So...How Was Your Day?

23. So...STAR WARS!

Tana Schiewer Episode 23

Join us as we talk ALL THINGS STAR WARS! Malcolm is in the middle of a rewatch, so he has a LOT to say. Plus, we think we may have uncovered the point of Jar Jar Binks.

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Hello. Hello. How is your, uh, how was your week? It


was good. I've been watching a lot of, uh, Star Wars, so it's been fun. Oh, yeah. We watched the, uh, original trilogy this past week because we've, we're going through Star Wars chronologically, and so we just, we finished Rebels, uh, we watched Andor within, like, two or three days, um, and then we watched Rogue One and A New Hope back to back since they, like, since they take place. So, they go into each other, kinda? Yeah. Yeah. Um, and then, uh


Wait, okay, quick question. How long after Rogue One does A New Hope take place? Like It's, like, instant. I thought so, because I thought they'd just finished building it, right? Like, that was kind of the idea, like, they just built this Death Star. It's not like the Death Star had been around for


10 years. Yeah, because they, at the end of Rogue One, they transmit the Death Star plans to Leia's ship. Oh, that's right! And then A New Hope starts off with Darth Vader capturing


Leia's ship. Oh, dang. Okay, yeah, that is, like, right. I forgot. I haven't seen it in a while, so I forgot that that's what happens. Spoiler alert!


It's been around for a while.


You have only yourself to blame. It's like when I totally spoiled Harry Potter for your aunt and uncle. Like, they had never read the books, and they had never watched the movies. And I didn't realize that, and they mentioned Harry Potter, and I was like, Well, you know, blah blah blah, and I'm not I don't know, maybe I'll still spoil it for someone, so I won't say anything. But I said something that basically takes place in, like, the last movie, and they were like, And I was like, Oh crap. Anyway,


that's funny. I felt bad. Um, yeah, I was just, I was really surprised how much, I mean, it's not necessarily world building, but, uh, George Lucas really just like through random planets or creatures or something out there. Um, Like, name wise. Uh huh. And, um, so I think one of the first ones that was mentioned in A New Hope.


What is she doing? The cat is sitting at the window and she's doing that, like, chittering thing that cats do. Yeah, where they don't. Quite meow because there's birds. There's but it is freaking adorable and I wish we could show anyone who's listening


Yes, we're talking about you papi But anyways Um, one of the first planets that they mentioned, and you know, since we had, we have been watching this like all the way from Phantom Menace. Uh huh. You know, we, we've actually learned about some of these planets and stuff now that I didn't even realize were mentioned in the original trilogy. Well, that's probably why they named it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But like at one point they like mentioned possibly having like C 3PO's worried or something that they would have to go work at like the spice mines in Kessel. Oh, yeah. This was like 10 minutes in. Into a new hope and, um, I might be getting that a little bit mixed up. Someone definitely mentioned Spice Minds of Kessel, but, but like you find out like during like the Clone Wars and stuff that there's like a syndicate that owns Kessel and that runs something called Spice out of it. Yeah. And I was like, Oh my God, they're referencing stuff that doesn't even exist yet. So cool. Yeah. Or like, uh. When Luke gets all messed up and, uh, because Hoth is scary, um, Han said that, like, you're, you're gonna be strong enough that you could rip the ears off of a Gundark and, like, The Gundarks are in the Clone Wars TV show and stuff like that is like when you're watching. You don't know what a Gundark is Yeah, and so he was just like throwing random stuff I don't know if he had actually like an idea of what they were, but he was really just like throwing stuff. Sure Yeah, and it was and it was almost like they were referencing the previous stuff that you know Hadn't come out yet, obviously because these were the original movies. Yeah, and it was just it was really cool seeing how that What has been, like, expanded. I thought it was, I think it's super awesome and smart.


It's, it's gotta be also interesting because these things are coming out at all random times, so they watch them in sequence. You're like, oh, good CGI, bad CGI, you know, or


I think clearer video, you know, whatever. The original trilogy actually holds up pretty well, because George Lucas, I mean, is a genius in film, and he, like, a lot of his practical effects and everything look better than some CGI stuff does. Like, some of the, the creatures in


Well, they're kind of like, they're puppets, and you can tell that they're puppets, kind of. Sometimes.


Some of it's just, like, good prosthetics or makeup. No, that's true.


That's true. Yeah,


but like there's some things in the Mandalorian show Uh huh The same creatures that were in the Mandalorian show would look worse than the ones that were in a new hope Oh, and they were the same creature and it's like, how do you even I was like one that's kind of sad Yeah, I was like you should Know better or do better if the original trilogy is better looking aliens than this show that came out a few years ago, right? But yeah I mean, it holds up really well. Like, some of the aliens look better in the original trilogy than in a lot of the other movies or shows. You


know, yeah, I haven't watched them in a long time, but just like, kind of thinking back, I remember re watching it at some point and not thinking, Oh my gosh, this is so terrible. You know what I mean? Like, I don't remember ever thinking that. Um, I'm thinking more just so in terms of like, the quality of like, the camera. You know, like the


HD kind of? I think, cause, uh, over time Lucasfilm has re upped it. Like they've, they've, they like do a little bit of, um, makeup on it and then they re post it. Oh, um. They do the same thing with Marvel movies too. And that way the movie always looking better and better. The thing that I, that drags it down is the sound. Uh, okay. Cause it's really hard to fix sound quality that's, that's really old like that. Um, and so it's like some more echoey sound and, you know, it sounds like people are further away from the mics because they are. Like the mics aren't as good as picking up people's voices directly. Right. Um.


Yeah, um, I do remember thinking though, I remember, gosh this is hard because, A New Hope, I think, came out like the year after I was born. 1977. I mean, it came out like seven years before I was born. 1977,


1980, and 1983. They're all three years apart.


Alright, so 1983. Okay, but I remember, I mean, gosh, pfft. My brother had So many Star Wars things, and it was still an obsession, like, way after they came out. You know what I mean? Yeah. Um, and I feel like I remember conversations about people talking about how, um, how, like, innovative some of the, like, the sounds were, like, how they would go out and find different sounds to put together to make like the like a speeder sound you know going by or like whatever.


I did notice that they reuse sounds a lot though. Oh yeah. Um, Empire Strikes Back especially they used the the Adat stepping sound. Uh, for everything. Like, it was, it was almost getting annoying. Like, it was, like, when Luke crashes his ship into the Dagobah Swamp, it makes the sound of the, of the Adat stomping. Wow, you're much more observant than I am. Um, I've gotten very good at sound, like, noticing sound stuff, but. Cause there's a lot of stuff that you to, bleh. I caught it on my tongue. Use it! Uh, that uses Star Wars sound effects. Cause there's a lot of shows, you know, that aren't Disney or something. That I'll hear like, the blaster sound from an AT AT or something like that. Or I'll hear some sound effect that I know is from another show or movie or something. Or the, uh, the Wilhelm scream. Yes. Which is in everything. Yeah. Which, um, if people don't know, explain what that is. The Wilhelm scream, I'm not exactly sure how it originated. I think it was just this actor that


Yeah, I actually read recently on it, but I can't, I can't remember either, but, um, I think, I think it was named by, like, the person who made The scream


basically it just became like a free use scream that they could insert into movies and it just, it just was in everything then.


Okay, so it was made from original, wow, originally 1951 movie Distant Drums, where a soldier is bitten and dragged underwater by an alligator. And that's, that's, that, the screams for that scene is what became known as the Wilhelm scream. Wilhelm scream. It doesn't say, no, it wasn't like, the actor was a different person, so it wasn't, that's not the reason why it was named Wilhelm. So, um, but, uh, Okay, here, see, I knew it had something to do with Star Wars. Okay. The Wilhelm scream became iconic in popular culture when motion picture sound designer Ben Burtt, who had come across the original recording on a studio archive sound reel, incorporated it into the scene in Star Wars in which Luke Skywalker shoots a stormtrooper off a ledge. Yep. And that's honestly how, how I always remember it as, um.


I could have sworn Boba Fett did it too when he was shot into the Satellite Pit, but he doesn't. No, he doesn't. We just watched Return of the Jedi last night,


yeah. Oh, um, by the way, found this. Bert, that sound designer, named the scream after Private Wilhelm, a minor character from The Charge in Feather River who appears to omit the scream and adopted it as his personal sound signature. Like this is my scream. And then I'm trying to remember what, what it was, but there was one where somebody did like It was like a Wilhelm scream on top of a Wilhelm scream and it was like Wilhelm scream inception or something like that. But it's so funny because it's so recognizable now. It is,


it is. Um, I think maybe less so now because, you know, as sound, uh, I don't really know. Like sound production has become more complex. People don't use as much. Um, what's it called? Stock? Yeah. They don't use as much, like, other people's stuff anymore.


That's, you know, and there's, there was a movie called, I think it was Dragonheart, that had beautiful soundtrack and then all of a sudden I would hear parts of that soundtrack in other movies and, like, TV shows and stuff. Yeah. I've never, like, at least it sounded that way to me. I've never really, like, tracked it down. But I was always just interested, I was like why do I keep hearing this same orchestral, you know, piece and everything, but, yeah,


anyway. Yeah, I, I love Star Wars though. It's, I'm so excited to be watching The Mandalorian again. Cause, I think I've watched the, I think I've watched the first season a couple times now, cause I think I've watched the first season. And then I, um, watched it again when the second season came out. Uh huh. And maybe I watched both of the seasons again when the third season came out, I'm not sure. It is such an easy show for me to just sit down and re watch, cause it is It's so good. It's one of the most brilliant pieces of Star Wars ever. Yes, yes. I'm so happy it exists. Yeah. Um Man, I, we, we also watched the, uh, the season one trailer last night, uh, mostly because Shelby didn't want to watch the first episode and I was really dying to at least get a glimpse. So I watched the trailer, um, and they do not, I forgot that they did not mention at all That Grogu was in it. Yeah, I know. That was, that was such a surprise. And so when seeing him, I was like, Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.


Right. I mean, that was the whole thing, right? Like, I mean, it was, it was, everyone was like, cool, Mandalorian. All right. Awesome. And then you watch the first episode and at the end, it reveals like the bounty he's looking for is like little baby Yoda and people are like, Oh my


God. And it's either the season finale. Or, so spoilers, um, or season two that they have the Darksaber. Oh, yeah, yeah, and that as well was a huge like, oh my gosh. Yeah, like that is crazy. It really sucks. I don't think they're doing any more Mandalorian after the movie comes out. What? Yeah, Jon Favreau's making a Mandalorian movie, and then I think that's the end of the Mandalorian. Whaaaaat? There's like, There's like, like three or four video games in production. There are six movies in production. There's, uh, oh, you know what what it was? It was, um, I think there's only a couple games in production. I think it was also TV shows that it was showing. So I think it was showing like the video games, TV shows, and movies that are coming out in the next year. Or next couple years, like by the end of 2025. Um, the new Star Wars Outlaws game doesn't look terribly interesting to me, but the, uh, Star Wars Jedi games have been so good that I'm really hoping it's good. Um, do you ever watch Gotham? I


watched some episodes of


it. Do you ever see the episode that was like, the origin of the Joker? Mmmmm. Oh. I was just saying that actor is who plays the Jedi, Cal Kestis, in the video games that have been coming out recently.


Did you hear that Carl Weathers died? Who's Carl Weathers? He's the guy who played the head of the bounty hunter guild in The Mandalorian. Oh. That's sad. Yeah. I wonder who they'll get to replace him for the movie. He might


just not be in the movie. I mean, he's just, he's just running the town now. Yeah, that's true,


but he was in, yeah, a lot. But, sad, I liked him.


I liked him too. He gave me very Lando vibes. Yeah.




Uh, like I'm only just now realizing that after watching the original trilogy, I'm like the way that he like carries himself. Yeah. Kind of feels, but I mean, I guess they're both like mayors of a city or town, so. Wow. I haven't seen. Or a scoundrel turned mayor.


Scoundrel. Yes. I love that. That's like a class of. person in the Star Wars universe. It


has! Like seriously, there's, uh, like when anytime that there's any like classification lists in Star Wars, whether that's in like a video game or it's like on the wiki or something, there's always like there's the Jedi, there's the Sith, there's scoundrels, there's pirates. Isn't Han Solo


technically a scoundrel? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


Um. Yeah. Yeah. I. It's really interesting because we're done watching all of the old stuff now, it's only the newer stuff that we have to watch, which is very interesting. Like that, that has Oh, you


got through up to Return of the no, Imperialist Raceback,


wait. We finished Return of the Jedi yeah. Um, and I was looking through and I was like, oh my gosh, there's no like, older stuff that took place after Return of the


Jedi. Well, they didn't really, I mean, it was those three movies for the longest time. There was like no TV shows. No. Well, there was, you know, was those three


movies and then like 15 to 20. I'm not sure when a fan of Meis came out. I wanna say 2001. I wanna say 2001, but I'm pretty sure eventually the STH came out. 2003. Oh no, I think Attacked the clones came out 2000. I'm


pretty sure. I'm confused. Oh, wait, no, no, no, no. It had to have come out before 2000. No, it was 1999. Yep. Because, uh, your dad and I were still living in Harrisburg. I'm pretty


sure instead of three years apart, they came out two years apart. And it was Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones 2001, and then Revenge of the Sith 2003.


I remember people being like, oh my gosh, there's more Star Wars. And I remember specifically going to a theater in, um Uh, Camp Hill. Uh, how far apart did you say? Two years apart. Three for this one. 2002 was Attack of the Clones. I wanted to say that but I


was like, I feel like they're like, spread


out. What's the last


one? Revenge of the Sith. What do you mean what's the last one? It's like one of the best Star Wars movies.


2005. 2005? Oh my gosh.


Yeah. So it was three years apart again. Okay. Um. Yeah. And then after, after that they had the original Clone Wars, the Vintage Clone Wars, that then got Rec Conned into the newer animation of the Clone Wars, which I, I recently rewatched the vintage. Mm-Hmm. Clone Wars. That it is so fun to watch. Is it? Yeah. That's what you were gonna be like. It is so bad. Oh no. It is so good. It is so good. And I'm really glad that they like implemented a lot of the vintage Clone Wars into like the main Clone Wars show. Mm-Hmm. um. I didn't, yeah, we really had to, like, since the, I mean, the prequels came out, and then George Lucas wanted to tell so many stories between the prequels and the original trilogy that you have, like, you have the Clone Wars, which takes place during the prequels, um, and then you have, uh, you Um, now Bad Batch has been coming out, so Bad Batch is something you need to watch. Um, there is even the 7th season of Clone Wars that takes place during Revenge of the Sith. Uh There's so much stuff. They came out with Andor, which takes place before Rogue One. Well, obviously. Yeah. There's Rebels, uh, which is another like 5, or no, it's 4 seasons. Oh my god. Uh, that's about to start at the Rebellion. There's so


much stuff.


There's so much. There is so much. Uh, there's the Obi Wan show that just came out. Did


that just come out? I could have sworn that was out. A couple of years ago.


Yeah. Uh, I mean, and. And retrospect to like a new hope. Right, right, right.


Fair, but it's interesting how it was like those three movies alone for like the longest time and then there were three more movies and then after that it was like, Oh, it blew up into a franchise. Yeah. And now there's only, and I always wonder like what, what makes them decide to tell one story in animation versus a TV show versus a movie? You know what I mean? Like, yeah.


Why? Some of it is probably amount. It would probably be really hard to make a Clone Wars movie that takes place during the whole Clone Wars. Because the Clone Wars is like years on years on years and years. And so Uh, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith was like the beginning and the end of the Clone Wars. And so then they were like, let's have a show in the middle to, to do that. Yeah, there's something, after Disney Plus came out, there's something where they just like, really dumped into shows a lot. Uh, which is somewhat smart. Some of them don't really work in show format though. That's mostly been shown in like, Marvel. Marvel came out with a lot of stuff that a lot of people said don't work in show format. I said I don't care because I was getting more More Marvel, more quickly. Yeah, I was getting, uh, I was getting more time in Marvel because they were basically just like, I was fine with your fix I was fine with it being extended movies. Honestly, I don't know why people needed it to be episode format Like where something needed to happen and end in an episode. I don't know why people are very stuck on that idea of TV shows I think TV shows being a, like, a continuous movie is fine for me, because it still makes sense, the story still makes sense, you don't need to leave it on a cliffhanger for every single episode. Uh, but, that's just my opinion on that. But, Obi Wan was really good. Was


it? Yeah. I didn't watch Obi Wan.


Uh, it starts off a little slow, and a lot of people complain that, like, Obi Wan should be like better at combat and stuff and but he's also been living like alone for a very long time and he hasn't even like done anything with the force or his lightsaber in like 10 years since Revenge of the Sith and meanwhile Darth Vader had been going on a rampage across the galaxy killing everyone that was a force user. So, I think the difference made sense to me. And, Mandalorian was obviously very good. Book of Boba Fett was okay. It wasn't great, but it had fun references. I liked it. And it was, it was pretty solid, I would say. Ahsoka was amazing. Uh, Shelby's very excited to watch Ahsoka again now that she's watched Rebels. Because it's almost like a sequel to Rebels, because, uh, Ezra, Sokka, Thrawn, Sabine, all of them were Rebel characters, were Rebels characters. And so, a lot of, it was very much so a sequel that took place really far ahead in the future compared to Rebels. And we're not gonna watch the Star Wars Resistance show because that's, it's a kiddie show. Oh is it? It's really hard to watch. It is really, really hard to watch. I got through like one season. Is it animated? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, it's definitely, it's, it's a canon kiddie show and so it's really hard to watch. It like somewhat has some build up towards the sequels, but not enough for me to care to watch it. Hmm. Hmm. I'll watch it in the future probably, but Shelby definitely has no interest in it. So what are your opinion on the on the sequels? Because I know a lot of people


Do you mean the, uh, like The sequels or the first? Oh, okay. Um, I feel like I need to go watch them again Because I just don't really remember. Um, I, I remember there were, um, people who were really adamant about how, like, terrible. Like, you know, and I remember thinking, it wasn't that bad, you know? It's,


it's a mix for me, because there's a lot of, like, Cinematography stuff that was just bad. Like the one scene I showed you where like the imperial guards were just like respawning or they reused the same shot like on three different occasions in one fight. Yeah. Which you should not be doing in a multi million dollar movie that Is ending a trilogy.


You know, I, um, It's funny, I do not notice stuff in fight scenes because I get bored in fight scenes. I'm just like That's how Shelby is. I'm like, okay, they fight What's the conclusion of that fight? That's just what I want to know. My


favorite. My favorite thing in the scene that I showed you was just the Imperial Guards shooting straight into the ceiling for no fucking reason. Yeah, like,


what was the reason? That was funny, like, what, why? I mean, like,


who was in charge of these


fight scenes? You do, I mean, now that you point stuff like that out to me, I, like, I don't notice it, but, like, when, like, I do think, okay, why would, why would they have done that? Like, that doesn't make any sense. But, um, I just get I don't know. I just get so


bored. Or like when Kylo Red like uses the lightsaber behind his back and bends over and it like waits five seconds and then the person like looks like they purposely hit the lightsaber instead of aiming for any of the spots that he's not protecting with his lightsaber.


Yeah, like that. Um, I think that was sort of like a, oh, we're going to show his dexterity. Like he doesn't even have to look to like, but they didn't, they didn't make his turn and the hit. Fast enough. No. For that to be, it just looks like he's Like waiting. Yeah, it's weird.


The, I think that's the worst part for it for me I think the, I think a lot of the choreography in the movies just sucks And so that's what makes it so bad for a lot of people Hmm. A lot of, there is a lot of interesting stuff That they introduced in it that either didn't exist yet or was in the eu, which is the extended universe that, you know, like in 2015, Disney. Or I think it was like 2014, 2015, something like that. Disney, like, got rid of all of the, like, extra novels and comic books and video games and said they were not canon anymore so that way they could start fresh. Obviously except for, like, the Clone Wars. Show and the like main movies. Mm hmm But that way they could build it their own and that made sense because there were so many plot holes no matter how mad I am that some of those video games were so perfect and they're not canon anymore. It makes me very upset but anyways


I remember you really Really liking that one. The Force Unleashed. The Force Unleashed, that's what it


was. It does not make sense in Star Wars Canada at all, but it's a fucking amazing


video game. It's a great video game, yeah, yeah, I remember you really liking that. Um,


and, uh, the second one wasn't very good, but the first one was very good. I would love to see a show or something of Vader's Secret Apprentice.


Vader's Secret


Apprentice? That's what The Force Awakens, or The Force Awakens. That's what The Force Unleashed was about. It was the Jedi slash Sith that you were playing was Vader's secret apprentice that he was going to use to assassinate Palpatine. Oh. And so, that was a super interesting concept for me.


Oh, interesting. Yeah. Yeah, I can see that. Yeah.


But there was some really interesting stuff that came that was either introduced or reintroduced. For one thing, the planet that they used for Starkiller Base in Force Awakens was the main planet that the Jedi used to get their kyber crystals for their lightsabers. Okay. And, uh, did all their rituals and stuff to make a Padawan basically evolve into their next step. Uh, which you actually do get to see in Clone Wars. You get to see some of the Padawans go into the ice caves and, uh, find their kyber crystals, which gives them all sorts of, like, force visions and tests and stuff like that that they have to overcome. It's really interesting and it's really cool. But, um, you kind of discover that that's the planet that they used to make the Death Star. They would harvest out the, the crystals to make the laser for the Death Star. Oh. And that's why there's that huge trench going around the equator. And then instead of making another Death Star, they just turn the planet itself into another Death Star. And that's why it's so powerful, because it has all of those kyber crystals in it. Yeah, and so I thought that was really cool. I actually really, here's the thing, I'm very conflicted about The Force Awakens, because I think The Force Awakens is a very good movie. But I also agree with everyone that says that it's just a copy of, of A New Hope. Yeah.


So it's like Which in some ways isn't, like, surprising, I mean, stuff like that repeats all the time. I,


I like to think of it just as an ode to A New Hope, and so therefore it's okay. Especially since I like the characters. I like Poe Dameron. I much Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I much rather would have liked Finn to become a Jedi than Rey. Cause Rey was a, Rey was and still is a very boring character to me. And she's so like overconfident and it kind of annoys me. But, um, honestly, I do not


remember enough to remember her being


overconfident. I think that's what all of it was for me. I think almost like all of the main characters were overconfident. In the sequel trilogy, and that's just why I didn't, I wasn't super interested. But I really liked Finn as a character, uh, And from what I, from what I heard, John Boyega also thought that he was going to Like, have a much bigger role in Star Wars than he ended up, he ended up doing.


Yeah, it did feel like Yeah


Then they kind of screwed him over like I think with the with the last second rewrite they kind of pushed him out. Really? Yeah, and So it was really sad Yeah, there was just a lot of stuff like that that just slowly builds up and that's why I don't like the sequel trilogy But, there's also the dyad, which is an interesting concept where there's two force users that are, have a very similar and strong connection to the force and to each other. That they're significantly more powerful when they're near each other. And that was Rey and Kylo Ren. I figured, yeah. Yeah. And that concept I actually really like. I think that's really cool. And I think it needs to be expanded on more, because they didn't really explain it very well. And, uh, in the sequels, and I also just didn't really like Kylo Ren as a villain either, so it was all just


like, Yeah, yeah, I actually was thinking about rewatching them because I just really don't remember what I, I remember, a lot of times what happens with me with these movies is I can't completely follow the, the lore, like, Because you're in a completely fantasy universe and they're like, this is happening and that's happening. And they don't always. They explain everything. They did


a lot of really cool Force stuff, but they didn't really talk about it at all, so it just kind of like happened, and then you're like, okay.


Yeah, yeah, and, and that's, I just, I hate that. I hate there's certain movies that I go to, and I'm just like, I'm so confused. I have no idea what's going on. And then other people are like, this is happening, and I'm like, really? I, how do you know that? I, I


also understand that they try to do the whole, like, Luke Skywalker and Yoda connection. Way, where, um, it was supposed to be that Luke Skywalker is supposed to be similar to Yoda in the sequels, like where he's on his own, like, distant planet and there's that like special dark side well that is like, allows you to test. You, basically. And, um, That the, the planet itself, I guess, is supposed to be imbued with more force. And I think the idea of that in the original trilogy was that since Dagobah is so, like, full of life and everything like that, that's why the force is so strong there. And then this was, like, A planet that was mostly water with a bunch of islands on it. Oh yeah. And that was really confusing. It was like this very pretty planet, and it was like, yeah, but there's just like a dark side well here, and there's like, it just felt so off. Yeah. So I know they didn't want to copy it again, like they did with Forest Awakens, but the connection just didn't Make sense to me


very much. What's very interesting to me, I mean, what would be interesting to me would be to examine, like, different generations reactions to, um, to the movies. Like, I'm betting that younger people, like younger, younger, if they watched, um, uh, episode one, Probably loved Jar Jar Binks. Heh, probably. You know what I mean? But all the rest of us were like, what? I love Jar Jar


Binks just because of how stupid he is.


Heheheheh. Um, but yeah, I would just be kind of curious, like, what's the different reaction, like, your generation versus my


generation? Do you want to know a little tidbit? This is also a bit of a spoiler for The Mandalorian. I think it's like season three spoiler, so. But you know how they had the scene where Grogu was being escorted out of the Jedi Temple when the purge started?


Uh, no. I don't remember that. You don't remember


that? No. It was a whole scene about them escorting Grogu out of the Jedi Temple and they were getting him out of there and everything like that. Who was? The Jedi. There was like five Jedi protecting Grogu's little capsule and was getting him to a ship and was like fighting all these clone troopers and everything. Huh. You don't remember this? I do not.


I don't know why I don't remember


this. Well, one of the Jedi Okay, well first of all, there was some voice lines that were thrown here and there that made it sound like there was a Gungan senator. Oh. That helped get the ship to get Grogu out of there. Uh huh. And the last Jedi standing that saved Grogu is the actor who plays Jar Jar Binks. So a lot of people are like, everyone's pretty sure that Jar Jar is the one that saved Grogu. Oh,


that's interesting. Um, it's like George Lucas is like, I swear he has a purpose.


Well, this is Jon Favreau, but yeah. Right, right, right. Yeah. There is a point to Jar Jar. There is a point to Jar Jar. He's actually great in the Clone Wars. Um, he's still derpy, his derpy self, but he does have a lot of, yeah, cool storylines, but yeah, that was just a little. Sorry, you continue with your I do


not remember that. Did I watch the season 3 of Mandalorian? Yes, I did. Yeah. I did. I do not remember.


Dang. It was a really good scene. It's, it's very rare that you get scenes of the Purge, and so getting that scene was very cool. Especially live action scenes of the Purge.


What? It just sounds like you're talking about like footage, news footage. It's very rare you can find eyewitness accounts.


Cause there's like, there's other stuff in like video games or show, or like animated shows and stuff. And so it's, it's rare that you get to see the clone troopers and such in live action besides Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. So. Mm. Mm.


Mm. Yeah. Wow. Clearly, I need to watch it again. I don't remember things very well, I guess. But


yeah, there's, there was definitely, like you were saying, the thing where, uh, people who watched the original trilogy didn't like the prequels when they came out. And then now, like my generation didn't like the sequels when they came out. Right. Now that we're used.


Right. So it's curious, I, I, yeah, I don't know.


I think I, I think I'm pretty in the middle, cause I like the whole original trilogy. A New Hope is kind of lacking, but it's still pretty decent. Uh, and then I only really like, like one movie from each, from like the prequels and from each set of three? Cause I, I love Revenge of the Sith. Revenge of the Sith might be my favorite Star Wars movie. Force Awakens I thought was, I thought was pretty good, and I liked the characters and stuff, but, uh, I still think the movie could have done without Rey. I think if Rey wasn't in it, the movie would still Work almost the same way. So it's like Indiana Jones. I was just about to say, it's kind


of like how Indiana Jones was like totally inconsequential to the


entire plot of the movie. If they had just made it so Finn crashed on Jakku and then did the whole same sequence, but without Rey, and then did the whole same sequence later, but Finn doesn't get knocked out of the fight between Finn, Rey, and Kylo Ren, same movie. Interesting.


So. Yeah, it kind of, it kind of would have been cool to watch like a stormtrooper become a Jedi. That's what everyone was hoping for. Yeah, that would have been. And I actually thought like maybe both of them would be. I thought so


too. Yeah. I thought, I thought it might have been both of them as well. And it would have been, actually I think it would have been more interesting to see them as the dyad.


Yeah, I was actually just thinking that, yeah.


But, Calorine's alright, I guess. The thing is, I really like the actor that Yeah, yeah, but I don't like any of the roles he's in anything that I've seen him in I don't like




Because I've read stuff about him and he seems like a really like nice guy my favorite thing


is John Oliver's obsession with him It's really yeah He'll he'll make like jokes on his show about just like how Adam driver is just like the sexiest man alive And


then he just I'm sure he loves that scene where he's Shirtless in the Star Wars movie, which was so weird. I did not want to see sweaty, shirtless Adam Driver in a Star Wars movie. I did not like that.


That was for the ladies.


Honestly, the whole sequel trilogy felt like it was for the ladies. Cuz that's where a lot of women got interested in Star Wars is because they made it like this like romance Yeah,


they like the love story and Yeah, that's how Shelby got it. Very very gender stereotyping, but


I mean that is how they that is how


I mean, that's how a lot of people reacted like yes Yeah The women were like a


lot of women that I know started liking Star Wars because of the sequel trilogy Yeah, so including Shelby Yeah.


Oh, really? I'm trying to think of what Adam Driver, what else Adam Driver has been in that you've seen. I did like when he was on Saturday Night Live though, and they had him do under, like, a spoof of Undercover Boss as Kylo Ren. Oh,


yeah. I've seen that. I love that. I honestly think For one thing, SNO was also like one of the dumbest, oh yeah, I forgot about that. That was just horrible. That was weird. Uh, it one of the biggest red herrings in Star Wars, but, uh, it could have been, I think if Kyle Ren was pushed just a little bit further in the right direction, he would've been a great villain, but nope. I would have liked to see the Knights of Ren. I think the Knights of Ren would have been really cool to see. And then throughout it whittles down to just Kylo Ren or something like that. So it was supposed to be like, this group of force users that were called the Knights of Ren. Like they only alluded to it. I was like, that so cool. But no.


Gosh. Oh boy. Well.


Yeah. Maybe I'll find a couple other glimmers of interest in the sequel trilogy. They're making a Rey movie right now. And she promises that it's actually going to be good. That does not make me confident.


They're making a Rey movie?


It's just specifically about Rey. I think it takes place after the sequel trilogy. Okay. So I am actually interested in it and I hope they do make it good. I hope they they learned from the sequel trilogy. Yeah. And so I am interested. I'm I am more interested in the Uh, it's like 25, 000 BBY movie that's gonna be about the Darksaber. Oh. So it takes place 25, 000 years before the, the events of the original trilogy. Dang. It's, it's like old, old Republic. Prehistoric


Republic. Yes.


And I've been waiting. And for an Old Republic movie, show, something. And so I'm so excited about it. Oh my


gosh, you're so fun to watch with this stuff. You get so I love it. I know you do. Okay, well, that was a lot of, uh, talking about Star Wars. It was.


I love Star Wars. I thought we were only gonna have like 10 minutes of material with that, but leave


it to me. Yeah, I was gonna say, no, once you get going about Star Wars, you could talk for hours about it. Yes So, well, I think maybe maybe we will leave it there before you go on for another three hours Yeah, so well, yeah


Next week's Valentine's Day. Oh, yeah, so I'll have a Valentine's episode out Probably will be rabbit holes and only like a third about Valentine's Day,


but That's fine


Unless I'm talking about Star


Wars Singular focus.


Welcome to ADHD, baby! Woo! Hyper






Well I think it's time to go. Is


it? Is it really?