
036: Avant-Garde Intuitive // with Mia Simone

July 25, 2024 Clairvoyaging Season 1 Episode 36
036: Avant-Garde Intuitive // with Mia Simone
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036: Avant-Garde Intuitive // with Mia Simone
Jul 25, 2024 Season 1 Episode 36

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Ever wondered how intuition could be as precise as a mathematical equation? Join us as we sit down with Mia Simone, an avant-garde intuitive consultant, who reveals the secrets behind her captivating journey from corporate America to becoming a professional psychic. Mia's story is a powerful blend of spirituality, energy, and the human mind.

Mia opens up about her early experiences and the challenges she faced growing up with extraordinary gifts in a fundamentally religious environment. We explore her transformative journey, from being misunderstood and judged to embracing her abilities with the encouragement of her husband and others. Mia's reflections on balancing her intuitive insights with her corporate work life and overcoming societal pressures make for a compelling narrative that highlights the resilience required to trust one's instincts and pursue a non-traditional path.

To book a reading or coaching session with Mia:

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Ever wondered how intuition could be as precise as a mathematical equation? Join us as we sit down with Mia Simone, an avant-garde intuitive consultant, who reveals the secrets behind her captivating journey from corporate America to becoming a professional psychic. Mia's story is a powerful blend of spirituality, energy, and the human mind.

Mia opens up about her early experiences and the challenges she faced growing up with extraordinary gifts in a fundamentally religious environment. We explore her transformative journey, from being misunderstood and judged to embracing her abilities with the encouragement of her husband and others. Mia's reflections on balancing her intuitive insights with her corporate work life and overcoming societal pressures make for a compelling narrative that highlights the resilience required to trust one's instincts and pursue a non-traditional path.

To book a reading or coaching session with Mia:

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Looking to book a distance Reiki session with Lauren?


Hey friendos, in this episode we chatted with Mia Simone, an avant-garde intuitive consultant and coach. We talk about her development over the years and also mathematics, because Mia says that life and intuition is all a bunch of equations. She's very smart and I'm still trying to wrap my head around some of what she said, but that's why we're here. I'm your host, lauren.


And I'm Howard Stern with Tourmaline.


AKA Frank.




We are a married couple learning how to develop our own intuition, and this is episode 36 of Clairvoyaging.


Wayfeather Media presents voyaging. Way feather media presents Claire voyaging. That's how it's done with with, with with making, having a podcast.


Oh, okay, cause you played the with make it happen a podcast. Oh, okay, Cause you played the the guitar for a second, I was like they couldn't hear that.


A little flat. Wow, that needs to be tuned. Well, no kidding.


Guys, what's going on?


How's it going, friends?


Um Frank, you feeling, you feeling hot and good hot um frank, you, feeling you, feeling hot and good, hot and good, frank, yeah, um guess what? We've got some coffees someone bought us coffees yeah, you know what actually? Okay, carol, friend of the show, carol carol's back at it yeah, she bought us coffees. But also someone bought us coffees what do you mean? Their name is someone. It said someone bought you coffee. Oh, so thank you someone.


Thank you someone.


Yeah, that's so nice.


That is very nice.


They had a really nice note too. They said I love your podcast. You guys are so real. Frank has such a great radio voice for reels. Wow, with a z that's nice it's also true. It says I just started listening a few days back and I'm on episode 24 currently. That's amazing oh, the fast track yeah way to go I know, uh, are you tired of hearing our voices? Yet it's's like, if you're like mainlining Lauren and Frank for a couple of days, it's gotta be. Yeah, that's a lot.


I feel bad for you and also thank you very much. Yeah, it's amazing. And also thanks for the compliment on my on my voice. Funny thing, I've always believed that I had a weird voice. I described my voice as I'm either like choking on a hot dog or I got marshmallow stuck in the back of my mouth.


No, you know, you've gotten a lot of great feedback on your radio voice. Thank, you. Yeah, kudos.


Gosh confidence. The rest of this says I'm supplying some coffee in order to help you, help me with my own personal, claire voyaging experience.


I love your show. We're on it together. How fun is that? Okay, and also, carol gave a nice note about putting positive affirmations on a post-it note, because I had a recent TikTok video where I was saying I keep looking for meditations that are helping me with my limiting beliefs. So I think she's giving me a little bit of advice to put a post-it note somewhere that has a positive, kind affirmation. You know what?


yeah, I've gotten you, carol. I've gotten around to like framing, like quotes and stuff that I like around the house, and I'm not opposed to sticking post-its everywhere yeah good, good note, carol.


Yeah, good post-it note, carol, yeah so I think that's that's what we've got as far as updates go. We have a great guest. Her name is Mia Simone.


Mia Simone.


Frank stumbled upon her.


Yeah, A few episodes back I had mentioned that I was looking for some local talent just to see what was out there in the greater Los Angeles area. And I just went on to Yelp and I found this amazing, highly rated psychic named Mia.




And I reached out. I said wait, this is cool. She is self-described as an avant-garde intuitive and I'm like, before I even want to have her on the show, let me give her a call and talk to her, because I've got some questions, because this sounds really cool. So I talked to her for two hours, before we ever interviewed her, and, man, she really opened my eyes on a couple of things, gave me some things to practice and you were like.


You told me you're like. I feel like you guys will immediately get along. Yeah, there's some and we did. It was like, oh, I know you, or something.


Yeah, there's some energetic similarity here that I picked up on.


She's very, very cool yeah.


So yeah, we're super cool and I'm like we mia come on the show. Talk to lauren and she came.


So this is that. This is that there's stuff that we cut out because it was such a long conversation.


We talked for two hours so and you know the episode's one hour long, so a lot of it got super personal. Not that we're not okay with sharing the personal deeds with you, but uh, you know, maybe it was a little boring for you.


It's very exciting for us. I had to pause because I was having like a sinus thing. I said sorry, I have allergies. And she's like are you sure it's allergies?


We got into energetic blockages and everything. Yeah, it's very cool, mia is amazing.


Yes, so please enjoy her as much as we did.


Yeah, do that.


And away we go, just like the horses. All right, mia, thank you so much for joining us today. On Claire Voyaging, you call yourself an avant-garde intuitive, so can you tell us a bit about yourself and what brought you to the work that you're doing now as an avant-garde intuitive, which I love that title.


Thank you, and thank you so much for both of you having me. I think you're both amazing people. Just want to say that, thank you, yeah, I really appreciate the opportunity to speak and you know, it's kind of interesting because I grew up in a time where there wasn't internet. I was in a small town in Oregon and there were people across the street who were constantly pushing Bible study and were telling me like I'm possessed and things like that.


I had a very natural ability and it started to really frighten me that I was evil or that being able to know things or see into the future was something evil.


So it took me a very, very long time to kind of overcome that feeling. And I worked in corporate America for a very long time and I suppose about 20 years ago. Then, you know, someone just randomly said I think you should be a professional psychic because it seems like you're very sensitive. And then my husband told me that people are constantly asking you know me questions is the plane going to crash? And for insight into things. And he said perhaps I should think about getting out of corporate America because I've worked for investment banking some pretty heavy hitters and he suggested I get out of corporate America and maybe do readings and he didn't even really know what that was at the time, which was interesting. And I said that I have no idea how I do this, though, for certain, or where this information comes from. And he said it's okay, because some presidents ran the entire country without knowing what they were doing not mentioning any names.


That was really encouraging to me, and so I started taking classes and I kind of my entire life read a lot of books about just energy and you know things of that nature, and it was always curious to me that I was really able to predict the future and through dreams, through thoughts and feelings or, you know, always kind of protect myself when I was younger as to you know who I should not be taking a ride with or things like that. So I became very curious and also I had passed when I was a baby I died briefly and I do remember that from the other side and be able to know all kinds of things about the future. And you know he followed these children for years after these events and it got me really interested. I really resonated with that and feeling that, you know, sometimes when our brain is deprived of oxygen, it like accentuates other areas of you know our brain. That you know perhaps isn't a normal process of life and it enables certain people to see things on like a subatomic particle level, like very you know deep patterns and things like that.


That essentially is all connected to mathematics. If we look at sacred geometry or anything like vectors and abstract mathematics, things like that, like everything on this earth can be reduced to a mathematical equation. So I personally love helping people and I would like to volunteer and I realized the easiest way for me to help people is to help give them insight into feelings or healing from the past, things about the future. And that's what also got me interested and just that's how I would, you know, kind of maximize my ability to help people and I just found it fascinating our own minds and energy, it's like an endless topic.


Yeah, okay, that's a lot, I know.


No, it's great.


It's so great. I'm so curious about you. Died when you were a baby and you remember that.


Yeah, the beginning is a good place to start.


Yeah, yeah.


I do yes.


You do.


How old were you? It was when I was. Yes, how old are you, I? I it was when I was first born. Like I passed away and just for us, like probably less than a minute, like I just stopped breathing, and just was. You know I? I crossed over to the other side, and the one thing I remember so specifically, though, was I saw a man, and he looked to me like your typical GQ Jesus that we have here blonde hair, blue eyes, you know white man which I know now, probably you know Middle Eastern.


The Bible explicitly says he didn't look any different from anyone else, so probably doesn't look like that. However, I asked him at the time if he was the Messiah and he said no, he was appearing to me in that way because he didn't want to frighten me, and it's what I wouldn't have recognized him. You know. Now I think about him, thinking yeah, because if he had appeared as a Buddha or you know, you look around the hospital. You see crosses or images of.


Jesus and I would have been like who the heck are you? And that also led me on a very deep journey, just a self exploration, as you know what really? What is God? Who is God? And I realized that God is like energy and there's a unified field of consciousness. Is like energy and there's a unified field of consciousness. That is God. That appears to us in many different ways and forms on earth and you know when we pass. And it's been quite a journey yeah, yeah.


So you was it like, was one of your parents like you, like you and old enough to talk about any of this? Was this a conversation that, like your parents had, where you're like, oh yeah, and I know that and I remember.


Oh, definitely At the time, you know, obviously, as a baby, I couldn't articulate this to my parents. However, how this really got started when I talked about it was they actually did have. They were Catholic at the time. They had a father come to the hospital and he gave me the last rites. Wow and yeah. So I definitely passed. And so later on it came up and the first time I remember it coming up I don't recall how old I was, but I remember seeing across the street and the you know fundamental Baptist lady who was pushing her religion on everyone, that the, you know. They had a picture of him and the nails were here in his palms and I looked at that and I said, no, that's not. I remember them specifically being here. I remember them specifically being here and I thought, you know, if you really think about it, it wouldn't have been enough, like you know, there to hold someone up on a cross.


And I got into an argument because I said, no, I've seen Jesus and you know the holes are here, which later on, I think pretty much came out as fact at some point Later on, I think pretty much came out as fact at some point and I said you know, that may be how we view Jesus, but that's not what he really looks like at all. I can't tell you what he actually looks like, but that created quite the storm, you know, in this little town and I talked to my parents about it. And I talked to my parents about it. I'm trying to remember, I really can't because they lived across the street pretty much ever since I can remember. But I want to say at that time maybe I was like six, maybe Wow that that came up, yeah.


That's quite yeah. Yeah, that would create quite a stir. Yeah, it really did.


and and they felt kind of offended that like, oh sure, yeah, you, you saw jesus. But on the other hand, I thought at that time, you know just all we had access to? We didn't even have cable tv, we had the rabbit ears, you know, you get three channels. And so I don't know where else I could have gotten that idea, because I'd never been exposed to any type of pictures other than what people displayed. And so you know, and I was not I wasn't giving up on arguing with her.


Everybody wants you to see Jesus, until you do.


That was she found incredibly disturbing and unacceptable. As I said, that you know all of these cultures and if you look like Muhammad, you know Buddha, the religious it's created around the culture, so people can make a deep connection with that and that was apparently very upsetting to certain individuals at the time because they feel like you know, jesus is the only one.


Of course, yeah, yeah.


Where I feel like it's just one field of consciousness.


So, growing up in that environment, you said that your parents were Catholic at the time. When did what? Did a shift eventually occur, and how much of your original like you know faith and belief system were you able to retain after you had started developing your own intuition?


Well, um, I think the most profound things I can remember. For example, my neighbor was we lived on that really high, high hill and my neighbor was getting in his car to go down the hill and I ran out and I begged him to not get in the car, told him the brakes are going to go out.


And he kind of was just laughed at me and I was still a little kid and so you know he got in the car and he wasn't injured seriously and fortunately there was a slope going up, but you know it was quite a scary ride. But yeah, his brakes did go out and you know. So some people it was kind of divided, thought maybe I was possessed by the devil. But my parents knew that I was a good, kind person and they really started paying attention and of course I told them that you know, jesus has these gifts and it says in the Bible we too are bestowed with those gifts. So I didn't really find it really unusual at the time. And that's how their beliefs started changing.


That's so. I mean that's. There's only two ways people know that the breaks aren't going to work If it's you have a special gift or you're the one that cut the brake line in first place. I'm going to go ahead and guess that the second one wasn't you. That's interesting.


I didn't even know whose car it was or anything. So yeah, I didn't know how to cut brake lines at the time?


Did you feel that judgment when you were younger, from the more faith-based people?


Absolutely. Yeah, it was awful and I was so sensitive and like such an empath that I felt very isolated, yeah, very uncomfortable, and I was kind of an outcast at school. I didn't grow up in a really good family so there were a lot of run-ins with the law never with myself, but with everyone else in my family and so we kind of already had a bad reputation and it really reaped a lot of havoc definitely were the kids at school?


was there like oh, there goes, mia, she's gonna like know your future. Was there stuff like that, or was it just I did other?


people know that. Yeah, because I would start saying things or, you know, just saying things to people that I had no, you know no way of knowing. But I think it was more just, I'm possessed in terms of, you know, oh great, her family, you know, she's, they're all felons and now she's possessed.


Oh my God man.


Yeah, it was a lot of pressure, that's rough, yeah, and if we look back historically, like at movies and things and you know, anything that was like popular growing up in the 70s and and psychics were always like an anomaly, like they were albino, you know, like some, like there always had to be some just odd character or they came out of some kind of like really intense situation, stuff like that exactly, yeah exactly, yeah, but it wasn't accurate at all.


You know the betrayal, so Right, yeah, do you think growing up in a not great family situation was almost like school of hard knocks, training for intuitive development for you, or you had to like kind of know what was going on and be a little bit more aware of your surroundings or you had to like kind of know what was going on and be a little bit more aware of your surroundings A hundred percent, yeah, because when there's it was quite a violent household to grow up in, and you know so it invites other violent people and so you become hyper vigilant and I truly believe that you know. Intuition is there as it's just a survival skill. If you think of the cave mandates you had to. You know, know where to go to get food or somebody's chasing after you, and I think that a lot of empaths are people that are very sensitive to shifting energies just became hypervig, vigilant as children and learned to protect themselves that way, sarah reeves talked, talked about that too.


Yeah, we had a guest that like talked about. Like you know, a kid who has like a tormentor. That is they. They become aware of like when that person is gonna come back, you and their intuition becomes really strong because they're like, oh, I can sense their energy and I need to kind of protect myself or be ready or whatever. So, exactly, yeah, definitely.


Were you um, did you use like your fundamental religious background? Did you like build upon that and and and kind of grow, or was there stuff that you just dropped, that you like wasn't serving your, your more enhanced knowing?


I tried to use it at first, but over the years there were things that I began to drop, and I think primarily because, you know, when I'm in a session I have to read from a space of neutrality and I can't really read from any type of religious beliefs, or any belief systems for that matter. I just look at the energy. So I feel like, because of all the judgment and I think in many, many cases, religious people are by far a lot of them are extremely judgmental and not meaning to just say blanket statements, but I found that to be true, because if you don't believe what they believe, then something's wrong with you and I disagree with that yeah right, like while you were doing corporate work, was there a lot of turning off your intuitive knowing and stuff like that, or was that still coming out?


I don't know if I can ever really turn it off. Yeah, I think more you know prior to really working with it. I think more like I gave myself a lot of invalidation, thinking I must have made that up or you know, finding, yeah, it was really difficult but yeah, it was really a struggle, but you can't ever really turn it off Right?


Did you have a lot of people kind of? Did it feel like people were kind of using your ability as like a parlor trick, almost where they'd come over and be like you got me Well?


yeah, wait a minute. Are you reading? She was in investment banking and she, like, has some predictive abilities. I could imagine that would come in handy at some point. Did any of your like peers know that you, how intuitive you were?


I wasn't really high enough to you know, make decisions in terms of yeah, I was never, was never a banker, so I didn't. Really I was very hesitant to share any insights. Although I can't recall what year it was, I know it was the 80s it was like Black Monday, when the stock market took a tumble and so many people lost their fortunes. And I did tell someone I was working with at the time and he took most of his money out of the stock market and it saved him.


Whoa really oh my gosh yes. You said like something's going to happen soon.


I didn't feel it. Yeah, it just felt like dark and it just was a feeling of just like falling and seeing all this money just kind of fall into almost like a whirlpool or something.




Yeah, and I think I had told him that, like it wasn't that many days prior to that event, and so, yeah, he pulled most of his stock out.


That's crazy. So let's see you. You've talked. You talked about how this, your abilities, present themselves. You talk about how there's like a math element to it, and now you're you're mentioning that like you also kind of feel stuff too. What's the? Is there a typical way that, like something presents itself to you, or what are you mostly like receptive to? What are you looking for?


Over time it's consistently changing in terms of how I'm interacting with the energy, because the more I know, the more various ways I'm able to interpret energy.


So you know, if I'm out in the world, a lot of times it just mostly, I think, comes up as a feeling or a flash of something, or you know, something's off. Most you know predictions we have about the future. They do tend to be more negative because it is built around survival. So you know, yeah, it's quite difficult to you know, build the ability to interact with the energy in a way that you can derive more positive information out of it. But everything, there's so many different ways to look at it because everything is cyclical by nature the sun, the moon, the earth, summer, winter, spring, fall. We all create our own cycles, and you know so, and patterns, and on a day-to-day basis, and I think also now with technology and the thousands of choices we make in a day, like it's consistently changing. And then we take into account the fact that guess what time doesn't really exist you know, it's just a common agreement.


Right, right, look at the tides and you know the movement of the stars and so it is making it more.


Now, what kind of services do you offer or provide? Like, do you do readings? Do you do coaching? Like, what is your main? What are your main things I do.


I do both when I do the coaching. It's creating an intuitive package that essentially, uh, you know. For example, if I ask you, you know, um, what is it that you would like to use this for? You know more for work, or like you can use it self-esteem, like investments, anything. And then you kind of start to build your skill around there and also each of us have very like summer empaths.


There's essentially three different types of intuition.


There is a thing is analytical intuition, and it believe it or not.


And then there's subtle memory recall intuition, which is like observing, observing people, and then later on going, hey, something seems familiar there, you know, because oftentimes people like scammers or you know just bad people, they have very similar mannerisms, tonalities, things like that.


And then there's just the you know intuition that we're born with, so you can understand how to develop those and merge them and tailor, make it to how it's going to help you to evolve in your own life. So I do that one-on-one and it helps if someone is making appointments, because then they can kind of see how they're interacting with it in their life and how to maximize the flow of energy and how to shift it. You know, especially if we look at physics and like choice points and things like that and be able to observe the energy and see how is it flowing and how can I maximize that right now. And then I do readings, and the readings I do are you know, I call them intuitive readings for life, primarily because it's not that I don't necessarily believe in mediumship. However, I find spirits that show up so far and few in between, and when they do show up, something very specific, and that does happen on occasion, but I prefer to stick with live situations.


Okay. So yeah, you're reading energy.




Yeah, heal from something or guide them about. You know, love career, finances, things like that. So I love doing readings. And that was. The other thing is, you know, I was not only fascinated with energy and physics and mathematics, but I love talking about problems and helping people. That's so that's so cool. That's like no, I'm like, well, everyone that we talk to, I'm like I want to talk to you, the like that's so cool. The decision point thing is like do you help with, like you have this mindset about this and like let's let go of that and how do you like move it to?


something more positive. Yeah, it's so different every time. It's different because, you know, people are just so vastly different in their beliefs and the way that they utilize and run their energy, the way they observe situations. Everything's so different, which is beautiful, but I always feel like I personally have to be in a state of educating myself and growing, because if I start to feel stuck and I'm not growing in my own life, then it makes me feel like I have a inability to help people.


so I try to keep educating myself and stay out of that stuck place we always talk about how, like you're saying, it feels like there's an energy flow to being able to like accept those downloads but also like not have it, get you know, like not understanding that they procrastinate or how they come off or interact with other people, or the other thing is having a lot of doubt.


Having any kind of doubt is you know, it reminds me of the. There's a story I always like to tell. I was watching the Exorcist the one from the 70s one night by myself. I was just like, oh, I guess.


I'm scared by yourself.


You're braver than I am well, okay, I had my, my little chihuahua. But the elder priest is telling the younger priest the younger priest was a psychiatrist and he was saying, uh, don't listen to the demon. The demon will take lies and quickly interject a truth and then a lie and it will throw you off and get you confused. And once you get confused you're very ineffective. And so he goes in there to try to take the demon out. The demon starts mimicking the priest's mom, who had just passed away, and saying why you do this to me didn't mean to be, why you let me die like this, and guilting him and got him very confused. And then it shows you like he's because he's a good person and he cares, and he takes on that guilt. It basically renders him helpless for a short amount of time.


But most of us, I think, once we start getting confused and not having a clear trajectory about what we want, where we're going, then things start to kind of go downhill. It's very powerful. Yes, I all, dimitri, but the point being that you know, if you know what your few non-negotiables are, and you know what you value, what are your fundamental values, and you know, you have some familiarity with your actions, knowing who you are, who you're not. It really helps with a lot of things and you know that can be learned through intuition as well, because in a way, I look at it as not just being able to, you know, interpret the future or heal from the past. It has a lot to do with the evolution of our soul and embracing the energy and, you know, growing our consciousness to be able to see in a very conscious way, like you know, what the world is and helpful interactions, advantageous, you know things that we do as opposed to non-helpful.


So a combination of, like identifying your own personal non-negotiables plus you know or your values as well personal non -negotiables plus you know, or or or your values as well, would you say that's like kind of like a roadmap that you should be using to navigate life, or does having those things help you actually manifest the things that you want?


Probably both, but, yeah, absolutely. They help me to manifest the, the things that I want and you know. Also, I think a lot of us tend to, you know, be able to see the future and we ignore it or we don't Like. For example, many, many years ago, in the first, you know, real estate that I had purchased I had a motorcycle at the time and I was just cruising around neighborhoods and all of a sudden I saw this loft and the loft was fairly new.


However, the entire neighborhood was burnt out and for one split second I saw that the neighborhood was full of nightclubs and people and that the real estate had basically quadrupled there, and so I thought I have to get this place. And it was the downfall of the real estate market at the time and it took probably a year to get it, but that became very fortuitous and it really made a payoff, because that's exactly what happened to the neighborhood. That's amazing.


Yeah, but my point being also that the things I had to go through to take out that loan, you know, and like borrowing money from people, you know, like Uncle Guido is going to come break your legs if you're not paying this amount 10 seconds of a of a, you know flash and I thought am I going to trust that and go with it? Because there's some reason that I flashed on that and I did, I trusted it and I went with it.


That's really interesting to me because, like a lot of times like, uh, in the phase of life that I am right now, if, if I am met with any kind of resistance, I'm, I've been choosing to accept it as a redirect instead of something that I should maybe power through, because I have a tendency to push and power through and try to force stuff to happen. And I'm trying to kind of get out of that mindset a little bit to try and figure out what's right.


But I'm having a hard time juggling which one at which time, because that's a great example of like you had a vision and you, you knew a thing and even though it might have been difficult, you powered through and it it paid out you need to have some precognitive visions well, I, I, I recommend things like that of not sharing them with people, because people will, you know, discourage and oh, that's just crazy.


But you know the thing, with you saying that you're the confusion, or really all you have to do is just step back and ask yourself is there a more advantageous way to redirect the energy?


And if you know how to be in a space of neutrality and you have a definitive question, it is so much easier than what you think. I think people get very, you know, they want to make this something really, really complicated and once you understand certain concepts, it really isn't. When, I, you know, design an intuitive program for someone, I like to know, like, what is their greatest skills? Because we don't need more mediocrity, right, we want to, you know, perfect something and focus on the skill that we use primarily, that we know the best, and even if it's our analytical mind or, you know, just feelings, and work with that, which I think is where people go wrong, because they're trying to learn off of some random, you know, psychic program that got created, that they're not really resonating with it and it's energy. So you know it, you have to really resonate with it and connect with it in order to want to, you know, to do it.


So you're asking what's your greatest, what's your strongest skill in terms of, like your feelings, or you're an empath, or you an analytical mind, like that kind of thing. Not like yeah, I'm very good at math or writer, or whatever that kind of thing. Not like yeah, I'm very good at math, or like a good writer or whatever that kind of thing, yeah, I see yeah, like naturally inherent abilities.


Uh, you know, like my husband is extremely intellectual and I'm completely the opposite. We always joke, like us, together we make a full brain because feeling side and he's the fact side, and you know, one of the things I started learning, after being married so many years too, is that I needed to start to evolve a little bit more to the analytical side, because the feeling side became very unbalanced when I'm basing things just strictly off of feelings, and once I learned that, it was just extremely helpful.


That is interesting. Okay, hold on, I've beat around the bush a little bit and I really need to ask you more about how you use math in your readings. I'm so, so, so curious about that, because I haven't heard anybody say that before and you're saying. You specifically said geometry, vectors, abstract maths.


Yeah, I keep telling my husband like he needs to record to explain what I do, because I feel like he explains it far better than I do. Explain what I do because I feel like he explains it far better than I do. So, basically, like, if we think of you know a very simple kind of dialing, on's an energy right that can be reduced to a mathematical equation or some type of math right, and if you punch in enough digits, then you're going to call another phone that's going through the air. That signal that energy becomes information, that signal that energy becomes information. However, it has to have some mathematical quality to it. You understand what I'm saying? Like to receive the phone number. Now, that's on a very basic level, and when we start to expand and look at equations and all of these other things, I just start to break everything down in my head. Every cause and effect, every action, reaction, like it all has a quality that can be reduced. Yeah, and mathematics is something that we're discovering, not something that we're making up right.


And if we look at sacred geometry and how everything can be reduced to a certain equation, or even if you look at the megahertz, like the music that they put out, like vinyl beats that have certain megahertz, and you know it again, it's all built off a frequency and so I like to know, uh, you know, where does this, you know, live in nature? There's, uh, ways of calculating certain things. That is, you know, always ends up being a specific equation, every single thing on this, this earth. Essentially, I'm just using the, the energy, the patterns that you know, all of it and and breaking it down into an equation and then observing, observing that information, information, it's all information please correct me if I'm so off on this, it's.


it feels like, um, like every person might have kind of their own geometry, that they radiate in a way, but all the uh, you know negative self self-beliefs or doubts and stuff make it not as symmetrical as it could be, and you know how to sift through that to make it make sense.


Yeah, that's one way. Or if we look at like an electrocardiogram, or you know just things like that, you know um it, just things like that, how it it? You're recording like the, the energy of um something and how that can be received is through um, you know the same, like an earthquake. You know it's like a 5.7 magnitude.


That's all based off of mathematics in terms of the, the energy that is, you know, being transferred it's fascinating because I have that is so different from the way my brain works or like understands things.


I'm just like, Literally just we are sitting in front of an avant-garde intuitive.


I know, and I'm stunned. I'm like I just get like pictures of things and I'm like, wow, what a simpleton.


No, I trust me, I am too yeah.


Oh, ma'am, I don't think so.


I like being a person who works in audio a lot, like I think in frequencies a lot and you know like you think in frequency I'm going to leave, no stay.


No, please stay.


I always think, like you know, what the the lesson that I, the lessons that I learned from going to audio engineering school. Like you know, I know frequencies have a certain resonance and and even frequencies like, if you apply a frequency to like you know, I'm sure you've seen those videos to like a pile of sand or whatever, that frequency will form some sacred geometry. It's very, yeah, it's very interesting.


Yeah, so you've seen that before. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so my brain doesn't do that. Mia takes energy in her brain, takes other people's energy and creates a whole equation.


Do you, are you like?


like. It's like everything else, though, and creates a whole equation. It's like everything else, though, if we think of a calendar and putting down 365 days and calculating those things. That's central to everything that we do. If you build a home, you have to know what the measurements are to fit together right, and if you take that and elaborate on that, you know. For example, if I give you the schematics to a home and you start building it, you can see the trajectory of where the you know laid out mathematics are taking you to build that structure, and knowing that you have to have more you know foundation on the bottom, if that makes sense.


Okay, yeah, yeah.


Let me ask you this how many of us are walking around with, using your metaphor, a severe lack of weight bearing components to the houses that we are, and is there like a common denominator of, like what we are all missing or needing to work on?


How many of us lost the blueprint to our own energy?


Well, that's a really good way of putting it, and I do call it like a blueprint or a schematic, like, of our own energy. I think a lot, unfortunately, because of social media and you know so many things in this world that don't reflect what's actually occurring or the reality of something.


Yeah, that really helped. Okay, that helped a lot to think about it in terms of a blueprint for a home.


Well, our hearts and minds emit electricity, right, yeah, yeah. And there's actually a machine that they don't even have to hook you up to it. They can, you know, just put like electrodes on you, but you're not connected to the actual machine and it can take a baseline of your emotions through your heart and mind activity and kind of tell like, are you angry most of the time? Are you exactly? Yeah, because you know all of that, like people that are perpetually angry, you know you feel it.


right, you're responding to the your electromagnetic field is responding to it, and so they can take that and, you know, break that down into frequencies because of the heart rate or the, you know, the mind activity, if that makes sense.


I think that's my if we're, if we're going to talk about our greatest skills and working on those, I think that might be mine. I know I know exactly what's going on with my family by the time if they just walk into the house. It's the first time I've seen them all day. Yeah, I'm immediately like what's up? You feel this way?


You read the frequencies. Yeah, yeah.


That's the closest thing I have to like an actually like daily use of any intuitive ability, exactly.


Yeah, Exactly, You're reading the frequencies and you know like becoming absorbed in them to a certain point.


Yeah, yeah, and I always tell Lauren. When Lauren's in a bad listen. I get in terrible mood sometimes, but when Lauren's in a bad mood I'm like I don't want to have to put up a wall between us, because I want to be able to trust that we can be open about our emotions, because sometimes Lauren's not and I'm an empath.


So I either other people take my energy and I and I'm like I'm just so depleted, or I accidentally like pack it on myself and I don't like realize it. Frank's always like you need to do an assessment. What's going on?


yeah, lauren, understanding how to own and ground your space would be so helpful. Yes, you, because it really you know. You just want to be able to receive information that's pertinent to you, not all the other garbage and people's opinions. And yes, you know, and I think that just giving yourself permission to be in that space is a really big one, because it feels like you feel somehow responsible or like you can do something about it.


I think it bothers you.


Yeah, like if you're telling somebody no, you know, I can't take you to the store without like a huge long backup story of why you're unable, why you're unable to like, you know, I'm sorry, I broke my leg. I you know it could keep going on right, Because you're feeling like, but I could, I could drive with a broken leg or but that guilt just like draws you in.


Wow, that is so accurate think it's so accurate, um, but you know, that's another way that just learning how to use intuition and learning how to, you know, prevent that flow of energy going into you. And one thing that I it's so funny because I studied for so many years about all these things, that I've realized, like we come across narcissists. They're like you know, vampirism is an actual clinical term nowadays, if you can believe that it is a medical term, and it comes in many forms. But you know, if you just feel somebody's energy and how it's all going toward them and being sucked in, you know immediately or how they're talking and the energy is just going in, then run for the hills. They're a narcissist.


Yeah yeah, yeah. But the good news is there are the type of empaths that you know they'll keep doing things because they need to, they want the attention. They want to say, yeah, I did that. You're not one of those. You're. You're very sincere in what you're doing and you know that's the best type of impact. You just have to, like, give yourself permission to own and ground your space and say no without the backup story and guilt.


Oh, the backup story. Frank Frank has been helping me with that for years now.


Yeah, I've I've gotten better at it, but yeah, it is so true. Maybe six months ago, a year ago, someone asked me if I wanted to do something, and it was literally what you said, like, oh well, I could fit it in in between this thing and that thing, but I don't actually want to, but I could and. And instead of like providing this whole list of excuses or reasons why I just said I can't do that this weekend, maybe next weekend, and I was so proud of myself.


It's such a small thing I've recently heard to the heard of this described as a sacred no um to like protect your own, like energy, yeah, and like you don't need to give a laundry list of excuses and because and I always tell lauren, especially if you're around someone who, like um, loves the argument like the more things you you list out as the your reason why you're just giving them more to argue against. So it makes your job and your life a little harder like our daughter do what she's sick.


She's gonna do what she does yeah, she's gonna make it hard, no matter what, but but, yeah, yeah it's a risk.


It's like I feel I feel I have to for some reason, because I have the time or because I have not a strong enough. I used to not have a strong enough. No, in my opinion and everyone else's time I made it more valuable than mine. Having kids did help with that. But yeah, thank you.


That's exactly what I've been working on. Yeah, thank you, that's exactly what I've been working on. Energy is kind of in a different time, when people were community organized and, you know, helped each other and depended on community and just meaning.


Your energy is still in that time and so I think when someone isn't helping someone or being there for them, it's like almost inexplicable, you know, because you know you're still just deeply rooted in a different time that was so much kinder time, essentially oh, that's interesting that checks out yeah, wow, but nowadays more people there's, I think, more narcissists that they really prey on people like you that, um, you know are helpful and lovely, and you know, um, I know I think it's gotten, it's really improved, and I this is the first time I've ever met you, so these are just observations you're getting it, yeah, oh my god.


narcissists see, lauren, and they start doing this thing with their hands and licking their chops. They're ready, they're ready for a meal.


Yeah, yeah, easy target.


I mean I gotta let you go. You are far too generous with your time.


I think I kept you guys too long. Were there any other questions that you wanted to ask, or did we miss?


What I would, what I do want to do.


I mean about the actual show. They're amazing.


Where can people find your work? Where can people find you?


Well, my webpage is crescentslifecom and it's just the word free science and you know, crescents is basically the art of knowing events before they take place, so just think of pre-science life, but it's pronounced prescience life. And, yeah, I'm all over Yelp and I hope to be redoing my website a little bit to put out more information out there, and I'm also considering doing I know I'm going to, yeah, I'm going to talk to you about that too, because I need your help. I've just been so incredibly busy the past month or so, but, yeah, I'm really excited and you know, just thinking about putting myself out there to speak with people and promote this, because I feel like you know, happiness, intuition, success they're inextricably linked you know, because it's, it's our energy, it's us, it's.


How are we interacting with other people, with forces, with situations? How are we, you know, responding, know, responding as you know, opposed to reacting and things like that? So, yeah, amazing but that's where I can be found. Thank you so much for asking oh yeah thank you.


Thank you for joining us. You have been amazing. You're awesome.


It's so nice to meet you you guys are awesome too, and anything you think I can help with, I'm always happy. I love helping people, thank you.


And same. Please reach out, have a great one.


Bye Mia, you too.




Thank you for listening. Visit wwwclairvoyagingcom for show notes, merch or just to say hi. If you'd like to support our journey, visit wwwbuymeacoffeecom. Backslash clairvoyaging. This has been a production of Wayfeather Media.

Exploring Clairvoyant Intuition With Mia Simone
Life, Intuition, and Energy
Navigating Intuition and Judgment
Exploring Intuition and Energy Flow
Navigating Intuition and Analytical Balance
Understanding Energy and Intuition Patterns