The Starseed Mission Podcast

5. The "Real" Galactics & CIA False Light

EarthStar Academy

This conversation today is inspired by my Real Life (not only etheric and psychic, but physical and human) personal experiences with real galactic guardians, the avatar babies yet to incarnate, and higher dimensional spiritual masters who actually give access to Mastery-level teachings of Original Creation. 

Yes, those teachings they tried to burn down in the ancient libraries, and those teachings whose keepers have been strategically murdered all over the world for thousands of years.  This war against True Divinity is not new, yet the schemes and characters take on new faces... How do we discern?  How can we participate fully in our Mission, every. single. day?!  Let's get Deep in this week's Starseed Mission Support Star Fam!

Gridwork Healing & Clearing at the end of the episode:
(Timestamp: 1:20:44)
Clearing out Distortion, Wounding, Sexual Misery Distortions, Restore Energies in Reversal Currents & Remove All Implantations, Releasing Denser Fields of Pain in the Pain Body

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I LOVE YOU!! Thank you for listening!!!

Speaker 1:

Hey Starling, welcome to the Star Seed Mission Podcast, a jam-packed series that helps you understand your Earth mission, awaken your multi-dimensionality and embody your highest self in a grounded and empowered way. My name is Z Earthstar Healer, the founder of the Earthstar Academy. We support God's Angels on Earth, the Star Seeds, indigos, Dreamweavers and Lightworkers. We meet in the heart of the Christos organic ascension path and together we are on a mission to return divine love to the heart of all of humanity and ring in Heaven on Earth. In my podcast, I'll teach you how to access your higher consciousness, heal yourself on all levels, connect with your angelic galactic support team and lead a miracle-filled life of divine purpose. Welcome here, get cozy and let's get started with today's episode. Hi everybody.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Star Seed Mission Support. This is Star Seed Mission Support and it is a home transmission frequency out from us here at the Earthstar Sanctuary from me Z and all the beautiful angelic galactic spirit, elemental beings that work alongside with us to create a space of absolute sacredness and purity and safety so that we can engage in some of these more intense conversations. Because if you are in resonance with being a star seed on the planet, then you are basically in for a wild adventure of a lifetime on this planet. I mean, sometimes it really just feels like a movie and I don't have any copies of my book with me, but I will drop a link out down in the description and maybe I'll show you guys the cover. Shayne, do you mind finding a copy of my book and bringing it to me? Thanks, okay, the reason why I want to bring out my book is that it's very relevant to our conversation today, which is about the real galactics and CIA counterfeits and discernment, which is a huge conversation in our community. I know that many of you commented on my Instagram post about discernment and how we need a little boost, and so this is going to be a great video for you, so let's just dive right in. I'm going to give an overview of what we're going to talk about in our video today and, for those of you that usually tune into these live streams, just so you know, this is again a pre-recorded video because of my internet situation at home, but some of you are saying that the pre-recorded videos are clearer because I'm just straight recording a transmission, and so, yeah, give me a vote. I'll still do these live streams because I know that the community engagement and this beautiful room that we have on our YouTube channel is so brilliant and beautiful, and so I'm definitely going to keep doing these live streams, but let me know if these videos are better than when I would stream them live.

Speaker 1:

So today our video, we're going to start by talking about 3D real life galactic experiences. I think that this is important, and I'm going to explain why because building a relationship with galactic beings takes time, and building a relationship with galactic beings that are in other dimensions and are invisible to our 3D vision and view is just like building a relationship with people that are seen and physical, because it still requires for your being to learn about them and to build a bond that is built on your experiences, that are shared and the love that you've exchanged, and so these are real experiences that the human cultivates only over time. So we'll talk about that. I'll talk about the United Plan of the original creation, which is what all the star seeds are connected to, and some of the key activation words here are 144,000, which talks about genetic sequences of activation and actually the DNA templates of certain beings that are incarnate on the planet right now. I actually think that there are hundreds of thousands, seeing 300,000 in this activation wave. There's going to be more, and so, just so that we're clear on our definition of star seed, we operate with the definition of star seed as someone that has arrived here on this plane, in this physical incarnation at this time from somewhere else with the intention of co-creating with universal evolution. So, of course, all people come from the source, but not all souls that are incarnate at this time have that very specific source and intention and mission as they incarnate on this, on this planet. And I have a lot of other videos about this. If you want to go check those out, you can just go on my channel about star seeds. So we're going to talk about the different military experiments that center around, you know, mind control, particularly using frequencies and particularly using technology that emits certain frequencies, and I particularly do not really do any physical research on these things, but over the years I've heard these things come to me. I receive all of my information from 3D physical experiences, and so I will explain to you those and why it's a little bit more trustworthy of a source of information, not saying you should just take everything I say as the truth either. Okay, so that's why we're going to be talking about subtle energy and higher sense perception and subtle sense perception and how when we actually do our inner work and work on these denser layers of our light body, and we're going to talk about how we can do that, and I'm going to bring back the healings at the end of these transmissions. We used to do that before I went out on a grid work mission where I was living in the car for a couple months this summer, but now we're back in our studio, so I'm going to bring back the healings at the end of our session here today. So we're going to work on clearing the denser layers of our aura and you know why that gives us better discernment. I'm going to explain that. So this is overview of what we're going to be exploring in today's video and I'm so excited.

Speaker 1:

If you're new to my channel, give this video a like, subscribe, because this channel is here for you. If you are a star seed and you resonate with being a star seed, this channel is here to support you, to give you background information and training that we need to get our energy in tip top shape and that we're operating in our original creational templates so that we are the superheroes and the superstars and the emanators of pure source divine love that we came to be. So, if that resonates with you, definitely stay tuned for more goodness from our family. So let's talk about the real galactics. Okay, this is a fascinating conversation because when I first woke up and I want to tell you guys the story many of you already know the story, but for those of you who are new to my channel, I woke up back in March of 2013. And at that time, I literally had just quit university as a classical piano student and I'd spent most of my teenage and young adult life as this very typical Chinese girl really great at school, had hopes and dreams of becoming, you know, a astute part of society, and then, you know, took my study seriously, trained as a professional classical pianist.

Speaker 1:

Okay, just where I was, and I would say that at that point I was totally asleep and I was living inside of the false matrix. A brief definition, and you're going to hear me use these words the false matrix is what I use to describe the locked away 3d reality that most humans are living inside of, that is completely severed from the other dimensional fields of energy and the connection to original organic source. So people are living with no awareness of the presence of other dimensions and original source, that it's in the heart of all beings. Okay, so the false matrix is basically the reality in which that is completely severed. So this is also the reality where shopping malls and McDonald's and schools that make children, you know, stay in these little clean plastic boxes eight feet away from each other. You know, this is what I call the false matrix.

Speaker 1:

So that point, back in March of 2013, I was living entirely inside of the false matrix and I did not want to be a classical pianist anymore because piano school was tedious and nobody was having any fun. And that was really what woke me up is realizing one day, suddenly, that nobody was having any fun and people were getting on the bus to go to work with their little briefcases and they just looked sullen like there was no one home, and so I realized that there was something really creepy about that, and by me noticing that there was really something creepy about that, I went into the creepiness of it to get more information, and I later discovered that this is actually one of my gifts, and I'll explain that. But basically, march of 2013, this booming voice in my head screamed where are you from? And I was like I don't know. I was born in China and I was like Andromeda. At the time, I didn't even know that Andromeda was a galaxy, so I was bewildered. You know, first of all, never heard any psychic impressions like that and, second of all, it's telling me that I'm from Andromeda. So that was really weird.

Speaker 1:

But you know, having always been a pretty open minded and curious individual, I went home and I just Googled beings from Andromeda, you know, because Google knows everything, and if you want to know something, you ask Google, right? So that was actually when I came across all of the star seed information that exists on the internet, and I was quite surprised that so many people in the world. I mean, there were hundreds of websites and you know groups with tens and hundreds of thousands of people in them that you know are relating to being a star seed. So surprised that so many people on the planet, you know, not only knew about this phenomena but actually really resonated with it. And as I did more research and I read more about star seeds, I realized that nothing else made more sense for my existence than what it was saying, which is that, you know, beings from other star systems and dimensions and even universes are here in this moment of universal evolution, that we are experiencing the 3D as a liberation and a transformation of humanity and the creating of new earth on this planet, in the physical. But there's all of these ripples that reaches out all the way into the totality of this universal body.

Speaker 1:

And, of course, it says you know you are a super sensitive person. You feel like you've always been tuned into other people's emotions. You've always felt like you are here to help and to help others, to support in some way. You are super unpathed, all those things. You probably feel like you don't fit in, all of the things. And that's when I resonated with it. It's such a deep level. I was like, oh, I'm a super weirdo because I'm actually an alien, of course. So that's when it clicked for me and I was very curious about the source of this voice that was communicating with me, and I realized that if I reached back with my pets then I can actually communicate with this being.

Speaker 1:

And I think it was then that I, you know, this feeling that something strange was happening in the world really deepened, like I could no longer ignore it. You know, being an, now, the world is even harder to ignore with the strangeness of, you know, the pandemic and everything that's happening. And so, the more that I leaned into the strangeness of the world, the more that I leaned into how much pain I was perceiving that all the humans that I interacted with on a daily basis were feeling. Because, again, when you're super sensitive and you're an empath, you can just feel how much tension and conflict people are feeling inside. You know how much displeasure and discontentment people are really feeling. And this is a major reason why a young star see, the young empath will actually shut down their sensitivity right, so they don't then overwhelm by the intense emotional turmoil that their family members and all of humanity is under all the time.

Speaker 1:

And so, eventually, that feeling of turmoil pushed me to fully acknowledge it, and when I fully acknowledged it, I realized that it was the decision that I had to make. I could either continue living, just coexisting with the reality that this misery was there all the time, or I could just completely pivot my life to responding to that crisis, to doing something about it. And I decided that, you know, this was something that was meaningful enough to me. I wanted to help people feel better. In simple terms, right, that's like what? What that earnest desire inside was Like. I just wanted people to enjoy life, because I felt like that's what normal should actually be. And for many of you that come from advanced civilizations, you know we're like, you know, oh, like. All people are creatively fulfilled and deeply connected to God and have a deep inner experience of sacredness. You know this is normal where we come from, and so all we want, all I wanted, was for these humans to have a taste of that reality, that it was possible.

Speaker 1:

And so then I ran into a wall, because I realized that my vision was so huge. I wanted all of humanity to experience a high consciousness civilization, and I'm, you know, waking up, I'm broke, I'm a university student, I don't have any friends, and, um, I was like, how the heck am I going to do that? And so I realized that there were parts of myself that were greater than this singular experience of my personality that I have experienced myself as for my whole life. And so, for whatever reason, even though I didn't grow up in a religious or spiritual family environment at all, I knew I had to go and talk to the mother planet Gaia, and I needed to go talk to the Great Spirit. So it was strange to me at the time that that's what I decided to do, but I just knew that I had to do that.

Speaker 1:

So I went into the forest and I was feeling the weight of this pain that I could feel, no matter how hard I tried to overlook it or numb it out, I would see it in everyone. I would see it in my mother, I would see it in my father, I would see it in my schoolmates. It's just this deep-seated discontentment of some sort, and so I was so distraught that I collapsed to the ground and I said Earth and sky, the Great Spirit, god, whoever you're called, I know that you're just this greater part of me, right, this unified, greatest version, unified field of myself that has access to all things, that knows everything, knows my gifts, it knows my higher self, it knows where I've been and what my specialties are, what I'm good at, what my skills are, knows you know how to weave the timeline is just this greater holographic intelligence. So I was like I will devote my whole life to doing the next step, to taking the next step, if you just show me what it is, because I want to help and I want humanity to experience a high consciousness of civilization, and that's my goal, that's what I want to create. So please bring me the next step and show me what to do.

Speaker 1:

And so, to my great surprise, I actually started getting inclinations, I started getting information, I started remembering my skills and I started realizing that these other dimensional aspects and beings that I was communicating with were actually higher dimensional aspects of myself. Many of us come from collective consciousness and from actually dimensional realities which are completely intact with source consciousness, okay. And so it's rather strange for a lot of us that haven't had a individuated form very often to be separate, like we feel that unified field, that unified existence, right. And so they started guiding me to these different places on the earth where I started to run different kinds of frequencies, to open up different energy pathways and to restore different things and to clear and to help different souls transfer back home and all of these things and um.

Speaker 1:

So eventually they led me to this land here in New Mexico, where I live, and this is in 2015, when I landed here and I was basically told that a man had bought land here before he died. He said this little Chinese girl from Andromeda was going to come, and then this land was meant for her to build a star seed mystery school. And so when I came here and I was like, hey, I'm from Andromeda, I'm here to build a star seed mystery school, you know, the lancer that was here kind of turned white and he's just transferred. He knew that I was coming, but he wasn't, you know, absolutely certain that I was coming with these things. So I would say that this was the first major 3D experience that I've had with the Galactics. Right, because this man started to build a star seed mystery school.

Speaker 1:

Because this man Stu which, by the way, I heard this voice first March of 2013. And Stu died in March of 2013 before we ever met or anything in the physical right. So he literally just died and at the exact same time, started communicating with me, and so this is my first major physical human experience of the galactic experience of the realness of the galactic timelines and my galactic aspects, but having real implications in the physical world, which I think is really important. I'm going to explain why. So Stu had actually left a little bit of money that was just enough to put on a down payment on a modular home, and so I was able to get a home out here that I'm paying the monthly mortgage on at this point, and it's allowed me to believe just fully believe my timeline, because I mean, it's one thing to have voices talk to you and you think you're an alien, but it's another thing to literally be given a beautiful piece of land with a stargate nearby and it's literally a inter-universal grid work project. That's why that's part of why I was stationed here, and so these very visceral 3D experiences of synchronicity would actually continue to happen.

Speaker 1:

And I had a full seven years of this, which is why I wanted to bring up my book, because my entire awakening story can be read in this book. I am Starseed and it talks about grid work, astral grid work, psychic healing, the Starseed mission. I talk about my experiences with Sasquatch and ETs and fairies and the story of how I ended up here on this land and all of those things, which were highly packed. It was like one physical human experience of miracles after another and they're all packed into this book and all of this is going to make sense in a minute. I'm just feeling the frequencies that are coming in and it's a little bit intense. So I'm really excited to be here with all of you and to share the space with you. And all that is to say that I trained for five to eight years. It's been eight years now which I feel like there's a new wave of my mission that's really just starting now and it involves me talking to you.

Speaker 1:

But this training literally happened for five to eight years Before I came into a state of integration to be able to facilitate this kind of work. And it wasn't just five to eight years where I was working a job and I could only participate in my embodiment part-time. This is five to eight years of making daily decisions, of aligning with my mission and my embodiment, and the access to my high dimensional selves was my main focus. I mean, a lot of people probably can't even imagine what that's like. I you know, in the book I talk about a lot of stories where I've really had to just like live in my car and drive across the continent many times just to integrate and live completely outside of the false matrix, which in the beginning, the first three, four years, it really wasn't easy, but I knew that that's what I needed to do to create a path and puncture a hole out of the false matrix so that we can begin to do this work for real. And so through that five to eight years, so right in the beginning actually, they told me that what I was doing was basically rewiring my reality or my experience of reality.

Speaker 1:

So one of the earliest memories I have of my first round of training with the Galactics was when I was living at my mom's house and they would be like go to the mall and there was this huge malls, like one of the biggest malls in Canada, like literally across the main road, and I would be like I'm not going to the mall, the mall is gnarly, you know, they have, you know, junk food and they sell purses for exorbitant prices and I'm not going to the mall. They're like you have to go to the mall because this is part of your training and I'm like this is ridiculous and I literally feel my body just being pulled towards the mall. So I'd be like, fine, go to the mall. So I go to the mall and I'd be sitting in the food court and then something would happen to my perception or my third eye and I would be guided to just scan. So I was scanning the space, I was scanning the building, was scanning the products, I was scanning the people and I realized that when I activated this ability, I can actually get a lot of information. I could really see into different energy systems, that this was one of my gifts that was being trained and activated. This was like all the way back in 2014, 2015, something like that.

Speaker 1:

So this training continued basically every day where, when I realized that I could basically see through energy fields, I started doing it to myself and I started scanning my own energy field and I realized how much garbage was inside of there and they basically told me that it was going to take me seven years of devoted clearing in practice To get to the point where I'm going to be able to actually embody this frequency, to be on my mission for real. So that was seven to eight years ago, which is why, really, I'm feeling like my missions are just starting now, because, I mean, I can, I'm just like scanning back at all the times that I was just, you know, going through all these dimensional levels of healing and I think that this was really important because this was training that, first of all, my human self engaged in making the decision to devote yourself entirely to spirit and to the universal unity and to yourself with a capital S Right. This means this means making the higher decisions for yourself on a moment to moment basis and really showing up for yourself and going to the dark places, going to the painful places, not just for a day, not just through a class, but devoted to yourself for life. Because you know, for me I'm still healing. You know I'm still going through the deep layers in my sacral and root chakra and you know this is nothing to be ashamed about, because think about how many thousands of years Our ancestors have been enslaved and abused by this plant here system, and many of us come from other star systems where we've experienced the same thing.

Speaker 1:

A lot of us are actually here to heal galactic trauma and I'm feeling it getting triggered. Don't worry, we got you. You're saved here in this field. We're just going to ping them right, just to just ping them in the field, bring them into consciousness. So well, this is actually our mission and there is a payback. I mean, you are going to be rewarded for doing this work because what you're getting back through doing this work is your creator abilities and through you bringing back your creator abilities, you're actually representing humanity, getting those powers back. So I'm going to break that down.

Speaker 1:

But I think that the main point I'm trying to get here is that, because I know how much healing work I've had to do over the last seven years to be where I am now, and because I have the ability to literally, you know, I've. You know, when I was first doing this work, I was scanning my field three to four hours a day and eventually, what happens is that your body starts to actually work and process energy for the planet. And so, even though I was doing that for a really long time and for a while I was really supported, there was a period of time when I was really came in to support me in some really deep let's say, astral, ritual abuse, past life ritual abuse, kind of really deep, dark magic distortions. By the way, like you know, I have a super profoundly deep connection with that medicine. My birth name actually means fragrant medicinal tea, and so nine times out of 10, during an ayahuasca ceremony, I was actually cloaking myself so that the facilitator didn't either negatively affect my experience or see what I was doing and try to stop it or try to steal my powers, which is, you know, just kind of the state of that real reality, and many of you that you know do work with a medicine. No, that is just a really messy reality out there.

Speaker 1:

But long story short, it was a lot of devotion and a lot of intense practice that went into training to play this role that I'm playing now, which I would say my role is self healing guide. It's galactic self healing guide, and what I mean by that is basically, you know, our bodies carry all the information that we need for it to be an optimal operation, and that includes the functions of ascension and includes the functions of telepathy and all of these higher dimensional skills that we have. That's all coded inside of our body, inside of our DNA and inside of our light bodies, right? So all of that information is already inside of you and my role is basically just to offer tools and a loving environment and a reflection you know, sometimes seeing that reflection that, okay, you know what this person has gone through.

Speaker 1:

All these things you know sexual trauma, rape, abandonment. My parents kicked me out when I was 16. I was homeless for like five years, dropped out of school, all of these things and if this person, by the grace of my own soul's divinity, can heal myself to arrive in this place where I'm now having a thriving business and I live in my own house and all these things. I just turned 27. If I can do it, I'm just acting as a reflection that this work really works. Right, we're not trying to just get by, we're trying to thrive. We're not trying to just, you know, have a job so we can do our spiritual practice on the side. We're trying to be an example of what a high consciousness civilization looks like, of what a full powered, creator human being exist, as this is what all of us are here to do. And guess what? You are highly coded for this. Your soul has the knowledge to do this. You have access to all of this information and more, and sometimes, you know, we just need a little help and a little bit of support from somebody that you know is an interdimensional scientist that I can share with you the anatomy of your light body so that you can pull energy through it in a specific way that can greatly accelerate your healing. So, really, this is the stuff information that I'm here to share, and the last thing that I have with the real galactic here is that a healthy, healthy lower chakras are required for grounded perceptions of time. Okay, so this is really important because I would say that I am an Oracle.

Speaker 1:

I don't use the word channel, because the word channel seems more like a anatomical or a biological process and it seems more of like a secular word. I like to use the word Oracle specifically because the practice of a regular channeling or a regular transmission is literally an ancient galactic cosmic temple art. The temple art is is the art of being in service and in devotion, right. What is building a temple or building a space of absolute connection to the Great Spirit, to God, to cosmic sacred unity, whatever you want to call it, is a field as a feeling, to vibration right, and so when we build a temple, we are building a space which actuates and amplifies the energy of sacredness, of divinity, of true original holiness, which actually is filled with joy and love. And so the act of being an Oracle is really a priest or a priestess who opens up to only the highest frequencies of original source of divinity, of high consciousness, teachings, of ascension, right, these are the only energies that we work with, and so, for this reason, we don't call it channeling, because you can really channel anything, right, you can channel the consciousness of a dog, you can channel the consciousness of a negative alien, you can channel the consciousness of a frequency technology that's emitting from mind control tech. And when we are not trained, when we are not inside of a field where we are cultivating true sacred beingness inside of our being, you know, without that training you aren't, you can't be an Oracle, and it's not a comparison, it's.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying to make a distinction here. Where the presence of holiness is very important to me, the presence of true Christed holiness is. You know, I am feeling those hearts light up. I can feel you guys in the field lighting up with this, because I feel like at this point, you know, this is a huge part of discernment right, and the reason for this is this conversation is, like you know, after having all of these experiences, right, physical human experiences and this training, and you know, when I'm doing sessions, I'm able to just pierce through the light body with my vision and I'm able to pull through really high frequency, pristine energies of source that it's actually effective in clearing and healing. You know, what we can get done in two hours is just incredible.

Speaker 1:

And the only reason why I'm able to do that is because I spent five to eight years deeply devoted to that process of excavating and healing myself, every single day, every single day. There's not a day that goes by in which I'm not, you know, seeing the holes in my field and healing them. And again, you know, at some point these heal, these holes do become Cross lifetime, they do become collective, they become galactic lineage and human lineage, and again, that's where the real work is. And so, because I have excavated my Lower chakras and I have brought my higher, higher consciousness into my human existence, I'm able to, almost, like, perceive reality differently. Okay, and this has to do with the different layers of our light body. No, is this what I want to go into right now, or yeah, okay, we're gonna take a little break now and listen to a special message from the Earth Star Academy Don't go anywhere, we'll be right back.

Speaker 1:

Hey angels, it's me again, z-earth Star. I just wanted to let you know about our incredible mother ship. It's a dream come true for star seeds a place where you can express your magical cosmic self and receive full spectrum Training, healing and quantum support on your mission. Our colossal 500 module curriculum includes teachings like psychic training, negative ego healing, creation mastery, advanced training for healers, sacred contact with ETS, spirit guides of source, vessel optimization, grid work, new earth entrepreneurship, full spectrum healing and DNA activation and, of course, a detailed breakdown of our mission on earth, and so much more.

Speaker 1:

You might ask how am I able to offer such a wide spectrum of knowledge? Well, I've been training with the Guardians for a decade to serve you exactly in this way. We tried to think of every possible thing you might need to succeed as a sovereign creator, consciousness lifter and timeline weaver, and to make all of this available to you in our $89 monthly membership, which also includes a community space where you can connect with other star seas and light workers, weekly live Q&A's, workshops, healings and planetary grid work ceremonies with me and the Earth Star team. The mother ship is a light technology and it is a pristine source love field held by the Guardians in our Angelic galactic team. It was made to support you on earth in every way and it's such an honor to walk this Incredible journey with you. If all of this makes your heart flutter with joy and excitement, you can go to Earth Star dot Academy to sign up. We all deserve a safe and loving place to rest our wings and I'm so honored to build that mother ship with you. Once again, that's Earth Star dot Academy. Can't wait to welcome you home, darling, and we're back. Thank you so much for joining us on the Star Seed mission podcast. Let's now get back to the show.

Speaker 1:

So then you know it was easy because, again, I didn't receive any of this information from the New Age Community. In fact, I didn't even find the New Age community until a couple years after my initial awakening experience, and I know that a lot of people do wake up through the New Age community, through people, through Memes and through the disclosure community, which I think is amazing, and I think it was important that I didn't for the specificity of my mission. And that was that so, because everything happened inside of me and from the very beginning they told me that Declaming my field, clearing my energy, healing myself, was actually what was gonna lead me to landing my mission. By the time I entered into the New Age and the disclosure community, I had already my inner experiences that I can contrast with what I was seeing and you know, for many years I had.

Speaker 1:

I was sent on recon missions to different conferences and I would, you know, do the same thing, like I did in the shopping mall, where I would just scan the field, scan people, scan the speakers. What are the speakers actually doing? What's actually happening inside the room? Are people's field opening? Are they experiencing divine love or are they experiencing fear? And are they actually being siphoned of energy? All these things are very easy to see. It's like you go aside and you know A bunny rabbit runs across the road. You're like, oh, it's a bunny that ran across the road, is like, oh, that guy siphoning collective energy. You know it's very clear when you practice every single day on Activating your abilities, which you know I have done for almost a decade.

Speaker 1:

And so when I realized that some of these people were teaching ascension classes and some of these people were Channeling beings that were telling them about timelines. It was weird and strange to me, right? Because, first of all, ascension to me is a very deeply profound and Scientific process that involves the breaking down, the anatomy of the dimensionalities, the anatomy of our light body, the anatomy of our DNA and how consciousness and DNA interacts, and so it's a scientific process that we can learn and we can explore and we can, you know, experience inside of our body. It's not a Vague concept that we don't know about and that people can just throw around and make money off of right. I was seeing that quite a lot in the community, and so you know there are times when I get called out to conferences, like I said, and I'm my job.

Speaker 1:

One time I was at a conference and I was dragged to this conference. Right, I really didn't want to go, because the vibrations at these conferences, because after and I'm gonna get into this next Clearing the dense layers of the light body and why this is the most important thing in increasing Discermint and why, once you do this, there's no question in your discernment, because you know You're accessing gnosis and you're accessing the field of pure source where there's. You know you, anyway, before I get into that, I had already been doing this work, so my field was very sensitive already and so I hated going to these events where Awareness of energy was not present and Awareness of what the sensitives really need to have a good time are not present, because the organizers have not really done any self-work on themselves at all and they're trying to make money off of people that are trying, that are looking for information. It's, you know, really quite upsetting. It's not their fault, but you know money and different things makes us do different things, so anyway.

Speaker 1:

So I was asking the galactics you know why am I here? I hate these things, I don't want to be here. And I look out my window. In the car in front of me you literally had these giant stickers on the back windshield that says our con protection. I was like, what am I doing here? Am I like? I look out the front window? They're like our con protection. I was like, oh so I'm basically here to protect the field. You have no idea how many mass meditations have been invited to and you know these disclosure, ascension events that have 20,000 people at them and people are just getting hooked out, the wazoo and nanites are being straight sprayed at them and I'm like they're meditating the whole time, just like you know, clearing the field, and this is the stuff that happens.

Speaker 1:

And you know, I recommend, when you Find a Support system which support systems are important, right, because we all have different skills and when you go to school, you know if you want to go into engineering, you would have to have a physics teacher, but it doesn't mean that the physics teacher is your group. He's just teaching a science, just teaching you information about the fabric of reality that belongs to everyone. So it's like he's just somebody that has the knowledge that's there to share with you, because you are there to Find knowledge, and this is knowledge that you know the galactic and the ancient families have known for billions of years. So we don't have to just sit in the cave and meditate. Try to figure it all out ourselves.

Speaker 1:

However, when you are looking for someone to support you in your awakening and healing process, look at their life, right. Look at what they have been through, look at what kind of training they've had, look at the experiences that they've had as a human being. Feel how your inner children feel around them. This is the most important thing, because there are some people where my inner children just you know they could be saying the nicest things, they could be saying you know beautiful, you know things about the new earth and all the stuff. But if my inner children are not comfortable around them, that's a red flag for me, right?

Speaker 1:

And so it's kind of this awkward time when I'm really stepping in because you know, I am being called to create a star seat school and I do feel like you know, I've been Really nominated, like it's like a great honor. It's not like I'm like, oh, I know stuff more than you guys and I'm here, you know I'm so great. It's like no, I'm here to serve you guys because you believed in me upstairs to Go through this last seven years, to be able to anchor this integration, to reflect it at you. You guys trusted me to play that role and I wake up every single day and I do my fucking Oops. I do my best to fulfill that role Because we are operating as a collective unity and it would have just been pure chaos if we all had to go through what I did in the last seven, eight years and now that I've pretty much clicked into this training, I can basically transmit this frequency and you guys can probably omit and Accelerate that process in your own life.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about the dense layers of the body. Okay, this is really really, really, really, really, really important and it's really not talked about enough. And once I Communicate with you what this concept is, it's really gonna be a breakthrough. Okay, because now we're no longer using our pure mind and intellect to discern which. Our mind is just not smart enough to know certain things. Right, our mind is a computer, so it takes inputs and it creates outputs, it creates equations, and so our mind is gonna be like if a person talks like this and if they look like this, then one plus one equals they must be Jesus. Right, that's what the mind, that's like the capacity of the mind.

Speaker 1:

And when we grow up in the false matrix and our parents and our great grandparents passed down what I call density, dense layers of the body, and what creates density would be Trauma, experiences, long periods of depression and trauma, and famine and conflict, fear, because what happens is that your light body is this like Sensitive and beautiful and flowing energy. Right, and when something traumatic happens, it tenses up and it denses because it's creating a barrier, is creating a protection, and so that's one way that a dense layer or a muscle tension or a fascial Tightness and knots can form, all connected right. So I Know what it takes for a person To actually work through those layers of density because I've been through it and I'm actually quite a gifted Self-healer because I have access to these tools I've. You know, my ancestors were Taoists and I can feel my energy body like these are gifts that I have and even though I had all of those gifts and that awareness is still took me a Really long time and a lot of practice, a lot of devotion To work through all of these layers of density. And they're still existing in my field. It's just I have a very good awareness of what they are Okay, and so because of this, let's talk about subtle sense perception and what it is Okay.

Speaker 1:

Some people call it a higher sense perception. I like to call it subtle sense perception because it just makes more sense to my brain. So think about no-transcript frequencies and energies in the form of density were oscillations. Denser energies would be the heavier emotions right Of fear and anger and rage and jealousy and all these things they feel like they have a wide oscillation pattern, a slow oscillation. Now let's think about an energy like excitement, or happiness and love. You know, these feel like a faster and more loving and more subtle, a more subtle frequency of experience. Okay.

Speaker 1:

And so there's even a subtler field. The higher dimensions, the light rays and the geometries of time space that contain the higher source template, consciousness. All of that is even even subtler than the emotional bandwidth, okay. And then there's even denser energies of you know, when a soul experiences torture or ritual abuse, which has occurred on this planet a lot, and many of you have experienced it on the astral plane. So these are like the densest energies of just absolute disconnection and death. Right. And so the reason why the masses can't tell the difference between you know what's true and what's a lie, because you know they're just watching TV and the TV is saying things. And that's why there's echo chambers, right. That's why a lot of people just believe what the TV says, and the reason for that is because their field is so dense that they are not able to discern the subtler differences between a lie and truth, or what's good for them or what's not good for them. Their field is in such a dense space that all they can have access to is their intellectual processing instead of their holographic intelligence. That includes their emotions and their intuition and all the subtle nuances of the light body.

Speaker 1:

And you, as an ultra sensitive person, you know. I know. When I was a kid, I could feel what my mom was feeling like before she came home from work and I knew if she was upset. I would try to take care of her and it was like I was a super sensitive being and any person that feels like they're an empath or a super sensitive. You know what I'm talking about. So the reason for that is because you come from a lighter field, okay, but when you come into a physical body and you experience the false matrix maybe you grew up in a, you know, a muggle family, like me, and you had to go to public school, and some of us were so sensitive that we started shutting down right, numbing out, leaving our body. So all this things then create dense fields in our lower chakras, especially our root chakra, and I was going to go into the root chakra, but I think this is going to have to be another conversation because the root chakra is so important. So I think we're going to do the root chakra next week, okay, and that's going to involve, you know, a deeper dive into cultivating subtle sense perceptions.

Speaker 1:

So subtle sense perception is then basically, you're getting closer and closer to perceiving and experiencing reality as your true self, as your highest source, connected aspects who probably can feel so subtly? Because reality is so fine and delicate and beautiful and exuberant and pure and crystalline, right? So that's like a such a subtle frequency, energy, that when that frequency begins to land in the body and you're experiencing yourself as that level of subtlety, then you're going to notice all of a sudden in your ability to discern increases, right, because every little nuance of energy you're going to feel and this is, you know, something again that a lot of you empaths and super sensitive. You've already experienced this when you know you're at school or something and there's a teacher and where's anyone, and they might not be exhibiting any weird behavior, but something about their vibe just feels off. Right, it's because energy is not running through their field.

Speaker 1:

When we're in our original template and source, energies and consciousness and life force that's what it is. Life force is animating our field. If we're in purity and clarity and in our original template, then what we will experience is just pure love, pure love and expansive joy and creativity. Right, these are the original frequencies of the universal matrix or God, and so when you are a hyper sensitive and you've cleared these distortions, it's very easy to see who is emitting an authentic ray of divine love and who isn't. And for someone that is not emitting an authentic ray of love, they definitely shouldn't be teaching a class about ascension, because sensing and experiencing yourself as love is only the beginning of that whole journey. It's just the opening to the door when you, ah, I am divine, it's me, and so this is why our subtle sense perception is so important, because this is also how we discern who we interact with interdimensionally.

Speaker 1:

And I happen to have been born with a high level of skepticism. Okay, I do not work with very many beings. I think this is a you know. First of all, I come from a very you know. I come from a different universe, and so I could see the universal structure from a very high level. And because of that, you know, for the most part, working directly with source and working with my own higher selves is enough. I've never had to ask for help outside of that really, and my galactic team, which is, you know, I, is an assortment of beings that know the soul intimately and have worked with the soul for a long ancient time my ascended and master ancestors, right, these are beings that I work with and once in a while, you know, a master shows up like Bama Ji, and in the beginning of this year, you know, when Bama Ji showed up like I, was kind of like, like I don't really. I know, you know, that source and my DNA can reflect and unlock everything.

Speaker 1:

So, you know, unless a being is really reflecting something that I feel profoundly, I'm probably not really going to listen to what they want from me, because, you know, all of the spirit beings want our experience, want humans to work with, and so when this master, this true master, was in my presence, I could only weep. I felt just being in this master's presence. I felt the love of all of creation so profoundly that all I could do was weep and recognize my own part in that, my own connection to, my own union with that, and that was an internal experience that I was gifted through being in the presence of this master. So from that point, you know, I decided that I would only work with you know, I would only learn from beings that created that impact on me, because feeling divine love is so important. I can't stress you how.

Speaker 1:

This? One very simple thing why does the new age not really talk about that, right? Why aren't we talking about inner union with divinity and how profound and sacred that is? And that's a great inquiry to begin our dissection of the new age. Deception, right. And so now my work. I'm just so careful, like I know the importance. I mean, I've worked so hard on this field that I'm not going to allow any being to come in and be like, hey, can I heal your field? Like no, you know, unless your, unless your field is pristine and it's just making my inner children jump and join, is making me weep in the presence of the profoundness of God. You know I'm good and so for that reason I feel like it's the same thing with the real galactics.

Speaker 1:

This is what I feel with my galactic team is that the feeling of union, the feeling of profound love is permeating always. It's just the environment, is just the tank, is just the water, just the air that we're in. The environment is just permeated with this pristine love of divinity that we are the fabric of our being Right. And so once you know what that vibration feels like and you go out into the new age community, you're going to quickly be able to feel you know who's on that vibe and who's in on that vibe and you know there's a lot of people that are well meaning in the community right, a lot of starseys are just waking up and they're excited and they have technology skills and they're super well meaning.

Speaker 1:

But you know, without these levels of discernment that comes from years and years of self work, if a being comes in and say, hey, is the galactic Federation, I have this message for you. And you know your dense field can't discern. You know who those beings really are because you hadn't devoted your whole life for the last decade to literally refining your feel to such a point where you can discern the difference between even the super subtle feels. And just as a reflection, you know, at this point when I'm doing sessions, I can literally go through the subtle layers of the light body and say this is from that lifetime. That distortion is connected to this ancestor who did this. And it's like it's not a download, is not like I'm getting fed the information.

Speaker 1:

I've trained my psychic abilities so much to a point where I can read the subtle energy field through your being, through the body. It's like it's like you're reading a book or you're you cut the cake and you can see the different layers of the cake with your eyes, with your physical eyes. Right, it's not like your mom is saying, oh, this cake has five layers, like you're seeing it with your eyes and your physical brain is giving you the information. So that's kind of you know where we've gotten and you know. On the one hand, it's kind of awkward to talk about these things. I don't want to boast, I don't want to say, oh, I'm so great, but I'm really just trying to create a contrast, right, like practice is real, training is real. That's why I'm starting this Darcy school, so we can train right this process of strengthening your subtle or higher sense perception.

Speaker 1:

Not that you ever have to get to the point where you're a psychic surgeon if that's not, you know what you're here to bring but clear these dense layers of your light body is definitely what is necessary to begin to experience your yourself as yourself. As yourself, meaning that you have access to your memories from other stars, star systems and your skills from other star systems. The main one that I use these days is the aspect of myself that's a geneticist right. I'm able to understand light geometry and I'm able to shift them in alignment with the laws of the universal creation. So, whatever your star seed skills are, you can access them, but only if you know how to de, densify or lighten or raise your raise your vibration as a catchphrase based on scientific process, where you can expand your sensitivity to a point where you're beginning to sense the finer aspects of yourself and bring them down into physical and thus unlocked your gifts, right? So many of you have so many incredible gifts and I'm just super, super excited that we are here to bring some serious magic.

Speaker 1:

So let's just briefly, at the end of this video, talk about, you know, spotting plants and people that are well meaning, right, just well meaning people that you know are not plants but are being manipulated to perpetuate the new age glass ceiling. So there's a couple parts to this, and these are things that I realized. The first one is that we grew up in a false matrix where we're literally groomed and programmed and trained to celebrity worship and to put people on a pedestal and to idolize them From a young age. I think about Justin Bieber coming out and then all the girls with the Justin Bieber posters like do we know Justin Bieber? Do we know what kind of person he is? I personally don't. I think that he's a star seed. However, I don't know him personally. I don't know if you know, I don't know what kind of character traits he has, but just because you know, the media and his record label is marketing him in a certain way that young children are idolizing him, right, worshiping him, putting him up on the wall and saying, oh, this person is so great, you know, just putting them on a pedestal.

Speaker 1:

So even if you as a human, like didn't do that, like you didn't idolize a celebrity, celebrities and the existence of artificially raised up people was a thing in our society, and so that actually is subconsciously shaped, our relational abilities. So this is something that you know it's in the sacroshock or is a dense field, is something that we need to work through. You know, if you go into your sacroshock or you will find a physical, a physical etheric energy where this pattern is stored and actually you know every program and belief and pattern is a geometry in the energy body, which means that you can remove them and restore them, which is the work that you know we would do so because we're literally trained to this and this is why, in the disclosure and the new age, you know, there's especially a lot of you know, middle-aged people that you know, because that was really when these programs with you know, hollywood and stuff came through. And these are the people that you know idolize. And we now we have now we have new age and disclosure celebrities, right, people that bring through entertaining information that we pay money for is almost like you know, it's like what are, what are we doing really?

Speaker 1:

Okay, so with that understanding, then it's literally programmed into our being to idolize and put people on the pedestal. Of course, this makes sense, because this is how the negative ETs have controlled humanity for eons. Like we're literally, literally genetically manipulated to idolize false gods and celebrities and whatnot. So are there celebrities in the new age disclosure reality that we're beginning to see that actually have no profound connection to God, to sacredness, to templates, or maybe they have. You know a little bit, but really, when you use your subtle sense perception and not just your intellectual mind, not just you know what they're saying with their words, but what they're saying with their energy, with their emitting energetically through their all the layers of their dense bodies.

Speaker 1:

You quickly realize you know who who's here for the thing and who's here to perpetuate what I call the new age glass ceiling. And the new age glass ceiling is very interesting because many of you woke up in the new age and woke up in the disclosure community. I think this is amazing, but most people get stuck here because that's what it's designed to do, right, the new age glass ceiling is basically a lot of these different programs that are like, oh, we're on this great timeline and you know, the aliens, the galactics, are finally doing this and soon you're all going to be saved, or whatever. Or you know, oh, the ascension is here. Yay, we're activating our DNA. And it's kind of saying like that's already happening, like under the current, and there's nothing you have to do to participate in that. And part of this is true. Like, yeah, there's solar rays and light frequencies and all these codes and activations and the earth is acting, activating, and these rays are coming out, and so, to a certain extent, we are experiencing those things and knowing how much deliberate action I've had to take over the last seven years to get to this place where I'm at. I know for a fact that when you know, it's just tossed around in the new age community like, oh, we're ascending, like five, to the ascension Very deliberate and scientific process that needs to be taken, and next week we're going to talk about the root chakra and the reason for that is, you know, you're going to see, I can't go into it as a whole can of worms, I just can't right now. So I think that we have communicated completely and I will say that you know, it's funny. Oh, the one thing that I missed. I was like, I'm pretty sure there's something called the looking glass technology and this is something that I like had an awareness of before. You know, I read anything about it or heard people tell me about it and basically, is this feeling like, you know, maybe they were just talented or maybe they were just skilled remote viewers into the future, but they definitely saw that star seeds were radically changing this world.

Speaker 1:

And so a lot of these different plants and people that are doing saying all the right words. Right, they're saying all the right words, but there's just no substance, there's no depth to what they're bringing is like they. They, the words is all they know. Well, the thing is that when is when a group of people are creating imitations to deceive? They don't have creativity right. Ai literally only knows how to imitate, so all they know is to take all the words that we're organically saying I'm putting them in a person and having the person say those things. There's no depth and creativity that's flowing through them. That's actually a representation of the energy that they're talking about, and so I'm pretty sure that you know this isn't new that they saw that these different galactic councils were making a real difference on the planet, so they created fake ones just to confuse people, just to mislead people.

Speaker 1:

There are voice of God technologies that can literally speak into people's minds, and so, again, these days I can't even watch most channelings because I'll just start to get a headache, which is the same thing that happens if I try to watch TV or the news, because the frequency oscillation of the emitting consciousness is just so out of harmony with the peace and serenity and divine love that is flowing through this being. And so you know, try it out, right, try it out. And I think this is why I like to use sound frequencies in the transmissions because it's pure frequency transmission Like you can't fake a frequency transmission because it's literally the geometry of the emotions that come through. So when I'm singing, a lot of you will have memories and you'll cry. You'll cry because it's literally the frequency of sacred union with ourself, inner union with divinity, that comes through. And you know, I invite you to have a really fun time. I mean, I invite you to get this training.

Speaker 1:

Just go out there and start scanning things right Scan TV, scan your friends, scan yourself, scan channelings, scan videos, scan for the profoundness and the sacredness of divinity and all of creation in harmonic resonance with that joy, with that love. And you know, let me know if that helps and that works right. Because somebody was like well, how do we know? You know who's channeling and who's? You know whatever, and it's like you know. Once again, I wouldn't even want to like the one I'm singing. I would say it's channeling. Right, it's technically the act of channeling, but I wouldn't call it channeling because it's a sacred act to me.

Speaker 1:

All transmissions is something that is sacred and that is creating a sacred ceremony container to be shared in that space, because what we're really doing is we're bringing through these masters we're bringing through sores. And so how do we create the right space to actually respect that about ourselves, to put the sacredness and our divinity at the highest place in our life, in our consciousness, in our living, breathing, experience on a day to day basis? And when we put our sacredness at the top, it means that we're also creating space around sacred practices, and that's when we start to build a temple inside of our body or building a temple inside of our house, and we build a temple inside of our day to day experience. Okay, and I think that, more than anything, this is something that lights me up and we think about how this is really something that has been eradicated. Right, the church no longer does that.

Speaker 1:

Right, when you go into a church, are you crying and weeping at the beauty of the truth of our divinity? Or do you feel like some God is trying to judge us all the time, like, oh you better, better not do this, you know, or you're going to go to hell, or whatever. And so, yeah, it's important to bring this conversation to this place, because Ascension, knowledge has is not new, right? This is not the first time that Ascension and the embodiment of higher dimensional qualities and the activation of acidic powers and all of these things is not the first time that this has appeared on the planet. This has existed for as long as humans have existed, and even really super ancient Native American tribes. They're beings that shape shift, they're beings that create ceremony, they're beings that, you know, channel the voice of the creator, and so for a very, very long time.

Speaker 1:

I think the last you know major one that I can think of is, first of all, china is literally killing and selling the organs of their, of their Qigong practitioners, and most of the Qigong are the Falun Gong practitioners, like people that are spiritual, are beings that come from particular lineages or bloodlines, right of divine connection, and certain practices connect us to our perfected light body, and so these teachings are a danger to the Kabbalah, because if people had access to their power, to their divine power, then nobody would want to, you know, go to their job or be controlled or, you know, feel like they can be controlled, even because they just be too powerful. They remember that they're divine creator being, and so even now, right, people with divine knowledge are being persecuted Thousands of years ago, 1200, and when the Kathars were the last beings that were really trying to bring in these temples, the temple right, the temples spaces, the containers that hold space for the highest original frequencies of divine union, creational love. What happened to them? Literally eradicated by the church, right, and so this has been going on for a long time and it's still happening. Now is just happening differently, just like the vibration of sacredness is being eradicated from our world.

Speaker 1:

And that is why, even in the New Age community, in the spiritual community, when, when, really, what is spirit, what is being spiritual is the recognition that we are divine love, that we are in unity with the force of unified creation. It's so simple, right, but this is a vibration. This is a feeling. It's a profound feeling that you know, oftentimes I'll just be, you know, just like you know, oftentimes I'll just be doing whatever and I'll just feel it so deep and I'll just start weeping. And this is a feeling that is, you know.

Speaker 1:

I'm looking around the New Age community and I'm like what are we doing really? What is this? What is this? Okay, and the reason for it is that it's literally an imitation that was put there so that the real spiritual people, all of you guys who have this deep, profound connection to spirit that's why you woke up, right, you're already super sensitive, you're already tuned into your subtle sense perceptions. That's why you can tell the difference from the truth and the lies, right?

Speaker 1:

So this New Age glass ceiling partially resonates with all of us because we, this is like the most spiritual thing. It's, as I like to call it, the spiritual sector of the false matrix, right, but really what it's trying to do is actually keep us from connecting to the true vibrations and knowledge and teachings of our higher selves, of our highest selves of God, of universal templates, of universal creation, of ascension. And so, whoo, you know I'm seeing this vision of literally just poking a hole through it. Right, we're just poking a hole through it, like that's what we're doing, that's what we're here to do, and I'm gonna complete today's transmission with a healing, as promised, on clearing some of these denser layers of the light body. But you know, starting this new thing, I'm getting ready to record a bunch of modules for the Starseed Training Academy that's opening in February, and you know, what I'm really gonna do is break everything down, because this year I had my first run of the school and people are having extraordinary experiences.

Speaker 1:

But I think that the material because you know I'm still stepping this awareness and this knowledge down for my own higher self, that sometimes, you know, we're just moving too fast. Or a lot of people feel like, oh, I'm a beginner and I feel like, you know, when you talk about templates and all the dimensionality is just a little bit too hard for me to attune to or touch viscerally, and so I'm creating a really comprehensive beginners class that's holding the context of all of these other things that I'm talking about, right, these dimensionalities of understanding and context, so that when you go through the beginner class you know that you're just directly on a path to learning the advanced lessons. You know we're not just gonna talk about chakras, we're gonna talk about the creational implications of your chakras and how creation energy flows through them that interacts with the fabric of reality. You know all of those things and so much more. I'm gonna be breaking down in the school and it's gonna be $89 a month and it's gonna include, you know, multi-weekly Q&As and live, you know, three-hour healing ceremonies with me on a monthly basis. It's just gonna be a real star-sea support system.

Speaker 1:

Whatever it is you guys are needing, I'm gonna do my best to bring through the vibrations to support that mission, because what I want to see is us thriving. Not only are we getting by and just have enough money to bring light to this world, but we are Creator beings and we're creating the infinite abundance, we're reflecting the infinite abundance that we are as universal creation beings and we reclaim this creation on the earth and, you know, redirect all particles of the creation to benevolence and love. And that looks like, you know, all of you being abundant and doing what you love and being able to fund. You know, whatever it is that you need, whether it is a healing center or a child rescue mission, feeling anchored and empowered and all that is lower chakra stuff, right, feeling stable, feeling like life force can flow through these vessels which can create that stability and true strength, fortification, where you're not like, oh, you know these people, they're, you know, doing these things to kids and I don't know if I can do any. You're like I am strong, I am powerful, I'm an infinite Creator being and this is a vibration in which we operate, and then the reality is gonna reflect that and all of a sudden we're online and we're on our mission. So I'm really excited for that.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of a big thing in my world right now because I'm planning it and I'm writing the curriculum and I'm basically gonna be recording. You know a lot of material and I'm really excited because you know, during these talks I can get into a lot. But sometimes I really want to dive into specific things and I don't have so much time and it's a little bit scattered and I just need a contained environment where you know we can do a step-by-step process right, maybe it's gonna be like a three-year process. I mean, for me it took seven, eight years, but for you it's not gonna take that long because you're gonna have this process. And so next week we're gonna dive into the root chakra, which is gonna be a great talk because this is really the key of creating a new reality.

Speaker 1:

Okay, when we say, oh, we're going from 3D to 5D or creating a new Earth, and yet there's no talk of the root chakra, it's delusional If we're not gonna be able to create a new reality, if the fabric and the physics and the operating system of the old world, of the old paradigm, is deeply etched into our literal root chakras, which, unless you go through a very deliberate experience of healing and clearing, I guarantee you it's still there. Guarantee you, there's no getting around it. You have to do the work right. That's why you're here to build a new Earth. How do you build it? Literally, restructure the foundation of your own being from the old paradigm to the new paradigm, and so this is gonna be a really juicy conversation we're gonna talk about next week on Starseed Mission Support, and I love you guys so, so much.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna wrap this up here with a clearing of the denser fields and I hope you guys have a beautiful week until we gather next week.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, so I invite you to just get comfortable if you want to lie down, whatever is gonna allow your body to relax and be open. Just know that this is a safe field and that any energy that is brought in today can only interface with your field if it has permission through your higher self, if it's an alignment with your highest love and highest joy. I think that this is really important right to know that these frequencies are here to serve us, and if something isn't serving us, it can just pass right through our being. This is true for all things. So just know that these frequencies in this field are here to serve you, and only the vibrations that are in alignment with your highest love and joy will transpire, will take place, will influence your being in any way, and just breathe, and I'm gonna get started Taking a nice long, deep breath down into the lower belly, expanding the belly as far as it won't go, exhaling, releasing all tension, all tension from the body, from your aura, from your mind.

Speaker 1:

Here we're connecting in through our high heart to our highest source, connected aspects of self, these master, ascended, unified, divine, perfect templates of our soul as well, connecting to each person's angelic and lactic team who are going to alliance with the unified original living creation source and, of course, we're connecting also to our unified source being together, just intending to bring through some frequencies, healing, restoration no oh nog.

Speaker 1:

We are commanding for a frequency of complete clearing of any distortion, wounding pain that is no longer the highest for us to be carrying at this time. Allow these density to be cleared from all layers and levels of our roots, sacral and solar plexus, all misbelieves, distortions, miscreation, imprints, mind control, sexual misery, technologies, etc. Go ahead and remove all of these intentions and all of their related networks of energy. If it is the highest for each person to receive at this time. High yourself, galactic team.

Speaker 1:

If there are any energies in reversal currents, if there are any parts of our being that are in resistance to running currents in our original anatomy, go ahead and restore all of those processes and remove all implantation, thought forms, entities, etc. These are the root causes of these distortions and reversals. We're also releasing any denser fields of pain in a pain body across lifetime, intergenerational, that is ready to be cleared and lifted. At this time, just breathe open, allow the sound vibrations and energy field to work for you. Open up the feet, chakra and allow the energies to flow through the vehicle freely. Bring in an integration frequency to support these beings in activating our higher or subtle sense perception, of course, any lingering layers of my asthma, frozen emotional energy, continuing this clearing process here for a little longer.

Speaker 2:

Then we will work with a closer Meinung source to the other sat. Give me a command.

Speaker 1:

And higher self galactic team. We're requesting for an integration here and bring in the highest frequency template of our own soul's essence to be embodied and experienced in this new space that we've created. At this time, may all beings walk and breathe in the awareness of their inner true, sacred divinity and the power and the wisdom that comes along with the experience of themselves as to find love as God's love. I may we be strong, infinite sources, lighthouses, emanations of original divine love to envelop all of the fallen world back into union, and may we elevate and co-create together in joy, just as we know as our home, as our true state of being, as something that is remembered and real and visceral to us. Alright, family, I love you guys so much and I will see you guys next week. Bye. Thank you so much for listening.

Speaker 1:

I really hope you enjoyed this episode of the Star Seen Mission podcast and found some hidden treasures along the way. If you'd like to learn more about our work, our amazing community of star seas and lightworkers and the amazing healing containers and courses we host, please go to erstaracademy. You can sign up for our free newsletter or you can always find us on Instagram or YouTube at erstaracademy. I love you to the stars and back. See you for the next episode of the Star Seed Mission podcast.

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