Health Insurance Insights from Parita Health

Demystifying Health Insurance Deductibles with Parita Patel

October 26, 2023 Parita Patel with Mike Sedita
Demystifying Health Insurance Deductibles with Parita Patel
Health Insurance Insights from Parita Health
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Health Insurance Insights from Parita Health
Demystifying Health Insurance Deductibles with Parita Patel
Oct 26, 2023
Parita Patel with Mike Sedita

Frustrated by the foggy world of health insurance deductibles? Fear not! Health insurance guru, Parita Patel, enlightens us with a simple, straight-to-the-point explanation of this dreaded insurance term. With her deep knowledge of the Tampa insurance market, Parita explores the implications of deductibles on our health insurance coverage. By likening deductibles to a cover charge at a bar, Parita effectively paints a clear picture of this much-feared term. She dives into the pressing need to select lower deductible plans, and how to navigate the prevailing high-deductible environment.

Parita Patel's guidance is invaluable. Her insights can help you determine the optimal deductible for your family, ensuring you receive the coverage and protection you need. Parita's demystification of the 'dirty word' of deductibles is something you shouldn't miss! Join us in this insightful conversation and arm yourself with knowledge to make better decisions about your health insurance. Say goodbye to the confusion and hello to clarity with Parita Patel!

Show Notes Transcript

Frustrated by the foggy world of health insurance deductibles? Fear not! Health insurance guru, Parita Patel, enlightens us with a simple, straight-to-the-point explanation of this dreaded insurance term. With her deep knowledge of the Tampa insurance market, Parita explores the implications of deductibles on our health insurance coverage. By likening deductibles to a cover charge at a bar, Parita effectively paints a clear picture of this much-feared term. She dives into the pressing need to select lower deductible plans, and how to navigate the prevailing high-deductible environment.

Parita Patel's guidance is invaluable. Her insights can help you determine the optimal deductible for your family, ensuring you receive the coverage and protection you need. Parita's demystification of the 'dirty word' of deductibles is something you shouldn't miss! Join us in this insightful conversation and arm yourself with knowledge to make better decisions about your health insurance. Say goodbye to the confusion and hello to clarity with Parita Patel!

Speaker 1:

Hello out there and welcome to the Good Neighbor podcast. We are sponsored today by Perida Health, peridahealthcom, and my co-host is the lovely expert health insurance individual in the Tampa market, perida Patel. Perida, thank you for being on. How are you?

Speaker 2:

Hi Mike, thank you Doing well. How are you?

Speaker 1:

I'm doing great. She's so nice. She has that little wave every time I introduce her. She's such a nice person. She is going to tell you today what is your deductible what even is your deductible.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the deductible is this dreaded word in the insurance world, right? Because literally what it means whatever number that value is, anything that you need covered is not going to be covered until you've paid that much money in medical expenses. So if your deductible is $5,000, then not only are you paying a monthly premium to actually say you have health insurance, but until you've met that deductible and paid for expenses to that amount, your insurance doesn't even do anything for you, right? So you're paying a lot of money for services, and then you do want to look at options that have a lower deductible plan, because then your insurance will actually do something for you. But unfortunately, in the world that we're living in today, deductibles tend to be more higher than not, unless you're looking in the right places.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's kind of crazy. A deductible is almost like the cover charge just to get in, like you got to pay that before you start getting any kind of free drinks at the bar the cover charge is the deductible and if it's $500, some are a thousand. But the important thing to know, if you're listening to this and watching it, is that if you contact paridahealthcom and go there and fill out a form and have an introduction meeting to find out what's the important factors for your health, parida and her team can guide you and figure out what's the right deductible for you, your family and what you need. That helps give you the coverage that gives you some security. Parida, thank you so much for educating us on the very, very dirty word which is the deductible. So we know that now. Thank you so much. You have a great day.

Speaker 2:
