The FootPol Podcast
The podcast that brings together football and politics. We'll be exploring the relationship between the two, both inside and outside the game.
The podcast covers "Big Politics" like politicians, clubs, international and national federations and other organised groups and how they use or abuse the game to "Small, Everyday Politics" in the form of community-level clubs, fan associations and the way that football reflects the political challenges of our day to day lives.
The FootPol Podcast is brought to you by co-hosts Drs Francesco Belcastro and Guy Burton.
The FootPol Podcast
British history, social changes and football ft. David Kynaston
In this week’s episode, hosts Guy and Francesco sit down with renowned social historian David Kynaston to explore the relationship between football and profound social changes that have shaped Britain since the Second World War. From shifts in class dynamics to cultural transformations, they delve into how these changes have both influenced and been mirrored in the beautiful game.
David is in the middle of writing a series about the history of Britain from 1945 to 1979 called "Tales of a New Jerusalem." His latest volume is A Nothern Wind: Britain 1962-65. He is also the author of Shots in the Dark: A Diary of Saturday Dreams and Strange Times, a memoir of Aldershot Town FC's 2016-17 season and the political developments that took place during the period, including Brexit and Donald Trump's first election.