The Sweet Slumber Podcast: Baby-Centered Sleep

Episode 64- "Human Design: A Powerful Tool for Self-Discovery & Fulfillment" with Claire Campagna

Meredith Brough Season 3 Episode 64

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In this episode of the Sweet Slumber podcast, host Meredith Brough chats with her friend Claire Campagna, a self-discovery coach specializing in astrology and human design. Claire shares her transition from a lucrative engineering career to coaching, driven by a desire for self-understanding.

They discuss the different types of energy in human design, such as generators and manifesting generators, and their impact on personal fulfillment. The episode delves into energetic alignment, differences in decision-making, and the value of understanding one's unique strengths, gifts, and needs. Claire also offers insights into her work with entrepreneurs and the transformative power of human design and astrology.

If you're new to Human Design, this is the episode for you. Claire teaches all the ins and outs you need to know so you can get excited about this exciting tool!


  • Claire's self-discovery & personal journey
  • Different types of energy & their impact on individuals
  • Characteristics & qualities of energetic types
  • Energetic alignment & signature feelings
  • Using astrology and human design to support entrepreneurs
  • Different types of authority (ways to make decisions) in human design
  • Layers of energy and intuition
  • Impact of understanding oneself & soul-feeding experiences

Find Claire and her resources HERE.

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Learn more about working with Meredith or her Baby-Centered Sleep Consultant Certification or Mastermind HERE.

self-discovery, astrology, human design, energy, fulfillment, satisfaction, generators, manifesting generators, projectors, manifestors, reflectors, energetic alignment, entrepreneurs, decision-making, intuition, authority, profiles, birth chart, soul, positive thinking, empowerment. clarity, business growth,

The Baby-Centered Sleep Consultant Certification Program Launches on November 11th, 2024!

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Meredith (00:51)
Hello everyone. I am really looking forward to a conversation we're going to have today. I'm here with another one of my favorite women in the world, Claire Campagna. Hi Claire. Thanks for joining us.

Claire Campagna (01:05)
Hello, thank you for having me. I'm really excited.

Meredith (01:08)
Yeah, we're both excited. We're both like, we're finally doing this. It's been a while. So what I have to say about Claire is she is one of the best teachers. She is so warm, uplifting, and magnetic. I could talk to her all day. She is a self -discovery coach, specializing in astrology and human design. She guides and supports her clients to understand themselves on an energetic level so they can activate their potential and start living more fulfilling lives.

A quarter life crisis led to Claire's own self -discovery journey, which prompted her transition from packaging, engineering, and technical consulting to supporting people through the process of self mastery. She was passionate about inspiring people to reconnect with themselves so they can feel empowered to live authentically as a unique individual contributing to the collective. I love that. That's very well said.

about what you do. Especially that last part because one of my favorite things about Claire is she just makes you feel really good about yourself. You know, even not knowing me, she had that power from the beginning of, you know, our connection. So today's conversation is going to be very organic. I'm sure it's going to be great. Whenever Claire and I chat, we wish we recorded our conversation. So today, that's exactly what we're going to do. We're going to let this conversation flow. So Claire.

Why don't you tell our audience more about yourself and anything else you want to share?

Claire Campagna (02:36)
my gosh, first of all, thank you. I am beaming over here, truly. I feel so seen and appreciated. And yeah, I'm just, I'm so, so grateful to have connected with you that really hearing you reflect that back to me just makes me so happy because that's truly my goal. I want people, and I have done that since I was a little kid before I even knew anything about astrology and human design. Like I want people.

Meredith (02:38)
I'm going to go to bed.

Claire Campagna (03:04)
to just always feel okay with being themselves, their whole selves, accepting your wholeness, the good, the bad, the ugly, the weird, all parts. And so I do think it's pretty natural that I, over the course of my life, did end up doing what I'm doing now. But as you heard from that little description there, I definitely didn't start on that path. I was in a very,

logical, fact -focused, mathematical major in college with packaging science. And then I went on to be a packaging consultant and I was doing very technical sales for nearly a decade. And I think, you know, just to summarize the quarter life crisis part of it, I basically had this moment where I got to this point of...

really achieving everything I had set out for. Like by the time I was in my mid -20s, I was like, I've already hit the salary that I wanted to. I'm really good at what I do. You know, I was like, I was achieving at this job truly from a place of humility, but like, you know, I'm getting the high achievers trip to Hawaii. Yeah, right. I was, I was working. I was working real hard.

Meredith (04:08)
When you were toward for it, it's like you just felt well. Yeah.

Claire Campagna (04:15)
I was just executing every task they gave me is really the best way to put it. And I was continuing to get praised for that. And I had this moment of realization that I am getting praised for things that I don't even want to be good at or care about whatsoever. And I had that kind of quarter life crisis specifically because I realized I was like perfectly executing someone else's dream life, but it wasn't mine.

Meredith (04:30)
I'm going to go.

Claire Campagna (04:44)
And I felt a lot of guilt and I felt a lot of shame around that because there was nothing wrong with it. Actually, a lot of people would have traded lives with me. And I didn't talk about it for a long time and I let it fester until I got to the point where I was like, I have to figure out how to change things because I can't live like this forever. And that's what led me begrudgingly to astrology and human design. I did not want to be interested in either of those, but at that point I was quite desperate.

for anything that was going to help me understand who I actually was underneath this like identity, all the identities really that I had been playing. And of the many tools I looked at, those were the two that just spoke to me the most. I felt so seen kind of to your point. It's like without even, there's no reason these systems should know anything about me. Why do they see me deeper than I've ever felt seen before?

And really that's what led me to what I'm doing now is it basically turned into me reading charts for anybody that would allow me to tell them about themselves. And organically it evolved into me doing this for people to really go down that journey of self discovery and to your point, accept themselves, like feel okay with being who they are and stop trying to be what people want you to be or what you think will get accepted.

Meredith (06:07)
Yeah. Wow. I had no idea that you begrudgingly were drawn in or like moved into this work. That's so funny to hear when you're so passionate and so natural. When I think of you, I always think of like, this is part of your identity and it's always been there and maybe it has, but you had to discover it, right?

Claire Campagna (06:27)
For sure. That, I think, was one of the most surprising parts is I very quickly picked up the, I always call them the languages of astrology and human design. Like it truly is like deciphering a language to me. And I didn't realize that I did until I would try to talk to people about it. And I was like, why do they not, I've told them their sun, moon and rising 7 ,000 times. Why do they not remember them? And meanwhile, I can tell you every person whose chart that I read, like I still remember their information. But.

But I genuinely, to your point, I think that it was within me this whole time. And whether I wanted it to be or not, it was there.

Meredith (07:04)
my gosh, my mind is just flooding with thoughts right now. So I'm gonna have to try really hard to like capture what to talk about. But I'm just thinking about how I definitely was a skeptic. And I think it's good for us to talk here in the beginning about why you're on my show and why do I wanna share you with other people? Because this is pretty new to me. I don't know how long we've known each other. Has it been a couple of years now?

Claire Campagna (07:31)
I feel like about a little over a year.

Meredith (07:33)
Is that it? What? Okay. Well, the last few years have been a bore.

Claire Campagna (07:35)
I know. Because I met you, I joined the coaching program a year ago with Christine. So that's, yeah.

Meredith (07:41)
Really? my gosh. Seriously, it's been a blur because I think that last year truly felt like two years to me. And so I get really confused. All right. Well, I've known Claire forever. All right. Is that OK? And yeah, when I heard about this, I think we had like a little homework assignment in that mastermind. We were supposed to come prepared and. I wasn't.

You're asking people to share like in their chat. Well, it could have been busyness. It could have been me just being like, I have no idea what this is. But what happened is that as you were talking, I could pinpoint exactly where I fit on these charts. So I hadn't maybe I had looked up one thing or something, but I just knew myself from what you were talking about, just kind of backwards. Right. Most people are coming in. They're like, who am I? Tell me about myself. But for me, it was like,

I know exactly where I fit on this. Does that make sense? And I was I was shocked because I was like, what? How's this all like, is this magic? Like I'm I'm deeply religious and very Christian and I'm very faith oriented. I'm very much like it took me a while to believe in the universe and law of attraction. Not like it was hard, but I'm a firm believer in that. So I think I'm pretty open minded, maybe.

Claire Campagna (08:35)
for sure.

Meredith (08:59)
I think it all ties together. And so anyways, this subject is really fascinating to me and I'm still trying to kind of figure out the how, but tell us about your journey of like, how did you get on board? You know what I mean?

Claire Campagna (09:12)
For sure. I love that you bring it up too because I do think it's it's like the elephant in the room You know when we talk about these topics And as you just heard I come from the opposite end of the spectrum with my background And and my mom is very similar like my mom is extremely Catholic, but she also very much Feels that it's complimentary these types of you know, the universe law of attraction energetics in general they all

Meredith (09:24)
Yeah, I love you. my gosh.

Claire Campagna (09:41)
tie into one another. And so human design, like very high level human design is a study of a bunch of different modalities that look at energy. That's essentially what we're what we're looking at here. And it's layering them all together and saying, look how nuanced we can get with understanding how your energy is going to interact with people Meredith versus how my energy is going to act interact with people. And so

When I think about it in those terms, it doesn't sound as out there or hard to grasp because we do know scientifically everything is energy at the end of the day. And so it's not that wild to think about that we all have a different energetic makeup. We know that without understanding that even. You don't need to know the why behind that. We just know that different people have a different impact on us energetically. I feel differently when I'm around certain people. I.

Meredith (10:28)
Yeah. Yeah.

Claire Campagna (10:37)
behave differently, you know, all of those things. So I think for me, that's been a way that's really helped me to understand and like really just releasing my need to understand every single possible detail about the why truly, because I think that's true for any system that we're working with. At the end of the day, this, sorry.

Meredith (10:53)

Yeah, but I think it's even more challenging for you with that very logical background. I mean, if you were that focused on facts and logic, this starts when we start school. The teachers start programming us to think that way. And like the heart and the gut, that's just out the window. It's something that we have to learn to focus on our intuition, our instincts as adults when we discover there's value there.

So most of us are just programmed to think logically. So I'm just amazed that you can separate everything, you know, that you can put aside not being able to understand it. That's pretty cool.

Claire Campagna (11:37)
Well, thank you. I think what's coming up for me right now that actually is like speaks to the charts is because I was so far on one end of the spectrum, like I was almost dogmatic in anti -believing these things, you know, that I think everything in astrology, everything in our charts, everything in human design, it's all on spectrums. We've talked about this a little bit and how there's always the, you know, the highest potential, the highest.

frequency version of how that can show up and then the kind of lower road of how that energy can show up. And there's a million points in between. And I think if you can embody that, like for me in this example, if I could embody this person who's so adamantly dogmatic about what I believe, that means I'm also capable of embodying the other end of that spectrum. And that's really what looking at myself and the world through the lens of energetics has done for me. It's allowed me to see

the full spectrum. And in those cases, when I realize I'm really extreme, maybe not on the end that I want to be on, it helps me to actually bring myself back to at least a balance point.

Meredith (12:47)
So, so great. While we talk about this, I am remembering the presentations I've seen you do and picturing the charts. And I'm not talking about charts like Claire has been. I'm talking about like lists where she was trying to explain all these things. And I'm, I'm like craving it right now. I'm like, I want to see, I want to see your list. I want to see your explanations. I just love diving into this. So I'm a manifesting generator and

I think what I got gathered from you when I learned about this was like, okay, I'm very ambitious and I'm, I can't do enough. Like I'm always coming up with new things I have to do and accomplish and new ideas and really, really creative. And I was laughing when I heard you talk about this, cause I was like, that sounds like my ADHD. Like, wait, this isn't just my ADHD. Okay. That's cool. And I'm definitely drawn to people who are.

What's the, there's a combination. My human design is a combination of two, isn't it?

Claire Campagna (13:48)
Yes, it's manifestors and generators blended together to make manifesting generator.

Meredith (13:55)
Yeah. So I meet a lot of people that are one or the other or who are manifesting generators and we really get each other. And I love that. So nice. It's also really cool to have learned about this and understand why people are different. Like I, one thing I remember learning from you, I know I'm all over the place, so you can maybe just rein it back in with somebody you share with us. So fun. This is kind of a different topic, but I've had some.

Claire Campagna (14:15)
No, I love it. I'm like.

Meredith (14:24)
new students in my sleep consultant certification course who needed more time to decide. They needed a lot more time to decide. They needed a lot more information. They really needed to take their time focusing on how they felt and how's this really gonna work for me. And I remember learning from you, is it the lunar something or other where someone takes a whole month to decide?

Claire Campagna (14:47)
Yes, reflectors are lunar authorities. And it's exactly that. And sometimes it's not just a month. It's like a minimum of one lunar cycle for them. And really, just to give background on that, it's because they have the most sensitive and receptive energy of all people. When I say sensitive, I mean they're literally taking in every single thing in their environment. They don't have a very, very narrow way of taking in.

Meredith (14:57)

Claire Campagna (15:16)
energy. And so because of that, they kind of have to sample and like taste test everything, which takes time for them to come up with a decision. And that's why typically it takes about a month, at least for them to gather enough energetic, intuitive insight on what's going to feel best for them moving forward.

Meredith (15:36)
Yeah. Well, thanks. Cause I know I just jumped around a little bit. I appreciate you. But what actually, what I got out of that was, Hey guys, do you hear what I'm hearing? She is so good at breaking this stuff down and helping you understand it. it's amazing to me. I love that about you. Cause it's pretty complicated stuff. So, well, do you want to give us kind of an overview of the different types of energy? Like I think, you know, even if you just take where I started with talking about the

Claire Campagna (15:41)

Thank you.

Meredith (16:04)
Manifesters and the generators and the manifest and I know there's others So do you want to just talk about a little bit of each because I think it would be kind of fun if people listening could figure out who they are just from listening to like I did even if it's quick, okay, because I know you'll probably talk about

Claire Campagna (16:17)
For sure. We'll keep it brief, because I'm long -winded, but we will keep it brief. And I will disclaim that if you resonate with one that feels like it's you and you end up finding out you're not, this is literally the highest of high levels of information. There's so much more that could speak to why you feel that way. So just a disclaimer. So we will start with generators, just pure generators.

So you're a manifesting generator, but the base of that is just a pure generator. These are the builders of our society. They have this very sustainable regenerative energy within them. And I think the core piece with this one is that regenerative part. When generators are pouring their energy into projects, into things that they literally just love because it's fulfilling, it brings them satisfaction of some sort.

They will feel regenerated. It fuels them quite literally. They want to create more.

Meredith (17:19)
my gosh, I just made a post about that yesterday. I was like, does your work actually fuel your energy? That's so cool.

Claire Campagna (17:29)
Manifesting generators have that as well. They just have a little nuance added to it. But that's the biggest key piece with that one. And you might say like, yes, that should matter for everybody. Yes. And it's about what the most kind of guiding part of your energy is leading for you. So generators, it is so, so key that you feel fulfilled and satisfied. And like you've poured your energy into exactly what you want it to at the end of every single day. You're going to feel really depleted if you're not

doing that. So then manifesting generators also have everything that I just shared, similar qualities in that way, except to your point, Meredith, you guys have this kind of added manifestor quality, which we'll get to in a second, where you like to move very quickly. You're not necessarily going to stick to one project and sustainably crank that thing out.

from now through the rest of time, you're gonna wanna go from this thing to that thing to that thing. These are people who are typically very multi -passionate. And I think the other thing that doesn't get talked about as much is because you like to go from one thing to the next, you guys also tend to be very efficient. Like you're the people who do create the fast track ways of doing things for the rest of us. And a lot of times too, because you have so many interests.

you end up creating a lot of cool blends of concepts because your brains are in so many different things that you're mixing things that other people wouldn't because we're more sing one track minded. Same, I love manifesting generators, a lot of my friends are. And then next up we'll go to projectors.

Meredith (18:57)
I love that.


That's so cool! I love that!

Claire Campagna (19:15)
So this is where we start getting into the minority of the population. So between generators and manifesting generators, since they have so much in common, between the two of those, the builders of society, that's about 70 % of the population. And then the rest that I'm going to talk about are the other 30%. So projectors are about 20 % of the population. I'm a projector. And these are the guides, the teachers of our world.

Meredith (19:30)

Claire Campagna (19:44)
very often, whether you know about human design or not, I find that projectors are teachers, coaches, therapists, basically people who are giving advice. And really the thing with projectors specifically is we can see people's potential and we can see where you're going to kind of be able to play the best role that you could within the puzzle of life. And so we help people to activate that as projectors.

And then manifestors we'll go to next. So manifestors are about 9 % of the population. And this is basically the definition of leadership energy. These are the initiators. These are really progressive, innovative thinkers. And so these are the people who really kind of get the ball rolling on things. They help the rest of us.

actually make things happen. They're not necessarily the ones that are going to carry it through to the end.

Meredith (20:46)
Yeah, laughing because you're talking about my husband. So funny.

Claire Campagna (20:49)
There you go. And they're amazing. We need them. All the types need each other, which I think is really cool. And so these are the people that they're meant to get the ball rolling. They're not necessarily meant to be the ones to carry it through, at least not on their own. Something that comes up with them a lot is because they are so far ahead of the game. They think so many steps ahead.

their visionaries and projectors actually get to kind of play this liaison role between manifestors and the rest of the population because we can see where they're trying to go. We can see their vision and then we get to translate it to the rest of the population if they're struggling to do that because some people...

Meredith (21:27)
that's so cool.

I love how you're helping us see that we need each other. Not just saying that, but explaining that.

Claire Campagna (21:34)
We do. No, for sure. We literally all the types need each other. That would be way too long of an episode to go down that long at all, but we do. So that piece is really big because I think sometimes people do struggle. They often end up being people who feel lonely sometimes if they can't figure out how to articulate their vision. Because people are like, why, what are you talking about? And it's like, no, it's actually an incredible idea if you could just understand where they're coming from.

Meredith (21:41)
Ha ha!

Claire Campagna (22:02)
And then reflectors are the 1%. And we kind of spoke to them a little bit already. These are the sensitive, sensitive people. They're completely open. If you're looking at the chart, there's nothing colored in, there's nothing defined. They are so receptive to every bit of energy as they move through the world. And because of that, they're the mirrors of society. They literally reflect back to us.

the health, the overall health of how each of us are individually, but also more so the environment. I always say to people, if you know a reflector in your life and they're acting in a way that you don't like, check yourself because they're just reflecting that back to you.

Meredith (22:41)
wow. I'm sure that's probably very much the case with children and teenagers. Like if, you know, we're their parent.

Claire Campagna (22:50)
For sure. And I know that too, the environment is so big with reflectors. I think that's the biggest part to note is on one hand, it can be challenging to be a reflector because you're so impressionable. You're so sensitive to your surroundings, the people and the physical environment. But you also get to kind of treat the world as your oyster and pick and choose who you want to surround yourself with and the lifestyle that you want to be living. Because if you just plant yourself in that space, you will quite literally just become it.

Meredith (23:22)
Very cool. I like it. But I'm sure that they're more susceptible to like overwhelm or over -simulation or like taking on too many of like the feelings absorbing too much. Is that true?

Claire Campagna (23:23)
It's really.

Yes, so for sure, all the types have the ability to do that potentially just depending on what your chart looks like, but reflectors for sure. I think the biggest thing that I hear from people I've worked with that are reflectors is like really differentiating between what's actually them versus what are they picking up from other people. And that's why I think it's mission critical for reflectors to really

make a point to prioritize taking time and space in their own energy very regularly.

Meredith (24:08)
Well, let's talk more about that. I really liked that because I remember when I first learned about the things that fuel my energy or take away from it. So did you hit that on every type already or is there more that you can explain on that?

Claire Campagna (24:22)
So yes, and I think really I spoke to it in that language specifically with generators and manifesting generators, because with every one of the five types, there's a signature, which is when you're in energetic alignment, things are flowing in the direction you want them to be. And for generators and manifesting generators, it's satisfaction, AKA fulfillment. Like that's the biggest thing for you guys, which is why I spoke to it in those words specifically.

When you're not feeling that, it's called the not self. When your energy is going in maybe a direction that there's going to be some resistance consciously or not. And that's going to show up as frustration for generators and manifesting generators. So basically knowing when you're feeling specifically frustrated outside of other emotions, when that's the feeling coming up, that's kind of your energetic cue. Hey, maybe I need to kind of evaluate.

what I'm doing and where I'm placing my energy right now. And with the other types, they all have their own kind of version of that. So projectors, the signature of when they are in flow, it's going to be success and recognition. And so the other side of that is bitterness. Bitterness and resentment. I always throw resentment in there because I think they go hand in hand and I can speak from my own personal experience with that one.

But I will just add a little context. Basically what that means is projectors are, they have the insights, they have the information to share. It's not going to get received though unless people are willing participants and want to hear it. No one wants unwarranted, unrequested advice, even if it's right, who are potentially going to support them. And so that's why success and recognition is the signature. It's for projectors, it's really about making sure that you are

being seen by the people that you're sharing advice with, which is part of the reason I had to leave my old job and come start doing this because I couldn't not talk about this stuff and I needed to talk about it with people who actually wanted to hear it.

Meredith (26:27)
Yeah. Well, I'll give some context to what you said earlier about manifesting generators and frustration. I remember reaching out to you not that many months ago after trying to, well, not after, but while I was trying to recover from post -concussive syndrome, how frustrated I was that I could not perform the way I used to. That my brain, when it worked the way it was, it was for so many years before, reword that, performed the way.

Claire Campagna (26:33)

Meredith (26:55)
I was used to for so many years, like just, I couldn't explain it, but I just knew I wasn't myself and I was really frustrated. And I was worried that I wouldn't ever be the same. And I just remember you saying you'll, you're never going to change types. It's just going to look different. And I don't know what you said back then, but it just gave me so much comfort. And in March, when I started feeling more like myself again, it was kind of neat to be able to see.

clearly what was different, you know, like, my brain is working really well. my gosh, I'm super creative. I can tackle these really hard projects that I couldn't for several months. And it was just such a relief to be myself again. And I've been completely focused on what lights me up. That's really funny. How textbook I am, I guess you could say.

Claire Campagna (27:44)
yeah, that's, that's what cracks me up with this stuff. Like my husband, I think a lot of people's spouses are like a perfect example of this. You already brought up your partner. It's so funny how the people who don't care to know anything about this or don't know anything about these systems, they tend to be the ones who oftentimes live out the stereotypes of it. So to a T it's hilarious to me. It's so funny. Yes. I'm like, okay.

Meredith (28:06)
Really? That's so funny.

Claire Campagna (28:12)
You can't deny your own experience though, right? Cause...

Meredith (28:15)
I guess we won't talk about it, but I think we'll do that when it happens.

Claire Campagna (28:20)
sure. Like, would you like to tell me, would you like me to tell you why this happened?

Meredith (28:24)
Can I tell you what you're thinking right now? I shouldn't do that.

Claire Campagna (28:27)

Meredith (28:29)
thinking, feeling, all the things. It's probably really hard not to constantly be thinking of this and all of your interactions and everywhere you go. I just can't even imagine.

Claire Campagna (28:40)
I think it's lucky for everybody that I'm a projector because as I just mentioned, the projector way is to not share advice until someone's asked for it. So lucky for all of you, I follow that now. I bite my tongue until people are ready to hear it.

Meredith (28:57)
And I have to learn that skill. So I know what you're talking about. Like you said, you don't want to share with people who aren't receptive.

Claire Campagna (29:00)
Mm -hmm.

Right, it doesn't feel good on either end of that exchange. And you do start to get recognized when you're starting to place yourself as a projector in quote unquote rooms where people see you and value the insights that you're sharing.

Meredith (29:20)
Okay, did we cover all of the different energetic types? Okay, tell us more.

Claire Campagna (29:27)
Yes, so, well, we covered all the types, but just to make sure that they know what their signature is, because now we've teased with the other ones. So for any manifestors and reflectors, the signature for a manifestor of when they are in flow is peace. It's inner peace. That is truly what you guys are working for. All you want is to feel at peace. And when you are on the opposite end of that spectrum, most manifestors are more familiar with the not self.

version of that because they tend to be some of the more conditioned people in society being only 9 % of the population. Anger. Anger is the feeling, the energetic cue, if you will, for manifestors that maybe your energy is getting placed in ways that it's not actually behooving you or the people around you. And then for reflectors, the signature feeling is surprise. Surprise and delight.

kind of is what I always think of with it. And I think that word can be taken very literally, but the way that I interpret it is more that, again, they're kind of here to really find the best quality of life possible. Like I said, these are the people who get to kind of treat the world as their oyster and place themselves in the lifestyle they want to be living by surrounding themselves with that. So being able to just kind of continually be.

childlike almost and surprised and delighted by what life has to offer is kind of how I interpret that. And then the lower expression end of how that can show up for reflectors if they're not kind of being intentional with what they're doing and who they're surrounding themselves with is disappointment. Just constantly being disappointed by the people around them and by their circumstances.

Meredith (31:15)
Fascinating stuff. You see me writing things down. Well, okay, so here's the thing is you haven't told us who you specifically work with. And the reason I bring that up is because when I first met you, you were helping business owners and I had you come in and teach my mastermind to help these women that are part of that understand themselves and also a little taste of understanding their clients and where the clients are coming from and how to reach them.

Claire Campagna (31:16)
I'm like, ooh.

Meredith (31:42)
So I was just listening to you talk about all that. And my mind was like, okay. I need to add some content about this. I need to because I have naturally been totally focused on what lights me up and you know, like fulfillment and, sorry, just being aligned and following my heart and all that stuff. But, there's, you know, there's many things that you brought up here that there's just a better way to reach everybody. Right. We need to.

need to speak to all the different needs that people have. So anyways, I just brought up two totally big topics. So share your thoughts.

Claire Campagna (32:17)
Pathy, you want to go down? No, I know. I think I love that you just bring that up because really that's something that I think all of us probably want to remember more is that as much as we consciously know that everyone is different, it's remembering that when we're giving advice, when we're supporting people, all of those things. And I think what it comes back to for me is to your point, like if we're creating content and wanting people to feel that whatever version of that feeling is that we want to have.

And I always think of just knowing yourself is really what it comes back to is like if you know yourself and if you know what matters most to you and if you know what you Genuinely truly value as a person not what society is telling you to value You're always gonna be able to kind of like follow your own compass to lead you there So that's what comes up with that And then to who I work with actually when I met you

I was transitioning into starting to work with entrepreneurs and business owners for the first time. I had not exclusively been doing that previously. Prior to that, I was working with people who were specifically navigating some sort of identity crisis of sorts, because that's what I went through personally. And I wanted to just offer that self -discovery through these lenses of astrology and human design to support them through that, whatever that entails.

I shifted about a year ago into working with entrepreneurs more, and I'm still doing that, I would say primarily with who I end up working with. But something that I'm doing now that I'm really enjoying is offering these insights as a compliment. So I'm kind of plugging in to entrepreneurs' businesses instead of them being my clients in some cases.

Their clients are my clients. So I'm adding the context of energetics and understanding yourself for their client base, if it's going to be complimentary and supportive to the services that they're offering them.

Meredith (34:26)

Claire Campagna (34:27)
It's so fun. Yes.

Meredith (34:28)
Is it? I love it. Okay, so you've made a couple shifts. What led you down these different paths?

Claire Campagna (34:38)
Yeah, well, you heard why I started with the identity crisis piece. Like that was just a personal project, if you will. It's something I still love to do for the record, for anyone listening. If you're kind of just like, I have no idea who I am, that is still such a passion of mine and probably always will be because I just personally identify with that. And the entrepreneur piece, I really started leaning into that because I was seeing how much it was supporting the people around me.

As after my first year and a half of business, I obviously grew a network of entrepreneurs around me. And I was really starting to just share this information to the point where I was like, all right, like there's something here. Every entrepreneur that I've shared this with, like back to the getting recognized, this is an audience of people, at least the ones that I was surrounding myself with. This is an audience of people who wants to continually know themselves more. And.

you know, engage in personal development of some sort. So I started just offering it exclusively to them. And it's organically kind of shifted into what it is now because I worked with some entrepreneurs and then they were like, wait, I actually feel like what you're doing back to the recognition. It's like, and the invitation for as a projector, they're basically offering me this invitation because they recognize that what I'm offering.

can also be supportive to their clients. And that's how it's started to evolve. And once I got one opportunity like that, I was like, wait, I could be doing this with more people.

Meredith (36:10)
Nice. I love it. So cool. Well, do you have any advice for people who are doing something now and they're getting those little nudges? How do you, how do you get there? How do you get to the point? Like your big, big, big shift must've been huge for you. How did you do it? How did you jump from this corporate life into entrepreneurship really?

Claire Campagna (36:28)

I think everyone's path will look different, first of all. I think that's the biggest caveat there. But I have obviously personally gone through it, and I have definitely supported quite a few people at this point who have also gone through, whether it's career, usually it is career, but I have supported people through relationship navigations like that as well, where it's like this old identity of what they've been doing and been a part of for decades is now shifting. And -

I will just say it is not easy. And it is one of those things that, you know, most good things aren't easy. So for me, I will say this has been true every time I've had even a micro version of a transition like this, but definitely was with this.

It got to the point where I became so uncomfortable with the way things were that the fear of leaving wasn't as scary as staying. It was like the discomfort of whatever is on the other side of this feels a lot better than whatever I'm sitting in right now. And for me, that was the tipping point moment when I was like, all right, I might not know what's next. I might not know how in the world to do this or what I'm doing.

but I have never let myself fail before. So I don't know why I think that I would now. I care about this. If I've been really successful at something that I hated doing, why wouldn't I be good at something that I actually enjoy?

Meredith (38:07)
I love that.

Claire Campagna (38:09)
And that's my own personal process, but I think that the discomfort piece tends to be true with most people. It's like when their current circumstances get to the point where staying is scarier than leaving, that's a good indication that it's time to get out.

Meredith (38:25)
Well, I just really value hearing your perspective because we think very differently. And it's just really interesting to see what makes other people shift and make big decisions. I know that people make decisions for their family. They make decisions for their kids, for their, you know, maybe it's a marriage and something's gonna be beneficial to the marriage or.

the grandparents, you need to go take care of, right? So there's always those types of reasons there. Because I was thinking back to my different jobs and the different, I don't know, different work I've done. And how was I brave? You know, why did I make those big moves? And most of the time in the last seven years in this work, it's really, really been heart centered. It's really been like,

alignment it's been what lights me up with you know what I mean? So it's just very different to hear your reasons and I think that's really amazing because you like you said you were feeling like you were living someone or what contributing to someone else's dream and not your own and you were not feeling probably not feeling validated or rewarded but you said you were successful so is that true though?

Claire Campagna (39:43)
Yeah, I felt like I was like perfectly executing someone else's dream life is what it felt like. And I was getting praised. I was getting I left in the middle of a promotion. Actually, I was getting trained for a promotion and I was like, I've got to go like I can't in integrity stay here and let them do this.

Meredith (40:01)
Okay. So it had more to do with just it being someone else's dream and not your own.

Claire Campagna (40:06)
It was that, and it was also, I think this is a big thing with projectors. It's the right kind of recognition. We don't want to get recognized for things that we don't actually care about or want to be good at. I was just really good at being a taskmaster and doing exactly what you asked me to do. That does not mean that that's not going to feel the same energetically when you praise me for that.

Meredith (40:18)
That's so cool.

Claire Campagna (40:32)
as me actually offering information that I wanted to share with you and then getting that recognition.

Meredith (40:39)
Well, it's got to feel completely different now, especially hearing me talk about how you have this natural ability and this gift. And this is always like, how could this not be you, right? That's got to feel so, so good. And I understand because I mean, I spent what? I don't even know. 17, 16 years raising my kids, which was so, so, so important to me, but I always knew that at some point I was going to have.

Claire Campagna (40:49)
It's amazing.

Meredith (41:06)
a career. I was put aside these little side jobs and that someday I'd have a career and it was really hard for me to try different things out that I always thought I was going to like that and then see that I didn't. And then this this experience, sorry, this job that I have now happened naturally, kind of like you. Or is like, I'm going to look back at my life experience and what I've gotten really good at and something that I'm passionate about. I'm going to I'm going to try this one.

And it was so different because I wasn't going to school like I thought I would. I wasn't signing up for a college experience. And I just think it's really cool how we can find ourselves on a path that we never expected and just love the heck out of it.

Claire Campagna (41:51)
fully agree, whatever leads us there. And I think that's kind of what it comes back to. It's, you know, whatever leads us there, the timing, all those things, that's where there's going to be variables for everybody. But yeah, I think that you're going to end up where you're meant to be as long as you actually follow where you're being guided.

Meredith (42:09)
Yeah, I love that. Well, do you have any tips or advice for my listeners on that topic? You know, if they're feeling nudges to shift or maybe make changes in their life to be happier, anything like that. Like you said, it could be for different reasons or different needs and we all have different journeys, but I guess how can they be brave? How can they be courageous? How can they make these shifts or?

What should they do to get there? I guess. I don't know. Is that a bad question?

Claire Campagna (42:43)
I already like immediately I already knew how I'm following for sure. I, I would say for me, the biggest thing for my clients, the biggest thing is knowing what matters to you. And I always tell people when you go through any sort of a core values exercise, Brene Brown has a really good one. when you go through any sort of a core values exercise,

Meredith (42:45)
I was kind of babbling there, so...

Claire Campagna (43:10)
do it advice detox style. This is not you asking your friends and family and partner what matters most to you. What do I care about the most? Only you can decide what you care about the most. And I think if you can identify that and be really honest with yourself about that and kind of taking inventory of what in your life aligns with that and what doesn't, that's when you can start kind of piecing together.

Meredith (43:35)

Claire Campagna (43:39)
where you'd like to go and what you'd like to shift and what you'd like to keep in place and all of those things. And I think the other layer of that is like the less rigid you can be about how it needs to look, the better off you're going to be. Because to your point and to my story, there is no way that either one of us probably would have painted this picture if you had asked us, you know, previously some previous version of ourselves where we would end up. We probably wouldn't have painted the pictures of where we're at right now. So.

just allowing it to lead you where it's going to, but starting with what matters to you. You're gonna get there.

Meredith (44:15)
Yeah. You've given us so much insight on how to work with our energy and how to understand ourselves in the way we are. Is there anything else like any words of wisdom or insight you'd like to share on that topic just to help people? Or maybe it's an invitation to learn more about human design.

Claire Campagna (44:38)
Yeah, I mean, I think if this conversation has piqued your interest, that is, I would say, like the next layer of once you figure out what matters to you. If you want to keep going deeper into human design, into astrology, I do offer readings still for both of those. I obviously have coaching packages to like go way deeper than what a reading can go into as well. But definitely check out that information if you'd like to. I would obviously love to.

help you understand yourself better if this method is resonating with you.

Meredith (45:13)
And it's pretty cool to know that you could actually help people's clients. Yeah.

Claire Campagna (45:19)
yeah. I think especially like, I mean, as you saw when I did the workshop with you previously, it's understanding yourself as the practitioner, understanding yourself or your client who is the parent and understanding their child as well. Like there's so many layers of how this can be supportive. and yeah, I've, I've seen my friends who are parents just make massive shifts in the way that they are showing up for their kids.

Meredith (45:36)
Yes, that's true.

Claire Campagna (45:47)
because they understand to your earlier point, we're all different, but they actually understand what that means in the parent -child relationship on an energetic level, which is huge.

Meredith (45:56)
I was going to say, that's exactly what I was thinking. That's huge. It's so old school to think that our kids are supposed to be just like us and do things just like us and think like us and accomplish like us. And like that just did so much harm to the generation for me and my generation. And I'm sure it's still happening with lots of people because these traditions just continue on unless we learn better. But that's such a...

Claire Campagna (46:00)
It's a game changer, truly.

Meredith (46:24)
such a beautiful thought that this could be a tool to help parents change the cycles and and help their kids feel more valued and seen and it's like it's like a whole new i'm thinking about love languages and how this is like a different version of that does that make sense

Claire Campagna (46:42)
For sure. I think it's giving each other grace, you know, to be who you are. Like, I'll just give a really quick example. My friend is a generator and she has that sacral authority. So it's like literally trust your gut. That's going to guide you. Her and her husband both are. And their motto in their house is trust your gut. You've got a good one, which I think is awesome for a generator. They have a projector baby though.

Meredith (47:05)
That's cute.

Claire Campagna (47:10)
And he has an emotional authority like I do, which is back to your point. It's not the full lunar cycle, but it does take at least 48 hours typically for us to feel into what's gonna be the best move for us, what feels best for us. So she is so grateful. She talks about it all the time. She's like, I'm so glad that I wasn't going to just accidentally think I was helping this kid, teaching him how to tune into his intuition and telling him like, trust your gut, you've got a good one. Meanwhile.

his intuition is speaking to him in a completely different way. So.

Meredith (47:42)
my gosh, that was so insightful. I actually just made a video for my program about listening to your intuition, your instincts, and I didn't try to explain what they feel like or how they speak to us, but that's such a huge insight there. It's just, okay, that could take some serious work because it's going to feel different to us. It's going to sound different, it's going to look different, it's going to feel different. I mean everything, right?

Claire Campagna (48:07)
Yep, for everyone.

Meredith (48:10)
So interesting. Wow. Well, I'm really glad you brought this stuff up here because towards the end of this conversation, because I think people would just heard that part and they're like, my gosh, don't leave me with this. What'd you just say about authority? Like, that's so cool. So what are the different ones? Really quick. There's emotional authority. There's this instinctive one or is that intuitive or is the same?

Claire Campagna (48:33)
Yeah, so sacral authority is the one that only generators and manifesting generators can have because that's back to that regenerative energy center within them. That's coming from the sacral center. If you're familiar with the chakra system, that's literally the space of creation. So that's why you guys are the builders of society. You're meant to create things.

Meredith (48:50)
I hate that.

this woman has five kids. What?

Claire Campagna (48:57)
What? Me? So yeah, that you guys literally get, whether it's an actual gut reaction or not, you guys tend to get some sort of a physical reaction. Your body is going to give you the cues of if something feels right or not. And then emotional authority is what I just mentioned. So that's feeling into what feels right for you or doesn't feel aligned for you, which takes some time to genuinely feel into it. You're really meant to neutralize.

and not ever make a decision in a really highly reactive state, whether it's like an excited emotional state or a not so happy emotional state, you want to wait till you're kind of emotionally neutral before deciding so you don't regret your decision later. And then there's splenic, which very long story short, I kind of think of this as the traditional way of how we think of intuition. So if I was to sum this one up, this always resonates with splenic authorities.

I don't know why, I just know. So it's very similar to the sacral that I just mentioned, where you have this instantaneous knowing of what's right or wrong for you. The sacral though, you guys at least have some sort of a physical reaction to it. The splenic, it's kind of like clear cognizance where they just know and there's nothing to back it whatsoever. And they kind of are like, should I trust this? Should I not?

Meredith (49:55)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Claire Campagna (50:19)
Who should I tell because people are gonna think I'm crazy. So that one can be kind of tough in that regard. Lunar authority we already spoke to. That's the one that's the 28 day cycle for reflectors. Mental projectors, only projectors can have this one. These are similar to lunar authorities, except they're quite literally asking for people's opinions over the course of about a month. They're like gathering information.

and as many perspectives as possible, they're still gonna make their own decision, but they need to get every single lens of how this thing could be looked at before they decide.

Meredith (50:57)
So cool.

Claire Campagna (50:58)
and then there's two more. I don't think I'm forgetting any ego is probably the hardest to articulate an ego authority. and it doesn't sound good by name. So don't get caught up on that. If you see this in your chart, this is also called the will center, the ego in your chart, the energy that basically is, do I have the will to do this or not? And that's what it comes down to with that one. Am I.

Meredith (51:05)

Claire Campagna (51:23)
Literally motivated. Do I have the willpower to pour my energy into this thing or do I not? And this one can be very much an ebb and flow. These people tend to get very frustrated because they're like, I want to do it mentally, but your energy has to match wanting to do it. And then the last one is self -projected, which is also just projectors. And this one, these are people who tend to literally just talk to themselves.

all the time. That's how they get to the bottom of what they need to do and what feels right to them though. They kind of just need a sounding board, whether it's them just talking to themselves, they need to hear their own words, not keep them in their brain. Or if they just have a partner who knows or a therapist or something like that, someone who knows not to give advice, unless they explicitly ask for it, they literally just need to vocalize. And that's what's going to get them to the...

whatever is gonna feel best for them.

Meredith (52:21)
That's so amazing to learn about this. Okay. So there's two questions that pop up for me that I wonder if other people have. One is,

Claire Campagna (52:24)
It's so much deeper, but that's like the very brief overview.

Meredith (52:34)
so if people can relate to one that they're not supposed to have on their chart you kind of brought that up earlier can you explain why that happens? Not like the energy type you mentioned earlier and also this maybe this what is this called the authority?

Claire Campagna (52:43)
for sure.

This is your authority. Yeah. So there's so many layers, but essentially, again, this is all about energy. And we're talking about kind of different levels of our energy. And we know that that's going to get so, so nuanced as we just keep peeling them back and going deeper and deeper. So the types, which is what we focused on the most during this, like manifesto, projector, generator, that's essentially that's describing your overarching energy.

That's your aura, if you will, like what you're putting out energetically into the world. Once people come into that aura and get to know you more, that's when these other layers start to get peeled away. So with that, I would say as we keep going deeper, like I think the profile is a really good example. If you're looking at your chart and you see profile five one or three five or whatever it may be, there's different numbers denoting different types of energy.

and essentially like a five line, you can be a manifesting generator and have a three five or a five one profile. For example, the five line is a projected energy. So you're still a manifesting generator, but that doesn't mean people aren't projecting things onto you and that you don't have some sort of projector type of tendencies. I actually find that a lot of people, regardless of their type, if they have a five in their profile,

They're a coach, they're a teacher, they're a therapist. Yeah, I know I don't remember yours off the top of my head, your profile, but that's just an example. There's a lot of different layers of how else that can show up, but it's just going to each part is almost like a micro of the macro. So there's ways that these types of energy can show up within you, but the type is going to speak to your overarching energy.

Meredith (54:17)
I need to do this. I need to look at mine, don't I?

That says a lot to me because I know when you're talking about the authorities, I feel like there's a couple that really describe me. I think I'm mostly intuitive. Okay, no Ryan, I said that wrong. I think I'm definitely intuitive and instinctive. There's that feeling, but there's also this knowing. But I also cannot tell you how many times I've been explaining something, talking about a problem and solving my problem while I was listening to myself. I'm making an audio and I'm like,

Okay, well thanks for letting me share that because I just figured out what I need to do. So, so interesting to me.

Claire Campagna (55:12)
Yes, for sure. And I love that you bring that up too, because I feel like that's, I hear that a lot, especially with the authority. And I think one of the biggest things to recognize with this is this is talking about the primary way that your intuition is going to speak to you. It might speak to you in a lot of different ways, but that's going to be the one that is kind of like your guidepost, if you will.

Meredith (55:37)
Okay, that's very cool. I love that. All right, so one last question and then I'm gonna stop drilling you with questions. I think you already just kind of explained it, but when people hear chart, they have no idea what that is, right? They're just like, are we talking palm reading or, you know what I mean? Can you explain a little bit, like, what is the information that people share when they get their chart? And then you've already,

I think done a good job of explaining what you're learning from these charts.

Claire Campagna (56:09)
Yeah, so if you just go into Google and you type in human design chart, it's also called a body graph chart. If you type that in, there's gonna be a bunch of different systems that are going to just be able to generate that for you. If you type in your birth information very similarly to if you were going to pull up a birth chart. So you need your birth date, time, like.

to a T because it can change and location, which, you know, a lot of us at least know the date, obviously, and the location. Not everyone knows the exact time, but it should be on your birth certificate. So that is really all you need because one of the systems that is feeding human design is astrology. There's a lot of other systems that feed it as well, but that's just one.

Meredith (57:00)
It's just fascinating. And I love how we started this out by saying, you cannot necessarily wrap your mind around it, but when you start learning, you will get it. Like, wow, it's so insightful. It's so informative and it's, it's very enlightening. And we talked about that too, that if you can understand yourself, what that does is just open up doors and just, it's almost like letting your soul fly, letting your soul be free. Does that, you,

Claire Campagna (57:09)
Mm -hmm.

Meredith (57:29)
Can you relate to that?

Claire Campagna (57:30)
So much. Yes. One of the things I probably hear the most from people is I feel like I have permission to be myself after these readings. It's like it's not even necessarily anything that you don't know about yourself, but you're hearing it articulated from somebody who maybe doesn't know you and in a way that I know for me it was in a way that I could never put words to it the way that I was reading about it. And then I was like,

Meredith (57:40)


Claire Campagna (57:58)
that's exactly how I feel. That's what it is, especially because if we're highly conditioned or we've really started to identify with some other version of what people think we are, it becomes harder and harder for us to connect back to that without having some sort of a tool to kind of have it mirrored back to us. And I think that's what these can really do.

Meredith (58:01)
that's cool.

that was really well said. Thank you. Well, I think around the time that I started the mastermind that you and I both, that's how we met. I had found out I had ADHD a little before that. And I was really struggling with knowing who I was and comparing myself a lot and just feeling kind of like a failure or someone who just was inadequate. And so meeting you and learning all of this, I don't think there's been many things in my life that were more uplifting or more.

Claire Campagna (58:21)
Thank you.

Meredith (58:47)
soul feeding or more like validating and exciting, you know, like you said permission to be yourself, but also permission to pursue things that you want to do and who you want to be and, and let go of all the concerns and the comparison.

Claire Campagna (58:51)
So glad.

Give me goosebumps over here. Thank you.

Meredith (59:04)
So it's not just human design, it's also Claire. Claire is amazing. She's amazing. You have the biggest heart. I just think the world of you. So Claire, with that said, can you tell my audience how they can find you? And what you, you've mentioned some of your offerings. Are those on your website?

Claire Campagna (59:08)

Yes. So thank you. My projector self is glowing. My project recognition is going off the chart right now. So yes, I would say the ways that I'm helping people right now that you can just book directly on my website, those are going to be the human design reading, a birth chart reading, or you can schedule just a free little chat with me if you want to talk about anything else that I've got going because it's totally based on.

Meredith (59:23)
If you can recover, recover from all that like, whoo.

Claire Campagna (59:50)
capacity that I have, but essentially it's like I said earlier, we just go way deeper than you can in an hour long birth chart reading and coach you around anything specific through that lens of human design and astrology. And if you are somebody who wants to potentially have me plug in and offer services to your clients as a compliment,

then that is definitely something where I would say schedule one of those little free coffee chats as well, because that's customized based on whatever you're looking for. And that's all on clarecompania .com. And then Instagram is probably, I would say, where I'm the most active in terms of just like engaging with people and people reaching out and whatnot. So that is going to be Clare period compania.

Meredith (1:00:34)
spell your last name for us.

Claire Campagna (1:00:35)
Yes, C -A -M - P -A -G -N -A. So it's like camp and then the end of lasagna.

Meredith (1:00:44)
I love that. It helps me a lot. gosh, well this has been so amazing. There's no words, but I hope that you guys have enjoyed it too. Please remember to look up Claire on Instagram at  Okay, Campania. I'm saying that better.

Meredith (1:01:08)
And then her website, we're gonna do this again, Yay. And I just, thanks for spending this time with us, for sharing so much, because you were very on the spot. I asked you these questions you weren't even prepared for, you did a terrific job.

Claire Campagna (1:01:22)
Thank you. I really, I mean, if you can't tell, I'm just a nerd and I love talking about this stuff. So anytime, gladly.

Meredith (1:01:29)
Awesome, because we have just touched the surface, people. Thank you to my audience for being here with us today. I hope you enjoyed the conversation as much as I did. Until next time, we'll see you soon.

Claire Campagna (1:01:32)

Thank you.

People on this episode