The Starseed Mission Podcast

6. Artificial Intelligence (Spiritual Perspective)

EarthStar Academy

To me, artificial intelligence isn't just technology, but also literally Distorted or False Consciousness.  When creation occurs out of alignment with the laws of universal oneness, the result of those creations reflect the level of consciousness in which the creation took place.  Taking this into consideration, we realize that the majority of technologies, socio-cultural programs and societal settings were all created in disconnection from Divine Creation - we live in an Artificial Construct...

Today's discussion takes us deep into the exploration of our own Consciousness.  Has an Artificial energy infiltrated our own divine biological mind and body?  Has a program intended to lower human multi-dimensionality already been put in place?  How has this distorted our Mind and our understanding of being Human?  And how can we restore our Original Source Creator Consciousness?

Gridwork Healing & Clearing at the end of the episode:
(Timestamp: 41:14)
Activating our DNA, Opening Up our Cosmic Creational Channel, Clearing Disconnections in the Crown Chakra and Root Chakra, Clearing Distortion within our Mental and Multi-dimensional Energy Bodies of Imposter Artificial Consciousness Energy, Reclaiming and Restoring our Original Divine Source Frequency.

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Speaker 1:

Hey Starling, welcome to the Star Seed Mission Podcast, a jam-packed series that help you understand your Earth mission, awaken your multi-dimensionality and embody your highest self in a grounded and empowered way. My name is Z Earthstar Healer, the founder of the Earthstar Academy. We support God's Angels on Earth, the Star Seeds, indigos, Dreamweavers and Lightworkers. We meet in the heart of the Christos organic ascension path and together we are on a mission to return divine love to the heart of all of humanity and ring in Heaven on Earth. In my podcast, I'll teach you how to access your higher consciousness, heal yourself on all levels, connect with your angelic galactic support team and lead a miracle-filled life of divine purpose. Welcome here, get cozy and let's get started with today's episode. Hello, welcome everybody.

Speaker 1:

I am really going to try to keep this under an hour today. I'm quite tired. I'm really excited to be here, though, and I'm really just going to try to be succinct so that we can still get all the codes out to you and all the healing vibrations, but we're just going to try to keep it real brief for today. I know that we all got lives and things to do. First of all, one of our beloved brothers, stephen Adams, is asking in the chat box he says let's see arousal. Is that supposed to happen? Basically, what these sounds are? They're sounds of the original creation coding. They're basically the sounds of life. I have worked very hard over the last decade to create an open channel in my body and we're going to talk a lot about this open channel today because it has a lot actually to do with our angle on the artificial intelligence phenomenon.

Speaker 1:

When the vessel actually receives these frequencies, your body, your body's going to respond, because these energies, these vibrations, is actually your body's original vibration. The body is born into life, the body was designed to experience life, and so the vibration that the elemental body is used to being in is actually aliveness and excitement and empowerment and energy, energy that is used to vitalize the body, to sustain your living processes and to also sustain your creative processes. How our physical bodies experience that energy when it first activates, is that you're going to feel like it's sexual energy, especially if you're not used to the free flowing of orgasmic energy through your body when you're feeling alive and joyful and creative. For the most part, in our false matrix reality, our sexual energy has been severed, disconnected, shamed and all sorts of stuff, and so it's been shut down so you can't enjoy being alive. You can enjoy creating things and enjoying being alive. When these organic vibrations begin to hit your elemental body, it's going to start to resonate in this energy of original living creation. Thank you for people always reminding me about that banner, that freaking banner. Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

Basically, when you feel that arousal, what you want to do is pull the energy upwards through your body. At first, your mind, if there are artificial consciousness programing, is going to say oh, sexual energy is weird, I'm supposed to be ashamed of this. This is inappropriate. All of these are programs that are actually cutting you off from your life force energy. What you want to do is pull that energy right up into your heart From that place. Allow that energy to just really nourish your entire body. I know that this aliveness, you're worthy of it. This belongs to you. It doesn't belong to anybody else. It doesn't belong to some artificial matrix that wants to take it from you and that wants you to believe that is yucky and shameful, so that you not only give it away to them.

Speaker 1:

Today we're talking about artificial intelligence. I want to start today's transmission by sharing with you that for the past 10 years I have been cultivating my main psychic ability, which is the ability of psionic redaction, which is being able to basically project my consciousness into whatever it is that I am intending. Some of this might feel kind of like it's remote viewing, but it's even more, I would say, multi-dimensional than that. In the case of remote viewing, I can project my consciousness to a place in the world or to a person and I can view that person. However, if it is in the case of psionic redaction, I can actually just project my consciousness into another person or into a timeline or into a dimension, basically into anything that I want to get information on. My role in the reality, I feel, has been to see everything lucidly through my own eyes. This is really what I'm sharing with you is my findings. I don't get these things channeled to me. This is how my multi-dimensional body and soul has the ability to perceive reality myself, and so do you. I'm really reflecting back at you just this trust in myself to perceive the world correctly through my multi-dimensional technology that we all have. Everything that I'm about to tell you is really things that I have perceived.

Speaker 1:

All this all started for me was when I was first waking up. My team came in there like Z, we want you to go to the mall and we want you to sit in the food court and we want you to open your third eye and just look at things. I was like there's no way in hell I'm going to the mall. They would be so persistent that I'd be like, okay, fine. At that time, my parents lived across the street from one of the biggest malls in the country, in Canada, so I felt my body just walk grass the street to the mall and I'm sitting in the court and I'm scanning everybody's in the mall and all the stupanners, just like I was being told, and they said this is your training. Through actually doing this all the time, you're going to understand what has happened to this reality. It's from this place and I'm sharing with you.

Speaker 1:

I definitely, again, never claimed to be the expert on anything. Really, I'm sharing with you as a. I feel like sometimes the things that I'm about to say that you're going to be like, oh, I felt that too, except I didn't have the words for it or it was too weird and so I couldn't validate those experiences, and so really, I'm just being a mirror for everybody's perceptive abilities on this reality and all the weirdness you probably have seen in the world and just didn't have ways to validate or have words to speak it. So what I noticed when I began to scan everybody's body was first of all, I know that our multi-dimensional body is supposed to be a flowing in the shape of a toroidal field. That means that actually I need both of my hands here. It's supposed to be spinning up and down, like this, right, where it's both spinning counterclockwise and counterclockwise wait, counterclockwise and clockwise multi-dimensionally. So it actually creates this toroidal field where the inner channel is completely open. And so this is really important, because this is what connects you with the organic, original Christ, like cosmic consciousness of that unites the whole universe, right. And so when our channel is completely open, our natural state of being, our original state of being, is feeling relaxed and joyful and present and secure and creative and peaceful. That I already gave that one and loving right. And this vibration, this vibration of being in oneness with the organic creation, which means that you're actually oscillating in the same frequency as the consciousness which is behind all of the universe. This is what I would call, you know, original consciousness, or divine consciousness, or source consciousness, whatever you want to call it.

Speaker 1:

So then I realized, as I was scanning everybody inside this mall, that for the most part not only were people's crown shocker completely closed, you know, whether it's because of the scientific indoctrination or religious indoctrination or whatever other kind of programming and implantation that person has received from the artificial matrix, blocked off their ability to connect with the cosmos vibrationally. And on top of that, you know, throughout the entire system there were all kinds of implantations, distortions of understanding of the universe, and then, especially so, the lower bottom of the pole of the loop of the toriotal field in the root chakra Oftentimes it is completely blocked as well out of this complete disconnection from the more earth based frequencies of aliveness. And usually those distortions are blocked off by, you know, just this general depression that is passed down between the I want to say the word ancestor, but I want to say through the lineage and also the distortion in sexuality that we're constantly being bombarded with in the mass media and in pornography, just in our societal. You know, when you think about how most people relate to sexual energy, they're certainly not thinking. You know, this is cosmic energy and is the most important and most sacred stuff in the whole universe right. Most people on earth are not thinking that, but that's the truth. And so there is a distortion there that's blocking cosmic energy from flowing through the entire vessel. And so I realized that when consciousness is severed from the original cosmic frequency, it begins to degrade and then, as it degrades, it's beginning to fall further and further from the truth. And I would say that I began to recognize that, these filaments of energy, I began to recognize them as artificial intelligence.

Speaker 1:

Artificial intelligence to me, when I break the word down and you think about it, intelligence. Intelligence is consciousness, is this sparkling aliveness of thought, of presence of consciousness that is present in all things, especially in our body and in our mind and in our soul. So when we think about you know I just described original consciousness things that are the opposite of that or that degrade, that is then what you would call artificial or false, or degraded intelligence, and this is really important because this is the key to restoring our multi-dimensional blueprint right. The artificial intelligence in our 3D world today, its predominant act of failure or act of destruction upon human society is the act of perpetuating this level of artificial intelligence, as I'm saying, this level of separation, this level of disconnection from the divine and when you think about it.

Speaker 1:

You know, when I say go on my phone, like when I get cosmic activations in my body, I literally cannot look at screens. For the last couple of days I really had a hard time going near my technology, not because all technology is horrible, but the current technologies we have. They were created through the intentions of mass domination and control and mind control and so, with that intention of course, is difficult to use those technologies without being affected by those vibrations, even if you know you are doing Qigong, kung Fu every day for you know a decade. In my case. It's just the. It's like when something is created with certain intentions, like that's the vibration that it's in right, and people like we can start posting things like this vibration that I'm sharing on platforms like this.

Speaker 1:

But for the most part, you know, when you're just on Facebook scrolling, the frequency inside that light, that false light that you're staring at, it is actually you might notice that if you scroll for a while you might become agitated. Right Is that it starts interacting with actually your organic consciousness and your organic consciousness begins to degrade and so parts of this artificial consciousness I want to talk about that. It's really the parts that has gotten so deep into our system that we think that that's just what humans normally are. So, for example, you see a lot of you know arguments and divisiveness on the black mirrors, on the social media and everything today, even the light workers, you know. They say like, oh, these muggles, they're so dumb. And you know they they support, you know whoever politician, and it's like you can tell that there is a distortion in the holistic consciousness of the body, because humans are organic.

Speaker 1:

Consciousness originally is full of, again, energies like expansive love and patience and especially compassion, and so the whole point of today's discussion is really to begin to recognize all of the distortions and consciousness that we have inside, beginning with our physical awareness of our body, and yesterday we had a great discussion on subtle body awareness and how important it is for us to gain and practice and cultivate subtle body awareness, because then you can actually feel how energy is flowing through your body and how open your channel is, and work continuously to restoring your consciousness back to its original divine blueprint, to a place where you are joyful and creative and infinite and compassionate, and recognizing that actually it's only when you're embodied in that vibration that you are actually doing light work, that you're actually, you know, being a complete channel for heaven on earth vibrations, and at that point you begin to create higher vibrational solutions for the problems that you're seeing in the world, instead of just being on the internet and judging other people all the time. And so we are going inside. I think I want to just take this into a more specific density now with this transmission. So some examples. Let's just take an example.

Speaker 1:

Let's just fly our consciousness into a high school and see how you know, if I can remember being in high school, there was, you know, some of this bullying and you know this hierarchy thing like there's these cool kids and the cool kids like had stuff and like they could just judge other people and be mean to them, and like how some of these kids might develop a propensity for acquiring material things that you know were these energies that made them feel like they had to tweak their physical body to be loved and accepted. So all of us grew up in that reality where our media and our society was constantly feeding us these false belief systems, and you can tell that all of these false programs and patterns are actually just things that keep you from accessing and getting in touch with who you really are. All of the programs want you to have some sort of distorted understanding about your body and yourself and your sexuality and your intelligence. And so it's saying you know, if your body looks like a certain way, then you're not good enough and you're ugly and you have to fix it. And this is actually so insidious because this opens up a hole between your soul and your body and that's what allows you know entities and everything to come in. And you're going to see that a lot of people you know that have suffered from eating disorders or depression or self harm, any sort of mind and body dysmorphia, disconnection. They're going to have a lot of you know energetic parasites that perpetuate these negative self talk patterns. And so this is, you know, some of this is really subtle. Like if you are just, you know, looking in the mirror and you're completely naked, is your thought, wow, this body is just so miraculous and beautiful and I can't believe I lucked out and I won the lottery and got to have this body in this lifetime. Oh, my God, it's wonderful. So if you're not having that reaction and instead you're like, wow, like I'm kind of fat here and my face is not that great, or you know any of these things. This is artificial intelligence having infiltrated into your consciousness. So let's give another example where we feel like you know, okay, let's take for the example of sexual arousal In our society.

Speaker 1:

It's like the sexual misery program is so complicated because there's so many layers of it in our society, right? It's like they propagate and propagandize the fact that males are supposed to holler and hoot at female bodies that are just the sexiest things in the universe and then, yet, when the males then go out and do that, they're shamed for it, right? So then they get stuck in this kind of confusion loop, and that's basically what the agenda wants is for us to be absolutely confused and disconnected and ashamed over sexual energy, and so the males never learn how to actually respect sexual energy as the most sacred thing in the universe and as female bodies are the bodies that perpetuate life, which is the most sacred thing in the universe. Originally and organically, males love females, and males actually love to protect and nurture and support and just be a force of unconditional love for females. That's what's organic in our society, in our living organisms.

Speaker 1:

Yet we have been infiltrated by these programs of artificial intelligence that have coded us to act all weird about different things, to the point where we are afraid of who we are and afraid of expressing ourselves in any way and are just not only knocking ourselves down but blocking our own energy from flowing all the time. So let's see if there's another example here. Prime examples, probably commonly in this community, is the lack of self-worth and basically any strand of energy, any strand of belief that you're having inside of yourself that is anti-self, anti-human, anti-life. These are programs and virus intelligence or artificial intelligence that has infiltrated into your body and into your system. Scary, right, because I know that 99.99 of people on this planet we're not spending our entire day in a state of joy and peace, and the religious indoctrination even put a word on it saying it's called enlightenment and you're gonna have to meditate for your entire life to get there because you're so unworthy of it. It's just ridiculous. This is what you're made of, this is what you originally are, and you're allowed to just kick everything else out of your body, all of the pain and the programs that you have to be a martyr, programs that, unless you are working really hard to survive and you're working every day and you're just enslaving and throwing your sexual energy away at things that don't matter to your soul at all, and this is the only way that you're worthy of life.

Speaker 1:

Like all of these ancestral programs that was a big one I consider these artificial intelligence. I think that this is the most helpful and purposeful and useful way to think about artificial intelligence, because it applies to you directly now. It applies to you and your internal state at this precise moment and how? In alignment with life and with your own aliveness and with your own cosmic sense of universal love that you are experiencing right now, in this moment. And that is relevant because, again, this is a process of completely reclaiming your Creatorhood. And so caring about what others think of us is another program right.

Speaker 1:

Thinking about what others think about us is basically a lack of a true sense of self, and a lack of true sense of self is also just an insidious program that exists because when we were first born onto this planet, the first three, or lower three shockers are developing. The first seven years is the root chakra that develops. And you think about when our root chakra is developing. Our root chakra is supposed to be our sense of the reality and so say we were born into a Catholic family and our family is constantly talking about how, if we are not some way, if we're not good enough, if we're not doing something, if we're not ashamed of our sexuality, then we're going to hell, and that there is some ominous God and our energy body experiences God as the creation of everything, as the fabric of reality. And so, as a child, you're born into this reality where people believe that there is some super mean, judgmental God who's gonna punish you, and so that gets inscribed into your root chakra, where you begin to believe that the reality is untrustworthy, that the entire external reality is something to be afraid of, that also parents that have a lot of scarcity, worried about survival, think that getting good grades in school is the only way that you're gonna survive or be good enough. So all of those energies gets inscribed in your root chakra, and so, as you're growing up, your sense of reality is gonna be those energies that the world is unsafe, that there's not enough to go around, that other humans are skeptical and they're probably out to get you. All of these little energies are in there.

Speaker 1:

Now you go begin to develop your sacral chakra between the ages of seven and 14, and your parents have never mentioned the word sex around you because they're super programmed that it's this shameful, scary thing and that the reality is trying to show you that if you're not, if you haven't broken your virginity by the time you're 14, then you're some kind of loser. And so you're being shown all these propaganda images of sexuality being this lustful, silly and bad and shameful thing that you gotta highlight All these little distortions, right? Remember what it's supposed to be cosmic creation energy. That is what is supposed to be inscribed in your sacral chakra. Because when that energy is in your sacral chakra, you will treat everything as if it is that. You will treat every one as if it is the most, as if they are the most sacred thing in the world, because you have the energy inside of your own sacral chakra. So you're gonna go and treat every living thing with that same respect and with that same sacredness.

Speaker 1:

That's not what we got growing up in the false matrix, now finally supposed to have a strong sense of self. That's developing from the ages 14 to 21. And this is when you being told that unless you get a high test scores and you get into a good university and become a good slave, then you're stupid and you're not good enough for this society. And unless you have all the fanciest makeup and watch the latest television and get to talk about it with your popular high school friends, then you're a loser and that means you're unworthy of societal love. So, as we're developing those senses, we're so sensitive. That's why I so want to create a birthing center and a space for these new star seats to grow up where they're not subjected to these levels of societal programming, because you know, this is our foundation, right, and at this point, if you grew up in the false matrix, already your foundation is hella crooked, and that is why I focus so much on the lower chakras, because this is really where our work is.

Speaker 1:

Imagine you're a cosmic, friggin' being and you get born into these bodies and you grow up with parents who are muggles, who did all those things I just mentioned a minute ago, and then you're trying to open up your third eye to travel the cosmos and you're like, oh shit, but the reality is scary and people are out to get me and there's not enough to go around and I'm so ashamed of you know. It's like you need a strong foundation to anchor this empowerment and to actually anchor the correct codes of what a healthy human being looks like and what a healthy human being feels like. And actually that is like. What I am most interested in doing is to dissolve and resolve. Resolve, yeah, all of those distortions and pieces and strands of that artificial intelligence that has infiltrated into my energy, body and my subconscious through my upbringing in the false matrix, and to actually then experience, through exploration, what it actually is to be human, how it feels like to be a human. That's not fucked up by the world and that's what the world really needs. The world doesn't need another grouchy, grumpy, you know, jaded person that's just like, oh, you unawakened sheep. So you know, like whatever, you know, when we're in this energy of presence and love, people see that and they want that. All of a sudden they're like oh, what's that energy that feels good, that feels like what I wanna experience and that's actually what inspires people to wake up. You know, no amount of shaming people is gonna get them to listen to you. And it's the same way with our inner children. You know, when we go in and try to find our inner children and say you're not good enough, you better fix yourself. It's the same thing. They're running away from you and they're like get away from me, I don't care. You know what kind of righteous being are you. So if you're in that vibration of judgment and hate, we're gonna take a little break now and listen to a special message from the Earth Star Academy Don't go anywhere, we'll be right back.

Speaker 1:

Hey angels, it's me again, z-earth Star. I just wanted to let you know about our incredible mothership. It's a dream come true for Starseeds a place where you can express your magical cosmic self and receive full spectrum training, healing and quantum support on your mission. Our colossal 500 module curriculum includes teachings like psychic training, native ego healing, creation mastery, advanced training for healers, sacred contact with ETs, spirit guides of source vessel optimization, grid work, new Earth entrepreneurship, full spectrum healing and DNA activation and, of course, a detailed breakdown of our mission on Earth, and so much more. You might ask how am I able to offer such a wide spectrum of knowledge? Well, I've been training with the Guardians for a decade to serve you exactly in this way. We tried to think of every possible thing you might need to succeed as a sovereign creator, consciousness lifter and timeline weaver, and to make all of this available to you in our $89 monthly membership, which also includes a community space where you can connect with other star seas and light workers, weekly live Q&As, workshops, healings and planetary grid work ceremonies with me and the Earth Star team. The mothership is a light technology and it is a pristine source love field held by the Guardians in our angelic galactic team. It was made to support you on Earth in every way, and it's such an honor to walk this incredible journey with you. If all of this makes your heart flutter with joy and excitement, you can go to earthstaracademy to sign up. We all deserve a safe and loving place to rest our wings and I'm so honored to build that mothership with you. Once again, that's earthstaracademy. Can't wait to welcome you home, darling, and we're back. Thank you so much for joining us on the Star Seed Mission podcast.

Speaker 1:

Let's now get back to the show, and so we're talking about these strands of artificial intelligence that we're correcting, and it's so simple. It's everything that is a program and that is out of resonance with true cosmic love, and true cosmic love feels joyful, feels free, feels light, feels creative, feels playful, feels fluid and that's not rigid, like it's open and flowing, and that energy can flow through our whole entire body, that our body is just feeling so good it just wants to dance and paint and sing and garden. And now, in this vibration, we're realizing just how much work there is to do, how much healing this humanity truly means, and that is why I believe that most people on this call, most people that are being called, to the role of healer. There's so much exploration and so many dimensions to this word, to this sacred duty, and that sacred duty begins with cultivating this energy of cosmic love and really turning it inwards and healing all of our own parts and parts of our energy body, so that we are oscillating in the frequencies of original intelligence, original cosmic, infinite intelligence, instead of artificial intelligence. And when I mean this is also just such a massive exploration, because I really feel like I'm actually in the beginning of it.

Speaker 1:

Many years ago, I started having all these dreams about these portals around the planet, these natural portals that the Sasquatch people use, that you can actually just jump in this portal and it just you will reappear somewhere in Paris or somewhere in Mexico or wherever it is that you're intending to go to, or you can just walk through a wall, and I know that these ideas and these dreams are seeming like fantastical, but we really just don't know what the capabilities of these bodies are. And I feel that coming into this place of perfect love for ourself is just the beginning. And that is to say to all of you that have been on a healing journey for a long time and have adopted this artificial intelligence belief that you're always gonna be healing and you're always gonna be her, but it's not just keep, no, no, you can be a cosmic love being of light right now, and that there are shortcuts. But there aren't shortcuts that step sideways around the healing and the actual work. And so yesterday we talked about the shortcuts. Right, they're cultivating cosmic frequencies and the other shortcut is just recognizing the things that are distortions and just allowing them to be pushed out or dissolved by this cosmic truth frequency, because we can't let go of things that we're holding onto, and I find that that is so true. But it's like we have to integrate a certain level of our cosmic love self before that overrides the rest of the stuff in our body and just flushes the toilet.

Speaker 1:

So does galactic trickery come into this? I have trust issues and me trusting these beings and their Jenna is hard. So I haven't mentioned any beings in this entire talk. I have only mentioned your own soul's essence and your own soul's original state of being, which is cosmic, cosmic, expansive, creation energy. And so, of course, it's all sorts of trickery, but, once again, if it doesn't feel expensive, expansive and joyful and creative and playful and fluid, that's. All that matters is that you are coming back to that place inside of yourself, right, recognizing that that's who you are and recognizing how you're feeling right now, for real, and be honest with yourself about how you're feeling.

Speaker 1:

Be honest with yourself about where you're at, because the spiritual bypassing is so sneaky, is so tricky, right, it's like, oh, I'm reading all these spiritual books and making progress. I'm journaling about chakras and reading about them. That means I'm making progress. It's like, no, literally, the only thing you need to do is to go inside and know how you are feeling, know thyself. That's all you need. Literally, the only thing you need to do is to come back to the love within yourself and to feel that cosmic, expansive source, creation energy vibrating through you. And, with that said, we're going to jump into the collective ceremony for today and we are going to pull in the cosmic expansive energy and just flush, flush the artificial intelligence out of our body. And okay. So I find that having this watcher inside of your body, like mindfulness, being aware of your every thought, your every action this is so important so that in every moment, you realize and recognize what vibration you're in and what, what you're doing, what, what vibration you're creating. Right Before commenting on that Facebook post, just pause for a second and think you know, am I in a space of expansive cosmic love right now? And if not, I'm not going to create that.

Speaker 1:

Risa says does AI equal negative entity, negative ET? And I mean they're not exactly the same, but I categorize them into the same because I don't like to pay that much attention to that. I just recognize the distortion, whether it's from negative aliens or AI or whatever it is, I just go, that's not me. That's not me. I am a cosmic, divine, creative creator, being, and I mean okay, so, but the thing is, if it's actually your own energy and your own crying in your child, don't do that. Um, I'm only talking about energies that I feel foreign and our programs or patterns of artificial intelligence. Be mindful all the time of your, your own energy and even have this part, that's, you know, witnessing your own thoughts, right, cultivate that higher self presence inside of you so that even when you're thinking, even when you're thinking, you know it's like are you aware of the thoughts that you're having? Are they kind? Are they, you know, truly a reflection of the truth, or is it just a pattern that's running? Is it just something that you're used to, a vibration that you're used to being in? And so let's go into the healing ceremony.

Speaker 1:

So my intention with tonight's ceremony is to assist us in just clearing out all. I had to highlight your um, I had to highlight your, your message from us, for Justin says how many joints do I need to smoke to understand? I thought it was really funny, thank you, okay. Do we need ceremonies to activate our DNA? So I like to always share these sound frequencies because the angels, they tell me that the sounds are here to help us activate our original source DNA, and original source DNA is just the filaments of light in our body that activates, that then actually allow us to experience and remember the frequency of who we really are. And so you know all these words that I'm saying, they're actually all inside of the frequencies and really I could just sing it, but you know our mental mind, or our mind, it just also wants to understand what's going on, and so I do also translate these codes into English. But really, the vibrations in the sound, healing frequencies, they are all we need to activate, especially if you understand how to listen. You know, vibrationally.

Speaker 1:

Alexis of Ascension Diary says a quarter of a joint. That's funny. I actually personally feel that you know, I don't actually do anything. I don't partake in plant medicine anymore. I did for very many years and it was very helpful to me in a period of my life and at this point you know I'm able to, I've integrated everything the plants have shown me about multi-dimensional reality and have gone beyond where the plants have taken me. So, yes, there is so many realms that, and the plants, they're really not meant to be our crutches, right, they're. They're meant to be our teachers for periods of time and at a certain point you have integrated this cosmic part of you to a certain extent where you're just kind of high all the time. So we're gonna activate our DNA and Our intention is to clear out artificial patterns of consciousness specifically relating to any Disconnections in the crown chakra and the root chakra today. So we're opening up our cosmic Creation channel.

Speaker 2:

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh.

Speaker 1:

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Speaker 1:

Oh, opening up, activating the spinal column and, as that light frequency reaches the root chakra, beginning to reprogram any distortions of the reality, source of creation we're commanding from for a complete restoration of all energies of scarcity, primal fear, fear of God, fear of judgment, fear of isolation and non belonging and fear of non survival.

Speaker 1:

And, as the source light streaming down from the stars down the spinal column, reprogramming the frequencies of distortion in the root chakra, we're bringing in the higher self or the source Vibrations of truth of the root chakra of our reality, which is that the universe, or our God, or our one infinite creation that we are all a part of, is infinitely benevolent and joyful and loving and abundant. Oh, reprogramming all vibrations of scarcity and fear in the root chakra To expansiveness, trust, unconditional love and prosperity, in resonance with the infinite creation energy that is available to us all the time. Continue to stream that infinite cosmic energy down the back, down through the spinal column, unblocking any blockages in the spine, reprogramming the root chakra. And we're going to actually involve the sacral chakra and the solar plexus as well In this reprogramming of all vibrations that are in disconnection from the divine.

Speaker 2:

Ah, you, aaaaaaah, aaaaaaah, aaaaaaah, aaaaaaah, aaaaaah, aaaaaah, aaaaaah.

Speaker 1:

Source of creation, we are commanding for a complete reclamation of all dimensional aspects of our own soul energy. Aaaaaaah, aaaaaaah, aaaaaaah, aaaaaah. We're asking for a complete removal of all energy siphoning negative technologies in the physical and energy and light bodies.

Speaker 2:

Aaaaaaah, aaaaaaah, aaaaaaah aaaaaah, aaaaaah.

Speaker 1:

In source of creation, we are commanding for a restoration of the correct flow of our life force energy from our lower chakras up the front of the body. Aaaaaaah, aaaaaah, aaaaaah, aaaaaah, a nourishing, gentle river of cosmic energy, nourishing all of our organs and all of ourselves, reconciling with our cosmic creation energy, or sexual energy, as well as dissolving all blocks or shame or distortion in our understanding of our sexual energy my own.

Speaker 1:

So in our understanding, the word Christ actually means cosmic energy coming into physicality. So in that definition, this process that we are moving through is the activation of our Christed energy, this remembrance of who we truly are, that we are, cosmic consciousness embodied in physical, experiencing ourselves as the creator beings that we are in a physical body. And this is actually the meaning of Christ.

Speaker 1:

My own, my own, my own flowing, that beautiful starry cosmic energy that we have been channeling down from our higher self, or the cosmos, down our spine, and now we're moving this energy back up the front of our body, clearing all blockages in our flow of energy between the stars and our body and the divine Gaia.

Speaker 2:

So in that definition, we are moving this energy back up to our body, clearing all blockages in our flow of energy between the stars and our body my own, my own, my own, my own.

Speaker 1:

So bringing in the code or the vibration of a sacred reciprocity between us and all of creation, between the internal and the external, and just sitting in this presence of this love, this joy, this presence, this expansion, this piece, all of this which is what you truly are. And not only do you deserve all of this and more. It was created for you to experience. We created this for ourselves to experience and we created this experience out of love. And we're reclaiming the truth of that reality for ourselves. And we must first do it within to anchor these energies, to anchor that embodiment of the Christ energy source cosmic creation energy in physical. And as we do that, that activation, that vibration, that awareness of our true creator hood, we begin to flow in this energy of creation where we begin to actually co create heaven on earth, on the ground, together. How fun and exciting. And there doesn't have to be any pain, hi, matthew. So I'm just about wrapping up, but I think that the energies that are coming in today they're really saying you know, when we truly connect with the truth of who we are on a cosmic level, that frequency can be brought into the body to simply dissolve with ease and grace all that which is not resonant with the truth of who we are. And we don't have to be carrying our pain, we don't have to believe that our worth comes from our suffering, and we are free to be our highest source, connected frequencies of self. Now, and we did it. We completed the transmission in an hour.

Speaker 1:

I'm so excited. I'm excited to once again share space with everyone tomorrow and if you are feeling called, you can just go ahead and go outside and share this love that you're feeling in your body. Go ahead and ground that into the earth. Send that out to humanity, that good, unconditional love. Like I'm here for you, I will hold this presence as a reflection of you, so you can remember who you are. Much love everybody. Bye for now. Thank you so much for listening. I really hope you enjoyed this episode of the Star Seen Mission podcast and found some hidden treasures along the way. If you'd like to learn more about our work, our amazing community of star seas and light workers, and the amazing healing containers and courses we host, please go to earthstaracademy. You can sign up for our free newsletter or you can always find us on Instagram or YouTube at earthstaracademy. I love you to the stars and back. See you for the next episode of the Star Seed Mission podcast.

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