The Starseed Mission Podcast

19. Sovereign Money & Dragon Creation Knowledge

EarthStar Academy

Discover the profound shifts on the horizon as the Dragon Layline System activates, promising to recalibrate our societal and monetary constructs. Together we'll explore the powerful role of Star Seeds in ushering a new age of healing, education, and galactic communion. Prepare to delve into the depths of your solar plexus chakra, fostering a connection that not only empowers your individual journey but also liberates us from the grip of the false matrix. Our discourse will reveal the symbiosis between personal empowerment and collective evolution, merging the physical with the ethereal to chart a course towards a purpose-filled existence.

As we traverse the realms of plasma consciousness, we encounter a state of being that transcends conventional unity, blending our individual destinies with the cosmic totality. Shared through my own near-death experience, I'll reveal how life's challenges are gateways to uncovering our deepest purpose. The episode traverses the transformative experiences of individuals shifting from traditional roles to spiritually attuned vocations, highlighting the intricate dance of financial uncertainty with the soul's insatiable quest for growth. We'll also touch on Earth's energetic expansion, taking cues from nature to understand our unique roles in this vast ecosystem.

This episode is a clarion call to reimagine our societal structures, advocating for sovereignty from an internal locus of power. We’ll dissect the need for new educational paradigms, link our personal missions with Earth's needs, and look at ways to build a life that echoes our soul's deepest yearnings. Join us as we discuss the potential for profitable healing businesses that serve a higher purpose and how aligning our efforts with the planet's needs can create overabundance. This is an invitation to be part of a collective envisioning, to stand at the forefront of a new world where your unique gifts are not only recognized but celebrated and harnessed for the greater good.

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Speaker 1:

Hey Starling, welcome to the Star Seed Mission Podcast, a jam-packed series that helps you understand your Earth mission, awaken your multi-dimensionality and embody your highest self in a grounded and empowered way. My name is Z Earthstar Healer, the founder of the Earthstar Academy. We support God's Angels on Earth, the Star Seeds, indigos, Dreamweavers and Lightworkers. We meet in the heart of the Christos organic ascension path and together we are on a mission to return divine love to the heart of all of humanity and ring in Heaven on Earth. In my podcast, I'll teach you how to access your higher consciousness, heal yourself on all levels, connect with your Angelic Galactic support team and lead a miracle-filled life of divine purpose. Welcome here, get cozy and let's get started with today's episode. Hello everybody, welcome back to Star Seed Mission Support. Alright, I hope you guys can hear me. I'm going to wait till I get the feedback from you, that you can hear me still, and we're going to head into our conversation today. Do as I do. I do waiting for a second. Okay, hello everybody. I know that there are some new people tuning in to this transmission today, so welcome to Star Seed Mission Support.

Speaker 1:

Today is April 1st. We are going to be talking about the Dragon Layline System, which is a new and ancient Layline System that is coming online. It has been coming online. They were newly discovered in the 2000s and, you know, both scientifically and through the many good workers and psychics that have been working with the Earth energies, it's kind of coming up that this new Layline System will be coming online completely by the end of 2024. This has been in conjunction with a lot of feedback that I've been getting from both the good work that I have been doing with my teams and also in the ESA platform and also just other Guardian missionaries that are out there who are building the new architecture interdimensionally as well as on the Earth. 2024 is just this really big year and it happens to be the Dragon Year, and so we're going to talk about what this has to do with the monetary system, with the financial system.

Speaker 1:

This is going to be especially relevant to Star Seeds, specifically second and third waivers, because you guys are going to be the ones that are building out the new Earth, most of my messages and my support systems. You know I was born in 1994. And so I would consider myself a late second waiver, early third waiver, and so obviously all of the intel that I get are from my personal experiences, and I still have like 80 to 200 years left in my mission here. So, very forwardly right, we're talking about how we're going to literally build a new planetary civilization. So these messages are going to be highly relevant to those of you that have these contracts to build these healing centers, build these landing pads for the Galactites to come through with their new systems, who have visions and dreams of building new education systems, who want to build retreat centers that will also be places of contact. This will also be relevant for, of course, the first waivers and all people that resonate with this planetary awakening that we're having right now, because obviously, this transformation of the energy flow on the Earth is going to impact everyone, and so I guess the angle with which I'm approaching all of this is very forward momentum kind of angle, just, and that's just because that's like what I get right, that these guidance in this information is coming to me and is really guidance that I have received myself and how I'm living. I have chosen to live in alignment and reflection of these messages, and so I'm being guided to share those messages with you.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, the first energy that came through today that wanted to support us is this transformation of our solar plexus. So we've been having digestive issues, stomach aches, bloating, gas, indigestion and I think a major reason for this is because there is this solar templating that is coming in and, essentially, when you look around on the planet, we have this collapsed light body structure Right. So not is the solar. Not only is the solar plexus collapse, but our sexual organs and our third eye and our heart chakra, all of these different chakras basically have to be collapsed in order for the false matrix to exist, In order for people to not know their power, to basically give away their power to this control system and exist in this artificial reality on earth.

Speaker 1:

Basically, their chakras have to be collapsed because when a baby is born, right when they're I watch this in care all the time when somebody is newly born, they're still resonating with the original source consciousness and original source consciousness. It knows its connection to source, it knows its inherent worthiness, it knows that it is connected to universal love and it has a purpose, it has a destiny and it has everything it needs. It's supported by all of creation to live out that destiny. Okay, that is our original state of being, and so if every human being lived with the gnosis of that, then obviously we wouldn't be fooled by these, you know, governmental systems that are, you know, hijacking and parasiting off of our energy and all these things. And so, in order for humans to be tricked into this false matrix, then their chakra system has to be collapsed. What does that mean? It just means that, instead of cosmic energy being able to flow through our body, giving us the sensation of aliveness and empowerment and capability and support, energy is not able to flow through our body, and so we're feeling alone and powerless and abandoned and disconnected from source, disconnected from our mother earth, disconnected from our earth parents, right. And so because of that, you know, we then inherit these wounds, which are our core wounds like abandonment and separation and loss, grief, right. And so that collapse of our light body is the source of what we experience as lack and as victimization and as abuse from the false matrix system. And so today, specifically, we're going to talk about the solar plexus chakra.

Speaker 1:

Plexus chakra, because in the false matrix, basically, it has collapsed, our solar plexus, so that we would embody this inverted solar plexus in our own body, this inverted sun which is the black sun or the black hole system, or the phantom system, whatever you want to call it is essentially this system of consumption. Right? We feel like in order to survive, we have to constantly be consuming things, and, of course, our culture, our modern Western culture, is heavily based on consumption. And this is like this never ending hunger of material things. And we see these new trends on the internet of people, you know, overeating, and it's this highly luxurious and consumptive model that is basically a fractal karmic trap. Okay, because when the system tricks humans into consuming in this way, then they are also being consumed.

Speaker 1:

Humans are being consumed, and the way that humans are being consumed is that, you know, we have our life force, but instead of people living in a way where they are feeling fulfilled and supported and in love with their life, every single day they are feeling fear and lack and confusion and a lack of inherent value, or they feel worthless inside of themselves, and so they have to consume, and while they're acting out this energy of consumption, they are also being consumed by this phantom reality. So this is essentially an inversion, where the flow of energy in our solar plexus has been inverted, and so, instead of this energy flowing from inside of us out into this world. Right, we're all born from the search, so every single one of us are actually a fountain of eternal life. We're actually a fountain of infinite creation, and this is really part, a major part of the teachings of the dragons is that we are human beings and human beings are destined and always meant to be creator beings, divine creator beings. We are an open channel for divine creation and we have all these capabilities in our body to live out that destiny. So we have this amazing brain right that can think and imagine, and we have this amazing nervous system that is able to tune into and pull in cosmic creation energy. We have our fascia system, which is really like a watery system that is connected to the plasma consciousness of the whole universe, and we have these hands that we're able to use to type, to write, to create, to carve, to make art. So literally everything about our physical body, from the multi dimensional into the physical, into the cellular, has been designed to take in cosmic creation energy and to transform it into creation.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and so, because of this superpower that we have, many beings, entities, fallen beings, angelics they have lost their ability to create, probably because they, you know, misused their powers. We don't have to go into that any right now, but anyway, these beings, they have lost their ability to create, so they're needing a way to sustain themselves and they are looking at humans, are like, wow, human beings are such a great source of energy. How can we basically begin to farm a human energy? And here we have our false matrix system, where we are basically in prison into this 3D prison system. I call it a 3D false matrix soul prison system and you know we have been living this out. And then we have the angelics and the star seeds who are coming to the earth now to basically crack those systems apart so that we can actually realign earth to its proper trajectory of its destiny, which is to become this heavenly reality where creator, source, creation can continue to experience the edges of itself. So every single being listening to this transmission, right now you are actually on the edge of evolution for God itself. God is literally living out the edges of its experience. Through your experience, through what you're experiencing right now, and over the next few years we are going to go through this process of reclamation and this rehabilitation of our solar plexus chakra.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, before we continue, actually meant to mention this in the beginning we are having a one month free promotion inside of the earth star Academy. So for those of you that have been wanting to join for a while, this is your opportunity. The coupon code is power up in all capital letters. So basically, this is going to be good. This code is going to be good until April 8. And when you sign up for your account, you're going to be good for a whole month for free and then it's canceled anytime. So if you are only wanting to stay for the full month, we have a bunch of workshops going on this month. We just did an amazing healing last Thursday on the rehabilitation of our sacral chakra and, of course, our whole curriculum is built in this process.

Speaker 1:

The dragons call creator rehabilitation, because that's really what we're doing Ascension healing. At the end of the day, what's happening on earth is that human beings are creator beings. We are divine creator beings destined to learn to wield the power of creation, and this has been taught to us by the dragons since the dawn of time. This has been our human destiny since long before the Anunnaki came and, you know, started genetically tempering with us and making us into a slave race. So long before that happened.

Speaker 1:

The og destiny of bipedal creator beings like humans has been the embodiment of creation, and so so many of us feel disempowered, feel disconnected from our purpose, even though we have these amazing, amazing dreams. Maybe we think, oh, I would love to create this healing modality or a healing retreat for children, or building a new retreat center, or building a new school. I mean, I would really like to build a private school for my baby before she turns into school age and I think that so many of us have these very grounded missions. But sometimes we feel disempowered, right, we think, well, I can't even pay my rent this month. Who am I to believe that I can build a hospital? Right, because it's going to take 50 or 500 million dollars to possibly build a hospital.

Speaker 1:

And so that is a state of disempowerment that is really coming from our light body. Right, because if our light body and our physical body were perfectly healthy, our natural state is knowing that we have the ability to pull in cosmic energy and transform that energy into any other kind of matter. This is the alchemy that human bodies, that creator beings, have the capability of doing is basically transforming any energy into any other kind of energy, right, and money, of course, is included in that, and in the future, when we don't have money, we're still going to be transforming energy from one form to another. So I feel like these bodies. You know, we transform energy into blood cells, we transform ether energy into sculptures, into these homes that we live in, into technology, into all sorts of things. We have been transforming energy into other forms of matter since the dawn of time, and so the understanding and the knowing that we have the capability to create this is embedded in our DNA, in our body, in our light body. So when we feel this disempowerment, we know that this is because we have a collapsed light body. So this is why we are working with this concept of creator rehabilitation, right, and in the ESA curriculum, we basically go through all of your energy systems, starting with the human self, which is the one that has gone through most of this abuse, and we go through system by system, rehabilitating our capability of creation, and so this is what we're doing now, and this is what is occurring on a planetary level as well, as these dragon lay line systems are coming online.

Speaker 1:

So one consciousness that is really important for us to understand is plasma. Okay, plasma consciousness has been literally harassing is not the right word, but it's literally just been like pummeling its way into my consciousness. And the last sound chamber I released on this YouTube channel, the Aurora liquid light cleanse it was basically composed by the water plasma consciousness itself. So, those of you who don't know, plasma is this invisible matter that makes up 99% of the universe. Okay, it is every, everywhere and if you can see energy, it actually webs through the whole universe and connects every single thing, and what it really looks like is a fascia system that is inside of our body. When you look at the fascia system, it's like these liquid gel webs that are literally between all of our muscles, all of our flesh, all of our organs, even into our cells. Okay, and I just read earlier today that our fascia has like 100 times more or 1000 times more nerve endings than our brain does. So it's really this cosmic nervous system, water system that is in our body connecting everything. So it's a microcosmic fractal of this universal web of consciousness that is the plasma.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and the reason why plasma consciousness is really important is because we're tuning into this specific universal, natural frequency of unity consciousness. When we perceive unity consciousness with our mind right, we have these concepts and ideas of what that would mean Like oh so, if there's unity consciousness, it means that, you know, we just have nasara and jisara and we just give everybody, you know, a little bit of money and everybody can live out their lives. And that is what unity consciousness is. Or unity consciousness like we just share everything and everything is just, you know, belongs to everyone and there's no such thing as ownership or anything. And this is another way that we can conceptually understand what unity consciousness is. But when you tune into the plasma, which is really God consciousness right, it's the scientific, material embodiment of what God really is, because it's the totality of everything. It's the consciousness that is giving life, giving consciousness to every living thing in the whole universe. This is massive unified force of consciousness, right.

Speaker 1:

And when we tune into that kind of unity consciousness, this is where we realize that unity actually gives rise to individual and unique experiences. This is what the universe has been doing in. This universe is becoming an infinite number and amount of different experiences and still being or emanating or of the same structure, of the same body. And so it has materialized the earth, which is a very impressive ecosystem. Okay, we see the earth and we see millions of different life forms and every single life form has specific purposes and jobs, that is constantly giving and receiving from the environment and it's almost like this beautiful symphony of this ecological genius and that's why I feel the earth is so special.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and so when we tune into plasma consciousness, we realize that we're really one living being, and one thing that I have been loving saying lately is the plasma in me recognizes the plasma in you, because when we tap into the plasma energy, we basically shift out of this identity that we have, this identity of Z right, and I feel like this is the organic way towards Both fully acknowledging and fully appreciating our unique individuality and not over identifying with our sense of self. And I think that's like this beautiful alchemy that we're coming into, because previously, you know, in the false spiritual realms, we have this thing where, like, kill the ego right, kill the ego and become everything. But this is a false understanding of everything, because when you look around, everything has materialized itself into all sorts of things, and your body is one of those things, and so to totally de-identify with your human self. This has led people, you know, very lost, very confused, not sure what they're supposed to be doing with their lives. And many people you know become very lost for decades at a time, because their ego is the one that is living out this unique destiny that Creator has created for them. And, on the other hand, when we identify too much with our human self, we can get into this me, me, me culture. Right, it's about my growth, it's about my destiny and what I want to create. It's about what I want to build for humanity, and we lose track of our unique role and unique place in society.

Speaker 1:

And what plasma consciousness is teaching us is that we can become aware of both and when we actually recognize that there is both this cosmic and planetary totality, planetary oneness, this plasma that's literally giving rise to form, giving life to all of these unique experiences. And there is this me, that is this individual, unique expression we can align to this specific coordinate in time, space where we're meant to be. And that is basically our destiny, right? Our destiny is essentially finding our place in the totality of all things and finding that reason why we are born. And I believe that every single human being has a unique role and a unique purpose that they are here to live out a unique medicine, a unique gift that they are here to bring into the world Now that gift. It takes time for us to discover what that is and part of that part, part of that experience of discovery is really our process of initiation. It's our process of going through the mystery school of life and staying open and aware to what is life trying to teach us all the time right.

Speaker 1:

And part of this is becoming aware of the things that are traumatic to us, things that are really scary to us about this world, things that really make us angry about this world. For example, for myself, when I discovered that my purpose was to create a whole new healthcare system on this planet. I discovered that through my near death experience in when I was in high school, when I almost died from my eating disorder and I just watched the hospital. People have no idea what to do and completely fail me and I had to make the decision that I wasn't going to die and that I was going to live and devote the rest of my life to discovering what they did not know. And then, because I realized that I wasn't born with the knowing that that's what I was going to do. But through that experience I was like, wow, that's something that clearly has happened so that life can show me and teach me and align me to something. And through so many of those unique experiences I've triangulated what my life purpose is. And now it is kind of up to this continued exploration and continued devotion to that mastery for me to then create something that is actually a value for this world. And so this is asking us what is our purpose? And so I think that the next couple of years, for a lot of lightworkers because I'm seeing this across the board, right Recalibrations people that have been okay.

Speaker 1:

There's three kind of categories of people that normally I communicate with or are attracted to my work. There are people that are creating their new business. These are people that have left their false matrix jobs, that have gone through a spiritual awakening and that are now wanting to bring their gifts into the world. So they are creating a new business or launching their new earth mission and they're not sure what to do. Or they're launching their mission and they're not getting a lot of traction and they're not making a lot of money. And then there are the people who are still in their matrix jobs. This is the second category of people, people that are still working their matrix jobs and they're not feeling totally fulfilled, but they kind of feel like that's where they need to be right now, whether that be for financial reasons or to support themselves, why they figure out what their timeline really is. And then the third category of people are people that have left their matrix jobs or who do not have a job and are financially troubled but are not sure what to do, but don't know and don't want to get back into getting a job. And so I think that all three of those categories are really similar in that we are recalibrating our whole life to figure out what we're supposed to be doing that can both support us and that we can be of service to the world.

Speaker 1:

And it's easy for all three of these categories to jump into victimization and blame the monetary system for their path not working. It's like, oh well, maybe if the government was more supportive, or maybe if I didn't have to, maybe if I wasn't broke, maybe if I could just be financially supported, then I would be able to do my job or whatever else like this and part of this is, of course, absolutely true, because all of our jobs would be so much easier if we could just have $14 trillion and all the lightworkers. We can just do what we came here to do, and so we have to ask the question well then, why is the system the way it is? If God is all powerful, why can't God just change our bank account and why can't we just possess AI and make AI give each of us a billion dollars? And I feel like this is something that I've been asking a lot, because I have gone through several experiences in my earth incarnation where people have seen my work and they're like I want to donate a million dollars, I want to donate $10 million, and then in the end, it always falls apart or some crazy psychic attack happens or some chaotic upheaval. And I'll tell you where I'm at right now.

Speaker 1:

I have so much fun transforming creation energy into other forms of energy, and the form that I like to use is transforming pain into wisdom, transforming trauma into wisdom, into power, into love, into purpose, and it's to the point where I have gone through some tremendously difficult things in my life, including homelessness, burying my nine-day-old baby daughter. I almost died from this eating disorder and I feel like every time any of those things have been overcome. My soul gains immeasurable I don't even know what to call it like essence, power, wisdom, love, energy, excitement, and so I think maybe this is just the specific kind of extreme sport that angels like to play. Right, we're like all right, we're in the universe. Can we exert compassion and transform pain into growth? And I mean, obviously, that's just like a coping mechanism that we all have to just learn to adopt, because we are here in Earth's school. We are here to learn what we are getting out of this experience, just as much as we are here to support the humans and this planet. We are here to understand what we are here for. Right, the star season, the angelics. We are here on Earth, in Earth's school as well. It's not just about saving humanity or changing the world. First and foremost, our souls are literally in a process of ascending mastery. We are embodying new levels of mastery, and that mastery involves us understanding the alchemy of energy.

Speaker 1:

And so, as we are seeing this reestablishment of original architecture, which is this new dragon lay line system okay, and this new lay line system, there is a amazing lay line researcher. His name is Rory Duff. He has been measuring lay lines for I don't know, 40, 50 years or something, and he's discovered that usually lay lines, the big ones, even the major planetary lay lines, they are 12 feet across. Those are the big ones that he's seen right. And then, starting in the 2000s, when these new dragon lines started coming online, he started finding lay lines that were 36 foot across and of course, there's further layers and more expanded layers and levels of lay lines as well, but the central, like the biggest magnetic force width of these dragon lines there are 36 feet across. So this is a very wide energy right. It's running all around the planet and he's finding that these lay lines, they are calling people to live on them, to work on them, to activate them, to do ceremony on them, and he's also finding that cosmic energy and the sun actually will impact these lay lines, make them shift in different ways, make them grow, make them change in their energetic nature.

Speaker 1:

So what are these dragon lines? I was first starting to be called to work on them, I think in 2019, 2020, I started, I mean 2018, I started driving basically from one end of the United States to another, from Mount Shasta to between South and North Carolina, basically in a more or less straight line. It runs across the United States. This is just one of the dragon lines, and since then it's about bringing in these original templates of consciousness into the Earth grid. This is okay. So I see architecture as the qualities and the physics of a reality, and I am doing an entire workshop on templates and architecture next Friday or the Friday after that. So if you join ESA with your month free code, you can tune into that workshop.

Speaker 1:

But essentially, an architecture is just the correct order and the correct architecture or structure for things to grow. So everything has a right order, right? You see a tree. It has a trunk and then it has the branches and then it has the leaves. If the leaves are growing out of the trunk, then it's not growing in the correct architecture. If your arm is growing out of your head, it's not growing in its correct architecture. So if the bankers are printing money or if the government is just sending or taxing humans outrageously and then sending the money to another country and laundering this money, that is not the correct architecture of energy flow.

Speaker 1:

And so we're asking these questions well, what is organic energy flow? And in order for us to answer that question, we'll have to look into nature, and that is why we're going to talk about the natural laws, and that's not to be confused with the human natural laws. It's not what I'm talking about at all. I'm talking about the law of creation here on Earth. When we look into nature and see how nature functions, how there is this format of overabundance when you look into the forest, for example, there is an overabundance of carbon dioxide, there is an overabundance of oxygen, there is an overabundance of moss and mushrooms for the insects and there's an overabundance of all animals, and that is leading to this biological harmony that is keeping everything in a synergistic harmony. That is an ecological intelligence. And so when we tune into that, we realize that there is a lot of economy, and what the law of economy states is that every single particle of this creation has a purpose, every single thing, and that's what makes it genius.

Speaker 1:

That's how you tap into your genius is by finding what your unique role and place and location in the ecosystem of life is. And so, for example, we have the trees, and trees play so many different roles. They are sitting there, they are taking in sunlight, but they're not just eating all day, they're not just taking the nutrients from the Earth and taking the nutrients from the sky, and taking nutrients from the air and not giving anything in return. They're actually constantly performing so many different actions and alchemies to support the life of all things around them. And so the tree isn't asking well, what do I want to do today? It's saying what is my role, what was I destined to do? What did God create me to do? And then it is doing its best to fulfill those duties. And I believe that every single human being has a sacred duty. And I think that we have to kind of zoom out again.

Speaker 1:

I love looking at culture because I feel that culture is really the soul of a collective consciousness and I feel like the United States I mean Canada is very close to the United States, so I'll say like North America. North America is in a very interesting status on a planetary consciousness kind of level, and the reason for that is because our current cycles of consciousness growth it's really pivotal and centered around the evolution of the cultural ethos of North America and we think about after World War II we had such a booming ethos of self-leadership. We believe that everyone can live in a way that can support their families so long that they are really living. They're working hard, they are looking for ways that they can improve the lives of others and they are living in a way where they're exerting that motivation and, over time, you know, they're being rewarded for those actions and Every single person in the whole society. They had this belief in themselves that they can go and Live out their highest mastery, live out what they are meant to More their destiny to in their body, right with, held within our body and every single one of us is this potential for mastery, for greatness, for perfection is not the right word, but I want to say crystallization.

Speaker 1:

Crystallization is Recognizing that there is a direction in time, that you are flowing Right, and in 10 years time, you can either, you know, be generally Improving your vector of life, or staying the same, or Downgrading in your vector of life, and it all depends on your internal metrics, your internal belief systems and your internal energy and how you relate to yourself and thus how you spend your time. And I remember you know this was something that came in so hard for me right this Bruce Lee quote if you love life, then don't waste time, because time is what life is made of, and and this ethos, I believe will be the basis of this new earth for a period of time. In order for us to truly create new earth, there's gonna have to be a lot of people that are willing to work hard, right? Um, and what we're seeing, and I think that this is why we have the chemical warfare, right, testosterone is a hormone that Initiates this sensation and also are what's the other one we can't remember. It's a mental, a brain, a brain chemical that makes us feel motivated, that Kind of rewards us for Succeeding in the small things. Right, it's a part of our into green endocrine system, and we study the endocrine system and its multi-dimensional energetic purpose, because actually all of our endocrine glands and all of the secretions and our hormones actually give rise to multi-dimensional experiences, so they actually all have spiritual and energetic Purpose and leads to different experiences that we can have. Okay, and so we have this chemical warfare, right, we're over the last 50 years, sperm count has decreased by 50%. Now, you guys have to realize that that's a lot, that's a major decline, right, and I think that that also coincides with this ethos that we're experiencing, where people are like okay, I just want the government to give me a paycheck so I can just live out the rest of my life in peace, and that's exactly the timeline that they want, right, that leads us into the one world government, and I believe that this whole Nisara just a just are a thing that you see in the new age, it's totally a new age branch of that, of that new world order plan, because it's saying alright, we're just going to give everybody a certain amount of money and we're going to keep pumping them full of these chemicals and so they will just be good little door Dossile slaves and we'll continue to eat their life force energy. Okay, I'm going to tie all of this together. Okay, because this is important.

Speaker 1:

Sovereignty is basically your ability to direct your life force energy. Okay, your sovereignty. You might think, oh, if only the government gave me $2,000 and I'll be able to do whatever I want. But the truth is, your ability to do that right now is not depending on anything but an internal energy, an internal decision. Even if you have no money, even if you have no house Right, the architecture of your life is a very important thing, even if you have no house right the architecture of your internal consciousness, the sensation that you have that you can, the sensation inside of yourself that you are powerful, that you can Create and become and facilitate anything and everything that you and creator has set out for you. That is the vibration of sovereignty inside of yourself, and we can feel that energy. Begin to rehabilitate our solar plexus here.

Speaker 1:

Okay, because what is locking us up is this feeling that, okay, well, I can't do my mission until I Can't do my mission until I get that job. I can't do my mission until I quit my job. I can't do my mission until my kids are out of the home and I have time, right, I can't do my mission until my business is making a certain amount of money. And the reality is, is that your mission right now is the rehabilitation of the architecture of your life body, and that just has to do with you asking yourself this question Do you feel like you are connected and embodied in your plasma consciousness, unity, creator consciousness all the time? The interesting thing is that this is a shortcut into the rest of your external architecture changing. Okay, and I will get to some questions here, because this is just things that I need you guys to understand energetically. Okay, because the monetary system is temporary and it's the current currency of energy exchange, that currency of energy exchange will definitely Change and become something else at some point.

Speaker 1:

Okay, but the whole thing about money is something that keeps people from exerting their sovereignty over themselves, their dominion over their own lives. Right here, right now, they're saying I don't want to participate in this reality, so I'm gonna just step outside of it and wait until it's different. Well, you know, god placed us on this earth to touch humanity, to touch the earth, to create new systems. Now, and Without us being in this world, we're not gonna be able to alchemize and transform it. And so I see a lot of people who are very Resistant to working with money. Yes, because it is fallen in a lot of different ways, but that denial is actually a giving up of their sovereignty, which is kind of tricky, because they think that they're exerting their sovereignty by leaving the monetary system, but they're actually giving up their ability to exert their sovereignty in from a different angle. I hope you can understand and perceive what I'm saying here, and I mean I'm translating this because that I went through this whole experience myself.

Speaker 1:

I lived outside of the system for like five years. I was homeless, I didn't make any money, I didn't have any money. I lived purely on the kindness of others. All that time, I was still paying for my car and the gas in my car because I was living out my car for a while. I still needed to buy food sometimes, right, and I still. You know, there was a lot of things that I wanted, that I knew would support my life. Like, I wanted to work with certain healers and I couldn't. I wanted to take certain classes to improve my skills and I couldn't because I didn't have money. But I thought that I was exerting my sovereignty by not participating in that monetary system. And then I didn't have a bank account, right, I didn't have all these things. And in the end, I realized that I actually was Giving up my sovereignty, because in this moment in my life, what I really needed was to cultivate those skills, was to heal myself, and I was not allowing myself to have those, to have access to those things Without money, okay, and so, in a huge way, even though I thought I was exerting my sovereignty, I was actually Taking away my sovereignty in some ways as well. And so I want to say that our sovereignty, it lives inside of us, right?

Speaker 1:

A lot of people think, oh, you have this birth certificate and ties you to the Vatican and all these things, and I think that that's true when people are unconscious. But as soon as you wake up, you can just denounce any and all agreements to those things and reconnect to your sense of sovereignty inside of yourself, and that sovereignty can only be reclaimed internally. It's nothing that you can do outside in this world, right? Not having a bank account, not having a job, not having money, not having you know any of those things, not having a birth certificate maybe you burnt your birth certificate, maybe you don't have, you know, a passport, even if you checked all those boxes if you are not sovereign in your own energy, you are still not sovereign. So, even if you have all those things outside of yourself, if you're holding this gnosis in yourself of who you are An emanation of creator you have the ability to do and have and create everything that is in right order and alignment for you, in accordance to your highest creation. That is true sovereignty, right, it's the experience of sovereignty. If you feel still victimized by this system, if you have psychic attacks, if you feel like your wounds and your current situation Is the reason why you can't change your circumstance, and I have compassion for all of that. This world has not made it easy For people to succeed. In fact, it was basically created so that humans can be squashed. Okay, I understand that, and you have the power inside of yourself to alchemize any and all of that into true sovereignty by liberating yourself from victimization.

Speaker 1:

We're going to take a little break now and listen to a special message from the Earth Star Academy Don't go anywhere, we'll be right back. Hey, angels, it's me again, ze-earth Star. I just wanted to let you know about our incredible mothership. It's a dream come true for star seeds A place where you can express your magical cosmic self and receive full spectrum training, healing and quantum support on your mission. Our colossal 500 module curriculum includes teachings like psychic training, negative ego healing, creation mastery, advanced training for healers, sacred contact with ETs, spirit guides of source vessel optimization, grid work, new Earth entrepreneurship, full spectrum healing and DNA activation and, of course, a detailed breakdown of our mission on Earth, and so much more.

Speaker 1:

You might ask how am I able to offer such a wide spectrum of knowledge? Well, I've been training with the Guardians for a decade to serve you exactly in this way. We tried to think of every possible thing you might need to succeed as a sovereign creator, consciousness lifter and timeline weaver. And to make all of this available to you in our $89 monthly membership, which also includes a community space where you can connect with other star seeds and light workers, weekly live Q&As, workshops, healings and planetary grid work ceremonies With me and the Earthstar team.

Speaker 1:

The mothership is a light technology and it is a pristine source love field held by the Guardians In our angelic galactic team. It was made to support you on Earth in every way, and it's such an honor to walk this incredible journey with you. If all of this makes you heart flutter with joy and excitement, you can go to Earthstaracademy to sign up. We all deserve a safe and loving place to rest our wings and I'm so honored to build that mothership with you. Once again, that's Earthstaracademy. Can't wait to welcome you home, darling, and we're back. Thank you so much for joining us on the Star Seed Mission Podcast. Let's now get back to the show. And so I'm saying all of this because there is this major energy in our collective solar plexus that is coming out to be purged right now, and that is our sense of capability.

Speaker 1:

We look around in the world and we see, obviously, the education system is failing our children, right, what are we doing about it? What can we do about it? Personally, I believe that we can create new education systems and then humans will have an opportunity to choose right. And I think, given that choice, humans will always choose what they resonate more with. It's just that a lot of people don't have that choice because public school is just what is given to them. But if they were given an alternative and I do feel like we are here to build those alternatives and we have to feel like we're capable of building those alternatives how come I?

Speaker 1:

I was born in a middle-lower class family. My father was, you know, the poorest class in China. The possibility that I am here talking to you inside of my home is very slim to none that I have been able to, you know, get to this point in my life. And the reason is because there is this belief that we are capable inside of me and I'm trying to instill that belief in you, no matter what your current circumstances. A small internal shift in your body, it's all that's needed. And we're just scanning for all the places inside of your body when I say well, we can build a new world.

Speaker 1:

And if there's any part of you that's like, well, we don't have money, oh, I can't possibly do that, pay attention to that and say, actually, that's not me, okay, because it's not your soul that feels that way, it's not the God creation plasma consciousness inside of you that feels that way, it's the collapsed architecture of your solar plexus that is feeling that way, that sensation of victimization, of powerlessness, right that we need something outside of us to rescue us. And, by the way, these programs are inserted so deep into our human psyche. I have tracked various of these genetic consciousness markers in certain childhood-scheduled jabs, actually. So it's totally not our fault. I mean, this control system really thrives on us believing that we don't have the power and we can't and we should be afraid of the system. But there's nothing anywhere that says we can't create our own education system for humanity and not give away that power to the government to do that for us. There's nothing that says that we can't create our own hospital and give that power to the state-funded private hospital system to do it for us. But that sensation that we can't has been hammered into us and that is what we're hammering out of us today and that is what we have to hammer out of ourselves completely, and I think the speed with which we do this is really important, because, if you haven't noticed, there's a literal full-out war for our kids out there.

Speaker 1:

I really didn't realize how strong the trans agenda is In the world. I thought there was just maybe like a couple of people that are dealing with this. But like I have a friend in Ottawa, her daughter is in public school and there are 17 girls in her seventh grade class and only two of them are straight. My neighbor just came over like my literal next door neighbor just came over the other day and told me that they moved here Because they had to pull her daughter out of their school in Nova Scotia because she was literally coming out as being trans and was about to go through gender transfer or whatever. And so it is something that is encroaching and we have to understand that there is something that we need to do about it. We are here to do this. We are here to do this. We can't keep waiting for other people to do something about it, because we're the ones that are here doing something about it. And so I want you to just ask yourself this question how much of my time, how much of my energy am I committing to my purpose? Do I know what my purpose is? Because this is the thing about.

Speaker 1:

The law of economy is that when we have something in nature right the tree that is providing the most value in the ecosystem, the animal that's providing the most value to the ecosystem those animals are going to be supported by nature. That's the law of economy. When something doesn't have a purpose in an architecture, in an ecology right, it's not actually supporting the thriving ecosystem, it dies out and that's just how it works, right. And this is why you know Nisara, chisara and these new earth finance systems. Like, by the way, I totally believe in a universal support system. I believe that people need to be supported, okay, I believe that having a home, having basic access to food these are human rights, and I also know that, along with that, we will have an education system that supports humans to come into our highest purpose and our highest destiny. So we don't have a country full of people that are living off of these paychecks, that are sitting on their asses watching TV all day and just getting quanta-parasited into the AI, because that's not what we're wanting. So we have to realize that the law of economy is really a natural process.

Speaker 1:

All animals, all trees, all bacteria, they're constantly giving something of value to nature, and this is where we have to just then go back to that collapse solar plexus, because many of us believe that we have nothing to offer. We believe that we're not valuable, we believe that we're not worthy of shining, of being acknowledged for our true gifts. We don't believe in ourselves, and that is a core virus that we have to clear out as well. I would say that that is the source of most of our stagnation and confusion is that we have lived for so long inside of this false reality that has tricked us into believing that we're just another person. We're just a human being. We don't have the ability or we don't have a special purpose, right, because the AI wants to siphon our life force. It wants us to just live and go to work and then live till the end of our meager human life and then die. It wants to just keep us in this amnesia, a lifeless loop, so that it can siphon our life force, energy. And so you have a purpose, and that purpose is calling out to you in this world.

Speaker 1:

All you have to do is just look around and see what pisses you off the most, okay, is it the healthcare system? Is it these kids that really need a proper role model of what embodied adults look like? Is it to bring your knowledge into the world and really anchoring it into this Earth planet? A lot of new age spiritual people. Your business is not working because you're marketing to the wrong people and you're in the wrong sector of work. Basically, right, because you have a divine alignment and when you are creating an alignment with source, you will get that natural feedback. This is the whole thing about the law of economy is that when you are in divine right order, in divine right architecture, you will get that natural feedback from the world.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so maybe you are looking on. You're like, oh well, those people are doing energy healing. Maybe I just want to be an energy healer. Well, most star seeds are not here to be an energy healer. That speaks only star seed lingo. Right, we are here to actually translate and embody into our human self enough so that we can communicate to humans about these things. Okay, so a lot of spiritual people. You know you taking these courses like you know, 10 K months. How do I get you know energy healing clients and you know those courses are only tying you back into the false matrix, right? Because you're using the false matrix architectures of marketing and things. Those things will not work for you. The only way that you guys can probably tell you know I don't send marketing emails. I don't really, you know, write marketing posts. Really. All I do is tell you guys about these downloads that are coming in and you can feel the authenticity with what I'm doing. So that is why so many of you are resonant with this work, and so most, I mean, I. This is the last project like the Earth. Star Academy is my gift to the New Age community.

Speaker 1:

I'm already working on five projects that are meant to be for humanity. I'm writing books and I know that I'm going to be, through my own hard work, I'm going to create the energy that I need to build my baby a school. So I'm going to be building a private school. I haven't decided where it's going to be, but I think it would be cool for it to be here in Canada. But I'm also feeling maybe part of it will be in Costa Rica and part of it will be here in Canada, and I'm also planning on building a new hospital, and so I've already been doing research on that. I'm looking into ways that we can build this on Native American land. I'm looking in ways we can start private foundations so that it's not governed by, you know, the government, because in Canada we have a really stupid you know healthcare law where healthcare is basically another arm of the government, because we have free healthcare here.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, in order for me to do all those things, I realized, I mean, years ago, I used to sit and just wait. I'm like maybe somebody will just believe in me enough to give me millions of dollars so that I can build these things. And then I was like, okay, wait, I'm a creator being and actually I'm meant to be alchemizing. So what am I alchemizing now? I'm alchemizing people's trauma and pain into money so that that money can be used to build a school and a hospital. Okay, and every single one of us has the ability to commit 10 years to doing anything like that. So ask yourself, what are you here to do? And if your new age business is not working, maybe it's because your soul energy is so precious and it's not meant to be purely exchanging with the new age. Maybe you're meant to transform your gifts and actually land on earth so you can be helping humans and increasing the consciousness of the earth. And Darren says try a fundraiser. So I'm just not there yet. I might try to do a fundraiser in the future, but I just don't like. I feel like my energy body. Specifically, I'm going through these initiations so that I can embody a high level of sovereignty and creator mechanics, so I can show you what that looks like.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and so the Earth Star Academy has been growing. You guys see, I've been recording, you know, hundreds and hundreds of modules. It is creating and transforming so many lives, and this is another law is the law of overabundance. When you look into nature, the earth is always giving so much more. All these plants are giving so much more than they're taking actually. So that is why the Earth Star Academy is only $89 a month, where other people are charging thousands and thousands of dollars for their eight week courses, which I take myself, by the way. I respect people valuing their own work.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I actually that's how I know that that's kind of the industry standard, and I just decided to do things a little bit differently because I believe in the laws of overabundance and the laws of economy. So I'm giving all of my gifts. I'm giving and I'm expecting this small energy exchange, and we don't offer scholarships. And I'll tell you why. It's because we're doing really high level energy work in the school, and so I need people to have a basic level of groundedness, I need people to have a basic level of self responsibility in order to receive these teachings that are in the intermediate and advanced level courses. This is the way that my ancestors have set up the temple is that I need every single person to go through the entirety of the foundation's level course to basically honor and show the field that they're ready to receive these deeper level teachings. Okay, so it is just in honor and reverence to the dragons and to my ancestors.

Speaker 1:

You can have free month right now. The code is power up all caps, okay, and you know this is something that we are building together, because you will see that this money is going directly into you know me my books, I'm researching, I'm reading, I'm studying all the time. I'm so in my mission. I have a one year old baby, so people are like how are you doing this? It's just, I'm committed, I know what I'm doing here. And once you find your purpose, you, it will consume you.

Speaker 1:

And then you're not thinking well, how can I make 10 K a month? How can I share my gifts? And this is the other thing, right? Well, we're looking at the law of economy. Stop focusing on what you want to do. I want to be a Reiki healer. I want to. You know, whatever. It's not about you, it's not about me. It's about what the world actually needs. So, val, you can still join for free today. It is.

Speaker 1:

The code is going to be good until April 8th, anyway. So it's not about you and me. It's about what the world needs, what the ecosystem needs, right? It's not about you needing validation from other people that you can channel light. It's about you understanding that you can channel light, that you, for post, fully acknowledge that and accept that about yourself. And then you ask okay, how does that light want to be transformed and translated in a way so that more people can receive my gifts? It's just that one little extra step, because if you're speaking light language and all this stuff, I think it's great and you can do that when you're in ceremony, but if human beings can't understand what you're saying how are they going to receive the support that you're here to bring them? Basically, okay, and so think about what your gifts are, what you're passionate about, think about how that can actually fit into the world.

Speaker 1:

Somebody says can I join on the 8th? I don't know. I don't know it's free, so you could just sign up whenever, I guess. I don't know if it's, I don't know if the code is going to be available on the 8th, or I don't know. I just click the 8th. It could be midnight on the 8th, it could be 1159 pm. So that's a maybe. Okay, yeah. So I think that the Starseed Collective is coming into a state of maturity Right, we're maturing to this next phase where we're stopping to say we're not talking about, like you know, oh, I have these gifts and I am magical and I am a dragon rainbow from the 8th dimension, and we're like, okay, yeah, I am a friggin badass dragon, but like, the reason why I'm not a dragon right now is because it'll just freak people out and I'm a human being right now.

Speaker 1:

So how can I be the most mature, grounded, capable, trustworthy human being that I can be so that I can actually support this world? And that's when our Earth self comes in. Our Earth self is so essential to our mission here on Earth. Right, once that galactic self, the light language, the crazy cosmic stellar light is integrated and you're like, okay, I'm here, I'm in my body, then that will integrate into a human personality and that will transform into responsibility. And this is where it gets a little tricky because a lot of people will want to bypass this because it's not easy, right, coming into maturity and mastery in your human self. It takes time, it takes effort, it takes consistency and you know, this is really what we're holding space for throughout. The whole foundation's level of the Earth Star Academy is.

Speaker 1:

We're talking about our habits. We're talking about our body, right, all of our organs and the spirits that our organs are holding, and our fascist system and our nervous system and trauma that is kept in our body so that our cosmic consciousness can feel comfortable and at home in our physical body. That's half the battle. That's half the battle, as we just feel uncomfortable in our body because our parents fed us a really questionable stuff, okay, and so let's see here.

Speaker 1:

I think that a lot of time, the new age, when people are hoping for a new money system, they're also just hoping to no longer be enslaved, which obviously makes sense and I think that's really important. But I think that people sometimes conflate being enslaved with having a purpose, having a job to do, and this is because of the chemical warfare and also this attack on our culture to embrace laziness, right, to embrace mediocrity, and I think that this is where we have to just realize that growing up in this culture maybe as a child we were fed kind of not the right data. We're told that becoming rich is only for the rich people, that you're going to have to get a job that you hate and live that for the rest of your life. You don't have the ability to do this, you can't do this, you can't do that, right. So all of those things have demoralized our sense of sovereignty and have collapsed our solar plexus chakra. But on the other side of that is that we still need to have the sense of agency inside of us to create the new world, to participate.

Speaker 1:

And sometimes job we think, oh, job is the false matrix, but really job is also participating in the ecosystem, depending on how you're thinking about it, depending on how hard you're willing to work. Some people will say well, you know I have two kids and working full time and again it's energetic. So when you start to restructure your energy internally, the external world starts to shift. And you know my husband says that luck is about diligence, meeting opportunity. And so a lot of people think luck is just when some you have this opportunity out of nowhere and, oh my god, you're so lucky, you have this new job.

Speaker 1:

But actually, if you don't have the right skills, if you don't have the right energy, if you don't have the right embodiment of sovereignty, even if God came along, gave you an amazing opportunity, are you going to be able to meet that opportunity? Did you do your homework? You know to be interested with that task, and so the false matrix really damaged our solar plexus and in the process of rehabilitating our solar plexus, we have to realize that there are things that are worth working hard for, there are things that are worth giving our energy to, and this is really the secret is thinking about how you can give, how you can be of service, and this is what is really about right. The original architecture is about what they call, in the law of one service to all, service to other, realizing that actually, when you're in your alignment with being of service, you are actually also in alignment with your own own higher self and in the law of economy, the law of reciprocity, when you're focused on giving to the world, it's inevitable that that energy will come back to you. Okay, and so I.

Speaker 1:

There's been a really long time, you know, before I really started my business, where I was doing healings, doing good work, doing Whatever the earth told me to, because I knew that I was going to get paid, just Not directly and not right then, and I didn't matter to me. I just knew that, as long as I'm in alignment with my correct timeline, with my right energy, that the universe was going to support me in whatever way I needed. But it was going to need from me that commitment, that energy that I was willing to do whatever it took. Willing to do whatever it took, and the more Stuck you feel, I guess, like if you're in a job that you don't like, change the mindset around that, like that job can be providing for your training, it can be providing for your valuable Skills that you're gaining, it's supporting your family right now. Right, and know that even when you're at your job, you can be holding an energy of sovereignty inside of your body and that is alchemically changing your external reality.

Speaker 1:

So I think we've touched on people creating their new businesses. If your business is not working right, think about if your primary motivation is self centered or other centered. And you have to be really honest with yourself in this one, right, because people can say, oh, you know, my business is to help other people heal, heal this, heal that. But a lot of these businesses that I see people really just want to do what's easiest for them. Right, people just want to do what other people are doing. What they see other people are doing, it's not, they're not really tapping into their genius. Right, tapping into your own genius requires for you to click into that sweet spot of seeing what the world is needing and being willing to give and saying, well, what do I have inside of me that can Be of service to the world? What do I have inside of me that can Solve the problem, transform pain in the world and there's a lot of pain in this world and so it's just going to take that extra step from us.

Speaker 1:

We're not all here to be tarot readers, right? I mean, a lot of us are here to transform our gifts so that we can really help people. And guess what? If you're looking for that next level of increase in your income, focusing on how you can be of service is the greatest shortcut, because the number of people that you can serve Giving tarot readings to is significantly smaller than the people you can serve to Support. If you can figure out a way to communicate and transform your gifts to serve humanity semi undercover but not really right you just be yourself, um, and then that is why you know we really try to support the earth self.

Speaker 1:

In the earth star academy last week we did this amazing sacral shock earth clearing which has to do with unity, consciousness on a human level, to feel truly in unison with humanity and to feel in oneness with humanity by recognizing and embodying into our own Humaneness completely. And then, yeah, those people I mean I think there are some people that don't have a job, that don't have a driver's license, don't have a bank account. Maybe they're doing what they're meant to, but a lot of people are Confused and lost and do not feel fulfilled by that lifestyle. So if you're living that lifestyle right now and you don't feel fulfilled, you feel confused and lost, Maybe it's time for you to ground back into human world, while holding your sovereignty, so that you can create a bridge to actually communicate to humans, to actually land these different systems on earth.

Speaker 1:

The thing with uncertainty Is that, okay, some people say, oh, there's going to be an asara jasara. Some people are going to say, oh, you know, aliens are going to come and they're going to start this new world. We don't know when that's going to happen. Okay, we don't know when the government's going to collapse. We don't know when the new banking system is going to come online. We don't know when these new cities will be built. So it could be one year, could be five years, it could be 30 years.

Speaker 1:

Imagine waiting for a whole 30 years and just letting your whole life go by because you're waiting for something to happen. That is why you know, for me, you know, there's this proverb that's like even if the world was to end tomorrow, I'll still plant my garden. And then there's another one that's like the best time to plant a fruit tree was 10 years ago, but the second best time is today, right? Um? So, especially those of you that I think there's people with amazing skills the lawyers, the teachers, right, the chemists, the scientists, you guys that are especially, have specialized skills that went through awakening and then abandoned your Training, and I think that process is really important Right, leaving the false matrix to find yourself, to find your true essence, and then embodying that, and then at some point You're going to go through an reintegration process, I believe, because you went through those trainings for a reason and those are your bridge.

Speaker 1:

You build that part of the bridge so that you can start to transform the earth from the inside, even if the aliens came, even if you know all the things we're still going to have to build a new world. And then that's still going to come back to your ability and your sense of ability inside Of yourself to be able to do it. And so that is what I have taken the path of doing it now. Doing it now. I'm going to do my best every single day in this now and in the end, you know, if the government was taken over by benevolent ets and they're like, all right, we're building new hospitals, who are they going to come and ask? I'm probably going to be the best person to support them on that journey, because I've been working my ass off this whole time supporting that process, and so this is where your training will meet the opportunity, and so, again, we Are participating in an ecosystem.

Speaker 1:

Even though there's confusion and enslavement and negative aliens and all that stuff, there is still the organic components of society that we can operate in through the accretion of our sovereignty, right as we transition from reality, from the outdated reality, into the new one, through the activation of the dragon lines, and so the next year and a half, as the dragon lines are coming online I feel like I say this every time this is just an amazing time, and I hope you guys just really take this to heart, because the reason why I keep saying these messages is because I know that we need to hear it. We have to take ourselves seriously and believe that we can believe that we can create big systems, big systems that can Support humanity in this great migration right, if we want a new education system, we will build it. If we want a new financial system, we will build it. If we want a new healthcare system, we, we can build it, you can build it, and so many people sell themselves short. I think I heard this phrase from Tony Robbins. He says most people Overestimate what they can do in one year, but underestimate what they can do in 10 years. And I think this is so true, right, when we have our new year's Resolutions, we have on our whole list and we go to the gym every day and do all the stuff. I'm gonna start my business and then, you know, we end up not doing a lot of those things, but then we don't have a 10-year plan, we sell ourselves short, and I think that we should just Dream as big and as far as we can, because when you have that dream, that is when you can start co-creating with the universe. You tell the universe I want to build a hospital system that will be Instated in all major cities across the world and it is done. That's it.

Speaker 1:

I saw this vision when, I think back in 2015. I was just walking down the street and all of a sudden, I had to close my eyes and I saw this colorful, vivid vision in my third eye Of these hospitals are so beautiful. There were like plants growing out of them and they're just like these crystals sound, light, technology, okay and I was like I got chills all over. I was like, wow, I'm gonna Participate in this. God has shown me this vision. We're gonna build this new hospital system that Will heal the whole planet, because these hospital systems are also holding an anchor into the planetary field, so they're just the healing anchors is healing, the society is healing, the family is healing, humans is healing, the earth is healing, the plants Is healing, the water is healing, everything.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and I said, yes, what do I got a job. I said, yes, what do I got to do to create that? And there's other of you that are more into the education system. Right, how can we have an education system that supports the basic human rights of human beings arriving into this place, human beings arriving into their bodies? Well, in order for you to be a good teacher, a good midwife, a good Early childhood educator, you're gonna have to understand how souls come into the human bodies, and this is, of course, all that is included in our foundations curriculum as well. We talk about the process of incarnation, about our souls arriving and embodying into our physical body. Okay, and so this is what we want to do. I want you to focus on not what you want, not what you want to create, on what you want, but think about what the world needs, think about what will make the world a better place and in the end, I promise you, that's actually what you want anyway. Like sometimes, our ego thinks, our human self thinks that we want something, but it's actually Not what will ultimately bring it the most joy, the most happiness, the most, the most fulfillment and growth. And so look around the world and ask yourself what pisses me off the most that's how I started is asking that question, and I want you to write to me in the comments in the chat what pisses you off the most about how this world is set up? Because the reason why you're pissed off about it is because you're passionate about it. Okay, and then, once you're passionate about it, you can transform that passion into what you want to see happen in the next 10 years. Right, what do you want to create in 10 years? And 10 years is a long time.

Speaker 1:

Personally, I've got a 20 year plan. I know that what I know what I want to create in 20 years. I even have a fifth year plan, but I think at that point you're just kind of Making it up because I haven't figured out like that time scale yet. But I've definitely thought about my 20 year plan and once you have your 20 year plan. Everything is so easy Because you're not rushing against yourself anymore, you're not trying to do things right away and trying to do it's like okay, what's my first step, what is my first step? Right, okay, and so something that, um. Something else that I've been thinking about is that I'm not really sure what I'm thinking about, that, um.

Speaker 1:

Something else that I want to share here is that, like, we're opening up our holographic Consciousness, right, this is a part of our creator mechanics. So we have Three creation centers, are three dantians, basically, and this is what we teach in the intermediate and the advanced level. It's how to utilize and rehabilitate our creator light body. So we're just going to talk about our third eye right now, which is our imagination, our imagination, our inspiration. This is the place where we receive and we create. We imagine what we want to create. Before we bring it into our physical body and into physicality, we first imagine it and our ability to imagine has been squashed. So we have, like, um, um, tv and video games and you know, all of these things that are literally Taking down our mind's ability to perceive multidimensionally. So when we start to look into our 10-year plan, you're going to need to create a profitable business first. And when we go into the intermediate level, we talk about the Rehabilitation of these words.

Speaker 1:

Right, because entrepreneurship a lot of people think that you know making money and businesses as part of the capitalism, and capitalism is bad. Well, ultimately, when we think about the laws of economy, it's about exchange, about you giving the world what it really needs and the world giving you what you need, so that you can keep giving the world what it needs, right? So if you are bringing value into the world, the world is going to want to support you. If you are giving nature healing, if you're supporting humanity, then people are going to want you to continue to exist, right? So, when you are in alignment with nature, you are supportive, and that is why that's why you never have to worry about, you know, wealth and these things if and if you can create a business model that gives more than you receive, but you then still receive abundantly. That is the Business model that I like.

Speaker 1:

So If your passion is something that is related to the earth or the animals and, of course, is not something you can directly make, make money from, then you need to think about a way that you can Create a sustainable, profitable business so that you can get your Feet off the ground right, like if you have. So, for example, obviously, the earth star academy and also the womb healing container. These are my profit Driven businesses in a way, and when I say profit I don't mean, like, put profit ahead of everything. Obviously, again, is that service that I'm providing, that it's at the forefront. But the money that we make, which is what we are calling the profit, that is the money that we're putting into what we need to do.

Speaker 1:

So, without profit, how are you going to build your non Profit organizations? How are you going to rescue those children? Right, we all need money to do what we need to do right now, unless you want to wait until money disappears. So if you want to be in the game right now, you need money, right? That's just like what, that's like the reality and that's what I realized when I realized if not having a bank account, not having any credit, was actually taking away my sovereignty, because if I wanted, like last year, we donated, like once in a while, I was like, oh, I can donate 5k into rescuing children right now and every couple months, you know, because we had the ability to do that. We were supporting the rescuing of children.

Speaker 1:

So I mean, you have to realize that money is one form of energy that is the current Currency right now. That's not to say it will be forever, but for the time being, we all need it to do what we need to do. So you're going to need one part of your business that is Profitable. We can't be afraid of profits, because we're not going to be running profits in the same way as those capitalist Agenda people, and you have to trust yourself, like you will never be profit driven Right. You're never going to put profit ahead of your mission. That's just the truth. So your Business model is just going to have to be giving more than you're receiving and still profitable architecture, okay. So, and that you'll find that it's actually Easy if you can find a big problem that you know how to solve.

Speaker 1:

So, for example and I think that's why healing is a huge industry like if you feel called to becoming a healer, I think this is a huge industry because the whole planet, every single human, needs healing. Okay, I feel like it's kind of set up in that way when if you want to be a healer, then I mean this is. I think this is why the Ursa Academy is set up the way it is, because it's meant for creators, is also meant for teaching and coaching healers, and it's also meant for activating our divine light. Body, souls, body architecture and those three things are very intertwined, because the heat, the natural healing industry is going to be a big industry, because people need healing, because the false matrix has severely traumatized everyone in the world, and so almost everybody in the world needs healing.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you want to be paid as a healer, then you need to know how to really heal people, right? So and this goes beyond just like sending energy and hoping for the best we're talking about understanding their biological system, their emotions, emotional system, their spiritual system, their light body system, how their soul comes into their physical bodies. All of those things are so necessary for you to know to be a good healer. And then, if you can understand how to transform all of those things Into you know, maybe you want to help middle-aged women who want to lose weight, right? That could be an angle with which you can apply these skills to help people heal and all of a sudden, you are helping those people who would otherwise never understand what you say. So for me, that's eating disorders right, because I almost died from one. It's very easy for me to Help people who have eating disorders.

Speaker 1:

Now, when I go in to do that work, I'm not going to be like, oh, I'm an andromedon from the eighth dimension or whatever. I'm gonna be like I'm a holistic healer and you know I can help heal these things, and and integrating all of these things is what you're going to need to be able to embody to help those people, and that Is a way that you're going to be able to drive Profit into your work, and then you're actually helping people for real. For real, you know, in the real world. Because again, we have to think about marketplace. Okay, the marketplace, if you want to make enough money to build a retreat center, the new age community is just not a big enough of a marketplace and those aren't really the people that you're here to help anyway. Right, learning to help humanity and make it a way that is profitable.

Speaker 1:

This is like the way that we kind of move forward in our mission, and so I hope that is making sense. This is a transition period. People are waking up and as more and more people wake up, more and more people are going to be open to these things, you know. I think that this is why studying is really important. Like our healers, training involves like studying our organ systems and how the how our hormones work, and, of course, hormones are very spiritual, as we were communicating before, but all of our human systems are very spiritual. So when you have a good understanding of these things and you can feel comfortable that you can basically heal anything anything cancer, asthma, eczema, whatever it is you can literally heal anything and everything.

Speaker 1:

So, mises, I don't want to build a retreat center. Maybe ESA is in for me. Hey, if you don't really resonate with this vibration, then ESA is not for you, and that's okay, because ESA is not for everyone, and I've come to appreciate that for a long time. So the biggest problems people need help with is related to money, health, time, relationships and peace of mind. That's great, lori right? These are the problems that people have, and when you learn to solve problems, you're basically making people's lives better and consequently bring them closer to themselves, and so you can secretly be aligning people to their soul without stating so during the transition, and making a true difference in people's lives. Okay, so I hope that this has been helpful for you guys.

Speaker 1:

I feel like this energy, it's only going to make itself more apparent over the next couple of years, because I feel like so many of us are at that point where we're asking ourselves, like, what is my mission, what is my purpose?

Speaker 1:

What am I here to do? How can I go on to the next level of my mission? And I think the biggest energy is like stop thinking small and start thinking as big as you can. Right, start thinking as big as you can, because you are here to make that impact. If you are hearing this message right now, you are an instrument of God. You are an instrument of God, and so ask God you know what is my highest prophecy, what is my highest mission, what is the highest creation that I'm capable of for the next 10, 20, 50 years of my life? And stop selling yourself short, stop feeling satisfied with the little results. Maybe you're helping 20 people right now. Can you help 2,000? Are you destined to maybe help 200,000 by creating a new system? Right?

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, I think that when you dream big, you start to activate those bigger layers of your light body. Right, because when you hold space for 20 people, your light body is a certain size. And then when you say I'm going to help 80 million people feel the shift in your energy body, because already the universe is shifting in its architecture to make that the reality with you. And of course, when you say things like that, the universe is going to plan lots of initiations and trainings to support you to become the person that you are here to be, to fulfill those destinies. So, on that note, it's so exciting.

Speaker 1:

I mean, imagine if every single one of us really stepped up to our highest potential and I believe every single one of us are capable of doing these massive things if we can completely come into sovereignty of our own energy, right, if every single one of us was always propelling ourselves in a positive way instead of leaking energy in any way, then we are continually channeling more and more energy and our aura will grow steadily, more and more we will be able to step into it. And light says the dreaming big is so big it frightens me, but maybe I ought to just let it go and step into it and accept it. It takes time, right, and it is a process of allowing your human self to grow organically so your star self can bring these dreams and then you can just be present with your Earth self, be present with the fears, with the anxiety, with the you know all of the things and steadily, your Earth self is going to start to feel more capable as the Earth self moves through more acceptance and receiving of responsibility, and so I think that this is like a solar plexus healing. By the way, I will be releasing this sacral chakra healing on this YouTube channel this week because it was so powerful and I think it will be supporting a lot of people, but I will be posting it for free on my YouTube channel next week. It was really beautiful. But I think that this is like the trunk of our tree right, our solar plexus, our sacral chakra, our root chakra. This is the trunk of our tree and for many of us that disempowerment, constantly thinking that we're small, these are like rots that we have inside of our trunk, and so when we realize that we have rots going on in our gut, rot going on in our metaphysical tree trunk, we can start to heal that trunk and start to feel stronger and more powerful. And God wants you to feel capable and grounded and strong, right. And so Lori says I learned that be ready to receive what you call in, absolutely Okay.

Speaker 1:

So I hope that you guys take full advantage of that free month that we're running for the Ursa Academy. The code is power up, all upper caps, all capital letters, power up and it's going to be available for another week, I believe. It starts the day you sign up and so you have a full month for the from the day you sign up and it's canceled anytime. So you can absolutely cancel. Just make sure you do that before the end of your month is up.

Speaker 1:

And, on that note, I love you guys so much and I will see you guys, I guess, next week when I post this healing. I hope you guys enjoy it. Bye for now. Thank you so much for listening. I really hope you enjoyed this episode of the Star Seed Mission podcast and found some hidden treasures along the way. If you'd like to learn more about our work, our amazing community of star seas and light workers, and the amazing healing containers and courses we host, please go to Urstaracademy. You can sign up for our free newsletter or you can always find us on Instagram or YouTube at urstaracademy. I love you to the stars and back. See you for the next episode of the Star Seed Mission podcast.

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