50: Top 3 Meditation Myths That Might be Holding You Back - Part 2
Your Midlife Comeback Story
Your Midlife Comeback Story
50: Top 3 Meditation Myths That Might be Holding You Back - Part 2
Feb 10, 2023
Holly Bertone, PMP, CNHP

Today is Part 2 of a 3-part series where we are going to go on a journey into the basics of meditation. Because meditation can be difficult, especially in the beginning. And it’s easy to become quickly frustrated and to just give up.

If that sounds like you, if you’re like… yeah… I’ve tried meditation and just can’t do it. Or you could never get into it for whatever reason, then this episode (and last week’s episode and next week’s episode) are for you. And if you do meditate, and want to deepen your practice, then I encourage you to listen as well, because on the third part of this series, I am going to introduce you to a new concept that may actually change the way you practice meditation – for the better.

So for today, Part 2 of this series, we are going to answer the question, what are the top 3 myths about meditation that might be holding you back… AND we are totally going to bust these myths and share the truth.

Together we unpack:

  • How long do you actually need to meditate for it to be effective? (4:44)
  • Who is meditation for, and will it help you? (8:39)
  • Meditating with a chronic health condition. (11:03)
  • Busting the myths and moving forward. (13:27)


Mentioned Resources:

Meditation Resources
Episode 49: Why is it So Difficult to Meditate? - Part 1

Connect with Holly:

▶️ FREE CHALLENGE - BREAK EMOTIONAL EATING 4-DAY CHALLENGE - https://academy.pinkfortitude.com/register-for-break-emotional-eating

▶️ BOOK YOUR FREE DISCOVERY CALL - backtoyou.coach

▶️ FREE QUIZ - WHAT IS YOUR #1 WEIGHT LOSS BLOCK - https://pinkfortitude.mykajabi.com/weight-quiz

▶️ Follow Holly Bertone on Instagram - @holly.bertone

▶️ More resources for Your Midlife Comeback Story - yourcomeback.coach

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Thanks for tuning in to this episode and I'll see you next week!