The Starseed Mission Podcast

4. The Negative Reptilian Overlay

EarthStar Academy

My conversation about the reptilians today is from my own perspective as a cosmic angelic geneticist. What the negative aliens and reptilians have done on this planet is far worse than any horror movie.  However, this story is beyond hollywood.  It goes back to the ancient architects of creation, the divine dragon lineages... and the fallen angelics.

Our discussions here will ultimately shed light on the reptilian overlay and the genetic degradation of our own vessels. The reptilian overlay is a name I am using to describe networks of distortion in the multidimensional light body, which keeps an individual from experiencing the truth of our divine sovereign creatorhood. This overlay that was programmed was installed in the human light body through interdimenisonal trauma, media programming, societal indoctrination, and ancestral patterns. The overlay slowly propagates itself over generations ingraining deeper and deeper until we question what human nature really is.

Gridwork Healing & Clearing at the end of the episode: 
(Timestamp: 63:55)
Clearing out Sexual Trauma, Demonic Energy, Attachment & Implantation, MK Ultra & Media Programming, Energetic Slavery,  Dissolving out Anti-Self Programming w/ our Self Love Energy, Restoration of our own Divine Essence

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I LOVE YOU!! Thank you for listening!!!

Speaker 1:

Hey Starling, welcome to the Star Seed Mission Podcast, a jam-packed series that helps you understand your Earth mission, awaken your multi-dimensionality and embody your highest self in a grounded and empowered way. My name is Z Earthstar Healer, the founder of the Earthstar Academy. We support God's Angels on Earth, the Star Seeds, indigos, Dreamweavers and Lightworkers. We meet in the heart of the Christos organic ascension path and together we are on a mission to return divine love to the heart of all of humanity and ring in Heaven on Earth. In my podcast, I'll teach you how to access your higher consciousness, heal yourself on all levels, connect with your angelic galactic support team and lead a miracle-filled life of divine purpose. Welcome here, get cozy and let's get started with today's episode. Welcome everybody, welcome Cosmic Family, cosmic Earth Family. I'm so happy to be back here with you all again.

Speaker 1:

This is day two of our live stream series, so I'll let everybody kind of settle into the energy field and just let a couple of people roll in. If you're watching a replay of this video, obviously the people that are joining live beyond this moment. They're going to miss this message. But I got to start here because the conversation we're about to have today it's a very difficult one to have. I know that a lot of different people, we all have our different perspectives and different opinions, and so on and so forth. I want to make sure that I just speak this sentence here. I'm getting just the strongest deja vu I've ever had in my life. It's going on for like 10 seconds now. It's really tripping me out. Oh, somebody is reminding me about the banner. Thank you so much. I totally would have forgot if you did not remind me, so shout out to Bridget for that. Okay, so this is a very difficult conversation to have because nobody wants to look at these energies is much easier to talk about what their reptilians are doing out there and how they're snatching people up and taking them in the underground bases and stuff. But today our conversation is really directed in words and it is a conversation about how these distortion energies have really affected our physical bodies and our own experiences.

Speaker 1:

Human beings, you know, if you are not living in a state of just complete knowingness that you're a divine creator being and you are living in a place where you're creating everything that you need and beyond, you know in the moment that you need it and you're just joyful and enjoying your creation. If you know, life is more difficult than that, if you're not feeling like you're a divine being half the time, if you're living in a vibration where you are critical of yourself and judgmental of yourself and you can't find that self love, and in fact there's a lot of this self conflict energy. You know, chances are that this reptilian, as I call it, the reptilian overlay. It's affected you and it's basically affected every human being that currently lives on this planet. Right, because the planet was under, you know, interdimensional, demonic control for the lack of other words to say it like it is for a long time.

Speaker 1:

And so we're going to try to kind of explain how this has happened. And also, I really don't claim to be an expert on this, I don't claim to know. I feel like there are things that are human, there are things that are human self, there are things that are our human. Mind, you know, can't comprehend in all the angles that exists right, like we can kind of only glimpse at it. And so I'm claiming that I'm only sharing the story from my perspective, from my personal experience and from my personal exploration, and I hope that you will take what resonates, of course, and just kind of apply the information in a way that's helpful to your return to being a divine human being, to your original divine template all the time, and that's why we're going to complete today's conversation with a healing where we are going to address some of these basic distortions.

Speaker 1:

If you I mean I know that a lot of star seas we are targeted by these distortion energies. I will share a little bit of my own abduction experiences, but my main intention with this isn't really to just talk about stuff. My main intention is to uplift our field and to assist us in raising our frequency, and the real way that we do this is by processing, you know, our pain, body and a lot of that stuff is just so extreme that in our mundane consciousness we're not able to reach into those places. So this is beyond just. You know oh, my mom was mean to me at some point and my teacher didn't let me go to the bathroom Like, yes, those inner child traumas also need to be healed.

Speaker 1:

But a lot of these ultra subconscious traumas that are planetary, that are collective and that are interdimensional, they're more difficult for you know, just people that you know maybe you're not an energy healer and you're not doing this work all day long, like I'm blessed to be able to do, and so my intention is really to be able to hold space for a deep healing and clearing of these frequencies. And, of course, these frequencies will kind of be transmitted out to you, but if you don't feel like receiving them, then you can just say no, I don't want this Like. I'm not really trying to like enforce some sort of planetary healing or anything. I'm just purely intending to share these frequencies with you because they have been extremely helpful in my own life and in understanding why some of these seemingly human distortions that I was experiencing are actually interdimensional at their roots. For example, you know, I had an eating disorder back when I was in high school and it nearly killed me, but at the time I thought it was just this eating disorder. And as time went on and my psychic abilities opened and I looked back through the timeline, I could see that there were interdimensional portals open and these beings had tagged me from. By the time I was about three years old, which is also something that I found when I was going in to do this interdimensional healing.

Speaker 1:

We are all able to do this for ourselves. It's just that we've not been taught or shown that this is a part of our awareness, and I would highly recommend any star being or person that recognizes yourself as a spiritual person or an awakened person to begin to do this kind of quantum healing work, because you know you've probably heard by this point that the war is spiritual, meaning that a lot of things that we are being distracted by in the 3D they actually have their roots in the multi-dimensional reality, and that a lot of the control systems and we want to blame the government and we want to blame the central, you know financial systems but actually, beyond all of that, they are held by interdimensional beings and were created by interdimensional beings, and that is why satanic ritual abuse is so prevalent on this planet, why human trafficking is so prevalent on this planet. So we're going to go into talking about how that all works, how you have been affected and how to move back into energetic sovereignty, because you are a divine, sovereign being. That is why they had to lie to you for so long, to trick you into believing that that's not what you were, because that was literally the only way they can take that power and use it for themselves. So I want to begin this discussion from this zooming way out. Right it might be. If you're very sensitive, it might feel me zooming my frequency way out into the sky.

Speaker 1:

And for many years now I have been integrating this fragment of my soul, this direct channel that goes upwards from the source of my being, and for a while I was telling people that I'm from Andromeda, but in fact that's actually the last place that I was, or the Stargate that I took to enter the universal sphere and this local star system here in Solaris, and so I actually had to come in and go to Andromeda, get like a lowdown on what's happening in this universe and then kind of go to Sirius and get more training for the star seed missions. And then I eventually came to Earth. So a lot of astrologers they say that I'm actually from Sirius because technically that was the last last place where I was at. But for a very, very many lifetimes I was in Andromeda and it was in the Angelic realms in Andromeda.

Speaker 1:

And some of you might be wondering how I can be an angel and a scientist at the same time, and one of the myths that I'm here to dispel is that people on Earth are fooled into thinking that angels are these big, fluffy, winged things in the corner of the room and they just kind of smile at you, and for those of you who are asking me to hold my mic, this is a close direction or a near distance mic, so I actually am not able to move it away from my mouth any further and it will start to get really quiet, and so I hope that this is sufficient, but anyway, so people think that angels are these big, fluffy, two dimensional things that just sit there and smile at you and are very loving, but actually angels are beings that are in a higher dimension, and they are the higher dimensional aspects of ourself. They're the part of ourself that is closest to the source of all things, and so the fact that there is a structure of the universe and that there is a almost like a geometry or a template or an energy or an intent that the universe is creating through there then are beings that are co-creating with that force, and I'm hoping that this is making sense. I'm really just transmitting this frequency, and one of the gifts that I am honing in is actually being able to translate those things into human language, and sometimes the frequencies when they come in, if they're kind of new and I haven't spoken them before, it could be a little strange for me. So, basically, as I started waking up to who I am and on a soul level, I began to remember these specific things that are very particular. For example, I don't think that a 16-year-old piano major would all of a sudden be thinking about how devotion to the universe gives you more access to understanding the universe itself.

Speaker 1:

This is a very specific knowing and I understood that this is actually the basis of science upstairs is that you recognize that the divine creation is full of this stuff, and the stuff is basically, I feel it as primordial creative energy, primordial creative energy is full of potency and joy and creativity and love and its excitement, and it's this thing that it's full of potential and it's not yet anything, and it's like there is an intent that is moving through time, that it's like, okay, we can create anything, what are we going to experience? And then, eventually, we realize that life is the most fun thing, because with life, you can experience more and more diverse and complex iterations and fractals of yourself. And so, when the universe made that realization, we began to focus and create everything in devotion to life, and that's why we created the elements and I hope that you can hear in my voice I'm almost about going to cry because I love the universe so much. It's been so joyful to be in the state of co-creativity, and so eventually, different fractals of the source were created, and these were what you would be called like the original angelic beings, and we all had different specialties and different focuses and ultimately we're all one thing, we're all the one source, and so I'm telling the story from this perspective, because it's from that place that this story with the reptilians first began.

Speaker 1:

I know that in those places that we were originally dragon, cosmic, serpent beings, and when I say that I really don't even mean that we were physical. It's like we imagine there's a comet and the comet is flying through space and it's got a tail. You kind of feel like it looks like kind of a snake, right, it kind of looks like a snake, but it's just this like line of light and energy that's flying and so it's got certain energies to it and because it is completely in devotion to the oneness of life and it's in resonance with the original laws, which are the law of oneness or the laws of creation, being in resonance and in alignment with creation and so through, in those vibrations, we began to create denser and denser dimensions and eventually, as I'm saying, like, we actually understand, obviously, how energy flows through these axiotonal and multi-dimensional lines to reach and condense into denser and denser realities. And please give me feedback if I'm making sense, thank you. So, with this knowledge, eventually we created life forms that were complex, that began to reflect more and more of the complexity and immenseness of our true cosmic soul, essence, self, and by that I mean more and more complex beings that are hominid and that are human-like. So See you next time, bye Knowing that these advanced bodies, advanced vessels, were created so that this cosmic energy can experience itself in this density.

Speaker 1:

Of course, we knew that in order to do that, we had to start through time, because in order to create an ultra density, like you know, here we experience in the physical you there are certain laws that in order to condense cosmic energy in a way, you have to create it over time. And because you're the universe and you are expanded in that way, you can create infinite time, right, you can experience infinite time. You can create time that goes really fast, you can experience time as going really fast or you can experience time as going really slowly. And so, in the case that we are creating things in the 3D, things had to take a very, very, very, very, very, very, very long time, right, because even the angelic beings and source itself had to learn and discover and explore and imagine new things, to create new ways to, you know, make complex harmonies in the ecosystem, all those things. So all this is to say that we created these bodies and these planets with a lot of complexities complexities meaning, you know, with the lay line systems and the meridian systems, and how cosmic energy was going to actually infuse itself and exist and express itself in materialization Like this is quite incredible, and there was a lot of science that had to go into it. You know, it wasn't all by accident. There was learning, billions of years of learning and exploration and imagination and joy that went into the concocting of this complex templates that we experience as our planet and as our body.

Speaker 1:

So, at some point, to my understanding and again, this is kind of a personal perception, right, these are not things that I have read. These are things that I have remembered or felt deep inside of myself as I began to remember more and more of my own angelic lineage and lifetimes, and also back in 20, so when I was saying that I witnessed the big boss be taken out, I think I said it was in 2017, but when I went back to think about it it was actually in 2018. It was the beginning of 2018 and I was in ceremony and I closed my eyes and all of a sudden, I saw this giant blue portal in the sky and there were three fish headed Egyptian goddesses around the portal and I realized I was holding the fourth pillar. And during the ceremony, I watched what I perceived as the original or the leader, the fallen angel that had created this whole reversal situation to serve himself, and it was a very painful and extreme situation that had occurred.

Speaker 1:

And I remember feeling that there was a lot of kind of complex emotions that I was feeling as this as this being was being escorted off the planet, and those complex emotions involved you know, first of all, having unconditional love and forgiveness for this being, because you know you're an angel, so how else can you feel? But beyond that, there were feelings of shame and humiliation and you know, crap, now we're going to have to clean this mess up. You know things like that, and so we watched this being exit the planet and actually the moments after that ceremony were really beautiful, because I remember there was a serene piece that came over noticing that, you know, this planet can finally heal and can finally shake off the rest of the minions, as that thought called them, the lower hierarchical entities that were working for that fallen angel. And ultimately, you know, the fallen angel wanted to have power for himself. It was like he was no longer desiring to co-create with the universe itself and that came from a certain level of separation that that being had started to experience and feeling like, you know, if you're separate from God, separated from God, the oneness, the one creation that we're all one with, then you can begin to feel inferior to God.

Speaker 1:

I guess and these are my personal, like thoughts, I guess, after having experienced that, because, you know, I feel like, let's just say that at this point of having seen the things that I have seen in the astral and interdimensional realms, a lot of these things, they make me feel a certain way like having this background of this ultimate devotion and love and joy and appreciation for life itself, when you see just the complete degradation and destruction of that. It makes you feel a certain way Right, and so I feel that let's just hang on one moment. There is a force that wants to destroy things that are sacred. There is a force and I believe that it was this being who started this war path that wants to claim the universe for himself and make him the only God where everything else in the universe is actually created for him to exploit and for him to destroy and for him to pillage. And you can see how, on the earth, that's kind of how a lot of humans are acting.

Speaker 1:

But I would argue to say that is actually because this reptilian overlay, that this overlay of energy has imprinted itself upon human beings in this process of this cosmic situation that we're in, and that originally our original human templates, that we were actually created to be, these extremely creative and beautiful and divine sacred beings. So again, I feel that the reason why I'm saying these words is not really to help you intellectually understand how the universe works, but actually to bring in a frequency that brings in medicine for the places that you have been abused by this energy and that okay. So I'm just going to give that a moment and so I'm actually going to go into talking about some of these personal experiences that I've had and it's a little bit difficult for me to talk about, but I feel that a lot of you will get answers that you have been asking from hearing my story, and so I know that I, you know, I'm meant to share these things. So, so hard, so hard I'm about to start crying. So they're saying that there is a process of universal completion that is happening at this time and that basically what that means is that every little karma and drama situation that has happened in the universe is currently resolving itself and a lot of that resolution work is happening here on earth and all of you are carrying different lines, different galactic lineages, different codes of situations and experiences that were had that are seeking reconciliation and healing, and so that means that the earth is just this Petri dish and Petri dish and stew of all sorts of crazy stuff, and it's also a place where this very extreme thing is finally coming to a completion. So there's some of you that are saying that there has been a game of polarity integration, and the truth is that, from my personal angelic self feelings, is that certain things have taken it too far, and my feeling has also always been that the free will experiment is all fine and dandy until there are innocent infants involved, until there is just absolute, no longer any regard for life and creation itself, and that when the angelics feel that that line was crossed, that is when you know the clarion call was sent out and that these galactic forces were sent in. And this is a very personal opinion that I think some of you will agree with.

Speaker 1:

And there is also a lot of new age, false light, sort of superficial programs that are, let's say, I don't really know the word, but it's like you know, overly forgiving of abusers kind of thing and victim shaming kind of thing. So, okay, there's saying, get to it, get to it. I'm kind of beating around the bush, okay, so the reptilian overlay that I'm talking about is kind of like an interdimensional negative alien machinery, negative alien energetic mainframe that it that was created to hijack and steal human creative energy. And we in these human bodies experience creative energy in our physical bodies as sexual energy, and so basically that explains why there is so much child sex trafficking and pornography and why. You know, they can remove apps from the iPhone app store and they can remove all sorts of things from different things on the internet, but they can't remove child porn, right. It's like there is a force on this planet that has created these structures of energetic sexual abuse towards humanity and a lot of that abuse is perpetrated by the negative reptilians who are interdimensional and if you're new to this stuff, you might just be like, wow, this lady is just completely bonkers and out of her mind.

Speaker 1:

But unfortunately, let's just say that I've spent the majority of the last seven years really focused on completely healing myself and getting through all of the traumas that are stored in my body. And when I went through all of the more human stuff and ancestral stuff, I started coming into the more soul level, weird stuff, and this is really what I want to talk about. And again, it's not. It's like it's not really a conversation, is an energy and we're already inside of it and I know that the people that are sensitive, you're feeling the medicine come through and I'm still beating around the bush on some levels because it's hard to talk about. So we're going to try to align and address. Okay, so a lot of star seeds.

Speaker 1:

We have experience, interdimensional abduction experiences. I think that there's a lot of things that are currently in the disclosure community that are talking about, like galactic trafficking and the secret space program and stuff, and I feel that a lot of it I mean the truth of the disclosure is that it's interdimensional and that is happening to a lot of people. In fact, I would say that is happening to most people on this planet who are spending their entire day in an office or doing something that they are not invested in on a soul level, that they're exchanging their creative energy, exchanging their sexual energy Again, because our sexual energy is the energy that fuels these bodies, that moves these bodies. When I say sexual energy, I really just mean life force energy, and life force energy is what we have that moves us through time, that allows us to experience life, and so, for the most part, most humans are exchanging their life force energy with a system that is just taking it right. And this is actually, you know, on the surface, in the 3D, it just looks like people are going to work, people are going to school, people are mind control people. There's a false matrix. But when you look at it interdimensionally, there are actually systems in place that are taking that energy and that are abusing the humans on another level and it's just shocking. I can't believe. I'm like speaking these words right now. It's like shocking to me.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so one thing that I really wanted to touch on was the different levels of hijacking that has occurred in the spiritual community, and how. Because this is a interdimensional war. Of course, keeping people from waking up is like their number one intention, and so they have been creating lots of very spiritual and complex programs, including, you know, things like the twin flame thing. I'm not saying that Twin Flames are completely irrelevant and untrue. I'm saying that 98% of the information out there about Twin Flames are absolutely wrong and 98% of people that are out there looking for their Twin Flames are in some sort of program, and I'm going to share my personal story of that program. And if you're super attached to Twin Flames and want to throw rocks at me right now, that's totally okay. Just don't literally throw rocks at me because that would hurt. So here's what happened Five years ago.

Speaker 1:

I was just meeting this man and I actually went to high school with this man, but I didn't know him, and when we met, I started having very, very, very many dreams about this person being my Twin Flame. It was almost excessive. It's like the first day that I had that dream. I just felt such a deep amount of longing and all of these things that I've read on the internet about it. You feel this spiritual connection and you feel like you were meant for each other and that you met before in some other dimension. Well, guess what? You did meet each other on a different dimension and I, soon after that, basically fell in love with this person and continue to have like 50 more dreams about them being my Twin Flame.

Speaker 1:

And maybe half a year or eight months into the relationship, I began to notice some red flags. But then, because I have been watching all these YouTube videos about Twin Flames and they're saying yo, you just got karma to work through and if you work through it, then you're going to save the world, so just keep fighting. And so eventually there were some extreme red flags and I left the relationship. But again, this is after having you know, I'm not even exaggerating when I say like 50 dreams about this person being my Twin Flame. And even years after I left this person, I still believe they were my Twin Flame, even though at that point I was really beginning to have my questions about the Twin Flame thing and of course, I would have these two sides right.

Speaker 1:

It was like the people that really did believe in the Twin Flame thing and they're like, don't listen to the haters, you know, they just don't understand. You're special and we have Twin Flames. And then there's like the people that have kind of gotten chewed up and spat out on the other side, who are like you know, get out while you can, you know, kind of thing. So let's just say that eventually, as I began to do more and more of this healing and have done several regressions, I realized that I was actually abducted by these grays and reptilians with this person. And let me tell you, this person actually has angelic DNA, of course, because that's what they want. And so, of course, you know, I was making all these excuses about how this person you know he's spiritual, so he must be my Twin Flame. Like we talk about the same stuff and I feel the spiritual resonance or whatever he must be my twin. So anyway, I finally remembered that we were abducted and these reptilians did horrendous things to us, and that included raping me and shape shifting into my dad while they're doing it.

Speaker 1:

And I know this is just, you know, absolutely ridiculous. But again, it's like this force just wants to take what is divine and what is sacred, which is really, you know, this inner part of all of us. That is why this world is created in a way where no child grows up without being, you know, harmed and traumatized in some way, like we're all in our 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s and we have to like self heal all the time. And the world's not supposed to be like that, the reality is not supposed to be like that. And so when I went into the regression, this was like a three hour regression. It was ridiculous.

Speaker 1:

And you know, I've been doing this quantum healing work for a long time. I have probably done, you know, a thousand client sessions at this point and, honestly, I have a pretty good track record and people are usually pretty surprised by how accurate I am. And so when I started seeing these things, of course I was like, oh, I'm just making all this up, like, really, just, you know, um, anyway, saw that they were actually trying to take our DNA and force or just actually coerce us to make them a baby. I know this is really crazy at this point, but actually our angelics actually came in because, for whatever reason, that was not allowed, like I, for whatever reason, I have some levels of protection and that was just absolutely not allowed and so that program was dissolved. And when that program dissolved, I just basically was guided to start looking into things like the alien love bite syndrome and different kinds of stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

So, um, I would say that in my client sessions, about 60 to 70% of the time there has been interdimensional sexual trauma, and it's kind of ridiculous. Honestly, it's sick. I don't even have words for it. I'm like laughing because, you know, obviously it's just very uncomfortable to talk about, because I'm a human being and the distortion and trauma of these kinds of things is just, you know, I feel like I have to just talk about it because maybe you're feeling something in your body.

Speaker 1:

And no, I'm not a past life regression therapist but I am a quantum healer and so the work that I do is very interdimensional, where we just basically reach into your multi dimensional body to read all the energies that are there. And you know, it's really easier than you think. And what I really like to do now, as I was saying yesterday, my job is a self healing guide and so all of these things I've done for myself. I rarely work with other healers. I rarely trust other people in my energy body. There's, maybe you know, three people in the world that you know I work with. I'm not sure if they want me to share who they are, because they're kind of hidden, so let me ask them if you guys need help. But really what I do is teach people how to heal themselves, because you have all the power inside of you to address all of these energies, because you are meant to live in a state where you are free, you are happy, you're experiencing joy and pleasure in your body. You're meant to feel like you're the creator inside of your own life. You're meant to feel like this body is, you know, miraculous and beautiful and we're not meant to live, you know, in insecurity and confusion and pain and poverty. And so, without that being said, let me just tune in to see if there's anything else before we just get into our healing.

Speaker 1:

Oh yes, one more memory about that stuff, that interdimensional stuff. I went to a boarding school when I was six and I have always wondered if something had gone down there, because, since I was little, I would have these like really weird thoughts about sexuality, like way before I even knew what sex was, and part of that is that I realized that I was just a really sensitive child and so there was a lot of weird stuff that was happening around me. I mean, when you think about it, human trafficking is a huge thing. It's real and everybody knows about it, it's everywhere, and so if you lived in a city, chances are you lived close to a place where human trafficking happened or was happening, where you know sexual abuse has happened or was happening, and as really sensitive energy beings, you know you are not separate from that and your body feels and you know, may have, you know, held onto some of those those energies, if the person that was feeling the fear was really expressing or like in it. Right.

Speaker 1:

But when I was little I was at a boarding school and I don't think anything physically happened to me then because my mom worked at that that place, so she lived there with me, she was a teacher and eventually I, when I was older, I learned that the teacher's husband went to jail for pedophilia and that it was actually a girl in my dorm room that told her parents about it. And so when I tuned into that, like basically a week after that, my mom found out and she came and she um, she started having me live in her room. So I don't think actually anything happened to me in the physical, but during this regression I realized that there was literally this reptilian ship parked above that school and I remember the energy of that place, like you know, even when I was little I didn't know I was sensing energy, but obviously I was really sensitive and I saw like everything kind of in colors and it was very gray and scary and cold in some ways, right. So definitely saw that there was an interdimensional spaceship above the school that was kidnapping people and doing experiments on them. And, you know, we have bodies in the other planes too, because when you think about, you know, how we exist, I know that I exist, you know, on a light ship above the sky as my you know andromiden self that is feeding information back to me. I can feel that really strongly sometimes. So we also have, you know, a body in the astro plane that you dream in and it feels real when you're there. And so these places exist and a lot of people are being siphoned from it, but we, you know, are working really hard.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of grid workers that I know that are consciously working on dismantling these things and cleaning the astro plane out. I know that that is a huge part of my mission and I know that the people that are resonant with my frequency and with my messages that it's likely that you know this is part of your mission as well, and how we begin to initiate that. That mission is to actually, first of all, completely liberate ourselves from the control grid, and this is not like, oh, you know, you quit your job or you move out of the city because this is an inside job, meaning that these energies, they have hooked into us, they have constricted the ways that our bodies move, they have shaped the way that our energy is and the way that we express ourselves. Right, this is all a part of the overlay, the artificial grid system, and it's you can experience it, as you know false personalities or programmed thought patterns, or just tension in the fashion in your body, how you know, you're not used to it, but you're always holding your body in some way and unless you actually go in and meditate, you don't really realize that. You know, oh, yeah, wow, I'm really holding tension there. I didn't even know, and when you go into the tension, you'd be surprised that there's a lot of stuff in there, and actually that is what I call our slice of the hologram, our slice of the interdimensional reality, and a lot of.

Speaker 1:

For a lot of us, that are star seeds. Our mission are coded in those spaces. Our missions are, you know, the trump traumatic experiences that we have had that we have chosen to resolve and to ascend out of and to transcend in this lifetime, and so we will do a healing, feel like we just been opening up the space, and I know that these spaces can be really scary and that is why we refuse to go down into our lower chakras. It's much better to be in the spiritual bypass. You know, let's be love and light and spiritual all the time, kind of energy. But we want to get into these spaces inside of our body so that we can reclaim them, so we can bring that true love and light energy into our complete whole body right, so that we're feeling that all the way through because that's when we can actually create heaven on earth is that that heaven on earth energy is existing in all levels of our body and our light body and our physical body. We're going to take a little break now and listen to a special message from the Earth Star Academy Don't go anywhere, we'll be right back.

Speaker 1:

Hey angels, it's me again, the Earth Star. I just wanted to let you know about our incredible mothership the dream come true for star seeds a place where you can express your magical cosmic self and receive full spectrum training, healing and quantum support on your mission. Our colossal 500 module curriculum includes teachings like psychic training, negative ego healing, creation mastery, advanced training for healers, sacred contact with ETS, spirit guides of source vessel optimization, grid work, new earth entrepreneurship, full spectrum healing and DNA activation and, of course, a detailed breakdown of our mission on earth, and so much more. You might ask how am I able to offer such a wide spectrum of knowledge? Well, I've been training with the guardians for a decade to serve you exactly in this way. We tried to think of every possible thing you might need to succeed as a sovereign creator, consciousness lifter and timeline weaver, and to make all of this available to you in our $89 monthly membership, which also includes a community space where you can connect with other star seeds and light workers, weekly live Q&As, workshops, healings and planetary grid work ceremonies with me and the Earth Star team. The mothership is a light technology and it is a pristine source love field held by the guardians in our angelic galactic team. It was made to support you on earth in every way and it's such an honor to walk this incredible journey with you. If all of this makes your heart flutter with joy and excitement, you can go to earthstaracademy to sign up. We all deserve a safe and loving place to rest our wings and I'm so honored to build that mothership with you. Once again, that's earthstaracademy. Can't wait to welcome you. Homes, darling, and we're back. Thank you so much for joining us on the Star Seed Mission Podcast.

Speaker 1:

Let's now get back to the show and so, as that energy is coming in, we are shifting into our healing ceremony. This is a good time to step away if you are not wanting to maybe engage in that level of healing right now but want to come back later. If you are, you know, driving or anything. Definitely, you know, don't follow along. But on that part, I am just really intending to bring in the vibrations and energies and the sense of our sovereign divinity to assist us in processing any of the super difficult problems, either in terms of healthcare. What kind of healing process.

Speaker 1:

We are working and absurd, possibly horrendous and disgusting things that may have happened to us interdimensionally, you know, even if it is just being told that we have to use our extraordinarily cosmic and divine creative energy to sit in an office all day and just recognize how even that is a complete degradation of who you truly are and how interdimensionally you may respond to that as energetic slavery. And energetic slavery is sexual slavery, as we have explained, right. Oh, and they want me to kind of explain the trauma grid. So on my cross country good work journeys, one year I it was my birthday and I was driving from the East Coast to the West Coast and I knew that I was supporting the earth and releasing some of these energies of human trafficking, because a lot of human trafficking occurs on trains and also on, obviously, like major highways, and oftentimes they are over lay lines.

Speaker 1:

And I saw that what was happening was that this fear and this fear and just trauma and control and slavery, just all of that bad stuff, were being just pushed into the earth's grid, so that so the earth's lay line system is intimately connected to human consciousness, because originally the angelics created the lay line system for the purpose of collective evolution and it's like all of the beings that are on earth and all the living creatures are all connected to these lay lines of energy, which is actually consciousness. Cosmic energy is the same as consciousness, and so it's like we could see, when the planet was ready for a collective evolutionary process, where we could introduce, you know, different life forms or different systems, where it was just like you know, the whole planet would just look completely different. Or, in the case of something of more complex levels of evolution, like you know, consciousness, that we would be able to just pulse these codes into the planet through the lay line system and humans would go through different levels of spiritual evolution. And so, like I was telling you in the beginning of this video, the beings that have taken over this planet and have enslaved humanity, it comes from a high place. So these beings, these fallen angelics, they know how the lay line works, they understand how human consciousness works, they understand how powerful and how profound our creative energy truly is, and that is why, you know, they wanted to control us to begin with. And so that is why also, there are military bases and churches and all sorts of different, you know, reversal, ritual, magic, kind of things placed in significant places on the planet, significant stargates, you know military presence, and so when I was driving and watching and you know following these energy lines in my car, you know just lifting that coagulated fear energy out of the ground, you know, and this is really just allowing us to realize that there is an interdimensional reason why human trafficking is so prevalent on this planet. It's not normal Regular human or regular divine humanoid beings in society, you know we don't. It's like not enough to just say we don't do stuff like that, just to bring awareness to the fact that like yeah, like that is something significant and there is an interdimensional reason why that happens and for the most part, it is to control and limit human consciousness and keep us from accessing our cosmic self or cosmic connection or cosmic energy.

Speaker 1:

And there was someone that commented and asked if there have been nevel and cosmic dragon beings and if they're here with us. Well, here we are and here, you know you are because we are here to support this planetary healing and without understanding things on this level, without seeing these things, we can kind of run around in circles. You know, I wanted to make this kind of. This is really like a disclosure kind of talk like this is an internal level of disclosure that I'm not seeing out there in disclosure reality right now, because we're so focused like, oh yeah, there's kids being trafficked and you know it's like, well, we're screaming really loud about it but I'm not really seeing a lot of people doing anything.

Speaker 1:

And it's because, you know, until your vessel is clear, you're always going to feel stuck, like you can't create what you want, you can't just do what you want, you don't have what you need to do what you want, because that cosmic creative energy, that sexual energy, that life force energy, it's not flowing, it's being siphoned, it's stuck in the vessel. And so this is why so much of my work is about that self healing, because this is how we liberate our body, liberate our energy body and really be the divine creator, infinite beings that we are. And you know, stop just thinking like, oh yeah, we're divine creator beings, but then you know we're broke and we can't go and create a task force to rescue all traffic children and create all homes to help them heal and just create everything we need to transform this planet. And you know the New Age society they have duped you to believe that all you have to do is stay in your heart and love and light it away, when the truth is that you are a infinite, powerful creator being that's capable of creating whatever it is that you want. And so it's time to you know, go in there and realize that there's nothing to be ashamed of, there's nothing to fear. All it is is these pieces of energies, these emotional energies that you know look scary, but you are so much more powerful than that. And we are not here. Your soul didn't come here to watch other people do it. You didn't come here to sit around while the aliens heal the world. You are the aliens the earth and the human people are like please come, help us. And then then we came and now we're here.

Speaker 1:

The first step is within, and I know that we hear that a lot, but this is a literally a mechanical thing. We reclaim our power by literally reinstating ourselves all the way through to our physicality, in all dimensions and levels of our being, that we are ultra powerful, infinite creator beings, and we do that through, you know, diving into the most painful and disempowered and distorted parts of ourselves. And if we bring, you know, love to it, if we bring patience to it, if we, if we sit in the truth of our true divinity, then we will surely succeed. And I see that somebody is saying you know, I just got attacked. Now I want you to understand that nothing can actually attack you if you don't have holes in your energy body. And so, again, this is why we don't go to war without our weapons, because our weapon, the most powerful weapon of all, is our embodied, divine, sovereign beingness.

Speaker 1:

And so I totally understand being attacked, because I used to get attacked all the time, because I'm constantly saying no to the fall slide and trying to get in to you, know, empower myself. And you know, in every level of your expansion there's going to be forces that try to stop you Right, because when your energy, when you're, the vibration of your field changes, the control system can feel that. And so you know when I get attacked this is what I love to say, thank you, because it would have taken me hours of meditation to figure out where my hole was, and you just showed me where it is, and I was actually accelerating my self healing process by attacking me. And Charleston says unless you're implanted and the implants are the same the implants come in where our holes are, and that is why you know, I guys trust me, I know is hard.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how many tens of hundreds of hours I have spent rolling around on the floor crying, and flu is rolling out in all crevices of my being, like it's not. Sometimes, it's not a graceful thing, and the thing is, though, you know this is really to empower you and to let you know that nothing is more powerful than you, and if you're feeling attacked, just take a step back and recognize that there is a hole and you know that that is someplace that you know probably requires your attention and go with it with the energy of water. This person's Laura says I was drinking, right, so thanks for sharing, laura, and being, you know, vulnerable and sharing with us. So, yeah, definitely. You know, this is like what warrior training is interdimensional activation, like there's nothing to fear, and it's all here to strengthen you, it's all here to support you. I know that I signed up for all the crappy, shitty things that have happened to me so that I can sit here right now and, you know, support humanity through this, and I know that you know all of you beautiful people that are vibing with this frequency right now. Thank you so much for being here and for, you know, sharing that intent, and that's because we have to embody our divine leadership. That is a first step because it's like the good old bus driver analogy you can't take people where you haven't been. And we are here to kind of march forth into embody divinity and all of humanity is headed towards that. And if you're here feeling like you're here to support humanity through this, know that your first step in doing that and Risa says, laura, you can place blame if you want to, but it's truly not necessary. It's true, it's not your fault, but it's important to make a flag in your own mind and say, hey, maybe I'm going to love myself a little bit differently next time. And you know, choose different things. Here at the Earth Earth Sanctuary, my beloved Jeff actually brews our own medicinal meat from our herbs and local honey and things like that, and it's a completely different vibration. And of course, we don't like drink a lot or often. But you know there are different things that you can do and we are divine creator beings and so they are different. It's like you know how things are made and what they're intended for is important. All right, so we're going to go in.

Speaker 1:

I think that today's conversation came in to remind us that, even though things are changing on the outside, we still have work to do. It's like everything is trying to distract us to think that something else, someone else, somebody outside of us, some societal thing, some government is going to fix everything. Everything wants you to think that. But the thing is this interdimensional stuff like who's going to come and heal your traumas for you Aliens. Sometimes they help. One time I overdosed and almost died when I was young and stupid, and these aliens came and they saved my life. But that's about, you know, the only time when situations like that are necessary, because we have the power to heal ourselves and we need to heal ourselves because we have to, you know, hold space and assist in humanities healing Every single person alive. Right now. They have gone through interdimensional abuse and light body manipulation, so we're learning how to master our energy, which is so amazing, and we are our own self healing guide, absolutely the love that we have for ourselves, the intelligence of our body, the body is truly miraculous.

Speaker 1:

So, with that being said, I'm going to open the medicine space and, for those of you who are not in an environment, that would be good for a deep healing session. Right now, I just recommend you kind of stop the video and you can come back later when you are in a safe space. And Jules says does healing and clearing the trauma heal the light body holes? Yes, yes, it does, because the holes are the trauma and the distortions and the imprints from the trauma, and so when you are going through the healing, you will literally feel your body become more light. So, with that being said, if you're wanting to share in this healing ceremony, you can notice how you're feeling now and see if you're feeling differently afterwards. Okay, so I invite you to get comfortable. You might want to lie down and just get into a position where you are comfortable and you can relax, and I'm just going to give everybody a chance to get comfortable.

Speaker 1:

And for those of us who are not going to or not feeling like it's a safe time for this if we're going to come back later to take time, and so just know that these sounds, there are frequencies.

Speaker 1:

I am going to speak sometimes and if you pay attention to you, know the way that I work things and the way that the energy isn't working.

Speaker 1:

You can begin to learn how to do this on your own, obviously, and the more you do it, the more integrated you are in your own power. And so Darryl asked if I can bring in dragon energy, and I feel that I am very deeply connected to the original angelic dragon frequencies and so all of the sounds and codes that come in are from that place of the original ancient creation templates. Okay, so begin to breathe deeply into the lower belly, just beginning to relax your body. I'm tuning into how your body is feeling right now, opening up the feet, chakras to allow energy to flow through freely. First we'll just call in or bring our awareness to the presence of our divine angelic higher self that is in oneness with the divine creation, and calling in all of our benevolent source, connected galactic team members that are supporting us at this time. Just continue to breathe into your body, coming into deeper and deeper levels of relaxation. Aaaaaaah, aaaaah, aaaaaaah.

Speaker 1:

Breathing deep down into the lower belly, expanding the belly as you inhale, meeting that resistance and exhaling to release all tension, just quietly, intending for all frequencies that are in alignment and resonance with your own soul's essence, highest experience and love and joy at this time to be allowed to interact with your body and field, breathing down into the lower belly, becoming aware of any tension, any pain in the belly and the hips and the shoulders and the crown, I'm beginning to bring in these angelic frequencies to neutralize or remove or balance all distortion energies relating to the terms of reptilian overlay In source of creation.

Speaker 1:

We are commanding for a complete clearing, removal, release of all energies distortions relating to the energies of sexual trauma, creational violation, energetic slavery in all dimensions and all of time, space and all of our genetics. High yourself and source of creation. We are commanding for a complete clearing, the renunciation of all agreements and contracts made consciously and unconsciously, which gives away the ownership of our body, mind, soul, energy in all dimensions and all of time, space. And if it helps you, you're welcome to speak those words out loud or listen to those again and speak them. Source of creation. We are commanding for a complete clearing and freeing of all frozen emotions or frozen myasms relating to sexual trauma in all dimensions and all of time space.

Speaker 1:

In source of creation. We are commanding for a complete clearing the vol portals open into negative realms, demonic energy attachments and implantation in all dimensions and all of time space.

Speaker 3:

And if it helps you, you're welcome to speak those words out loud or listen to those more.

Speaker 1:

So we're going to spend a moment here just reaching to your heart and maybe just a foot in front of your heart, and we're just going to collect some energies of our higher self, divine love for our self. If it's hard for you to conjure up love for yourself, which is understandable sometimes, you know, as we're healing through these disconnections, think of something that you really love, like puppies or your animals or your children, anything that you're able to conjure up, this feeling of unconditional love and joy. And just collected here in front of the heart, you can see that is beginning to glow almost as this brilliant golden energy. And this golden energy it's almost like the sun, where you can feel that it's not just a color, it's not just a light, but it's got some sort of scintillating divine intelligence inside of it, pulling in this frequency of divine source intelligence. And whenever you're ready, you pull that ball of light that you have just cultivated with the energy of your own higher self essence and your own love and light. Pull that light into your heart and now sink that ball down into your lower belly and you might feel that energy begin to massage and dissolve all coagulated or hardened energy of self criticism, self judgment, self loathing, unworthiness and all of that anti self energy and programming is just dissolving in this gentle glow of our self love energy.

Speaker 1:

And feel how that gentle love energy caresses your adrenals, releasing any pent up anxiety or fear, understanding now that this healing, this restoration of our own divine essence, it's all there is left to do at this time.

Speaker 1:

And without this part, without this word, heaven on earth simply cannot be created outside of us, breathing that light back into our heart, chakra. And now we're going to shoot that light through our heart, outside of our body again, just as we're placing it in the center of the earth, but it's glowing so strong that it envelops the entire surface and just gently allowing humanity to realize and remember that we are ever so worthy of love and life and freedom and creativity and joy and abundance. There's nothing to fear, because that is what heaven has ordained for us and that the waking up process is simply us coming into this awareness and claiming it inside of our vessel and leading the way my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you.

Speaker 1:

Source of creation. We are commanding for release and clearing of all imprints and implants relating to creative energy, siphoning and releasing all frozen myasms from trauma related to interdimensional sexual trauma.

Speaker 2:

My you my, you, my, you, my you source of creation.

Speaker 1:

We are commanding for a activation of the heart and sacral connection and bringing in this code that we are of sacred innocence, that all organic parts of our self are designed for us to experience joy and creativity and pleasure. Releasing all MKUltra and media programming distortions around our sexuality, our sexual energy.

Speaker 1:

Clearing all implantation and distortions around the male, female, war or competition programming my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you my, you, my, you, my you my, you, my, you, my you my, you, my, you, my you my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, and as a wave moving through humanity, a wave of healing and peace my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you, my you. Away, away, away away, away, away, away away.

Speaker 1:

Feel relaxed in knowing that you can remain in this energy for as long as you like and knowing that this frequency is you and it is our divine innocence and peace and joy. Anytime we want to find this frequency, just go deep into your heart, be on the places of judgment and of thought, deep into the essential part of yourself. So honored and joyful to be here with everybody. What a powerful thing for us to do together at this time. So honored to be called and that you trust me to hold space with you. So I'm actually going to leave the container open for a bit. I'm going to sing one more song because I feel like the energy is still moving, and then I will end the stream. What are your recommendations for us to integrate, slash, anchor these powerful frequencies? The energy actually feels super playful because I feel like when the heaviness is lifted, we remember that you know, creation is actually this really fun thing that we all love Like. Oh my God, what can I experience? What can I play with? What love can I exchange with the creation today?

Speaker 1:

So, whatever it is that innocent in our part of you, I feel like for many of you there's kind of like a new spark that has awakened, nurture that spark, you know, if it feels like a new soul piece or just a new activation that has happened, or just even like this pure part of ourself that was told that you know you have to get a job and you're not worthy.

Speaker 1:

You're not worth it, so you got to hide or you got to go away. So this part you know is finally recognized, that it's actually this divine and beautiful and sacred part of ourself. So this part that has returned, you know, allow her to be in the body, allow her to experience and feel and touch and experience things in the physical and allow her to, you know, integrate into the body. So you might want to go aside and jump around and feel how awesome it is to have a body and be on this fricking beautiful planet and then do everything that you can to protect it, and not in a fearful way, but in this heart, led way to know that you are powerful and this is your home and that you can, you know, do anything.

Speaker 1:

And if I don't say anything after this next song, I will see you guys tomorrow. I'm so happy that we get to spend this amazing time of transformation together. Today's chat was a little bit dense, but tomorrow we're going to be talking about the original human template, the original DNA, and so you know, I feel that the energies are more going to be like we've opened that portal today, and so we're going to dance around and explore those energies more and pull it into our body. And so I'll see you tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

Amai, wa. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, oh, amai, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, oh, ah, oh, Amai, ah, amai, ah, Ah, ah, ah, ah, oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, oh, Ah, ah, ah oh.

Speaker 1:

If you are feeling up to it, definitely go outside and share these energies with Gaia. Send that love out into our planetary family. I'm probably just gonna go and lie down on the ground now. Send all of this love and support and gratitude to her. Thank you for being here and for going in and being courageous, for being willing to. You know, do these work. It's sometimes not fun, but it's worth it. This is how we reclaim ourself and our sovereign divine creatorhood. Yeah, go out there and share it with your Earth, Mama. Oh, oh, oh.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much, everybody for tuning in, for being open, for allowing these energies to come in for our mother, gaia. At this time, if you can't go outside, just make sure you send through your heart, down into the crystalline core, these energies that you have been building in your body. Before you go to bed, Say hello to our Earth mother and appreciate her. Just that simple heart connection is going to send the codes right through, and so I'm so grateful to be here with everyone and I will see you all tomorrow. Thank you so much for listening. I really hope you enjoyed this episode of the Star Seen Mission Podcast and found some hidden treasures along the way. If you'd like to learn more about our work, our amazing community of star seas and light workers, and the amazing healing containers and horses we host, please go to earthstaracademy. You can sign up for our free newsletter or you can always find us on Instagram or YouTube at earthstaracademy. I love you to the stars and back. See you for the next episode of the Star Seed Mission Podcast.

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