The Starseed Mission Podcast

9. Soul Mission Contracts (Starseed & Indigo)

EarthStar Academy

Waves of the Starseed Mission, and individual soul mission contracts. Am I A Starseed and What Is My Mission are the two most commonly asked questions I get, this week we dive into the multi-faceted Starseed Mission, and the wide array of mission contracts we have!

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Speaker 1:

Hey Starling, welcome to the Star Seed Mission Podcast, a jam-packed series that helps you understand your Earth mission, awaken your multi-dimensionality and embody your highest self in a grounded and empowered way. My name is Z Earthstar Healer, the founder of the Earthstar Academy. We support God's Angels on Earth, the Star Seeds, indigos, Dreamweavers and Lightworkers. We meet in the heart of the Christos organic ascension path and together we are on a mission to return divine love to the heart of all of humanity and ring in Heaven on Earth. In my podcast, I'll teach you how to access your higher consciousness, heal yourself on all levels, connect with your angelic galactic support team and lead a miracle-filled life of divine purpose. Welcome here, get cozy and let's get started with today's episode. Hello everybody, I hope you can still hear me. Welcome to Star Seed Mission Support.

Speaker 1:

We're back for another week of beautiful conversations with our planetary star family of Earth. I hope you can still hear me because I just switched mics. This is so that if Kara starts screaming for my presence, you guys don't have to hear right, and she's been bonding with daddy these days, though. Those of you that have kids know that around the three month mark, they kind of start looking for other people and looking for things, and she's starting to connect with her dad, and so that's really, really exciting for us both. Today, I'm getting some feedback here saying that you guys can hear me loud and clear. That's great. We're going to be talking about our Star Seed Mission contracts, and I'm really excited to have this conversation, because I get asked this question a lot. People say how do I know what my mission is, and I can never answer this question with a one sentence answer or even an answer that is simple, because the truth of the matter is our Star Seed Mission is very multifaceted. Just as we are multi-dimensional beings, we operate in very many different dimensionalities of reality simultaneously, and so our mission is actually unfolding concurrently in all these dimensions, as we are experiencing our 3D experience, and so there's no simple way to answer what is my mission and how I find my mission, so this video is going to be entirely about that process.

Speaker 1:

Now. First, I want to begin by explaining what a Star Seed is. In my lingo or cosmology, a Star Seed can also be called a Christ Seed or a Seed of original divine source consciousness, and we say original consciousness because we know that at some point, consciousness went through a fall, and this fall was a part of the universe's study of what it can be. But when we say original consciousness, we mean the original architecture of source consciousness. Which are these original energies that we connect with? Being God, like divinity, holiness, happiness, expansiveness, excitement, abundance, joy, all of these energies that we associate with the divine, with God, with all things that are right and holy about creation itself?

Speaker 1:

This is the geometry of original source consciousness. It's a frequency that we connect to. It could feel like just coherence or harmony or, for simply to simply put it, it could just feel like true love, love that is beyond definition, beyond contracts and restrictions, love that just is Love that is all pervading, love that is all encompassing. And there are many of us that are on Earth right now that were born with a very clear remembrance of this vibration, this frequency. We might feel that it is purity, it might be coherence, it might have this crystalline nature to it. It could feel like our whole life We've had this orb inside of our being, this vibration, and it could have made us feel like we didn't belong here on this planet, simply because there are some very heavy distortions and heavy energies here in this density and this dimension, especially with the mind control programs and all the things that exist in the false matrix, that are a part of the 3D false matrix, soul prison. And so when we're born into this planet, into this matrix, yet we have this orb or this experience of purity inside of us. This is the seed of original source consciousness, the original source consciousness which we experience as crystal, as purity, as pure love, as true love, and this is the vibration of God, and this is also the vibration of Christ consciousness. And so these are the things that are embedded in the seed. And the seed is also basically your DNA or your genetic blueprint.

Speaker 1:

And so why are star seeds born onto the planet with this blueprint, with this architecture inside of us? It is because we are bringing this vibration here to this planet, to seed it into the collective consciousness and allowing that seed to blossom into a new golden age, or a new heaven on earth, or a new civilization that is planetary, where every human being that is alive, that is a part of this human culture, is resonating on a consciousness level. That is Christ. It or is of love, of unity, of original sorts, and that's basically what our mission is. That's why we came here was to be a seed of that consciousness, and we're planted here on this earth so that that consciousness can blossom.

Speaker 1:

And our general mission is basically to realign and reconnect every fallen facet and strand of consciousness and energy back into alignment and connection with the original source, consciousness or architecture. And that would include every strand of DNA and all things every river, every tree, every building, every atom, everything that has exist, that has been existing in a fallen state, of a disconnected state, is being reconnected or up leveled or ascended into its original state, in originally intended state, which is this divine coherence. Okay, and so that is generally what a star seed is now an indigo. We've all heard about this word. It may quite a splash in the world about a decade ago, but an indigo is essentially a star seed that was born with the six dimensional consciousness or strand of DNA intact and active, which is basically all star seeds actually, okay, which is why, you know, in our cosmology we do use these words interchangeably star seed, indigo, even light worker. We use these words interchangeably because ultimately, we're here on the same mission and we're united by this same force, which is divine love, christ consciousness, divine source, and we're all here doing the same thing, which is supporting humanity through this up leveling, through this graduation, through this ascension process into remembrance of our original divine inheritance, which is our own DNA and these vessels that we have to exist inside of.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and so, understanding that there is a unity in all of these missions, regardless of how you woke up, you know, whether it is because you resonate with star seeds or you resonate with disclosure or being a truther, or maybe you just resonate with certain spiritual paths what a spiritual path is, essentially, is the remembrance of our original self and the realization and the actualization of that original self in our human expression, in our humanists right. And so we're all here on the same mission of that through our human expression. And so every human being that is drawn to a spiritual path here on this earth right now is actually united by this one central mission, by this one central goal, which is the emergence of a heaven on earth or a Christ consciousness that is going to be the foundation of our planetary civilization. We're all here to co-create and make alive, make happen Now. Obviously, then, through that process, we all have our different skills and our different passions and interests, and those things are the indicators of basically what our mission is, and you know this is why I don't really focus on, you know, the question that I also get asked a lot is where am I from?

Speaker 1:

And this is a difficult question to ask because we're not exactly from locales of physical. You know, some of us are from physical places, but for the most part, when we say we connect with the Pleiades or with Sirius or with Andromeda, it's more so that we are remembering the dimensionality of consciousness those civilizations existed at and we often have dimensionalities of ourself that are stationed in those dimensionalities. And so the truth is, all star seeds have a stack of locales of our consciousness all the way back up to source. So an aspect of us exists in every dimensionality, all the way up into 15D and beyond. And as we dive into this conversation about the different indigo contracts, we're going to tie back this into our multidimensionality, because this is also connected in with our genetic templates.

Speaker 1:

So, in the understanding that we are here to restructure consciousness and restructure this reality back into its original state, back into divine connection and its intended state of heaven on earth, we understand that in order for that mission to even exist, it must mean that consciousness has fallen and that there are distortions. And these distortions most of us feel them very viscerally, right, it could feel like this constriction or anxiety, or literally just the static. It could feel like this difference between being out in the forest, where things are so peaceful and loving you feel this flow of Prana and Chi and then going into, say, new York City, and there's just this almost static kind of ungrounded anxiety, energy. And we can associate that energy with distortions and with energies that have fallen out of resonance, out of the correct geometry with original source consciousness. And so we see that many things in this world exist out of connection, things like how we associate with energy exchange. Right, there is slavery, there is people taking advantage of other people, even in mass corporate worlds. It's all very unloving.

Speaker 1:

Almost everything that exists inside the false matrix from the education system where, instead of supporting souls arriving into the body and supporting them into this brilliant experience of sovereign creative hood on this brilliant planet, instead of that being the experience of what a school is meant to be like, we have these prison-like systems that are really here to groom and imprison souls inside of their earthly experience. So we see that the education system is distorted. And then we have the medical system where, instead of being a system that again supports the incarnation of souls into the bodies and diagnosing where the breaks are in that process, I believe all disease is basically stemming from a disincarnation right and the soul is not able to incarnate into the body correctly and that means divine consciousness is not able to flow into the physical body correctly. And that lack of consciousness, that lack of source energy and the lack of empowerment from the original energies is basically what creates the fall and allows for distortions and sickness to exist in our physical body. And so, instead of the medical system being a system that supports the incarnation process and again has so much reverence and love for life itself, and it is there for profiting and to make money off people being sick, and then we have the fast food industries. We don't have to go much deeper into explaining the fall's matrix to realize that there is kind of a foundation of fall and consciousness. That is the normal in this world.

Speaker 1:

And as a star, seed, indigo, human being, we're here to bring this original consciousness and to seed it into this collective spirit so that all consciousness begin to shift towards this consciousness that we are holding inside of us and that brings us to these different indigo contracts that we have. Okay, so indigo type one. By the way, I don't really subscribe to the types of indigos because I have not yet found one single star seed that doesn't have at least partial connection into all of these contracts. And the reason is you can't really separate them because type one indigo is a person that is primarily here to work with the Earth's grids. These are the Angelics, the Seraphim family, these also the Farrikin, the Nature Davics. You know you will be surprised. I have met incarnations of tree spirits and river spirits. There's all sorts of different beings that are in alignment with original creation that are here on mission together, unified by this intention, unified intention right now. So the indigo type one contract is a planetary grid work contract.

Speaker 1:

If you find that you are traveling a lot, even if you have no idea why you're traveling to those places, you might just feel called to go to a river or go to a place in your city, or even travel all around the Earth, and you might feel like you're doing something there. You might be laying hands on things, you might feel energy moving through your body and you might be healing things through your own body, meaning you go to a place and you get sick with something, or all of a sudden, you have a pain in your leg or your shoulder and you know energies are flowing through your body as you are this acupuncture needle on the Earth, and people that have this contract usually have a 24-stranded DNA template or above, because, essentially, you are reconstructing the genetic template of the planet as you're doing this. And this is why, when people ask me, you know Z? I go to places and I know I'm doing grid work, is it normal that I don't know exactly what I'm doing and I'll say yes, absolutely. It's totally normal that you have no idea what you're doing and you're still being guided to places, to your work, because you're a soul star chakra, whereas the locale of your soul, before you're fully incarnate into your body, is transmitting energies and doing the work, even if your conscious mind is not aware.

Speaker 1:

However, this is not the state that we are meant to be operating. We are meant to understand what energies are flowing through us because our physical person's intent is meant to be a part of the direction process and a co-creation process. Right, because the energies are really meant to accrete through our physicality, through our third dimensional self, and we are meant to remember and be ourselves instead of be in remembrance or awareness of ourselves, and so the embodiment process is something that takes time and, of course, this is the exact thing that we hold space for here at the Earth Star Academy. We are basically contracted by the Syrian Council and the Guardian Alliance to support Star Seed Mission. This is why you recognize my energy. You know that when you went to, when you arrived on Earth, eventually you would find the Earth Star Academy and we would be helping you get acquainted on your mission and activated on your mission.

Speaker 1:

Now, not all Star Seed need the Earth Star Academy. Not all Star Seeds are meant to have this awareness. There's a lot of Star Seeds that are very happily working their corporate job or being a garbage man or being a furniture delivery man right, because those Star Seeds are meant to be exactly where they are, transducing the energies where they are. And those of you that are waking up and you have this awareness of Star Seed beingness, it means that it's part of your mission to have awareness of that. Okay, and so the Earth Star Academy is here to support complete Star Seed consciousness embodiment, which means you are aware of yourselves and the higher dimensionalities, not just oh, I think I'm from Lyra or I think I'm most part of this. You remember who you are, you remember what your soul skills are and you have them embodied in your physical body so you can actually enact the mastery that you gain in those levels of yourself or in those dimensionalities of yourself.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, from that perspective, a grid worker or indigo type, one person that is deeply connected to the lay lines, this is also a person that is deeply aware of the original consciousness of creation, because it's not as simple as moving energy. Okay, restoring the architecture of the planet means that not only do you have an awareness of the original frequency of consciousness, you understand that there is an intricate connection between your human DNA and the human lay line meridian system and the Earth's lay line meridian system, and how those two things actually interest intricately connected via consciousness. Okay, okay, originally, when the syrophim families created the lay lines, they were intended to be a planetary energy informant system, meaning that all consciousness, all living systems on the planet are connected through the lay lines. And as the sun radiates new codes or coding into the planetary sphere, we're able to initiate a whole new waves of evolution on this planet, because the lay lines will carry these new codes into all living systems and those will become the new foundational architecture of consciousness on the planet. And so this is why you see evolution happening planetary wide. Okay, depending on these new ages where new creatures, new species of plants will just arise on the planet at the same time, is because of the lay line system and how the lay line system basically communicates stellar consciousness throughout the entire planetary sphere.

Speaker 1:

So, having that understanding, various fallen angelic families were able to hijack that system, which is why there's an old lay line system and a new lay line system. The old lay line system is a system where many of these beings built military bases, churches, and it's actually a very interesting time on earth for the basic destruction of that old lay line system, as you saw last week with the fall of the Georgian guide stones and the vacans on fire. It's just a very interesting time on earth. Of course, those of us have been holding space for years for this to begin to happen, for the false matrix to begin to crumble and power is beginning to be lost in the false matrix grid. We had been waiting for this to happen, so none of this comes as a surprise, even though we're really happy that is finally happening. So the old lay line system was hijacked, and when churches and military bases are built on these lay line spaces, they're basically holding a certain level of consciousness down on the lay lines. And what does that do? It holds the planetary consciousness down in a certain lower vibrational state. And in my days when I was a full time grid worker, I have traced train lines and also truck lines, because delivery trucks often beings that carry the trafficking of children and things like that they're often tracing these lines and they have no idea that they're doing this.

Speaker 1:

But these trauma energies are being inserted into the grids and so the grid workers, especially those with a Indigo I contract, the Indigo I contract really has to do with planetary structures, planetary lay line structures. You might be called to places where there are stargate systems. You might resonate with the words gatekeeper, stargate, keeper. Right, you go to places like Machu Picchu or Lake Titicaca or Mount Shasta is a really common one. These places are places of major stellar energy interaction with the Earth's sphere, and those with an Indigo type I contract will be called to work with planetary energy on a higher level, on a planetary level. And also, if you don't currently do this and you're getting hot as I'm saying this then you have a DNA template that will allow you to do these things as your DNA comes online and as you awaken to these dimensionalities of yourself. So let's see if there's anything else that wants to come through about Indigo.

Speaker 1:

So another thing that Indigo type I contract beings will be called to do would be the building of centers. This is a really common thing that I hear especially people that are drawn to my work is that they're meant to build a healing center. They're made to steward a piece of land somewhere, and usually what that means is that you are a part of anchoring this new lay line system. It means that you have skills in your multi-dimensionality, in your high dimensional aspects of self, in the experience of building lay lines. Okay, building new lay lines because we are anchoring a new lay line system. These are people that have higher aspects again, that are connected to the seraphim or fiend angelic families, because you might have participated in the build of the original lay line system, which is why you have such a great understanding of them to begin with, and those of you that are getting hot, but you're like I'm getting really hot and I resonate with what she's saying, but I can't be that important. Who do? I think I am. It's okay, I'm not calling you out, I'm just sending you lots of love. I know exactly how you feel.

Speaker 1:

It's not really about the ego's gratification of feeling good about how important you are. It's just about a level of responsibility. So older souls is just like an age thing on earth, right? You don't tell a five-year-old to come up with the education system for the entire tribe, right? And it's not because the five-year-old is not as good or not as lovable or not as worthy of perfect love. It just means that the five-year-old is a child, is a five-year-old, and so we're all different ages and so different ages of souls will have different responses and responsibilities. And those different responsibilities they're not really, again, to make your ego feel good about yourself. It's actually quite a serious responsibility. It's just something that you know it's right for your expertise.

Speaker 1:

You were called to play those roles and to share those skills and everyone is really excited that you are here and we're all in celebration of each other's gifts and it's just a huge honor for us all to be here, really, no matter what role you're playing, it's a great honor to be here to witness the coming of dawn on this planet, which impacts the rest of the universe in a magnificent way. So so many of us, you know, knew that it was going to be a great learning experience to just get to be here, right. So there's no need to be afraid to be yourself and to expand into your greatest self. This is just the ego, personality, the human self that might have fear or unworthiness, and those things are still part of the wounded ego or the fallen ego that we are healing out of and coming into empowerment. So the reason why the building of healing centers and these spaces and stewarding land in specific places as part of the Indigo I contract is because it's about the restoration of the planetary light body.

Speaker 1:

The lay line system is part of the planetary light body which allows higher consciousness to flow into the planet. Stargates are places where higher dimensional energy can flood or flow into the planet. It's kind of like acupuncture in our human body where we have these pressure points right when, you know, maybe meridians meet, maybe meridians cross or have poolings of energy or have vortexes of energy, and so these are places that are easy for energy to be inserted or flowed into the system to nourish the entire system. So usually stargates are places where consciousness can travel interdimensionally and to other locales in this universal consciousness connection, and so a lot of the stargates on this planet unfortunately were distorted or broken by these military bases and various wars that have gone on. There are all sorts of different things that have happened. You know, any place where there is major weird energy going on or wars going on or just really intense political rule and things like that is almost a guarantee that those places are rich in cosmic energy. And you know these sorts of cosmic resources are places. Another telltale sign is places that have really intense patriarchy or femicide right, places where it's very much, you know, women don't have much rights or women didn't have much rights. These places is usually because the feminine energy is the energy that flows through the earth and gives life and often operates through these stargates. We understand that that's a direct way that these stargates can be distorted and degraded is by the degrading of original feminine energy, because also female bodies are also a stargate right, because we have the womb Now the reason why many people want to build a healing center.

Speaker 1:

But they say you know, I've been dreaming about this for 10 years, I keep wanting to find land, but it just keeps not happening is because, you know, because this is a very multifaceted project, meaning you're literally anchoring something very specific into the earth you needed to have these faculties in your higher consciousness to be activated before you. You know, go and just build something on the earth, because you have this opportunity to basically build something that is akin to the pyramids, and I don't mean in size, I just mean in potency, in its ability to affect the planetary consciousness and planetary grids. And the reason for this is, again, the lay line systems are built to interact with human and life consciousness on this planet, and so whatever energy the lay lines are resonating at is going to be what's informing the level of consciousness that humans are at. Okay, and this is why the militaries, the military bases and the churches are built in these major lane line intersections is because, then, that you know kind of, oh, I'm just this sorry little human I hope God doesn't punish me for just existing or war control, conflict, mind control, experiments, all sorts of these very low dimensional consciousness levels, these are the things that are being placed inside of the collective lay line system. So this is what you're going to see on a planetary level is that people are victimized, people feel powerless, people have no remembrance of who they really are or their connection to source. Or if they did, then they feel like God is there to judge them and control them and they have quite a resistance or a fear of God, or they feel like God is this male figure in the sky, right, all of these things are in the lay line system, and so because of this this is why we're building a newly line system because, realistically, if we were to fix the old lay line system, we would have to take back all of the military bases in the churches, and that's just not really realistic. Okay, we would have to physically, in our physical bodies, go to the church and take them over and restart what churches are supposed to be used for, and that's again, just maybe eventually it's gonna happen, but for now not very realistic.

Speaker 1:

And so this is why we decided that, as a collective upstairs, that we would just build a new lay line system with several new stargates, okay, and these spaces are gonna be anchored by these healing centers, and these healing centers will exist all over the planet, and this is why the indigo contracts are all connected, because indigo contract number two, or indigo type two, is a being that understands the light body, architecture of the body really really well, as somebody that understands the embodiment or the incarnation process really well, and these beings are called to being healers. These beings might be here to bring in new healing modalities, new frequencies of healing. You are here to maybe teach humanity or support humanity in the remembrance of these aspects of their body, and here at the Earthstar Academy we support healers who are on this path on a very high level. Right, we teach how the incarnation process occurs through the 15 dimensionalities of self and beyond, and we're teaching how to heal on the soul level from the incarnation place, and so that is the source of all sickness. Essentially, and in order to be and I believe if you're here to be a healer, I'm not really satisfied with just moving energy around in people's bodies. Like I want people to remember their souls and to remember their dignity as a divine human being and to remember how exciting it is and how powerful they are inside of their human bodies that operates as a divine creator being. And so for me, if I were to be on this path of a healer, I would wanna know how to take any human being alive on this planet to that place if they truly wanted it. Nothing can happen if a person doesn't want it. We can't help people who don't want to heal. But if a person were to wake up in a very diseased body and they desire so badly to heal and to fully have their soul incarnate into their bodies, we support healers to be able to understand fully how to help that person With understanding of light body anatomy. And this is the Indigo Type II contract. Now, if you had an Indigo Type I contract where you're working with the lay lines and you're called to build a healing center, then automatically you would connect into an Indigo II contract, because you can't create a healing center if you don't know how to fully heal people or what the healing path even entails. And so you know. This is why the Earthstar Academy curriculum is just so mind-blowing.

Speaker 1:

I can say that because I'm not really the one that's coming up with it entirely myself. The guardians, you know they do say that it is a speaker contract and they have been guiding me every step of the way for the last seven years to put this together. It is here to help all the star seas remember what their mission is and, if you're meant to be a healer, to really get the skills to be confident. And that's the whole thing. A lot of people say you know how do I step into my mission? How do I feel confident about my mission and my soul's path? Well, you will feel confident if you knew that you were competent.

Speaker 1:

And this is a very human thing, oftentimes in the spiritual community, and this is something that I call the spiritual airhead syndrome. I think it's hysterical, it's just the funny word that I came up with because we've all gone through it. Okay, every spiritual person has to go through the spiritual airhead syndrome at some point, where we almost have this magical thinking. And magical thinking is always rooted in truth, rooted in source architecture, rooted in our original way of being, but ungrounded because it's not embodied and not incarnated through the physical body and the wisdom of the physical body to understand physics on an earthly vantage point. And so people say, no, I know I was born to be a healer. Do I just start and start to heal people? Well, say you know on the earth, if you want to become a plumber. You go to school to become a plumber and it doesn't mean that you joined my school. It doesn't mean that you joined some other school. It just means that you understand that the universe will create a school around you for you, and you have to really pay attention and to be confidently cultivating your skills. And this is gonna be a major part of our discussion as we go into all the different facets of our mission here on earth and the different things that you can be called to do. Now.

Speaker 1:

The Indigo II, type II, is also a specific. These are also usually 24 stranded beings or above. Again, because we need extra consciousness to be doing the work that we're doing. If you had equal parts distortion and equal parts divine love, it would take a while for us to heal what is here on this planet. But if we had 100,000 times the amount of source energy and source love as there was distortion on the planet, then it would be very easy for us to transform the planet to your consciousness, and so I believe that that's the case. We have a lot of highly advanced genetic templates here on the planet.

Speaker 1:

These people are very sensitive to energy. You might go to a place and immediately feel something in your body when you receive energy healing, you will feel everything that's going on. You will feel tingles, you will feel heat and sensations. You're very kinesthetic because again, you're connected into the physical body. It's easy for you, or intuitive sometimes for you, to wanna heal things, like if you see somebody that's hurt or your animal that's not feeling well, your hands almost start tingling and you just almost are there healing it. And again, this is how the contracts are connected, because then these people will naturally be called to heal certain things in nature, rivers, lay line systems and these contracts really go hand in hand. We're gonna take a little break now and listen to a special message from the Earth Star Academy Don't go anywhere, we'll be right back.

Speaker 1:

Hey angels, it's me again, ze-earth Star. I just wanted to let you know about our incredible mothership. It's a dream come true for star seeds, a place where you can express your magical cosmic self and receive full spectrum training, healing and quantum support on your mission. Our colossal 500 module curriculum includes teachings like psychic training, negative ego healing, creation mastery, advanced training for healers, sacred contact with ETs, spirit guides of source, vessel optimization, grid work, new earth entrepreneurship, full spectrum healing and DNA activation and, of course, a detailed breakdown of our mission on earth, and so much more. You might ask how am I able to offer such a wide spectrum of knowledge? Well, I've been training with the Guardians for a decade to serve you exactly in this way. We tried to think of every possible thing you might need to succeed as a sovereign creator, consciousness lifter and timeline weaver, and to make all of this available to you in our $89 monthly membership, which also includes a community space where you can connect with other star seeds and light workers, weekly live Q and A's workshops, healings and planetary grid work ceremonies with me and the Earth Star team. The mothership is a light technology and it is a pristine source love field held by the Guardians in our angelic galactic team. It was made to support you on earth in every way and it's such an honor to walk this incredible journey with you. If all of this makes your heart flutter with joy and excitement, you can go to earthstaracademy to sign up. We all deserve a safe and loving place to rest our wings and I'm so honored to build that mothership with you. Once again, that's earthstaracademy. Can't wait to welcome you. Homes, darling, and we're back. Thank you so much for joining us on the Star Seed Mission podcast. Let's now get back to the show.

Speaker 1:

The third indigo type contract is a polarity integrator. Now, I am a person that actually heavily resonates with all three of these contracts, and the third contract is very particular. I've only ever heard of people say that it feels like there are two souls in one body, and this is a contract where I think that this is an older style contract, because in the newer Star Seed missions there's actually other kinds of type three contracts that are coming online. So in the older type three contracts there are actually literally two beings, two souls that are inside of one body, and this person might be diagnosed as having ADHD or extreme anxiety or even bipolar disorder when they're younger, because it seems like they're a really nice person, but then all of a sudden they can be super angry or super mean and even super cruel, and it can really seem like there's two different beings inside of their body, and chances are it could also be great depression or just some sort of really strong negative depressive energy. And so the reason for this is because the angelic soul that's inside of the body is contracted to basically rehabilitate the fallen soul or the fallen strands of consciousness inside of their body. This is a very intense contract.

Speaker 1:

The way that I have seen this contract exist is in strands of consciousness. I think at some point we realized that it's very difficult to rehabilitate the souls if they are still carrying rebellion or resistance in any source of energies like that, and we realized that we can also be rehabilitating consciousness strands itself. So then we have beings that you might be somebody that experienced these higher dimensional energies of yourself and just feel these very expanded energies at times, but at other times you feel a great depression and it's not like there's another soul inside of your body, but it feels like it's a part of you. It feels like it could be a locale in your body, like your shoulder or your hip, that consistently comes back and hurts, and it could be these specific geometries of consciousness. And what I mean by that is, for example, I have been studying the geometry of consciousness of pedophiles, right, because I'm like this is a disease.

Speaker 1:

Creator did not intend for humans to experience this sort of degradation and distortion. This is a disease, meaning it's not in alignment or coherent with original consciousness is a sickness, and so if it's a sickness, then it means that we need medicine for the sickness, and in order for us to make medicine for the sickness, we have to understand exactly what the sickness is. So I call it the baffle met fields. Okay, the baffle met fields is any geometry of consciousness has fallen from creation and is now running in reversal. Many call it the satanic energy, where we're now cannibalizing on original source energy through ritual torture, through these things that are totally the opposite of reverence and love for creation, and so we might have a hard time.

Speaker 1:

Beings that have this contract might go through mental illness as a child or as a young person, because major depression is just waiting to happen because of these codes in the light body that were seated there as part of your mission. It's your mission to allow source consciousness and embody divine love so far as to restore these distorted energies inside of your own light body, and as you do that, through the holographic nature of DNA. Meaning and again this is why so many beings were born with advanced genetic templates is because when you work, when you're working for yourself, the holographic nature of your DNA is gonna begin to actually restore the hologram of this planetary sphere, and even all the way through the universal consciousness unity, okay. And so the Indigo 3 contract. I've seen it expand into more intensity because it's no longer just rehabilitating a soul, it's rehabilitating archetypal energy in the universal consciousness. And I think that actually most sarsis have a little bit of all three of these contracts.

Speaker 1:

You might have more of any one of these contracts, right, but we can see that Indigo 2 and 3 contracts are very connected, because you have to have a great understanding of your own light body to use your own light body as a healing tool, as I like to say, literally a voodoo doll in the best sense of the word, meaning you are a representation of the planetary consciousness and so, as you work on yourself, you are literally healing the collective consciousness by restoring the broken filaments of consciousness inside of our light body, which is our reflection of the planetary unity and, once again, the Earth Star Academy. We do this work together. We're doing this through our live calls all the time. The mothership is literally this force field that is holding this original architecture, so that if you're Indigo 3 contract, you no longer have to be doing this on your own. You can just come into the mothership, sit with the mothership and allow the technologies. Allow the technologies to assist you in the process of rehabilitation and restoration, and I was guided to charge $89. This is not a lot of money, but is this enough of a contribution? Because it's about energy exchange and the mothership has plans for this money.

Speaker 1:

We are here to raise money as a collective to build a network of these planetary acupuncture needles in the form of these healing centers around the planet, and so if you're somebody that's contracted to build a healing center, there's no greater way to begin to contribute to that than to join the Earth Star Academy, because, first of all, you're gonna be supporting in the process of learning what it takes to activate your 12 D light body and beyond, and then you're gonna learn how to use those energies to heal yourself and other people. You're gonna learn how to integrate into your human ego so you can actually communicate with humans, and then you're gonna learn how to start a business, and eventually we are gonna be funding these things. We're gonna be hiring people that are inside of our own system, because I have a really high standard. I don't really let people work on me unless I can see that they have done immense amounts of work on themselves and have truly activated their inner shaman, as they were in their mastery in lifetimes before. Not just I think I was a shaman, so I'm gonna start calling myself that but they have actually embodied that level of mastery and maturity as you have in a past life, and this is the level of stuff that we hold space for and we're really working together to accomplish our planetary mission.

Speaker 1:

Now, those that can't afford this right now the reason why we don't offer scholarships is because it's really important for people to have a certain level of agency and self-responsibility to be running these high-level spiritual energies. It can be very ungrounding, it can be intense. This is a very strong self-leadership culture to school, meaning we don't coddle people, we don't hold people's hands. We do, in a way where we hug them and we hold them in the field. But it's really about self-leadership, where people take their destiny into their own hands, and we believe that in order for us to accomplish our mission, we're gonna have to do things that maybe we don't like to do, like getting a job, and this is something that many starcies have had to come to terms with, because creating Him on Earth isn't really about us feeling all happy and light all the time. It's about us doing what is necessary and maturing into an adult that has responsibility on a planetary level. So if we can't create $89 a month, how are we gonna give you the responsibility of literally carrying humanity into a new civilization and maybe becoming the leader of a community or even the leader of a country? We're here to create policies and to create architectures for civilizations in new systems of being.

Speaker 1:

This is what has to be done, and a lot of you are like oh, I hate politics, or I hate that there's borders. And it's not about borders, it's really about organization. There is an architecture to everything and a lot of people think that it's just gonna be absolute chaos in the new Earth or everybody gets to do whatever the heck they want in, whatever the way they want it. And this is the sign that this person's inner masculine is totally not online and the inner feminine has a run amok, because in every part of nature you will see structure. This is why you don't see anyone with three arms, or you see very, very, very few people with three arms, because there is an architecture to our body and a way that energy is organized in the highest way, and the originator, the original organizer of that creation is our united source, consciousness or God, and so we are restructuring. Right, the structure currently on Earth is distorted, is fallen, but this doesn't mean that the future is gonna have no structure. We're here to be communicators and be co-creators of this new structure.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and so the indigo three person likely will, through the experience of healing themselves, support the healing of others and the planetary sphere, and so this is why these three indigo types and contracts are all heavily interwoven. Most people will experience a degree of all of them and most people will have a significant focus in one or multiple of them. So I see, to sign up for the Earthstar Academy. You just go to earthstaracademy. You can also find a link down in the description below, but it's wwwearthstaracademy. We do two to three live calls a week where we are transmitting these codes. We're doing healing together.

Speaker 1:

The curriculum is designed to walk your higher self into your body. I know it's insane. I have again. I'm not the originator of this curriculum. I have been trained for seven years to hold space for this curriculum to be orated, and so I'm literally just the oracle, or the speaker of this, of this curriculum is really coming through the guardians to support the star sea mission on earth at this time. Okay, so now I'm going to go into some of the different roles you will find the star seas beginning to play, and in order for us to play these roles again, we need to actually gather and master our skills.

Speaker 1:

And so some of these examples are, you know, organizer. Maybe you are the organizing principle of a movement, of an event, of a business, of an, a network or a community, right, and you'll be going to begin to see how these, these ones that I've written down, they oftentimes intersect as well, because, again, none of us are one dimensional beings, right, many of us have dimensional aspects, in that have our expertise in very many different aspects of reality. So, for myself, for example, I am a geneticist in the third harmonic universe and I am a city architect and community builder. And you know, architecture in the higher dimensions is not like they have here on earth, right, not only do we understand physics, we also understand cosmic consciousness and how cosmic, cosmic consciousness flows through vectors and shapes and geometries into the universe. And so, with those kinds of understandings, we're going to be building architecture that are just beyond what humans can even comprehend at this time. So, beings that are called to play this leadership role or in this organizing role. So we're going to call to organize something major, even like, maybe, a new TV network or a new app or a new foster care system, a new education system, anything like that.

Speaker 1:

Where you are an originator, you're going to have to learn how to organize people. You're going to have to learn how to be in an appropriate and kind leader, and a leader is really someone that is holding down the architecture. A leader is somebody that is just holding down the structure so that it makes it easier for everything to self organize into our own natural intention. Where everyone is having this shared intent, we are all working on the new earth together, and when we have locales of consciousness or these people that are holding these pillars down, it makes it a lot easier for everyone to find their space and it makes this a very harmonious and useful experience. That's why we organized things the way they are Right, and so this person will also play a connector role, a network or role. And then we have the grid worker, the geo manser and the codekeeper. So codekeepers Again, these are not categories, okay, these are just aspects of ourself.

Speaker 1:

So a codekeeper is somebody that holds memories from either the ancient primordial past or the original templates of creation or other dimensionalities or ascended civilizations, and these codes can be very specific. I find that when I'm walking through nature, I will literally feel the sensation of the frequency of emanations of certain trees that have gone extinct Okay and this is because I'm a codekeeper for those trees to one day come back, because certain trees need the vibration on the planet to be a certain level to exist. Seriously, dragons do, a lot of mythical creatures. They're almost going out of extinct because they're suffocating. So, in order for these life forms to exist, there needs to be a certain quotient of cosmic consciousness that is alive in the bees, lower, denser dimensionalities. And so there are certain plants, certain species of animals that have gone extinct because the vibration is not able to allow them to exist in our planetary sphere at this time.

Speaker 1:

And many of us are holding the memories of them, holding the genetic templates of them, because they all played a role in the synchrony of life, the web of life on this planet, right? So these are the codekeepers. You can hold any kind of code, right? All sorts of codes. You don't have to draw them or sing them to be a codekeeper, you can simply feel them really deeply inside, and the geo man sir is one that feels connected to the lay lines, moves energy through the lay lines and maybe you have a connection with Pacha mama and you can communicate psychically or telepathically with her. Then again, you will realize that all of the elements, the rocks, the trees, the rivers, all of them have a specific role in the synchrony of life here on earth and you will learn that language and hold that space with them. And on from that place, we might be a gardener or a food grower, or a farmer or earth whisperer. There's going to be new ways of farming and gardening. That needs to come online. This is why we need Okay, I'm going to go into that in a second.

Speaker 1:

So, he, he, he, he, he. I'm excited to talk about this because we all need to talk about, we all need to talk about money, right For a second. Because there are those of us that are here to embody the master creator. This is also the financial, the finance, the financier or the entrepreneur. Okay, those of us that are here to be a Coated divine creator, enlightened, entrepreneur, understand that entrepreneurs are those that shape our society, and the reason for that is is because you know the way that you live your life. The bed that you're sleeping on the house, that you're living in the computer, that you're using the food that you're eating, the grocery store you're going to all of these things were made by entrepreneurs.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and the consciousness level of the entrepreneur, also known as a creator, is a, dictates the consciousness level of the creation. And so if all we're doing is running around and speaking like hose into things and we're not getting grounded in our body, we're not getting active in our creator hood and we're in this act of service and we start to think about entrepreneurship as service in our heart, how can I make this experience of life on earth better for all people? It's that simple, really. We're just here to make things better. We're just here to evolve things right, to make things more comfortable, more in alignment, because people, when they feel their souls and come into alignment with original source consciousness, they're going to be more comfortable in their body, for sure. Now, those that are us that are called to be the master creator is quite actually an extraordinary experience Because essentially, what you're doing is you have to activate your DNA and collapse it into your physical experience, where you are literally experiencing yourself at the pinnacle of creator hood inside of your physical body.

Speaker 1:

That is what you came here to experience. The entrepreneurship and the gathering of resources is literally a byproduct of your embodiment and the resonance of your DNA. And again, this is where we're heading into. In the advanced level of the earth star Academy, we teach about creation, sexuality and the activation and, by the way, if you guys are wondering, I am a 48 stranded templated being. I have a planetary leadership contract. I'm here literally to hold space for these things, all these things that I'm telling you guys about and I'm not going to be able to tell you guys about the experience of it because I do them myself.

Speaker 1:

Right, I'm currently downloading all sorts of codes about new earth entrepreneurship, because we can't run away from reality. We can't run away from 3d existence. Just because the current 3d system is uncomfortable, we're never going to be able to bust it. We're never going to be able to build on top of it. We're running away up into the higher dimensions and are totally disembodied and we're just speaking light language all the time and not understandable by human civilization. And that fires me up when I think about creating products and apps and systems and schools and offerings and designing inventions that are going to uplift people's life. That fires me up and you're worthy of getting your ideas out there, really creating. And you know it's going to require real communication too In order for us to understand entrepreneurship. You know we even teach you about writing business plans and making you know studying new earth marketing. So again, see, it's not really marketing, it's just communicating, because when you're creating an alignment with source, in right, alignment with creation, with a heart that is desiring to be of service, you're really just letting people know what you have.

Speaker 1:

Hey, I made this new diaper that is totally dispoke. I mean, that's totally biodegradable. I didn't make this, I was just an example. It totally needs to happen, by the way, a completely biodegradable diaper, right, and I'm going to create stuff like that because, guess what? Having a baby with no diapers is hard. Having a baby with reusable diapers, with no washing machine, is hard.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and we're all about making life easy and joyful. We have technology, we have our very inventive mind and these are the things that we can create. It's exciting for me. Okay, how about creating a new laptop computer that doesn't radiate harmful frequencies into your brain? Because the people that are currently building technology want to mind people. What if we made TVs that literally rated radiated 12D DNA activating crystalline energy at people? That would be cool, right, and so this is the stuff that we're here to do and the reason why we. Okay, here's the thing.

Speaker 1:

In the New Age community, there are people that are going to say, if they're for real, they won't charge anything. Okay, you're not supposed to charge for your healing powers. These people don't understand how creation, energy works. Right, when you give energy, there is an energy exchange. You don't just breathe in, you also breathe out. There's a constant state of exchange and movement of energy. The reason why we're also but hurt and scared of money is because of the way that is currently being used. Do I think there's going to be an entirely new monetary system? Absolutely, that is something that, yeah, and we're here to create.

Speaker 1:

If you feel like you're here to land that you're going to need skills, you're going to need skills in ways of being a diplomat. You're going to need to understand how to communicate and how to speak to people, and you're going to have to understand how to build systems and architecture in a human way. All of these things require skills. And skills don't happen by accident or just by sitting there hoping they'll be downloaded into you. Even though a lot of your skills will be, it's still going to require time and practice for them to come into embodiment, into your physical body.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and so, these creators, as you embody your original creative hood, coming up with ideas, because, look guys, there are so many things that the collective is calling forth to be created. There's no short I mean, there is no shortage of ideas and new inventions that will uplift the existence of humanity on this planet. Right, there's so many ways for entrepreneurs to evolve this reality. It really just has to do with your commitment and your excitement for life. Okay, are you excited to be here on earth, in your body, in the earth, being alive with the humans? Okay, hands and feet on the ground, are you excited to be here? And if you're not excited to be here, don't worry, it's not all of you. It just means that your soul is not fully in your body yet and you're still a little bit triggered by the distortion and there's still trauma inside of your body. That is uncomfortable and that's totally okay. Just know that one day you will feel excited to be here on earth, because your mission is going to be online and you're only going to be doing things. And I'm telling you, there is no greater feeling than the sensation of source energy flowing into the body and moving the body into creation. You literally experience the fulfillment of your highest soul's desire to be a creator. That's why these physical bodies are created, that's why we have hands and that's why our hands are an extension of our throat chakra. They're here to express and to create. Okay, and if you're feeling like you need that support, come and find us.

Speaker 1:

You know, I really need people to go through this curriculum because it's hard to describe what it is. It's such a step by step by step process of walking your soul into your body it's impossible to do in one video or five video. That's why there's literally hundreds and hundreds of modules inside of our academy. I'm not even joking, okay, most people release like an eight module course. Our school has hundreds of modules, and it's because we have a very multi-dimensional mission. It's not just about creating a new education system. If you were to create a new education system, you would have to understand the science of incarnation, because without the understanding of incarnation, you're going to be, you know, neglecting certain things that are necessary to be the best system that can support the incarnation of souls, which is what schools are meant to be. Schools are also meant to teach specific skills.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and so here are the other roles that we can have Healer, nurturer, soulkeeper. I like to think that healers are soulkeepers because we're really here to nourish and support and communicate and hold space for souls, and that is such a sacred task, that is such a highly skilled task, where you know you need understanding of the anatomy of people's light bodies to understand how to help them in the best way and the fastest way, in the most competent way that you can. Another role that you will find yourself in is diplomat and speaker. So those of you that are called to be in the disclosure scene, those of you that feel called to red pill people this is a huge code for you. The diplomat is here to communicate. Now, let's see, alex Jones is somebody that has his very specific way of communicating, and I would say that he has done a great job of waking people up, but he's also done a great job at, you know, creating an adverse reaction where people are now making fun of us for being tin hat wearers because he's so outrageous in the way that he communicates. So I would say that he's doing his mission, but he's not very diplomatic and that's just a personality thing, right. But perhaps if you were to be a lot more diplomatic, or maybe that's just his role to rile things up.

Speaker 1:

But I believe in the future. In the future we're going to be developing much more refined ways of communication with the earth population because, you know, we're really meant to be big sisters and big brothers. We're not meant to look like crazy people. That's why in the Q&A yesterday, somebody asked me you know, do we just be ourselves? Do we dress up like an alien and, just, you know, assume people will have to deal with it and it's like not really. We have to accept and validate ourselves so much that we don't need external validation at all. And if we didn't need any external validation, then it doesn't matter what we're wearing.

Speaker 1:

And when we choose what we wear, we're really thinking about how to be most well received, because we want to communicate with humans. We're not trying to scare them, we're not trying to make fun of them, we're not trying to prove to them that we're from some other dimension. It doesn't even matter if they believe us or not. This information is for you, for you to have awareness of yourself, right? We're here to bring back the love of God and the original architecture of consciousness into human populations, and so maybe we change the way we communicate to be diplomatic, maybe we dress in ways that are easy for people to understand and to receive and to accept, and this is just a way of being a good communicator, right? If you want the other person to understand what you're saying and to receive what you're saying, want to communicate in a way where they understand what you're saying and use the language that they can understand.

Speaker 1:

So we have another archetype would be a musician, artist, muse and role model. I have seen us basically overtake Hollywood or, let's say, restructure or take over or delete Hollywood and create something else, because, you know, eventually we're going to have our own media companies, we're going to have a filmmaking companies, we're going to make movies based on the Akashic records. It's going to be amazing, right? So we have people that are here to be musicians and artists that are here to be a role model, because the artists, they're really the ones that are being seen and that's why it's the role model energy, because they're here to support us. There's very few true role models on this planet and there's very many poor role models on this planet, and I have to tell you, having a role model is so, so valuable. I would actually recommend everyone think about 10 role models that they have.

Speaker 1:

And, by the way, your role model for one aspect of your life doesn't have to be a god right. So, for example, elon Musk is a role model for me only in the slice of reality of entrepreneurship. I think he's a brilliant entrepreneur. I think he really understands how to use creation energy and direct creation energy in a way, and you know he really is forward thinking. Do I agree with all of his philosophies? Absolutely not. Do I think that he is like the most embodied human being on earth? Absolutely not. I think that we can look up to specific things in people, to the point where you're always learning from people, and that's why you know, anytime I see anyone, I say what can I learn from this person? What are they role modeling for me? Right? Instead of poking at people and saying, you know, oh, this person must be. You know, whatever we say, how can I learn from that person? And so Elon Musk is a great role model in that he's an amazing, super intelligent entrepreneur, and that's my role model for that aspect of myself. I have other role models as well, but think about who your role models are and you know your role models will likely follow the things that you want to embody. Think about the things that you want to experience and you want to embody in this lifetime, because that's very important.

Speaker 1:

We're not here to be one dimensional beings, this false love and light thing. We're like oh, if I just smile all the time, then I'm being a light worker, like. We're way more exciting than that. We're a multi dimensional, angelic being that has, you know, complex DNA structures, and what the complex DNA structure means is that we can access many dimensionalities of reality simultaneously. We can understand that this thing that's happening on Earth is a fractal reflection of what's happening in the Milky Way galaxy, is a fractal reflection of what's happening in the universal body, and we can also understand that what's happening on Earth right now is healing very many fallen entities of very many star families that endure genetic manipulation, and so having all of the understanding means that we're highly competent people. Okay, spiritual the what is it called? The spiritual airhead syndrome is a real thing and is a virus. It's an intentional virus that was seeded into the New Age community to basically dumb down the star seeds.

Speaker 1:

Okay, we are meant to be highly competent, highly intelligent, highly responsible people that can operate in many dimensionalities at once, like agents, okay, or agents or cosmic agents of the cosmic intelligence agency, and we're here on behalf of our unified source intelligence, which is our agency to you know, play out this mission, which is to support humanity in the evolution and the becoming of a galactic civilization. So then we have another role that we might be called into is architect and builder. If you don't know what you're meant to do. Not everybody is meant to be an entrepreneur. A lot of people do way better as an entrepreneur, which is somebody that plays a creative and fulfilling role inside of another company. Right, because there's a lot of craziness that goes into being an entrepreneur. Let me tell you there are tech people that you need to deal with and you're budgeting and you're paying taxes and you are, you know, dealing with your corporation status, with the government, because otherwise you'll get fined. And when you're dealing with millions of dollars, like we will eventually, because we need to buy land, like imagine if you had billions of dollars. You can just buy as much farmland as Bill Gates. Okay, we need to be able to do stuff like that because we're the ones that can steward creation responsibly.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so don't let people tell you that money is evil, money is bad. Guess what? Money is just energy and we are the masters of energy and we can do things like. My MO is always to over give, so I charge this thing for $89. I know that what I'm giving is worth thousands of dollars. People message me all the time. They're like we've been a part of you know so many programs and I've never had as much impact in my life as isa has in this first week that I'm in here. Like, I get these message every single day because it's just an amazing thing and I'm charging a few, very few dollars compared to a lot of programs of you know similar velocity out there. But I know that if I give, then that energy is always going to abundantly overflow and you know, eventually we are going to be stewarding millions, billions of dollars.

Speaker 1:

I've seen many dreams about this and this is going to require for us to be responsible and not airheads. Right, we need to understand how banking systems work. We need to understand how the financial system was set up so that we can protect our assets. All of these things are things that we think about as builders and entrepreneurs Now, because not everyone is going to want to do those things. You know, if you want to change the world but you don't want to be an entrepreneur, you can be an entrepreneur and really join a company that you really believe in. So eventually, we're definitely going to be growing.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I've seen visions for where isa is going. The galactics have never lied to me about things that come true. Okay, they show me things and things come true, and at this point I don't question anything that they say. And they've shown me the future of the Earth Star Academy and what we're going to be doing together, meaning we're going to be correcting the healthcare system on a planetary level. Okay, this is literally just the beginning. If you're meant to receive your training from the Earth Star Academy, know that is because eventually, you know we're going to have healing centers all over the planet and we're going to become somebody that will be in a leadership role with the skills that we know that you have because you train with us and we're going to be doing studies on shamanic healing and efficacy of energy medicine, and we're going to be creating new Earth hospitals and eventually you're going to be able to, you know, receive a grant, open one of these hospitals and we're going to work with people that are highly trained inside of our own system. That is just the way that this is going, and so you know, if you find a company like that plants trees or makes paper or makes electric cars, whatever it is, go find that company if you want and you know, see if you can work in that field, get experience, get the skills that you need Okay, because if you want to become a, if you want to build a healing center, but you have no idea how money works and you have no idea how contractors work and you have no idea how land permits work, maybe you need to learn those things so that, when you know it comes time, you actually know what you're going to do, or you know what the plan is. Okay.

Speaker 1:

Another role is teacher and soulkeeper. This is about the new Earth education systems. Maybe you're meant to start a school. I know that I'm going to, and this is bang. I have a kid now, and I know that I'm going to be building a school. I told Kara that I will build her a school by the time she's school age.

Speaker 1:

I'm a little bit nuts, you know. I've just got a, I have a planetary leadership contract, and so I know that I'm meant to do all of these things, and so it's really exciting. I'm in for a good one. I'm here to inspire you guys because you know there's no ounce of doubt inside of my being, and the role is mostly just to be a reflection of what it looks like when somebody is just totally stoked and just in it like I'm studying all day. Well, now I'm with the baby a lot, but you know there's not a moment in my day where I'm wasting time because there's so many things I need to do and, of course, we have the community keepers, guys. Nothing that we want to do is going to be easy, and so that is going to require financial abundance.

Speaker 1:

Okay, if somebody came up to you and said I want to give you a billion dollars, are you going to say no? Well, essentially, learning how to create. Is somebody giving you a billion dollars because you're going to be able to create anything if your light body is online, and if you knew how to move and incarnate and excrete and create energy properly, that is what the Earth Star Academy is here to do. I know people charging tens of thousands of dollars and honestly, I'm like it's laughable because I can't even. It's priceless. Earth Star Academy is priceless. The curriculum of walking your soul into your body you can't put a price on that, right? The $89 is literally just a token of co-creation, where you're saying I vote for this with my energy. I'm going to put my energy towards this, because this is literally going to go towards the creation of a new Earth and one day, maybe I can even work with us or work with them, if you want to to open these centers Again, the architecture of these things is going to be crazy.

Speaker 1:

I have seen seashell shapes. My friend has seen a lotus shape building. We have seen all of these different architectures that are going to interact with the planet, planet consciousness. And in order for us to do that, you need money to build. You need money for resources, and this is where money is just an organizing principle. Right, money makes it easy to organize energy and that's all it's meant to be. Right, where every being feels compensated and supported by the co-creation, and that's what we want is. This is how we overwrite slavery is by enacting overabundance. And we do this by not running away from entrepreneurship and things of real responsibility. We do this by taking on responsibility and really becoming human.

Speaker 1:

And so, yeah, our Star State mission is so multifaceted. We're here to restore all dimensionalities back into original divine coherence, and that's a big job. It's going to require a lot of new churches, new buildings, new centers, new schools, new hospitals, new systems of education, new everything. Guess who's building it? You are. That's what we're here for. We're here to build these new systems in a grounded way, in a way which humans will perceive as legit. Essentially, that's all it is. We're here to be super, super spiritual and have access to 15 dimension while being super legit on earth. That's it.

Speaker 1:

So, anyway, greg says aren't the system you talk about being dissolved in the new earth, and why do we have to learn how to work with them in an obsolete system? So, greg, that's a great question. The only way for systems to evolve is by understanding them right. So it's like we have to create new systems, and those systems? Here's the thing If you have a system that dissolves, but no new system, right, what's going to happen? Absolutely chaos. And so the thing is that we just talked about this earlier.

Speaker 1:

Some people think that there's not supposed to be any structure at all. Right, we have absolute chaos and we don't have any money. And, like, these people just are not thinking with their brains. It's like we're thinking with. We have to start thinking with our root chakra. Okay, when we think with our root chakra, we realize that a lot of these spiritual airhead beliefs are not realistic. Okay, and there's no way for them to actually be real in the real reality.

Speaker 1:

Okay, ruben says, understanding the old systems to not repeat the same mistakes, and that's absolutely true, okay, and so I mean, I feel like, again, a lot of people want to run away from responsibility by saying, oh, we are in the new earth and there's no responsibility in the new earth is like we're not going to be able to create a new world where we have structure. Because, greg, we're still going to need systems or structures and organizations. Right, we need schools to support our children because, trust me, parents are with their kids all the time and kids are supposed to be together Like they're supposed to be systems. Just because it doesn't work Right In the old system doesn't mean they're not supposed to exist at all. So Greg says focus on what you want, not what you don't want.

Speaker 1:

Oh, so this is a really tricky one. That is another virus of the new age glass ceiling. Okay, because you can't put glitter on shit, is essentially the best sentence that I have on that. Okay, you can't put glitter on shit. And if what you have is already, because the shit is already there, the shit is inside of our body and is everywhere. The distortions are there.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it's not what you focus on, is how you pay attention, is not what you pay attention to is how you pay attention. You can pay attention on what you want, but if you don't know how to masterfully shift your energy, then it's useless. Okay, if you're just focusing on the future and you're not actually creating your energy towards generating, towards that future, then you're not doing anything Right. And at the same time, if you recognize and become aware of the fact that there is a distortion inside, then and you focus on it with divine love and with awareness and with maturity and with taking responsibility, then you're going to be able to shift that energy. Is the same thing on the planet and what we have is a lot of star seeds that are like, okay, I'm not going to look at the education system, I'm just going to run around and sit in the river and hopefully, the new earth will be created.

Speaker 1:

And the thing is that, you know, it's a very disempowering reality. Like, what are we doing? Really, I love transmuting, I love it. And it's not like I'm paying attention to the old, like this is horrible. I hate this. It's just like, oh, this doesn't work. How can I make this better? Right, and that kind of awareness is how you can clean the shit instead of putting glitter on the shit.

Speaker 1:

So, anyway, they are going to be systems in the future, right, and once again, what we want to say here is does it feel better to participate or to sit around and watch? Right? Ruben says physical actions are the strongest frequency generators. A whole, because it's a creating. We're trying to make change in the physical reality.

Speaker 1:

If we just wanted to think the reality into to existence, we wouldn't have come down here. Okay, we would have just been upstairs. We're just going to like, all right, we want heaven on earth and we just like thought it into existence. But we came down here because we're meant to do something, and so all you have to do is think to yourself does it feel better to participate or to sit there and wait and watch? If it feels better to participate, then understand that in order to participate, you got to start with where we are right. Start with where we are. We can't wait for the systems to collapse to create a new one, because it's going to be utter chaos. Okay, but we can learn of ways that we can protect our assets and be intelligent and be functional and be responsible, so that when the new word begins to create and accrete, we're ready. We have the resources, right? If somebody said I'm going to give you a billion dollars, would you say no, right? So I'm essentially explaining to you how you can create energy to a creed into physical actions that become the newer. And Ruben says thought, intentions and emotions are great Building blocks for the physical and hopefully, our thoughts, intentions or emotions are moving us into motion. Right, ruben? Shout out to my boy, ruben Langdon. I can't remember, let's see, I think.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah, so Ruben is an amazing documentary filmmaker and stunt actor and he has a show called Conversations with Ed, or is it? Is it conversations with Ed. Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. How do I know the Acostic? I have no idea what that is. Is it the Acoschic? Do you mean the Acoschic? Oh, oh, people are waiting for the crystal skull film, ruben. So it's either interviews with Ed or conversations, I think his interviews with Ed, ed being extra dimensionals, and he interviews a bunch of people that channel and talk to aliens, and I think is amazing and you can check it out if you want. Just Google it, I'm sure it'll come up. Okay, so it's getting hot in here. I'm excited.

Speaker 1:

What we have ahead of us in On this earth is nothing short of exciting, and I would hate for you guys to wake up one day and be like, oh shit, I was supposed to have been working on my skills that whole time and now I can't do what I'm supposed to do because I just Sat on my ass and I fell for the new age glass ceiling, right, that's what I'm saying. So I was like, guys, the new age glass ceiling sedates us. The new age sedates us a lot of. The new age spiritual stuff literally is like a sedative to the brain. It sedates our brain and Gives us spiritual airhead syndrome, okay, and we're literally in Transbio. We're like whoa, love and light, and we're just in stasis when we're supposed to be doing push-ups, learning, cultivating our skills, you know, going to work, generating, making a business, being real, being human, loving our family, giving people hugs, all those stuff, okay, being a role model to our community, being people that are trustworthy.

Speaker 1:

I know that I went through a period of time when I just wore festival clothes. If a human being came up to me and I was like, hi, I'm here to you know, help your planet evolve, they would have just laughed and said you're crazy. Right, because we're here to take on responsibility and we need skills, groundedness. Where does groundedness come from? Being embodied. How do we get embodied? We have to heal and reunite and Guide and love our human self and sculpt our Ego, support our human ego into becoming the best that we can be, and that is a trick. We're here to participate, not sit around and watch. This is what. This is what blows us through the New Age glass ceiling, and I'm here to Bust us through that. Right, we're not sitting around.

Speaker 1:

Ruben is now working on a nine-part mini series with the skull. I can't wait to see it. You have no mark, says I eat, go to berries and meditate daily, so that's all I need. Lol, he's joking. He's joking, he's actually doing push-ups too. Okay, alright, family, that's all for today. I Hope that you guys are excited because we're here to do so much.

Speaker 1:

Emma says can physical imbalances, malnourishment and similar things affect your access to the spiritual abilities? Absolutely is not totally a block, but you know, physical, your physical body, is what is hosting your experience, right, and so it's both your Spiritual self can heal and bring balance into the physical body, and thus the physical body will give rise to balance expression and your embodied spiritual experience. So it's kind of like, again, a symbiotic relationship, right. But malnourishment is an interesting one because, on the one hand, you know you can move towards breatharianism, but if your genetic template is not in a vibration to be able to host be chronic nourishment experience, then You're going to be starving yourself and you can be malnourished, and so being aware of all of those things are important when we are moving through this experience. Our email address is info at earthstaracademy and Ruben, I would love to be on your membership platform. So let's see, ruben is one of my favorite human beings, and I'm just excited that he's here.

Speaker 1:

Debbie says what about earth splitting into two worlds 3d, 40 and 5d? So, debbie, I would love for you to check out my previous video. It's called CERN and the dimensional shift. I talk about the split and how you know it's. I can even feel it in my heart.

Speaker 1:

So there can't be a split, really when you think about it, because nothing is separate so long as there are a bunch of people living in 3d. You're not separate from that. You're gonna feel it. So it's temporary. The split and the bifurcation is temporary. Eventually we're gonna have heaven on earth, and heaven on earth is not a camp of Satanic reptiles that are eating human babies in one place and us just chilling in a different place where we're in heaven. That's not how it's meant to be. So if we just thought about it with our brain all the way through, again, the only way that the new age can numb our brains is if we don't use our own brains.

Speaker 1:

Okay, because it literally our mind is meant to be holographic and we're meant to see into the future, we're meant to see into the grander scheme of things, and so usually there's all these sayings that, literally, when you put it in Contrast with reality makes no sense, makes no sense, right? So the earth again totally is splitting into two worlds. It's currently, it's a temporary thing. It's just like our human experience. This is my experience. I know that my human experience is a singular fractal of what's happening in the collective. So, as a human, I had to move away from the 3d reality and just go absolutely crazy and do grid work for five years and just be as crazy galactic as possible, and what I'm finding now is that what's bringing my heart the most excitement is bringing all of those things that I experienced back into the 3d and Connecting with as many human beings on a practical, grounded, reasonable level as I can To support humanity through the transition. So there is a new age Psyop that wants all the spiritual people in a bubble, away from the humans, when we're really meant to be here, station inside of the matrix, so we can radiate this peace, the safety, this love and support humanity.

Speaker 1:

So, anywho, does one's meditation get help from psychedelic medicine? At this point in time, I have no idea what that means. If you mean smoking weed and then meditating, I think that. I think that I think that Personally, I don't use any plant medicine anymore. I used to smoke weed once a year For a couple years. That was my yearly, when I was just waking up, because I realized that the marijuana spirit is a really well Masterful healer plant, that I have Masterful healer plant right, so I would connect with the spirit. I would literally come commune with that plant once a year and I would get so much downloads and so much healing that it would take me a whole year to integrate what I just learned. And so now I no longer need to take the plant to commune with the plant spirit. So I just do it directly with the spirits if I need to consult them.

Speaker 1:

And then I guess the other ones are mushrooms. You know, I've done mushrooms a couple times when I was. You know, honestly, you guys, when you start activating the higher dimensionalities of your own soul's logo, so you will no longer need any Anything. There's no greater psychedelic like just last week I was sitting. This is a funny thing.

Speaker 1:

So one morning I wake up and Kara, my three month old baby, she's starting to be more in her body and she decided that this was the day that she was going to activate her daddy and her money. So we went for a little morning drive. We like to drive around the lakes and as we were driving, we start feeling high, like, literally start feeling high, like we did mushrooms and LSD or something, and so, as we're driving, we start feeling this energy moving into our body. We had to go home and we parked in front of our house and my husband comes. He was driving, I sit in the back with the baby and he comes to the back of the car and we're all three of us sitting in the back of the car tripping. We're just tripping balls, like we're sitting in the back of the car, like you know.

Speaker 1:

And the image that I got was my eyelids were taped Open and this big screen was in front of me and it was, and it was just Playing our collective destiny. It was playing the destiny of what we're here to experience as a collective and the future that we're going to have, all of the Epic things we're going to experience Together. And I was like my ego was like no, and my eyes were like glued open and I couldn't even close my eyes because and this was happening to both me and Shane we're just been back in the car tripping, and so finally, we come down a little bit. We decide to go to the park and we drive to the park, and we drive to the park and we just put the baby in the stroller and we're going for a walk. And I don't know if anyone's been like high on a psychedelic while they're in a public park. You were something, you know. You're just kind of like trying to be normal. That's literally what was happening. We're just like pushing the stroller, like just trying to be normal. Everything was so beautiful and swirly. And so Emma said first time I listened to z's music, I experienced psychedelic patterns when going to bed.

Speaker 1:

So this is the thing when you go on the airstar academy website, when you log in, when you interact with these spaces, you will start to feel like you're on mushrooms a little bit. The reason for that is is your DNA is responding and your light body is activating and so high dimensional consciousness Is starting to move through your system. And that is the same feeling as a psychedelic, because psychedelics does the same thing. It opens your light body and opens up your consciousness, except it does it in a way that can actually be detrimental to your light body if you do it too much. Right, in the Taoist tantra practices. People don't smoke weed because they say it actually depletes your chi. So you know we don't need to do these plant medicines anymore. We can work with the energies, with our DNA. When our DNA is opening, you will feel like you're high on psychedelics and people are engaging with these energies all the time.

Speaker 1:

Darth says maybe you were secreting DMT, probably. I'm telling you. I mean, it was just what was happening was our soul stars were just getting this massive activation. Actually, my friend Candice was texting me afterwards and she was like hey, I think your daughter brought this massive golden cord of light to the earth and it's landing in your crown chakra. I was like that would make sense. I've been high all day. Ruben says breathwork is a great alternative and that is totally true. All right, getting high on our own supply, all right, I'm so happy that you guys Came out.

Speaker 1:

I saw somebody make a post here about type one and two indigos, about DNA. I think that what you're saying came from Asha, yana Dian and her voyager information and, um, yeah, for me I feel like there are, you know it's. We don't need those kinds of words. It's not really for me personally, it hasn't really been super helpful. Like sometimes I read some of that stuff and there's just like 50 different words and you're just like, okay, it's just a feeling, it's like an aspect of yourself, it's like having like a 30 word long, really fancy name for nose or something. So that's why I don't use those words. There's no need because, yeah, I definitely think that you know there is some sort of elitist thing going on in there. There's lots of every human, every star seed that is on earth right now is in alignment with the guardian alliance and has guides with the syrian council. I totally believe that Lisa Renee is one of those people. I mean, she definitely has a speaker contract.

Speaker 1:

There's lots of people that have connections into those things and those energies because it's just our original template of DNA expression, it's just our originally intended State of being right, our divine embodiment, and so, you know, I really don't think we need fancy words to connect into those energies. I think the frequency transmission, more than anything, is what's necessary and I feel like I'm really meant to be translating these things to a wider audience, which is why, again, I don't use those words. But, yeah, this Renee is great. I think Lisa Renee is another. You know, she really translated a lot of information that made it widely accept, widely accessible. And now we're gonna, you know, translate because we're all in the same team, y'all, we're all in the same team and that's why I feel a little bit Resistance when I feel like there are certain spiritual communities that are a little bit elitist. It's just kind of like anti everything that we stand for, you know.

Speaker 1:

So, anyway, all that being said, I love you guys so so much. Thank you so much for tuning in. I'm excited. This is a really exciting time that we have on earth. Come find us in the earth star academy. You will not regret it. You're gonna be blown away by the curriculum and your cells will dance and you will remember who you are and you will step into your mission.

Speaker 1:

And, on that note, next week we're gonna be doing a quantum healing ceremony. We're gonna do a implant and seals removal, not all the seals, not the J seals, but certain reptilian seals in the body, certain seals that block higher dimensional energy. And so Next week we're just gonna be doing a oracle healing ceremony For star seed mission support and I'm really excited to support you guys and your light bodies and I'll bring in a A little light body shower, because we all need that sometimes. All right, I love you all so much and we'll see you next week on star seed mission support. Bye for now.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for listening. I really hope you enjoyed this episode of the star seed mission podcast and found some hidden treasures along the way. If you'd like to learn more about our work, our amazing community of star seas and light workers, and the amazing healing containers and courses we host, please go to earthstaracademy. You can sign up for our free newsletter or you can always find us on instagram or youtube at earthstaracademy. I love you to the stars and back. See you for the next episode of the star seed mission podcast.

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