This Is Some Crazy Sh*t with Cheron Hamner

EP 10: Lack of Confidence is YOUR Problem!

May 17, 2024 Isai
EP 10: Lack of Confidence is YOUR Problem!
This Is Some Crazy Sh*t with Cheron Hamner
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This Is Some Crazy Sh*t with Cheron Hamner
EP 10: Lack of Confidence is YOUR Problem!
May 17, 2024

Have you ever caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and realized that the person staring back isn't truly you?

Well, today's episode is all about sparking the courage to embrace your authentic self. In this week's episode Cheron Hamner, lights up the conversation as she uncovers the power of self-empowerment and the significance of appearance. She shares her own journey of overcoming depression and how transforming her look aided her in this battle. Now, she encourages every woman to seize control of their appearance, as a way to boost self-confidence and improve their lives.

We delve into creating a personal brand that mirrors our self-set values, and the importance of ensuring our outward image aligns with our inner values. Sharon emphasizes the gravity of expressing individuality through personal style. She explains how daunting it can be for women to find comfort in their own skin but assures us that confidence in our appearance can pave the way for success across various life facets.

Start taking charge of your life and begin feeling empowered in your own skin!

Thank you for listening to "This Is Some Crazy Sh*T" with Cheron Hamner.

To connect with Cheron: CLICK HERE

Connect with Cheron on her social platforms:

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Have you ever caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and realized that the person staring back isn't truly you?

Well, today's episode is all about sparking the courage to embrace your authentic self. In this week's episode Cheron Hamner, lights up the conversation as she uncovers the power of self-empowerment and the significance of appearance. She shares her own journey of overcoming depression and how transforming her look aided her in this battle. Now, she encourages every woman to seize control of their appearance, as a way to boost self-confidence and improve their lives.

We delve into creating a personal brand that mirrors our self-set values, and the importance of ensuring our outward image aligns with our inner values. Sharon emphasizes the gravity of expressing individuality through personal style. She explains how daunting it can be for women to find comfort in their own skin but assures us that confidence in our appearance can pave the way for success across various life facets.

Start taking charge of your life and begin feeling empowered in your own skin!

Thank you for listening to "This Is Some Crazy Sh*T" with Cheron Hamner.

To connect with Cheron: CLICK HERE

Connect with Cheron on her social platforms:

Speaker 1:

You are listening to, this Is Some Crazy Shit. With Sharon Hamner. This podcast is for you if you are tired of living day to day feeling unfulfilled, you are frustrated and you are doing too much with no return. This is for you if you are ready to take charge of your life, if you are ready to let go of managing other people's insecurities and their expectations and live life your way. Here we have dope conversations about saving yourself, so we can get off these street corners and stop waiting for Captain Saviour Ho. You ready? Let's go, because this is some crazy shit.

Speaker 1:

The absolute worst question I always get asked as a hairstylist behind the chair is what would you do to my hair? Yeah, it sounds like a question that I would welcome because I get to showcase all of my creativity in making some magic come through for the client's hair, but it's like a loaded question and what I found is that whenever I would answer that question and make a recommendation that I personally would think would look good for that client, based on their hair texture, their hair shape and their maintenance, they freak out and they're like oh no, I could never, I would never, ever, ever do that hairstyle. So I don't answer that question in that way. Instead, I flip it back on them and ask them about the things that they like about their hair and what they don't like about their hair. And even though I feel like I would love to have an episode of America's Next Top Model by creating a new image for the client in my chair, the thing that keeps us from doing that is that they don't have confidence. They don't have confidence to pull off the look. They may have a conversation about what happened in the past when somebody attempted to do a style that was very similar to that, but they didn't have all the necessary skills to execute that in a proper way.

Speaker 1:

And I'm just here to say that the lack of confidence is the problem of every area in your life. Your lack of confidence is keeping you from making the money that you want to make, having the relationship that you want to have, and the confidence is tied into the way that you're looking and the way that you are presenting yourself to the world. Just think about that for a moment. Today you probably got dressed. You just went into your closet and grabbed the first thing without really feeling or trying to feel what that item of clothing is going to do for your reputation for the day? Did you consider how you wanted to radiate into the world Like? What do you want people to feel when they see you with that article of clothing, with your hair done that way? What is it that you want to feel about yourself when you look in the mirror? And you love your hair. It's always great when you can look in the mirror and have a positive conversation with yourself.

Speaker 1:

It is so challenging in the salon for women to sit through our appointment, be at peace with what they see in the mirror. Oftentimes I get to join these conversations where they're complaining about oh my God, the lights in this place make my wrinkles look blah, blah, blah. Oh my God. Can you see all my gray hairs that I have? Oh my God. And the list goes on and on and on, oh my God, of negative things that they feel about their hair which they are totally tolerating and can do something about it, and why they choose not to. It's sometimes confusing to me, because I would like for them to know that they have a choice in how they feel every single day. You have a choice in how you feel every single day. You can choose to feel good about yourself. You can choose to look good.

Speaker 1:

I remember I was having an argument with someone I was in a relationship with and I was so good at holding grudges and I could go days and days without speaking to people and just hold it on to that negative energy Because I thought I was doing something to them and it turns out the tricks on me. I was actually doing something to myself by holding on to that energy and the next day that person they asked me well, how do you feel today? And it was in that moment that I decided that I wanted to feel good, that I did not want to hold on to that vibe, the negative energy, because I was only hurting myself in that moment to carry on. And you have a choice to feel how you want to feel. You don't have to tolerate certain things and situations in your life. You can make a decision right now to turn your life around and stop tolerating things in your life that aren't serving you well. And once you begin to scratch those tolerations out of your life, you begin to have more confidence in yourself because you've taken control and you're no longer the victim. And it's a terrible feeling going through life saying what this person did this to me and that person did that in just feeling and being out of control, and you can be more in control simply by getting control of your appearance. So this sounds kind of crazy, though, right, but let me tell you this Having my look together is the one thing that has saved my life.

Speaker 1:

When I was in a valley of deep, deep, deep depression, the thing that got me out of bed was one that I was going to make somebody else's day to help them feel better, and in order for me to do that, I had to get myself together, get dressed and go to work and present myself in a way that looked like I had everything going on, and deep inside I was a hot mess. Although I looked good on the outside, which was shocking to a lot of people, when I came out of the closet and outed myself that I was dealing with mental health issues and that I was depressed, nobody knew because I hit it so well, because I would be smiling all the time when I'm at work dealing with people. I didn't talk about the problems that I had and I looked like I was very confident, but deep down inside I was like really hurting and dying inside, and it's crazy to think that looking good is what saved me. And now I'm on a mission to help women not only look good on the outside but feel good on the inside, and so that their light can shine bright every single day.

Speaker 1:

The way you look can get you into different environments, like just think, for instance, when you see someone who is wearing clothing that doesn't fit them properly, you may have a different opinion of them versus someone who has a tailored piece of clothing, and because of that, people gravitate towards them. And people can gravitate towards you as well when you have a total look that's put together from top to bottom from your hair. Now, a lot of times, we get caught up in different trends for our hair that don't even they don't even belong on us. We look at trends and we decide on something because this was in the magazine, we've seen this on social media and it's very popular. Now we had to be careful with who we are allowing to service us with those trends, because sometimes they're not able to customize it so that it fits you specifically. A lot of stylists have more of a one-size-fits-all approach when creating and designing hairstyles in different looks, and it's kind of like those virtual things where you try to try on a hairstyle and they just slap an image on top of you, but it's not looking at your face, shape, your head, and this is how a lot of people are moving around, not looking 100% because the look has not been customized for you, but, like I said, everything ain't for everybody.

Speaker 1:

So I want to know when was the last time you took a real deep look in the mirror and analyzed yourself from head to toe? I mean, really took the time to look at yourself, not with discuss, not with complaints about oh, this should be this way or that way, but just to know and analyze who you are as a person. Like, do you even know who you really are? Have you really seen yourself naked? Have you stood there and looked at yourself without judgment? Now, that takes confidence. And when you can look at yourself and analyze yourself from head to toe and say, like damn girl, you look good. Like and tell yourself that every single day you look good, you look good, you look great. Look at your body, look at your hair. Oh, your smile is so great, it's perfect. Look how, like, just compliment yourself. Every single day is so juicy and delicious. I highly recommend that you get in front of your own, in your own self and have a great conversation with you as to how you look and feel about yourself.

Speaker 1:

I remember a time when I had gotten this hairstyle. That was it was so popular and it actually took a long time to do. But when I got home and looked at myself, it was no way I was going to be able to show myself to the world with this hairstyle. And sometimes we just make decisions on getting something because it's popular. Like think about, have you gotten a style just because you wanted to fit in with what everybody else is doing, because sometimes it is frightening to stand out, but did you really think that you were representing yourself in the best possible light with that style? A lot of times we just make decisions just based on what other people are doing.

Speaker 1:

And you are a unique individual, you are a unique flower and it's okay for you to express yourself in your own individuality in that when you do that, it makes you feel confident and standing out gets you compliments. It's so important for you to feel good about how you look on the outside and that it matches and is aligned with how you feel on the inside about yourself. So I want to encourage you to check in with yourself. Check in to see if everything is aligning with the true values that you have set up for yourself, and is that value being spoken out loud through your personal brand, your personal image, starting with your hair and the clothes that you wear, and bring them all together so that you are in full expression of who you truly are.

Speaker 1:

Hey, sis, you have been listening to. This Is Some Crazy Shit. I am Charon Hamner. Make sure you like and subscribe to hear more dope conversations on this podcast. You can check me out on my website at wwwcharonhamnercom or on all of my social media platforms. I look forward to seeing you in these social media streets.

Taking Control and Building Confidence
Expressing Individuality Through Personal Style