The Power Up Podcast
Through this podcast, we will explore the biggest dream stealers that we come across in our work and serve up a healthy dose of the strategies tips and tools that you can use to overcome them.
Our goal is to help you find clarity, overcome your fears, play to your strengths and passions, build your confidence, and live the life you truly deserve.
The Power Up Podcast
2. Mindfulness Based Resilience
In this episode we are delighted to welcome Paul Dalton who is a long standing friend, colleague and professional mindfulness and leadership development coach.
Drawing from his own experiences, Paul works with individual and corporate clients to live with less stress and greater happiness, by making mindfulness and mediation part of their daily lives.
Together, we'll challenge common misconceptions about mindfulness and share practical strategies that you can use right away to create moments of calm and focus. We'll discuss the benefits, introduce simple tools and techniques, and explore how mindfulness can boost resilience and support both personal and professional development.
In this episode we explore:
- The common myths and misconceptions about mindfulness and meditation
- The benefits of incorporating mindfulness to improve clarity and reduce stress
- How to ustilise simple techniques such as mindful breathing and body awareness
- Simple ways to create moments of pause and presence throughout the day
- How leaders can cultivate mindful practices within their teams
“Our brains are so much happier when they are paying attention to something.”
"Data and science is catching up to prove that happiness levels increase when we practice being present."
"The mind will try and pull you away, the move is to gently bring the attention back to the present moment"
“Making time for something like mindfulness can help you slow down to speed up.”
“By cultivating a more peaceful relationship with discomfort has a positive impact on the genetic markers for inflammation.”
“Leaders should not only make mindful breaks available but also encourage people to take them!"
“5 minute moments are all you need.”
To get in touch with Paul:
Please visit his website - https://www.pauldalton.coach/
Free Course
Get access to Pauls free course including 7 guided meditations and on the go exercises.
Great books related to this episode:
- Wherever you go, there you are – Jon Kabat-Zinn
- Full catastrophe Living – Jon Kabat-Zinn
- The Power of Now – Ekhart Tolle
- 10% Happier – Dan Harris
- You are the placebo – Dr Joe Dispenza
- Radical Acceptance – Tara Brach
- The Untethered Soul – Michael A Singer
- The Power of Letting Go – John Purkiss
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