The UPLift with Tzedek: Real Talk for Real Change
Welcome to The UPlift - Real Talk for Real Change! We're here to build authentic community relationships and help fuel social transformation in Asheville, NC, believing collective liberation is not only possible but probable as we share, listen, and learn together.
The Tzedek Social Justice Fund is a social justice philanthropy fund that redistributes money, resources, and power to support systems change and community healing in Asheville, North Carolina. Through adaptive, trust-based philanthropy, we resist oppressive systems and work to transform our collective home into a place where everyone flourishes. We fund mission-aligned work centering LGBTQ Justice, Racial Justice, and/or Dismantling Antisemitism; this means we give money to organizations and individuals invested in creating a more fair, equitable, and flourishing society.
We dream of a thriving Asheville where everyone's needs are abundantly met - where everyone is safe, respected, and celebrated. We believe that a community rooted in joy and love is possible - that is, if we can connect and build our shared vision on the value that liberation is for all.
Sound good to you? We hope so!
Let's be real. Let's go deep. Let's get liberated.
The UPLift with Tzedek: Real Talk for Real Change
Catharsis: Exploring the Transformative Power of Collective Healing
Healing is a personal, as well as collective, journey. In this episode, Ember Phoenix explores the critical importance of engaging in difficult conversations with curiosity, love, and commitment as a path to individual and community liberation. Using an intersectional lens, Ember highlights a profound truth – we each hold a unique "medicine" that can expedite this shared healing.
About Ember: Afroindigenous, queer, femme-bodied visionary and entrepreneur Ember Phoenix started a healing collective to directly support community building, resilience, and resource sharing amongst local Black, Indigenous, Latinx/e, and other folks of color. Ember integrates sacred ancestral teachings and practices as key to unraveling the traumas inflicted by colonization and the ongoing effects of white supremacist culture. Using an interdependent "I am because we are" model, Ember creates deep, intentional spaces for the Collective to learn, grow, grieve, and thrive together.
As Ember highlights, healing is not about fixing a thing; it's about being able to love, trust, and accept yourself - and others - exactly where you - we - are in this moment. From here, transformation is not only possible but probable. Join us in unpacking the traumas and triumphs of seeking collective healing in the context of white supremacy and colonialism - acknowledging that community, mutual respect, and acceptance are at the very heart of how we get free together.
We'll see you same time, same place next month. Until then, peace.