Auxano: Causes of Growth Podcast

Intelligent Caveman. Tom Lenhart: Grindstone Athletics, Travelling. Auxano Podcast #25

Deseo Media Company Episode 25

Tom Lenhart is the founder of Grindstone Athletics in VB alongside Chase "The Weapon Walden". 

He spent the last seven years teaching English as a Second Language in Brazil, Thailand, Russia, Turkey, and South Korea and completed a second personal training certification through American Council on Exercise. Throughout his travels he has trained in several combat sports, particularly in Muay Thai. Tom spent a year in Thailand training and competing with true Muay Thai fighters. 

As the episode states it is a deep honor and privilege to speak with a man of raw strength and intelligence. 
Here is a link to their website for anyone in the Virginia Beach area wanting to try out Muay Thai.

We are here guys quarter of 100 episodes and I appreciate the deep support you guys all offer. It means more than you all know.