CRM Success Secrets for Coaches and Consultants

List Building

November 07, 2023 Mary Sue Dahill
List Building
CRM Success Secrets for Coaches and Consultants
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CRM Success Secrets for Coaches and Consultants
List Building
Nov 07, 2023
Mary Sue Dahill

Welcome to the first episode of CRM Success Secrets! Today, we're delving into a crucial CRM mistake - not nurturing your mailing list. You might wonder if size matters, but the real secret lies in continuous growth and maintenance. Over time, a stagnant list can breed disengagement. I'll share the story of a coach who faced declining sales due to an inactive list, leading to repetitive promotions and decreased engagement. But when she revitalized her list, her sales soared. The lesson here is clear: always prioritize list-building


  • Importance of continuous list growth or refreshment
  • Discussion on disengaged contacts and their impact on sales
  • Emphasis on the necessity of perpetual list building and refreshment


“To succeed in your CRM strategy, coaches and consultants should never stop list building. Keep your database fresh for an engaged and ready-to-buy audience." - Mary Sue Dahill

"Your mailing list is like a garden; nurture it by adding new contacts and removing disengaged ones for fruitful sales and marketing results." - Mary Sue Dahill

Featured in this Episode

Mary Sue Dahill


00:00 - Introduction

00:24 - List Building for CRM Success: A Coach's Guide

01:22 -Mailing List Stagnation: A Silent Killer of Sales

02:07 - From Engagement to Disengagement: The Mailing Lists Journey

03:26 - Conclusion

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Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to the first episode of CRM Success Secrets! Today, we're delving into a crucial CRM mistake - not nurturing your mailing list. You might wonder if size matters, but the real secret lies in continuous growth and maintenance. Over time, a stagnant list can breed disengagement. I'll share the story of a coach who faced declining sales due to an inactive list, leading to repetitive promotions and decreased engagement. But when she revitalized her list, her sales soared. The lesson here is clear: always prioritize list-building


  • Importance of continuous list growth or refreshment
  • Discussion on disengaged contacts and their impact on sales
  • Emphasis on the necessity of perpetual list building and refreshment


“To succeed in your CRM strategy, coaches and consultants should never stop list building. Keep your database fresh for an engaged and ready-to-buy audience." - Mary Sue Dahill

"Your mailing list is like a garden; nurture it by adding new contacts and removing disengaged ones for fruitful sales and marketing results." - Mary Sue Dahill

Featured in this Episode

Mary Sue Dahill


00:00 - Introduction

00:24 - List Building for CRM Success: A Coach's Guide

01:22 -Mailing List Stagnation: A Silent Killer of Sales

02:07 - From Engagement to Disengagement: The Mailing Lists Journey

03:26 - Conclusion

Produced by

Mary Sue Dahill:

What are the 5 biggest CRM mistakes that most coaches and consultants make? Hi there. My name is Mary Sue Dahill. I'm the host of the CRM Success Secrets podcast, and in this short series, we're gonna do 5 parts. We're gonna talk about the 5 Biggest CRM Mistakes. We're gonna cover 1 mistake each episode. I wanted to share this because I work with Business Coaches and Consultants those are my clients, and I help them actually implement their sales and marketing strategies, in the Worksmutter CRN that I sell, and this just really gives me some insights into what Actually Works and What Doesn't Work, for business coaches and consultants that, you know, have essentially Maybe a mailing list between 503,000, contacts, and they are generally running 1 to 1 coaching and may have 1 group program that they do. So those are kinda, like, what my client base looks like. So let's talk about the 5 biggest mistakes that many coaches and consultants make, and we're gonna start with number 5, which is not continuing to grow their mailing list.


So I am not a proponent of having a large mailing list per se, but I do think that you Always need to be growing it or refreshing it, because, you know, people change their business, so they no longer are an active person in your mailing list at all. They become totally disinterested in what you're talking about, or maybe their business has changed and, you know, what you offer is no longer a match, so again, disinterested. And then there will be people that are engaged, and then there'll be a bunch of people kind of in the middle that are, maybe going between engaged and disengaged. So over time, If you stop growing your mailing list, you will have more and more disengaged contacts on your mailing list, and, it won't be an immediate thing, which is why it's a very sneaky, issue that happens with, coaches and consultants because they'll be starting new clients, they get busy, they feel incredibly successful, and then, they stop focusing on growing their mailing list. And what happens is their sales start to drop and, oh, you know, in a few months, maybe in a year, but it happens. So I just one example is I had a coach who ran the same set of classes about 3 or 4 times a year, and she would run promotions prior to the class starting those 3 or 4 times, and the promotions were similar. She would change them up, but the classes were the same. And so her mailing list, because she hadn't been refreshing it with new people in the mailing list, Had seen the same or similar promotions over and over again, and so her sales into her class really started to decline.


So once she decided it was and we discussed this, we talked about why this is happening. Her open rate was basically the same, but her click through rate was much lower on her emails, which just indicated people weren't interested. So, she put more effort into refreshing her database and also clearing out some of those people that, you know, they just were totally disengaged, they weren't opening emails, all that kind of stuff, and by refreshing her mailing list, Also doing a little refresh on her promotions, she was able to re, get more sales again because, People were there were new people in there that were super engaged with what she was talking about and ready to buy. So, when you're not refreshing your database, your mailing list gets bored of what you're saying. When you continue to grow your mailing list you will always have people in there that are engaged with what you're saying and interested in buying from you. So the moral of this story is always be list building don't stop! Figure out a way to make it easy for yourself to be list building and continually to refresh your database.