Asklé Modern Family

35 - Dr Vincent Hurley - Violence Against Women Part 2

Season 1 Episode 35

Vince Hurley (PhD) is a university lecturer specialising on the contemporary role of the police and policing within criminological theories. He also lectures on Crisis Management and Disaster Relief.

Before joining the Department of Security Studies and Criminology at Macquarie University Vince spent 29 years as an operational police officer in the New South Wales Police Force achieving the rank of Detective Superintendent.

Whilst in the NSW Police Force he was seconded to the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet engineering statewide crime reduction policy in reducing the prevalence of domestic violence. Because of this work he was awarded a number of national and State awards by Australian Institute of Criminology and NSW Parliament.

Recently, Vince was on the ABC Q&A program where he made a passionate plea for politicians to take domestic violence seriously and create change.

Family and domestic violence support:

1800 Respect national helpline

  • 1800 737 732

Women's Crisis Line

  • 1800 811 811

Men's Referral Service

  • 1300 766 491


  • (24 hour crisis line): 131 114

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