The Starseed Mission Podcast

14. Money, Wealth & the Great Reset

• EarthStar Academy

Our society is going through a rebirthing process that many are feeling the negative impact of.  This week on Starseed Mission Support we talk about money, myths and distortions around money, the importance of building intergenerational wealth, and The ACTUAL Reset that's occurring in our Planetary Consciousness Architecture, leading to the greatest wealth re-distribution.

Speaker 1:

Hey Starling, welcome to the Star Seed Mission Podcast, a jam-packed series that helps you understand your Earth mission, awaken your multi-dimensionality and embody your highest self in a grounded and empowered way. My name is Z Earthstar Healer, the founder of the Earthstar Academy. We support God's Angels on Earth, the Star Seeds, indigos, Dreamweavers and Lightworkers. We meet in the heart of the Christos organic ascension path and together we are on a mission to return divine love to the heart of all of humanity and ring in Heaven on Earth. In my podcast, I'll teach you how to access your higher consciousness, heal yourself on all levels, connect with your angelic lactic support team and lead a miracle-filled life of divine purpose. Welcome here, get cozy and let's get started with today's episode. Hi everyone, I'm going to check my mic settings real quick. It looks like it's working. Welcome to Star Seed Mission Support.

Speaker 1:

I'm so excited for this call. As you guys can tell, I'm always trying to see what the collective is needing, and this week I particularly received a lot of comments, messages, emails about the quote-unquote recession and money and fears around what's happening on the world stage, and so today we're going to be talking about money, wealth, and I really want to talk about this specific reset that's happening and it's really not the reset that people think is being talked about. You know, with the WEF and things like that, this is a whole other kind of great reset that's happening and I'm so excited to tell you all about it. I do have a lot of notes for today's call, because this is such a nuanced conversation, okay, and a lot of people have all sorts of different understandings. This is one of those things where humanity have received really a lot of mind control and conditioning, because it connects to the very epicenter of our human ability to create and how humanity has been enslaved for so long. And so just a disclaimer before we start this video this is going to trigger some people who have deep-seated beliefs and traumas and conditions around money, slavery and power which, if we face it, is really basically everyone on earth. So I think whether we are willing to face these triggers or not is what's going to determine if this video is going to be helpful for you, because everything that I'm going to talk about in this video are my personal opinions.

Speaker 1:

I don't claim these to be the ultimate truth. I don't claim these to be the fix, the end, all. Fix it for your life. This is just the stuff that I live by in my own life. I know that I'm about to drop some jewels. I'm going to help you guys with some ideas and thoughts that might help you transcend the false matrix. So I really don't hold back in these recalls. Take lots of notes, watch it several times and really apply this to your life and if it triggers you, sit and think about what is triggering, about what I'm saying, and if there's conflicting beliefs and I'm not saying I'm right about everything, but you know, these are just some ideas that hopefully can help you transcend a certain scarcity, mindsets and these traumas that we have literally in our DNA from being enslaved by this world, which is where a lot of our resistance and fears and distortions and trauma around money comes from.

Speaker 1:

I believe this life on earth right now that we're in, and I believe life on earth in general, is an opportunity for soul mastery. These containers where we get to experience lifetimes. They are designed for the soul to literally be crystallized into diamonds where we continually learn different things. I personally don't think that life is meant to be quote unquote easy. I feel like a lot of people think heaven on earth is when we get to just lounge and, like, enjoy the sun all day. I think we're going to get bored really fast if we're all just sitting on our butts enjoying the sun. I think we should all enjoy the sun regularly, but I think if nobody's doing anything, we're all going to be really bored. Because these bodies we have these immaculate bodies. We're literally designed to experience ourselves as creator beings. We have this endless curiosity to know God, to know understand the physics of reality, to understand the universe, and we will always want to innovate and create. I believe that these energies are literally installed in the center of who we are as human beings.

Speaker 1:

Let's break all of this down. I think that it would just be a shame to have a life on earth and not learn anything. So I believe that we're all here to grow, to learn, to evolve. These are my beliefs. If you don't agree with that at all, there's no point in watching this video at all, because I am in it, in this belief. This is how I live every day. I just wake up fired up, ready to learn and grow from things that are difficult. That's just the attitude that I have as I'm engaged in life. It could be a sickness or whatever, but this is just how it is. So I believe if you know how to make the most out of this life, then you're going to be growing and evolving and gaining conscious mass as a soul. This is what evolves you through the many lifetimes is that we're always growing and learning. That's my disclaimer.

Speaker 1:

I'm really excited to drop all of this knowledge and this inspiration on you guys. I hope that it helps you and it kicks our butts in the gear, because that's what we do here. I will say these free shows. I don't hold back. I drop these things. This is my love token for all of you guys. This show, of course, is sponsored by the Erster Academy, which is my mastery school, where I break all of these things down and teach you guys the process of rehabilitating your creator DNA. So if you want to know more about that, that's the project that I'm working on. It's at earthstaracademy, so let's dive right on in.

Speaker 1:

I have lots of notes here today. Here are the things that we're going to go over. Okay, I hope you have a pen and paper and you're ready to take notes. The first thing is we're going to go over the poor mindsets that we have around money, and then we're going to realize that our poor mindsets and knowledge about money has been indoctrinated into us from childhood and we need to come into realization of those poor mindsets because they were installed into our consciousness for a reason. Then we're going to talk about what a recession actually is and how it's actually serving our collective energy and our collective mission as a planet at this time. Then we're going to talk about the great reset, the greater reset. So the fake great reset that you hear about in the false matrix is actually the cover up. They're trying to usurp this universal energy of reset in the collective consciousness and they're trying to hijack that into resetting, into their direction, but they do not have the power to actually do that. So, as much as they're trying to hijack this great reset, there is a true cosmic great reset that's happening and that is what we're going to be talking about, okay, and we're going to talk about how, with that awareness, we can actually participate in that and be a part of the greatest financial reset where we're literally rebuilding the architecture of wealth and of creation energy on this planet. And finally, we're going to talk about the creator mindsets around money. Okay, it's going to be a fully packed call here. Hopefully, by the end of this video, you feel more inspired and armed with knowledge to move forward in your life in an empowered way.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, first thing, let's talk about our current poor mindsets around money. The first and main one is money is evil. We've all heard about that phrase money is the root of all evil, or power. Well, they say absolute power corrupts all indefinitely, or something. So we got to think about where these phrases came from. Okay, who came up with these phrases and who inseminated these phrases, and why? Because, if we all think that money is evil, I guarantee you the people that created that sentence, they're the ones with all the money. They don't care about these phrases. They created these phrases so that we would have these in our subconscious mind and thus we would feel disempowered. Okay, so the CIA uses words as a form of mental enslavement and control. These are the people that came up with words like hippies, with words like conspiracy theorists, all these words that were created to basically create almost this mind slide so that it creates this negative connotation towards things, or association towards things. So now we have a plan of people who believe that money is evil and at the core of most human beings is kindness, is love, and so most loving and kind people are going to subconsciously associate money with evil and thus just automatically repel money from themselves.

Speaker 1:

Okay, the second thing is the second poor mindset around money is money is only a part of the false matrix. Okay, I hear this a lot and I went through this phase myself where I'm growing up and I see my dad, my parents, were enslaved by money. My friends were enslaved by money. Everybody was trading their time for money and they seemed miserable most of the time. So from the time when I was 18 to 22-ish, I did not have a job. I lived as a hippie. I was like I renounce all money, I want no part of it. I detach from the society. And when I look back on that period of time in my life, it wasn't that I didn't use money, because I was basically couch surfing. I was eating food that was given to me. I would regularly had people like donate and give things that I needed to me, and essentially I was basically a parasite on society. And I can say that because eventually I realized that I was still using money. I was still living places. It's just that I wasn't sourcing my own energy and thus I had no sovereignty over the energy that I was exchanging. So eventually I realized I was in this loop and I went and got a job.

Speaker 1:

So the third mindset that is, a poor mindset around money is that healers and holy people should work for free. So this is something that is so tricky because in the ancient times we had temples and monasteries. Look, I wish I lived in a temple. You guys have no idea. Okay, there's a reason why oracles, priestesses, priests they were built these beautiful temples and their job was to be in these temples and to be the society's kind of communication person for the divine right, because some of us are born with extraordinary abilities to see the other side.

Speaker 1:

And when societies actually value these people, they really took care of them, okay, so shamans were usually taken care of by their tribe. They were given food, they were given like people would come over and do services for them. Think about even the ashrams in many different places in the world. Right, if you want to learn things from these places, you wouldn't go there and knock on the door and say, hey, give me the stuff, give me the knowledge, right? This is like the irresponsibility and disrespect that the colonization has left in our consciousness where we just feel entitled to get stuff from people, right. So the truth is, if you really wanted to learn stuff and you went to the ashram, you would have actually this attitude of service, because chances are you're going to live at the ashram, you're going to offer your entire life to being of service and then over many, many years, you would be given access to knowledge. Now that's no longer needed and the reason for that is we're all at different levels of our soul.

Speaker 1:

Growth okay, and service to others, service to the whole. This is something that is part of society. It's part of growing up into an older person. The ancient rites of initiation were all about the transition between childhood into adulthood. Childhood is when you're taking and receiving nourishment from your tribe and your parents, and you just keep taking, receiving because you're in that phase of your life and at a certain point you reach, I think, most Native American cultures, around 11 to 13 years old. You reach that time when you move into a rite of initiation, which were designed by the tribe to initiate people, anyone that's born into the tribe, from childhood into adulthood, and the primary difference between a child and an adult is that an adult begins to take on responsibility and begin to assume responsibility for the tribe. This is when we leave behind the entitlement of everything being freely given to us and we assume that we're now here to build skills, build ourselves and to give our life to the society and to continue the perpetuation of life on earth. We begin to assume our responsibilities as an adult and we take on the supporting of life on earth.

Speaker 1:

Now, this is a very sacred thing, because we live in a society that has not honored life itself. We've all been indoctrinated to kind of take life as this thing that happens, and when we don't truly honor life, we're not going to take it seriously. We're not going to take ourselves seriously and we're not going to take this responsibility that we have to perpetuate life and to take care of life seriously. And so I think in the old world the healers and the holy people they did work for free because people tended to their needs and took care of them and they had a lot of respect. You don't just go up to a holy person and you have no idea People are like you should be doing this for free, and it's like you would never talk to somebody like that. It's just showing this lack of awareness or culture around respecting sacred knowledge, and I'm sharing all these things freely on the internet with you guys, and so things are changing. The times are changing. We're no longer in those times where these ashrams are the only places where the sacred stuff is being partaken, but that doesn't mean we just throw out all of the nuanced levels of respect and honor that we hold around these sacred things.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so another poor mindset around money is I don't need money and I don't want to participate in money. The reason why this is a poor mindset is because this quickly becomes delusional. Like I said, I went through this myself right when I was 18 years old. I totally denounced the society because I realized nobody was happy. I lived in the city. I went to university and almost everyone in school was always stressed out. I would be on the bus and everyone with their little suitcases. They looked miserable, like they were on their way to work, but they did not want to go there at all. And I said this is not the way for us to enjoy life. You know, we have this stupendous existence on this heaven planet. This is not the way life is meant to be, and because I believe that money was at the root of all of those evils. I said I denounced money and no longer want to participate in that, because I believed that it was money that enslaved all of those people. But the truth is is that it's the system that's currently in place that is enslaving the people, not money in itself, right, because money in itself is just the technology for the organization of energy.

Speaker 1:

And so one thing that occurred to me during that period of time I was very good at materializing what I needed, right. So oftentimes I would have this check from the government, or my mom would give me money, or I would have this little job that would come up for three days and I would make enough to take a trip somewhere. And for four years I lived in that state where I was sleeping on people's couches, being given free meals, and at a certain point I realized that I wasn't going to be able to manifest my dreams, living that lifestyle. Okay, the reason was I was having these visions. I knew that I was here to build these magnificent communities, cities, healing centers. I was here to uplift this whole world and transform this civilization. Okay, these are the things that I had visions and I was thinking about, but in real life, I didn't even have the power to have my own apartment.

Speaker 1:

I was sleeping on people's couches and I realized that there was a discrepancy there, okay, and I realized that it started to become a delusion, where I believed that I did not need money, but in truth, I was using money all the time. I was just using other people's money, Okay, and so I realized that I was a not a sovereign being. And two, I wasn't giving value, I wasn't giving energy to this world. I was basically just being a parasite and telling people that I don't want to participate, but even though, I still used it.

Speaker 1:

So here's the thing I understand that we don't want to participate in the false matrix, but in actuality, if we were really not participating, then we would not be on the computer, we would not be on the internet, we would be not buying food from the grocery store, we would not be driving a car or riding a car or riding a bus or any of those things, driving on the road. Right, the road was built by workers that were, quote-unquote enslaved. So if we were to not participate at all, we would commit to the lifetime of completely not participating, like if we were to commit to that truth, we would live in the middle, nowhere on land. We would grow our own food, and a lot of people are doing that, I think is amazing. I just think that we can't pick and choose about what we need and don't need, especially if we're still using money for certain things, okay.

Speaker 1:

So I think that at a certain point then, basically when I was 22 years old, I realized that in order for me to realize these dreams that I was having, I was going to have to take responsibility for myself and to do whatever I needed to do to move myself towards my destiny, towards my dream. I didn't want people to give me handouts anymore. I didn't want other people to be working for their money and then to give me what I needed to sustain my life. I wanted to give energy to others, okay, and so I changed my attitude. I was like you know what? I can have a job, and my mindset is what's going to dictate whether I'm enslaved by it or not? I'm going to get a job, knowing that this job is going to give me what I need to step into the next phase, the next level of my life, because I take responsibility for my timeline and I don't negate that responsibility onto someone else. Okay, so the next poor mindset that we have around money is money is hard to make.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so this is a mindset thing. Again, it's basically a growth mindset versus a victim mindset, because the truth is, life is hard, okay. Nothing in nature shows us that life isn't hard. Think about the seed that is in the ground. It has to emit so much pressure to burst out of the shell. Okay, shells of seeds are hard, and not only that, they're in this dense soil and they have to exert this life force to grow up through the soil and into the sun. That is difficult. Think about those turtles that are walking towards the ocean or any life I mean.

Speaker 1:

Now that I'm a mother, I know from the time that babies are born, it's difficult to grow older and gain these skills, gain the ability to move our arms. Even All of those things are hard, okay. So I think that nothing in nature has it easy, and all animals grow from pregnancy to adulthood, and none of that is easy either. This is the harsh reality of being born on this planet, which, remember, we are here to gain mastery in our soul. This is what life here on earth is for. This is why your soul incarnated here on earth, and I'm having the best time, through ridiculous things that hit me all day long, because of this growth mindset that I've installed into my system.

Speaker 1:

Okay, because I believe that life growing and evolving is what gives life a meaning, depth and the beauty of being alive. Okay, souls live for this growth and continually compounding. So growth continually compounds and grows the complexity and beauty of life. This is self realization, becoming the highest form of our self, becoming the self that is a match for our destiny, our greatest self. Okay, and these hardships, the hardships of life itself, is what sculpts our soul into these beautiful architectures and art, into these diamonds that are beautiful. Every great person in all of history has gone through a whole lifetime of commitment and hard work. Why? Because it's meaningful and it gives our life depth and it gives our life a sense of purpose. Okay, so it's not that making money is hard, it's that getting skills is hard. Okay, getting skills, getting really good at something is challenging, but nothing easy is worthwhile.

Speaker 1:

And, like we said, this is the right of passage into adulthood. Okay, the level of you know the big babies that we have in our society. Think about when the government started printing money, and I think this is why the government has really gone out of hand with how much power they have. It's because we have a society that no longer has rights of passage. Okay, when a society has no right of passage, it means that children are basically growing into adulthood with no guidance and no structure and no wisdom that is being passed on and we're going to talk about the passing down of wisdom as part of the wealth in the next section of our video and you're going to know why wisdom and knowledge is no longer being passed down as, again, part of the control system, but when children are not being guided with wisdom and instead this control and regurgitation of facts and indoctrination. We basically have 30 year olds, 40 year olds, 50 year olds that are still operating in a childhood mindset of entitlement and the world owes me this Whereas when we go through the rights of passage, we begin to assume responsibility.

Speaker 1:

This is when we say I'm an adult, now I have responsibility to the children of this world. I am now an elder, to the children and to life itself, and this requires me to step into the honoring of life, the honoring of the cycle of life, the web of life, the honor of this life that I've been given, in order for us to honor life itself and honor creation as something is sacred. We don't have to build altars. We don't have to build temples. What we have to do is recognize that we can build the temple around ourself and to take this seed of life that we have been given seriously and to sculpt ourselves into the beautiful masterpiece that source and God intended for us to be.

Speaker 1:

And this is not easy. Nobody sculpts themselves into a masterpiece, sitting around doing nothing, thinking that the world owes you stuff. I mean, this is the mindset, again, that has led us into this situation, where the government is basically playing this distorted mom and dad figure right, giving people money. And this system doesn't really work because it fosters people to get lazy. People no longer have this direction that they can take. There's no longer any sense of motivation to do hard things.

Speaker 1:

Okay, when we're in a system of innovation and growth and this is what I believe true capitalism actually supposed to be right it's not necessarily supposed to be built on greed or consumerism. It's supposed to be built on creativity and innovation and our ability to become a genius to attune to the inspirations of evolution and become a vessel and an instrument for the collective evolution into the future. And so when we think about that, we realize that collective evolution is very much tied in with our personal evolution and our willingness to do hard things to bring value and give our genius to the world. And this is not easy. Okay, it's not that making money is hard. It's that getting skillful and achieving mastery is hard. It's just that is this a hardship that you're willing to endure? And you know this is the thing it's like. What are we here on earth for? This is why this planet is set up in the way it is. I mean, when you're really on the trajectory, think about this. Okay, I mean, this is again my personal experience. Maybe I'm crazy.

Speaker 1:

Okay, this is my personal, my personal opinions of life, what I prefer to live inside of. It's like I can be holding my baby. It's midnight, I'm rocking my baby and I'm obsessed with learning about what I need to learn, gain the skills that I need to be on my mission, and my mission is to do all the things that I mentioned before. But I know that in order for me to do those things. I need to get skills and I need to get good at things, and you know that's commitment and devotion. And the only thing that's going to allow for you to commit and devote yourself to that level is having kind of the your heart start, awakened to your destiny, which makes it worth it to apply yourself.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so if you say I love humanity, I love life, that love a lot of people think love is just this fluffy thing. But when you love the baby, you're not going to sit around, you want to provide for the baby right, and then you're inspired to work really hard so that you can provide or create the right scenario. So it's the same thing with the planet, a lot of the starcies. We're here to play almost this big sister, big brother, parental role of guide, support, role model for humanity. So we say we want to take on the responsibility of creating heaven on earth.

Speaker 1:

Now, a lot of people don't sit down to think about the bigness of that. It's almost this catchphrase like oh, heaven on earth is coming. And it's funniest when people say heaven on earth is here and then we look around and clearly their parents or their neighbors are still operating in the false matrix. So clearly there's some discrepancy there. I mean heaven on earth and more. They say heaven on earth is a vibration and this is a clear cut sign that it hasn't accreted fully through the body, because heaven on earth is a vibration. But then it becomes embodied and then it moves into action and moves into application and moves into expression, where you're creating and sculpting and creating and expressing into the future as the heaven on earth energy and that's what takes us into the physical reality.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so making money as hard is a mindset of belief. It makes us negate the responsibility of getting skills. It's not that making money is hard, is that getting good at stuff is hard? And yet getting good at stuff, it means that you're finding your reason to live. You're finding your compass in your heart and your destiny and your motivation and what you're doing here on the planet, your purpose, your destiny, and when your whole life is being guided by that application and your commitment to your soul's destiny. Okay, you will be inspired to do things that are hard and challenging, but it won't feel like a chore, it won't feel difficult because you will be empowered by your sense of purpose. Okay, and so this is what's required to realize our dreams.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people say, oh, I want to build this thing, I want to build that thing, and they're like, oh, but I don't want money. So I'm like, okay, so you're basically waiting for somebody else to make the money, for somebody else to provide the thing, and I think that's fine is one way to live. But another way would be to take on the responsibility, right to not negate that responsibility, because you have the power to shift your mindset and to alchemize energy to whatever form, because you're a creator being Okay, because this quickly steps into the next thing. Right is, I think that right now, there's societal engineering going on COVID and this whole giving people free money, universal basic income. All of this is seeding this societal environment, societal psychological agreement towards this timeline of you will own nothing and you will be happy. I'm sure we've all heard about this.

Speaker 1:

Right is this agenda of the World Economic Forum to basically create a society where human beings don't own a home, don't own a farm, don't own cars, don't own any money, and we're just completely taken care of by the state and they say you'll be happy. And you can quickly see that some light workers will say, well, this is good because we don't own anything. But you know, no human being is going to own anything, but the queen or this group of people, of elites. They're going to own everything. That's their whole thing. Right? Their idea of the whole reset is that they will own everything and the normal human beings that live on this planet will own nothing and will be happy.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, understanding that this is the agenda of these people, we need to be aware of when our own mindset and our own beliefs are almost resonant with that, because of different new age beliefs that have infiltrated into our community. That leaves us in spiritual airhead syndrome. Okay, this is a term that I've coined. I love it. I went through this myself. I think we need to be able to laugh at ourselves as we awaken, because, hey, I'm not laughing at any human being. I know how hard it is to awaken in this crazy world where all of the sources, all of the information are being distorted, because everything is trying to keep you from awakening to your greatest power. This is literally a war that's going on. Okay, just because there aren't bombs being dropped on your house where you're living, it doesn't mean that you're not being consistently attacked by mental war, psychological war, spiritual war and they do not want you to realize how powerful you are. And so the way that we can move out of that is to question our beliefs. Here's how If you believe something, ask yourself is this serving my highest path?

Speaker 1:

Is this serving my soul path? Who is this belief serving? Okay, and then ask yourself, who is actually believing those things inside of yourself? Is it your soul? Is it your soul that's making the decisions, or is it a belief that's making the decisions in your life? Okay, because the soul is an alchemist and the soul does not exist in duality. Where this thing is bad and absolutely bad. I mean, there's some things that are absolutely bad, like, you know, kidnapping and abusing people. That's absolutely bad. I guess don't do that stuff. But things that are trivial, like money, is bad. Okay, when you believe that money is bad, it informs your decisions and informs in how you live your life. Now think about if those decisions are actually serving your soul's growth and helping you move towards your destiny or fulfilling your dreams, or if it's not. Okay. So those are the toxic mindsets that we have around money. So why do we have so many toxic beliefs around money? We're gonna take a little break now and listen to a special message from the Earth Star Academy Don't go anywhere, we'll be right back.

Speaker 1:

Hey angels, it's me again, ze-earth Star. I just wanted to let you know about our incredible mothership. It's a dream come true for star seeds a place where you can express your magical cosmic self and receive full spectrum training, healing and quantum support on your mission. Our colossal 500 module curriculum includes teachings like psychic training, negative ego healing, creation mastery, advanced training for healers, sacred contact with ETs, spirit guides of source, vessel optimization, grid work, new earth entrepreneurship, full spectrum healing and DNA activation and, of course, a detailed breakdown of our mission on earth, and so much more. You might ask how am I able to offer such a wide spectrum of knowledge? Well, I've been training with the Guardians for a decade to serve you exactly in this way. We try to think of every possible thing you might need to succeed as a sovereign creator, consciousness lifter and timeline weaver, and to make all of this available to you in our $89 monthly membership, which also includes a community space where you can connect with other star seas and light workers, weekly live Q and A's workshops, healings and planetary grid work ceremonies with me and the Earth Star team. The mothership is a light technology and it is a pristine source love field held by the Guardians in our angelic galactic team. It was made to support you on earth in every way and it's such an honor to walk this incredible journey with you. If all of this makes your heart flutter with joy and excitement, you can go to earthstaracademy to sign up. We all deserve a safe and loving place to rest our wings and I'm so honored to build that mothership with you. Once again, that's earthstaracademy. Can't wait to welcome you home, darling, and we're back. Thank you so much for joining us on the Star Seed Mission podcast.

Speaker 1:

Let's now get back to the show. The reason is we have to realize that if you went to public school, you were indoctrinated. If you went to private school, chances are you were indoctrinated If you went to school unless you were born into a truly awakened family. I mean even hippies, right, if you were born into a hippie family, they may have indoctrinated you into believing that money is absolutely evil and we don't need it and whatever. Okay. So the truth is we were never taught about the practical side of economics in a society and why economics and energy exchange and having currency is a part of having an advanced civilization. Okay, so let's, we're not talking about the context of our current monetary system, because it's definitely flawed. Okay, it was built with the purpose of enslaving, right, but the truth is the reason why none of us, you know, we have these fears around the recession, and we have these fears even though we hate money. We have this love, hate, fear, anxiety, relationship with this thing is cause we have no knowledge.

Speaker 1:

Okay, we were never taught about economics in grade school and the stuff that we were taught about it. You know what was meant to keep us disempowered. Now do we say, oh, poor me, it was indoctrinated by the false matrix and now I don't know anything about money? No, because you're an adult now. Okay, you were indoctrinated by the false matrix, but most of us are, and most of us did not receive the knowledge. Okay, and that keeps us powerless. And this is by design, the elites design the school system so that none of us will have the knowledge to build wealth, to thus have sovereignty in our dealings, in our life, and let's be able to build a whole new civilization.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so now your ideas, your beliefs, what you think you know, what you think you understand about this world and about money are all informed by that lack of knowledge. Now, as an adult, it is your responsibility to change that. How do we change that? By educating yourself. We have this amazing thing called the internet. The internet is getting a little sketchy because people are just changing definitions of stuff and we're getting into some really sticky territory. And this is the thing where we're gonna be really grateful to people who were studying 10 years ago, 20 years ago, because soon enough, society is about to get really messy, where you can no longer just Google things because the indoctrination is getting to a point where they're just changing the definitions of things and people are no longer able to access true information and knowledge again, because they wanna confuse people, they wanna take that power away from you, right?

Speaker 1:

So if there is a fear in your being, it means that there is data that is missing. So if you are afraid about money, take it as an instruction that you need to gain more knowledge about it, because knowledge is power, knowledge is empowerment. When you have knowledge, when you have information, it will inform how you behave in your day-to-day life, and how you behave in your day-to-day life sculpts the kind of life that you have and that is a lifestyle. When you have a positive, growth-oriented lifestyle, that's the only way that you're gonna build a vector to bring you on this trajectory towards your dream, towards your destiny. Not sitting around hoping that's gonna happen. Right, working hard, having these understandings that when you have fear, you gotta go get knowledge. Right. Fear is just the lack of data, right? So it is your responsibility to change the fact that you did not receive knowledge.

Speaker 1:

Is it shitty that the schools didn't give us knowledge and we wasted 20 years of our life? I am pretty pissed about that. This is why I'm building my baby a school. I promised my baby that by the time she's school age, that I will have built this gifted school for children. But here's the thing education is a responsibility. Okay, I'm not just gonna say, oh, I'm gonna build my baby a school and then, by the time she's five, I'm just gonna teach her what I think I know. Okay, responsibility means taking on the hard work of research and studying and gaining skills and asking people, talking to people who have gained those skills. Right, because if I carelessly neglect knowledge, I'm really actually spiritually bypassing responsibility. Okay, in order for me to design a curriculum.

Speaker 1:

I'm saying this because a lot of people, we're all here to build the new earth, okay, but in order to build the new earth, we need to actually use our intelligence, okay. This is why I think that spiritual airhead syndrome is such an appropriate word. Again, we're not laughing at people, because the CIA injected this toxicity into our community. It wants us to be hippies okay, this is what happened in the 60s. All of them light, and then we didn't get anything done. Right? Because they're trying to get us to spiritual bypass, reality, practicality, our intelligence, our divine God given true intelligence, okay, okay.

Speaker 1:

So building the new world is gonna require intelligence and responsibility, our inner masculine, okay. So what that means is we have to think about things in a practical level. Okay, the new earth isn't gonna magically just appear. We're not gonna have aliens come down and just abduct half the people on this planet who are good enough for new earth. Doesn't even make any sense. But because we have this innate, you know, people don't wanna experience hardship, we don't wanna work hard, and so we wanna subscribe to these magical thinking timelines that were false light or whatever. It's a lot. You know, it's easy for them to come in and indoctrinate us with these silly ideas because we wanna believe that it's gonna be that easy.

Speaker 1:

But here I understand. I'm here to create new hospitals. I wanna create this new school. I wanna be responsible because this is my child. I wanna offer her the best possible start in life. So I wanna think about incarnation, how I wanna support her soul coming into her body. I wanna support her with the knowledge of creation, but I also wanna support her with language and supporting her with the knowledge that's gonna help cause make knowledge to land here on earth. That means there will be math, there will be physics. I'm gonna tell them that this might be wrong. This is just the current science that we have, but I'm not gonna not give them that right, because that would be careless right.

Speaker 1:

So, same thing we have to re-educate ourself. This is the responsibility that we have to take. It's very sad that we were not given that. We grew up in the false matrix. This is the thing. The second part is that we have to make peace with that. We have to realize that we received very poor education. The reason for that is because they wanna disempower us, and that means, as an adult, we're gonna have to spend time and tediously learn about things. Okay, we have to arm ourselves with knowledge. Now let's talk about why that knowledge is not being taught.

Speaker 1:

Wealth and knowledge passed down through the generations is what gives families sovereignty. Okay, think about it for a second. Imagine if you were born into a family that understood divine sciences, understood creation, understood the correct virtues and values to hold in your heart to lead a positive life, and understood how to generate wealth Okay, understood entrepreneurism, understood nature and all of those things and had a family fortune, and they just passed that down to you. You would have a very different life. Right, there is an attack on the continuation of the family unit. Straight up, they wanna destroy the family unit because this gives people sovereignty. You can't control powerful families that were built over hundreds of years. Okay, so this is something that was done very intentionally by the elites to create broken families so that nobody comes into this world with that foundation already. This is something that is very painful for us to talk about, something that we have to begin to rebuild, understanding that passing. So we have this culture in our society right now.

Speaker 1:

Right, at least, I feel like growing up in a Chinese family is very much about family, even though my parents grew up in China and the government. They are really destroyed any familial wealth through communism. This is why communism, socialism, are dangerous. Again, you will own nothing and you will be happy. This is dangerous because you will have no sovereignty. Okay, sovereignty means that you have the personal responsibility to create the life that you want, and any person with agency, with desire, with a willingness to grow and learn can live whatever kind of life that they want to live Through their right use of their energy, through alignment with higher values and virtues, and they can build stability and strength over time. How their family line can grow in strength over time. So, obviously, in our current society that has been largely destroyed. But we're working really hard to restart that tradition because family values again is something that is so important in our society that there's a reason why there's a war against the family unit in all the ways.

Speaker 1:

We talk a lot about this in the curriculum of the Orisda Academy. Okay, so the understanding that again is about taking responsibility for life itself. Sorry, your parents could not provide that for you. Are you gonna put in the work to provide that for your bloodline, for the continuation of life? Believing that and a lot of people think that if you inherit a lot of money, you're gonna immediately be an asshole or be a trust fund baby. This is again about education, about creating the right environment. Like what are we actually passing down? It's not just money, it's also wisdom, it's also knowledge, it's also values and virtues, being a good person, and the only way that we can pass those things down is to cultivate those traits inside of ourself.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so then, on that note, let's talk about what is money, money? So money is like a language, okay, money is a system of organization. In itself, it's just a technology, like a computer, like electricity. Money is a technology which is an organization principle for energy, for value, which can be used for good or bad, and clearly in our world it's been used for horrendous things, right? So we need to begin to think about this in a practical manner on a society level, because we're trying to create a civilization, right?

Speaker 1:

And we say heaven on earth. Do you think that I mean there's an overlay? There is an overlay. There is an overlay on the spiritual community, where people think like, if you don't use your critical thinking and you say heaven on earth, this image means to come in where we're half naked, we're in, you know, for suits and skirts and we're just sitting around with lions and we're drinking from the river and people think that we're going back to the Eden or the garden. They think that's what heaven on earth is. We have to realize that that is an insert. Okay, because we're not going backwards, we're not going back to being cavemen. That's not how evolution works. We're moving into a golden age.

Speaker 1:

Imagine those civilizations that have built magnificent temples right Through both science and spiritual science, the union of those things, okay. And so in those advanced civilizations, is there energy being exchanged between people? Always, right, barter, trade, economy, commerce. These are the natural realities of any civilization. It's just that right now we're in a distorted or a lower consciousness expression of civilization.

Speaker 1:

When we have an advanced conscious civilization, our value system is gonna be different. What we value, right? So right now on earth we have been inserted with this distorted sense of value. This is how you know a shirt that somebody signed like Kanye or whatever can sell for $5,000, whereas a pair of shoes that was handmade by a child somewhere in some countries only worth $3 because our sense of value has been distorted, is that value system which is evil, not money in itself. That value system is the architecture of how money is exchanged, of how energy is exchanged. That architecture, the current value system. It's distorted, it's evil, it's fallen, it's parasitic. Not the money in itself. Okay, so, in order for us to create heaven and earth, we would have to restore or evolve our value system, and that, I believe, is what the great reset is and we're gonna talk about in a second. Okay, so the old system is a false system and a structure that's based on slavery. So that's why it's evil. But that doesn't mean there should be no system at all. That would be not using our brains. So money is a system of value. The current value system is distorted.

Speaker 1:

I believe in the original architecture of life is about giving value. Okay, knowing that you are a unique spark of source, a unique spark of creativity here. To pull that creativity all the way to its completion, that's what a lifetime is. It's creation, moving through you to express something unique and that is the most valuable thing you can give to the world. Is the process of sculpting yourself and growing to the highest form of yourself easy? No, it requires commitment, devotion, hard work, okay, no, great person with great skills ended up where they are, without practicing, without committing, without devoting, without being laborious and just fervently obsessed with what they're doing. So here we want to ignite that spark of mastery. We are here to master our greatest self through and in order for us to do that, we need to insert certain parameters in our life, how we live our life. The parameters like commitment, devotion, mastery, creating positive habits, creating gratitude, responsibility, reverence, sacredness around our life. So life is about giving value. Your soul is the most valuable thing, your unique spark of creation. So when you know that you're here to give the unique spark of you to the world, that is when you're going to get sparked onto this path, a timeline, a life path of beginning to orient yourself correctly towards mastering.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and this is the gray reset We'll talk about in a second, because right now I want to. I hope you guys are taking notes. We're really, you know, going through all this stuff. I hope you guys are enjoying this conversation. This is recorded. You're going to want to listen to this a couple of times.

Speaker 1:

Okay, to make notes, because this is a thing Christian says we can exchange value without needing money to hold our hand. This is true, but, like I said, money is a form, an organization form. So it's like, if you need to build a massive thing, you don't want to be like, you know it makes bartering because everything has all these different values. It is a uniform, uniform value system. That's the technology, that's why it's important, that's why it exists, okay. So imagine you had to build the city and somebody's got to build roads, somebody's got to build a church, some person's got to build, you know a foster care system and you're like all right, we're going to trade absolute chaos. Okay, you know structure. So we got to think about things through with our intellect so that we're not going back to the cave ages, right, okay. So moving on here. I'm just checking in with, we're moving in here with the talk here. I'm just scrolling through the chat here and just saying hi to you guys, okay, right, so let's move on.

Speaker 1:

What is a recession? Most people are horrified because seeing on TV, oh, there's a great recession, we're all going to be eating potato soup, of course. Then the president changes the definition of recession. So I hope you'd research what a recession was last month before that happened. Okay, so what is a recession? Well, we have fear of things that we don't understand, we have no knowledge about. So a couple months ago I decided to learn about what it actually is.

Speaker 1:

So a recession is basically when a country's gross domestic product declines for two quarters in a row, which is six months. A quarter is three months. Gross domestic product is basically how much value a nation produces, how much energy, how much creativity, how much. This, of course, is in the New Earth, right, this is like a higher vantage point of looking at it, because currently that's not the way it is, but I feel in a higher consciousness, civilization, the gross domestic product would be how much innovation and evolution and creativity a nation as a whole, a collective, a united force of a bunch of people is bringing forth. Okay, in layman terms, it means how much goods a nation is producing, so cards, oil, services, things that we food, you know, all of these things are things that we produce. So when a whole nation's productivity declines over six months so two quarters in a row, that is called a recession.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so they've now changed the definition of that, which is dangerous territory. Okay, we're in a war, because I think on Reddit last week they also banned the word groomer, because now groomer, which originally is a word, that means somebody that is grooming children or sexually harassing. Sexually grooming children for abuse is now being, you know, changed into a different definition Again. This is kind of how they're confusing people right, taking away knowledge of what's happening so that people can't have the power of changing the reality. So, understanding that the GDP is how much a value a nation produces, and a recession is just when a nation kind of declines in that production, means that it's, you know, it doesn't have to be the end of the world, because there's a loss of equilibrium, which means that creation is always breathing. There's an expansion and then there's a retraction. You'll see this in the stock markets. You will see this in the cryptocurrency coins. There is a algorithm. You can see this in trees, too. If you take, you know, a time lapse of a houseplant, you will see that it does this. Everything is breathing, okay.

Speaker 1:

So when we have a recession, it's basically a healthy adjustment of collective energy is actually when waste can be regulated, when all these people that have a mass great wealth, like Disney, netflix, their stocks are actually crashing right, they're actually losing a lot of wealth right the moment because there is a reset in the in the value system of the collective. So in this case, the recession can be seen as a reset, a reset of the shift of our value system. So, for example, let's take the example of Disney right. For a long time they had this amazing huge corporation where they had lots of money because people valued, you know, distracting your kids and giving them cartoons and stuff, okay. And I think in the old times they believe that the value of Disney, or the value system of Disney, is positive, enjoyment, entertainment for children. Now, clearly, over the last couple of months, we saw that they actually were aligned with grooming. We already knew this, okay, but it's coming out in the masses. So then we saw this huge dip in their stock prices because the collective is shifting. It's saying I don't agree with those values that Disney is putting out. Well, this is good, this is part of the planetary awakening when, when the collective, humanity as a whole is saying actually, I don't agree with pedophilia, I don't agree with the grooming of children, instance, this corporation is aligning with that value. I'm going to take my energy away from that and that cause for them to lose stock prices, right? So here we see the recession is actually taking money and energy away from those corporations and readjusting the collective energy, as this, as the as the collective is retracting, taking a breath in.

Speaker 1:

Now there has been recessions every 40 years, every couple of decades, and it's always this readjustment. It's a part of this evolutionary process of human civilization. So, after every recession is a growth, okay, and usually that growth becomes a bloom, a bubble, which gives birth to new ideas, new values, new corporations that come up with new things that fulfill the needs of the civilization and that's going to be better than the ones that previously existed. So this becomes a great opportunity for the light workers then to recognize that recession is happening and then get our shit together, come up with these new ideas and birth the new corporations and the new systems that are going to replace the old ones that are quickly losing. Vote of consumer energy. This is how this recession can be seen as a reset, a shift in our collective value system, and this is the great awakening that's happening here on earth right now.

Speaker 1:

Okay, people are no longer subscribing to Netflix because of the kind of ideologies that they're sharing. We don't have to tell people do this. They're seeing it for themselves and they're saying, whoa, I don't agree with that. I will no longer vote with my energy to participate in that, okay. So let's now talk about the great reset. So, okay, take a deep breath. I'm going to just take a break for a second, because that was a lot, right, let's just hang out here for a second. I'm going to look into the chat and see if there's any good.

Speaker 1:

Someone says let's do big pharma for COVID any class action. Actually, I've seen a lot of lawsuits come up ever since the release of the Pfizer documents a few months back. I immediately knew that the lawsuits were coming next, and so I think in the US I just saw yesterday there was a class action act lawsuit that was done by health care workers and they won $10 million, and I think that people are going to keep suing because you know, what happened was ridiculous, like the great awakening is happening and all we choose. We get to choose. If we're participating in it because it's fun. Okay, there's no crazy war, because there's no war when God is the one that is intending for the complete restoration and evolution of the civilization here on earth. There's no struggle because God has spoken. Okay, god is saying, all right, we're moving into the next game board, so everybody gets to step into the stream of that or basically just gets to get washed away by the wave. So this transmissions ESA helps us get into the stream of creation. There's nothing stopping God, right? You just get to decide if you're going to step into the stream and be a part of that wave or if you're going to get washed aside by the waves of creation. So, okay, let's move on to the great recent. I love this because I think there's just so much ridiculous stuff out there.

Speaker 1:

Okay, we disagree with the false matrix value system. No doubt about it, we can all agree. We don't believe in slavery. We don't believe in people doing you know what they hate forever just to make a few bucks to be alive, because this is not honoring the true sacredness of every soul's unique genius, every soul's unique spark of God. Right, this is something that is so sacred and something that is so worth our reverence. Okay, so we absolutely disagree with the false matrix value system. But we don't have to throw the baby out with a bath water, right? So the systems themselves can change with the fabric of the matrix, right? So, as we realign with the original matrix, the guy in matrix, the original matrix of living light source, original template, blueprint, heaven on earth, whatever you want to call it Right. We just have to restructure the architecture or the value system from which energy is being exchanged.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so if you don't want to use money or participate in the continued evolution of society, then you wouldn't want to use a phone which is powered by a corporation which operates on money and electricity. That is also built on the same system. Somebody was paid to build all those power lines. Somebody was paid to build the roads that made those power lines possible. Okay, so the cards, the roads, the grocery stores, all of these things were built on a system, and so if you didn't want to participate in that system, you would not use any of those things, which it's, you know, kind of ridiculous. It's just making things really hard, because when you build a bridge, you don't just go to the other side of the bridge and say why aren't you guys here yet? You want to be on this side of the bridge and slowly steer the ship towards the other side of the bridges and heaven on earth.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So we don't want to spiritually bypass what is right in front of us. We want to understand and learn and have mastery over it, so we can literally change the architecture of how these things exist in society, and that's the way that we create a new planetary conscious civilization, right? So the greatest reset, those AI always stealing our ideas I mean, they're really trying to usurp all these things. It's laughable, right? They're like aha, I'm so clever. The great reset this is going to be great Heart harsh awakening for those people, because the greatest reset is occurring from the intention of source, okay, and there is no struggle in the expression and the becoming and the materialization of God's reclamation of this realm, Because it was just, you know, a video game board where we learned from for a while and now it's completing. So we're now moving towards a heaven on earth golden age reality. So the great reset is a reset of the distortions of society, of consciousness, of our value system, back to the original divine template, and that is what heaven on earth is.

Speaker 1:

Will there be commerce in heaven on earth? I hope so. Why? Because human creativity is what makes the human experience fun. I love seeing people come up with new inventions that make life better, because this, doing it from a place, it's like I want to give my creative genius, I want to give my spark to make the experience of human life better. What's wrong with that? I think that's beautiful and that is the core spirit of entrepreneurship. Right, it's somebody that says I want to create something unique that will improve the experience of a whole as a whole, and that's our process here of creating a new heavenly collective civilization. So I believe this is just my opinion.

Speaker 1:

We are creator beings. I feel this in my being, especially with my ancestors, who are keepers of the Taoist knowledge of creation and how our light body was literally designed to experience creator hood. Okay, deep in our cosmic galactic DNA, we were made to be creator beings. That's why we have hands, and our hands are an extension of our throat chakra, because we're meant to express and create with our hands. Okay, no other living creature on this planet has the same kind of capacity for co-creation as humans do, and that's for a reason. We were designed to be co-creator beings. So we will always want to create, right? So because we always want to create, we're going to have to reset our value system to match our soul and the original architecture of the divine universe, which is co-creation versus parasitism. Okay. So when we think about that, we realize that if we choose not to live with money, but we're just getting food donated to us or living somewhere. We're not paying rent. We're actually still existing in a parasitism architecture. We're not there to give, right, we're not there to do whatever it takes for us to reach our destiny, for us to create our dream, and that's kind of the self-responsibility that we're needing.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so the previous architecture of how energy flows, commerce, money, banking system, the previous architecture of civilization, of society, of culture, were impacted by fallen and controlled energy systems and they basically corrupted how energy flows. Again, this goes into the grid work. This stuff is so multi-dimensional, right, so they built military bases and churches in these powerful places so they can literally reverse the original flows of creation, energy, which means that this allowed for beings that are entirely serviced to self, to a mass loss of wealth, and be the controllers or the nose of organization of creation. Okay, and the great reset is the resetting of this planetary consciousness architecture that basically turns that reversal grid off, because we're creating a whole new grid. This is where the grid work comes in, which basically makes it impossible now for them to continue their old ways, because the architecture of energy flow that they've built in a reversal architecture is being turned off.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so this is actually the great wealth transfer that everybody's talking about is on a consciousness and super spiritual reference point perspective. Okay, you will see this manifest in the physical world as people that are truly putting in the work, source aligned, have been cultivating true virtues, working hard in their life to be a devotion to the world, to gain responsibility because, again, actually stewarding money is a lot of responsibility, right? Because you're basically saying I believe in this architecture, I believe in this thing that needs to be built, and if we all believe in something needing to be built, but only one person is willing to put in the work, then that person's gonna be doing it and I'm hoping that we're all willing to put in the work. But I think that this again has to do with the taking on of responsibility, right? So we realize that this is an organic process that's occurring through all willing energy bodies, all willing humans, humans, we're humans. This is a trick question here, right? It's like are we, are we the universe or are we humans? Both, but mostly human. Right now, I'm loving it. I'm loving it.

Speaker 1:

Life is hard, okay. Nothing is harder than being a new mom, but the sacredness of getting to be a guardian to a new life trumps how hard it is, fulfills my heart, gives me purpose even though it's hard. And this is a great allegory for life. Okay, giving birth to that baby, building that whole baby body inside of my body for 10 months, was hard. It took a lot of vitamins, proteins. I had to take a lot of naps. It took a lot of energy, right, but it gave me a sense of purpose and it was worth it because I knew that I could give, this being the optimal foundation for her to live a great life.

Speaker 1:

So it's a great allegory for the birthing of a new earth, right, we don't just sit around waiting for it to happen. We're each responsible to take on the responsibility of becoming our best selves and thus be able to pick up the frequencies and become a responsible, mature, adult vessel of the coming of fruition of this new civilization. Okay, and so that means, you know, stepping, realizing that we may have been confused by the false light new age, and we might have spiritual airhead syndrome a little bit, and that maybe it's time to get into our human self and do things that aren't comfortable, do things that we don't want to do but will ultimately bring us, you know, more stability, more maturity, more skills, more ability to give, more ability to bring our spark of genius to the world, because no one is here to do that for you but yourself. Okay, nobody's going to force you to do anything. You have to find the motivation to do that yourself, and the deepest motivation comes from the desire to align with your soul's greatest destiny. Okay, so that's what the great reset is is a reset in universal planetary architecture of consciousness. And so now you're going to see that people with consciousness are going to start to be the ones that will begin to create positive wealth in their lives instead of the evil people. And that means every single human being on this planet right now has the opportunity to cultivate responsibility, cultivate positive virtues, cultivate mastery and, in that, be responsible stewards of energy, so that we can co-create this planetary civilization and actually have the power to, you know, override what they're trying to build.

Speaker 1:

I saw this ad for this crazy. I think it's called the line. It's like this 170 mile long, like super weird sci-fi dystopian community. It was weird. My husband was like we built cities in circles, not lines. It was really funny, okay, okay. So moving on now.

Speaker 1:

Five creator mindsets around money. One money is a currency of energy, okay, that's why you have banks. A bank is a place where current, flowing water, is stored. Okay, a current is a flow, okay, currency. That's why it's called currency. When we pay, you know we are paying with our attention, with our energy, with currents. So there's so many ways that this currency flows and money is just one, unified, uniform, a unit of value, unit of energy. It's supposed to simplify and make it easy for us to organize. If we wanted to build a planetary they call it the new sphere, right?

Speaker 1:

A lot of people talk about unity consciousness. We are moving towards a planet of unity consciousness. It's not the one world government that they want to build. Again, another thing that they're usurping, right, they're taking these organic things that are already happening and they're distorting it and trying to fit it into their narrative, just like the great reset. The great reset is God resetting the world and evolving us into an ascended civilization, and they're like the great reset, where we're God, no, right. Same thing with money, okay.

Speaker 1:

So a creator mindset is you are an infinitely powerful creator being when you're an infinitely powerful being. This is a dichotomy that I see a lot Like. People are like I am God, I am powerful, I am powerful creator being, but they're like oh, I don't use money. It was like do you not use money or do you feel powerless to create it? Because there's a difference? Okay, it's not. It's like if you're powerless to create it, then that's not really a conscious, deliberate, sovereign choice, okay, and that we need to look at that, right.

Speaker 1:

So if you're an infinitely powerful creator being, that means you can alchemize energy from one form to any other form. Money is only one form, but it is one form, and so if you're going to say that you can transform energy from one form to any other, money is involved. Money is one of those things. Okay, if you're resistant to that, we need to look at why. Because don't be limited by beliefs, beliefs, by these beliefs that keep you from experiencing the truth of who you are, which is to say, an infinite career being and when you're on earth, there are certain parameters, structures that are in place, and we can't just be a child that rebels against everything forever. Right, we have to take responsibility for our self and work from where we are. And so, master who? Another creator mindset around money is that money is power, money is love. Money can be a way that we share our love with the world Right.

Speaker 1:

One time I came upon $5,000, I think it was like a government tax return or something or other and I was supposed to have invested that money but instead I went downtown and I just literally fed a bunch of homeless people. Okay, and this is a learning experience for myself for sure, because when we invest in ourself, we are gaining skills so that we can actually be a true, we can actually offer substantial support. If you just go out and give a bunch of homeless people a bunch of food, they're still going to be homeless. Okay, it's almost like throwing energy into a vacuum. Is it good to do? Absolutely, I think it's important to do that. But imagine if you had organization and intelligence and you build and you came into mass of wealth and then you created a center that taught homeless people skills, provided teach a man to fish right, provided them with healing and sparked their desire for life.

Speaker 1:

I know that that's not possible for people that have disabilities, but a lot of homeless people. They do have addictions issues, they had unfortunate things happen in their life and all sorts of different things and they just don't have the support that they need for healing, for love, to be aware that their soul is a powerful creator being. I deeply believe that in the heart of each human being is a spark, a unique spark of source that desires to become the best version of itself. Call me an idealist. Okay, I believe that a lot of people are just so disempowered and disillusioned by the world that we're in that they've long lost connection with that, long been disempowered from that, and giving them a sandwich is not a solution. Okay, it's not creating him on earth.

Speaker 1:

So I think that we're multi-dimensional. We need to understand that time is a way that we can materialize ourself and our intelligence and gain consciousness. Mass and intelligence and awareness and skill is the way that we can intelligently design our time and thus reach a goal that we get to eventually, instead of just leaking energy everywhere and be in the same place that you are as you were 10 years ago. Okay, this is the fact of gaining energy mastery. Okay, and so this is kind of the stuff that we hold space for in the Earth Star Academy. I teach you about multi-dimensionality, about your physical and your light bodies, about your DNA, but also about very practical things, okay, like managing your finances and creating businesses, creating new earth, virtue creations that are in alignment with the original architecture. So we're actually creating the new earth in real life, not just in our head or waiting for some aliens to do it because we are the aliens.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and some people are like you should just offer it all for free. And I was like why? Why do people feel entitled? Because you guys know, I worked so hard for the last 10 years this is they didn't just come out, you know, in one day. For the last 10 years I've been working so diligently, not asking for a dollar, you know, silently in the background, working day in and day out to gain these skills, learn these things. And I was working like 14 hours a day, writing, producing, filming these classes, building the sites. You know it literally takes so much effort.

Speaker 1:

Why am I doing it? Not because I'm making money, because I want this information to be available for the world. I want to organize it so somebody can, with the right motivation in themselves, have a path that they can take, have information that they can support them on their path of mastery. Hey, I don't guarantee any results because my school is totally designed for self led people. I gave you the techniques, I give you some information, but the only way that you're going to get to the other side is if you apply yourself.

Speaker 1:

And I don't believe in coddling, I don't believe in hand holding, I don't believe you guys need that, because I believe in you as a sovereign soul with agency. It's a powerful creator being here to change the world. Okay, and those are the people that this school is built for. Okay, so this is the architecture of the school and together. You know, it's not like you're giving me money and I'm just feeding homeless people with it even that's great I do always give money to homeless people when I have cash right but we're building systems that will create a world where there are no homeless people, and that's the point. We want to create a world where everyone is happy and fulfilled and living to their highest embodiment of what this immaculate design that they have, this creator body that they have.

Speaker 1:

So I call my program creator rehabilitation. We're here to rehabilitate our mindset, our consciousness, our DNA, our personality, so that we can embody our source intelligence and actually practically apply it in a way that brings us to our destiny together. Okay, so if you're interested in that kind of stuff. Of course I'm here every Saturday. I offer you guys these jewels. You don't need to come into my school, of course I didn't have my school. Nobody needs my school. Okay, is here to support you. That's why I don't have any qualms about charging $89 a month, because it's negligent compared to the value that you're receiving and I think that is good to offer in return. Okay, I don't expect handouts from people. I think receiving handouts has its own downfall, right, because now you're energetically in debt, just in the cosmic grand schemes of energy flow and exchange. Not that I would think you're in debt, but I would just feel like, not that I would feel it. It's just in the schemas beings. If you receive things, if you receive things of great value, right, you're going to have to give back and that's exhausting, right. You want to just have it be clear so you can just step forth into the world and be powerful, and so this is the way that we have created this system and, yeah, we're not limited by beliefs. That keeps us from experiencing the fullness of who we are, and we're here to create heaven on earth in a very practical way through our humanness, by embodying correct virtues and mastery in our human self and walking into this new world with everybody on this planet who are in alignment with the original architecture. Okay, and that sums up our Starseed Mission Support for the day. I hope that you guys, this was helpful for you.

Speaker 1:

I talk a lot about the projects that we have in mind for the money that we make here. First of all, we're investing. We're creating a treasury, we're going to have 12D Shark Tank eventually, but I know a lot of people are waiting around for somebody to invest in their project. I say just write it down. Do you have a business plan, right? People that worked really, really hard for their creations. They're not going to just go around and say, hey, uh, if you just say, hey, I just want some money, I want to build a farm or whatever, Like, if you don't have a business plan, okay. People that work really hard to understand how much organization responsibility goes into building these things. I mean, it's just there's so much that goes into holding space for a creation to come forth. So if you want to build a healing center that's going to eventually heal thousands of people, you're going to need to be able to organize energy, okay.

Speaker 1:

So, anywho, that's all we got out here today, shari is ready to help start 12D Shark Tank. We're so excited about that, you know. So this we have all sorts of amazing things on the docket. I personally want to fund research for Shamanic and energy healing and their efficacy, because, in order for us to bring this new healing modalities I know that Dr Joe Dispenza is doing some amazing work on that. But, hey, if you want to do these research, you're going to have to hire researchers, you're going to have to make website. You're going to need money for all sorts of these things, especially if it's going to be a big enough study that actually makes an impact on the planetary consciousness.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and so, in any case, that is all for my Starsea mission support. In this day, I particularly have a contract of building infrastructure for the new Earth. So this is just the work that I'm here to do, and I think people that resonate with this work are here to do that. And, yeah, I'm looking forward to hanging out and working really hard for the next 30 years with you guys and, in the end, feeling really good about ourselves and the way that we spend our time on this beautiful planet. Okay, I love you guys so much and hope this was helpful for you.

Speaker 1:

I always take you guys as suggestions for this kind of videos because I want them to be helpful for you guys. So definitely drop me comments down if you want me to talk about specific topics. I want these to be packed with value for you guys to really be able to help you guys on your journeys here on Earth. So let me know how I can be of support. And, yeah, let us do this. There's going to be a replay for this video. You just go on my YouTube channel, earth Star Academy, and you're going to be able to watch this video as many times as you need to Hope you made lots of notes.

Speaker 1:

Angela says the shamanic people need help Resources. That would be great. So I'm honestly here to train the planet's best healers. Like. I know that sounds ridiculous, but there's so much that goes into it. Right, I'm committed to taking people to this path where they can find and embody their soul. There's no health without awareness and embodiment of the soul. I believe that all disease, distortions, sickness comes from disconnections, separation from our soul, from source, and so the easiest way to heal all disease, all sickness mental and physical is by reconnecting and embodying the soul and so learning about the incarnation processes, the light body, the dimensions of our consciousness and our psyche and our soul All of these things are so important for us to learn if we want to be an effective and potent healer.

Speaker 1:

So I teach you guys all of that stuff in the Earth Star Academy, from beginning to end, all the way to building your business, learning about new Earth sales and marketing, which is really just about communication. Right, because if you're starting a new earth business, you're already fulfilling something that is needed. People will give you value for things that they need. Okay, so if you're providing a service that is heart based, that you're just providing something of value for something that a market is really needing, then you will easily become successful, because that's just how organically energy flows. Again, we're changing the, restoring the original value system, okay, where money flows in ways where people are valuing the things that are actually valuable to them, as opposed to this distorted thing where people have been fed this, this, this false sense of value in the sense of you know, designer things that are polyester, that aren't really valuable at all, tens of thousands of dollars.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, I digress. I hope that you guys have a great week and give me some ideas on what you guys would like for me to talk about in the future, and I will see you next week on Star Seed Mission Support. Bye for now. Thank you so much for listening. I really hope you enjoyed this episode of the Star Seed Mission podcast and found some hidden treasures along the way. If you'd like to learn more about our work, our amazing community of star seas and light workers, and the amazing healing containers and courses we host, please go to Erstaracademy. You can sign up for our free newsletter or you can always find us on Instagram or YouTube at erstaracademy. I love you to the stars and back. See you for the next episode of the Star Seed Mission podcast.

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