Action Against Foxhunting Podcasts

Our Space - when the animals' pain overwhelms us

Action Against Foxhunting Season 1 Episode 2

Animal Rights Activists are, by nature, sensitive people. We are compelled to take action against animal abuse; we can't live with ourselves otherwise.  We cannot turn away from the brutal savagery of the hunters and the suffering of the animals. We have to be there, see it, and take action.

But this comes at a cost to us.  Sometimes it is overwhelming and that's when we need a bit of help from our friends.

Sarah Little talks about Our Space, a support group she set up for AAF members. It is a place for  members chat with each other to vent our own suffering and explore ways of coping.

If you are interested in joining AAF, check out our website

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Action Against Foxhunting - ENDING FOXHUNTING FOREVER