The Speculative Collective
A podcast about speculative fiction. Follow along with our panel, Steph, Brian, Ze’ev, Kami and Ash, as they discuss a broad range of topics and explore all that spec fic has to offer.
The Speculative Collective
Episode 109 - The Humour
Speculative Collective
Season 1
Episode 9
This month is Episode 9 - The Humour. The panel discusses the spec-fic books that best tickle their funny bones and how humour can help or hinder the narrative. Hear about Piers Anthony's A Spell for Chameleon, Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Neil Gaiman* & Terry Pratchett's Good Omens, and Jasper Fforde's The Eyre Affair.
*Panel's Note - this recording was made prior to the allegations against Neil Gaiman becoming widely public.