Love And A Cup Of Tea

S1 E3 Love and a Cup of Tea with Cat Knott

October 18, 2023 Anna Grace Taylor
S1 E3 Love and a Cup of Tea with Cat Knott
Love And A Cup Of Tea
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Love And A Cup Of Tea
S1 E3 Love and a Cup of Tea with Cat Knott
Oct 18, 2023
Anna Grace Taylor

In this week’s episode I talk to Cat Knott, Channeler to the energy collective ‘The Crew'; adventurer, and expansion and energy guide.

In this episode we talked about:

  • How to begin to trust so that you can share your gift in the world
  • The message she would send to her younger self
  • The simple but profound question she asked that cracked her open
  • The ways we both deal with resistance and ‘imposter syndrome’
  • How she came to be voice channel for the collective called ‘The Crew’

Cat also channels a beautiful message from ‘The Crew’ for us about what love is - and what it isn’t. It’s not to be missed. 

About Cat Knott:

Cat is a Channeler to the energy collective 'The Crew'; adventurer,  and expansion and evolution guide. 

Cat works with powerful light bringers, guides, and those ready to invite in MORE - to embrace, and propel forward through the upleveling vibrational shift of now - as we're all encouraged to throw the models, and books of how it ‘should be done, because its always been done' out of the window, and create a new way of being, sharing, doing and creating in this life.




About Anna Grace Taylor:

Anna Grace Taylor is an Angel Therapist, Spiritual Mentor and Author who has been featured on BBC Radio and Hay House Radio.

Using her natural intuitive gifts, developed by years of training and experience, Anna connects with Divine love and guidance to support people with all aspects of life and often acts as a catalyst for transformation for people all over the world.

Born eleven weeks prematurely and with Cerebral Palsy, Anna took her first independent steps at the age of six and learned to walk twice more following major surgery and long term illness in her teens.

Currently living in England, she is a loving and compassionate woman with a remarkable ability to empathise and communicate – sharing her Daily Messages of Grace and Weekly Angel Reading videos with millions of people on social media.

Her best-selling book ‘Messages of Grace ~ 111 Notes of Love and Guidance from Your Angels’ is available now on Amazon.

You can find these and more about Anna’s  private sessions and events at and on social media 



You Tube:

Show Notes

In this week’s episode I talk to Cat Knott, Channeler to the energy collective ‘The Crew'; adventurer, and expansion and energy guide.

In this episode we talked about:

  • How to begin to trust so that you can share your gift in the world
  • The message she would send to her younger self
  • The simple but profound question she asked that cracked her open
  • The ways we both deal with resistance and ‘imposter syndrome’
  • How she came to be voice channel for the collective called ‘The Crew’

Cat also channels a beautiful message from ‘The Crew’ for us about what love is - and what it isn’t. It’s not to be missed. 

About Cat Knott:

Cat is a Channeler to the energy collective 'The Crew'; adventurer,  and expansion and evolution guide. 

Cat works with powerful light bringers, guides, and those ready to invite in MORE - to embrace, and propel forward through the upleveling vibrational shift of now - as we're all encouraged to throw the models, and books of how it ‘should be done, because its always been done' out of the window, and create a new way of being, sharing, doing and creating in this life.




About Anna Grace Taylor:

Anna Grace Taylor is an Angel Therapist, Spiritual Mentor and Author who has been featured on BBC Radio and Hay House Radio.

Using her natural intuitive gifts, developed by years of training and experience, Anna connects with Divine love and guidance to support people with all aspects of life and often acts as a catalyst for transformation for people all over the world.

Born eleven weeks prematurely and with Cerebral Palsy, Anna took her first independent steps at the age of six and learned to walk twice more following major surgery and long term illness in her teens.

Currently living in England, she is a loving and compassionate woman with a remarkable ability to empathise and communicate – sharing her Daily Messages of Grace and Weekly Angel Reading videos with millions of people on social media.

Her best-selling book ‘Messages of Grace ~ 111 Notes of Love and Guidance from Your Angels’ is available now on Amazon.

You can find these and more about Anna’s  private sessions and events at and on social media 



You Tube: