The FootPol Podcast
The podcast that brings together football and politics. We'll be exploring the relationship between the two, both inside and outside the game.
The podcast covers "Big Politics" like politicians, clubs, international and national federations and other organised groups and how they use or abuse the game to "Small, Everyday Politics" in the form of community-level clubs, fan associations and the way that football reflects the political challenges of our day to day lives.
The FootPol Podcast is brought to you by co-hosts Drs Francesco Belcastro and Guy Burton.
The FootPol Podcast
Football's next big thing? The European SuperLeague ft. Anthony Macedo
The idea of a European Super League that would see top European clubs regularly compete against each other has bee in the news again in recent months, following a recent ruling at the European Court of Justice and its backers' latest proposals. But what would the Super League mean for European football, and will this project ever become reality? In this episode, Francesco and Guy talk to Anthony Macedo, a Portuguese academic based at the Lisbon School of Economics and Management and the University of Minho to put the court ruling in context, past efforts at putting a European Super League into action, who the main players and what it might look like. Anthony also explains what has stopped the a European Super League from happening in the past and why we may well see some incarnation of it at some point in the future.