
034: Beware of the g̶Hosts // with Emily Bolcik

July 11, 2024 Clairvoyaging Season 1 Episode 34
034: Beware of the g̶Hosts // with Emily Bolcik
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034: Beware of the g̶Hosts // with Emily Bolcik
Jul 11, 2024 Season 1 Episode 34

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We're back this week from an unannounced 4th of July hiatus, because you can always count on us to be 100% transparent a week later. 

Listen, we'll come clean with you on this one; we've got the giggles, and we're doing too many bad impersonations in this episode. 

Joining us is our good friend Emily Bolcik, who dives into her personal journey with Reiki and the hurdles she faced overcoming skepticism. Frank gets to flaunt his Reiki skills for which he deserves minimal credit and all of the playful frustration of Lauren. Emily also Reiki's her TV remote. 

We talk about trusting the universe, having fun as a way to align with our true selves, and not "forcing it". We also dip our tippy tappies into the world of Human Design, which we know close to nothing about except for the fact that Lauren and Frank are Manifesting Generators, and Emily is on her bonus life. 

If you like us, you'll like this episode. If you don't like us, you're really missing out. Plop on our couch, kick off your shoes, and let's wax, friends. 

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Looking to book a distance Reiki session with Lauren?

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We're back this week from an unannounced 4th of July hiatus, because you can always count on us to be 100% transparent a week later. 

Listen, we'll come clean with you on this one; we've got the giggles, and we're doing too many bad impersonations in this episode. 

Joining us is our good friend Emily Bolcik, who dives into her personal journey with Reiki and the hurdles she faced overcoming skepticism. Frank gets to flaunt his Reiki skills for which he deserves minimal credit and all of the playful frustration of Lauren. Emily also Reiki's her TV remote. 

We talk about trusting the universe, having fun as a way to align with our true selves, and not "forcing it". We also dip our tippy tappies into the world of Human Design, which we know close to nothing about except for the fact that Lauren and Frank are Manifesting Generators, and Emily is on her bonus life. 

If you like us, you'll like this episode. If you don't like us, you're really missing out. Plop on our couch, kick off your shoes, and let's wax, friends. 

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Looking to book a distance Reiki session with Lauren?


way, feather media presents claire voyaging what a treat give me more coffee we've got lauren's falling asleep at the wheel here. Oh hey, before we do anything. Yeah, apologies. No, no episode on the week of 4th of July. Yeah, we're so sorry.


Yeah, we were going to do like a we don't have an episode episode, but we didn't. We decided to have fun with our families. Yeah, families, our family.


Our family. I'm OK. Wait, do you have a secret?


You need to tell me Remember when I said I had to go in the other room for a few minutes.


You made a family. What a rough time, yeah. Any announcements?


Yeah, I've got one Frank.




You know, last time I said I was going to start a 30 day meditation challenge and it has begun.


It has begun.


So, as of recording this episode now, and so there are people following along, and I know one one listener, lori. She said I'm a day behind, but hey, that's fine, doesn't matter, you start at any time. So if you want to follow along, uh, I'm doing daily videos saying which meditation I did that day. So go to instagram or tiktok or youtube see which meditations I've done, because it's been really cool yeah, and a lot of the meditations come from our former guests it's been really cool.




So far it's been Dr Jeff Tarrant, Jesse Prejean and Ruthie Moore and Nicole Marie yes, To name a few.


Very cool.


Yeah, and you know what's good. What's good about it is that, like I'm not good at being consistent. Well, no, let me rephrase that I am working on my ability to be consistent, trying to use it in the positive, and posting a video every day has also kept me consistent with that too, so it's cool.


It's cool and you know what? That's one of the things that we're going to be talking about today, because we have an interesting episode today. Yeah, lauren and I just want to kind of do another touch base. I think we did this recently, but we kind of just had a chat between ourselves, but this time we're bringing in a third party, someone you may know from another episode we're talking about emily bolsic you're live, emily she also sometimes goes by the name Ariel the mermaid.


Hi, hi, emily, do you want to interview us or do you want to just chime in and chat both?


hey, lauren and I met each other doing improv. Why don't we bring in some of that spirit into this episode? No, what if I used a different personality?


The entire time. Yeah, so what I really wanted to say is I'm happy to be here.


Yeah, but really let's just hey wing it.


So, Emily, you've been kind of with us on a similar path of like. We all started talking about spiritual stuff and like awakening our senses in the last couple of years, in the last couple of years. So sometimes you come over and we just chat about trauma and spirits and reiki. Isn't that a?


blast. Yeah. Yeah, I probably wouldn't have done reiki if you hadn't done it first.


Oh, really, influencer oh, influencer, I think so. Oh, that's fun wait.


So you've been doing your own reiki sessions. Yeah, how's that been going? Good you've heard it here first she said good.


Um, it's interesting. I I definitely have to constantly battle a skeptical mind that's like am I just placing my hands on my friend and at least it's consensual yeah, yeah, do you know, I've only done consensual reiki, oh, man, that's pretty boring.


You should get like more edgy frank feels like an energetic, like field around me when he does Reiki.


I drew a little diagram. When I'm like doing a scan thing, like I can, I can feel points of like heat over over Lauren, I haven't really done it on anybody else except for the kids, but like, and at some point I realized I'm like, oh wait, those are like I'm feeling. I think I'm feeling chakras. It's like a, it's like a plane, like if you were to like cross, what's it called?


This is annoying to me, Like sorry to say, but it's annoying to me because he's like amazing at Reiki.


Yeah, I'm like what the hell? Obviously, I'm pissed right now. Yeah.


I'm a Reiki master and yeah, and you have level one feeling each chakra.


Yeah, and his hands are steamy biscuits as he's said before so I did tell you guys not to say that anymore, and it seems like you've just barreled ahead with the biscuit thing that is cemented in our lexicon it is.


Biscuits are me and I am biscuits now but no, I don't feel anything.


I would love to do it like. This is my idea. Lauren lies down on a table, we both do a scan and then compare notes. That would help my skeptical brain. Like is another person feeling heat here?


but when I think about you saying that like I don't know, that's kind of similar to. To me that would be like two different psychic mediums walking into the same haunted room and they might have totally different experiences because their senses are a little different. So I'd hate for that to dissuade you or make you more skeptical, because you're like, oh, I felt heat around her big dumb ears and frank's like and I'm like her ears are big and dumb.


Forehead, you were good at rakey I did it.


I actually have have had a lot of good experiences. My mind is pretty blank when I'm doing it and I get a lot of good experiences. My mind is pretty blank when I'm doing it and I get a lot of chills and like this feeling of unconditional love. Oh, dude, so oh no, big deal.


No, that's nothing, that's great.




I don't know that I get that.


Okay, it's so interesting because it depends on who the practitioner is and who they're doing it to, you know.




Yeah, practitioner is, and who they're doing it to you know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Infinite number of experiences I get, like words that'll pop in sometimes, or like, oh yeah, what are you?


talking about you're like, you're like figuring out when people had certain traumas in their life, like you know, like the the year they were, how old they were I mean, it's just a technique for my toolkit, okay, but have we talked about that on the show?


I don't't know.


Yeah, lauren does like a trauma, like a scan, like a timeline scan, a timeline scan and she like intuitively stops at certain ages and she tells those ages to her clients and it's based on an issue, whatever issue, they're like experiencing and what emotion is around that issue.


That like day or that week.


But so far her clients all have been like oh yeah, like that issue, that like day or that week, but so far her clients all have been like oh yeah, like you got 12. When I was 12, like this happened to me and it was very significant, and lauren did it to me too, and she went back you know, further back than when we met and I had a very particular trauma for every single age you selected yeah lauren, that's like borderline, actually intuitive why aren't we all freaking out about all this stuff?


I don't know. I think it's because we're talking. We talk about it every week, every day.


We're normalizing it.


I think we're normal, we've normalized it. This is a normal chat for us. I talked to an individual. I'm not going to out anybody. I talked to an individual today. He's a coach, a career coach. He's a coach, a career coach.


You're not going to out anyone as a career coach.


No, no, I would be, so embarrassed to be out as a career coach.


This guy called himself a career coach.


I can't believe. You called me out.


He is a career coach and also sees dead people sometimes.


Oh, okay, I see.


It's very, very interesting.


Anyway, I don't know why I brought that up. I have a vision of the future where every job intuitive is before it, like you go to your accountant and they're intuitive, or like intuitive lawyers.


I feel like that's the future shouldn't you like read a book about law or something?


they'd have a hard time. Like defending someone this feels, feels there'd be like no defense, intuitive defense lawyers. They'd be like well, well, I saw the murder in my mind. So I cannot defend you.


Pretty sure you did okay, so this meditation challenge, why did?


you decide to do it. Yeah, I decided to do it because, uh, there's been different tarot cards and I've spoken to like an intuitive person here, an intuitive person there, and the thing that keeps coming up for me is meditate.


What do you hope it does for your life?


I want some form of meditation to be just part of my day. It's just something that I do. And also I want the peacefulness, I want the enhanced intuition. I want to be able to at some point connect with my spirit guides. I want to like open up more.


But you know, what's also fun is that, like after have, after having all these like really cool guests on the show, you know we find ourselves very busy. So we, we are learning all these cool things and all these people have really cool development programs and like tools that we can use, but like neither of us have really sat down to to dig into them. And you're doing that now.


That's been really cool. Just choosing meditations from people that I know like we've interviewed. That's a cool element to it.




Like yeah.


I'm going to record one for you.


You're going to make a guided meditation.


Yeah, name it.


Name it right now.


Experience total enlightenment in four minutes. I don't know Aim high.


Wait, so you're like the seven minute abs of, like ascension.


Total enlightenment Enlightenment Four minutes. You're allowed to be driving during this enlightenment four minutes you're allowed to be driving during this. I actually had the idea to create a meditation myself and have my own guided meditation.


It's going to be my 30 day let's go around and do everyone do a meditation voice, and then we pick who does it the best.


Frank will never do it.


I'll never do it, no, it'll take this seriously. You got to get close to the mic.




Focus on your breath In.


Out, don't do the breath.


They never do the breath.


They never do the breath alright go, emily put your awareness, put your awareness, send your awareness into your toes that's so good, that's very like a Hogwarts 4 minute enlightenment


if you can think oh my god, if you can think it, you can be it what does this person do is yours.


Okay, you can be it.


What does this person do Is yours okay? I think, that person's just like really sad. Yeah, yeah, yeah, they need this more than we do. Yeah, exactly.


This is for them.


I just bought one of your guest tarot books Elliot Adam.


Oh yeah, elliot Oracle, dr Elliot Adam, one of your guests. Tarot books book elliot adam. Oh yeah, elliot oracle, dr elliot adam fearless tarot.


I think that's awesome, amazing. I just received it tonight. I just think that's another thing like we've I think the three of us have actually been sort of cultivated relationships or something with our tarot decks and that like it's actually helpful I agree, except for uh.


I will put an asterisk next to my name because I have yet to pull a tarot card for myself but I have a relationship with my tarot deck on your behalf you do, and I do have my own tarot deck, but um you use it for display I use use it for. So I like to respect the um card pulls that we get. So I have Lauren pull the card and then I use my deck to put it out on display. So I remember the message as the week progresses.


Oh cool, you get a lot of reverse cards.


Everything is upside down.


Reverse, reverse, reverse, reverse. So, lauren, you had a reading today with Lucy Jane yes, I did.


she was one of our more recent guests. Well, do tell so. Yeah, I did a mediumship session with Lucy Jane. She's over the pond. I can't help but like kind of do her accent because I just love it. It's a really good one, I know she is legit she.


She described one of my grandmothers and she's like there's a gentleman coming through, he's very bouncy. There's a gentleman coming through, he's very bouncy, his energy is like Tigger's energy and I was like I think that's my friend Adam and she described like his personality how he died. He was in a car accident. She mentioned like something about cars and she's like I think that's involved with how with his death. Then she described my brother Ian with his death. Then she described my brother Ian and she called him a gentleman and she said that Ian laughed at that, which is pretty funny. It's so interesting I haven't been to an evidential medium so to hear specifics that are involved with how someone died, it's like, oh yeah, that's, that's a fact that somehow that information comes in for them. She also could smell my brother's like cigarette smoke. He smoked and she was like, oh, he's got like a cloud of smoke around him. I find the set.


But what is it you can do? Smell claire okay.


That it would be Claire smelliness.


That's what it is. I find that to be scary. I wouldn't want to experience that.




Claire stank yeah.


What is it? Claire aliens.


So Lucy is also the one that was telling you guys that you need to have more fun. Yeah, yes, hold on. So Lucy is also the one that was telling you guys that you need to have more fun.


Yeah, yes, hold on. Let me play the clip out loud really quick that she.


But I keep playing to myself one thing that stands out is you're trying to take control, you're trying to get to the end game before you've been allowed to see it. But just having that peace that whatever's meant for you will not pass you by, is going to change your mindset massively okay, I have played that ever since we talked to lucy.


I've played it multiple times a day because of this like phase that I'm going through in my life where I I know what I've done but I don't know where I'm going, and like I do have this like deep deep seated fear that I'm not going to get to the thing I need to do. And she tells me right in that very clip that like it's not going to pass me by. Whatever I'm supposed to do is coming and I've talked to listen. I don't want to ever like use the clairvoyaging as a tool to like just outsource my thinking and my thought process and not make my own decisions. But like I've never been in a position like this where I don't have a thing that I'm necessarily working towards. I absolutely love the podcast and I'm having a blast doing it and I'm meeting like incredible people that I think are like really like just the coolest folks.


Yeah, and just to like make a note, I don't think you're outsourcing your, your emotions or or anything like that. I think you're helping. These people are helping us expand our understanding and, like these, are people that all have gone through various forms of like healing their own trauma to get to this part, so they're further ahead in their journeys and they're helping us, like it's putting puzzle pieces into place.


Yeah, I'm also like very much we are trying to fast track our alignment with our lives right now in in that, like I am learning and like really digesting a lot of information every week about all right, why am I, how have I been living wrong? And I talked to um, that career coach that I talked to, and he particularly said, right now I'm in the journeyman period of my life and in the first half of your life you really have, like you know, between work and school and you have been operating on a scripted basis where, like you are kind of executing the thing that you are pretty sure you're supposed to do, based on what everyone tells you. When you get into, like closer to the middle ages not the middle ages in history, but I'm middle aged almost you try to align yourself with your own highest values and stuff and and stop and leave the script behind a little bit. I've done this, this worked and this didn't for me. And I want to exactly what lucy says try to like, live into the flow, leave behind what hasn't worked for you and and keep what does and see what comes next.


A big thing that's held me back is being in my head and trying to solve for my future, and now I'm seeing really what does work for me. Instead of holding on to expectations of I'm supposed to have done what I've already done, like continue this pattern, I'm breaking the pattern, trying to have more fun and seeing where it takes me Again. I know I've said this multiple times I'm incredibly lucky to be surrounded by very supportive people. Having fun isn't just like go to um dave and busters and spend a hundred dollars. Even though I just did that the other day with my daughter, was it fun? It was great. It was great. I won. I won 1 000 tickets on one game. Like, oh yeah, it was amazing, I texted, I texted lauren. I'm like dude, I just won a thousand tickets and she's like we live in abundance actual quote, but you know, like trying to align myself.


I took. I took Jean after school on a Tuesday. Like I did something that I wouldn't normally do because I had no reason not to like. There's always something to get back to. There's always some obligation that's like probably made up. There's always. I stopped wearing a watch, which might be a bad idea, but my entire life of like living to the clock, I need to do this at this time and this at this time, and blah, blah, and now I'm like jean wants to have fun. Like I'll take her to have fun night. We can. There's no reason not to do that right now.


So you also took her on a little bike ride? Yeah, I took on a bike ride for this interview. Yeah, which?


is why I'm a little sweaty and covered in bugs. It's fine, I think, like moving forward whatever I'm supposed to be doing, it is the less just forcing stuff in general, which Lucy picked up on in a huge way, trying to control the narrative.


The law of vibration is more powerful than the law of attraction. So as you raise your vibration, listeners, I got to tell you what I'm seeing right now.


Let me. Let me tell you what I'm looking at right now. Listeners, I gotta tell you what I'm seeing right now, let me let me tell you what I'm looking at right now. I'm looking at. I'm looking at two ladies who just put toothpicks in their eyelids to stay awake while I went on a little rant about lord knows what I don't feel like and this is, and, lauren, this what she just said. Lauren, this is la Lauren's attempt at moving me along. It's fine, absolutely. I love you both. It's fine.


Come along, journeyman, come along, come on Journeyman.


Enough of your tales, Journeyman.


Let's go. I'll make you some tea. Journeyman, You've had a long ride.


No, I think what you said was interesting and a lot of people will relate cool thanks, I always. I always remind myself always. The past week, I think, is a realization I came to. If, if I could see where I'm going, it might look like terrifying because there's so many steps that will lead me there, so many like separate moments of courage that are going to lead me to the next phase in this next version of self. So I almost don't even want to see where I'm going. Oh, that's interesting. I just want to see the next couple steps, feel the next couple steps. That's what I can handle. I'll do that. I like that.


A couple more yeah I literally on our refrigerator right now. I wrote don't think I completely agree.


And if you think about like your trajectory, like like emily, look at where you were three years ago and what like you hadn't gone through or experienced, like it would be so daunting that you wouldn't like, you would probably like sabotage a bunch of stuff right there in the moment.


Yeah. So, I mean, one of the most difficult things about grief is, for me, was like imagining there was a future where I would be happy. That was so unbearable. And now I'm in that future, but it but, but like it makes sense, like because I've I've lived the, the life that got me here. Yeah, yeah, but I didn't want to see it before. It was time, yeah.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know that makes a lot of sense.


I think that's part of it. I think that's part of like. Sometimes you have to stop forcing stuff yeah you have to stop. It seems stupid and like maybe and maybe this is just for like us and our, our group or whatever.


But no, I, I think this is a, I think it's a universal feeling sometimes, because there's a lot of people that will want something or think they want something. Even just I was thinking about this in terms of, like you know, I was trying to get pregnant for three years and for like a solid year and a half of that, it was this like impatient, unsettled feeling of like the only thing I could focus on was the fact that I hadn't gotten what I wanted yet and it wasn't the time yet. Like at the time, it's so frustrating to hear, like it's not, it must not be the right time yet. Like, at the time, it's so frustrating to hear, like it's not, it must not be the right time yet. You know, if I had, if I had, a time machine, to tell myself that it's literally just not that like, go enjoy something else, go, like, literally, stop obsessing about it, stop thinking about it, go do something else. And like, the one thing that helped me shift a little bit was you saying where's your passion? Do something else.


And then I Lauren's pointing to me her amazing supportive husband but that led me to go to into back into sketch comedy and improv, which is where we met.


And Lauren's now pointing to emily.


You know they can't see you pointing right which is where emily and I met and I made a lot of great friends and I had this like creative experience. That would not have happened, I know it wouldn't have happened if I had gotten pregnant right away.


So at a certain point, like, all the like thinking and the scheming and the conniving is just adding stress. Because, like I was talking to you, to Lauren, today, about how, if you spend so much time focusing on the end point, on the goal that you have, you really you know, once you actually achieve the goal, you, you were so stressed along the way that the goal you get there and it's done, and now you have this giant void of like well, now I need another goal and another thing to stress about. Stress is chronic.


That's where I'm used to being.


Yeah, I'm used to freaking out yeah, want, the sense of wanting is a chronic condition and I it sucks. It can ruin your life. Enjoying the ride is a big deal, emily. What's your bumper sticker again?


Life is a roller coaster. Please don't honk at me.


Just don't honk at the people on the roller coaster. You know what I mean.


The other thing I'm thinking is my plans often don't work Like my best ideas.


my creative ideas feel more received than planned I've got a good thing for us to talk about right now, but continue, and then I'll bring it up that's pretty much it.


when I'm in, when like on a drive home after a fun night with friends, or like on a strenuous hike or journaling early in the morning, that that's where my life comes together, not when I'm like making a list of all the stuff I have to do yeah, yeah, yeah.


Yes lists. Frank's a real list maker and I can't say it ever works for me either.


No, the last like two months, I think, have been like a real eye-opening thing for me and also for you, Frank, in how much you need to feel like you need to figure stuff out and make lists and organize things into spreadsheets.


I didn't see this as a problem until I talked to Lucy. Yeah, there you go. It was just the way I operate. Is until I talked to Lucy. Yeah, there you go. It was just the way I operate. Is the way I solve stuff.


Yeah, and like we call it toiling. We've been calling it toiling for years. He toils and he sits at his computer and like, looks up the best thing to like what. What watches the best and what? What bike is the best?


Yeah, but when I was like dealing with my own sense of a lack of self worth and I wasn't engaging in the creative arts or the liberal arts of any kind and I didn't have a degree I toiled to learn skills that I would use to get into jobs I didn't want but that paid the bills and so like it was a learned behavior born from a sense of a lack of self-worth which is born out of, like, a trauma yeah so like it's really unlearning.


This is having to unlearn some a way. I've operated for a long time, but we just started playing with the human design human design specific manifester.


You're a manifester, I'm bonus life, yeah, yeah.


What is bonus life is we just learned about this yeah.


We are both manifesting generators which which means like we are supposed to respond to things. And when I've thought about it, every time I've done something that was very cool, it was in a response to something. So, for example, the podcast gwen had a thing. I responded via podcast and like trying to learn more. Um, or, you know our short films, or emily, like you, and and dan came to us with late check-in, which is like our first thing that we ever all worked on together. And then, yeah, and then, like mitch wanted to do a short film with us and oh, so you were just responding to other people other people offering like assistance.


Hey, you guys should make something. We've always been responding to something that was offered in in a certain way still as the creatives and like, to a certain extent, like a, a big part of like a. You know the creative driving force behind some of our projects, but like it is still in response to like an offer or something that came up every time I've dude, I made a journal, right, I made a journal, the claire voyaging alignment journal I. It was very much a frank project and it has been nothing but problems from the printer I. They're like it took um over a month of like emails and they're like okay, we fixed it, we're gonna send you a print and everything should be better now. And they sent two copies, two fresh copies, and the exact same thing happened. It's not my files, they like messed it up again and I'm like dude, like this is what I get for being a self-starter, I made a thing I'm really excited about.


That could really help people. That really helps me and I can't. It's just printing to paper. It shouldn't be hard. It's kind of yeah, it's kind of wild how, like much of a it's just printing to paper.


It shouldn't be hard. It's kind of yeah, it's kind of wild how much of a problem it's been.


It's so and Lauren's been cc'd on all the emails. It's not being dramatic, it's just like stupid.


Well, no, we received a hundred copies almost two months ago now, but it's like. Can we please reprint them?


And before that I ordered a proof and the proof came out beautiful. And before that I ordered a proof and the proof came out.


beautiful, I was like this is a oh my.




This is so much better than I even thought it was going to be. I'm like, give me 100. And they sent 100 terrible copies. What happened?


I have a shop ready to go. We were taking online pre-orders.


We let people.


Apologizing to our listeners who have bought one.


I'm about to dox this company so hard and they know that I said listen, I've got a podcast. I took pre -orders. I look real bad right now. Guys, I'm trying to be nice, I'm trying to be cool, but what?


is going on? Did he say that I did? At what point do I just find a different printer? Yeah, at what point do I just find a different printer.


Yeah, I don't do that to people. I don't big threat, fight more. They don't care about me.


I'm the guy with a hundred journals. The point is that when I mean, I don't know, that one's tough because it's like were you forcing it or were you feeling inspired. Well, you know, like I said, it's a system that.


I use but like it was for me. No one asked for it. No one asked for it Oof. Anyway, the human design is. It's been very interesting and very intuitive. Yeah, like an intuitive system.


Wait, can I tell you this really quick.


Tell me everything.


If you have a 4.1 human design profile, you are said to be living a bonus life. The profile is incredibly rare. Approximately 2% of the population has this. A bonus life means you have no karma to create or complete in this lifetime. That's not true, hence the term bonus life. It said that this person is just here for the ride, here to experience the fullness of life on earth.


Wait, what if that was true? How do you feel about that? I for the ride here to experience the fullness of life on earth.


Wait, what if that was true? How do you feel about that? I just do have car, like I did have karma to complete. I've already been, I do okay.


Well, like beside that though, the the theme being like you just get to be here and like enjoy the ride.


Yeah it does I mean? I do feel like I'm enjoying the ride a lot of the time. Yeah, I'm fun and everyone else is like I'm freaking out about the restaurant.


Okay, that's a very nice impersonation of me. It's pretty. I'm always freaking out about the rest. You are always freaking out I mean that's kind of a fun thing. Yeah, I, we did read about four one that profile. I'm a one four what are you guys?


one, four, four, I'm like five five, two or something.


Yeah, yeah, yeah, but anyway.


It's adorable.


And we'll end on this Like related to the whole concept of like, having more fun and the human design. Is that like for us in particular, for me in particular, the hack? If we're always in response to something, if our creativity and our satisfaction out of life comes, out of being in response, things like Lauren's meditation program, that she's doing the 30-day meditation, is her creating something that requires her to respond to it. So she's making like a community that is like somewhat hinged on her, like reviews and like your progress, like you're kind of leading the, the drive, so like you made something to respond to. It's a hack. You hacked the system and I hacked the system.


she hacked, she hacked, she hacked the human design, and so it's an interesting perspective and that goes along with we're talking about the law of attraction versus the law of vibration, or whatever the hell, I don't know. If it's a law, it's no vibration police, a creed.


There's an intuitive lawyer for this.


Sounds legal to me. He does guided meditations too.


So you want a guided meditation. I've always been like. I've hated the like, the secret and the law of attraction because it always felt like cognitive dissonance to me. I'm gonna lie to myself about wanting or receiving this thing so that I get it like. That's called lying. But I just like came across a thing about the subconscious is always ready to receive and doesn't have any defenses against what you tell it. So if you tell your subconscious and your being to feel the feelings of having received this thing, that's where you like become a magnet for the things you want.


So you are, so you don't have to like frontal lobe, like lie to yourself about it. You're saying I'm really excited that this possibility can come my way, or a possibility that fulfills that, that need that I have. In that then you are using the law of attraction as opposed. So it's like a step one to the law of attraction. So that's like what you're doing, like Lauren, with your meditation, and I want to figure stuff out like that too. I got to get some hacks in. I got to get some hacks in.


My journal is printed correctly.


I mean, you have something to respond to and it's the printing company to get it right Yet another email.


Your type of human design. Loves responding in emails.


Listen. One more bad print and I will get my intuitive lawyer to call your intuitive lawyer.


They're going to know exactly what happened here. I'm excited to watch. Oh, my Emily just pulled up my guided meditation reviews. Days one through four. I have to go do day five, so I have to go it's been great.


I'm going to do. Okay, I'll just be here when you guys need me again. Do you turn Reiki on when you do your meditation?




Oh wait, you can do that.


Yeah, yeah, you can. You can Reiki your frigging TV remote.


You can Reiki your like bottle of water.


I like the TV remote better.


Yeah, hey, emily Bolsik. Yeah, thank you so much for joining us on this episode of Claire Voyaging. It's been great to have you as a guest host.


Thanks for having me and I'm just on my bonus life. So whatever you guys need, give me a call.


As we fade into the music, can you please lead us out with a guided meditation voice?


Yes, at this time, I ask you to close your eyes and reach total enlightenment.


That was less than four minutes. Bye. Thank you for listening. Visit wwwclairvoyagingcom for show notes, merch, or just to say hi. If you'd like to support our journey, visit wwwbuymeacoffeecom. Backslash clairvoyaging. This has been a production of Wayfeather Media.

Spiritual Chat With Emily and Reiki
Exploring Meditation and Tarot Relationships
Connecting With Evidential Medium and Self-Discovery
Letting Go and Enjoying the Journey
Creativity, Human Design, and Law
Reiki Meditation and Guided Enlightenment