The Starseed Mission Podcast

16. Gridwork: The Amnesia Field

EarthStar Academy

I'm starting a Gridwork series! Since being on my journey I've gotten so many emails and comments from you guys asking for more specific tips on performing Gridwork - so for Starseed Mission Support for the remainder of my Gridwork Journey, I'll be sharing about Gridwork!

Today we're focussing on something I call "The Amnesia Field" - how I recognized this field, what it feels when I'm working with it, and why it's important for us to become aware of this energy and work through it individually and collectively.

Gridwork Healing & Clearing at the end of the episode:
(Timestamp: 1:07:40)
We complete this transmissions with another healing and activation ceremony, and today's code has to do with a mysterious part of our lightbody around our heart chakra that was one of our original channels of communication between us and our world.  Think Avatar, the movie.  I'm excited to explore and re-awaken this primordial part of our lightbody, and attempt to co-create with all of you a Planetary Activation as well for All of Humanity!

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Speaker 1:

Hey Starling, welcome to the Star Seed Mission Podcast, a jam-packed series that help you understand your Earth mission, awaken your multi-dimensionality and embody your highest self in a grounded and empowered way. My name is Z Earthstar Healer, the founder of the Earthstar Academy. We support God's Angels on Earth, the Star Seeds, indigos, Dreamweavers and Lightworkers. We meet in the heart of the Christos organic ascension path and together we are on a mission to return divine love to the heart of all of humanity and ring in Heaven on Earth. In my podcast, I'll teach you how to access your higher consciousness, heal yourself on all levels, connect with your angelic galactic support team and lead a miracle-filled life of divine purpose. Welcome here, get cozy and let's get started with today's episode.

Speaker 1:

I'm so excited to be back here with all of you this week. We apologize for missing last week. I was driving through Utah and I did not have service and I was really tired and so I decided to plan better this week and I'm here at this really cute little tiny house on the Mississippi River in Minnesota and I'm really excited to report to you the things that we've been experiencing on our grid work journey. So welcome. I'm so excited to talk with you guys about grid work some more. I received a lot of emails and comments from the last weeks and you guys had a lot of questions about grid work. We really wanted to participate and that is so exciting to me, and so we're going to do a deep dive. So we're here at the Mississippi River because when Shane and I were about to embark on this journey, we did a quantum hypnosis session where Shane was put under hypnosis and we would connect with our galactic angelic team and ask for guidance, and the Mississippi was one place that came up in our session. That was recommended that we go and they didn't really give us much more information than that. And so we just got here yesterday some time, and definitely want to talk about my findings.

Speaker 1:

But just before we do that, I'm going to give a little bit of background. I find that when I go on a journey like this, oftentimes the whole journey unfolds like a story and every location that we go to brings in information that kind of adds and compounds on the previous location and it weaves this bigger mission or bigger story that's unfolding with every location that we go to. And so last week we spent the week in the megaliths in Montana and I'm going to be uploading the videos. I know I told you guys that I would be making lots of updates, but it's been kind of difficult because we've been driving a lot, I've been really tired and I greatly, greatly underestimated the amount of time that it actually takes to edit videos and upload them onto the internet. And so I said that I would be making lots of updates, but I really have just been collecting lots of footage, which means that you will be receiving that footage at some point is going to be really beautiful. But unfortunately I have fallen behind on my social media posting, and if any of you want to give me any tips on that, I would greatly appreciate it, because I kind of just live in the wild. You know, I brush my hair when I go on camera, when I need to, and I shower once in a while, but really I just exist. So if you guys have tips on how I can stay on top of posting on social media because I would actually really like to I think that what we're experiencing is extraordinary and I would love to share more of this magic that's unfolding in real time with all of you, but it's been proven a little bit difficult. With all that being said, I'm really excited to be here with you today.

Speaker 1:

We have a really deep subject that I'm beginning to open the energy fields. Here we're going to sink into a more of a meditative space before we open the discussion about the amnesia field, which is the most prevalent. It's the most prevalent theme that's been coming up in our grid work session so far. So I invite everyone to just take a deep breath and just let's get into our bodies for a moment and just breathe, slow down, feel your skin, maybe even want to just touch your body, just feel a sense of all rightness, like the air is kind and the universe is benevolent and there's just something very loving, generous, bountiful and kind all around us.

Speaker 1:

And as we settle into connection, what we're doing is we're beginning to connect into the elemental realms. And we can connect into the elemental realms through our elemental body, our somatic body that is made of the elements made of our flesh, our sensory body that experiences life in a moment to moment basis. And we're just breathing and slowing down. And if we spend a lot of time on the computer or at work, then we're literally shifting our brain wave state from. You know this. I don't even know what the scientific word is, but it feels very frenetic into this more calm and peaceful connected state. And if you need to breathe and let out a sigh, we're again just sinking our energy into a more subtle frequency so that we can open up the conversation into a more psychic place.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so let's actually connect in for a moment. Let's just put our hands on our hearts and close your eyes and we're going to make a connection up to every person's highest source connected aspects of self and we're smiling right into our core of our being and saying hello to our soul, the part of our self that is ever deeply connected to the source of all of life. And then we're going to make a connection to every person's source connected galactic and jelly that work in alliance with the laws of unified creation, divine love, divine co-creation, divine order. Okay, and we're opening up the field and we're feeling that glittery, beautiful, joyful energy as we're connecting in with a higher self on our team and we're bringing that energy right down, almost as if it's a column, just showering right down over our body or purifying our field. And let's go ahead and run that clearing frequency right through our being so that any energies of distortion or not of love, not of joy, can just wash away in this energy shower that we're taking with the essence of our own highest source, connected aspects of self and then just land that right into the earth and let's allow the energy to create a restoration in the land beneath your location so that all of the lay lines and the energies and the planetary shields below your body are restored back to the original source energy holding potential. Okay, all the way down into the course, so through the power lines and the pipes and whatever else. This is under the all the funny business, right, clearing all the way through, restoring the planets original divine source vibration holding potential, all the way through the earth into the ground.

Speaker 1:

So you guys let me know if the noise in the background is bothersome, you can write it in the Comment section if you feel like the noise is bothering you and I can totally relocate. It seems to be quite down. That feels really good. Okay, so welcome. I feel like now that we have connected in, there's one more step here. Actually, let's go ahead and Connect in with our heart, in our heart. I love that heart.

Speaker 1:

I've been calling the heart, our heart, star lately because it's definitely feeling like. I Like that term because the stars they have different. There's different kinds of stars. Some stars emanate energy and other stars they, I guess they emanate so much energy that they, like reverse gravity and they become a black hole and and sometimes in our life when we go through trauma and things, it can almost feel like our heart star Can be so traumatized that it reverses its field. And there's a lot of programming in the world that is specifically Out there to reverse the field of our heart star right. So there's a lot of programs like various alien love bite scenarios and false twin scenarios and dark mother fallen father programs and familial abuse and addiction and Basically everything, really everything that's out there.

Speaker 1:

Because humans, human beings, are such sensitive and Beautiful and precious creatures. You know the way that the AI has Created these distortion fields and these belief systems and these prison systems has really been a very, extremely traumatic experience for all human beings. That these soft, very soft, gentle bodies are soft, gentle, precious and pure Souls and bodies were not created to experience the level of pain and trauma that has been artificially inseminated onto this planet by negative ETS and etc. So all of that has created, you know, walls and distortions in our heart start, that's, keeping our heart from emanating and rotating, and creating the magnetic field around our body To keep us healthy and in a state of divine union and joy, which is kind of when our heart is in its natural state. You know, the human body and our consciousness and our emotions Naturally exist in a state of happiness and joy and fulfillment and connection. And so we realize that most people, you know we're not existing in that state all the time and when we turn on the TV you realize that the TV is really just trying to hijack that state of being all the time.

Speaker 1:

And this bird has an opinion, so it's just sharing it with you. So we're going to connect in with our heart here and we're gonna connect in with the vibration of the heart of the Pleiades. This vibration has been coming in for connection and for support a lot. This last week I fall on asleep just Immersing my field with the vibration of the heart of the Pleiades and just have received so much healing, hmm, and had really intense dreams from this. So it's kind of a hack, right. So we close our eyes and we're gonna just Become the pleidian star system and particularly focusing on the heart, the center of the Pleiades Supercluster and almost as if our own heart becomes the heart of the Pleiades. You see that there's actually a stargate here that connects out into the angelic realms of Andromeda. So just allowing these beautiful high vibrational star energies to nourish our body and our consciousness, I feel how then the heart begins to emanate that beautiful starlight and then it feels like our aura becomes this impenetrable Orb, not that it's rigid and it can't be penetrated, but that is just so much emanating with love that really, you know, it's like things are just flying off it and no matter how it's like, the harsher the vibrations, the less impact it has on your field because it's not in resonance with your being. All right. So Now that we're surrounded by our Galactic angelic teams and our friends in the David realm, our dragons, our fairies, our elementals, we're connected through our own heart star and we're here in the space together.

Speaker 1:

I think we are ready to dive into this conversation about the amnesia field and at this point I feel, like those of you that are following my work, you know that Z kind of Just is. I think one of the gifts that I have is articulating things that I think everybody feels and everybody experiences and everybody raises their eyebrows and say, hey, that's kind of weird, but don't have the words for. And I feel like I'm being initiated into just another level of that of really owning up to that being my purpose. Because I do feel like this gift of orating and being able to articulate things that are difficult to put words to comes with his own set of responsibilities, and for me, that ability to orate is coupled with my ability to perceive things in a very specific way, and I feel like this is partially, you know, having my experience as a light field geneticist from the angelic realm. What that basically means is that I perceive reality through densities of energy and geometries and Frequencies.

Speaker 1:

I think frequency, the language of frequency, it's kind of one that I'm very fluent in. So this is particularly Kind of shown in my session work, where I'm able to pick up the frequencies in a person's field, where I'm able to go to a place and pick up the frequencies in the memories of the space. That's really what it is is that when we Cultivate our very keen, subtle ability to pick up information and this is, you know, a lot of people say well, I'm an empath. Well, empaths you're. That's the capability, right as an empath, we're able to pick up Vibrational energy.

Speaker 1:

Now, for the most part in the New Age community, when we talk about, you know, empath Energies, we're mostly talking about you know, gross, not disgusting like gross, like big, like large oscillations of emotional energy. That is a Kind of a coarse energy right. So when we move through this recognition that, okay, we can pick up emotional information, that means that we can actually cultivate even more subtle forms. We can sharpen our intuitive knife, we can sharpen and zone in on our ability to sense frequencies and Over time, when we do our psychic astral push-ups, we're gonna be able to pick up keener and keener and even more subtle Frequencies of energy. And this is really important because I personally feel, like you know, when let's take the example of you know, when we are, when we were totally asleep, when we were totally asleep in the false matrix.

Speaker 1:

The false matrix Literally does all of these things to dull our senses, right, with TV and very static frequencies and sugar and extreme tastes and addictions. All of these things are kind of very gross or very large course vibrations that dull our senses. And so the reason for that is like when humans have their keen sense of subtle energy perception Activated, then we're gonna start to pick up memories, we're gonna start communicating Interdimensionally and then, all of a sudden, we wake up and realize the false matrix is what it is, and so, in order to keep humans imprisoned inside of the artificial Construct, it had to dull Humanity senses from a young age, and so, basically, when we are waking up out of the false matrix, we are realizing that these are all the ways that our human self had been abused. Right when a newborn child is born into the world, they are so sensitive and they're so keen and they're so connected and it's like they can be very telepathic, right, they're so Sensitive and I think that, you know, people think that when kids grow up then they grow out of it, but really they're supposed to be held and they're meant to develop those senses so that even when they grow into adulthood, they actually enhance those abilities and not just let those abilities, you know, die and become a half alive human being.

Speaker 1:

The false matrix. So now, as you can see, when we're waking up Out of those matrix, we realize then that our role as we're healing Is not just that we have to heal our emotional body or our physical body from the toxins that we have been, you know, inundated by. But as we begin to restore our pineal gland and our aura, we Begin to restore these original capabilities of our, of our senses, which is our ability to sense and very fine minute frequencies, and this is the beginning of Telepathy and being able to communicate with David Like realm creatures, like fairies and tree spirits and all those things is like this whole interdimensional, multi-dimensional, magical realm opens up that allows us to communicate through the veil and through the false matrix, and All of that happens through the cultivation of our subtle sense capabilities. So all of that is really important because we're talking about the amnesia feel today, right and again, part of the way that the reason why I'm able to perceive things in this very architectural way is because you know, as a geneticist from a higher dimension, that's basically, you are an architect and your architect what are? What you're architecting is structures of consciousness and Universal intelligence, and so what that means is that, as a human being and I'm perceiving from 3d I'm really perceiving upwards or outwards, through the densities, into all of them, into all of the, all the dimensionalities, right. So as I'm traveling and doing this grid work, I'm able to scan the field, scan the reality, and see the kind of the discrepancies or the distortions from the 3d upwards into the multi-dimensionality. And what I've, you know, been seeing for the last few years is this thing that I call the amnesia field. So, okay, I'm just gonna ground for a second.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so it is understood that human bodies have a lot of capabilities beyond what we're told. We're definitely not just these meat suits that are meant to work in an office. It's just ridiculous. So many, many different ETs and higher-dimensional beings understand that our human DNA, when it is in its healed, non-manipulated, original state, a human being, is a body in the physical that is meant to experience itself as divinity or as source. That means the body is capable of perceiving and experiencing all the mentionalities of universal consciousness from inside of this vessel. I think that's pretty freaking awesome. Now, if that's the case, then we know that the body has all of these latent, dormant acidic powers. Okay, and the word acidic, I think, is basically I saw a cardinal. Acidic power is basically an expression of the physicality that is beyond normal, Right? So miraculous healing, bilocation, telepathy, all of the things that we deem are beyond normal, but have been documented all over the world, in ancient texts and in modern yogic texts, and even there are examples of people walking around right now that are miracle healing people and, you know, tumors are disappearing and they are kind of bilocating.

Speaker 1:

I think there's an island in, like the French. I can't remember what island there is, I don't know, but it's, let's see. It was in the Tom Canyon book, but he talks about going to this island where basically, there are only these monks that live there and there's like this big river and this French town and the only way you can get from the town, from the island, to the town, is by, you know, going on this boat. And the weather is like super, you know, there's just thunderstorms all the time and sometimes there'd be a thunderstorm and people in the village would just see a monk walking around in the grocery store and they're like how the heck did he get there? And it's just commonly accepted that these monks just know how to bilocate into the town and they don't. It's like if somebody's trying to ride a boat to their island, they can just, you know, make a thunderstorm and they're like, nope, not today. You know, it's a giant moat.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, I understand that life, all that is to say. There are all of these examples of people that have activated these very specific powers inside of their body, acidic powers. So I think that humanity is moving through this evolutionary step where humans are finally coming into actuation of our potential. You know, we've always been intended to be a divine race that can embody these traits of God and we're finally at a time in our evolutionary process where we're touching that possibility. And I think it's actually just, you know, the AI and the negative aliens these things are just in the movie for added drama, right. It just wouldn't be a very good movie if you know, you come, you finally evolve out of the water, from the amphibians and from the ape, and you finally become the modern human and then you just become God. It's like anti-climactic, right. So you need some villains in there and that's why we have what we have. It's just, you know, some added drama, added suspense.

Speaker 1:

But basically, I think that many of us that are tuning into this stream right now the star seeds, you know, especially the star seeds, because star seeds are beings from other galaxies and other star systems and even other universes, and I believe that we have existed in places that are not as physically dense as this 3D Earth. Right In those places it was a lot easier to remember and to embody our divine potential, and so we learn how to bilocate and fly and instantaneously materialize things in these other realms and have went on our ascended mastery path and have cultivated divine qualities right. So that's why the star seeds feel naturally connected. What do you guys see?

Speaker 1:

That's why the star seeds feel naturally connected to things that are spiritual, connected to the angels, feel like we have this lofty spiritual energy about us, and it's because, you know, we come from those higher realms and we really are very excited to bring that level of Source mastery into this physical body, because we're literally completing an evolutionary cycle in the universe by doing that. And so this is all a very long preface which we're getting to the amnesia field, which I think is one of the most fascinating conversations we could have. But we just need to talk about a whole bunch of things before we can get there. Alright, drink some water, don't worry, we've not forgotten the amnesia field.

Speaker 1:

Oh that's funny. Okay, whoo.

Speaker 1:

So how these frequencies are coming in. I feel like these are literally unlocking doors in our DNA. These frequencies, you know, these transmission is coming through to activate and assist in the star seeds, remembrance of our true path, our true destiny. Right, because there's a lot of funny business in the New Age spiritual community where it's like, oh yeah, star seeds, we just play with crystals, there's nothing serious here, don't pay any attention to us, we don't have any superpowers, like you know, it's just this pretentious kind of fluffy spirituality and is like, okay, now these frequencies are coming and the galactics are like alright, guys, we're really getting to the juicy stuff. And I think a lot of you are probably on the edge of your seat, being like I'm here to activate my cynic powers, where are my powers? Give them back to me, right, we're ready. Whoo, okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

So the reason why it was so important for me to bring in that piece about human potential is because you know that's what the amnesia field is perpetuating the forgetfulness of. And it's quite insidious because. So this started when we were on this trip, when we were at these big boulders and the megaliths in Montana and, as the song was coming through, I was singing to the rocks and the rocks. They're so like goofy, they just love the songs, they're just like, they're so funny. But anyway, they was like seeing to this rocks and helping them, because the songs wake the stone beings wake them up. They've been asleep, they have information for humanity, they have a lot of wisdom that they're holding and it just takes the specific vibrations to oscillate into the rocks to wake them up. So, as we were waking up these rocks, I was seeing these tears in time space, which is really filled with consciousness, right? So let's say that human beings okay, this is how it all ties in here and I'm trying to articulate, just bear with me.

Speaker 1:

I believe that human beings were intended to be a creator race and what that means is that our DNA and a consciousness are holographically projecting into the living reality, right and through that. You know, this is the doorway into which we're gonna instantaneously materialize things, and this is something that you know Cara used to say when she would visit me and she'd say I'm here to teach you how to materialize things out of thin air. I really believe that this is something that we're capable of doing once we repair our DNA and come back into complete coherence and embodiment of our original divine core being. However, if we know that our DNA is capable of interacting with the time field, with the hologram of external physical reality, then we know that in order for the false matrix to even exist, humanity would have to be kept in a state of consistent forgetting or amnesia of our self as creator beings. So what happens when billions of people are in a false reality that is complete in disconnection from source, is that this reality, this planetary sphere, begins to fall right into that amnesia, and that fall creates these tears. That literally keeps source energy from flowing through the planetary sphere coherently. So I would love for you guys to give me feedback if what I'm saying is making sense, because sometimes it just sounds like words are coming out of my mouth and it doesn't make sense in my own brain. I just like I have a signal and words are coming out and I can't even hear what I'm saying. That's like my internal experience of these things. So let me know if I'm making sense. Okay, we're gonna take a little break now and listen to a special message from the Earth Star Academy Don't go anywhere, we'll be right back.

Speaker 1:

Hey angels, it's me again, ze-earth Star. I just wanted to let you know about our incredible mothership. It's a dream come true for Starseeds a place where you can express your magical cosmic self and receive full-spectrum training, healing and quantum support on your mission. Our colossal 500 module curriculum includes teachings like psychic training, negative ego healing, creation mastery, advanced training for healers, sacred contact with ETs, spirit guides of source vessel optimization, grid work, new Earth entrepreneurship, full-spectrum healing and DNA activation and, of course, a detailed breakdown of our mission on Earth, and so much more. You might ask how am I able to offer such a wide spectrum of knowledge? Well, I've been training with the Guardians for a decade to serve you exactly in this way. We tried to think of every possible thing you might need to succeed as a sovereign creator, consciousness lifter and timeline weaver, and to make all of this available to you in our $89 monthly membership, which also includes a community space where you can connect with other star seas and lightworkers, weekly live Q&As, workshops, healings and planetary grid work ceremonies with me and the Earth Star team. The mothership is a light technology and it is a pristine source love field held by the Guardians in our angelic galactic team. It was made to support you on Earth in every way, and it's such an honor to walk this incredible journey with you. If all of this makes your heart flutter with joy and excitement, you can go to Earthstaracademy to sign up. We all deserve a safe and loving place to rest our wings and I'm so honored to build that mothership with you. Once again, that's Earthstaracademy. Can't wait to welcome you home, darling, and we're back. Thank you so much for joining us on the Star Seed Mission podcast. Let's now get back to the show.

Speaker 1:

So this amnesia field it's filled with so much grief and sadness, because every single human being on this planet is an innocent and pure and and God-filled mammal, warm-blooded, emotional, intelligent and sensitive being. Now, a lot of us might say well, I went to the grocery store yesterday. I did not see, those people are very intelligent. Well, every single human being on this planet was created. You know, when those babies came out of the birth portal, they were delicate and beautiful and pristine and beautiful. Okay, so every single human being on this planet is designed to experience that connection with divinity, that connection with life, and that is our natural state of being. And so, even though people are not aware of the amnesia field, people are interacting and existing inside of the amnesia field each and every day.

Speaker 1:

And that separation, you know, and experiencing that separation, this is when we feel that emptiness, right, that dissatisfaction, that something is missing, that there's something wrong and we just can't put a finger on it and we're just trying to get by. Then we're slopping down the pharmaceuticals and the antidepressants and that's actually just, you know, totally ripping more holes in our elemental body. Whoo, and you know, this is a very painful place. So the reason why so important for the awareness to come up is because this helps us bridge the gap. And what I mean by that is sometimes, you know, in the new age community, we can get very divisive, right. It's like, oh well, you know, the people that are awakening are awakening and there's a great bifurcation. And good luck to the muggles, we'll see you next life. You know they're screwed. And it's like, well, we kind of live on a unified planetary sphere here. So there's no separation.

Speaker 1:

And you know, if you sat down on the grid and just meditated, then you immediately are connected to the collective consciousness on the planet. Okay, whoo, and so it's really quite illusory to believe that, you know, we can experience heaven on earth and bypass what's happening on the 3D. Now that doesn't mean that we freak out and we try to run around and go to the grocery store and shake people awake. It is not what I'm saying we should do. However, working with the consciousness field itself, I think it's something that I'm personally being called to do with greater and greater practice and mastery, because, yes, it is quite like building a bridge Okay, whoo, and this ties into okay. So this is grid work.

Speaker 1:

There are a couple of different kinds of grid work, and I think that this one of them is that you go on the earth and you work with the physical lay lines, kind of like acupuncture, right? You put acupuncture needles on your major pressure points and your meridian. That allows the energy to flow through your body and encourages the unblocking of blockages. And then there's psychic grid work, which is a grid work that I think I am more. I naturally do a lot more. It seems like my gifts are activated in this sector of grid work. I've not really heard many other people talk about this specifically, but I know that there are other people that do it. So, basically, what psychic grid work is is we're working with the grid, the grid systems of collective consciousness, and we'll see that collective consciousness and the physical grid actually begins to weave and intermingle, as we are here with the Mississippi River, right, and Shane and I were talking earlier today about how the Mississippi River, like there's all of these river systems that feed into the Mississippi River, that is this like major vein, the spinal column that goes down through the United States, and rivers, you know, they're really a cleansing system. It's kind of like the lymphatic system of your body and whoo, too many things, too many things. They're like all things, all things, so all the things. Do a quick clearing here. Let's just ground it in real quick. Whoo.

Speaker 1:

Michael Scott says definition of hell equals separation from divinity. It's just funny, because this is the office, so sorry, I'm laughing, I'm just I'm gonna just highlight this real quick. Yeah, the definition of hell is separation from divinity. This is exactly true, and the amnesia field is exactly doing that. Perpetuating that separation, right, perpetuating that hellish reality, equals the false matrix. That is definitely true, exactly Okay, whoo, okay.

Speaker 1:

So here is what superheroes are made of, okay, so if you just wake up one morning from the false matrix and you've done basically no practice, you've not really done any self-healing work, you don't meditate, you don't try to amplify your amplitude of your energy in any way, and you just say, well, I'm gonna go and defeat the false matrix and you just go into the, you go into this, where the AI is at, and in, you just go in there. I would be a little bit concerned because that is what it's called, delusions, right? It's like, yes, you are a superhero and superheroes still need to train and we still need to do push-ups and we still need to prioritize our self-care and all those things to make sure that our our tools right, our tools are sharpened and we know how to use them. So it's, in a way, really super like taking our mission seriously. And I feel like this is kind of funny because years ago, when I first received my land, I had a dream that one day I would be building a star being training facility.

Speaker 1:

And it was very funny because this land, you know, I was like, oh, I'm gonna build a retreat center and it's gonna be so beautiful. I'm just gonna hang out there and pick fruits with my friends. And then I have this dream where they're like this is a star being training facility and in the dream we're like doing somersaults and, like you know, tumbling behind rocks and like shooting lasers out of our eyes and like shooting targets with like beams coming out of our heart, you know, and it's just like this crazy thing and I was like, okay, that makes a lot of sense. That makes a lot of sense because the elite and the AI and the cabal, they're very organized right and they have very meticulously created this whole mind control system that you know, they would love for the star seas to just be very disorganized, just be like la-de-da. We love each other, everything is great. I'm gonna keep eating sugar, you know, whatever. And we think that we're gonna, you know, defeat the cabal. And it's just hysterical, they're just laughing in our face because they literally created the false, you know, ascension, new age, mumble, jumble.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so moving into grid work, I think is so amazing that so many of you are wanting to do more grid work and I think that this really begins with one tuning our psychic frequency forks right, understanding that an empath when you say I'm an empath, you're literally just opening up to the reality that you can perceive and sense energy, and then realizing that emotional energy is really quite a course and I'm big emotional, big vibrational wave. So, you know, emotions are really quite easy to pick up on now when you begin to meditate and do different, a light body activation practices which, by the way, this connecting with the heart of the plaites, the heart, is a total hack for me I feel like this just like, immediately activates my heart field and I begin to and these things aren't things that I just do like once a day, you know, they're things that are consistently inside of my awareness. So I'm not at this point is very integrated, right, we're just remembering that we are God's super soldier or whatever warriors of light, warriors of light, warriors of divine love, and warriors of divine love need discipline and devotion and all of the and an organization and all those things. So when we begin to activate our ability to sense keener and more subtle vibrations of energy, that's our greatest defense and greatest weapon towards defeating interdimensional beings that have just been, you know. Again, that's why they really have worked hard on dulling our senses, right, because if you are keenly aware of how you're feeling all the time, you move into what I call energetic sovereignty. This is when you can actually tell what is your soul's inner vibration and when you can feel what is your core soul's essence vibration, then you can boundary test against anything else that's in your field.

Speaker 1:

Right, that means other people's energies implants. Chair means raging some sage for us, thank you very much. He's coming in with the fire today. I'm having a lot of fun. Thanks for being here with me. I think that at least is funny because I make it entertaining, right, like it's at least is entertaining and you're like, I think this is fun, but I think is meant to be like serious, but this is fun. How can we better master emotions, right? So you know, along that same vein, here, when we start to gain our sensory, subtle sensory perception, we begin to gain awareness and mastery over our own body's energy. This is how we reclaim all of our energy, right?

Speaker 1:

The first step to defeating the artificial reality is by completely installing the original matrix, the original living matrix of divine creation, in night inside of our own body and consciousness, so that we're not having any thoughts that are distorted, we're not having any thoughts that are manipulated or a product of, you know, our, our mind control. And you know a lot of people are picking up on this, right, when you go to the city and people are talking about the pokey and they're just repeating what the TV has been saying, and you walk around the city and everybody is literally repeating the same thing. But and that's very obvious, right however, to a subtler degree, we all have those things that we have inherited right from the AI patterning. So, ways we talk, the ways we think money fear, scarcity, you know, all of these patterns that are very subtle, that we think is just what is normal and a part of being human, are actually not normal and implanted by the AI signals and mind control. And when and when we are kept in that dullness, right, we're sensing reality in this very course kind of way, we can't pick up on those things that are inside of our being.

Speaker 1:

And so when we actually meditate and this is so important because when we meditate we are slowing down our being into stillness and then, when we're in stillness, we can pick up on even the subtlest of vibrations in our field. And when we're able to pick up those very subtle vibrations in our field, that's when we open the door to these deeper levels of our healing. So, for example, our ancestral trauma, our past life trauma, our present life conditioning, all of these things that without that again, subtle awareness we can't, we have a hard time picking up on now. As you then begin to do that work on yourself, you're gonna realize that your consciousness is not you know this contained separate entity from everything else. Do you mind grabbing my charger, please? Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

And that then, when you meditate, you realize that you crawl your consciousness and you can become united, right, you can merge with the field of all that is, and then, when that happens, you realize that your consciousness has literally the capability to crawl into time and space, to restructure, to build bridges, to heal, to clear, to restore all of these things that you learn to do instead of your own body. And then, as you learn how to do that inside of your own body, you will be able to do that for the external, and I think that this is obviously a superpower that becomes activated, and I'll tell you why it's so important. Thank you so much. Okay, let's take a deep breath and make a sound on the exhale one more time okay, very good.

Speaker 1:

Now let's tune back into that pleaties heart of the pleaties in a heart chakra here. Just connect in with that brilliant divine love energy. We are the new three letter agency, not FBI or CIA, but God. Yes, we are God's agents and we all have different missions. We need to get the navy blue jackets and bust onto the crime scene to clear the grids. I can't see your name. It just says Facebook user, but I love you. Not the FBI or the CIA, but God I love it. Oh, it's Julie. Julie, I don't know why I can't see your name from my stream yard thing, okay. Okay, so let's breathe for a second. We're bringing in some divine light in the higher realms. Just gonna do a brief clearing through the field here. We're just rallying up some energies, okay. So let's Tackle the amnesia field again real quick, because this is actually really important for every person that's on this call and any person that's listening to this. You know in the recording and it's gonna flow me right into the Mississippi River, so I'm really excited about that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so the thing would be amnesia field. Somebody said God has a lot of baggage and I prefer prime creator source. So that's beautiful and actually God used to do the same thing. In my being I am very consciously Cleared the data and the quanta Connected to that garbage. Right, so that you know, because I am, I am a source and I am a creator being, I can begin to Clear and restructure and reclaim these words. And so I know the reason why I do this is because the word God is Massly used, right, a lot of people in the world connect to God as the idea of source creator, and so if I can begin to restructure the cleanliness of that word, then I can crawl that new, updated Version, updated, cleansed version of God into the collective and I feel like that makes me feel victorious because I Love that. Okay so, okay. So the amnesia field exists in all of us.

Speaker 1:

The amnesia field is almost this Protective coping mechanism that we've had to create, because our human self, you know, really has a really hard time Existing in the false matrix, right? So, in order for a human being to exist in complete disconnection and Experience the, the difficulty and the sadness and the trauma of being disconnected from our core essence, that's a lot of pain that you know, if a person were to be completely connected To the pain and agony of all of that separation all the time. You know it would be very difficult for someone to function, and so, in order to function, you know we've created these walls inside of our own consciousness to block just how Disorienting and traumatic the false matrix really was for us. But in the process of creating those walls, we really create this barrier between us and our, our pain Right, and that perpetuates that. That fragmentation perpetuates our forgetting.

Speaker 1:

So I've started to reframe that healing process of reclaiming those parts of ourself, those parts of my human body that have felt abused. I'm entramatized by the system and I think this is a very beautiful thing to do, because it really begins to activate our sense of compassion for Humanity, which is something that's very important. This is why we actually Stepped into human bodies. You know a lot of you were like why. I remember being a deity and I just Materialized on the earth and people thought I was this cool, you know guru or whatever, and it's like yeah, that was really cool.

Speaker 1:

And this lifetime you decided to be born to muggle parents so you can be inside of the false matrix just like everybody else, and the reason for that was so that you could experience just how Degrading and humiliating and traumatic it was to be absolutely abused by this slavery system that stripped you from your most essential and Brilliant aspects of yourself. That's your connection to the divine from inside, right. So because you experience that inside the false matrix you can feel the pain and the degradation you needed to experience that amnesia absolutely right. So you are literally creating a pathway out of the false matrix. That's kind of, you know, like what Jesus did. You know he created this pathway through death so that other people can find the light and see the light and follow it, and you know it's like being a role model. So, in that way, every single one of us that is a star seed or a light worker. You know we really chose to experience these things inside of the amnesia field. We really chose to experience the pain so that we can awaken to that pain, experience it and learn to heal ourselves from it with the love and grace of divinity from inside of us and Thus become big brothers and sisters to all of humanity.

Speaker 1:

This is really what we're here to do, and so the reason why that is bringing me flowing right into the Mississippi River, it's because, as we were tuning into the Mississippi River this morning. As we're saying, the Mississippi is really kind of the spine that goes all down the United States and all of these other smaller rivers feed right into the Mississippi, and the Mississippi and rivers, they're really the lymphatic system of the body and so they're they're cleaning waste products. Now, I don't think any organic system was actually designed to clean things like nanites and pharmaceuticals and Chemicals. These things are things that our body were not prepared to deal with because they don't exist in a natural harmonic System. Right, the waste product that our bodies are made to expel is like fibers, so Chemicals and different kinds of things create a lot of different disturbances in our physical body as well as the planetary body and the nature body. And so when we tuned into the river, you know there was just a lot of collective emotional energy.

Speaker 1:

And Especially who? Actually I'm just tuning into pharmaceuticals, because you know disease. Usually pharmaceuticals are used to heal, you know, to heal different kinds of things like people's diseases and tumors and whatnot. But the thing is that actually all disease are created by spiritual and energetic and emotional distortions, and so really and you know even my own practice I have witnessed people's, you know tumors and things disappear when the, the emotional energy is discharged. Okay, and so what we're really seeing with pharmaceuticals is a Society of really sick people that is just getting sicker From these chemicals that are supposed to mask the symptoms or help people feel better, when really the disease is there, because they existing inside of a false matrix and their bodies are compensating and trying to Harmonize and trying to come into a state of health, but it's really quite, you know, difficult because we're not flowing divine energy through our source. Okay, so then it's actually quite complicated that you know this.

Speaker 1:

All of these chemicals and these hormones and these pharmaceuticals are in the river, and Imari says also just numbing the pain, absolutely, and the river has dementia. Yeah, absolutely, I was sensing that and Shane was telling me that what is it like the, the when the river goes out? They call it like cancer or something. Yeah, so they call the place where the river feeds out into the Gulf of Mexico Cancer Alley, because people that live there just getting cancer all the time, and you know, this is who, kind of a reflection of the collective state of health. Okay, and face says adopting traumatized geometry from this plane to have the opportunity to restore perfect, sacred geometry to the patterns of Consciousness, absolutely, and so this is what we're kind of doing here with the river For our healing. Today we're actually going to focus on a healing for this river, and YouTube says I have 6.6 kids, 6k subscribers.

Speaker 1:

By the way, I love the number six because when you look at it is actually just a pregnant woman, and so when you think about it right, I want to go into this for a second because the false matrix and Satan has kind of hijacked six, the number six, it is six o'clock, so here's the thing. Right, let's talk about bathroom, it for a moment. So in really, really, really ancient times, bathroom it was actually the goddess of fertility, okay. So then, when the false matrix came along, right, because you got to remember that this, these Satan or whatever these people, they reverse Everything, the twist everything, they make everything the opposite, and so when they came to degrade life force, right, there's nothing more sacred than a pregnant woman, right, because they represent life, they represent the continuation of creation, and we think about the whole universe as this pregnant goddess that's just perpetually giving birth to beauty and joy and exuberance and all those things is the most sacred thing in the world, and so and so, when these beings came and, you know, said that baffle man is the devil, and they totally just demonized this representation of fertility.

Speaker 1:

And we can see that unfold in our, our society, on, you know, in the way that we treat birth in the hospital. You know, everything is very degraded and reversed. And so when I think of the number six again I think pregnant woman and six is a very physical number is about giving birth and we have to start to reclaim these, these very sacred and profound energies, because otherwise we're just playing into the degradation of life, the degradation of creation. And in a perfect creation, you know, none of the numbers would be scary, none of the dates would be a portal into hell. All of creation can be, all of all of creation can exist in a state of harmony and peace. Okay, all of it, okay. So that was kind of a side street which is scared it down there. So just want to say that we're not afraid, not afraid of sixes. They're quite divine and beautiful if we can look at it as a pregnant woman.

Speaker 1:

Let's just go ahead and do a Clearing around that in the collective consciousness when that means said, we're gonna head into our clearing on the river. Thank you so much, just the best, and I'm so excited that we got to have this chat today. Yeah, if you guys have any questions about Grid work, psychic good work I know he went through a lot of Conversationing in one day, but this is my favorite thing, so I get very excited and I know that a lot of these concepts you know, talking about training, like I'm getting ready to basically spend the next four months, when I get back home, and recording very specific modules for the school and Basically it's gonna be a you know, this Curriculum that's gonna be able to bring, break all these concepts down into bite-sized pieces. So we have practices every day, we have things that we can do, we have, you know, different break downs of the different Difficulty levels of things so we can really access these energies. So, that being said, we're going to do a collective healing for the Mississippi River today, connecting in with the collective consciousness of the United States. I think that the United States is kind of representing a, a peak in some sort of planetary awakening process. I think that the that United States could be, could be a great big brother for the rest of the world, not in the bad way, not in the mind control kind of way, just in like the benevolent, like we could really lead the way. Because, you know, we have a bunch of people that are Comfortable in a first world reality and if the people could really take responsibility for our life here on the planet, then we, you know, as a country, could be a great leader in planetary healing and I'm really pushing for that. And it's not looking so, it's not looking hot yet, but it, you know, it's that we just got a project stronger. Okay, get serious about our work and get serious about believing that we are creator beings. Because, you know, in a new age community, we kind of say these things like, oh, I'm a creator being and I create my reality, but you know, we don't actually get super serious about it and it's time to get really serious about it. Do you activate the golden grid when you do your work? I work with the golden energy liquid golden energy a lot. I don't know what specific golden grid that you're talking about, but it's definitely Definitely work with golden energy. Okay, so on that being said, I'm going to At Earth Star Academy. We project on purpose. That's funny. I'm loving all these jokes. Oh, that's. I love that one. That's brilliant. Yeah, yeah, yep, that is brilliant. So we got a suggestion here to visualize all the children free of masks, and I think that this is a big thing. So I think we're definitely going to do that's a great idea. Dragons yeah, work with dragons a lot, a lot. Dragons Are a daily practice, okay.

Speaker 1:

Crystal a lot consciousness what does it mean? Great question. Well, I think that crystals exist in a like. When you look at a crystal, it's almost like between rounds, like between physical and liquid, and I think that they carry these lattices through the quantum reality and it's just this very pristine Original structure. And so when I think crystalline consciousness, I think you know consciousness that feels like it's in the Vibration of those original structures, and I think that all consciousness to me feels like there's a texture, right. So when you, you feel like happiness is a texture, is a frequency, and Anger is a texture or a frequency, and greed and and divinity and love, all of these things are different Vibrations or textures of feeling inside the consciousness. Oh Okay.

Speaker 1:

Right, right into the ribbon.

Speaker 1:

Oh, oh, so I just want to tell you what's happening, just as a tutorial on doing this work. So, basically, when I Connect in with the ocean and I'll basically start to sing, I'm, you know, a familiar sound that connects me in with my Oracle channel and then eventually I'll click into the space. So if it's rocks or the river, I'll click in and then I'll, you know, it's all just be like a, a steady New rhythm that comes through, and so for this first sound that's coming up, I'm basically connecting in with the bottom of the river and Somehow this is unlocking the memory field in the water, because what we're doing is when we're trying to clear, like we're moving through a clearing energy Through the water, and somebody was saying that we're bringing in the original water template or the crystalline Original living light energy. So in order to do that, we have to clear out the old memory so that we can kind of insert this crystalline new water energy. So this is what this sound is doing. Oh.

Speaker 1:

So here, what we're doing is opening up the spaces between the waters particles. So yeah, opening up spaces to allow light to come through. Oh, oh.

Speaker 1:

So I feel like what we're doing now is connecting in with the heart of this crystalline goddess being that was like the original spirit of the river and it almost feels like she's waking up out of hibernation. As somebody else is saying earlier too, I think that a lot of nature spirits, if they're not Tenbitu and they're not taken care of, they can really feel like they're abused right when we pollute these rivers. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I can feel quite a bit of resistance emotionally, so go ahead and connect in with the heart of the pleaties energy again. Oh just blast that like. Oh, oh, oh oh.

Speaker 1:

Go ahead and take a really long, deep breath into the heart. So we got some more work to do here can feel a lot of um resistance. Somebody is saying that it feels like the river is overwhelmed, and that makes a lot of sense, right, because the system is always trying to cleanse itself, and so you know this. Oh, it feels like the river is not only polluted with, you know the regular things that you think are pollutants, but really with AI as well, with nanites and chemicals and different things like that, and really is like a representation too of how we Jeremy stepped his toe. I'm so sorry to hear that, but oh yeah, I'm really tuning into all of the Um, just like again connecting in with that pharmaceutical energy. I'm not saying that, you know, medicine hasn't saved lives, because, sure, modern medicine has saved lives, but 90% of the time, people that are taking that stuff you know they're still going to mcdonald's, they're still watching tv and they're. You know it's like if we're not taking care of our, our body and keeping ourselves healthy and which is using these chemicals, then what we're doing is actually polluting our body even more, and all of that yucky um energy is kind of reflecting in this Uh, water system. So there's more work for us to do here. So we're gonna um Pull in some more frequencies here.

Speaker 1:

And Marie says the original earth template love and reciprocity from humans is intrinsic to the nature spirits, happiness and flourishing. Absolutely, that is true. Every place that I've been, you know the rocks are so excited. When I go out there with my speaker they're like, oh, my god, finally a human. It's been 2,000 years, you know, like Waiting to hang out with you and so, um, yes, oh, y'all need to get out on the land and love her so much and hold her through this transition. I feel like we need to hold the earth and the nature spirits you know the most Because really they're they're what's holding everyone else, right. So Tuning into the river feels like masses of sludge, sickness and nausea, um, yes, faces. The river simultaneously exists in the pristine dimension.

Speaker 1:

We can tune into that timeline and help her remember. This is brilliant, right. It's kind of like if you um, bring in the healthy frequency and overlay it, right, this restores the health and the structure of the river. So if you can tune in to just pristine, beautiful, magnificent water, goddess energy, and then, just like you know, pulling the reality, pulling the physical reality into that timeline and we try that. And then, um, as we're pulling in the second frequency here, um, yeah, let let's also Pull in the energy of children being totally free.

Speaker 1:

You know, not, I think not wearing masks is the first step to that. How about? How about they're just happy and they're free and they're playing, you know, in a world where Nature is safe and nature is not full of venom, that you know, I feel like at this point, nature is creating protections for from her, like against us, right, it's? It's, it's like a lot of these rivers, they are filled with amoebas and parasites and it's like that's not normal. So here's what we're doing this time pulling in pristine energy and overlaying on the river and seeing all the children, the whole world, free and they're happy. They're learning about meditation in school and they definitely know we're close to masks, right? No, we're not doing that.

Speaker 1:

So so, wherever you are in the world, we are creating a portal right above you, especially if you're near a water body, creating this portal right up into source, into the realms of healing and regeneration of all souls and soul fragments. And we're just allowing any disincarnate soul fragments or souls that were trapped in the underwater worlds, in the lakes, in the rivers, for those souls to have a safe passage to the other side. So just go ahead and open that heart portal, just allow the galactic to do the work here you away, away, away, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oh, oh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh.

Speaker 2:

Oh, we all, we all, away. Oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh. Like and SUBSCRIBE for daily smt skaناவ, although we didn't make polish version of my pyjamasos, good work everybody.

Speaker 1:

I felt really good. So just taking a minute to connect with the water, the water elementals, how they're so peaceful and serene and loving when they are healthy, and that's how we are meant to exist in our emotions instead of our body, and this beautiful, serene, deep connection to life, to nature, to creation. I would bring back that original template vibration of the water, energy and sending so much love to the water. So thank you so much for tuning in. Who was it that was talking about the dragons? I think it was Gaia. So actually I think that dragon line is a great topic for next week. So for next week's good work, starseed Mission Support, we're going to do dragon energy and dragon lines, and that sounds like a great topic.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to be running a one day in person retreat event in Arkansas, actually in like a week and a half. I really didn't pre-plan, but if you're feeling like you're meant to be out here with us in Arkansas September 5th. We're going to be doing three workshops and three DNA activations and there's going to be an organic lunch included and Hot Springs. Arkansas is a amazing place for good work. It's on the foot of Mount Ida, which is one of the major nodes on the planet, and so this is a place that we can bring in new template architecture onto the planet, and so that means we bring those new architecture or ways of being or experiences inside of our own body. And so, if you're feeling like creating a timeline portal, step into a higher dimensional experience of ourself and simultaneously do that for the planet. Come and hang out with us.

Speaker 1:

The link is in the description box or whatever, and otherwise I will see you guys next week for our dragon episode of our grid work themed Starseed Mission Support. I love you guys so much and bye for now. Thank you so much for listening. I really hope you enjoyed this episode of the Starseed Mission Podcast and found some hidden treasures along the way. If you'd like to learn more about our work, our amazing community of Starseeds and Lightworkers, and the amazing healing containers and courses we host, please go to erstaracademy. You can sign up for our free newsletter or you can always find us on Instagram or YouTube at erstaracademy. I love you to the stars and back. See you for the next episode of the Starseed Mission Podcast.

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