Connect-Empower: Older Adult Care Partner

Cocktails for Health: Exploring the World of IV Infusions

June 05, 2024 John Mills & Erin Sims Episode 28
Cocktails for Health: Exploring the World of IV Infusions
Connect-Empower: Older Adult Care Partner
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Connect-Empower: Older Adult Care Partner
Cocktails for Health: Exploring the World of IV Infusions
Jun 05, 2024 Episode 28
John Mills & Erin Sims

Are you looking to boost your health and energy levels without the hassle of daily vitamins? In this episode, you will be guided through the world of IV infusions, where personalized cocktails of vitamins and nutrients are delivered straight to your bloodstream for maximum absorption. Discover the benefits of IV infusions, including increased energy, improved cognition, and enhanced overall well-being.

5 Tips for Optimal Health with IV Infusions:

  1. Customized Infusions: Tailor your IV cocktail to address your specific health concerns and goals.
  2. Frequency: Consider getting IV infusions every two to four weeks to maintain optimal vitamin levels.
  3. Safety First: Ensure the nurse administering the infusion is experienced and follows proper guidelines.
  4. Hydration: Stay well-hydrated before and after your infusion to maximize its benefits.
  5. Follow-Up: Keep in touch with your nurse for any questions or concerns post-infusion.

Ready to experience the benefits of IV infusions for yourself? Contact a registered nurse like Taylor Stanton to schedule your personalized IV cocktail session. Boost your energy, improve your health, and feel revitalized with the power of IV infusions.

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John & Erin

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Show Notes Transcript

Are you looking to boost your health and energy levels without the hassle of daily vitamins? In this episode, you will be guided through the world of IV infusions, where personalized cocktails of vitamins and nutrients are delivered straight to your bloodstream for maximum absorption. Discover the benefits of IV infusions, including increased energy, improved cognition, and enhanced overall well-being.

5 Tips for Optimal Health with IV Infusions:

  1. Customized Infusions: Tailor your IV cocktail to address your specific health concerns and goals.
  2. Frequency: Consider getting IV infusions every two to four weeks to maintain optimal vitamin levels.
  3. Safety First: Ensure the nurse administering the infusion is experienced and follows proper guidelines.
  4. Hydration: Stay well-hydrated before and after your infusion to maximize its benefits.
  5. Follow-Up: Keep in touch with your nurse for any questions or concerns post-infusion.

Ready to experience the benefits of IV infusions for yourself? Contact a registered nurse like Taylor Stanton to schedule your personalized IV cocktail session. Boost your energy, improve your health, and feel revitalized with the power of IV infusions.

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John & Erin

Taylor S:

I do prefer cocktails, because they are specially mixed and I guess you would call me a bartender if we're using that terminology, but we do have IV cocktails for migraine. So you're going to get pretty much the same thing that you would get if you were to go to the emergency room, but added vitamins, so there's a little bit more benefit there. We have a cocktail for pregnant clients. And that is, customized specifically for pregnancy concerns like nausea, vomiting. my favorite, and this is what I gave you, Erin and John, was our Revive cocktail. and that is the one that has the six vitamins and Tauradol in it. vitamin C, B12, B complex, zinc. Magnesium and glutathione. That is my absolute favorite cocktail to give.


Hi, I'm John,


and I'm Erin. You're listening to connect and power. The podcast that proves age is no barrier to growth and enlightenment


tune in each week as we break down complex subjects into bite sized enjoyable episodes that will leave you feeling informed, entertained, and ready to conquer the world


today we have a truly inspiring guest. Who's transforming the way we think about health and wellness. Meet Taylor. I registered nurse was 16 years of experience. Who's taken a bold leap from the fast paced world of emergency rooms to the cutting edge field of infusion nursing. Taylor's journey is a Testament to the power of blending, traditional Western medicine with alternative therapies. She's here to share her insights on vitamin infusions. Peptide therapy. And the intriguing world at psychedelic therapy for mental health and chronic pain. But that's not all when she's not revolutionizing patient care. Taylor's passion for wellbeing shines through in her yoga classes. So get ready to be inspired.


[Mic bleed]


for being with us today.


Welcome. Welcome.

Taylor S:

Thank you for having me. This is so exciting.


We're going to be talking about infusions today, specifically vitamin infusions that we can get. So I'm excited for our listeners to really go through the process and understand the benefits of it and how it can help them. But before we jump into that, I wanted to see if you would not mind sharing your story with us and how you got into the business and they called you. Did someone say, you need to do this, how it fell into your lap?


or do you just love to shove needles in people's arms, So fill us in here.

Taylor S:

Hey, that's always part of it. Yeah. So my name is Taylor Stanley. I'm a registered nurse and I have been a registered nurse since 2007. I spent 15 years working in the hospital. A cog in the wheel of the machine, five years of that was telemetry nursing, like cardiac nursing, caring for patients after open heart surgery who had had heart attacks, stents, things like that. And then most recently in the hospital, I was in the emergency room for 11 years. we went through COVID in the emergency room, and I think it was, as everybody knows, pretty tough. it was tough for everyone. It was pretty tough for nurses. just how the whole situation was handled, how anxious people were, how scared people were, and it was becoming increasingly difficult to form relationships with patients, with all the gear we had to wear, we had our faces covered, and honestly, my favorite part about being a nurse is the relationships I get to form with really neat people. people from all walks of life, a really diverse groups. And so that really left me pretty disillusioned with the hospital experience. and so in an effort to find something that could compliment Western medicine and I could still form relationships with patients, I looked to infusion nursing. So at the beginning of 2022, I Picked up a new emergency room position out of my home state and had a schedule of six days working in a row and eight days off in a row. So rotating schedule that way. And in those eight days, I started doing infusion contracts. it started out with medication infusions. and I really enjoyed that. I am pretty skilled at starting IVs. In the emergency room, I would start, five, six, seven a day. I felt really confident in that skill. And then, just meeting people. patients and getting to know their story, having a lot of time with them. Each time infusions can last anywhere from an hour to six hours, you know. and then I started growing the number of contracts that I picked up and here I am. It took me 11 months to get to the point where I could quit my hospital job and do, pretty much freelance. Infusion nursing. That's what I call myself. Freelance


That's awesome. so to simplify things for our audience, I would love to just have you break it down. What is an infusion? for people that don't know, why would you get an infusion? what are the benefits of, infusions? Why do people fear infusions?

Taylor S:

Sure. I get to meet a lot of different people with different health problems, including people who are just trying to optimize their health. the truth of the matter is, is oral vitamins are absorbed very poorly. and so when you get an IV infusion with vitamins, intravenously, you are getting much better absorption up to 97 percent absorption of the vitamins that you're getting through the IV. And so it getting a vitamin infusion is more effective. sometimes it can be more cost effective as well, because if you're getting regular intravenous vitamin infusions, there's really no need for oral supplementation. I personally don't take oral vitamins. I feel that they're a waste. most of it doesn't get absorbed. And so I do my IV every two weeks, a good Myers cocktail with multiple vitamins in it. And I feel great.


What are some of the vitamins that are in that cocktail?


We're not talking a cocktail. You drink, you know, going, going back to an infusion. Everybody, what she is saying is this goes into our vein.


correct? Yes.

Taylor S:

Sure, yes. The vitamins in an intravenous infusion are water soluble vitamins. That is vitamin C. all A, B vitamins. including B12, biotin, just to name a few. you can also get glutathione, which is a very powerful antioxidant that helps with clearing out the liver. It helps clear out free radicals and waste products from your body. And then there are multiple amino acids that you can get through an intravenous infusion, including lysine, taurine, Sertraline, arginine, there's quite a few, vitamins and amino acids you can get through an eye pain




So what are the most common reasons people seek out infusions? if we're talking younger generation, I'm thinking, Oh, I got a hangover or I'm going to go out with my girls for the weekend or the guys, or we just been on a crazy hike and I just need to get vitamins and fast. But as we age, What are the most common reasons, aging adults may seek an IV infusion?

Taylor S:

The majority of the time I meet my clients for the first time because they are sick. They're acutely sick. So we're talking, just a good old fashioned cold, COVID. nausea, vomiting, gut bug symptoms, food poisoning, things like that. And then, when they feel sometimes instantly better during the infusion before I leave, they see the value in getting vitamins during infusion regularly. And then, I'd say most of my clients that are regular clients are doing it to optimize their health. they have significant improvements sometimes in cognition, in memory, in fatigue, restlessness, muscle cramping. I mean, just the general problems that we have as we age, aching joints, arthritis, things like that. these are things that people find pretty quick improvement in.




And so if I was looking, I'm hearing you now and I was looking like, Ooh, I want to have this done. Is there a place I would go and research or is it okay to use anybody? Is it the questions I should ask to make sure they're following guidelines that are protective to me

Taylor S:

Sure. So you want to make sure that the person administering the infusion is a registered nurse. and preferably with, a significant amount of experience, because this is a pretty autonomous role. I do have a nurse practitioner and a medical director, that I follow up with and report to, but I'm the only one there, clients do get a consult with our nurse practitioner and can ask any questions if they, would like to. But, I think the most important thing is finding a nurse that you trust, that you can form a relationship with, and, that you know is, is good at what they're doing.


Yeah. So can you step us through the process? You know, so, I've had different situations through my life, whether it was one, too many glasses of wine, woke up hung over or, hiked hard, didn't drink enough water and dehydrated myself. All these different things that I'm sure you could give me an infusion that would help settle or calm, whatever abuse I've done to my body at the time. However, can you walk us through the step by step process? Because a lot of people when they're thinking infusions, you're putting it into somebody's body through an Ivy and we go, gosh, Do we need to get our, an order from our physician to make sure we can get that done? it's not like we're just calling some lady that has a bunch of stuff in an ice chest in the back of our car that says, yeah, we don't feel good today. Can you swing by and shoot me up with something that makes me feel better? Well,


she does.


there's a step by step process. to make sure that the client that you're, infusing is ready to accept that infusion, correct? And if you can just step, step us through that process.

Taylor S:

Sure. thanks for that question. There is a health history form and intake questions. just like any medical procedure, IV infusion isn't for everybody. patients are screened for safety. our nurse practitioner reviews that intake form. I review that intake form and make sure that the client is appropriate for IV therapy. If there is a concern, usually it is not Meaning that they can't have an IV infusion. They just might need a little bit more monitoring from their registered nurse. maybe a selection of different vitamins or less volume of fluid. But those things are checked thoroughly. So if you wanted to get an infusion, the first thing you would do is contact me. And I'm sure that contact information will be provided at the end of the show. And then we have a mini consult. So I'll ask you a few questions about your health and, ask you what your symptoms are or concerns are. I will send you those intake forms that are simple to fill out. And then we agree upon a time that's convenient for the patient. First of all, and you get to stay in the comfort of your home.


Oh, that's so great.


If I'm on a bunch of different medications, can getting an IV infusion affect those medications? I know you say you, you review and you monitor, but just out of my own curiosity.

Taylor S:

Sure. all those medications that people are on are reviewed. And I know that, older adults sometimes are on multiple medications. sometimes they find value in having a provider other than their personal doctor reviewing their medications, because there have been times where we've caught things where, Hey. you're on two medications that could be interacting. Have you asked your doctor about that? So it's nice to have a second set of eyes and that's included in the consult. but for the most part, people do pretty well with the infusions despite The number of medications that they're on, but of course, all that is, definitely reviewed and taken into consideration.


Are there any possible side effects or anything that we should watch out for?

Taylor S:

Sure. After an infusion, sometimes people get a little sinus congestion just for a short period of time, especially if they start out quite dehydrated because, you're getting a significant amount of fluid into your body, into your vascular system. That typically goes away in an hour or two. there is 2. 2 pounds of weight gain because you have received a liter of fluid. I warned you about that one, didn't I, Erin?



Taylor S:

yeah, because you've received 2. 2 pounds of saline or lactated ringers. but other than that. I haven't had a lot of clients that have had negative side effects or outcomes from a simple Myers cocktail or a migraine cocktail or anything like that. So I feel pretty confident that for most people, this is a good solution.


So is there a optimal time or should you be eating closely to when you're going to get this infusion within your home? Are there certain parameters that we need to think about, right? So I call you up, we schedule an infusion and so forth. Are there certain things that we need to consider? Like, Okay. To prep us for that infusion. And is there a better time of day to get it done? Is it better to get it done in the morning or get it done in the evening? So what is your best recommendations?

Taylor S:

I think the best thing for the client to do is, I tell them, you just be you. Be comfortable in your home. If you want to be in pajamas. I can't tell you how many infusions I've done with people literally in their bed. there's nothing, specific to really prep for an infusion. you could wear a short sleeved shirt. That might be helpful. But we work around things. And as far as time of day, it depends on what you're looking for. So, if you're looking for an energy boost, then obviously we would want to do it, far away from bedtime. If you're looking for a sleepy time IV, one of my favorite IVs to give, we give a little bit extra IV, then close to bedtime or nap time is a good time to get that one. But, the nice thing about the IVs that I provide is they're very customized. we start out with a plain bag of normal saline or lactated ringers, depending on what's going on with you. And then we add vitamins and medications to the bag that are specifically tailored to your symptoms, tailored to your, desired outcome to the IV. So We spend a lot of time talking about what you need go from there.


I was pretty excited, for the listeners that are listening to this, how we discovered this is we had the opportunity to have a home infusion and, I'm not a fan of needles. I've never been a fan of needles. I've seen needles on movies and I have to look away. That's how terrified I am. But it was actually very, very easy. It wasn't scary. and I love the fact that you offer them, in the home setting. Because so many times we are more in a more relaxed state. we're surrounded by the comforts of our, the things that we're familiar with. So it was really nice. and I felt like I personally felt like Superman afterwards. I'm like, Oh, Rod, back to my twenties, you know? so that was pretty, pretty great.

Taylor S:

I love it. I love hearing that. Yeah. it is different getting an IV or a blood draw or any kind of, invasive procedure done in your home. Because, like you said, John, you're around your comfortable items, it's your smells, your animals, your loved ones. And so, it really is a completely different experience than being in a sterile hospital or, you know, a chair in an IV lounge. I do encourage the clients to have their pets around and their spouse with them. I do use numbing cream if that would be helpful. I use a vein finder if someone has, difficult veins to, hunt for, and I've been doing this quite a while, so I have, quite a few tips and tricks, but my aim is to make it as comfortable as possible.


Yeah, for sure.


I know we were talking about earlier, you'd mentioned how long an infusion can take sometimes an hour, sometimes six hours. What causes the difference in the time? Is it what's in the bag or just how your veins absorb or what your body needs?

Taylor S:

So the vitamin infusions, they take anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and a half, depending on the type of vitamin that's in the bag. the infusions that take six hours, those are medication uh, specialty medication infusions. And so I guess that will be for another podcast, but as far as the vitamin infusions, just about 45 minutes from when I hit the door to when I say goodbye. So it's pretty quick.


Yeah, it


really quick.


and it was a, for me, it was a really amazing experience. I always forget to take, vitamins and stuff like that. So, I was appreciative that one of the things that infusions do is they help with that. So you don't, it's not like a daily pop, right? You don't need to go and get all your. You know, medications, line them up every day and remember to take them cause I'm pretty distracted. so I appreciate the fact that with infusions, they're lasting, they last longer, they go straight into your system and you have pretty quick results. So, so like on the, just in, and I know you don't, it just depends on the type of vitamin infusion, but if you could give our listeners kind of an idea Of like a range, whether, you're talking beginning prices of getting a home infusion to the end. So they kind of understand. I know a lot of times listeners are like, well, that sounds really expensive, right? You know, having a nurse come in and so forth.


So, pretty much is insurance. Can they use insurance to do it? And if so, what parts, all parts, and then what is a possible


Cost range.

Taylor S:

Sure. Yeah, thank you for that question. what is included is the mobile nurse to come to your home. for our Myers cocktail, there's six vitamins and some Tordol in it. that helps with, inflammation, aches, pains, things like that. Nurse Practitioner Consult is included in the price as well. And that, is a review of your medications. So you get that second set of eyes. and the prices range. you could go, anywhere from 169 all the way up to, well, We can go as high as you like, but, I'd say that basement price is 169, maybe on average, about 200, and I would say to get the most out of the service, you're going to spend at least 200. we do not accept insurance, and I don't know anywhere that does mobile IVs that does accept insurance, but we are approved by health savings accounts. So HSAs do approve, the mobile company that I worked for. And so that's a really good resource, to use your HSA.


Cool. And then how often, do people normally get infusions? Like if I just wanted to stay healthy, live optimally, and I don't want to be this pill popper with 15 different vitamins on my kitchen counter.


well, I would say besides just how average, how often can I, but how often is recommended, right?

Taylor S:

Sure. I can do a vitamin infusion every three days, at the most frequent. And usually that's just for short term. So if someone has COVID or someone has nausea, vomiting, I'll come fix them up. And you know, the truth is a virus and it's got to run its course. So if symptoms return, within 24 hours, 48 hours, I can come back on that third day. And help you out again until the virus runs its course. I would say on average, most of my clients get their IVs every two to four weeks. in order to really optimize their health, keep their vitamin levels at a healthy range, especially at first, because, clients come to me pretty deficient in a lot of different vitamins, especially B12, especially vitamin D. And so it takes a little bit of time to work up to get those levels into optimal range. And then maybe we start. doing an IV once a month, but depending on your, chronic health conditions and goals, we do, your IV once a week, once every two weeks, once a month, whatever is going to work best for you, cause like I said, our service is very customized to our clients.


Well, and it was such a smooth process, literally, you came to the door, we sat down, you put everything up and all of a sudden, pop, the needles were in and the bags were going and then you're like, Oh, you're done. I was like, Oh my gosh. And then we went to bed, woke up and it was just like, Oh, I've got all this


to do with it. Well, might I add, we woke up multiple times because we did get them in the evening. And since you're infusing a bunch of liquids into your body that have all the correct things, you will wake up a little bit more often.


and also Taylor had mentioned too, because we were cleaning our liver, right? And getting rid of all the toxins. So


yeah, it was a good thing. No, I highly recommend it. I, I, I love the fact that we had the opportunity to talk about things with you. You had the opportunity to review. It actually felt like a friend was coming over. and I definitely think that people should connect and have that discussion because it's just great. It's just great to have somebody come into your home, welcome him and go through this process and feel


better. and it's harder to swallow pills, right? And as we get older, I know I had a finger injury. It was harder for me to grab pills. my vitamins to take them to, and then to swallow on top of, I used to take them with a little bit of soda or carbonated water to get them down easier. So I like the idea of, you know what? You don't need to worry about swallowing. You don't need to worry about pills and losing and dropping, and then maybe a possible fall or something happening. She just comes, you're comfortably laying or sitting, watching your favorite show,


Yeah. You done. It's, a wonderful, it's a wonderful option. not everybody can afford it. However, it is an incredible option. And if you look at how much money you're putting into some of those oral medications, it can add up as well.


well, it's a great gift idea, too. If you're looking for Christmas gifts, if you're looking for Mother's Day, Father's Day, these are different things that your parents, your grandparents can actually use to benefit their health and boost their


so for our listeners, what we experienced was pretty amazing. I love the fact that you had a list, a beautiful list, that we went to and


a cocktail menu,


yeah, cocktail menu. It was very, very cool. And it kind of, ran you through Some of the different infusions that you do. So if, I don't know if quickly, you could just talk about a few of the different type of, infusions that you offer and, um,




cocktails, cocktails,


us to serve our bodies.

Taylor S:

I like that. I I do. I do prefer cocktails, because they are specially mixed and I guess you would call me a bartender if we're using that terminology, but we do have IV cocktails for migraine. So you're going to get pretty much the same thing that you would get if you were to go to the emergency room, but added vitamins, so there's a little bit more benefit there. We have a cocktail for pregnant clients. And that is, customized specifically for pregnancy concerns like nausea, vomiting. my favorite, and this is what I gave you, Erin and John, was our Revive cocktail. and that is the one that has the six vitamins and Tauradol in it. vitamin C, B12, B complex, zinc. Magnesium and glutathione. That is my absolute favorite cocktail to give.


It was good.


Yeah, it was


and it had some flavor to it.


you experienced that.


I did.


I don't remember

Taylor S:

Oh, yes. I'll talk a little bit about the B vitamins. So, the B complex that we have has six different B vitamins in it. And, as you, do remember, it has that, smell or taste of a Flintstone vitamin. one interesting point here is when you take a multivitamin that has B complex in it, what happens an hour or two later? You, see that your urine has turned bright yellow, bright green, and, that just shows that you got fairly poor absorption of that oral vitamin, but you're getting quite a bit more through intravenous. And correct me if I'm wrong. I'm sure you didn't have that issue of, visually seeing your vitamins go down the toilet.


Yeah. No.

Taylor S:

No. So it's because you're getting the 97 percent absorption of those vitamins.


Yep. You know, another thing that I think that Our listeners should think about is as we get older, sometimes we have a little less energy, but yet we have this zest, this desire to live life optimally, right? Maybe we're a golfer and our buddies are calling us up, or maybe we have a couple of younger grandkids or, Our son and his buddies are saying, let's go out and go mountain biking together, and, or go golfing or whatever we want to enjoy. Right. And I, I think that a lot of times, we try to eat healthy and we try to do all these things and we try to get the vitamins and nutrients in our bodies that we need. To have all that great energy. And so I love this because, yes, you know, sometimes as we get older, we're on different types of medication. We're like, eh, we don't want to take all these met these vitamins on top of it. We're taking enough pills. Right. But to be able to come in every two weeks or once a month and to be infused. And then know that we have all that in our system and we can keep up with the young pups, Or, go out golfing and do our best, I think that it's definitely a neat option to have.

Taylor S:

Sure. that's the big cosmic joke, right? when you don't have time to do all the things you love is when you're young and healthy. And when you finally have time, that's when our body starts to betray us and slow down and feel tired. and so, you know, the truth is elderly patients, they have a hard time absorbing B12, and so getting B12 injections, B12 intravenously can be, surprisingly helpful for, energy levels, including vitamin D. Vitamin D is another very important vitamin. It actually acts more like a hormone because there is a cell receptor on almost every type of cell in the human body for vitamin D. All of our cells in our body use it. And if you're deficient in vitamin D, which, it's been estimated that 50 to 85 percent of the population is deficient in vitamin D, especially if you have melanated skin, you can feel fatigue, moodiness, and a range of other issues. And so getting that supplementation, effective supplementation is very important.


can you tell me what melanated skin is

Taylor S:

dark, conflected skin.


Okay. Wow. I love this and I loved experiencing it myself. I would definitely advise people look at this options very seriously. Now, you do it and, I think that other people aren't aware that they can get this at home. So is this just something that you offer personally that you've created yourself or is this bigger that other people can find this throughout the U S you know, our podcast gets streamed out to everybody nationwide. And so can other people in other States get this or are you just local? How does that all work?

Taylor S:

Sure. So I, like I said earlier, I'm a freelance contract registered nurse. and the company that I contract with for vitamin infusions is called Modwella Mobile IV. uh, Got my, logo here cause I'm out doing IVs today. So Modwella is in multiple states. Uh, it started in Utah. It's in Washington, Wyoming, Montana, California, Arizona. Ooh, I feel like I'm leaving somebody out, Texas. and it's really a great company because they care about the clients. They care about the nurses. this is what I have found to be very refreshing about Maruela is they really care about my success. my happiness, my work life balance. And so it's nice to support a company that really takes care of their, contractors. But, these IV infusion, suites are popping up in a lot of areas. And most likely, there's somewhere that you can find, to get yourself a vitamin infusion IV. Not just me,


So they don't, so sometimes people are very private, or maybe they're, sensitive about who comes in their home. And so, people do have the opportunity of getting them other places besides the home setting, correct?

Taylor S:

Oh, absolutely. it would take me a while to list all the different places I've been to do an IV. people have them done while they're working. so I just Hang in the corner and keep quiet while they're on their Zoom call or, typing away on their computer. I've been to dental offices, real estate offices, and then I also provide a space if, the client prefers. So it doesn't have to be done, in your space. There's a space that I can use to do your infusion as well.


Great. That's That's awesome. Yeah. And you know, for all of our listeners, again, I highly recommend, maybe you don't want to do it on a regular basis, but to just experience it, it may really change your energy levels, the way you feel. Obviously people go through some bouts of sickness, maybe they have a big trip planned or something like that and they they get, yeah, they get hit by a, a little bit of a bug or something like this. And this would be such an awesome opportunity to get that hydrated, get those fluids in them and stuff and get something that's acting a lot quicker.

Taylor S:

know, and I'll, I'll throw one more thing out there, one of my favorite things is, like I said earlier, the relationships that I get to form with clients. And so a lot of times it's not necessarily about getting the IV. I mean, that's a great service, but a lot of people like to have a nurse in their back pocket. I'm extremely available and responsive to my clients. It's very important to me that they know that I'm there for them. And so I've had clients text me nursing questions. their child has a fever. They've got a new ache, pain. I think my blood pressure is high. And so, I find that people like to have a nurse in their back pocket. And I don't mind being that.




That's great. All right.


can attest, yes, she is there. Yeah.


And, and I can attest for that for sure as well, because I know that Erin has sent you texts and you've responded very, very quickly. So we appreciate that. So thank you. And yeah.


you want to ask her my favorite question? Oh,


I'd love to ask your favorite question. So, so this is. Completely off the, off of infusions, but it's something that we love to ask our listeners because both Erin and I are avid adventures travelers. We love to go all over the place, discover new things and experience new things. And so the question that we always like to end our program with is there. A place that you have experienced that blew your mind that you really enjoyed, or is there something on your bucket list that you've been thinking about forever that you'd love to, uh, just let our listeners know that that's on your bucket list and it's someplace you're going.

Taylor S:

Sure. I don't know if I believe in a bucket list because I like to get my bucket list done while I'm here. I'll tell you about one of my favorite places,


Real quick, Taylor, I'm going to

Taylor S:

my second favorite place.


a sec. We like to call it our adventure list.


Oh, sorry. I called it the


It's called the adventure list. When he said that, I'm like, maybe she won't pick up on it.

Taylor S:

list. I love that. Okay, well, I do carry an adventure list, I guess. But what I'll tell you is my favorite place to travel to, my second favorite country, is Mexico. And the city that I have found to be the most beautiful so far in Mexico is Oaxaca. O A X A C A, Oaxaca, Mexico. Beautiful people, beautiful food, Lovely culture, art, just a wonderful, safe place to go. And my husband and I were blessed enough to spend two weeks there. we actually enrolled in Spanish school. And so we were studying the whole time. Got to see, a lot of the sites there. Stayed in town in a beautiful neighborhood, Jalapnaco. And we really enjoyed our time there. I would go back there in a heartbeat.




not been, I've been to Mexico, like off a cruise ship and somewhere and then back, but I haven't had spent any time


time awesome. We're going to have to add that to our list because, uh, we love adventures and it's, Matter of fact, Erin just, Brought up a conversation a couple of days ago and she said, Hey, would you like to learn Spanish with me? so yeah, I think we're going to start, you know, the only thing that I, I won't go get into that, but, yeah, I know a little bit of Spanish, not, not the right things. No.


Yes. We need to practice.

Taylor S:

No problem.


Yeah. I


I know the word. I know the word no problema. I know it's yeah, you're very beautiful and then a cerveza. I definitely know cerveza and panel the bathroom and I know a lot of the

Taylor S:

Oh, you'd get



Taylor S:



And I know all the bad curse words as well, which I won't bring up, but, I know those only because, yeah, I learned them as a child growing up in a school in California. So I got called a lot of those names.

Taylor S:



Anyway, yeah, thank you for your time today, squeezing us in between your infusions and, injecting us with all this great information. So yeah, yeah, it's been great. Thank you.

Taylor S:

I love that. Yes. Thank you so much for having me and I am off to the next infusion.


All right. Infuse away. Thank you for tuning in to another episode of Connect Empower. We want to express our gratitude to you for being part of our community, and we hope today's episode has provided you with valuable insights and inspiration to enhance your life and that of a loved one.


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I'm John.


I'm Erin. Until next Wednesday.