CRM Success Secrets for Coaches and Consultants

Why an all-in-one CRM is critical for coaches and consultants?

January 09, 2024 Mary Sue Dahill
Why an all-in-one CRM is critical for coaches and consultants?
CRM Success Secrets for Coaches and Consultants
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CRM Success Secrets for Coaches and Consultants
Why an all-in-one CRM is critical for coaches and consultants?
Jan 09, 2024
Mary Sue Dahill

Welcome back to another episode of the CRM Success Secrets Podcast! I'm Mary Sue Dahill, your host, and in today's episode, we will shed light on why an all-in-one CRM is an indispensable tool for coaches and consultants. We have already covered the essential "what, who, where, and when" of CRM in our previous episodes, and now it's time to explore the compelling "why" behind it. Many coaches and consultants may have heard of CRM but struggle to grasp its relevance to their specific business needs. Today, we will delve into the numerous benefits that come with investing in an all-in-one CRM. From streamlining processes to consolidating various tools into a single solution, an all-in-one CRM is the ultimate answer for busy entrepreneurs like you. Prepare yourself to discover how this powerful tool can empower you to achieve more with less effort and drive the growth of your business.

Key Takeaways:

  • The power of having everything in one place
  • Automating routine and repetitive activities
  • Streamlining systems and increasing reliability
  • Eliminating manual data entry between systems
  • Delivering a high-touch experience without overwork
  • The self-care aspect of using an all-in-one CRM
  • Growing the business by focusing on sales and relationship building


"Automating streamlined systems leads to true efficiency. By automating your checklist, you free up time and ensure tasks run on schedule as planned."– Mary Sue Dahill

Featured in this Episode

Mary Sue Dahill


00:00 – Introduction

01:34 - Exploring the Benefits of All-in-One CRM: Going Beyond Basic Contact Management

02:41 - Simplifying Business Tasks with an All-in-One CRM

03:56 - Embracing Task Automation: From Hated Checklists to CRM Efficiency

04:55 - Automating Processes for Consistency and Efficiency

05:42 - From Email Chaos to Email Marketing Lists

06:37 - Uncovering Hidden Expenses: The True Cost of Multiple Apps

08:37 - Balancing Work and Self-Care with All-in-One CRM

07:31 - Saving Money through Technology Consolidation with an All-in-One CRM

09:36 – Outro

Produced by

Show Notes Transcript

Welcome back to another episode of the CRM Success Secrets Podcast! I'm Mary Sue Dahill, your host, and in today's episode, we will shed light on why an all-in-one CRM is an indispensable tool for coaches and consultants. We have already covered the essential "what, who, where, and when" of CRM in our previous episodes, and now it's time to explore the compelling "why" behind it. Many coaches and consultants may have heard of CRM but struggle to grasp its relevance to their specific business needs. Today, we will delve into the numerous benefits that come with investing in an all-in-one CRM. From streamlining processes to consolidating various tools into a single solution, an all-in-one CRM is the ultimate answer for busy entrepreneurs like you. Prepare yourself to discover how this powerful tool can empower you to achieve more with less effort and drive the growth of your business.

Key Takeaways:

  • The power of having everything in one place
  • Automating routine and repetitive activities
  • Streamlining systems and increasing reliability
  • Eliminating manual data entry between systems
  • Delivering a high-touch experience without overwork
  • The self-care aspect of using an all-in-one CRM
  • Growing the business by focusing on sales and relationship building


"Automating streamlined systems leads to true efficiency. By automating your checklist, you free up time and ensure tasks run on schedule as planned."– Mary Sue Dahill

Featured in this Episode

Mary Sue Dahill


00:00 – Introduction

01:34 - Exploring the Benefits of All-in-One CRM: Going Beyond Basic Contact Management

02:41 - Simplifying Business Tasks with an All-in-One CRM

03:56 - Embracing Task Automation: From Hated Checklists to CRM Efficiency

04:55 - Automating Processes for Consistency and Efficiency

05:42 - From Email Chaos to Email Marketing Lists

06:37 - Uncovering Hidden Expenses: The True Cost of Multiple Apps

08:37 - Balancing Work and Self-Care with All-in-One CRM

07:31 - Saving Money through Technology Consolidation with an All-in-One CRM

09:36 – Outro

Produced by

Mary Sue Dahill:

It's the CRM success secrets podcast about productivity with a twist. Hi there. My name is Mary Sue Dahill, your host. This podcast is for business coaches and consultants tired of working nights and weekends. They are looking for strategies and proven tactics to streamline their business using a CRM and automation. Let's get to it. We are talking about my favorite topic, CRM. Hi there. My name is Mary Sue Dahill, and I am the host of CRM Success Secrets. So we're covering the 5 w's of CRM, what, who, when, where, and why. Because when I share what I do in my business, those are kind of the questions I get from coaches and consultants. Most have heard of a CRM, but they really don't know how it applies to them or how to incorporate it into their business. So let's talk about the 5 w's of CRM. This is the final episode of the 5 part series. So we've in prior episodes, Odes. We've already covered who, what, where, and when. And I'm closing out the series talking about why CRM. Why should you invest in an all in one CRM for your business?

 So after listening to the prior episodes in this series, I hope you already have a good idea of the why, but it's always good to go over those pieces in detail. So, we're covering all in 1 CRM because not all CRMs are the same. There are CRMs that are very focused on just being a CRM, which means that it has contact management, it has sales management components, and it may include some email marketing, aspects that are very focused on just following up with individuals, but not necessarily truly marketing. And the tool that I'm thinking about is Pipedrive. So it's an excellent tool if that's all you really wanna focus on or if you have just a sales team. But for most business coaches and consultants, it's you wearing all of the hats, and you need a tool that's gonna do more than Just one thing. And that's where the All in One CRM comes in and is a great solution. Because, really, there's no small business, you don't have a lot of time or money to waste on a bunch of different tools that don't talk to each other, and you've gotta figure out how it all works together. So I believe that investing in an all in one CRM is the best way for a coach and consultant to do more with less. So the number one reason, the All in One CRM is a great solution is the power of 1. Meaning there is one place of record for information. There is literally only 1 password that you have to remember. There is only 1 support team that you need to call. When you're using an all in one solution, all of your features are in one thing, so you can call 1 support team, and they can actually help you build out an entire system rather than little components that then you've gotta figure out how you connect to your other tools. The second big reason why an all in one CRM is a great solution for your business is it helps the process of what I call death to checklists.

I hate checklists. I only love them actually if a client comes to me and says, this is my manual checklist that I'd like to automate. In that case, I love them, but don't ask me to follow a checklist. I really hate doing it, and I'm just not good at it. So, seeing an all in 1 CRM can help you automate those routine and repetitive activities in your business, and they could be. I'm trying to think of a few in my business, you know, following up to someone scheduling an appointment. If you just do it on, you know, your online calendar like Google, you've got to make sure that they're coming. And, I have found that using an online booking tool means that I have a much higher rate of people actually showing up than when it was just a calendar invite. So that's just one example of how an all in one tool and automation can help you. Creating those streamlined systems. So if you have a checklist, that is awesome. When you take that checklist and then can automate it, That's when you're really streamlining things because you're taking work off your plate. You're making it so that it always runs on the schedule that you assign it. You know, if you want your onboarding process to be after they make their 1st payment, they get their welcome email. 2 days later, they get another email giving them access to your online courses and then in the 3rd email, something else. 

So maybe you might be parsing out content over a week. If you're doing that, by hand, anything could happen to disrupt that schedule. So when you streamline your systems and they're automated, there's much more reliability that is going to happen on your intended timeline. And then death to checklist Number 3 is no more data entry between systems. So, one great example is if your website site is capturing contacts through a form, and it's just sending you an email with who filled out the form. I can't tell you how many of my clients. That's how they've been operating for years. That contact information should be part of your email marketing list. And the problem is when it's emailing it to you, do you always transfer it into your email marketing list? The answer is probably no. I know that those would just go into a black hole if they were in my email. So when you're using it all in one tool, you're able to put a form on your website that is connected to your CRM and be able to identify that person as opting into your mailing list. So those are kind of 3 things that will help you, get rid of all your checklists. The 3rd big reason why you need an all in 1 CRM is that it is usually a lower cost than a hodgepodge of technology. So a lot of my clients come to me with 3 to 5 apps that we're consolidating into the Work Smarter CRM. And most of the time, they're paying for them. Sometimes, they might have one that's free. But when you look at all the tiny little I mean, it seems tiny at the time. This 1 app costs $30. This other one costs $50. This third one costs $99. 

When you add all of that up on a monthly basis, it costs a lot. So usually, what I've found is that there is either no cost change when you move from your hodgepodge of technology to an all in 1 CRM solution, and a lot of times, you save money, just based on how much you're paying. The other way that you're kind of lowering your costs when you move into an all in one solution is that you most likely no longer need to use Zapier. Zapier is the tool that connects all of these different applications, and they're, you know, most people are on. There's a free version, but I have found a lot of my clients are using the paid one, and that just can get very expensive. So Zapier is changing their pricing as well, and I've seen that go up for a lot of people. So when you're using an all in one tool, you don't need Zapier to connect your tools anymore. You may still use it for other reasons, but for that one reason. It's not important. And, as well, you may be paying someone to help you build your zaps. So, when you go into an all in one tool, you're eliminating that cost as well. So a coach or consultant can deliver that really high touch experience without working nights and weekends. And an all in one CRM solution can help you do that. And I see it as a self care move for yourself as much as it is a benefit to your business. 

An all in one CRM will help you and your business grow because you will have all the tools you need to be able to implement in your sales and marketing strategies, and you will have more time to focus on sales and relationship building in your business, which will help you grow. So when you have an all in one CRM solution, you will be able to implement a more robust business building system from attraction to nurture to scale and then for your former clients to advocate for you. So that is why you need an all in one CRM solution. Are your business systems a hot mess? Take the system scorecard quiz at slash quiz. You will receive proven strategies to leverage technology in your business. And when you schedule a system strategy session with me, I will personally provide you customized recommendations for your business. So, again, that is Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the CRM success secrets podcast. Cheers to you, and I hope that your systems are