So...How Was Your Day?

So...Playing Video Games with Mom...

Tana Schiewer Episode 20

Once upon a time, after years of not playing video games, Tana started gaming with Malcolm. The results were hilarious. In this episode, Malcolm and Tana talk about playing video games together, playing co-op games in general, and surviving the mucky germs going around right now.

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Hello. Hi. It's still congested. Oh my God. Yeah. I, um, it's been a tough week. I can tell. Oh man, whatever. I took a COVID test and it was negative. And the funny thing is it didn't even dawn on me until somebody was like, yeah, everybody right now is either sick with COVID or has the flu. And I was like, oh yeah, COVID's still a thing. And, um, Yeah, it just didn't even dawn on me that that could be what it was, you know, because I get I honestly get sick like this every January. Yeah, it doesn't every doesn't really sound like COVID as much. And it's since before COVID, that I've been getting sick like this, you know, so it's just it feels it feels normal to me to, you know, kind of. End up with some kind of mucky muck in January. Um, but yeah, I knew when your dad was sick, I was like, well, I'm going to end up with it next because that's just what happens every January. Yeah, and then Shelby got sick and then I got sick, although I only really Got like mildly sick for like a couple days. Yeah, you, you were, you, and Shelby seems to have gotten over it pretty quickly too. You and, you two and your youth. Um, but yeah, it's been, um, you know, um, my sympathies to anybody out there who's been dealing with this stuff because Oh my gosh, the amount of, I haven't even like start at my new job yet. And like, like I've, I've done one training day and I have a couple more training days this week. And I, I see so many people on the group chat are asking for people to take their shifts because everyone's sick. Yeah, yeah, so I apologize in advance if there's I was like coughing or I guess I don't have to worry about if I feel off a day and need someone to take my shift. Yeah, yeah, it's um Oh, and you know what's ridiculous is I just so didn't want to take any sick days and part of that is because, uh, every other job I've had in recent memory, uh, has given all the vacation and sick time and all that stuff like at the beginning of the year, they're just like, here's what you have for the year. Yeah. You know, use it throughout the year. And this one accrues. I like that. But well, do you know what I mean by accrue? Yeah. Yeah. So like, I mean, I get like a little bit with each paycheck and then, so right now I've only been working since October and I think I already took, I think I had to take like a sick day in the fall at some point. And so I haven't accrued that much sick time and I know that I always get it in January. Right. You know, so it's like I often, We'll take a bunch of sick time in January, and then I won't take any for, like, a really long time. Um, and, uh, so I've been trying to avoid taking my sick time because I keep thinking, I kept thinking throughout the week, like, oh, it's going to get worse. I want to wait and take the sick time when it's worse. You know, like, if I get a fever or if it's really bad. But, like, by Thursday I mean, I was like, my body aches, I was so dizzy, I was trying to do this training. We have to do this training on this new database we have and it's a bunch of self guided, you know, and I thought, oh, perfect, if I'm going to be sick any week. It's great that I can just do these trainings that are self guided and it's not a huge deal because I don't have to like concentrate on writing stuff and, you know what I mean? But I couldn't even like, I just kept falling asleep during, you know, or I wouldn't be able to like focus on the words and I was like, okay, I think, you know, so I finally took like a half day on Thursday because I was like, I cannot function, you know, but I wish I would have just, I mean, And I started to feel better on Friday. I still don't feel great, but I feel better, you know, and part of me is like, why didn't I realize like, this was the bad day I was saving the time up for, you know what I mean? Like, why didn't I just take the time and rest? And you know what I mean? Um, and, and it's still, it's still a thing I think is partially my generation, but also me just like, I don't want to take it yet. I can, I can power through, you know? So. Anyway. Yeah, I, I think for me it's easy for me to do stuff while I'm sick. I mostly get worried about getting other people sick. I mean, yeah, that's, I don't have to worry about that cause I work remotely, but you're in, you're in a customer service job, so that's even more important. It like, it gives me anxiety cause my bosses are like, just come in anyway. Like if you're not that sick and I'm like, but what if I get like other people sick and then they call off and then you have less people next week because all of them got sick because of me or what if you get, what if I get customers sick or someone complains about me because I'm sick and like that paranoia, just like. That's a concept I feel like. is becoming more, um, the, the people are becoming more. willing to say, Hey, I'm sick. I shouldn't come for the safety of other people. I feel like that was one benefit of COVID is it sort of made that more of an aware sort of, you know, cause there's, um, countries that are aware masks during like flu season and stuff just because of the flu. Yeah. So many more people wear masks now because of COVID like just in general. Right. It's just in general. And also like, They're more cognizant of getting other people sick with other things other than COVID, right? And And that's something I look back on and I think, man, we were so ridiculous about that stuff. Like you, you know, you were, it was looked down on for you to take sick time, but then if you came in, you'd get other people sick. You also weren't as effective. Um, if you were in a customer facing job, you were putting customers at risk and then school, even school would have, you know, Certain attendance policies and stuff like that. And so it would almost be like, you know, encouraging children to attend school sick and then they would get other kids sick and the teachers sick. And it's just like, yeah, my, my previous food service job, they didn't care if I was sick. That's great. Um, yeah, but my new boss, food service, my, uh, my new boss, I'm working at a cafe again. Um, She's like, if, if you think you're, like, contagious at all, then you don't come in. Right, like, duh. Yeah. I mean, that's just, and I used to work, I mean, I've worked so many different types of jobs over the years, and, uh, I've worked multiple customer service ones, multiple food service ones. And yeah, that was always the thing. It was like, you got such crap from people if you call off. And then of course, there's things like positions like yours where you don't have sick time you can take. You don't have vacation time. Yeah. So like that's another factor is some people would just go cause they had to. So there are, I understand that there are people that Take sick days because they just don't want to go to work, but I'm like, I need money Right, like why would I call off unless I like actually need to not be at work? Yeah, that's that's an interesting thing I'm finding with people who are like claiming, you know, all these people don't want to work They're gonna do XYZ and and I'm like, but yeah, but they have to pay bills too. So yeah, there's a limit I was because since as a frontline position, I don't have PTO, then I just, like, I'm screwing myself by not being able to show up to work. Right, exactly. So, if anything, I'm going to feign my illness to be able to show up. You mean feign not being sick. Or feign not being sick. Yeah. And Yeah. Yeah, it's Yeah, um, I read another thing today about how Gen Z is lazy and good for nothing. Yep, that's me. Speaking of being lazy and good for nothing, what I, what you should do, what you should do while you're, while you're sick. So sorry. Thank goodness. Is you should play games with me again, because that's what I've been doing. Oh yeah. Well, you don't have the game console upstairs anymore. I mean I never really did. I would just bring it up every once in a while. I mean that's fair, that's fair. But I mean actually I'd play a game if you brought it upstairs. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM I don't know if you'd want me to play. Because you know how bad I am at certain types of games. Yeah, we played So the very, I, I, we have said multiple times we really wish we recorded it because it was so funny. Was it called A Way Out? It was called A Way Out. And it was, okay, I have to preface this with, it was the first time I had played video games in like years and, and I, I need to preface it even more. Don't make me laugh, it makes me cough more. Um, more disclaimers. So, I grew up with very different video consoles, obviously. Gen X. Video consoles. Video consoles. Yeah, what do you call them now? Gaming systems? Game systems, video game systems, consoles. So sorry, I'm using outdated language. Well, first of all, we had, we had some games on the computer. Like, I think we had an Apple IIc. I swear Donkey Kong was on that, but if it, like, video game historians are going to be like, That never was! Then, okay, I concede. I don't know. But, um, we had an Intellivision. Which was one of the lesser known, is one of the lesser known ones now. Um, and I think we had an Atari For a while, but I mean, we had the full on, you know, you stick the cartridge in the thing and, you know, pixelation and all that stuff. Pixelation. Pixelation. We played Mario, Q Bert, Defender, um, played a game called Utopia. I remember playing a game called Utopia. Um, I loved Q Bert. I really did at the time. Um, but anyway, um. It was very different. I mean, you had like a joystick, you know what I mean? Like, and you could only move. Oh, pitfall. I loved pitfall. Pitfall was a favorite. Um, but you know, you basically moved forward or backward and jumped like that was platformer. Yeah. I mean, that was kind of it, you know? And then, um, I didn't really play games in high school. Um, you know, that was, I played games when I was younger and then I got into college and everything, you know, like, and I just wasn't, that just, it just wasn't part of my experience. And so I don't, I mean, I played like computer games, you know, and even those weren't like the kinds that you like hit that forward and backward arrow on your, you know what I mean? It was more like Tetris, you know, and stuff like that. And then I don't think I actually played a game on a video console until we got you one. And then you wanted me to play with you like when you were little. So we played like Lego Harry Potter. Um, and I still wasn't great at it then, but then I didn't, I didn't play with you for a very long time. And then we got to a way out in It was right 9th grade? 10th grade? It was right when we moved here, so Actually it was, this house, yeah. So, you were 15. Um, cause I was, I was still in your office as my bedroom. Yes, yeah. So you were 14 or 15. And, um, I, uh, I hadn't played I mean Probably 5 or 6 years. Not only had you not played in a while, but A Way Out is like, a third person shooter Third person shooter? You're looking over someone's shoulder. Oh. I think it was third person. Is that how you called it? Or was it first person? Yeah. I thought it was first person. I don't know. I don't know. How do I know? What do I know? I don't know. I know nothing. I, I thought you could see the person while you were playing them, but now I'm not sure. There were just a lot of cinematics in it, so a lot of times you saw the characters. Oh, sure. Yeah, yeah. There were lots of cut scenes, which I was unfamiliar with. Like, I hadn't really watched you playing video games. I watched you playing Minecraft, and I was aware of, like, the Lego games. You know what I mean? But I hadn't, I had never experienced the whole, like, story, cinematic, story, yeah, I was really unaware of that advancement in video games, like, I mean, I was, I was like, kind of aware, like, in the background, I was like, aware that it was a thing, but I had never really witnessed it, so that was really new for me, but also, um, using, I'd never used that kind of, gaming console, I don't think. Yeah. We were playing on my PlayStation and so, well, I guess I did use it for Lego Harry Potter stuff, but again, that was like PlayStation three. This was PlayStation four. Yeah. And it was also like, which is actually a very different controller. I feel like it feels like it is. Yeah. And also again, Harry, Lego Harry Potter is very different. Yes. Yeah. You trying to shoot was funny. Oh my God. So yeah. So So we have to explain I wish we had video. Because it was so funny. But, yeah, so give the basic of the game. So, the basic of the game is that, you know, you're two people, you're, you're, um, two people that were both put in prison. Right. And you both escaped together. Yes. And then have to just, you know, get away from the police together. And you're also trying to find the person that screwed you both. Oh, right, right, right. Um, you didn't know each other before prison, but. Right. And you have to, you're. Basically, the plan is to kill the guy, basically, that screwed you over. Um, and so this is a shooter game, it is a lot of, like, chase scenes too, so there was, uh There were driving scenes or, or running scenes where mom would just run straight into the side of something. Yes, yeah. Oh gosh, there was, okay, so there was one scene where someone is driving and someone is in the back shooting a shotgun at like, the cop cars. Who was doing what? I don't remember. Okay, so let's back up first because that was a more advanced Let's just get to the fact that I could not turn. This lasted the whole game, by the way. Oh my god, I could not figure out how to turn my character. I think, like, I couldn't turn one direction, and so I would go, like, in a whole circle. Yeah, you couldn't turn left. I couldn't turn left. You would turn 270 degrees to the right in order for you to turn left. Yes, in order to go left. Oh my god, um. Yes. And so I was constantly kind of looping in circles and then I could not aim and shoot very well. And I generally would lose track of where I was and where you were because you also were like you're like bounding forward and doing You know all of this stuff, and I was like what happened Where'd you go cuz like the split screen and I was it was so much like for me It was just So much input. Yeah. You know what I mean? That I was just like, wait, I'm supposed to look at the screen, but I'm also supposed to do stuff with this controller that I don't know how to do. So I'm like looking at the controller and you're like, don't look at the controller, just use like the, and I'm like, but how, you know? So anyway, so yeah. So, I mean, it was, I think we were just in tears laughing a lot of the time, just because it would take me so long just to move. I remember there was, I remember there was one scene where There was just a lot of bad guys, and we were shooting them and stuff, and you were in this One combat for so long with this one guy. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, and you're like, you're like, yes, I got him! And then you like turn around, and like everyone else has been taken out by me. It was like a scene from one of those like movies where, you know, Oh, it's like Iron Man 2 where Happy's fighting the one security guard at the beginning. Yeah, and he looks around and Black Widow has gotten like all of them. Everyone else. Yes, it was totally that scene and, um, but, but the hilarious thing definitely was when we were supposed to steal a vehicle and one person was supposed to drive and the other person was supposed to shoot because I could not do either. So we tried it both ways. Um, I think. I can't remember which one I tried first, but I think you tried out driving first. Yeah.'cause I think we, by then we had well established that I could not shoot. Um, and yeah, so I, I kept the cop cars off of us, but yes. Didn't stop us from crashing into everything along the way. Yeah. Yeah. It was. Oh my gosh. And then when we were like, let's try it the other way, I just could not get anything. Like I just could not. But, um, but yeah, that was so entertaining. But yeah, I do remember then, I think it was after that, that we ended up in the like room. There was like a room where there's all kinds of shooting going on and I'm just like shooting all over the place and, and you're shooting and. I have, I have zero clue how to tell what the hell is going on. And we, we got to the end of it and I was just like, How many of those did I get? And you were like, None of them. Cause I was like, yay, we did it! And he was like, yeah, we. Oh my god. I also remember, it was like, very close to the end of the game. Both of us had to drive motorcycles. So it wasn't that one person had to drive and one person had to shoot. It was each of us were driving a motorcycle. I don't remember this part. And, um. I probably blocked it out of my memory because it was so traumatic. I don't, I don't even, I don't remember how it worked because it's supposed to be timed right so that way one person is on one trail, the other person's on another trail, and one person drives underneath while another person drives. A Okay. I do remember that. Like does a jump. I do remember that. Yeah. And it like does like a shortcut scene of like these trucks that are falling. The other person, yeah. Like falling and hitting the trucks of another person. But I think it was like. it like put me in like a short loading screen because it was waiting for you still. Either that or it forced you to go like much faster. I think I like I kept disappearing and reappearing in places because you were like already somewhere and all of a sudden I would just like show up next to you because it was like the computer was like, yeah, let's just, you know, get her over there. I think it actually, I think what it did, cause that was Halo that did that, Halo would teleport you. Yeah, that's right. I think it slowed me down and made you go faster, which was great, which I'm sure was helpful. Oh my gosh. It was, you know, I have to say, your, your, your dad said, I remember your dad being like, I think this is the most I've ever heard either of you laugh, like ever. Um. Uh, and it was, I think, one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life, but I have to say that that is 100 percent because you were willing to deal with that. Like, there are lots of kids that if you were playing a video game with them and you weren't, like, keeping up, They'd be like, what the heck? You know, and they'd be like really upset. But you thought it was hilarious. Oh, I love co op stuff and I will play co op stuff with anyone. And it's just cause it's like the best time that you can have. Like, I don't, I think with me when it's PVP, which is player versus player. So like multiplayer games like call of duty or apex legends, um, stuff like that, where you're fighting other players. That's what I'm like, I get competitive because you know, I'm playing against other people. I want to be up on the scoreboard. I want to do really well. Sure. But even then, I more so play solo than I do as like a team. So then I don't, I also don't get mad at our teammates. Right. Um. So you just do your own thing. Yeah. Whatever, yeah. And, um, but, but co op, no matter who I'm playing with. It's just like, I will just join them in the fun because it is. And I, I definitely appreciate that about you, um, because you have, you, you've, multiple times you have, um, you've been like, well you played this game with me. I, actually I do remember we did stream. We streamed Halo. Halo for a little bit, and I remember the first time your friends were getting a kick out of it, because I kept falling down staircases and falling off the screen and, um, yeah, they're like, where'd your mom go? Yeah, it was really funny because we started with the very first Halo game. Oh, yeah. 2001, Halo, Combat Evolved. Yeah. Which Every, even, so there's certain points where there are checkpoints, and if you hit a checkpoint, whoever isn't the player that hit the checkpoint gets teleported. Even if you were two steps away from hitting the checkpoint yourself, you'd still get teleported. And sometimes it would, there are certain missions where you had to go one way, but then Like, either in the next mission, or later in that mission, you had to go back the same direction you went. Uh huh. But it kept, but it keeps the teleportation of you facing the original direction. Okay, so I remember you would be, so we would be going back through the mission that we already went through and it would teleport you facing the other direction and you'd just walk off. Yes. I'd be like, you gotta remember that we're going the opposite way now. I did get better though with that game. I got better with, because I drove the, uh What are they called? Hogs? The Warthogs. Yeah, I drove those a couple times and I got better. She actually got really good at sniping, being a sniper. Did you? Thanks, great. Don't you remember that? I did like a really good job with the sniper rifle. It was like the only thing I was good at. I don't remember much of us playing Halo, to be honest. Oh, that makes me sad. That hurts, man. But didn't we also play like, weren't they like, remastered versions? So we actually like, started with the first one and it And that one had better graphics than, like, the third one or something like that. It was the second one, because they hadn't made a remastered version of the third game yet. They still haven't. Um. Yeah, it felt like, going backwards, I was so annoyed with it. I was like, ugh, this is terrible. Like, why is this so much worse than, um. Yeah, because the second game, they remastered it when Halo 5 came out. And that was the period of time when Halo was, like, Dumping a bunch of money into cinematics. And so what it was is that the game itself didn't look great, but then the cinematics were like, looks like live action. Yeah. TV show. I do remember those being pretty. Oh yeah. Actually, did you watch the Halo TV show? Yeah, it was terrible. Actually, I, I watched one episode and it was so bad. I couldn't bear to watch any more of it. Oh wow, that's saying something. There's actually a lot of, this is kind of a segue, but um, There's actually, aren't there like a lot of video game, like usually movies. Adaptations. Usually movies, not TV shows. Um, I think, think The Last of Us was amazing. Oh, The Last of Us was great. That is, okay, so here's my thing. I think video games, video game companies need to stop giving rights to make adaptations. I think they need to go the Star Wars route and make things that are canon instead of making, like, doing the exact same thing but in a movie form or in a TV show form. You know Because It's, it's just almost never good. Like, there's always something lackluster about it. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that's what I hear. What did you, what, what do you think of some other ones? Like, where, where were some? So, Tomb Raider, bad. Oh, yeah, Tomb Raider was one. Uncharted, bad. I heard that was terrible. Okay, so here's the thing. Uncharted is a good movie if you've never played the video games Uncharted before. Oh, I've never played the video games. Maybe I'll watch it. Yeah. I mean, I love Tom Holland. Yeah, okay. Here's the thing. Tom Holland is not Nathan Drake. Hmm. But I've heard that that Uncharted is one of Tom Holland's all time favorite video games and that Nathan Drake is one of his. Yeah, so this was like a passion project of his. So it's one of those things where I'm like, Could you have just like directed it but not like Oh right, have been Nathan Drake. Who do you think would have made a good Nathan Drake? I don't know. I mean, I've seen you play bits of it, but I've never played it myself. Um, I do kind of see, like, he seems a little bit more debonair than Tom Holland. I, uh, I think Sorry, Tom Holland, I love you. I think it's because Nathan Drake comes off as, uh, way more experienced and stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And Tom, Tom Holland played a very, like, I don't know what I'm doing type character. Oh, okay. So it didn't It didn't make any sense. They did have some video game nods in there that was kind of cool, like something that's popular in Uncharted games is you pick up an item, and you're holding it, and instead of just turning it over in your hand, you literally like flip your, your hand the other way, so your hand is like on the other side of where it was to look at the back of something, and every time that he picks and inspects something, he does that exact thing. Oh, really? So there's like a couple That's interesting. There's a couple video game nods like that, and they do that for all the adaptations. Yeah. Like, there were a couple video game nods in Halo. It was just so utterly shit besides that that I couldn't watch it anymore. Disappointing. Sorry. I know they did. I really hated the Halo adaptation. I can tell. I hear they did World of Warcraft. Right? Didn't they? I don't know. Oh, Sonic. Sonic was fun. Sonic was good. I did like Sonic. I really liked Sonic. I really was surprised at how much I enjoyed the Sonic movie. The, the thing is, I think for, I think for the Nintendo stuff, it works better because Nintendo a lot of the time just kind of recreates stuff anyways. And so I think doing adaptations of Nintendo stuff makes more sense. Cause it's a lot more cartoony and it's a lot more like, um. They've, they've already made, like, a bunch of different remakes of the thing. So Mario made sense, Sonic makes sense. Did you see Super Mario Brothers? Um, yes I did. You did? Was, was it good? I haven't seen it yet. It was, it was funny. It was, it was pretty good. I, they shouldn't go for a celebrity cast. They need to stop going for celebrity cast for stuff because Chris Pratt is not a Mario. Yeah, that seemed like a strange casting to me. It was, it was very weird. He was the only one speaking or like with an American accent in an Italian family. Everyone else at the table was speaking Italian and he was speaking, or not speaking in Italian, but speaking in an Italian accent. That was weird. Did you, did you see the original live action one from like the 80s or 90s? Not sure I want to. I've seen clips of it. Yeah, because memes have been made of it, but yeah. I don't remember much about it. But the thing is, like, Halo is still making games that are part of canon and everything like that. Like, they've been expanding the lore and whatnot. So why, if they're making a Halo game, why don't they just make a TV show? That's about someone else somewhere else in the Halo universe and like make it canon because that would be so cool Interesting because people are always like I want to know more about this thing in the lore I want to know more about this thing in the lore But since Master Chief doesn't go there, you don't you don't learn it and so then they can make TV shows that are the lore Yeah Speaking of I heard that they might do a prequel Last of Us with Is it Bill? The guy who played Ron Swanson played Oh, like a TV show or a Yeah, a TV show about I don't know if I'd be interested in that to be honest with you. Well, it's something I heard might happen. I can understand maybe a short film but like they already pretty much summed it up in that one episode. Yeah. One thing I'm really looking forward to as well is Fallout is coming out with a In world TV show, so it's, it's canon, it's not an adaptation. Okay, okay. Um, and that would be super cool, because Fallout games are really beloved, and Honestly, there's so many Cause the idea is, you know, you went into this vault that is owned by a company. Mm hmm. And so they're all over the U. S. And so every game takes place at just a different vault at a different location. Mmm, and that's it. And so I love that they're then just taking that same thing and just making it into a TV show But it's gonna be at a different vault at a different location You know, I do like, um, like Wreck It Ralph Was about a video game, but that video game doesn't actually like it didn't exist before the Wreck It Ralph Oh, I'm sure it does now. Yeah, I'm sure it does. Um But I like like that movie took like bits and pieces of other games and like I like when they do Do that like pixels had oh my god You know the different like like had a giant pac man and you know pixels was such a horribly great movie Horribly great is a pretty good Pretty good word for it. There's I had some issues with it, but there are parts that were funny But yeah things where it's like it's entertaining to watch just Don't watch it more than once. That's true. Um, oh, and then there's the movies about, like, the making of the games, like Tetris. Like, that was Oh yeah, Tetris was a great movie. That was really good. That was a really good movie. That was a really good movie. Yeah. Um, I'd be interested in seeing, there's a TV series that's like, um, like the History, uh, it's a catchy, it's a catchy name, but it's basically like the history of different things. And they have lots of different histories of different board games and stuff like that. And I'd be interested in maybe seeing like The history of some of these video games, or maybe like a video game, like, how did things evolve over time, you know? I'm sure there's a documentary about that somewhere. Um, the problem that I always have with that stuff is that for some reason, I think it's just because of the production time, none of those things touch on modern stuff at all. They always go, they always end at like early 2000s era and don't even talk about like some of the most popular games from the early 2000s era. Mm hmm and Because it's always about It's always about the The game that people know about So right. Yeah, it's always about Mario, right? Or it's always about Call of Duty, and I'm sure pretty soon all of them are going to be about Fortnite. I wonder if some of them are going to talk about the other stuff that has been around. I wonder if any of that has to do with like proprietary, like maybe current games, like they don't want to talk too much about their stuff. I don't know. It does feel like they could easily do something about like current video games and Yeah, they yeah, they never talked about that stuff I don't know why because I there's so many documentaries I've seen where they're like but games still haven't done this yet And I'm like I could point to four examples at least. Oh, yeah, and Interesting or like we're like but games don't don't match what this game was and I was like in sales, maybe Mmm, I see what you're saying Like I've seen stuff talked about Call of Duty and about how it's like this Huge top of the line game, and I'm like, you clearly aren't in the video game industry because Call of Duty is not a good game at all. I've heard really good things about Red Dead Redemption. Red Dead Redemption is really good. I That seems like one of the higher It's not It's not really on my list of things that I like. But I can at least admire it for what it is, which is, it's, it has a really good story and it has really interesting mechanics. It's just not my game. I hear it, I hear that one, um, a lot of, like, older video game players, like, um, my, my generation and older millennials, like, seem to really like Red Dead Redemption. I think it's because it's got, it's got a bit of an older feel to some of it, which is nice. Well, I'm sure there's different things that appeal to different generations just as like a baseline. You know? But even in general, Red Dead Redemption is pretty widely acclimated, or acclimated? Acclaimed, um, for every generation. Like everyone just loves Red Dead Redemption 2. Yeah. Um. And that's, that's one thing is like, Rockstar Games does not come out with games often, but they always make really popular games. Oh yeah? Cause Grand Theft Auto 5 is still going, and they just only announced, I don't even know how many years later, it's been at least a decade I think, since GTA 5 came out and they just announced GTA 6. Um. And so they, they come out with games few and far between, but they're always massive hits. Did Rockstar Games make the game Rockstar? I don't, I don't know actually. Um, maybe. I mean that was, that was what started to get me back into video games was Rockstar. Um, and man, were you good at the drums, even though you were so young, but you were really good at doing those drums. I say that, that sounds familiar. Oh man, I really enjoyed it. That was, there, there are different like little periods of my life I can look back at and be like, that was a super fun, you know, year or six months or something. And like when that first came out and then we had friends over playing it and oh my gosh, that was just, that was a blast. They did Max Payne, which is also very popular. I've heard of that. Oh my gosh, I'm still scrolling. Okay, well apparently they have a lot of games. Well, even if, they came out with an Italian job game? Really? Yeah. Huh. I've always heard there's going to be a sequel to that, but I've never seen it come out. Sad. Yeah. That was a great movie. Nope, they did not do Rockstar. That's kind of funny. Rockstar Games did not make Rockstar the game. But, yeah. Yeah. Well. Oh, it's, it's called Rock Band, not Rockstar. Oh, you're right. It is called Rock Band. I was like, that doesn't sound right. As I was saying it, it's funny because as I was saying it, I was like, that does not sound even like the right name, but I know like the rock part was what I was getting caught up. You're right. Rock Band was, was that, um, what was the one? Oh, Guitar Hero. Guitar Hero, yeah. That was like what preceded Rock Band. Um. Right? Guitar Hero came first, right? I don't know. I'm pretty sure it did. Uh, yeah. No, I, I love, I mostly love story games. Yeah, I know. I think that's something that, that you would probably mostly like as well. Like, I think that's why I always want to Play it with other people and especially you since you always appreciate a good story as well. Yeah, yeah, and so there's there's like a couple games that's like have really hit me emotionally and so like I just want gosh Yeah, I remember you there was one You were playing and you were like, I actually cried. And I was like, what? There's been multiple games that have done that for me now. But there was one I feel like that was particularly like with like the, there was like a death of a pet that was part of it or something. I think it was Ghost of Tsushima because I think the, cause spoiler warning for Ghost of Tsushima, but your horse dies at some point. Cause like you're. You think you've won the game, and then all of a sudden you have to escape an area, and then as you're escaping, your horse gets shot with multiple arrows, but you keep going, like, the horse keeps going and, like, saves your life, basically, but then you wake up and your horse has, like, collapsed and is dead, and I was like, oh my gosh. You know what's really interesting? I still remember the horse's name. The horse's name was Kage. Aww. It means shadow in Japanese. You know, And it was a white horse. It's really That makes me think, like, I mean, you play all these games, right, where people are, like, dying constantly, right? But then you're like, the horse! And, like And, like, I find that I do that so often in movies. I'm, like, more upset if somebody kills someone's dog. Well, okay. You know? I get upset in general over A lot of different characters. Uh huh. It's not always just pets. Mm hmm Like if someone's pet dies, but they didn't really like Give a whole thing, then it doesn't affect me still. Yeah, but like even stuff like Titanfall 2 this is also spoilers for Titanfall 2, but You in Titanfall you play as a regular human that has like an advanced Like suit that allows you to like move fast and and use a jump pack and stuff to Get around and so you move very fast in the game But then you can also call down this like mech that you can get inside of that has its own personality and stuff And so throughout the game you really bond with this mech during the story and then the Mech has this saying where it's like, it's like protocol one is to finish the mission and protocol two is something else. I don't remember. And protocol three is to protect the pilot. And so there's one scene where he gets really badly damaged, but you need to like, um, like shoot this, uh, thing into the core. And, um, it's, like, attached to your mech, so you have to send the mech to basically, like, to its death. And you go in with the mech, since it's so damaged and stuff, and you're inside of it. And it's starting to wake up as you send it out, and it starts going through the protocols, and then it says, Protocol 3, protect the pilot, and he grabs you out of it, like, Throws you out before he blows up, and I was like, oh my gosh! Yeah, it's, it is, it is interesting. Like, It's making me tear up now just thinking about it. Well, one of the reasons that that dichotomy came to my head was because I started watching Fargo, the TV show. And I actually started watching it this season because my parents were watching it when we were in Pennsylvania and they're like, do you want to watch it with us? And I was like, yeah, I've never seen the show. Sure. And I got hooked on this season, which is incredibly good. And so I was like, You know, I'll go back and watch the other seasons, right? So I started watching season one it's not nearly as good as this season, but Like four people are already dead Right, but spoilers if you have not seen Fargo season one there's this scene where you know, he walks up to a house and then you see The guy who's murdering people walks up to a house and like this dog comes out and I'm like, Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. And then he kills the dog, you know? And I'm sitting here and I'm going, all right, four people have already died so far in this show. And I'm like, Oh yeah, this guy kills people. And then I'm like, not the dog. Dog, and I was like so upset about the dog. That one of, I don't think that, I think it's mostly when it's a companion of your, of the character you're playing. That's when it gets me. Yeah, and I can see that, I mean, and I would imagine the same would be if there was a human companion, but I have this like visceral response to people harming animals, and I'm just like, sound like Shelby. Yeah, and I'm just like, why, why do I not have that same visceral response to like, you know, the murdering of people? So that's probably just my deficiency. I know. I think that's how it is for a lot of people. Um, I think there's a representation on the screen where like you kind of feel like, um, certain people, and this is terrible. This is what leads to so many bad things. I think bad thoughts in life is like people have done something to deserve it in a way, but like. uh, a pet or a child, they're innocent. Right. And so like that feels worse, um, than, you know, someone who you feel like, Oh, well. They kind of did something bad and they deserved it or whatever, you know. Which, unfortunately, I think a lot of these TV shows, especially like police procedurals and things like that, lead to us feeling like it's okay to treat criminals this way or whatever, because they did something bad and like Oh gosh, don't watch The Punisher. Don't watch The Punisher? Oh God. Probably, probably not. But that's a whole, that's a whole discussion for another day. Um, I have strong opinions about what police procedurals have done to our concept of law and order in this society. No pun intended on the use of law and order. Anyway, so yeah, video games. Uh, if, definitely if there's someone that's willing to try a video game, one, you need to stay open minded if, like, they don't play video games at all, but it is a super fun experience if you let it be a super fun experience. Yes, and it's also a super fun experience for the person learning, you know, like, I As long as they're open to it. Because there are some people that would just get frustrated if they can't pick up stuff. Yeah, but I would recommend if like you're a parent and your kid is like, let's do this thing, like, Try it, even if you are totally terrible at it, I promise you that will make it that much funnier. You know, and you're doing something with your kid to connect with them, and yeah, it's, if it's anything like my experience playing A Way Out, it will be one of the most enjoyable. And pick one of your favorite things, too. Don't be like, oh, well, I want her to, or I want them to play this game so that way they get into video games a little bit, so then they can play, like, my favorite game or something. No, just play your favorite game with them because that'll make it way better. Yeah, and, yeah, I think you'll find, you know, you'll be surprised by, I didn't think I'd be interested in it, but I'd really say try, try one of the, uh I don't remember what company does it, but A Way Out and It Takes Two are from the same company. Oh, are they? Oh yeah, because we played It Takes Two, too. Yeah. Yeah, that was fun. I'd say choose one of their games, because they always do those cooperation games, and I don't know if they're coming out with any more in the future, but those games are definitely good games to, like, especially with someone who might be new to games or something like that. Hazel Light Studios. Yes. then those are like the perfect games. Cooperation games are, are the best. Yeah, yeah. Well that's, now you know what, that's a fair point because we played, we only played cooperation games. Yeah. Really. Yeah. Um, at least on video games, we only played cooperation games, and I think that's probably what added to it being an enjoyable experience, because I wasn't trying to compete against you. I mean, we did play some Mario Kart at other times, but. Yeah, right now, Shelby and I are playing Borderlands together, and that has been really funny as well. Yeah. And we're just like, we're having a good time with it and stuff, so. Yeah. So. Yeah. Well. Enter my realm, play more video games. It's fun, I promise. Uh, alright. Well, I think we're getting to that time. Yep. Welp. Welp. Ow. I kicked the table. Time to go.