet Know what I mean.


It's one of those things. It was so profound Every time I experienced that it's the most profound thing and it enlightens the experience as real. You know it's as real as you can get. If it's still my mind, I'm fine with that, I'll experience it. You can get. If it's still my mind, I'm fine with that, I'll experience it. It's just my own mind, but I think that's BS.


So that's called the light technique.


Yeah, and it's something you can't reveal. I promise never to reveal it in the initiation session. You just make a promise.


So that's the end of the podcast. Thanks for coming on, okay, thank thanks for coming on.


Okay, thank you for nothing and we'll see you later.


Yeah, thanks for watching my kid.


Happy father's day.


I love listening to you guys. You're so freaking funny, you guys. You guys play off each other so well. It's great so if you can.


Anyway, if you can't describe the initiation process, what? What is the experience of being enveloped in that light? You can't describe it in words, it's too profound.


There's no words to describe it. It's. It is devastatingly profound yeah, that's about the best way I could describe it. It's so profound that it's almost devastating. It's like what have I been doing my whole life? What the hell have I been doing?


I've just been sitting in darkness. I've experienced one thing like that one time back. If any of the listeners have heard me repeat this, I apologize, but I have explained that I have meditated to a point where I felt like my Did I explain this on the show once? I don't know I got to a level of meditation once I don't think you did, I don't think I did either Very deep meditation in my twenties where, like I felt it was like, not like a ethereal thing, like I didn't like astral project or anything. I was sitting in a chair but like in my, like mine's eye, my head grazed what I and this is before I knew anything about anything. I felt like my head grazed a light source that was like hovering above the earth, and the second my head touched it, I had the sensation that I was like what is this? I know what this is. I suddenly felt like I knew everything, but I shocked myself out of it. I was like what the hell is this? And then and then immediately couldn't remember a single damn thing.


But I remember that I knew everything once, which is that's profound in and of itself, because that's what happens sometimes, because the mind is the real enemy of enlightenment. The brain and the central nervous system are kind of the enemy of perception. There's this book called by Aldous Huxley, called the Doors of Perception, where the doors, the musical group, the doors, got their name. But it's basically Aldous Huxley taking a mescaline trip, right, and he describes it and puts it on a woolen sack which is one of those old time tape recorders, right, he puts it all on and then writes a book about it. He has this theory that a Cambridge professor came up with, that the brain and the central nervous system are the eliminative and not the productive factor in perceiving the universe. So, in other words, the brain and the central nervous system filter out all of the unnecessary information that you don't need in order to deal with this three-dimensional construct. Yeah, that we all assume is reality, right, and, and that's the thing, there's a. There's a similar story arjuna, who is the prince in the bhagavad-gita in the hindu epic poem um and his only, and krishna is his lord, but Arjuna is his only devotee on this in this particular time frame, right, and he's looking across at a battlefield with with Krishna and who's posing as his chariot driver and his valet, and he says I can't fight these people. I see my brothers and my cousins, my half-brothers, my cousins across the the field. I can't do this. Throws down his, I will not fight. Throws down his weapons, and Krishna stops time, right in the middle of everything, stops time to tell, to discourse him about Dharma, the work that humans do on this planet, karma, the work that they're supposed to do as far as like mending things that they've done in the past. Or or, you know, responding to things that they're supposed to do, as far as like mending things that they've done in the past. Or or, you know, responding to things that they've that action said, because for every action there's an equal, equal and opposite reaction. Right.


So he sees, stops timing for forever, tells him all, gives him all the spiritual discourse, and he and Krishna says are you ready yet? And Arjuna says no, you show me your true form. And Krishna's oh, you really don't want to see that, you really don't want to. And he goes no, I insist. And for the micro millisecond shows him everything in the universe that ever was, will be and is right, all in a millionth of a microsecond Boom Like that, and Arjuna is so freaked out he's towering the chariot. Please Lord, please Lord, come back, come back, come back, come back. And Krishna gets back in his body, goes, you ready? And Krishna picks up his weapons and goes let's go.


You know it's that kind of thing.


Something that Lauren and I have been exploring and talking about recently. Um has been cause. You were talking about like the mind being a, a filter, like an eliminative, like element to our experience. Yeah, I'm like, why? Why would that? Why would that be? Why is that a thing? And you know for these, you know for these, you know for source or whatever divine entities that we're always talking about. If you know all things all the time, and even if we, as as human beings, are able to like, access, source and have just temporary knowledge of all things, the only thing that can give the illusion of S or the element of surprise is the false sense of time and not knowing the future.


So this thing, that I'm always cursing and like thinking is like so unfair is actually like part of the game and kind of funny it's, it's. It's like a divine practical joke to have to deal with this shit.


And there's a. There's a Hindu word that describes it. Oh, a Hindi word that describes it. A hindi word that describes it lila. What does that mean? Lila is is the divine play. Lila means literally the divine play, like we're all in a play yeah and sometimes very serious people get killed in this little play we're doing called life on planet earth, you know. And also it's called maya, which means illusion.


Right, it is an illusion you know, yeah, and trying to fix it with the mind. Ever try to try to fix it with your own mind, like up and not, and not outside, and say, oh, you, you have techniques, let me try these. You know, regardless, even I'm sure that maharishi mahesh yogi is, you know the transcendental meditation. Millions of people follow that and they and it works for them. Whatever works, yeah, because you can't fix the hammer that's broken with the hammer that's broken, you can't.


You can't, that's not, that's not a thing the thing that's interesting about all that too is, like, once you know and this is like you know, obviously, what the our podcast is I feel like we're always talking to people who have, at least you know, for the time being, like access to information that we don't necessarily naturally have, but we could have if we were to practice more. But even in knowing all that stuff, like there's an importance to the human experience that we're all going through and like, at what point do you decide to just engage in life with the tools that you have at your disposal, instead of wanting and wishing for more?


that's the truth, man. That's you know, like when lauren was little, I remember her sitting. I remember watching care bears and something happened in the care bears.


She loved that show, by the way, and and and and she started crying and she's like, wait, why do I feel so much? I'm saying and I was trying to apologize for her feeling so much, being an empath, you know, and that's what would. That's what, and I'm certainly an empath, that's what makes me so good at what I do. I'm an emotional communicator. Moreover, I'm an emotional healer and I take ownership of that, you know, because, because the most, the most I meditate and I felt this yesterday when I was singing in front of the brekkie party.


This mom, you know for people who don't know, friends of mine whose mother, five boys, she raised five boys pretty much by herself and and she's a saint, she's her 90th birthday was yesterday and I was singing and I was remembering with every breath, and that's what I do like as a matter of course. When I did the world rock symphony orchestra up in niagara falls recently, uh, in the first week of april, I was just consciously singing with every breath, because I know that that's that gets out there as emotional healing. People are sitting there being healed on levels they they probably don't even understand, they're not even thinking about that, but they're, but, they're, but they're ethereal body and their, their, their, their spirit guys are going Whoa, wow, this is cool. Good for you, good for this.


You know all that, you know what we do as artists basically is emotional healing. That's what we really do at our core how has? Because you know, you've been a big meditation person as long as I've known you, a maniac as well like I said I contradict myself little maniacal little meditation.


We got michael michael the maniacal maniac, uh, meditator um, I fully embrace that too you know you're all the facets, um, but how has meditation or like going back to you, know your basics, or your training, or these techniques like helped you through the years of like, through difficult times, or through your singing or or whatever? Like you know how much of it is a daily thing for you and how much has it?


informed your life over the year and this is this is like over 50 years now. Yeah, like this december it will be 51 years that I, that I was initiated into these techniques and I'll be honest with you. During the raising of you and Ian, and then later Josh, I didn't meditate nearly as much formally as I should have, probably because they're so busy. Yeah, it's like raising kids is. Can you know? You got two of them. They're chaos, they're nothing but chaos. And the sooner, the sooner you admit that that they're chaos, the better off you're. You're gonna be with them. Oh, you know, you go. Oh, they're chaos.


Let's just accept the chaos, you know, yeah, and you do the best you can to try and monitor and guide them in the great, in the things you want them to be good at, the things you want them to understand. I mean, looking at jean, your oldest, she, she's six, she already. I mean I take her around and I don't have to say, say thank you, say no, she doesn't. She does that as a matter of course because of you guys. You know she says please and thank you so much, that kind of thing she doesn't. Just, you know she said may I please? Or thank you so much, or you're welcome, and that through no prompting of me.


Yeah, there's no prompting.


I have to do that at all. You know, and you're raising both your kids to be polite and engaged humans on this planet and they're crazy.


Well, our two year old just picks up sticks and shoots people.


What was that, mr Star Wars? I know, what was that, mr Star Wars. I know.


But so like back to yeah, because I understand, you know, when you're raising kids you're not as actively spiritual sometimes. I mean, we're like talking about meditation all the time.


We're like, oh, I need to do that this morning, you know, but it's hard. This is I met out the punishment for this kid. I gonna take away something then I'll meditate yeah, and the whole time you're sitting meditating. Oh damn that kid yeah, now shut up.


Now shut up, so I can find inner peace but, like you know, just in um, you've talked about it as like meditating while you're singing, like how does that? How does that work?


because I've you know, I used to sing in bands too and I think we've talked about this before the the like I'll tell you. I'll tell you a story after this yahweh, the ancient biblical name for god, is a good jump off point, a a good starting point for meditation, and it's similar to the technique I use, but it's not the same. So I don't feel like I'm revealing anything Right. But it's a two. It's a two syllable word, kind of for a reason, as is Allah, you know, or even I am like the in breath, or yeah, or Yahweh, or I am that thing, even that you know. That's how you do it and it's again. They call meditation a practice.


Why do you say those words, huh, sometimes I know, you tell people that and they're like your dad was telling me about Yahweh yesterday and I'm like great, but also also why.


Because it leads you to a deeper place when you, when you use that, it's kind of like a mantra because, then the mantra fades away and you're just basically in that moment, in that meditation moment.


Is the point always all those, all those words that are prompting you. They eventually fade away. You don't consciously remember it anymore, you forget it. You're just kind of like oh, here I am. You're not even thinking that. You're just in the now, so to speak. Yeah, because the breath. Think about it. The breath is the only thing that puts you in the moment, one of the only things. I can't think of another thing that would you get a car accident during the moment but then you start immediately.


You know, you start thinking everything else Like, oh my God, I got to the hospital, my leg's broken or whatever. But your breath is the only thing. Think about it. It puts you directly in the now. And here we are. You know we're right here right now. Are you know we're right here right now? Right, that's what baba ramdash taught in be here now.


You know, the breath is the one thing that singularly puts you into the moment, in the very now, I mean I'm assuming that that's a form of the, the, the yahweh uh practice, that's a form of like breath work yes, yes, exactly exactly, and it's.


It's taught me over the years that I would start breathing and just like remembering my breath. Okay, here I am Now. I got to sing and each outward breath is what I'm pushing out as emotional healing. You know, depending on the song, but the in-breath is always okay. Here I go again. You know I'm going to be in the now when I'm singing. I'm not going to be, I don't want to think about anything else. I want to be able to, you know, put it out there. You know I'm going to be in the now when I'm singing. I'm not going to be, I want to think about anything else. I want to be able to, you know, put it out there, you know Right.


Speaking of singing, was it like your entire band in Jeeva in the 70s, like were you all having somewhat of like a spiritual awakening? Because I feel like a lot of your songs were about not like I want to party and rock and roll and like I like like women and drugs or whatever. It was more like face the light and like stuff like that.


So like find the truth, all that stuff which did not make us popular in the rock and roll circle. Everybody looked like the Eagles we're. We're recording in the same studio as the Eagles. We found the guru. You know what I mean. It was like okay, they're in a cult. Mom, your grandma thought we were in a cult Really.


How did you find the guru?


Yeah, I actually don't know that either.


And did the band form around him specifically.


Not necessarily. We had a drummer in titan, my eight-piece horn band which was a precursor to jiva, and jim strauss, and I started jiva with tommy and rito um, but jim was the bass player in the and and he sat up all night with our drummer, george drugadaada G-Wiz we used to call him and G gave him all this spiritual discourse about Maraji and the kind of techniques and meditation and how amazing it was and all this stuff. And Jim was just drinking wine. He finished like polished up almost two bottles, like I got really drunk, like wow, I need to figure this out, I need to, you know. And so we all got discourse and we all started like, okay, let's go to, let's go to satsang, which means company of truth. Let's go to a meeting, let's go, let's see what this is about and initiate. The initiated, one by one, would just come up and tell their experience and what they've been experiencing lately and how they got knowledge, what made it come, what made them come to mirage and all that.


What do you mean?


you know, got knowledge knowledge, the initiation process, it's. It's the four techniques. Are known as knowledge or used to be known. Now they're known as the keys. You know, he wanted to take away all that stuff that made it look like oh, they think they're special, they have knowledge and we don't know. It's just the four keys. A lot of the wait I want to like I need to like there.


I need I'm because I've never asked you this before like you show up to this meeting like a meeting and and yeah, it's like you.


You sit and listen to, to, uh, people talk about their spiritual experience. Okay, spiritual discourse, so to speak, like the nature of karma, the nature of this, and it's pretty much what krishna's tried to tell arjuna, okay but then you say I want this knowledge, initiate me, and then you get like a handbook or something like no, you get.


You go to another, you go to a, a process. You go through a process called an initiation. It's not a ceremony, it's more like we're gonna. We're gonna reveal the techniques to you and a certain like an initiator. We used to call them mahatmas, which was a dumb name for them, um, but mahatma charan, guru charan, was my initiator and he's still alive. He's like in his late 80s. He's still golfing, he's doing all the crazy things he wants to do and living this his life. And he was my original, he was my initiator and he tells you all that in the room.


He tells you a bunch of secrets yeah, he said we sat in this room and he revealed the four techniques to us when we were ready. When he deemed us ready, he said okay, you seem, you seem ready. I'm gonna ask you some questions. You seem ready, um, you seem ready to accept this, you know because? Because the basic thing was Miraji didn't want Prem didn't want anybody taking it and throwing it away, just, you know, taking it and not using it. You know what I mean.


Okay, he says all I ask for is love for it. I don't ask money, I don't you know. If you want to donate, fine, but I don't ask for any money. I don't want to.


I don't want to be that kind of person that asked for money for the initiation thing, you know.


And then you would continue going to these meetings, and so that's why everyone thought that you were in a cult, just to? Uh, one of the rules was never delaying attending satsang, which I really that one bugged me the most. Um, you know, but satsang can be held anywhere with anyone. We used to have band sang all the time, company of band. Oh, we tried to pretend it was satsang, but no, we just ended up yelling at each other. That was tight. It wasn't jiva. Jiva was much, much cooler. That way we were more bonded through the techniques and through the experience of meditation.


And then we started writing songs like that, you know, like love is a treasure, like you know. It's time, you know. And I just listened to the very first album, the one we did independently, called by His Grace. We wanted to call it because we're just guys that wanted to fool around. You know, we're just empty, we're just idiots, you know. We wanted to call it. Anything can happen and it usually does. I like that. That was the title we came up with.


But they said oh, you don't get to, and Miraji would hold like two or three festivals a year, we think anywhere from 10 to 30,000 people and they wanted Miraji wanted us to play at the festival in Toronto in 74. And we just finished our album and us to play at the festival in Toronto in 74, and we just finished our album and we were gonna. We drove up there from LA to Toronto, we played uh, two nights, you know, and Raji asked us for a couple of songs, extra songs I can see clearly now the rain is gone that one and I messed it up and Raji gave me a big smile like oh, that that's cool, because when you this guy, prim is the kind of person when you look at him there's not a thought in his head unless he puts it there. You look directly in his eyes and you think there's nothing going on up here. It's pure meditation In a good way.


I don't mean that in a negative sense.


He doesn't have a bunch of noise going on.


You just feel it. At any point were you waiting for the other shoe to drop Like is this a cult?


Yeah, did I accidentally join a cult? Well, yeah, you always it never.


It never happened, it never. I was never feeling oh you, I, now I have to do this. No, it's basically an F off.


That's funny.


You want to tell me what to do? No, f off. You know, when he was only 15 years old, when he he experienced and realized this knowledge. When he was about four years old, wow, jehan's Jee Maharaj was his father and he was a. He was a big deal in India. He had hundreds and thousands of followers, or even millions of followers.


So was, was, was grandma. Did she ever like Grandma Ellie? Did she ever kind of go like OK, I see that you're not in a cult and like I can get it because she was super Catholic?


Here's why. Here's why I took her to see a concert for Bangladesh. I really wanted her to see that movie in the theater. When it came out in the theater, I said, Mom, let's go see this. And she was enamored of George and she just loved George Harrison ever since then. She was like, oh my God, this man is doing such good work. I have a pretty good mom imitation, Because mom such good work.


I have a pretty mom imitation. Yeah, because mom was super smart, I mean, you know, masters in education while raising the four of us. I don't know how she did it, but anyway it took her to. And the only thing she didn't like was Youngblood by Leon Russell. That boy, I swear. Why does he have to sing that song? You know, and it's about, you know, loving a younger woman, you know, yeah, but she was always she was like she was, and then that was in 71. And then when we started to play around and get the get label interest, at one point there were like 15, 20 labels seeing us in one, one sitting, at a club that's. The place was packed, but mostly with label people. Yeah, right, we toured with Fleetwood Mac, right, and the darkest representatives came and we came to the Santa Monica Civic and my whole family and a lot of our friends came. You know there was at least 50 to 60 people in the audience that we knew personally, you know. And afterwards the security guard wouldn't let my family in, why.


Because he's a being a jerk? No Doormen are are. That's their little, their little kingdom, their little fiefdom. You know, it's like in the almost uh, almost famous the movie, almost famous. We can't get in the door and all he lets all the groupies in. Oh yeah, it's crazy, they're crazy, they're just. They just love to hang on to that little bit of power they have. So I asked george personally, said george, could you let him help help get my family in? He, george, came up to the guy and said hey, let him. This is the lead singer of jesus family, let him in. And you know, alice and marion, mom and bill, they all came in and and immediately, um, mom zeroed in on george and they had like, because George Harrison was the.


That was his label, that you were on George's label, yeah, yes, and we were on it.


George came away, he came up to me later, a little bit later after after the family had to go home, and he goes, your mom, she's quite the lady and it made me. I'm tearing up because of it, because it was just so profound it was so true Ever since then mom was just fine with me meditating. That's funny. Oh well, george came along and legitimized it all.




He put a stamp on it and we're like oh, a George Harrison stamp of approval. Hey, yeah, yeah, everyone that BS.


Keep talking. I'm going to get Lyndon. We were going to wrap up, but I don't want to wrap up yet. I want you guys to talk more. I'm signing off for now to go pick up a kid, but it's time for daddy-daughter time. Leave it to Lauren. Daddy-daughter time. Daddy-daughter time, Love you pal.


Daddy-son time now.


You got to go now. You gotta go get lindy. Yeah, I gotta go get the kid. I'll see you soon, mike. All right, I love you. Love you, man, and you don't have to edit that out. I won't. All right. So, switching gears slightly, um, okay, you've always like you're. You're the person that I learned or heard about, like past, the idea of past lives from. So right, because you talk about that a lot. You talk about reincarnation and you talk about you know you've done past life regressions and at least four, five, I can't remember.


Well, there were a couple of just regular plain life regressions that I had. I was always a nagging feeling like I like I had some kind of horrible thing happen to me when I was four and I couldn't exactly remember it, but it involved water. And then I went to a regression therapist years ago, like even in my early 20s I think, like when I was 20 or 21, right before I got the meditation techniques, and I went to this regression therapist and and watched the rest of it. I, I, we were at the ocean for the first time. We were in newport beach, I believe this is a memory.


This is a memory that you unlocked, a memory of when I was four. Yeah, and what?


was it? I went running after linda lawrence that was her name, lindy, linda lawrence. We were with the lawrences and they had one child. Mom and dad already had three. Mary was in mom's belly at the time.


Around that time I went running after her and got sucked into the sea a little bit and couldn't breathe and went to this place of peace. There was some light surrounding me. It wasn't a self-polling, brilliant, freaking light, but it was like something was happening that was out of the ordinary. And all of a sudden, this voice came in and said you don't belong here, you've got to go back. And I remember saying and basically a memory from traipsing up the memories from this regression session that I said no, this is our home. I used the word our and I remember using the word in regression. I'm just wow, our, that's an interesting way to put it and immediately I'm back on the shore. I don't even know how I got back out of the water or anything like that. Mom's screaming because she hated the water. She never learned to swim. She never learned to drive either. That's why we never had a car until bill had his license and I got my license about a year. So you know, mom, she. Every time I tried to ask her about it, she would shut me down, even as a 10 year old and I and the memory slowly fades away but when we moved back from danville, indiana, to the samaritan, you know, we finally got the house back.


Mom would, I would be, I'd sit up, everybody, all the other kids were asleep and I don't know, maybe Mary wasn't, maybe she heard it a couple of times, but mom, more often than not, would just sit in her bed and cry over her situation and I just it tore at my heart. Then I would look up and see the corner of my room, the room that I shared with my, with your uncle, bill, and this light would come through the corner of the bedroom, at least happen at least three or four times, and it would do this and going right through my like where my third eye is, where your perineal gland is, through my head, and I would be at peace and I could lay down. I was so like consternated, yeah, yes, horribly traumatically. So you know, all that stuff is trauma. Yeah, you know, listen to your mom cry and you're the oldest and she sits you down if you're trying to say hey, when I was six, I was trying to use my left hand, because I'm naturally left-handed, and the nun smacked my hand and put it in my right hand. That's the hand of the devil, you know. And I was being allowed to use my left hand in California for the first couple of weeks when I was in kindergarten.


Then we moved to Danville, indiana, and I went to a Catholic school. I was alone. I was terrified. I had no friends, nobody else in my family was going to school but me Right, right, and it was traumatic. I had this old goody nun smack my left hand and put the pencil in my right. No, what am I? What are you doing? What? It was so confusing, yeah. And I waited a couple of weeks. I didn't want to tell mom. Then I finally said I got to say something to her about this and she's sitting on the stoop outside of our room, outside of our house, crying. I walk up to this and she sat me down and said you're going to have to be the man of the family or something to that effect. Like dad is gone, dad's going to dad's left. I'm like what, wait? What? What are you talking? And I buried that memory and it didn't come out until another therapy session, and this was a regular therapy session and it was with Carol Sales.


Friend of the show? Yes, friend of the show, she's awesome.


And it came out during that one of her sessions with her, you know, probably the probably besides the regression therapy, I had probably the best therapist I ever had, cause I've had like three or four since her, you know, and she was the one that got at the heart of a lot of this stuff. You know, she just she's just intuitive and a natural therapist, she was just good at it and she's she's. She embraces the light, as you know, as much as anybody does.




She's just this, pretty much pure soul. Now you know all, all of her grief is just she's still in grief because Charlie, her husband, left us and he was a sweetheart, but she's just soldiering through and just still full of so much love and light. She's amazing. She's an amazing human being. Hi, Carol, I love you, Carol. So when you do that, when you do therapy, things come out, you start to prompt your own mind about things and start remembering stuff. That's one of the reasons I went to regression therapy for the first time in the first place was to trigger that, you know some of those memories.


Because you keep stepping over and dropping and tripping over. That subconsciously you know, yeah, well, and it informs a lot of your responses and the way you carry yourself and the way you interact with other people and all that stuff. Have you done deeper trauma healing in the last like 10 years?


you know like no, yeah, no, I should, I really should your daughter has, uh some reiki tools at her disposal. So so that's nice. I'm going to talk to her as soon as I'm we're done here.


Perfect. But back to like the past life.


stuff was there like In case the listeners just tuned in, I'm talking to my daughter right now, so there we go.


In case you didn't hear me introduce him as dad.


Um, yeah the best thing in the world you'll and you'll experience this later on in life is having your kids be adults, and it's the coolest thing because your relationship completely changes.


Yeah, it's awesome, yeah yeah, it really is awesome. I could see that.


That's the reward for all the hell you guys put me through I put you through.


No well, not you so much but josh and ian. Oh my god, those two rambunctious little shits but back to the past life stuff also, just so, you've had past life regressions. You've've had, like you know, seen, you know, in meditation, seen past lives and like whoa, that was, that was wild.


Including you as another person. Right, yes I was a little, I was a little boy yeah yeah, three years old.


Yeah, and I cut your head off yeah, it's an awful thing to think right now and now.


You're my daughter, I'm like okay, I can deal with that.


Yeah, you need to heal that shit.


You needed a redo actually absolutely, because you weren't anything but some kid that followed me around. I was a ninja in the 15th century.


This all sounds crazy no one would be listening to this podcast if, uh, they didn't believe in past life stuff.


So that's true here we are, like you know we're, we've, we've done the deep dive into frank did his like past life regression. You know that was one of our episodes, uh, but it's interesting because I think I always had this separation between reincarnation and spirits. I thought like, well, if you reincarnate, then you're not what's what's up with like haunted, what's up with spirits? But now I've kind of realized that it's all part of this big thing. And also time doesn't work. Time doesn't work like that here.


Yeah, to quote your episodes with josh yeah, you know talking about what ian said. He did the 180 from his scientific mindset and went oh and started to embrace all things that go up in the night yeah, how?


how? Because you know, since frank and I have been talking about this and starting this podcast and all that, I feel like you kind of were more on the reincarnation side of things and I don't remember you talking about haunted things or spirits or anything like that. So how how has any of this changed for you? Cause you, you just you know you listen to our show and you listen to mediums and stuff like that.


Yeah Well, it's, it's well. I just, you know, you listen to our show and you listen to mediums and stuff like that. Yeah, well, it's, it's well. I've never denied the, the, the existence of spirits. I just didn't. I just don't pay attention to them as much as you do. I, I should, I and I probably should like. I mean, I talked to my spirit guys. I like to call them guys, not guides my buddies, yeah, yeah.


They're my buddy, could be Leno, could be you know, who knows? I don't know. But I talked to them. They don't really answer back much. They'll give me signs and stuff, yeah, but I don't because I never gave them the time of day, so to speak, because I'm always like on the journey. It's like, oh, I have meditation now, so I don't really need to focus on all that. I, I know they're there.


You know, I had an interesting experience that I wanted to relay. I think I told you about it, about the soldier. I was meditating and I know, yeah, I was starting to meditate. I was meditating, I was starting to feel like sleepy and I fell into like a dream vision. I didn't fall over to sleep or anything, but there was this vision of I on the battlefield and it was an ancient battlefield, I don't know where, the, the hittites and the rome, I don't know.


I don't know what it was, but some people killing each other and killing each other, and I saw specifically one soldier that came that fell down and another soldier stabbing him through the heart with a spear or a sword, I can't remember what, but that soldier who was dying, his spirit went up and immediately he freaked out. He didn't know what was happening. He didn't know anything about what was happening. He had no training on the, on the any like spiritual thing, no past lives. He probably believed in some kind of God that they told him was there, you know, but there was no, no real grounding for him.


So he and this was all a vision. And he immediately looked up and started to freak out and he saw some couple making love. And that's what I'll do. I was a soldier in this life. I guess I'll be a soldier in the next life, you know. And there he is, back in another body, and it was like and then I got out, and then I stopped meditating and was like was that just my mind? Was that a vision? What was that?


Yeah, and it was a vision, you know, it was like one of these things like that's what happens.


Yeah, I mean, you know, it's interesting. We were just talking to our friend. She was talking about like a sign and it was like so vivid and so meaningful to her, and she was like but this makes me sound crazy. And I was like don't discount that.


I said isn't it more magical to have it, to look at it this way instead of like it was just like my, my dumb brain or whatever, like it's kind of you know, instead of like it was just like my dumb brain or whatever, like it's kind of you know, following like the manifestation stuff, or like, oh, this is a sign and this is a sign I'm going to follow this. It's all just like intuition or what it feels like, and it's honestly kind of cooler to go with the magical way of looking at it than just like everything is just it's all physical I bought the, the movie, uh, breaking the science barrier, because basically science is based on the cartesian model, which is all physical.


Uh, renee dakar was a philosopher, scientist and all this, and he basically declared in like 1527, I can't remember the exact date, but he declared that everything was dead matter outside the body and the only thing that was the seat of the soul was the pineal gland, that's what he called it the pineal gland, it was the seat of the soul. Now, how he knew that, I don't know, but he discounted everything else of the soul. Now, how he knew that, I don't know, but he discounted everything else. Now, the, the new theory of the electric universe is putting all that to bed, and or it's actually raking it over the coals. Um, the physical universe, everything's physical. No, it's not. It's all electric, it's all. It's all ethereal, it's all like minute particles, it's all membrane theory, it's all that stuff that we can't see, like it's guiding us. You know, there are spirit guides, it's all of this is true, in other words.


Yeah, well, I want to be conscious of time and you know, this is one of those things we'll have you on again, because there's always more.


You know, when you finally edit it all out, it'll be like five minutes.


No, there's always more. You know, when you finally edit it all out, it would be like five minutes. No, definitely not, frank, and I always get to have these conversations with you, but part of the you know, you're the person that put the idea of spirituality in my head a long time ago. I didn't start meditating until like a year ago, but I knew like, oh, the person that I ask about meditating or talk to about meditating is my dad. So just thank you for for um one sharing your information with our listeners, but with us all the time, and also our kids.


You're welcome, more than welcome. And here's the thing I don't I my concern about you guys getting into the next life from this one, you know, or crossing over. I have so much more confidence now you guys are going to pick the right, make the right choices, because people that say I, I didn't choose to be born, are pretty much stupid. Okay, I'm sorry they, they haven't. They haven't learned anything in this life, because in order to get to the next life or make decent choices on the other side, so to speak, you have to get ready here.


The purpose of human life is to discover the purpose of human life. It reminds me of the Mark Twain quote the two most important days are when you are born and when you find out why.


Yeah, I love that You're watching our kids, so we'll see you in like an hour 45 minutes. Can you leave now so you can?


come get out of here. Oh God, what time is it? Oh shit, yeah, I'll be there in as soon as I can you got to go.


Thank you, and we love you.


You have no idea how much.


I love you guys, so see you later. Bye, bye, I might not care Now if there's any reason For you to feel at all, you should feel that you're a part of it. Although you may feel small, when you know that the power of love is coming, you're just gonna turn and run, hey brother. Hey brother, do the best that you can do. There's a million head trips, but only one. You Don't deny the love in your soul till you're old and gray, because your life's unfolding brother. Don't waste another day. When you realize the power of love is in you, you are gonna want to come guitar solo. I'll stop where you are. Now you've got a chance to see Through your ideas of what life must be. When my mind is concentrating all that, I feel there's a power of love growing, making time stand still. When you feel the power of love flowing through you, all your other trips are done. I'll see you next time On your rubber trips all day.

Father's Day Special
Exploring Perception, Meditation, and Life
Jiva Band and Spiritual Initiation
Exploring Past Lives and Trauma
Exploring Spirituality and Life Purpose