This Is Some Crazy Sh*t with Cheron Hamner

EP 8: "Keep Your Eye On The Ball!"- The Power of Focus & Intention

May 03, 2024 Isai
EP 8: "Keep Your Eye On The Ball!"- The Power of Focus & Intention
This Is Some Crazy Sh*t with Cheron Hamner
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This Is Some Crazy Sh*t with Cheron Hamner
EP 8: "Keep Your Eye On The Ball!"- The Power of Focus & Intention
May 03, 2024

Trying to manifest what you desire in your life?

In this episode I am introducing the incredible power that focus and intention possess. I'm talking about full life transformation y'all! Through topics such as the Law of Attraction, you'll be able to see how your thoughts and words play a key role in shaping your reality. More importantly, I want you to understand how to be purposeful with your intentions and focus, so you can prioritize your own desires and take charge of your life.

But, how do you stay firm in your focus and intention? Well, I've got some tips for you!

This episode is a way into the world of focus and intention – and I'll be your guide to mastering it. 

Thank you for listening to "This Is Some Crazy Sh*T" with Cheron Hamner.

To connect with Cheron: CLICK HERE

Connect with Cheron on her social platforms:

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Trying to manifest what you desire in your life?

In this episode I am introducing the incredible power that focus and intention possess. I'm talking about full life transformation y'all! Through topics such as the Law of Attraction, you'll be able to see how your thoughts and words play a key role in shaping your reality. More importantly, I want you to understand how to be purposeful with your intentions and focus, so you can prioritize your own desires and take charge of your life.

But, how do you stay firm in your focus and intention? Well, I've got some tips for you!

This episode is a way into the world of focus and intention – and I'll be your guide to mastering it. 

Thank you for listening to "This Is Some Crazy Sh*T" with Cheron Hamner.

To connect with Cheron: CLICK HERE

Connect with Cheron on her social platforms:

Speaker 1:

You are listening to. This Is Some Crazy Shit. With Sharon Hamner. This podcast is for you if you are tired of living day to day feeling unfulfilled, you are frustrated and you are doing too much with no return. This is for you if you are ready to take charge of your life, if you are ready to let go of managing other people's insecurities and their expectations and live life your way. Here we have dope conversations about saving yourself, so we can get off these street corners and stop waiting for Captain Saviour Ho. You ready? Let's go, because this is some crazy shit.

Speaker 1:

My life truly began to start changing more rapidly when I began to have more focus and attention on the things that I desired and focusing on myself and not really caring about what was going on around me. Every day, we are so bombarded with other people's motives and everybody has an agenda. We have an agenda being pushed on the news towards us. We have your momma's agendas, your kids agendas. Everybody wants all of their needs satisfied by you and they are looking to you and most of the times, we are putting ourself on a back burner and we haven't thought about ourselves until it's over, to the day it's over. Meanwhile, everybody's gotten so much out of you of that day and when I began to have focus and attention on the things that I wanted and my life began to change very fast.

Speaker 1:

One of the greatest lessons that my father gave me is to keep your eye on the bar. I remember when I was young and he was taking me out into the baseball field to learn how to play baseball. Even though I love sports baseball, it really wasn't my thing, but it was his thing. He played well into an adult on his banking league. I would go out there and hang out with him, and I also got a chance to play softball when the softball players were doing their own things and my track coach, who was a softball coach, asked me to fill in for them. So I used this skill then and the greatest lesson was when catching the ball was to keep your eye on the ball. When you take your eye off of the ball, you begin to lose focus, and during weight training I realized there is a mind and body connection that happens, where you can connect your mind to your muscle and whatever your mind tells your muscle to do, it will actually do that. So when you have a focus on the ball, you're automatically going to reach your hand out and put it in the right position for you to catch it.

Speaker 1:

And the same thing happens when we have goals and have our intentions focused on one single thing. We can't help but to have it happen. We can have what we wanted to happen or attract something better, and we use this type of thing all the time but we don't realize that we're using it, and especially like when we're having these emotional rollercoasters of doubt and limitations. It is a conversation that is on repeat and rewind in our minds and we are constantly focusing on that thing and the conversation is lingering and lingering and lingering. And if we can cut off that conversation, then we can begin to know what we want and do the opposite thing and create what we want. Like, a lot of times we hear the word law of attraction and we're like oh yes, I have to put that in my life. I have to put that in my life, but we're operating in that all the time. We just don't really know that we're doing it because we're doing it unconsciously. So if we are more intentional about the things that we say, the things that we do, we can create a different outcome.

Speaker 1:

I know, for me when I was meditating on a negative thoughts, it was like man, a snowball effect, because I would find myself I would be driving down the highway just thinking about some bad stuff and once I finished with that bad thought, here come another bad thought negativity and I'm driving like 20 minutes to work, at least in Atlanta traffic. So it was a snowball effect of all these negative thoughts, one after one, and so you can imagine how I felt once I got to work Felt negative, and then I have to go into work and deal with these negative people. So negativity just kept coming and coming because I attracted that to myself. And now I have more of a routine where I am waking up in the morning, where I program myself on the intention that I wanna have for the day. I program myself of okay, this is what we're gonna get done today, say very nice things to myself, make compliments to myself and pat myself on the back, and that sets the tone for what I want to achieve. And, miraculously, now that I do that and I'm writing to work, I have different conversations in my mind and the law of attraction that happens is I get to work and my first customer start asking me about something that I thought about on the way to work. The second customer starts the conversation about what I was having.

Speaker 1:

Like it's just really amazing how you can literally program your life, but we just been programming it in the wrong way. So that's why your focus is so very important. Every single day, and when you're working on your goals, though, the greatest thing that you can do is to make a decision. A lot of times, we want a lot of things in life, and it's kind of a pie in the sky type of feeling, but we haven't really made a decision that, okay, this is what we actually want and we're going to go out and get this. We just keep hoping and praying that, oh well, maybe by chance this will happen, because, of course, the Lord is going to hear your prayers and that's all you got to do.

Speaker 1:

But no, you have to do more than just pray. You have to get focused, make a decision, believe and take action every single day and keep the faith that is going to happen For you, versus just allowing life to continue to happen to us. End. Decision is not a great place to be in, because when you're in decision, nothing is happening and you're being bombarded by other people's. You have to be focused on your thoughts, your intentions on social media, and then you hear somebody say blah, blah, blah, and then you're like, oh well, maybe that's for me. I need to do that. No, you need to be doing the other thing, because this is what you want and the decision that you make will help you, help lead you to the things that you need to have something new in your life.

Speaker 1:

So staying focused is a commitment that you have to make to yourself on a daily basis, and having focus is a commitment that you have to remind yourself on an hourly basis sometime, because things going to be coming left and right, left and right, and it's okay for you to say no to something if it's not aligned with what it is that you want to do and what your goal is, and staying focused on a daily basis is going to help you do that. So what I want to encourage you to do is, as you're getting focused, is to write down your goal. Write it down, put it on an index card and have it with you every single day. Put it in your wallet, take it out and look at what it is that you're supposed to be focused on multiple times during the day and start creating the life that you desire. I look forward to seeing you in these social media streets.

The Power of Focus and Intention
The Importance of Staying Focused